Has the Rebbe ever reacted in his office to people saying he is Moshiach? (#3 of 3)

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @marcusniaz3110
    @marcusniaz3110 3 роки тому +26

    As a former chabad Chosid from a a litvishe environment I can say with certainty that the belief in the rebbe being moshiach distances people from learning chasidus

    • @dovidf.shapiro7902
      @dovidf.shapiro7902 Рік тому +1

      We’ll he is MOSSIACH that is the truth and everyone knows it misnagdim will always have an excuse to not learn Chassidus

  • @DavidCooper71
    @DavidCooper71 4 роки тому +5

    A literal translation of the rebbe's responses would help.

  • @משהכוכבי-ג3ד
    @משהכוכבי-ג3ד 3 роки тому +6

    Why Eliahu Hanavi didn't come to tell us that the rebbe was the meshiaj?

    • @AngelLPena
      @AngelLPena 3 роки тому +2

      Good question!

    • @israelfarkash4850
      @israelfarkash4850 2 роки тому

      אליהו הנביא לא צריך לבשר מיהו המשיח.
      אליהו הנביא מבשר על הגאולה האמיתית והשלימה.

    • @sholoy480
      @sholoy480 Рік тому

      Read Rambam laws of Kings chapter 12 halacha 2. Eliyahu us not necessary to come and announce moshiach. Moshiach will be recognized by the magnitude of his service to the Jewish people.

  • @davidfriend1919
    @davidfriend1919 Рік тому +4

    I think everybody will know who the messiah is when he comes . Everybody will find out when the time comes .

    • @sholoy480
      @sholoy480 Рік тому +1

      The Rambam in laws of Kings describes certain accomplishments the moshiach will achieve. When we observe these accomplishments then we know that he the presumptive moshiach.
      After he builds the temple then he has finalized the redemption and he is the final redeemer.
      Question for you: if we must only wait for Moshiach and then he comes we will know, then why does the Rambam go to lengths to inform us the qualities of the presumptive moshiach? Why doesn't the Rambam only tell us to wait until he builds the beis hamkidash and then we will know he is moshiach?
      Furthermore why did Rabbi akiva and all the sages declare bar kochba is Moshiach?
      Clearly then the qualifications for the presumptive moshiach is of practical value. That is so that we can recognize moshiach and accept him even before he builds the temple and finalizes the redemption. Exactly like the Rambam and Talmud informs us about Rabbi akiva when he declared bar kochba is Moshiach. Why didn't he just wait for the temple? Why did he declare bar kochba moshiach even before bar kochba finalized the redemption. Clearly then that is the correct course of action.

    • @zelda.1776
      @zelda.1776 Рік тому

      @@sholoy480 The people who said Bar Kochba was Moshiach were wrong...

  • @pinchasreich7773
    @pinchasreich7773 Рік тому +1

    Presumably, The Rebbe meant while he was still alive.

  • @private464
    @private464 Рік тому

    Strange to divide 1 question into 3 videos...especially since in the 1st one he said that he didn't hear anything on High that he was.

  • @shalomeli1
    @shalomeli1 3 роки тому +2

    Ehh you need to read what the letters said to really understand what the rebbe meant. The only thing we know concretely from this Rabbis testimony of what the Rebbe felt as he himself being the Mashiach is what the Rebbe clearly verbalized which Is it what this Rabbi attested to in part 1 of the videos and part 2 that it hasn’t been revealed from above that I’m the Mashiach and when someone called him Mashiach he was disappointed and asked if he’d like him to leave the room I think that’s how the rebbe responded. But those are the clear explanations. If it’s ok to add my smaller understanding if you take notice of the Rebbe and gd forgive me if I’m wrong and saying this the Rebbe in his earlier years was full of life and very witty with expressive responses. Some of those speeches are audio recordings not video in the Rebbes later years he was a bit more on the gentler and less expressive, I don’t think his lack of expressiveness to rebuttal the claim of him being the Mashiach is a affirmation to him accepting it. He wasn’t the same in strength as in his earlier years. Maybe

    • @sholoy480
      @sholoy480 Рік тому

      Pay attention to the years. Rabbi groner said the years on Hebrew so maybe some didn't understand. The young man at whom the Rebbe was displeased that was in 1986.
      The letters were 1990 and onwards and in response to both these letters the Rebbes response was affirmative

  • @jonathankahanovitch2839
    @jonathankahanovitch2839 4 роки тому +1


  • @davidmanashrove9850
    @davidmanashrove9850 2 роки тому +1

    I wish and hope that he is but I guess that the question that should be asked is the Rabbi from zera bait David?

    • @uriel7203
      @uriel7203 3 місяці тому

      He actually is. It is a tradition that the Marharal mePrag (he wrote Gur Aryeh) was a ben acher ben from David HaMelech (one of many btw), and the Rebbe was also a ben acher ben of the Marharal.

