It's just a show. Years later and Elizabeth Warren still hasn't proposed any legislation that would penalize companies for not properly encrypting data.
@Spite Knight The last time I said duh was when I was 10 yrs old. We all learned from her questioning that there are hidden motivation by companies when it comes to pain and profit. The current law does not mandate specifically how digital data is to be properly stored and secured to greatly reduce and minimize data when a system is exposed to a breach, and at a time when so much hacking and identity theft is occurring. So what has Warren done, other than dropping the ball after the hearing, when she should be working towards enhance security with a more rigorous security protocol?
@Spite Knight I don't need to provide a list of her duties. But I did point out one and that she has the function to spearhead a bill that would enhance data protection. If she's going to bark about it, then she needs to do something about it, and she didn't. I can't give her recognition.
@Spite Knight I agree that the security protocol should be updated and made more rigorous. But this is a company that profits by not fixing it. Why hadn't Elizabeth Warren spearheading a bill that mandates how data should be stored and encrypted far more advanced than what's currently outlined by the SEC? Clearly the existing protocols are a failure
But she's good at doing what she's already doing. Her skillset is needed in the Senate. I wish she would replace McConnell, he's dead weight that does nothing..
I had to look a few times! Thank you, sir for the comedic relief.. I needed that! Hilarious, and making a point? The credit bureaus DO have a monopoly.
Wow!!!!!!! I love this woman!!!!!!! She is who we needed in the White House! She is always well informed and goes for the jugular when she has to! Her insight let's us know when we have been screwed over, by who and the reason why! Thank you Elizabeth Warren! Keep up the great work! We're depending on you!
Elizabeth is right. Lets start by bringing users in the loop on credit inquiries. Somebody trying to open a new line of credit under you name? Send an email or SMS to the owner so they can approve or reject. It is not that hard.
Elizabeth Warren is amazing. Her and Bernie and Katie Porter should be running the country on all levels. The USA is so lucky to have these treasures . Be well, America.
No one cares about your personal information but you - PERIOD! This is why it needs to be illegal to collect, use or sell any personal information without the express written consent of each individual (or entity) and once acquired, proper compensation rendered!!!!
The fact is that the consumers already consent those credit agencies to use their data when they signed up for loans, mortgages, and credit cards. The reason why protecting the personal information is difficult is because it does not change. You can't change your birthday, your mother's maiden name, or in most cases, the social security number. The only way to solve this is to abandon those information and use something like password that you can change after it has been compromised. Most Asian countries use pin number for identification. The ID card is not enough. Warren painted a pretty practical picture on how the credit agencies use this logical flaw to benefit themselves. That has to be stopped. But all penalty and holding the selected few accountable just means others will continue to do the same. It's not enough for the people to change, the game has to change in order to solve the root cause of the issue.
I'll admit, the CEO took the questions like a champ. I really hate when the CEOs try to dodge the questions and run out the Senator's clock. I have more respect for a CEO who takes it like a man (or woman), and doesn't lie or dodge. Not saying what the CEO is doing is right. You shouldn't profit off your consumers after you have a major screw up that puts their credit at risk for a LOT longer than a year. The service should be free indefinitely. That would be their payment to the consumers they screwed by being negligent.
Totally agree. This guy for the most part owned it and didn't throw b.s. word salad. Meanwhile, I.R.S. just awarded them a $7.25 MM no-bid contract. I'm not surprised at all, but still SMH....
End gain the same: big profit, no repercussions. When will Americans vote for candidates, who don't take bribes? ... for candidates, who serve the voter? Information on corruption in the US is publicly available, yet a majority of congress are paid corporate donations.
Why give this CROOK any credit whatsoever? And he did try to deflect from her questions about whether people had to pay after the first year by recommending that people purchase one of their services.
Let's not forget, Equifax's self appointed function is to collect information on us, assess our trustworthiness and pass that assessment along to people whom we do business with . . . might as well run a con on us while they're ratting us out or worse.
Exactly! Can’t get housing, utility accounts, jobs, and most of all respect for victims like me whose identity has been black listed and nonstop fraud. That’s ok- 5 years of hardworking doing the best I can- there’s a solution- just need someone like Elizabeth Warren whose willing to listen. Only facts should be discussed given it’s from a credible source. You gotta help with the evidence- facts- it’s the only path to truth.
madame senator, hats off to you.i feel every word you utter is with utmost sincerity and salutations madame for your passion and care for the American people.
