I never listened to piano or classical music ever. Other than mass. Then one day during a deep depression I came across Fly. Then iGiorni. Then Divenire. That was 3 years ago today. Back then I would empty my soul to it. Cry and Cry and just listen, numb. Now, I listen when Im reading. Or cleaning. Or its just late evening and my soul is resting. It has moved with me through my healing. It has moved my healing. It has healed me. I am forever grateful to a man who will never know his music saved my life. And helps it stay in the present and moving now .... just like nature and life! It goes on.
If you're reading this, im so glad the world has you in it. No matter how small, the light you shine makes the world a little bit brighter. Dont let life beat you down. You're stronger than you think you are. Just know a stranger is cheering for you from afar. Even if you dont believe, God loves you, and so do I. 🫂 Please give him your pain and anger. He changed my life even when I felt like I didnt deserve his grace.
Ich liebe so sehr, wie man bei diesem Mann sieht, dass er die Musik nicht nur spielt, sondern spürt...aus tiefsten Herzen fühlt. Nur so kommt sie auch in meinem Herzen an...
I went to Italy from Canada for ONE weekend this past weekend, to experience this man play. Ended up watching both his concerts. Cried when I heard Waterways.
Suelo escucharlo a Ludovico mientras preparo mis ultimas materias para recibirme de médico. Y mis emociones salen a la superficie y muchas veces lloro sin darme cuenta, sus acordes, su fluidez tan orgánica me permiten alivianarme y hacer de mis días de estudio un momento de entrega concentración y me permiten disfrutar mi vida en mi momento presente, su música me permite viajar hacia la introspección.
Fly Un gabbiano decide dove andare o il suo istinto é solamente volare? Canada per me o restare? Vorrei viaggiare fra Firenze Genova Roma Trieste Ferrara Bologna Perugia Olbia Colonia Highlands Svalbaerd Vorrei vivere di parole di sguardi attenti verso i fratelli suscitare desideri nascosti, rivoluzionare i percorsi... Vorrei vedere ogni borgo, ogni strada del mio bel Paese Tornare tornare ancora almeno una volta al mese in Sardegna... Io gabbiano ecco cosa voglio e vorrei: esserci, volare sugli anni miei Muovere i passi verso Te facendo ció che fa star bene me: Amare Amare tutti teneramente sbandati e distratti fratelli miei Vorrei cantarvi le lodi di gioia di allodole cantanti Ringraziarvi con le danze dei passeri distanti Sorridere fra le onde Immergervi fra le foglie Chiudere gli occhi assaporando il profumo dei biscotti del pane caldo Il silenzio pieno di ogni immenso Buono e bene di dolce e meritato Traguardo Io gabbiano mai bugiardo io umano non codardo... Marcella Campagna
I found his music by accident. Maybe it was no accident. All I know is this music moves something deep inside of me and helps me heal from the inside out. Thank you, Ludovico Einaudi for this gift to all of us.
Way back about 2009, a friend who worked at an ad agency invited a few mates along to a show by this legend in a record company’s offices. About 15 of us there. Stood close enough to hear him humming as he played. Got a signed copy of the Nightbook music. Treasure that memory to this day.
This made me smile. The pianist Glenn Gould used to hum along to his music too. You can hear it on his recordings. If you are not familiar with him, he's a well-known interpreter of J.S. Bach's music.
Pure reflection of feelings, which we are having. Pain, Love, Happiness, Hope, Life, Depression. And seeing the reflection of your feelings in such music, gives you a hope, a light. You are not alone, and always keep it on. Keep it going!
