Every Nardwuar interview that starts with a really guarded guest who slowly gets surprised and gets their walls broken down is my favorite. The moment where Steve goes from being cool to being impressed, he starts opening up a little more and being a little more honest... Nard is life!
It's kinda comforting to know that even Nardwuar needs notes to keep him on track. His brain is overflowing with knowledge, he needs structure or else it'll just spill out all over the place!
@@tugaykaya7738 it’s not a joke, you can find interviews of him talking about how he remembers things. He likes to make sure the consistent questions are always written down because it helps him keep track down the line.
I mean...he HAS to be aware of Nardwuar and his most famous quote. I think it's human impulse to ask that when there's no logical reason for someone to know something crazy about you, but everyone knows that'd just be taking Nard's bait. EDIT: He STILL walked right into it! He IS Steve Lacy, he HAS to know. That's the only good answer.
i love how most interviews are all about the interviewer trying to learn more about the artist and what they know but nardwuard interviews are the artist trying to find out what nardwuar knows about them
Steve is our new decade's generation of music and producing. He's so pretty too ugh. I hope he makes music forever. Been listening to him since he was in the internet. Nardwuar you did good, I love the double Steve Lacy. Him talking about canes is one POINT
I love Steve lacy! So happy he’s getting the fame he deserves. Wish I was nardwuar so I could meet lacy myself! He’s so wholesome and so chill it’s legit impossible to get bored hearing him talking and aside from that for some reason it’s also comforting because he sounds very gentle.
Steve Lacy been one of my favs for a min. But the fact he was listening to J*Davey and Sa-Ra just made my heart smile because they’re some of my favorite underrated artists ever.
There are two ways to be interviewed by nardwaur. Match his level of energy or just totally take it all the way down and Steve nailed that second option
Yeah he contacts anybody associated with them. He contacted me years ago asking about someone I went to school with. I don't think he ever interviewed them though.
For those curious, the first question where Steve Lacy is kinda actually caught off-guard is at 3:20. He lasted longer than a lot of Nard's interview subjects do!
i love how everytime steve meantions an artist that influenced him and nardwaur would jus whip out a record by that artist, like how u know that nardy?
For all those wanting to make music, it is very possible to make that a reality. Steve Lacy make his music on free DAW, GARAGEBAND, on his IPHONE?! Absolutely insane. There’s no excuses y’all, make your dreams come true.
Steve Thomas Lacy-Moya (born May 23, 1998) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and record producer. He gained recognition as the guitarist of the alternative R&B band the Internet. In 2017, he released his self-produced debut EP, Steve Lacy's Demo. Following this, Lacy was featured alongside Frank Ocean on the song "911 / Mr. Lonely" by Tyler, the Creator; and co-wrote songs for artists such as Solange Knowles, Chloe x Halle, and Kendrick Lamar, the latter of whom he worked with on the song "Pride".
Lmao Steve’s attitude was like I know this man gonna know everything about me so I’m just gonna go with it, to him eventually getting more and more surprised, is why Nardie stays one of the best journalists in the game
I remember listening to Lacy nonstop way back in 2017...had Donchano on repeat for months. I wonder how he feels about blowing up so fast. Nardwuar is awesome--so jealous Lacy got that Dilla picture disc!
Absolutely love Steve Lacy since the first time i hear him 5 years ago; thank you so much Nardwuar for this awesome and unique interview as always, i do love you too!💖
Big fan of R Stevie Moore and serious props to Steve Lacy (and Nadwuar) for giving him shout outs. It'd be nice to see RSM enjoy more accolades like this while he's still able to appreciate them.
Every Nardwuar interview that starts with a really guarded guest who slowly gets surprised and gets their walls broken down is my favorite. The moment where Steve goes from being cool to being impressed, he starts opening up a little more and being a little more honest... Nard is life!
Sure would love to get my walls broken down by Narwuar 🥵
Professionals have standards
@@amisria yeah? Calm down
I know Nardwuar got his sources but the “you practiced on Tuesdays and Thursdays” line had me going crazy 💀
I was thinking that… lol wild
right??? it's insane
I love Steve's reaction of a high pitched "Werju'd" and then he let it go lol
He got those resourcesss
I love how narduwar always meets the expectation of an interviewer and then exceeds that by a long shot
Only interviews worth watching imo
depends on the artist. steve was a great sport. sometimes the artists don’t know how to feel about personal info being brought up out of left field
I love how Nardwuar has “Who are you?” written down in his notes 😂❤ 1:25
omg good catch! A look behind the curtain
It's kinda comforting to know that even Nardwuar needs notes to keep him on track. His brain is overflowing with knowledge, he needs structure or else it'll just spill out all over the place!