And this my friend is how everything works. Is just like a security company has a band of thieves targeting, beaking in houses and then getting in touch with the victime to offer a security system...
Can someone explain to me how Equifax is still operational? It seems to me that being a thief in this country has become a good investment, for it pays off.
I love this Lady!!! I'm not sure what colour ribbon she wears, and I really don't care - she is about as on point and focused as anyone that I have ever seen and is determined to do right by people over business! Not even the monopoly guy in the background put her off - but more importantly, neither is she swayed by attempts to veer off course with irrelevances. 1st female POTUS? I hope so.
Did anyone else catch the dude dressed up as the monopoly guy who was stroking his fake mustache and playing with his monocle behind the CEO at the 3:30 mark? :P absolutely hilarious!
Nicolas Mendez - Age is just a number.. Donald TrumP is 73, and look how childish. There is a LOT to be said for Maturity and Experience. FDR governed from a wheelchair. Bernie campaigned hot and heavy and held his own. Like I said, I'd be just as happy with Warren/Sanders. We have got to take this country back.
Miss senator, Was the industry changed? I have been watching many of your video clips on UA-cam lately, i'm in a mandatory covid quarantine for my work and watching your videos makes quarantine a lot easier. I am only wondering which of all the ceo's cfo's etc has actually been personally been held accountable for the mismanagement they have done? There will be no change with any of them as they know the fine goes to the business, and in the end being paid by their clients instead of themselves. As you said in one of your videos, if a clerk takes a few 20 dollar notes they can go to jail, but the top level managers get away with scams where they steal hunderds of millions. At most they get a fine of a very small amount, in their world, and are freed from any legal actions after it.
Guys the company may have a higher idea of allowing the data to be stolen. Now a new system is introduced to protect data which the customer has to pay for their incompetence and the legal system cannot prosecute
From my experiences in business, it is management that pushes policies that entice employees to do wrong or face getting fired or no pay raises. Department stores demand employees push credit cards that customers don't want and must sell at least a certain number each month or face discipline. As a Biomedical tech I was pushed to sell prescription drugs to doctors offices or not get any advancement. I worked for a top 50 biggest corporation under contract to give biomedical services to hospitals which also produced drugs. I was required to do this on my time, at my expense just to get a small 'incentive'. I remember one cancer drug being pushed to doctor's offices for its side effects with no mention of its main purpose unless the included paperwork was read, which we techs were told to not mention. I refused and quit that corporation. This just one of many things I saw management do.
We'd need a ticket of Independents since both of our Duopoly Politcal Parties are in bed with the immunity granted Corporate Looters! If Senator Professor Warren ran at top of indie Presidential ticket with former Harvard Biz School Whistle Blower Shoshana Zuboff who authored over 10 years in silence in academics her most news-worthy book that was published just before Pandemic In Perpetuity began spreading: THE RISE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM 121,437 views Streamed live on Mar 1, 2019 Join The Intercept’s senior correspondent Naomi Klein and Harvard Business School professor Shoshana Zuboff, author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” for an engaging discussion about the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism” and the quest by corporations to predict and control our behavior. #SurveillanceCapitalism Still not much interest in corporate-captured news media, gotta look at non-profit Investigative Reporting broadcasters and newspapers abroad and up in Canada where Naomi Klein, the co-anchor of this Town Hall meeting is a university professor too, kept far from the advertisers info'tainment industry!!! With an Indie Presidential Ticket of Senator\Prof Elizabeth Warren at top and the anti-assassination insurance policy by Wall Street to London Private Interest Financiers and Money Launderers of Prof. Shoshana Zuboff for VP with a cabinet choice of Canadian\U.S. dual citizenship watchdog Naomi Klein or former Goldman Sachs Unregulated Trading Whistle Blower and author of PERMANENT DISTORTION and earlier during the House of Clinton's reign and run to Wall Street of Madame Immunity from criminal prosecution Hillary Clinton that helped the HOMEWRECKERS even more by being the choice when Oligarch heir Trump made his run without a day in his life of any Public Service job experience, cuz don't successful Corporate CEO's know best after all?!?!?!? Imagine Nomi Prins as Secretary of Treasury signing our money and setting watchdog policies and procedures instead of Trump's man from Hollywood's Den of Illegal