Wow. Just found this now.... I had a son who played the most Beautiful emotionally charged music. I was brought to tears every time i listened. I Don’t know if he was aware that i was his biggest fan on planet earth. I didn’t hide my feelings...When he turned his back on me one day and walked out the door...My heart shattered. He left behind him a path of horrendous lies and accusations of a life i myself did not experience and am not responsible for creating in his memory. My life has been Hell ever since. One day an old friend of his dropped in to check on me.. She sat down at the Piano and suddenly began playing it with no warning at all. As she spun around expecting to see me with a smile from ear to ear - she was stunned to see tears streaming down my face of pure agony and grief. She apologized profusely as i tried to speak through my tears and a choked throat. I promised her i was okay and i Thanked her for being spontaneous and comfortable enough to play the piano... and told her that i hadn’t Been able to listen to a Piano since my son walked out the door. I still have not heard from him 4 years later. I hear he is doing alright but avoids conversation about me. And i heard that he refers to me by my name rather than His Mom. 😓 He would have liked this music very much.
Is it just me or is this whole performance just out of this world. Truly amazing. Goosebumps all over my body. Amazing sound quality. The bass sounds of this piano. I love your music Einaudi!
Over four years ago I listened to waterways for the first time. In one evening it changed my music tastes forever. I was in the depths of despair and I finally found the beauty in music. Thank you so much. ❤
This made me cry. There is so much emotion poured into these chords - so much melancholy, and so much hope. And when I look at their faces, thoroughly immersed in the music that this wonderful man makes, I feel like there is nothing to do but hope, to love.
You can add sheet music and play songs by other composers but you have thought about creating what one feels. important to play, simply play and hear how the sound sounds and create. The songs of the genius Ludovico inspire to create
This song is like a prayer to God. Questions... silence... questions again... still silence... then an incomprehensible feeling of warmth and care. Maybe God is crying with you. But together it's better than alone.
Totally, it's a warm and familiar feeling. It's amazing. It's great that we have a kingdom friend that we can always talk to when we're feeling down. Even when we feel like he's not there we got his words filling in his presence. What a mighty God we serve. 💛💛💛 God bless you and your family 💛💛💛💛💛
He is among the greatest musicologists that should be lionized. I have the uttermost respect for his services to humanity. He communicates with the ethereal, the innermost of self untouched and mystical to the physical. Bravo!
It was exactly a year ago today. I found out my mom had an evasive type of rare cancer. 58 days from now is when she passed and I found this song while in a chapel asking God why. I live next to a river and have all my life. I see it differently now. I love you. I miss you. I'm sorry.
Esta pieza me hace entrar en otra dimensión. Donde imagino un mundo más humano y mas lleno de magia. Las palabras sobran cuando los sentimientos rebosan.
Que grande Ludovico. Su música y su piano son poemas del infinito a los oídos. En sus creaciones el universo se acerca no con palabras sino con vibraciones a la humanidad. Muchas Gracias desde Paraguay a este gran creador por su arte!!!
Wow, 2 years ago I found Ludovico, I was going through a seriously low point in life. Drugs, alcohol it was absolutely vile. I’d listen to this on repeat for hours genuinely sobbing! I think Ludovico actually helped me. I’m now happily engaged, loving life with a baby on the way! Strange how music works
I truly believe music find us at the right time. I had a hard day and UA-cam recommended this song. I was feeling completely lonely and that song felt like a warm hug and comfort to my heart. I’m so grateful to be able to appreciate Ludovico!
He plays not only with his fingers but also with his soul… his face expresses his thoughts and I feel how he feels the music while making it… I love it ❤️
Das sind so schöne Klänge, ich fühle mich glücklich und gleichzeitig traurig aber doch mehr glücklich, als würde mich jemand trösten und mir verzeihen. Wie als würde er mich umarmen und mich mit Liebe füllen. Ich bin dir so dankbar Jesus Christus ich Liebe dich mein Herr und Schöpfer. 🙏❤️ Diese Musik bringt mich einfach näher, danke Ludovico.
