Vetés némi komplikációval | Búza | Ursus C-360 | Lovol 454-III |

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @krismiszcz
    @krismiszcz Місяць тому +1

    Ursus - Polska Moc ;-)

  • @gerekaroly9364
    @gerekaroly9364 Місяць тому

    Ez tetszett

  • @janmarjobartels5148
    @janmarjobartels5148 Місяць тому +1

    hello, can you also make a film about different things that happen on the farm? Regards, Jan Bartels, Netherlands

    • @ffvojvodina
      @ffvojvodina  Місяць тому

      What exactly do you want to see?

    • @janmarjobartels5148
      @janmarjobartels5148 Місяць тому

      😢Hello, the latest video is already much more fun to watch. You see a lot more different things. Then driving the tractors back and forth becomes a bit boring in the end. Please continue like the last video and I think it will attract even more viewers. Sjappo for the whole family. Gr Jan Bartels Netherlands ❤❤❤

  • @horvathattilapocok
    @horvathattilapocok Місяць тому

    Minden rossz szándék nélkül, de azt a tárcsát nem bírta volna el 1 traktor??