THANK YOU 🙏🏾 This lesson validated my biblical concerns about "righteous" people using obscene language. The 'source' was very clear about the meaning of "filthy communication". It's defined by Greek source as 'foul speaking, low and obscene speech'. For those of you that can think for yourselves, it's a reason he chose not to display my two comments from last week. Ask yourself why? He usually puts the comments on blast, right? It's because even he knows that words like f*ck, p*ssy, d*ck, etc. are obscene by every sense of the word. If not, then just do a whole lesson using those words, and then teach your children to say them as well. The Luciferian spirit inside of someone is really strong, when they teach vulgar speech is okay. That person can clearly not "bridle", or control their wicked tongue. Check out the 3:22:57 timestamp of this video, and see how he said, "Gimme that f*cker's name." when referring to some pastor from a Sunday church. Surely, that pastor would find it offensive (and obscene) to be called a "f*cker" by a leader of the faith. Or does your skewed interpretation condone such wording towards another human as well? I also find it extremely ironic, and hypocritical that a public lesson, on a public platform, can only be commented on, if folks are in agreement. If you oppose the fallible teachings, then it's no longer public, but you need to email or call in private. Smh. I've emailed several times, and even opposed things while attending service, so I'm not afraid to do any of it, because it's not a man on this planet that I fear. I just find it hypocritical to only want agreement publicly, but opposition privately. Anyway, it doesn't matter how many times you try to manipulate a congregation by constantly saying, "Are y'all with me?". Because you know majority are too scared to oppose someone that will try to shame them with a lesson. As I stated a long time ago, it's very Jim Jones of you to rule people as a dictator, and constantly instill fear to try to keep weak-minded people in line. But hey, to each his own. I just wanted to say Thank You, for proving my points, and also for not showing my previous comments. That subtle omission further verified my stance is correct 👑 Matthew 12:36-37 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
Why do you continue to show up if you don't agree with the teachings? Are you obsessed or fascinated with the teacher? What's the deal? He's broken down things for two full weeks, BIBLICALLY and lexically with scholarly and historical support. Your rebuttals continue to be in vain because they are opinion-based. You think we live in fear here but the only one we fear in reverential sense is the Creator. His word has liberated us from the oppressions of man made doctrines formed through fallible opinions thoughts and feelings such as yours.
This is some extremely sad commentary and very disappointing @Sealy. Morei has simply proven that using expletives (cussing) IS NOT A SIN and that the contexts of the passages in question is abusive speech that is designed to hurt individuals, this is what God condemns, and that was overwhelmingly supported in the presentation, it was genius. That is all I saw and heard in the presentation and going back through it again with other brothers and sisters in our Bible study group this is what we all concluded, and it was very informative and helpful for us to see hermeneutics in play from a professional exegete (they are very rare). Abusive speech with malice or in a comedic manner is inappropriate and unchristian is Paul’s and James’ argument, their epistles were not about using cuss words, that is not the sin. But that is what you are making it because of your programming. Remember or if you did not know, sin is transgression of the law and cussing violates no laws that I see in the Torah if it is not directed at a person to hurt them (1 John 3:4).Can we get back to biblical context as the Morei says please?
That's what you call breaking down the Scriptures everybody! Praise Yah for truth and how to access it. Get on board everyone.
Shabbat Shalom
Shabbat Shalawam Mishpacha😊
THANK YOU 🙏🏾 This lesson validated my biblical concerns about "righteous" people using obscene language. The 'source' was very clear about the meaning of "filthy communication". It's defined by Greek source as 'foul speaking, low and obscene speech'. For those of you that can think for yourselves, it's a reason he chose not to display my two comments from last week. Ask yourself why? He usually puts the comments on blast, right? It's because even he knows that words like f*ck, p*ssy, d*ck, etc. are obscene by every sense of the word. If not, then just do a whole lesson using those words, and then teach your children to say them as well. The Luciferian spirit inside of someone is really strong, when they teach vulgar speech is okay. That person can clearly not "bridle", or control their wicked tongue. Check out the 3:22:57 timestamp of this video, and see how he said, "Gimme that f*cker's name." when referring to some pastor from a Sunday church. Surely, that pastor would find it offensive (and obscene) to be called a "f*cker" by a leader of the faith. Or does your skewed interpretation condone such wording towards another human as well? I also find it extremely ironic, and hypocritical that a public lesson, on a public platform, can only be commented on, if folks are in agreement. If you oppose the fallible teachings, then it's no longer public, but you need to email or call in private. Smh. I've emailed several times, and even opposed things while attending service, so I'm not afraid to do any of it, because it's not a man on this planet that I fear. I just find it hypocritical to only want agreement publicly, but opposition privately. Anyway, it doesn't matter how many times you try to manipulate a congregation by constantly saying, "Are y'all with me?". Because you know majority are too scared to oppose someone that will try to shame them with a lesson. As I stated a long time ago, it's very Jim Jones of you to rule people as a dictator, and constantly instill fear to try to keep weak-minded people in line. But hey, to each his own. I just wanted to say Thank You, for proving my points, and also for not showing my previous comments. That subtle omission further verified my stance is correct 👑
Matthew 12:36-37 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
Why do you continue to show up if you don't agree with the teachings? Are you obsessed or fascinated with the teacher? What's the deal? He's broken down things for two full weeks, BIBLICALLY and lexically with scholarly and historical support. Your rebuttals continue to be in vain because they are opinion-based. You think we live in fear here but the only one we fear in reverential sense is the Creator. His word has liberated us from the oppressions of man made doctrines formed through fallible opinions thoughts and feelings such as yours.
Mr. sealy! You appear to be one of the congregants you are talking about because you up here every week! 🤣🤣
This is some extremely sad commentary and very disappointing @Sealy. Morei has simply proven that using expletives (cussing) IS NOT A SIN and that the contexts of the passages in question is abusive speech that is designed to hurt individuals, this is what God condemns, and that was overwhelmingly supported in the presentation, it was genius. That is all I saw and heard in the presentation and going back through it again with other brothers and sisters in our Bible study group this is what we all concluded, and it was very informative and helpful for us to see hermeneutics in play from a professional exegete (they are very rare). Abusive speech with malice or in a comedic manner is inappropriate and unchristian is Paul’s and James’ argument, their epistles were not about using cuss words, that is not the sin. But that is what you are making it because of your programming. Remember or if you did not know, sin is transgression of the law and cussing violates no laws that I see in the Torah if it is not directed at a person to hurt them (1 John 3:4).Can we get back to biblical context as the Morei says please?