Questo pezzo mi mette puntualmente i brividi. Una sensazione che non so spiegare. Come se la musica entrasse dentro ogni singola cellula del mio corpo. Dolce e maliconica melodia... Grazie ludovico🇮🇹❤️🙏🏻
Ludovico não é só um músico. Ele faz com que os sons virem palavras e conversem conosco seu objetivo é que a mensagem chegue até nós. Realmente maravilhoso
La música es el arte de expresar diversos efectos de nuestra alma a través de un sonido hermoso y profundo, que nos transporta a otras dimensiones sensoriales. Gracias Ludovico Einaudi por tu grandiosa música 🎶
This song is just...... indescribable. The amount of passion he plays with and just so much emotion it’s absolutely astonishing more people don’t know about Ludovico. He should be a household name alongside Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms, Handel, Debussy, Wagner, and so many others. Just absolutely breathtaking
I understand that music flavours are subjective but, although i like better Ludovico than other classic compositors, the complexity of Mozart/bach/beethoven seems to be much higher.
That moment when you realise that the music and your emotions are a synchronicity and the effect it has on you IS you and your part of a beautiful unity of passion skill and sound lost in the moment of bliss and harmony. Gratitude.
A vida está aí para ser vivida como todas essas notas musicais, Deus em cada nota musical e em cada gesto desse grande artista , que todos nós possamos viver em harmonia.
Há cerca de 3 anos alguém ouvia Ludovico e eu não conhecia. Fiquei atento e ouvi uma, duas e mais e mais e, 3 anos depois, ouço o mestre e rio, choro, sonho e divago, mas sobretudo, sonho e rio. Eu ADORO Ludovico Enaudi e também dou graças a Deus por ele existr.
Uma música que transmite sensações incríveis... Fecho meus olhos e me sinto voando, livre, contemplando o mundo, a natureza, ao mesmo tempo que sinto as batidas do meu coração em sintonia com as batidas da música... É como se fosse um encontro comigo mesma e com o mundo! Sensacional!
I also never listen to piano in my life. Listened to main stream hip hop since a young teenager. I remember being a little kid dreaming of playing the piano. About 3 months ago I came across this. I haven't listened to music I use too in 3 years. Mainly electronic music. Hearing this changed my life. It moves me deeply inside my spirit. I can feel my true self. It's awakened dreams. I will be forever grateful for his music and the piano.
To feel so much feeling and to be well inside is just perfect. Have butterflies in your stomach and be relaxed ... listen to one of your compositions and think that's one is my preferred and listen to another to change your mind .. Mr Einaudi you are amazing all your melodies are perfect. When I see that some person prefers to listen to RAP or another musical genre and they don't know you. We are really lucky to know you and to be able to listen to you. I could listen to you for hours and hours
One of my favorite Einaudi songs! I always wished it was more popular than it was, that way Einaudi and his team would maybe have different versions and renditions of it. Right now, I only know of this version, the live performance from his home, and the studio recording, but it's so good!
Esas hermosas y penosas emociones donde todo cambia lo escucho para transmutar mis emociones donde sabes que siempre de lo oscuro pasas a el lugar más iluminado eso me hace sentir.avanzar a pesar de todo,solo es llegar a la luz!!
I don't like to listen to his music too long, for it makes people feel depressed. But when I hear his music once in a while, it is... beautiful, makes me to think of heaven, and gives me a sence of peaceful isolation.
Imagine being there and feeling it Hearing it is really nice but, imagine actually feeling every single chord, I dont think you would ever be the same again, chills.
Hace poco encontré a este gran artista, y me encantó❤! he escuchado varias de sus piezas y todas son hermosas...ayer encontré esta maravilla, me hace sentir mucha calma, paz, me sentía algo perdida en estos días y esta pieza me regreso a la paz que necesitaba🥹
I hear the heartbeat of God throughout this piece. His Presence with us, in us, flowing out of us, His creation, from Glory to Glory, soaring into the midst of His Eternal Love and Holy Kingdom, Forever. Amen
After spending time listening to various Piano tracks over the last hour...................this one has to be my own personal favourite and could listen to it on loop all day. Brings up so many emotions in my soul and being and existence Pure bliss ...pure genius it really is. Thank you so much for this true art
I never listened to piano or classical music ever. Other than mass. Then one day during a deep depression I came across Fly. Then iGiorni. Then Divenire. That was 3 years ago today. Back then I would empty my soul to it. Cry and Cry and just listen, numb. Now, I listen when Im reading. Or cleaning. Or its just late evening and my soul is resting. It has moved with me through my healing. It has moved my healing. It has healed me. I am forever grateful to a man who will never know his music saved my life. And helps it stay in the present and moving now .... just like nature and life! It goes on.
