Do I still LOVE the Dualsense Edge Controller? | Gears and Tech

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @GearsAndTech
    @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +2

    DS Edge Controller -
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    • @adebiyikehinde2197
      @adebiyikehinde2197 Рік тому

      Please 🥺🥺🥺
      Please 🙏🙏🙏
      Please 🥺🙏🙏 I need a PS5 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE 🙏 HELP 🥺 ME 🥺 and please do ignore me 🙏😭🙏

    • @honorablementionz3263
      @honorablementionz3263 Рік тому

      What's the very fastest settings

  • @Gaming-Enthusiast
    @Gaming-Enthusiast Рік тому +17

    I’m still loving my Duelsense Edge , game changer for Modern Warfare 2 👌👌👌

    • @jonathan5656
      @jonathan5656 Рік тому +1

      Very nice controller. Got mine few weeks ago and fell in love it with it first day

    • @abemickeygaming7742
      @abemickeygaming7742 Рік тому +2

      I wish the controller came standard so know one would have an advantage over the next gamer

    • @Gaming-Enthusiast
      @Gaming-Enthusiast Рік тому +1

      @@abemickeygaming7742 I use back buttons for L3 and R3 way easier on cod

    • @jimmyjohnson5835
      @jimmyjohnson5835 Рік тому

      Got mine today. In your experience, what is the absolute best settings for warzone/resurgence? Any help would be greatly appreciated

    @MIRR0R0RRIM Рік тому +4

    I love mine. Aside from all the features mentioned in this video, something I really like about it is that with my bigger hands, my pinky fingers don't press against the squared off edge of the standard dualsense controller which caused me some discomfort. So the Edge feels WAY better based on that one change alone.

    • @mvmnt_gaming
      @mvmnt_gaming Рік тому

      fr that one part made me hate the standard ps5 controller n avoid using it

  • @H_e_X_n
    @H_e_X_n Рік тому +11

    I'd be interested to see you do a video on installing the extreme rate analog sticks.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +2

      Oh that one is coming! Just waiting on parts

    • @kiterJ
      @kiterJ Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech do kontrol freeks fit on the the standard sized hydrid sticks?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      Yes. They would fit fine since they fit on regular ps5 control sticks. They are the same

    • @kiterJ
      @kiterJ Рік тому +1

      @@GearsAndTech great news, thanks for the reply. Looking forward to the besaviour vs edge showdown video 👍👌

    • @walterwolfgaming
      @walterwolfgaming Рік тому

      I already try that, you can find a video on my channel to check how it look. I don't like taller thumbsticks, this that comes with Edge is to much for me 😂

  • @fatmangoboom7722
    @fatmangoboom7722 Рік тому

    I like that you spent your own money and are up front about that!
    Instant subscribe

  • @michelladriere2688
    @michelladriere2688 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for this great review. About the thumb stick not being tall enough, I used the same KontrolFreek I am used to on the Dualsense. Feels exactly the same, works like a charm.

  • @ch3micalromanc369
    @ch3micalromanc369 Рік тому +3

    I prefer the little buttons on the back on my set up tbh 👍 what a controller though, once there's a battery upgrade it will be even better 💯

  • @mikem2253
    @mikem2253 Рік тому

    I bought one. Was about to return it but gave it some time. Now I love it. Using it on both the PS5 and my PC.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      If the sticks were taller I would probably still be using it

    • @AKSBSU
      @AKSBSU Рік тому

      I just decided it was worth the investment due to the replaceable sticks and the irritating stick drift issue along with more features. I use the DualSense for PS5 and PC as well (depending on genre) along with my PC38x headset for both.

  • @UnkleBot
    @UnkleBot Рік тому

    i use the longest one for my left and the standard one with a kontrolfreek on it for the like a charm

  • @unforgivencaleb528
    @unforgivencaleb528 6 місяців тому

    Actually got myself a Dualsense Edge (will have an unboxing video sometime tomorrow, but I've tried it shortly after recording the footage).
    A really solid controller, and it works surprisingly well on PC. You have to use DSX in order to set up profiles on PC (I don't own a PS5), but it works. I'm even using it on the XBox with a Mayflash Magic-X adapter!

  • @thedon7941
    @thedon7941 Рік тому +1

    I love the controller battery life the cable use works for me playing fps games my gameplay improved a ton!

  • @BoredAwen
    @BoredAwen Рік тому

    Good review. Planning to buy one.