Housing Foreclosure artists at bailed out Bank One West, namely Hollywood Steve Mnuchin. (See again link above to CSPAN presentation of non-profit Investigative Reporting Ace Aaron Glantz for run-down on Hollywood Steve Mnuchin's years of Corporate Looting ). Or watch this dialogue with syndicated community radio Working Class Shero Amy Goodman and Hero Juan Gonzalez on DEMOCRACY NOW: 36,785 views Oct 15, 2019 "We speak with investigative reporter Aaron Glantz about his new book “Homewreckers,” which looks at the devastating legacy of the foreclosure crisis and how much of the so-called recovery is a result of large private equity firms buying up hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes. “Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream” reveals how the 2008 housing crash decimated millions of Americans’ family wealth but enriched President Donald Trump’s inner circle, including Trump Cabinet members Steven Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump’s longtime friend and confidant Tom Barrack, and billionaire Republican donor Stephen Schwarzman. Glantz writes, “Now, ensconced in power following Trump’s election, these capitalists are creating new financial products that threaten to make the wealth transfers of the [housing] bust permanent.” Aaron Glantzis a senior reporter at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. He was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize this year for his reporting on modern-day redlining." #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Good ol' MAGA Patriots from both Political Parties to our Criminal RICO Felonious Fraudster oligarchs also granted immunity from criminal prosecution by then California Top Cop Attorney General and now our VP Kamala Harris acting as assassination insurance for Joe Biden His Time as what Mother Jones Magazine titled their 2020 Presidential expose HOUSE OF CARDS: House of Cards How Joe Biden helped build a financial system that’s great for Delaware banks and terrible for the rest of us. by Tim Murphy November/December 2019 Issue That was an excellent non-profit investigative review the corporate-captured News Media didn't find quite news-worthy during the 2020 Election campaign, especially not in the primaries where an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders Whistle Blower might've actually pulled bigger voter numbers than Joe Biden His Time. This MOTHER JONES magazine piece was an examination of Senator Biden's career as the U.S. Senator from the legal fiction state of P.O. Box-sized and chartered Lending Industry heavy hitters in Delaware. Now I'd get out the vote for such a ticket of these 3 Women Whistle Blowers: Elizabeth Warren\Shoshana Zuboff\Naomi Klein and Nomi Prins as Secretary of Treasury since they almost all come from Goldman Sachs anyway. Why not have US elect the only Goldman Sachs Whistle Blower of Corporate Looting! Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers) Media Discussion List\Looksee
God I love this woman! Please run 2020. Personally, I think this administration either did it or had it done, since not all states would give up our VOTING profiles. Mine did, unfortunately, against my wishes!
I'm Australian, but I've always had a lot of respect for Senator Warren. If she'd chosen a career in journalism, both politicians and the corporate world would be just as scared of her as they are with her in Congress. Hang in there as long as you can senator, the US Congress needs more like you to keep these bastards honest (Old Australian saying. Translates as "be honest, or I will expose your lies)
Yup, they changed it. Now banks and Equifax have no regulations whatsoever, nor they can be sued for wrong doing. Thank you GOP and Thank you all that voted fot them!
Dude the Monopoly guy in the background though. 😂
Omg I just saw him.... so funny..
Cash Conway - Hilarious! Making a point tho. They do have a monopoly! @1:10 & 5:10. :-)
Hell yeah ! Got that point across!
And the way he strokes his 'stache when he knows he's on camera. I LOVE THAT GUY!!
"I'm asking you the question but I already know the answer." LOL. SHE IS SOOO GOOD!
Best way to cross examine someone.
It's just a show. Years later and Elizabeth Warren still hasn't proposed any legislation that would penalize companies for not properly encrypting data.
@Spite Knight The last time I said duh was when I was 10 yrs old. We all learned from her questioning that there are hidden motivation by companies when it comes to pain and profit. The current law does not mandate specifically how digital data is to be properly stored and secured to greatly reduce and minimize data when a system is exposed to a breach, and at a time when so much hacking and identity theft is occurring. So what has Warren done, other than dropping the ball after the hearing, when she should be working towards enhance security with a more rigorous security protocol?
@Spite Knight I don't need to provide a list of her duties. But I did point out one and that she has the function to spearhead a bill that would enhance data protection. If she's going to bark about it, then she needs to do something about it, and she didn't. I can't give her recognition.