Amen bro. Wish you an exciting future
@Whit I am glad you've found your way back to life. And more importantly found a way to lift your life. Einaudi's music has touched my heart deeply.
unebonnevie 😊 Sincerely, thank you.
Aayussh Singh 🙏🏻
you should listen to Peter Gundry's music. he's a composer on youtube.
Hay dos tipos de personas, los que aman a Ludovico y los que no lo conocen ❤
Excelente comentario
Ludovico traspasa...es mucho sentimiento .Un chico De España ha tenido un despertar .y se ha puesto a tocar el piano .Increible❤
There are people who make music. And there are people who are made from it.
This is a poet that uses notes instead of words. i adore. Thank YOU.
If you're reading this, im so glad the world has you in it. No matter how small, the light you shine makes the world a little bit brighter. Dont let life beat you down. You're stronger than you think you are. Just know a stranger is cheering for you from afar. Even if you dont believe, God loves you, and so do I. 🫂 Please give him your pain and anger. He changed my life even when I felt like I didnt deserve his grace.
Ich liebe so sehr, wie man bei diesem Mann sieht, dass er die Musik nicht nur spielt, sondern spürt...aus tiefsten Herzen fühlt. Nur so kommt sie auch in meinem Herzen an...
I went to Italy from Canada for ONE weekend this past weekend, to experience this man play. Ended up watching both his concerts.
Cried when I heard Waterways.
Suelo escucharlo a Ludovico mientras preparo mis ultimas materias para recibirme de médico. Y mis emociones salen a la superficie y muchas veces lloro sin darme cuenta, sus acordes, su fluidez tan orgánica me permiten alivianarme y hacer de mis días de estudio un momento de entrega concentración y me permiten disfrutar mi vida en mi momento presente, su música me permite viajar hacia la introspección.
Bon courage futur Docteur. Que dieu vous bénisse.
Comparto tu sentir ❤
Así es.
Ya serás un gran médico con ciencia y sensibilidad🙏
Un gabbiano decide
dove andare
o il suo istinto é
solamente volare?
Canada per me o
Vorrei viaggiare
fra Firenze
Vorrei vivere di parole
di sguardi attenti
verso i fratelli
suscitare desideri
rivoluzionare i percorsi...
Vorrei vedere ogni borgo,
ogni strada del mio bel Paese
Tornare tornare ancora
almeno una volta al mese
in Sardegna...
Io gabbiano
ecco cosa voglio
e vorrei:
esserci, volare
sugli anni miei
Muovere i passi
verso Te
facendo ció che
fa star bene me:
Amare tutti
sbandati e distratti
fratelli miei
Vorrei cantarvi
le lodi di gioia
di allodole cantanti
Ringraziarvi con le danze
dei passeri distanti
Sorridere fra le onde
Immergervi fra le foglie
Chiudere gli occhi
assaporando il profumo
dei biscotti
del pane caldo
Il silenzio pieno
di ogni immenso
Buono e bene
di dolce e meritato
Io gabbiano
mai bugiardo
io umano
non codardo...
Marcella Campagna
I found his music by accident. Maybe it was no accident. All I know is this music moves something deep inside of me and helps me heal from the inside out. Thank you, Ludovico Einaudi for this gift to all of us.
Same, I believe it was no accident, that we both stumbled upon this gift of music!
I think it was no accident , God is talking to us!