  • @beastmastreakaninjadar6941
    @beastmastreakaninjadar6941 Рік тому +2

    I just use the standard thumbsticks with a Kontrol Freek Galaxy extender and a Precision Ring on the Right stick. Works great.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      It's just too bad we have to buy more accessories to make our $200 controller better.

  • @St.Louis_81
    @St.Louis_81 Рік тому +1

    I just put the control freeks on for good height on the standard sticks

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I have tried those before. I don't like them.
      I have a better idea. Just need time to test it out

  • @mvargasmoran
    @mvargasmoran Рік тому

    14:18 what game is that?

  • @anonpanther
    @anonpanther Рік тому

    Great video and attention to detail.

  • @DyllonMcDonald68
    @DyllonMcDonald68 Рік тому

    oh im still in love with it.

  • @johnmckown1267
    @johnmckown1267 Рік тому

    I never understood why I would want a high thumbstick. Your explanation made the light in my brain go on. It's still an appliance light, but it's on.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +2

      I always just assumed people understood the concept.
      Maybe I need to do a video on thumbstick height and why it Matters
      Also, Xbox has a taller thumbstick than ps5. So they have a naturally built in advantage when comparing stock controller to stock controller

    • @metal-adjacent
      @metal-adjacent Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech Another cool idea to dive into is how different a concave vs convex vs hybrid style thumbstick grip changes things too. A convex type being a soft and larger radius makes changing direction quickly into a longer throw; whereas a concave or hybrid allows the thumb to roll edge to edge quickly as you cross the zero point.

  • @rapidrampage1105
    @rapidrampage1105 Рік тому +3

    I just got mine after pondering for a while. It's expensive but totally worth it if you're a gamer. The sensitivity is really something else it's hard to explain but a noticeable upgrade from the regular dual sense. I really like how easy it is to swap out the triggers and everything else. I still use the regular dual sense for regular games or heavier button mashing sports games I won't use my edge. Even the stick replacements are $20 bucks a pop, so it's definitely not for someone on a tighter budget and if you don't play first person shooters it's not worth it at all.

  • @mx103tv8
    @mx103tv8 Рік тому

    To make the aim stick taller u can use the tall domed and put a tall kontrol freek

    @SOUNDWAVEMAN Рік тому +1

    Definitely would like to know if installing the extremeRate thumbsticks is possible with each individual module for the Dualsense Edge. And if it is possible how easy is it to accomplish?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      It's possible. But not easy. You need to cut open the casing of the shell with a knife

  • @drigop.626
    @drigop.626 Рік тому +2

    I use my kontrol freeks on the original concave thumbstick. The "tall" thumbstick were too short for my liking. I hope they make taller ones. For now my Kontrol Freeks integrated naturally back to my muscle memory on aiming.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +3

      It's an option I would have never expected to need to do in a 200 usd controller

    • @drigop.626
      @drigop.626 Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech I agree. I just hope they make taller thumbsticks.

    • @willy7968
      @willy7968 Рік тому

      @@drigop.626 which control freak do u use

    • @drigop.626
      @drigop.626 Рік тому +1

      @@willy7968 the Battle royale nightfall convex version. I like the taller Kontrol Freeks.

  • @brandaohimself
    @brandaohimself Рік тому +3

    With regard to the makes sense to assume that Sony thinks the market for this controller is going to largely be people that are coming from a dual sense rather than having already heavily invested in a controller. So marinating that feel was probably more important than standard 3rd party high stick height. They could have provided the option tho. Hopefully they will sell higher sticks at some point

    • @beastbeastie7117
      @beastbeastie7117 Рік тому +5

      I did not even bother trying the other stick heights i just slapped my kontrol freeks on that i have bin using on ps4 then the ps5 en they fit the edge controler just the same placed over the base sticks coming out of the box for everyone used to playing with kontrol freeks don't panic like dude

    • @brandaohimself
      @brandaohimself Рік тому

      @@beastbeastie7117 same.

    • @Garrison64
      @Garrison64 Рік тому +2

      I found the longer sticks that come with it to be plenty long enough. Any more and the reach would be a bit much and I don’t have small hands.