@@SuperJNG18 he probably did that as a joke. You know some guy with his intelligence can remember a phrase like that. Y‘all got fooled
@@tugaykaya7738 it’s not a joke, you can find interviews of him talking about how he remembers things. He likes to make sure the consistent questions are always written down because it helps him keep track down the line.
@@tugaykaya7738 "y'all got fooled" lol nah bro
I feel he's the entire video trying not to say "how do you know that?". Anyway, their chill reactions are amazing. Definitely a special guy.
at 7:01 he is real close 😂
I felt it, when he brought out the first kiss fact, he was wanting to say it
I mean...he HAS to be aware of Nardwuar and his most famous quote. I think it's human impulse to ask that when there's no logical reason for someone to know something crazy about you, but everyone knows that'd just be taking Nard's bait.
EDIT: He STILL walked right into it! He IS Steve Lacy, he HAS to know. That's the only good answer.
He says it here lol 7:26
You know Nardwuar was ready to tell Steve exactly which page he was on, when he stopped reading that book.
It was that “you use to go to practice every Tuesday and Thursday” that got me💀
@@PatrickOnPoint The catapillar/shian first kiss was nice, that broke the Nardwar ice lol
@@PatrickOnPoint Ah and Project Pat is one of the all time great's if that's what your tag is for!!!
@@KOOLEE88 you already know project Pat and three six 🙌💯
@@PatrickOnPoint Hell yeah!!! RIP Lord Infamous and Gangsta boo
i love how most interviews are all about the interviewer trying to learn more about the artist and what they know but nardwuard interviews are the artist trying to find out what nardwuar knows about them
So proud of Nardwuar getting to the level of interviewing Stevie Wonder. He’s worked so hard for this!
Real shh- tho Nardwuar Vs. Stevie Wonder would be insane
@@lolo644 well he interviewed james brown, so idk if you can top that
@@rojasfilms3250 good point
exactly so proud
@@rojasfilms3250 bruh he once interviewed Michail Gorbachev tf is u talkin about
I love imaging Nardwuar having a tea party with one of the artists family members or their old teacher or coach getting all the juice
Steve beating Nardwuar to the "Doot doola doot doo" cracked me up 😂
"Not quite" LOL
me too. 😂😂🤣🤣
Nardwuar belongs in a hall of fame of some kind.
He needs a pulitzer frfr
The music UA-camr hall of fame.
He's the defacto mayor of Vancouver British Columbia Canada. He's got a day dedicated to him and I'm almost certain he's on their walk of fame
Our hearts ❤️
Nardwuar be everywhere😭 100% deserved tho nardwuar🤞
He only be in Vancouver British Columbia
@@mrb400 * Canada you forgot
Steve wanna act mysterious so bad😭 trying to pretend to not be shocked 😭 I love him though🫶🏾💕🤓
Ye it feels so forced 💀💀
Exactly 😂 you can't fake being mysterious 😜
@@Angel_Shyyy especially around nardwaur
You can’t suprise a Gemini
@@JP-gt7xn right 😂
I love how Steve starts with "I'm not gonna get surprised/ask how you know that" and then he almost subconsciously ends up doing that anyways.
He broke at 7:20 LOL
Nardwuar probably knows if Steve can say hi to his mom
Nardwuar knows the reason he has the inability to say hi to mothers
Can you be quiet? OOOOOHHHH-
Steve is our new decade's generation of music and producing. He's so pretty too ugh. I hope he makes music forever. Been listening to him since he was in the internet. Nardwuar you did good, I love the double Steve Lacy. Him talking about canes is one POINT
I love Steve lacy! So happy he’s getting the fame he deserves. Wish I was nardwuar so I could meet lacy myself! He’s so wholesome and so chill it’s legit impossible to get bored hearing him talking and aside from that for some reason it’s also comforting because he sounds very gentle.
r u sure abt that
@@lemonfridge4192 am I sure about what?
And he also finally got his grammy!
If i ever get the chance to be interviewed by Nardwuar im gonna do my own research and bring my own gifts
hes so above and beyond for every person
i love this idea
I think Pharrel did something similar for him after a few interviews!