@Spite Knight I agree that the security protocol should be updated and made more rigorous. But this is a company that profits by not fixing it. Why hadn't Elizabeth Warren spearheading a bill that mandates how data should be stored and encrypted far more advanced than what's currently outlined by the SEC? Clearly the existing protocols are a failure
Love this lady. Wish there were more like her.
Nona Martone Me too! She is brilliant! I will vote for her in a heartbeat-
More people pretending to be native American to advance their career? Ok cool.
There were, Trey Gowdy springs to mind.
Have you seen her questioning Wells Fargo CEO con the scam where many lost their money some lost their homes
There is Katie Porter.
Thank you Elizabeth Warren.
The way Elizabeth Warren skewered Wells Fargo makes me want to vote for her.
I have 4 more years until I can finally vote 😁
But she's good at doing what she's already doing. Her skillset is needed in the Senate. I wish she would replace McConnell, he's dead weight that does nothing..
@@Toruk_Makto17Your time!
When do these folks ever see a courtroom?
M when they are suing people
What an incredible asset to the American public, Senator Warren.
Thank you Senator Warren! We need more voices in the senate like yours!!
Wow! Elizabeth Warren an't takin no prisoners XD
She always kicks these huckster's asses
Lyle Fox how can you possibly still support Trump...he's a complete stooge.
Whompa02 - That is a natural response, but please don't alienate an opening mind.
I'm glad your noticing her Lyle Fox.
Nowadays there are a few politicians that actually care about "Draining the Swamp".
Imagine where our country would have been by now, had she been President this term.
I love how she already know the answer to her own question because she does her homework
I love how everyone shifts in their seat before Elizabeth Warren speaks.
Check out the Monopoly Guy in the Background. Priceless lol. 5:10
Smoothie4564 - omfg loses the monacle! that was totally worth being double dryfisted by big corps and govt
I was hoping someone commented about that.
I spotted him @ 1:10! Caught me so off guard! LOL!
I had to look a few times! Thank you, sir for the comedic relief.. I needed that! Hilarious, and making a point? The credit bureaus DO have a monopoly.
Dude, after I saw you comment I had to watch the entire video again. This video went from being educational to freaking funny! Thanks!
Thank you for bringing this information out.
Wow!!!!!!! I love this woman!!!!!!! She is who we needed in the White House! She is always well informed and goes for the jugular when she has to! Her insight let's us know when we have been screwed over, by who and the reason why! Thank you Elizabeth Warren! Keep up the great work! We're depending on you!
Elizabeth is right. Lets start by bringing users in the loop on credit inquiries. Somebody trying to open a new line of credit under you name? Send an email or SMS to the owner so they can approve or reject. It is not that hard.
Thank you 🙏🏽 and God Bless You, Ms. Warren.
Richard Smith that's his name. Whoever wants to sue him go ahead it'll be good for all of us
Or call a health adjuster!!!
Elizabeth Warren is amazing. Her and Bernie and Katie Porter should be running the country on all levels. The USA is so lucky to have these treasures . Be well, America.
Thank you senator Warren , wish we had more politicians like you !
3:32 look in the right corner lmfao can't believe my eyes... this guy is combin is moustache 😝😝😝
4:19 WTF is that guy in that back doing?? 😂😂
Clearly Trolling 🤣
Love this lady!!! You are appreciated!!
No one cares about your personal information but you - PERIOD! This is why it needs to be illegal to collect, use or sell any personal information without the express written consent of each individual (or entity) and once acquired, proper compensation rendered!!!!
The fact is that the consumers already consent those credit agencies to use their data when they signed up for loans, mortgages, and credit cards.
The reason why protecting the personal information is difficult is because it does not change. You can't change your birthday, your mother's maiden name, or in most cases, the social security number.
The only way to solve this is to abandon those information and use something like password that you can change after it has been compromised. Most Asian countries use pin number for identification. The ID card is not enough.
Warren painted a pretty practical picture on how the credit agencies use this logical flaw to benefit themselves. That has to be stopped. But all penalty and holding the selected few accountable just means others will continue to do the same. It's not enough for the people to change, the game has to change in order to solve the root cause of the issue.