    • @CMFS101
      @CMFS101 Рік тому

      The “Short Sticks” are the same height as Dual Sense sticks. I was hoping for something shorter. I’ve been using the Kontrol Freaks foam washers to help my lack of stick skills

  • @threelions7646
    @threelions7646 Рік тому

    Please please please show how to use / set up the Besavior with the Titan Two - please 🙏

  • @aj2468
    @aj2468 Рік тому

    Can you map the back buttons to right analog stick movements ?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I dont think it lets you do that. I never tried, but I doubt it

  • @abemickeygaming7742
    @abemickeygaming7742 Рік тому

    Couldn't you just attach a control freak high rise on top of thw right thumb stick for more height? Thats what i do on my regular dualshock

  • @East5high614
    @East5high614 Рік тому +2

    Accurate review i got controller and i agree with all points. They need to make better thumb sticks with better grip the ones that come with are too hard of a plastic

  • @jamesteves435
    @jamesteves435 Рік тому

    I hope we can set combinations (like hold square + R2) in the future updates.

  • @teykpek9622
    @teykpek9622 Рік тому +3

    i got mine a couple of weeks ago . i am still having a blast . as an old gamer i missed the convex thumbsticks .feels great in every damn shooter actually every game .
    now about the price .. 69 bucks for a regular ds , 200 for this one . just like ps slim vs ps pro ... there is almost nothing this controller can do that a regular one cant without manipulation ..
    you want trigger stops , change your bumper config .
    you want convex high rise ? go buy some freeks .
    you want back pedals ? learn to play claw .
    but one thing stands out and that is replacable analog sticks .. i am just having a blast with mine . but if you are not a hardcore gamer and game long hours , you dont need this .
    about the battery life .. well since the introduction of charging cords , i almost never ever used any type of controller without a cord so i wouldnt know .

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Great perspective.

    • @dave93x
      @dave93x Рік тому +2

      Ergonomics are not a negative. "Learn to play claw" or "change your bumper config" is fine to blurt out but in practice it's not for everyone.
      I need the paddles. I have never held my controller with my index fingers on the bumpers and middle fingers on the triggers. This is why I need the paddles for my main game, Rocket League, which uses a left and right mechanic. People remap that mechanic to L1 and R1, but I can't do that.
      When it's not on the RL profile, it'll be a profile where claw is something I could use if I was ever comfortable with it. X/Jump on right paddle, O/crouch/dodge on left, or □/reload on left. But I'm not and I'm not going to. Same logic applies to being miserable for weeks/months relearning bumpers as being shoot.

  • @vikingnorm6935
    @vikingnorm6935 Рік тому +1

    I ordered 1 last night, right from Sony, Told the wife it can be her birthday present to me!!!😂

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      Seems like a gift you would appreciate

    • @vikingnorm6935
      @vikingnorm6935 Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech For sure!! We are around 50, we have been together forever, basically we ask the other “What do you want this year?” 😂

    @TMACFROMCHIRAQ773 Рік тому +1

    I put my triggers on 0-01 to make it more like a click trigger

  • @samadhoosen6014
    @samadhoosen6014 Рік тому +1

    I wonder what these cost to make

  • @shawntussey4941
    @shawntussey4941 Рік тому +1

    For 200$ i wish they gave us a mate black finish instead of the glossy. Glossy scratches to easy and finger prints

  • @mokylarry1525
    @mokylarry1525 Рік тому +1

    I think like him I really dont need. I only play madden . If I was shooter game maybe.
    The controller does feel better especially far as weight very good.
    Feeling in your hands very good.
    I never used pro controller so it’s hard for me to get use to the buttons on the back.
    Those short buttons are better than the long ones because when used longer ones I mistake hit it couple times.
    The short buttons in back no accidents and feel good just have to remember they back there.

  • @SuperCyberMaster
    @SuperCyberMaster Рік тому

    Hi. Can you test this controller for Gran Turismo 7 ? I am curious Dualsense Edge also have a default dead zone like Standard PS5 Controller in game (Gran Turismo 7). So i mean if you put Dead Zone to 0 - 100 for Triggers in setting for Dualsense Edge, then still in the game GT7 is there a dead zone for throttle and brake , L2 R2 ? And also Full Throttle and Full Brake is at maximum when trigger is 100% pulled down in Gran Turismo 7 ?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      In game deadzone is boss
      But if controller deadzone is set higher than in game deadzone then game won't get any trigger effect until after that
      So technically whichever deadzone is set higher wins

    • @SuperCyberMaster
      @SuperCyberMaster Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech So if Gran Turismo 7 has in game Dead Zone, then PS5 Dualsense Edge with Dead Zone - 0 will have that in game dead zone like basic PS5 Controller.