Steve has put out so many amazing tracks at such a young age. Can’t wait to see where he goes
bro was like "that's craaaazzzyyy" the entire interview
I feel like every interview with Steve lacy kind of look the same, all the same questions are asked. This was fresh as fuck.
The ending is the best when it pans to Steve in the corner just smiling and staring at Nardwaur in freeze frame 😂
Steve Lacy been one of my favs for a min. But the fact he was listening to J*Davey and Sa-Ra just made my heart smile because they’re some of my favorite underrated artists ever.
I love j Davey and sa ra too
Steve Lacy’s voice is so smooth and calming😌
best ending with Steve just looking back in like "he still there? damn."
There are two ways to be interviewed by nardwaur. Match his level of energy or just totally take it all the way down and Steve nailed that second option
Can't tell if this is a compliment or insult
steve's voice is so soothinggggg
he has such a magical demeanour and i am so in love with him
3:31 “the caterpillar… yeah” PLEASE AHAHAHHA
So happy they gave R. Stevie Moore a shout-out... Do You Feel About The Same is an amazing track
Lol I just came from that track they were talking about this interview in the comments and was curious who it was
Nardwuar definitely gotta be speaking to family members and close friends to make these interviews
Yeah he contacts anybody associated with them. He contacted me years ago asking about someone I went to school with. I don't think he ever interviewed them though.
Probably with a cigarette afterwards.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@@joeybaseball7352 that's hectic 🤣
Ah man, watching Nardwuar peel back the layers of 'cool' is great. A class act
For those curious, the first question where Steve Lacy is kinda actually caught off-guard is at 3:20. He lasted longer than a lot of Nard's interview subjects do!
I can’t believe nardwuar took the time out of his day to collab with smaller individuals, what a legend ❤
Steve is no longer a small artist
@@RMNGMZ Woosh
This joke isn’t funny any tbh
He has 2 grammys
Steve always seems like such a sweet dude! I had my mind blown that he's an R. Stevie Moore fan, but I totally hear the influence now.
Steve is so awkward but I love that about him
It turns out you CAN surprise a Gemini
Giving the people what they want, thanks for this nardwuar😭
i love how everytime steve meantions an artist that influenced him and nardwaur would jus whip out a record by that artist, like how u know that nardy?
He got a fine ass voice 🥵 and I can't believe nardwuar interviewed a legend!!!
Agree, Nardwuar has the sexiest voice indeed
not just his voice tbh 😭
He is so so so so so so fine 😩 like I have wanted Steve for YEARS.
Army? What are you doing here!? 😭
@@Beepboopbopit exactly!!!
For all those wanting to make music, it is very possible to make that a reality. Steve Lacy make his music on free DAW, GARAGEBAND, on his IPHONE?! Absolutely insane. There’s no excuses y’all, make your dreams come true.
But he is more talented than i will ever be
@@lorenzomalachin9073 how old are you? Unless you’re retired there’s really no excuse
@@lorenzomalachin9073 Practice makes perfect, talent doesn't exist to the degree you think it does.
yeah but he has talent lol
@@MixMasterSplinter talent is really just skills , having an ear for what sounds good and practice
So glad to see Steve really blowing up although I do wish people knew more than the chorus of bad habits lmfaoo his entire discography is amazing
Bro the caterpillar part 😂😂 nerdwuar remains undefeated!
Steve Thomas Lacy-Moya (born May 23, 1998) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and record producer. He gained recognition as the guitarist of the alternative R&B band the Internet. In 2017, he released his self-produced debut EP, Steve Lacy's Demo. Following this, Lacy was featured alongside Frank Ocean on the song "911 / Mr. Lonely" by Tyler, the Creator; and co-wrote songs for artists such as Solange Knowles, Chloe x Halle, and Kendrick Lamar, the latter of whom he worked with on the song "Pride".
His reaction to the J-Dilla picture disc was the most excited I’ve ever seen Steve
Saying Doot Doo is my Bad Habit
It's mine too 😌🤣
“Doot doot.”
- Kurt Cobain interview.
this is one of the greatest comments ive ever seen
i love steve so much!! he’s so soft spoken too
*ya* - Steve lacy
Nardi is love. ♡
Also, love to see how big Steve has gotten. Much deserved.