Another thing which heals inside out is homoeopathy, if u need try it.
Another thing which heals inside out is homoeopathy, if u need try it.
From Buffalo, New York I surely Understand what you're saying.
Way back about 2009, a friend who worked at an ad agency invited a few mates along to a show by this legend in a record company’s offices. About 15 of us there. Stood close enough to hear him humming as he played. Got a signed copy of the Nightbook music. Treasure that memory to this day.
You are so very blessed in that.
@@Whitters40 YEs I am so thankful for the experience!
This made me smile. The pianist Glenn Gould used to hum along to his music too. You can hear it on his recordings. If you are not familiar with him, he's a well-known interpreter of J.S. Bach's music.
That's wonderful sharing that emotion that you were close enough to hear him humming . Priceless.
Awesome that is .wish it was me 😌
Pure reflection of feelings, which we are having. Pain, Love, Happiness, Hope, Life, Depression. And seeing the reflection of your feelings in such music, gives you a hope, a light. You are not alone, and always keep it on. Keep it going!
Wow. Just found this now....
I had a son who played the most Beautiful emotionally charged music. I was brought to tears every time i listened.
I Don’t know if he was aware that i was his biggest fan on planet earth. I didn’t hide my feelings...When he turned his back on me one day and walked out the door...My heart shattered. He left behind him a path of horrendous lies and accusations of a life i myself did not experience and am not responsible for creating in his memory. My life has been Hell ever since. One day an old friend of his dropped in to check on me.. She sat down at the Piano and suddenly began playing it with no warning at all.
As she spun around expecting to see me with a smile from ear to ear - she was stunned to see tears streaming down my face of pure agony and grief. She apologized profusely as i tried to speak through my tears and a choked throat. I promised her i was okay and i Thanked her for being spontaneous and comfortable enough to play the piano... and told her that i hadn’t
Been able to listen to a Piano since my son walked out the door.
I still have not heard from him 4 years later. I hear he is doing alright but avoids conversation about me. And i heard that he refers to me by my name rather than His Mom. 😓
He would have liked this music very much.
I wish this song would never end.
This music really makes you feel that you are a spirit experiencing enlightenedness in a human body.
I cannot believe there’s such a beautiful song as this. It’s like running to the arms of God. ✝️
Is it just me or is this whole performance just out of this world. Truly amazing. Goosebumps all over my body. Amazing sound quality. The bass sounds of this piano. I love your music Einaudi!
Not just you!
it id wonderful i can't stop listening to it
Moi c’est pareil ça devient vitale pour moi de l’écouter.
Over four years ago I listened to waterways for the first time. In one evening it changed my music tastes forever. I was in the depths of despair and I finally found the beauty in music. Thank you so much. ❤
Ludovico has an ability to say so much through his music. I am stunned every time I listen to him!
От этой чистоты, высоты, гармонии слезы идут сами
I love seeing all the comments from all over the world! He is amazing and he speaks to my soul! ❤️
Debie Larsen me too , sometimes i come just to read not to listen
This made me cry. There is so much emotion poured into these chords - so much melancholy, and so much hope. And when I look at their faces, thoroughly immersed in the music that this wonderful man makes, I feel like there is nothing to do but hope, to love.
Beautiful post unknown friend. Blessings from New Zealand. "ITS TIME' ua-cam.com/video/p3PGUExrHuM/v-deo.html
Me too, I have cried to this song. I don't even cry.
Such beauty
You can add sheet music and play songs by other composers but you have thought about creating what one feels. important to play, simply play and hear how the sound sounds and create. The songs of the genius Ludovico inspire to create
❤️❤️❤️🙏Будь благословен человек создающий невероятную музыку, касающуюся наших душ 🙏❤️
Grandissimo compositore,tutti i suoi brani sono semplicemente STUPENDI
This song is like a prayer to God. Questions... silence... questions again... still silence... then an incomprehensible feeling of warmth and care. Maybe God is crying with you. But together it's better than alone.
