The Buddha Is the Sitting Itself ♡ Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @GlobalWellBeing
    @GlobalWellBeing  7 років тому +8

    ♡ This is one of my favorite books by Thích Nhất Hạnh ♡ Maybe you will like it too :-)
    "The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation"
    "In this beautiful and lucid guide, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle anecdotes and practical exercise as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness--being awake and fully aware. From washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he reminds us that each moment holds within it an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peacefulness." ~

    • @stuartpratt1879
      @stuartpratt1879 6 років тому

      Global Well-Being 🧦✌🏽😁🤭😭😭

  • @alexdepilarez6921
    @alexdepilarez6921 2 роки тому +2

    Thua Kinh Thay,
    Thank you for the continuation of your presence.
    " A Cloud Never Dies" TNH 🙏🙏🙏❤

  • @rajasekarkunjithapatham7021
    @rajasekarkunjithapatham7021 7 років тому +10

    The Buddha is the sitting itself..... thanks for this inspiring Dhamma talk

  • @chongseitmooi2593
    @chongseitmooi2593 3 роки тому

    It's very ideal to hv dharma family attached constantly when kids r young

  • @ginamori4970
    @ginamori4970 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this chance 💜🙏

  • @AndyAnaya
    @AndyAnaya 2 роки тому

    TNH with his lectures is some kind of witch chiropractor, like he just pushed on this spot on my back and suddenly I have this life-changing freedom of movement like wow thanks

  • @oliviadelphi
    @oliviadelphi 6 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for sharing. ♥️

  • @sharonlee8376
    @sharonlee8376 6 років тому +15

    I've been in a rut for a year and it is still difficult to shake off the negatives in me... And somehow I'm lead to Thích Nhất Hạnh videos...i feel calm by just listening to him..he did remind me that i should be happy with myself for as i've given a life to enjoy the beauty that surrounded me.. The chance to be walking on this earth. Thank you for finding me ,i'm grateful to be able to listen to your speeches
    From Singapore

  • @contemplativepathways7766
    @contemplativepathways7766 6 років тому +1

    The Buddha is also the BREATHING itself.