  • @knightmareKnight1
    @knightmareKnight1 Рік тому

    I like that blue one you got. It looks clean Af. You have any videos on how you build that one 😊? 🤔

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

  • @kevjul100
    @kevjul100 Рік тому

    The analog sensitivity can be adjusted? I play some games with the camera sensitivity all the way up. And it still feels stiff. This can be adjusted?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I don't think sensitivity can be changed. Just min and max deadzone

  • @DyllonMcDonald68
    @DyllonMcDonald68 Рік тому

    oh and control freaks work if you have an issue with the stick not being tall enough, but you have to get the XBOX 1 control freaks if you want it to be snug.

  • @timmybear93
    @timmybear93 Рік тому +4

    This controller is fucking awesome!

  • @mansoorsharker2830
    @mansoorsharker2830 Рік тому +1

    Why is there 2 be saviour controllers which 1 do I buy ?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      But the prebuilt
      One is white. One is black.

  • @8r4nd0
    @8r4nd0 Рік тому

    There already is battery life extenders out there on Amazon

  • @studivan
    @studivan Рік тому +3

    Love the Duel sense controller, mine got stick drift, but instead of buying the replacement cartridge, I bought 2 Potentiometer from Amazon for $4.00 and replaced the free wheels in the stick cartridge I already have, it was super easy, no more taking the entire stick apart, there’s a video on how to do it on UA-cam.

    • @kavid8120
      @kavid8120 9 місяців тому +1

      Are you talking about the green things that are soldered on or the little silver ring inside the green housing ?

  • @ajmgames9037
    @ajmgames9037 Рік тому

    Had me interested until talked bout thumbsticks why would I get used to daft sticks that come with? Been using Kontrol freaks 4ever and they fit

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I think it's unreasonable to have a feature be that the Thumbsticks are swappable, and expect me to buy 3rd party ones to get the right height
      At that point why not use the regular dual sense for half the price and add the stick on trigger stops

  • @SuperCyberMaster
    @SuperCyberMaster Рік тому

    Hi. Can you test this controller for Gran Turismo 7 ? I am couriose Dualsense Edge also have a default dead zone in game (Gran Turismo 7). So i mean if you put Dead Zone to 0 in setting for Dualsense Edge, then still in the game GT7 is there a dead zone for throttle and brake , L2 R2 ?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      if you mess with in game deadzone, and controller deadzone whichever setting is more aggressive will be the one that works.

    • @SuperCyberMaster
      @SuperCyberMaster Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech So what ? I will have dead zone in the game still if i set to 0 in settings ?

  • @robertmurray4826
    @robertmurray4826 Рік тому

    Bro kontrol freaks from Temu or Ali express like how don’t u have them

  • @mambaout2437
    @mambaout2437 Рік тому

    hi bro are you still using it? have you done stick drift test? i bought it too but when i shoot deadzone 0 while playing cod, there is a little drift

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      I usually run deadzone at 1
      No drift issues

  • @davidtsmith33
    @davidtsmith33 Рік тому

    In first person shooter games can't you use L2 to aim as is used in the majority of other games?

  • @johnmckown1267
    @johnmckown1267 Рік тому

    I watched a lot of your videos on PS5 controllers. I got the Edge mainly because I couldn't find the Besaviour. I got it easily on Playstation direct for around US $170.

  • @Tberg725
    @Tberg725 Рік тому

    Old video but I stumbled upon it I’m debating between this and the scuf reflex fps
    You think it’s possible to remove the rumble packs? Not a fan of heavy controllers and loved my scuf on ps4 with them removed

  • @Woodscj8
    @Woodscj8 Рік тому

    Question. So i play a lot of call of duty and have a problem with pressing down on the right stick which causes a Melee or drop shot if using tactical during gun fights. Can you remap the RS to do nothing? Lol

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I haven't seen that option on any controller yet

  • @nwanu
    @nwanu Рік тому

    Waiting for mine to come in. What game is that at the 14:19 mark?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Not sure. It's random b roll my editor used when putting the video together

  • @Falascoa
    @Falascoa Рік тому

    Does the dual sense edge still require a third party app to use it on PC?

  • @mr.woowoo8826
    @mr.woowoo8826 Рік тому

    I love this controller.