I'll admit, the CEO took the questions like a champ. I really hate when the CEOs try to dodge the questions and run out the Senator's clock. I have more respect for a CEO who takes it like a man (or woman), and doesn't lie or dodge. Not saying what the CEO is doing is right. You shouldn't profit off your consumers after you have a major screw up that puts their credit at risk for a LOT longer than a year. The service should be free indefinitely. That would be their payment to the consumers they screwed by being negligent.
agreed, i was expecting to see a stumpf/sloan performance
Totally agree. This guy for the most part owned it and didn't throw b.s. word salad. Meanwhile, I.R.S. just awarded them a $7.25 MM no-bid contract. I'm not surprised at all, but still SMH....
Top hat, moncacle and thick white mustaches are back.
End gain the same: big profit, no repercussions. When will Americans vote for candidates, who don't take bribes? ... for candidates, who serve the voter? Information on corruption in the US is publicly available, yet a majority of congress are paid corporate donations.
Why give this CROOK any credit whatsoever? And he did try to deflect from her questions about whether people had to pay after the first year by recommending that people purchase one of their services.
Senator, you are terrific. I hope that something good comes from these discussions.
Let's not forget, Equifax's self appointed function is to collect information on us, assess our trustworthiness and pass that assessment along to people whom we do business with . . . might as well run a con on us while they're ratting us out or worse.
Exactly! Can’t get housing, utility accounts, jobs, and most of all respect for victims like me whose identity has been black listed and nonstop fraud. That’s ok- 5 years of hardworking doing the best I can- there’s a solution- just need someone like Elizabeth Warren whose willing to listen. Only facts should be discussed given it’s from a credible source. You gotta help with the evidence- facts- it’s the only path to truth.
Richard Smith let's do Sue him
3:30 the guy in the background 😂😂
What a piercing mind! Someone like this is a TRUE asset to the American people. To the decent among us anyway
5:14 monopoly man like ohhhh shiiiiiiit
Ian h 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠
Thank you Ms Warren
Wow, a witness who answers succinctly.
This whole situation is serious and awful but... OMG I'M DYING!!!! Look at that asshole behind the Equifax CEO to the right! HAHAHAHAHA
When oh when will we wake up to the FACT that we need a woman president?
What is her email address? We should tell her to run for President
Get 'em Warren
He tried to sell us his credit monitoring crap twice and she kept shutting him down 😂
Sen. Warren is terrific ! !
No mercy! Great job Senator Warren
madame senator, hats off to you.i feel every word you utter is with utmost sincerity and salutations madame for your passion and care for the American people.
Omg. I love this lady. We need more gals in govt like her
wow just wow! Senator Elizabeth Warren. This is the woman who has the guts to go after these cronies
Richard Smith sue him
Senator Elizabeth Warren The Great. THANK YOU
So did this hearing cause changes to the industry or did the industry cough up more campaign contributions to shut up these politicians?
And this my friend is how everything works. Is just like a security company has a band of thieves targeting, beaking in houses and then getting in touch with the victime to offer a security system...
Can someone explain to me how Equifax is still operational? It seems to me that being a thief in this country has become a good investment, for it pays off.
And THAT’S why I voted for Elizabeth Warren for President in the primary!!!!!!! 💚
I love this Lady!!! I'm not sure what colour ribbon she wears, and I really don't care - she is about as on point and focused as anyone that I have ever seen and is determined to do right by people over business! Not even the monopoly guy in the background put her off - but more importantly, neither is she swayed by attempts to veer off course with irrelevances. 1st female POTUS? I hope so.
Did any of you politicians ask the CEO why they hired a music phd for their internet security?
Did anyone else catch the dude dressed up as the monopoly guy who was stroking his fake mustache and playing with his monocle behind the CEO at the 3:30 mark? :P absolutely hilarious!
Wow unbelievable crooked behaviors rewarded now and for years to come unless we the people stand for ethical financial changes in this system!!
I LOVE this youtube channel holy crap.
At least he’s being honest
Damn she is on fire.SANDERS/WARREN 2020.
Harsnimer singh sanders will be too old .
Harsnimer singh - Absolutely! Or Warren/Sanders! They are peas of a pod and will support each other.
Nicolas Mendez - Age is just a number.. Donald TrumP is 73, and look how childish. There is a LOT to be said for Maturity and Experience. FDR governed from a wheelchair. Bernie campaigned hot and heavy and held his own. Like I said, I'd be just as happy with Warren/Sanders. We have got to take this country back.