  • @rubenciox1976
    @rubenciox1976 4 роки тому

    Gracias Thai 🙏

  • @jkrao20
    @jkrao20 6 років тому

    wow ... nice dhamma lession

  • @AlokSingh19903
    @AlokSingh19903 6 років тому +1


  • @bth992002
    @bth992002 6 років тому +2

    Dharma Talk: The Buddhist Understanding of Reality
    By Thich Nhat Hanh Plum Village, France - 21 June 2009
    At the Path of the Buddha retreat, Thay focused on global ethics. A handout (see below) summarized four different approaches to ethical questions. Here is an excerpt from Thay’s last Dharma talk, in which he discussed the Buddhist approach.
    ...We study this line: “Both subject and object of perception manifest from consciousness according to the principle of interbeing.” This expresses an understanding of deep Buddhism. The question of whether we continue to be after the disintegration of this body has been asked by so many people. And there are many ways to answer, according to our capacity to understand. There are at least two kinds of Buddhism. Those who practice popular Buddhism are practicing more devotion than meditation, so their understanding of rebirth is quite different. But to answer this question satisfactorily, you have to use the understanding given by deep Buddhism, the understanding that is in accord with science.
    We usually believe that consciousness is something inside of us, and we go and look for the world outside. We think there is an objective world outside and there is a subjective world inside. Remember when we read from “Winnie the Pooh”? Winnie the Pooh thought he saw the footprints of a hostile animal, and he became afraid. But with the help of Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh discovered that the footprints he found on the snow were his own footprints! The same thing is true with the object of our inquiry - the so-called objective reality of the world. We think it is something distinct from our consciousness, but in fact it is only the object of our consciousness. It is our consciousness. That’s the hardest thing to understand and a basic obstacle for us and for science. Now a number of scientists are beginning to understand this concept. The British astronomer, Sir Eddington, said that on the unknown shore we have discovered footprints of unknown people, and we want to know who has been there before us. We come, inquire and investigate, and we find that they are our own footprints.
    The world outside is our consciousness, is us. It is not something separate and distinct. The object and the subject of perception inter-are. Without subject, there is no object; without object, there is no subject. They manifest at the same time. To see means to see something. The seer does not exist separately from the seen; they manifest at the same time. If you imagine that the seer is independent and goes out in order to see the seen, that is a mistaken perception.
    The Nature of Consciousness
    Consciousness is always consciousness of something, and consciousness only lasts a millisecond. Consciousness is like an elementary particle, like an electron; its nature is non-local. Nonlocality is a word used by scientists about time in quantum physics. An elementary particle can be everywhere at the same time. We think that one thing cannot be several places at once, but scientists have agreed that an elementary particle - an electron - can be both here and there at the same time. It can be both this and that at the same time. It can be you, it can be me.
    Many philosophers and scientists have said that the nature of consciousness has a cinematographic nature. A film is made up of separate pictures that last only a fraction of a second. Consciousness is like that, it just lasts one millisecond. Then, because moments of consciousness succeed each other continuously, you have the impression that consciousness is something that lasts. But the notion of a permanent consciousness is illusion, not reality. Consciousness is only a flash.
    It’s like a flame on the tip of a candle. You think there is one flame, but really there is a succession of millions of flames, one after the other, that give the impression that it is only one flame. The flame of this moment gives rise to the flame of the next moment, and the flame of the next moment gives rise to the flame of the next moment. Things exist only in one millisecond. And that is true not only with consciousness; it is also true with our bodies, because cells die to give rise to other cells. In a month, all our cells will be new cells. It’s like a river. We see a river and call it one name, but the water is not the same water, it’s always changing. You cannot swim twice in the same river, and it is not the same person who goes into the river. Tomorrow it will not be “you” who goes into that river. You will have changed, just like the river constantly changes.
    Buddhism offers the example of someone holding a torch and drawing a circle in the dark. Since he moves the torch quickly, you have the impression that there is a circle of fire. But in fact there is only one dot of fire. Everything is fleeting and impermanent. Modern science acknowledges this.
    No-Self and Samadhi
    Science is now capable of demonstrating no-self. Neuroscience teaches that neurons communicate with each other very well, and they operate together without a leader or a boss. They are like an orchestra playing beautiful music without a conductor. Our bodies are made of many cells and there is coordination among the cells; they don’t need a president of all the cells in order to make decisions. There is no-self.
    If a scientist knows how to maintain that insight on life, then that flash of insight will become a liberating factor. If you just accept that idea as a notion, that is not enough to liberate you from your fear, your desire, your despair. No-self and impermanence as notions are not very helpful. You need to maintain a long-lasting understanding in order to get liberation. That is why samadhi has been translated, “you maintain it like that.” You keep the insight alive and you make it last. In your daily life you are able to maintain the vision of impermanence, the vision of no-self as a living experience. Only that insight can liberate you from fear, from anger, from separation. It is like when you boil potatoes, you have to maintain the fire underneath them for at least twenty minutes for the potatoes to cook. If you light the burner and then you turn it off, you will never have cooked potatoes. Samadhi is like that. Samadhi is the concentration needed to maintain the steady presence of that insight. Scientists are capable of finding no-self and impermanence, but what they need is samadhi to maintain that understanding throughout the day. They need the tools of mindfulness, concentration, and samadhi, in order to discover more. It would be helpful to have practitioners of meditation and scientists to collaborate, in order to discover more about ourselves.
    You can be sure that the world is an object of mind. The sun, the moon, the earth, the cosmos, the galaxies - they are all objects of mind. And our body, also, is an object of our mind. And our mind, also, is an object of our mind. That is why we can investigate the object of our mind. When we understand the object of our mind, we understand our mind, because mind and object of our mind inter-are. One cannot be without the other.
    When we believe that consciousness is permanent, and only the body perishes, that the soul continues and goes to heaven or hell, that is eternalism. A right view should transcend a view of eternalism. A permanent, immortal soul is something that cannot be accepted, either by good Buddhists or good scientists. But the opposite view - that after this body disintegrates, you disappear altogether, is another extreme, another wrong view, called nihilism. As a student of Buddhism, you are not caught in either of these views. There’s only continued manifestation in different kinds of forms; that is rebirth, continuation, in the context of impermanence and no-self. Good scientists see that nothing is born and nothing dies.
    Being a Cloud
    Suppose you are a cloud. You are made of tiny crystals of ice and water and you are so light, you can float. And maybe floating as a cloud, you encounter a block of hot air so you become drops of water and fall as rain. You go down, you come up again, you go down, and you come up again. Transmigration, reincarnation, rebirth is always taking place in a cloud. And yet a cloud does not need to become rain in order to have a new life. A cloud has a new life every moment. Rebirth, continuation takes place with us in the same way.
    There is a lot of cloud in us, and we continue to drink cloud every day. Birth and death are taking place in every moment of our daily life. We should not say, “I will die in twenty years, in thirty years;” no, you are dying right in this moment and you are reborn right in this moment. Rebirth is happening in the here and the now - not in the future. So when someone asks you, “What will happen to me when I die?” Ask him or her, “What happens to you in the here and the now?” If you know what happens in the here and the now, you can answer the first question very easily. You are undergoing birth and death right now because mentally and physically you are of a cinematographic nature. You are renewed in every instant, and if you know how to do it, your renewal is beautiful.