Totally, it's a warm and familiar feeling. It's amazing. It's great that we have a kingdom friend that we can always talk to when we're feeling down. Even when we feel like he's not there we got his words filling in his presence. What a mighty God we serve. 💛💛💛 God bless you and your family 💛💛💛💛💛
Never ever disrespect God ever again
@@withniejules2244 Beautiful post distant friend. Blessings rom New Zealand. "Its time ' ua-cam.com/video/p3PGUExrHuM/v-deo.html
Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and images with us. You have made the piece of music even more beautiful.
Hastasıyım klasik müziğin ya. Özellikle bu adamın şaheserleri bambaşka bir seviye. Cidden inanılmaz
He is among the greatest musicologists that should be lionized. I have the uttermost respect for his services to humanity. He communicates with the ethereal, the innermost of self untouched and mystical to the physical. Bravo!
It was exactly a year ago today. I found out my mom had an evasive type of rare cancer. 58 days from now is when she passed and I found this song while in a chapel asking God why. I live next to a river and have all my life. I see it differently now. I love you. I miss you. I'm sorry.
Esta pieza me hace entrar en otra dimensión. Donde imagino un mundo más humano y mas lleno de magia. Las palabras sobran cuando los sentimientos rebosan.
Esto es demasiado hermoso, me conmueve muchísimo hasta llorar
Compartilho do mesmo sentimento.
Que grande Ludovico. Su música y su piano son poemas del infinito a los oídos. En sus creaciones el universo se acerca no con palabras sino con vibraciones a la humanidad. Muchas Gracias desde Paraguay a este gran creador por su arte!!!
Wow, 2 years ago I found Ludovico, I was going through a seriously low point in life. Drugs, alcohol it was absolutely vile. I’d listen to this on repeat for hours genuinely sobbing! I think Ludovico actually helped me.
I’m now happily engaged, loving life with a baby on the way! Strange how music works
Just reading your comment.
Hope things stoll going well for you.
His music is something special for sure.
That's the power of music my friend! Love your testimony
Strange indeed.
I truly believe music find us at the right time. I had a hard day and UA-cam recommended this song. I was feeling completely lonely and that song felt like a warm hug and comfort to my heart. I’m so grateful to be able to appreciate Ludovico!
Waterfall of tears everytime I listen his music . He is a genius . ❤
Another reason why Einaudi is an absolute legend.
He plays not only with his fingers but also with his soul… his face expresses his thoughts and I feel how he feels the music while making it… I love it ❤️
Das sind so schöne Klänge, ich fühle mich glücklich und gleichzeitig traurig aber doch mehr glücklich, als würde mich jemand trösten und mir verzeihen. Wie als würde er mich umarmen und mich mit Liebe füllen. Ich bin dir so dankbar Jesus Christus ich Liebe dich mein Herr und Schöpfer. 🙏❤️ Diese Musik bringt mich einfach näher, danke Ludovico.
Eu viajo pra bem longe ouvindo essa música! Obrigada Ludovico.
Questo pezzo mi mette puntualmente i brividi. Una sensazione che non so spiegare. Come se la musica entrasse dentro ogni singola cellula del mio corpo. Dolce e maliconica melodia...
Grazie ludovico🇮🇹❤️🙏🏻
I can’t describe the talent of this person, he’s incredibly big, how can such beautiful music come to mind, thanks from Armenia.
God bless you and your family 💛💛💛
Talent? He literally does not even sing he just plays piano
Ludovico não é só um músico. Ele faz com que os sons virem palavras e conversem conosco seu objetivo é que a mensagem chegue até nós. Realmente maravilhoso
La música es el arte de expresar diversos efectos de nuestra alma a través de un sonido hermoso y profundo, que nos transporta a otras dimensiones sensoriales. Gracias Ludovico Einaudi por tu grandiosa música 🎶
This heals. STUNNING, every time he plays, becomes.