  • @choppaboyz2713
    @choppaboyz2713 Рік тому +1

    May I had when you use it you won’t wanna go back. I put old one my hand now and can not use. I mean I can obviously but feels to light and cheap lol I am spoiled.
    Just buy the extension GameStop for 19.99.
    I have one tall one short. It’s on my edge now I forgot name company it’s purple tho lol but they have all type of colors.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      Yeah. It's just annoying you need to use those products when they have adjustable Thumbsticks already

  • @dameercasino03
    @dameercasino03 Рік тому +1

    Hi since you play mostly FPS games, have you tried to take your R2 range from 0 to 1 on the duelsense edge? I was curious how responsive that would be compared to your clicky triggers on your diy nodded controller.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      It's not the same as clicky triggers

  • @freshprintz9504
    @freshprintz9504 Рік тому

    It’s ok. I prefer my Battle Beaver mainly cause the extra back buttons and the stick tension. Can’t go back now.

  • @badmoose01
    @badmoose01 Рік тому

    Consider investing in kontrol freeks

  • @lunartigersora4690
    @lunartigersora4690 Рік тому

    you make good points, I've used a modded controller before and tried xbox elite but nothing gives me the comfort of the dualsense edge with half dome back buttons. I adjust pretty fast to analog sticks so I haven't had an issue with that either. I actually use the default ones, my main gripe is battery life and the fact the controller only comes in white but that's an EZ fix too

  • @conor-_C
    @conor-_C Рік тому

    could u not get other thumb sticks or will others not work

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      They have a proprietary click system that they attach with. So other brands won't fit on it

  • @bleedgreen717
    @bleedgreen717 Рік тому

    What buttons do you bind to the paddles for apex?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I play cod mostly
      I bind x to the lower right paddle
      O to the lower left paddle
      When I have a 4 paddle controller I make the upper left be square

  • @grantdavinson3101
    @grantdavinson3101 Рік тому

    So if you don't want to use those profiles of dynamic precise steady etc, you just want it like your old controller, do you just leave it on default?

  • @represent_bv
    @represent_bv Рік тому

    Can you Test the Razer wolverine v2 Pro white the besavior and the cronus zen

  • @runnerpsu
    @runnerpsu Рік тому

    Earlier today, I purchased a PS DualSense Edge controller. I have arthritis in my right hand so I'd like to remap the R2 to the right paddle. When I try I receive a message that R2 is assigned to multiple tasks so the remap will not work. Any suggestions?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Try a factory reset and try again?

    • @runnerpsu
      @runnerpsu Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech Not sure what I did different but this time it worked. Thanks for your time & help.

  • @markslade9928
    @markslade9928 Рік тому +1

    I was about to order this controller but been reading many reviews saying the 'x' or 'o' buttons have been reported by many users to be lose and almost feels like they going to fall out....did you notice any issues with your controller?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I didn't notice that issue at all

    • @uhhhpersoniguess
      @uhhhpersoniguess Рік тому

      I've had that issue. I'm considering asking for a replacement, because this price point leaves little room for error, imo

    • @markslade9928
      @markslade9928 Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech Thanks for replying, I think I will place my order for it soon soon

    • @Garrison64
      @Garrison64 Рік тому

      No problem with mine

    • @danielespinoza6569
      @danielespinoza6569 Рік тому

      Do you all have the same sensation as with the regular Dualsense? I just got my Edge a couple of days ago and while the X and O don’t feel like they’re falling apart, they definitely have less travel than the regular version. Kind of offering less resistance as well.

  • @tomassoejakto
    @tomassoejakto Рік тому +1

    15:33 I still think $200 is a lot, considering that it's white plastic... it's not a sensible design choice for tropical third-world countries where I live. But I'll probably reconsider once they release --at least-- an all-black version 😋 Thanks for the video. Cheers.

    • @cypherx9
      @cypherx9 Рік тому

      Agreed. I'm suprised more colors weren't included but maybt the edge was a planned design without colors and the extra colors came out of nowhere

  • @ziyadalyousef6390
    @ziyadalyousef6390 Рік тому

    Hey, would you recommend this controller for someone who does not play competitive games like Warzone ?
    I mostly play single mode games(Elden Ring, the last of us…etc)

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I'm not sure what the point would be to use this for experiential games. Regular dual sense would work fine in that case

    • @mikem2253
      @mikem2253 Рік тому +2

      I would say yes. Games like the witcher 3 need you to take your finger off the movement stick to use potions and healing. With this, you could map those to the rear buttons and not lose movement.