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    And this is my happyness working my vision give me the lord God In heavenly father Amem Is very true love me Tay and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I tell you the truth Tay and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    And my friend I don't like to eat my friend and because I tier my body to my friend now and I'm not serious to me my friend now and I don't like to eat my friend now and I hade to my friend now and to Tay and because you forst me Tay and I don't like to my friend now and I tell you the truth Tay and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    And because my friend and I can not serious to me now the bodies safa and I hade to you now and I stop now please stop to my friend now and because you and my friend you can not love me now and you can not understand me now and I stop now to my friend now and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I tell you the truth now Tay and my friend now and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    Tay I tell you the truth and because my friend Is not sure love me now and I don't like you my friend now Tay please stop and close to my friend now and you mercy me tay and please stop now and give me the other person who loves me true love me now and because my friend and I don't love enymore now Tay please stop and don't force me Tay and give Tay the other person and Tay you understand me now and I don't like to my friend now Tay please stop to my friend and I like to taste to eat that person Tay and I'm very sad to my friend now and I like my happyness and enjoy my life Tay please Tay and I'm very sad to my friend now and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I tell you the truth Tay please understand me Tay and you mercy me tay and I'm free to my friend now Tay please stop to my friend now Tay and I'm very sad Tay and I tell you the truth Tay and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @Dahita
    @Dahita 3 роки тому +1

    Try very hard to say out loud in his face "You are an idiot", truly bielrve it and listen carefully from there to what he is saying; these are common ground anyone can come up with talking slowly and patiently; You can say just anything in this tone and it will sound mystical just as he does. "there is nothing that is as happy as a peaceful butterfly breathing". it's THAT dumb. Healing the emptiness is curing. I invite the Budda to seat. Okay.....

    • @ginamori4970
      @ginamori4970 3 роки тому

      He's trying to get ourselves to be relaxed and he repeats it like a mantra so that it will put you in that relaxed state it's actually very smart if you calm your mind you calm the body what's he supposed to do yell and scream in your face lmao

    • @hoaquynh125
      @hoaquynh125 2 роки тому

      Go ahead n do what u said. Some ppl r smart, some aren’t 🙂

    • @steelonius
      @steelonius Рік тому

      What? Are you suggesting this teaching is "dumb?" Are you saying because he spokes softly that his dumb ideas sound mystical and wise?
      Also, why would you begin with the point of view that someone is an idiot?
      Or are you actually saying "Healing the emptiness is curing?"

  • @maximus1024215
    @maximus1024215 7 років тому

    He keeps repeating himself over and over and over

    • @berndmensing8707
      @berndmensing8707 6 років тому +5

      yes he does. And? Did you get it?

    • @VistipoeVii
      @VistipoeVii 6 років тому +7

      It's how you practice or better yet Training! At first it may seem silly however it's what we do to learn something well... There's a great Chinese Proverb and it goes something like this... "Try once, if you fail, try two times, if you fail, try three times... if you still fail try 10.000 times." - what do you think?