Listened to the R Stevie Moore Song he cited and its incredible how much influence he takes from it - pretty surreal
Glad im here on the upload and not in a compilation. When dude asks "how you know i was reading that book?" Man that's just beyond
Nardwuar is getting older , we don’t deserve him 😢😢😢
Has Nardwuar founded a journalism school yet?
this one was long overdue
Lmao Steve’s attitude was like I know this man gonna know everything about me so I’m just gonna go with it, to him eventually getting more and more surprised, is why Nardie stays one of the best journalists in the game
17:16 how my mom looking at 7 year old me after I showed her the greatest physical stunt of all time (jumped off a couch)
Nardwuar was in the bushes during his first kiss
They unfreeze him when they're ready for the next episode 🥴🥴
17:16 find someone that looks at you the way Steve looks at Nardwar
steve saying he is obsessed with r stevie moore made me a lot more interested in him as an artist!!
You know you’ve made it as a musician when you get interviewed by narduar
I remember listening to Lacy nonstop way back in 2017...had Donchano on repeat for months. I wonder how he feels about blowing up so fast. Nardwuar is awesome--so jealous Lacy got that Dilla picture disc!
I love Steve so much. He’s one of a kind.
Yo i dig this interview Steve seems like a cool dude laid back positive and humble
"the guitar creates the songs not me" idk why but this really hit
7:01 his reaction is priceless 😂
Absolutely love Steve Lacy since the first time i hear him 5 years ago; thank you so much Nardwuar for this awesome and unique interview as always, i do love you too!💖
AHHHHHH I've been waiting for this video for YEARS 😭😭
3:53 when Steve lacy said I’m not gonna ask you how you found out but I’m his face you can immediately see he ask himself “how did he found out”😭
Shoutout nardwuar for interviewing underground artists. Hope this steve guy wins a grammy or something, his music is actually fire
Dude, Steve Lacy is huge right now. He has to be one the most mainstream singers out right now, nowhere close to underground in the slightest bit.
Not to mention you posed this an 1 hour ago
@@Tables-zm7db that comment was a joke btw
@CowKnees_ sorry man.
@@Tables-zm7db clearly sarcasm lol
Nardwuar has steve appropriately nervous in this one.
seeing steve shout out r stevie has me so stoked lol
aw he sounds so sweet, i've been waiting for this interview and it didn't disappoint
steve is so chill and laid back man i didn’t expect him to be so cool
I wish I knew this interview was coming 🔥🔥🔥
Big fan of R Stevie Moore and serious props to Steve Lacy (and Nadwuar) for giving him shout outs. It'd be nice to see RSM enjoy more accolades like this while he's still able to appreciate them.
Don’t forget J Dilla too, he sampled him on his 2003 beat batch, which became his intro for Jay Stay Paid ❤
steves voice is so calming 😍
Best ending to any interview I've ever seen!! hahaha!
narduar the only human who deserve to b immortal
Nardwuar is one of the best! How he finds all this information is mind blowing.
Nardwuar pointing out the Vans continuity is so funny hahahaha
This is the nicest Steve’s been to a fan in decades
His answer for why people should love Steve Lacy was POETIC AF
This interview has given me trust in the future of music.. Nard and Steve bravo!
We love you NardwuarServiette! You’re a LEGEND! The way you evoke natural reactions from personalities we are “familiar with” is unparalleled
Miss those days when Nardwuar would upload fire interviews every other day 🥲
he already interviewed everybody in the damn game! 😂
@@cro3678 i was about to say 😂 he’s on his 2nd-3rd interview with some ppl
he deserves the breaks he gets
He's always uploaded in bursts generally, esp around the time of festivals like SXSW and Coachella
Nard's getting older! Been doing this for decades. My guess is he probably doesn't mind slowing down 👑
Lacy mentioned R. Stevie Moore before Nardwar did. That probably pissed him off.
“ 🤨 *where’d you* … ok 😏 yea mhmm☺️”
Can’t get enough of the King of Interviews.
A GOAT interviewing a GOAT 🐐 🙌
Nardwuar PLEEEAAASE interview R. STEVIE MOORE ...... how amazing would that be? I'd die happy to see those two legends together
This is one of nards better interviews. I’ve been blown away the entire time with how much info he has for this one
His music is crazy and he passed the Nardwuar vibe check👌🏼
Steve seems so shy and sweet. A real genuine musician
7:27 it was like cmon Steve you know the answer lol, nardwuar's laugh so unique
i need to listen to steve read books or something. his voice is so calm and smooth 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
id argue prince was one of the first 'at home music makers' if not most prolific and successful
I’ve been waiting for nardwaur to interview Steve since his Apollo XXI era omg😭🧡
LMAOOOOOO its sooooo gemini of him to pretend to not be shocked
Steve fine af not gonna lie