Beyond this realm. Blessed be☮
Quando la musica sa riempire i vuoti....ludovico grazie!!
This song is just...... indescribable. The amount of passion he plays with and just so much emotion it’s absolutely astonishing more people don’t know about Ludovico. He should be a household name alongside Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms, Handel, Debussy, Wagner, and so many others. Just absolutely breathtaking
Totally agree. He could bring world peace if everyone listened to him daily.
I understand that music flavours are subjective but, although i like better Ludovico than other classic compositors, the complexity of Mozart/bach/beethoven seems to be much higher.
That moment when you realise that the music and your emotions are a synchronicity and the effect it has on you IS you and your part of a beautiful unity of passion skill and sound lost in the moment of bliss and harmony. Gratitude.
A vida está aí para ser vivida como todas essas notas musicais, Deus em cada nota musical e em cada gesto desse grande artista , que todos nós possamos viver em harmonia.
Amém 🌹
@@OhJoyce Amém.
Old and young musicians together in incredible harmonic and peaceful performance. Great!
Há cerca de 3 anos alguém ouvia Ludovico e eu não conhecia. Fiquei atento e ouvi uma, duas e mais e mais e, 3 anos depois, ouço o mestre e rio, choro, sonho e divago, mas sobretudo, sonho e rio.
Eu ADORO Ludovico Enaudi e também dou graças a Deus por ele existr.
Uma música que transmite sensações incríveis... Fecho meus olhos e me sinto voando, livre, contemplando o mundo, a natureza, ao mesmo tempo que sinto as batidas do meu coração em sintonia com as batidas da música... É como se fosse um encontro comigo mesma e com o mundo! Sensacional!
Sinto o mesmo!!!
For me, this song is about letting go, but within letting go, finding a new freedom and peace.
In these dificult times...this music relaxes us
And we all stand together in this! #hope
It's difficult only if you run out music from him.
Me too!!!!
Dificult times? Lol it's better times 🖤
Fernando Alv yeh it’s not like there’s a world pandemic or anything
I also never listen to piano in my life. Listened to main stream hip hop since a young teenager. I remember being a little kid dreaming of playing the piano. About 3 months ago I came across this. I haven't listened to music I use too in 3 years. Mainly electronic music. Hearing this changed my life. It moves me deeply inside my spirit. I can feel my true self. It's awakened dreams. I will be forever grateful for his music and the piano.
To feel so much feeling and to be well inside is just perfect. Have butterflies in your stomach and be relaxed ... listen to one of your compositions and think that's one is my preferred and listen to another to change your mind .. Mr Einaudi you are amazing all your melodies are perfect. When I see that some person prefers to listen to RAP or another musical genre and they don't know you. We are really lucky to know you and to be able to listen to you. I could listen to you for hours and hours
Quelle classe!!!! C est inexplicable ce que je rescents lorsque jvous ecoute!!!!
One of my favorite Einaudi songs! I always wished it was more popular than it was, that way Einaudi and his team would maybe have different versions and renditions of it. Right now, I only know of this version, the live performance from his home, and the studio recording, but it's so good!
I always cries when i hear your beautiful music... I dont know why, it's so beautiful so moving... Thank you for you ❤
Wow! Imagine how that would feel sitting in that room! shivers #musicislife
Einmal verspielt er sich kurz, man sieht es auch an seinem Gesicht. Aber das Stück ist sowieso grandios. Ein Meisterstück.
Dichoso es aquel que hace música , pero más dichoso es transmitir desde lo profundo .Un placer escucharte !
Merci d'exister tout simplement. Cette musique est.... sublime. ❤❤❤
Splendid. Only the piano. Only the pianist. Then the other instruments join in. In this simplicity lies beauty that cannot be described by words.
Quelle découverte magique, quelle émotion et quel relief à travers cette composition !