    • @lavadajunerobertsroberts7772
      @lavadajunerobertsroberts7772 4 роки тому

      It's important or repeated over and over. Some people need repetition!

  • @tjc89
    @tjc89 4 роки тому +7

    He has such a relaxing voice and disposition/relaxed attitude. Especially the long pauses before he speaks.

  • @diegosaito2400
    @diegosaito2400 4 роки тому +4

    Buddha is inside of us. He is the best part of us.

  • @tinaoldenskov
    @tinaoldenskov Рік тому +1

    Merci mon professeur que j'aime du fond du cœur. Tu m'as sauvé ma vie et grace à tes enseignements je dis oui à la vie.💜💜💜

  • @bhaktichaudhary1797
    @bhaktichaudhary1797 7 років тому +4

    Thank you so much for posting this beautiful dharma lesson

  • @devonseamoor
    @devonseamoor 6 років тому +2

    Such a wonderful expression of emptiness, at about the 1:25:00 minute. When Buddhism is made of non-buddhist elements, we are free. Free from dogmatism. That's also true with the liberation of, or detachment of material form, as I perceive it. Material form can appear to be so definite and touchable present, to the human mind, that it seems to promise eternal enjoyment and security in "having" that form. Like a man owning his first motorbike, parking it in his bedroom and polishing it, consuming it.
    To the mind, the absoluteness and ownership of material form and even... the idea or sense of ownership of someone or someone's energy, is a dogma, something taken for granted and defended fiercely, as soon as danger lurks in a tiny corner of that same mind, which is a spark of fear. A fear of losing that material form, that ownership, or energy. Which has become nutrition to a gap that is present in one's energy-system or aura, replacing the affinity with oneself in the heart.
    The mind is owned by that form through identification with that form, prisoner of form. While the heart cries in loneliness, abandoned due to fear of loss, due to having lost something so dear, so precious, the mind makes up its mind and decides that the only solution to not feel the pain is the closure of the heart. What is the oil that makes the rusty key turn in that lock?

  • @VistipoeVii
    @VistipoeVii 6 років тому +2

    I was told of Thich Nhat Hanh many many years ago and I bought one of his books... it was very enlightening and allowed me to master myself even more!