    • @tendjinn
      @tendjinn Рік тому

      I don't know about the Edge specifically but I use my Xbox Elite 2 on every PC game I play. It has 4 paddles rather than 2 but the general concept of having paddles on the back to help with certain things is the same. I played Elden Ring using my Elite and it felt great. Paddles take time to get used to and maybe even longer if you don't have a specific purpose in mind and are just doing general gaming but once you do get used to them it's hard to live without them. As much as I've enjoyed my PS5 and love some of the Dual Sense features, I miss my Elite when playing my pS5. I'm hoping the Edge will help with that. So while I don't think it's something you need, if you game a lot it will probably be something you enjoy once you get used to using the extra features.

  • @garyr5866
    @garyr5866 Рік тому

    In a word no! The grips have turned yellow, and before someone says it. I'm always washing my hands, I'm alittle old about it tbh. And the rubber has started to bubble and come away from the controller. 210 british pounds for this level of quality is a slap in the face!

    • @jeffmoen8563
      @jeffmoen8563 9 місяців тому

      Mines perfect after a year. Take better care of your stuff. You probably grip your controller to hard or maybe getting frustrated getting killed in cod or killed in elden ring. Lol

  • @DyllonMcDonald68
    @DyllonMcDonald68 Рік тому +1

    i use the wings i like them more.

  • @mikemercer5808
    @mikemercer5808 Рік тому

    Good luck finding one.

  • @Punisher_MrWick
    @Punisher_MrWick Рік тому

    I have a scuf ps5 controller and a PS5 Dualsense edge controller I like them both!

  • @DyllonMcDonald68
    @DyllonMcDonald68 Рік тому

    the thing about this controller is it leaves room for better joysticks.

  • @davidtsmith33
    @davidtsmith33 Рік тому +1

    I just got the Edge within the last week and enjoying it so far. Agreed it does have a premium feel.
    Only hope it doesn't develop stick drift as soon as the standard one did. The standard controller developed stick drift would you believe just after 2 weeks of use.

    • @Forrealdeal4u
      @Forrealdeal4u Рік тому

      You’re over reacting, I’ve had mine for months and no drift on original controller. You might have a defected one.

    • @davidtsmith33
      @davidtsmith33 Рік тому

      @@Forrealdeal4u Not over reacting at all. Started drifting after 2 weeks as I said to the point it was pointless trying to play with it. Hence I bought the Edge. Same potentiometer crap but at least it would be easier to change the thumbstick module should drifting occur.
      Maybe I had gotten a bad standard one I dunno. It's been luck of the draw from what I gather of other users.

  • @NetvoTV
    @NetvoTV Рік тому

    If you buy this to use as mouse and keyboard replacement for your Mac, can you map the index trigger button to macro so you can have more buttons to do more things instead of the standard X, ∆,O,[] and R and L buttons? Can you use adaptive trigger on Mac games too?

  • @aSunsayy
    @aSunsayy Рік тому

    batery is the same 1500 on sens and sens edge. label dosnt lie

  • @tmac8902
    @tmac8902 Рік тому

    Instead of tearing apart the moduel you can use KontrolFreeks

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      For sure. But I never really liked the feel of the control freaks

  • @driverman8615
    @driverman8615 Рік тому

    question, are my avatar's suppose to move when I just move the controller on ps5? it is not stick Drift. They don't move a lot but enough to be annoying.

  • @jesuscervantesj82
    @jesuscervantesj82 Рік тому

    I'm not really I find myself using The half dome paddles more than the longer ones. I find them More Comfortable and they have the ease of no accidental Pressing on them.
    That's the only thing I hate the battery life is so annoying. And in my opinion. I really don't wanna be tied to The Wire why You may ask because a wire is a double edge sword one. It does offer you probably less Latency Or there is no difference between both but anybody casting by will trip If they don't see The Wire and since you have The lock thing on most likely your PS5 will given and it's gonna be the one that's going to fall To the ground and crash.