  • @davidmanashrove9850
    @davidmanashrove9850 2 роки тому

    I guess the question should be is the rabbi from the zera bait David?

  • @משהכוכבי-ג3ד
    @משהכוכבי-ג3ד 3 роки тому +2

    למה אליהו הנביא לא ביסר שהרב הוא מלך המשיח?

    • @sholoy480
      @sholoy480 Рік тому

      Read Rambam hikchot milachim chapter 13 halacha 2.
      Coming of eliyahu before moshiach is not necessary

  • @rednab770
    @rednab770 Рік тому


  • @sarukeshel6429
    @sarukeshel6429 3 роки тому +1

    Only a Hasidic Moshiach, would be comfortable in answering a question with a story...

  • @rationalistssj6540
    @rationalistssj6540 2 роки тому +7

    The notion of the Rebbe being Moshiach is in any event ludicrous, as there were many people even in his day who were much greater than he was in all areas of Torah and avodah. But even besides for that, Rambam (Melachim 11:4) clearly states that Moshiach must defeat all the nations around him, build the Beis HaMikdash on its site and gather the dispersed of Klal Yisrael. The Rebbe of course did none of this: there is still widespread lack of observance throughout the world, and last I checked, the Temple Mount remains under Arab control. And as evident in many sources, Moshiach must be a live person (see previous halachah there, and Bereishis Rabbah 98:14) and the Rebbe is dead (and if you feel he is still alive, you need a refuah sheleimah bekorov mamesh). Further, the Rambam in Iggeres Teiman (p. 52 of Kafich ed.) states clearly that he will emerge in Eretz Yisrael (a place the Rebbe never even wanted to visit), and that he will be a man who will be UNKNOWN before his revelation. This certainly cannot be said of him. There's much more to say, but this suffices to debunk all Chabad's deeply disturbing heretical claims.

    • @sholoy480
      @sholoy480 Рік тому

      Your tone is so arrogant, you sound unwell.
      Just to quote tuvia singer when he was asked this question he said
      In his opinion the Rebbe single handidly saved Judaism after the Holocaust. No one had interest in being relegius in the 70s and 80s. To me that's the definition of moshiach but regardless to speak of the Rebbe the way you just did you sound supremely biased and unwell. Tuvia singer btw is not a lubavitcher and he's a pretty smart guy.
      Also many great Jewish leaders signed a psak halacha that the Rebbe is "chezkas moshiach"
      Just one prominent such posek R Hirshprung.
      I think your assessment of the Rebbe and the Rambam text takes a back seat to r. Hirshprung.
      So here's an idea and some advice
      Walk and speak humbly.
      Try to understand other people and their beliefs even if it's different from yours.
      Learn Torah lishmah - for Gd- not to put others down.
      Next time you want to disparage someone and most certainly a Tzadik take a.moment and reflect on the state of your soul which despite it's root in GD is also totally separate from GD on account do your sins. Reflect on your sins you committed just yesterday and 2 days ago and allow yourself to deflate just a little.

  • @emmadiamond2325
    @emmadiamond2325 2 роки тому +2

    This is so sad.

  • @MOSHIACHTVinternational
    @MOSHIACHTVinternational Рік тому +1

    Rebbe Melubavitch is not Moshiach He prepared the world for Moshiach. He Yes has an aspect of Moshiach but his job was to prepare and explain the idea. He did it excellent!!! It’s called coming of Eliyahu before Moshiach come. Biyat Eliyahu.
    All Hasidus is devided to many movements and it’s Torah of Golus. Because it’s separated to many movements. It’s Torah from Sinai. Torah of Moshiach is Torah from Zion.
    כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר ה׳ מירושלים.
    Rabbi was the prophet of GEULAH and did his job perfectly. Not only Rabbi is Eliyahu, the entire light that come into this world called biyat Eliyahu. It’s God’s relevation in this world is Eliyahu. Preparing before Moshiach come and fight wars of Hashem. The real MOSHIACH IS NOT ADMOR, RABBI, it’s come from the bottom and is not ADMOR. And it’s not just 1 man it’s many like him, the army of simple people are Moshiach. And the Army of Moshiach will consist not Jews, 70 nations. That means - when Moshiach come - it’s going to be Wars of Hashem that Moshiach will fight against all villains of the world and win. By power of speech and he will built the Army consisting 70 nations and this army will destroy all army of the enemies of God.
    The nations of the world will say - כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר ה׳ מירושלים
    ברוך אתה ה׳ מלך העולם

  • @YehoshuaD
    @YehoshuaD Рік тому


  • @kalman770
    @kalman770 Рік тому

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe is king Moshiach!!!!!!!!!! Wake up Jews!!!!