  • @hahahohoeast2west574
    @hahahohoeast2west574 7 років тому +3

    this is compassion perfect thank you

  • @bth992002
    @bth992002 6 років тому +1

    "Sutra of the Lion’s Roar." and The Sutra of the Great Net. - Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
    “Community, the Way of Enlightenment can tear down the walls of ignorance, just as light can disperse the shadows. The Four Noble Truths, Impermanence, Non-self, Dependent Co-arising, the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, the Seven Factors of Awakening, the Three Gates, and the Noble Eightfold Path have all been proclaimed to the world like a lion’s roar, dispelling countless false doctrines and narrow
    --The lion is king of the beasts. When he leaves his den, he stretches and gazes out over all the directions. Before seeking his prey, he lets forth a mighty roar that causes the other creatures to tremble and flee.
    - Birds fly high, crocodiles dive beneath the water, foxes slip into their holes. Even village elephants, decked in fancy belts and ornaments and shaded by golden parasols, run away at the sound of that roar.
    -Community, the proclamation of the Way of Enlightenment is like that lion’s roar! …..False doctrines fear and tremble. When Impermanence, Non-self, and Dependent Co-arising are proclaimed, all those who have long sought false security in ignorance and forgetfulness must awaken, celestial beings as well as human beings. When a person sees the dazzling truth, he exclaims, ‘We embraced dangerous views for so long, taking the impermanent to be permanent, and believing in the existence of a separate self. We took suffering to be a pleasure and look at the temporary as if it were eternal. We mistook the false for the true. Now the time has come to tear down all the walls of forgetfulness and false views.’
    -Community, the Way of Enlightenment allows humanity to remove the thick veil of false views.
    -When an enlightened person appears, the Way echoes like the majestic sound of the rising tide. When the tide rises, all false views are swept away. -Community, people are easily caught by four traps. The first is the attachment to sensual desires. The second is the attachment to narrow views. The third is doubt and suspicion. The fourth is a false view of self.
    -The Way of Enlightenment helps people overcome the four great traps.
    Community, the teaching on dependent co-arising will enable you to overcome every obstacle and trap. Contemplate the nature of interdependence in your daily life, in your body, feelings, mind, and objects of mind.”........ TNH...
    ----------------The Sutra of the Great Net. _Thich Nhat Hanh…. Buddha spoke:
    “Bhikkhus, there are countless philosophies, doctrines, and theories in this world. People criticize each other and argue endlessly over their theories. According to my investigation, there are sixty-two main theories that underlie the thousands of philosophies and religions current in our world.
    Looked at from the Way of Enlightenment and Emancipation, all sixty-two of these theories contain errors and create obstacles.” The Buddha proceeded to explain the sixty-two theories and expose their errors. He spoke on the eighteen theories concerning the past- four theories of eternalism, four theories of partial eternalism, four theories on the finitude and infinity of the world, four theories of endless equivocation, and two theories that claim that causality does not exist. He spoke about the forty-four theories that concern the future- sixteen that allege the soul lives on after death, eight that say there is no soul after death, eight that posit there is neither a soul that continues after death nor ceases to continue after death, seven nihilistic theories, and five theories that say that the present is already Nirvana.
    After exposing all the errors contained in these theories, the Buddha said, “A good fisherman places his net in the water and catches all the shrimp and fish he can. As he watches the creatures try to leap out of the net, he tells them, ‘No matter how high you jump, you will only land in the net again.’ He is correct. The thousands of beliefs flourishing at present can all be found in the net of these sixty-two theories.
    Bhikkhus, don’t fall into that bewitching net. You will only waste time and lose your chance to practice the Way of Enlightenment. Don’t fall into the net of mere speculation. “Bhikkhus, all these beliefs, and doctrines have arisen because people have been led astray by their perceptions and feelings. When mindfulness is not practiced, it is impossible to see the true nature of perceptions and feelings.
    When you can penetrate the roots and see into the true nature of your perceptions and feelings, you will see the impermanent and interdependent nature of all dharmas. You will no longer be caught in the net of desire, anxiety, and fear, or the net of the sixty-two false theories.”
    -Old Path White Clouds.
    --Thich Nhat Hanh - Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha.

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    And here my happyness my true love me now and enjoy my life now and I love you so much to all my friends now and very faithfulness to me now super sofort me and loving me and very best friend vitali and tictaful now and I love you so much to all my friends now and soforting me now and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and this is my happyness and enjoy my life now and the outside now my all friend now and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I love you all in the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I tell you the truth now In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    And I stop eat my food to you my friend now and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and Amen?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    Tay please don't stop this person to me and I love this person and I'm so happy and enjoy my life to the person Tay and I love you very much that person Tay and I'm free now to my darling brother and I like always use this person now and I'm very happy and enjoy my life this person Tay and I thank you to you Tay you help me now and I served this person with all my heart this person now and she always here me now and because she always here me now and I like to meet you again all day long use me now and I'm not for get this person Tay please don't stop this person here me every day and night Tay and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I love you so much all day long use my body now this person now and I miss you always have a nice day today my life now my friend and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and I tell you the truth now my friend now and I love you very much this person here now my friend and I pray and I declare In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem and Amen?

  • @julietarojas7637
    @julietarojas7637 2 роки тому

    If you eat my son and her girlfriend and I don't like again and again and again now and I don't like to eat to my friend now and I tell you the truth and I pray and I declare In name of Jesus Christ heavenly father Amem?

  • @universallove280
    @universallove280 5 років тому +1

    Choose Peace until You Become Peace 🥰

  • @randycunningham7318
    @randycunningham7318 Рік тому

    There is no one breathing, there is no one sitting.

  • @jennief2108
    @jennief2108 6 років тому

    We graciously thank you ~ Jennie

  • @cristinajimenez4864
    @cristinajimenez4864 5 років тому

    Unfortunately sounds is very lower

  • @raymondwillis6744
    @raymondwillis6744 5 років тому

    A man may have great discipline but at some point he will fail. Mankind needs a savior.