You always get them!
Amazing, eloquent, well educated argument, but I just wanted to say your hair looks amazing here!
Go girl!! So, what’s the next step? We should have the right to NOT be monitored.
anyone who comes in front of this lady,gets riped apart......she says it all so well
Again... thank you Warren
Mr. Monopoly in the background! Anyone else find it ironic that the Monopoly guy is there when talking about a financial industry problem heh.
Is it just me or is Mr Monopoly sitting behind Mr Smith 😂😂😂
You want to see a bunch of people screaming like a K-POP fan girls? Warren for VP 2020!!
She makes everyone that comes front of her looks like criminal, she’s the best
Filled out the form to request compensation under the terms of the class action settlement. It will be interesting to see if I ever receive anything.
Well, I hear Equifax is awarding a free year of their special "fraud protection" Program. No need to thank earned it!
We are all of us being victimized by Equifax.
Warren is so smart. Love seeing her crush these corporate losers
Who’s MAC address is gmt 0:52
I started this video by hating this lady, after half of the video.....I love what she does.
Miss senator,
Was the industry changed?
I have been watching many of your video clips on UA-cam lately, i'm in a mandatory covid quarantine for my work and watching your videos makes quarantine a lot easier.
I am only wondering which of all the ceo's cfo's etc has actually been personally been held accountable for the mismanagement they have done?
There will be no change with any of them as they know the fine goes to the business, and in the end being paid by their clients instead of themselves.
As you said in one of your videos, if a clerk takes a few 20 dollar notes they can go to jail, but the top level managers get away with scams where they steal hunderds of millions.
At most they get a fine of a very small amount, in their world, and are freed from any legal actions after it.
Guys the company may have a higher idea of allowing the data to be stolen. Now a new system is introduced to protect data which the customer has to pay for their incompetence and the legal system cannot prosecute
This guy with a white moustache in a monocle is hilarious at 3:35
@ 1:09 Is that Rich Uncle Pennybags from the Monopoly game?
The monopoly man!!! 😂😂😂
From my experiences in business, it is management that pushes policies that entice employees to do wrong or face getting fired or no pay raises. Department stores demand employees push credit cards that customers don't want and must sell at least a certain number each month or face discipline. As a Biomedical tech I was pushed to sell prescription drugs to doctors offices or not get any advancement. I worked for a top 50 biggest corporation under contract to give biomedical services to hospitals which also produced drugs. I was required to do this on my time, at my expense just to get a small 'incentive'. I remember one cancer drug being pushed to doctor's offices for its side effects with no mention of its main purpose unless the included paperwork was read, which we techs were told to not mention. I refused and quit that corporation. This just one of many things I saw management do.
I love her style of questioning
Not only did she plunge the dagger in, she gave it a twist for good measure. Ouch!!! 🤪
Is it possible for me to open a company like eqifax?
the guy over our view of Senator warrens right shoulder, is more invested in this hearing than I am in my education.
Joe Biden better gives this woman a top spot job
some one please explain the guy at 5:13 you know which one, why is it.
That guy in the background is amazing!
Turns out it's not a guy. See
The person in the background at 3:32 distracted me 😂
How much of these guys are now in prision?
Love her!! She should be our next president!!!
We'd need a ticket of Independents since both of our Duopoly Politcal Parties are in bed with the immunity granted Corporate Looters!
If Senator Professor Warren ran at top of indie Presidential ticket with former Harvard Biz School Whistle Blower Shoshana Zuboff who authored over 10 years in silence in academics her most news-worthy book that was published just before Pandemic In Perpetuity began spreading: THE RISE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM
121,437 views Streamed live on Mar 1, 2019
Join The Intercept’s senior correspondent Naomi Klein and Harvard Business School professor Shoshana Zuboff, author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” for an engaging discussion about the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism” and the quest by corporations to predict and control our behavior.
#SurveillanceCapitalism Still not much interest in corporate-captured news media, gotta look at non-profit Investigative Reporting broadcasters and newspapers abroad and up in Canada where Naomi Klein, the co-anchor of this Town Hall meeting is a university professor too, kept far from the advertisers info'tainment industry!!!