Me encanta ludovico,sus piezas son tan emocionales,transmite emociones inexplicables,amo💗
I saw Ludovico last night in Manchester and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life
I think that i can't find the words to describe what i feel after it.
It is beautiful.
Pure beauty
Esas hermosas y penosas emociones donde todo cambia lo escucho para transmutar mis emociones donde sabes que siempre de lo oscuro pasas a el lugar más iluminado eso me hace sentir.avanzar a pesar de todo,solo es llegar a la luz!!
I don't like to listen to his music too long, for it makes people feel depressed. But when I hear his music once in a while, it is... beautiful, makes me to think of heaven, and gives me a sence of peaceful isolation.
Apaixonada pelas canções nas mãos de Ludovico.
Imagine being there and feeling it
Hearing it is really nice but, imagine actually feeling every single chord, I dont think you would ever be the same again, chills.
Wow! Awesome performance of a beautiful piece of music ❤
Each note a symphony . . . every phrase a star gone nova . . . all this vibration and harmony . . . reflecting universal soul . . .
time stops, tears in my eyes, life in every fiber - heaven has come to earth - thank you, thànk you !
Note che vengono giù dal cielo e trasportano lontano.....ammiro tantissimo questo grande musicista
Lo disfruté en directo en Córdoba... al lado de una persona mágica... Gracias Ludovico por poner vida a la vida.
This music is like fine food for the soul. Thank you for creating something so moving.
Hace poco encontré a este gran artista, y me encantó❤! he escuchado varias de sus piezas y todas son hermosas...ayer encontré esta maravilla, me hace sentir mucha calma, paz, me sentía algo perdida en estos días y esta pieza me regreso a la paz que necesitaba🥹
Как же это здорово.
Wow - what a piece. The UA-cam algorithm has done a brilliant job today.
Just beautiful. I dont tired hear this masterpiece over and over. Music like this has great power healing and transformative
Ďakujem za túto hudbu, obrovské emócie ❤❤❤
What can I say but... WOW!
The best musical piece I've heard lately!
Genio assoluto .. Grazie Maestro. Il concerto a Parigi è stato magico !
3:21 Chills all over the place. My soul felt that
This song is a masterpiece. Can't get enough of it. It touches my soul so deeply.
Vivifica, renace, estremece; toca cada fibra de mi ser. Conmueve el alma hasta hacerla gemir en una nostalgia alegre. ¡Maravilloso! ❤️
La sua musica è un brivido infinito. Dire unico e dire pochissimo. ❤
Deus em todas as notas tocadas por um artista espetacular.
Nossa, que coisa linda, tocou-me profundamente. 🦋
I hear the heartbeat of God throughout this piece. His Presence with us, in us, flowing out of us, His creation, from Glory to Glory, soaring into the midst of His Eternal Love and Holy Kingdom, Forever. Amen
Simplesmente, mágica. O som ecoa pela nossa alma...
Seeing him smile, makes all my negativity go away and brings back my drive to live life with all I have
Simplesmente fantástico e incomparável 💞
All of a sudden the world seems bearable. Thank you.
Oh my God, that emotion. What a beautiful piece.
No me canso de escuchar esta melodía, cada nota es un estallido de amor, sufrimiento, felicidad... Simplemente magnífico ❤
All of Einaudi's songs involve the whole Universe and they are a part of the Universe
Превосходно... Браво, маэстро!
After spending time listening to various Piano tracks over the last hour...................this one has to be my own personal favourite and could listen to it on loop all day.
Brings up so many emotions in my soul and being and existence
Pure bliss ...pure genius it really is.
Thank you so much for this true art
Ludovico Einaudi nous raconte une belle histoire.Je me laisse toucher profondément.
Uma música que nos faz transcender...
By far one of my top favorite live performances. This gives me goosebumps from head to toe
I am in love with this piece; so very emotional and deeply relaxing at the same time. ❤️
Душа замирает......и дыхание сбивается......!!!Потрясающе...!!!!Браво...!!!!