With an Indie Presidential Ticket of Senator\Prof Elizabeth Warren at top and the anti-assassination insurance policy by Wall Street to London Private Interest Financiers and Money Launderers of Prof. Shoshana Zuboff for VP with a cabinet choice of Canadian\U.S. dual citizenship watchdog Naomi Klein or former Goldman Sachs Unregulated Trading Whistle Blower and author of PERMANENT DISTORTION and earlier during the House of Clinton's reign and run to Wall Street of Madame Immunity from criminal prosecution Hillary Clinton that helped the HOMEWRECKERS even more by being the choice when Oligarch heir Trump made his run without a day in his life of any Public Service job experience, cuz don't successful Corporate CEO's know best after all?!?!?!? Imagine Nomi Prins as Secretary of Treasury signing our money and setting watchdog policies and procedures instead of Trump's man from Hollywood's Den of Illegal Housing Foreclosure artists at bailed out Bank One West, namely Hollywood Steve Mnuchin.
(See again link above to CSPAN presentation of non-profit Investigative Reporting Ace Aaron Glantz for run-down on Hollywood Steve Mnuchin's years of Corporate Looting ). Or watch this dialogue with syndicated community radio Working Class Shero Amy Goodman and Hero Juan Gonzalez on DEMOCRACY NOW:
36,785 views Oct 15, 2019
"We speak with investigative reporter Aaron Glantz about his new book “Homewreckers,” which looks at the devastating legacy of the foreclosure crisis and how much of the so-called recovery is a result of large private equity firms buying up hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes. “Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream” reveals how the 2008 housing crash decimated millions of Americans’ family wealth but enriched President Donald Trump’s inner circle, including Trump Cabinet members Steven Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump’s longtime friend and confidant Tom Barrack, and billionaire Republican donor Stephen Schwarzman. Glantz writes, “Now, ensconced in power following Trump’s election, these capitalists are creating new financial products that threaten to make the wealth transfers of the [housing] bust permanent.” Aaron Glantzis a senior reporter at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. He was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize this year for his reporting on modern-day redlining."
Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET:
Good ol' MAGA Patriots from both Political Parties to our Criminal RICO Felonious Fraudster oligarchs also granted immunity from criminal prosecution by then California Top Cop Attorney General and now our VP Kamala Harris acting as assassination insurance for Joe Biden His Time as what Mother Jones Magazine titled their 2020 Presidential expose HOUSE OF CARDS:
House of Cards
How Joe Biden helped build a financial system that’s great for Delaware banks and terrible for the rest of us.
Tim Murphy November/December 2019 Issue
That was an excellent non-profit investigative review the corporate-captured News Media didn't find quite news-worthy during the 2020 Election campaign, especially not in the primaries where an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders Whistle Blower might've actually pulled bigger voter numbers than Joe Biden His Time.
This MOTHER JONES magazine piece was an examination of Senator Biden's career as the U.S. Senator from the legal fiction state of P.O. Box-sized and chartered Lending Industry heavy hitters in Delaware.
Now I'd get out the vote for such a ticket of these 3 Women Whistle Blowers: Elizabeth Warren\Shoshana Zuboff\Naomi Klein and Nomi Prins as Secretary of Treasury since they almost all come from Goldman Sachs anyway. Why not have US elect the only Goldman Sachs Whistle Blower of Corporate Looting!
Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
Media Discussion List\Looksee
She's amazing
check out the guy with the white mustache behind mr. Smith. lmao
Thank you Monopoly man!!
God I love this woman! Please run 2020. Personally, I think this administration either did it or had it done, since not all states would give up our VOTING profiles. Mine did, unfortunately, against my wishes!
Love Elizabeth Warren! Always kicking some butt! Off subject, what the heck is the guy with the white mustache and monocle doing? 🤔
On this, Senator Warren is dead on.
Anyone see the guy in the background?
The guy with monocule and top hat and white moustache got to love the message.
I'm Australian, but I've always had a lot of respect for Senator Warren. If she'd chosen a career in journalism, both politicians and the corporate world would be just as scared of her as they are with her in Congress. Hang in there as long as you can senator, the US Congress needs more like you to keep these bastards honest (Old Australian saying. Translates as "be honest, or I will expose your lies)
Yup, they changed it. Now banks and Equifax have no regulations whatsoever, nor they can be sued for wrong doing. Thank you GOP and Thank you all that voted fot them!
Mr. Monopoly in the back!
Yes..Wow and wow again ! Good job !!!!!!!
Should someone ask the guy on her right if everything is ok at home?