  • @chino2197ify
    @chino2197ify Рік тому

    Try using kontrolfreeks high rise stick on the regular size thumb stick and should solve your problem 😊

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +3

      Ive used those on other controllers before
      It's a shame I need to spend $200 usd on a controller and then more money to fix an issue that shouldn't be an issue

  • @petterblade
    @petterblade Рік тому

    I have to disagree on the grip of the controller is actually smaller grips than the original one I had to add some kontrol freeks grips to make it similar to the original grips thickness

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Interesting idea. I didn't notice that problem

  • @iyeetsecurity922
    @iyeetsecurity922 Рік тому

    Yeah, I dunno. It doesn't seem that great. I bought a used Dualsense controller and put the RISE4 kit on it and it does all this plus 2 more buttons and can be mapped on the fly. I think Sony fell short on this and they're charging too much for it.
    I've _never_ had stick drift on any controller. It's not actually as common as some lead you to believe. $20 for a thumbstick is pretty ridiculous. They could've just used hall sticks and added 2 more rear buttons.
    And if you really want to have swappable sticks, you can buy em for a standard controller.

  • @itnoe1
    @itnoe1 Рік тому

    I wish the beloader team would email me back to get a replacement part from my Besavior diy kit been waiting 3 weeks now 😣

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Which part are you looking for?
      I need a new face button ribbon cable

    • @itnoe1
      @itnoe1 Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech basically the motherboard it comes with. You know the part the Besavior connects to well the part that clips the ribbon the whole thing game off when I went to re open the remote

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Oh. That's sucks

  • @tendjinn
    @tendjinn Рік тому

    I only recently got a PS5 after not having bought a console in ages. I'm mainly a PC gamer who uses an Xbox Elite 2 controller for a lot of PC games and while I love some of the features the Dual Sense has I wish Sony had taken note of the pro controllers that have been out for years like the Elite and others. Things like stick height/variety, number of paddles, and battery life (the Elite's battery life is outstanding and with all the haptics I wouldn't expect the Edge to do better but they could've at least made the Edge's battery life better than the original Dual Sense). I will still likely pick the controller up at some point but if it had had 4 paddles I would've bought it day 1 instead of putting it on my list of things to purchase at some point. Also, despite the rivalry between Sony and Xbox, I really do wish Sony would consider a controller with offset sticks as an option (that might be blashphemy to longtime Sony fanboys but as someone who is fairly neutral on the console side of things, I prefer how the Xbox Elite 2 controller feels in every way over the Dual Sense and feel like it's easier to do precision things with it (on the flipside I adore the mousepad button, haptics, and other features on the Dual Sense/Edge). Hopefully, when Sony does gen 2 for the Edge some more improvements will be made - stick height and 4 paddles would seem logical.

    • @abemickeygaming7742
      @abemickeygaming7742 Рік тому

      I hope they'd never do offset sticks ...I used to game a lot on xbox 360..and loved that control and hated the ps3 controller...but once I made the switch and got used to Playstations controller setup my aim improved ...its much less stress on hands.
      Because both of my thumbs are essentially together rather then spaced apart I personally hope they'd never go that route

    • @MistaGeezy90
      @MistaGeezy90 Рік тому

      Nacon revolution 5 pro

  • @simpletruth9977
    @simpletruth9977 Рік тому

    It's not rumors. Stick drift is real and I got a box full of controllers to prove it. 😂

  • @netocaste1510
    @netocaste1510 Рік тому

    You could leave it with the normal thumb stick and buy some tall KontrolFreak

  • @Itsyourboydaddyk
    @Itsyourboydaddyk Рік тому

    victrix pro bfg Vs Dualsense Edge ?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      Yep. Already filmed and will be out next weekend.
      Too many controllers to review right now. Lots of videos in The pipeline.

  • @Macho_Man_Randy_Savage
    @Macho_Man_Randy_Savage Рік тому

    Was inserted in this but 2 paddles is not quite Pro enough...but it's good to see $ony FINALLY release a '"Pro" level controller. I still love my Scuf Impact Pro for PS4 games, have the Reflex FPS but I just don't love it, it just don't feel right to me...

  • @Gamer_4_Life.
    @Gamer_4_Life. Рік тому +1

    Technically the besavior is $200 if you factor in there shipping so the only reason the besavior is worth buying is for the cronus zen

  • @Truth-v5m
    @Truth-v5m Рік тому

    Okay, so you Head to sleep with the grandmother to buy. But. is it's still worth it 17mins to get to the point

  • @vitorfernandes651
    @vitorfernandes651 Рік тому +1

    How is it possible that a person who likes video games have never heard of kontrol freeks?

  • @asimnadawi5499
    @asimnadawi5499 Рік тому +1

    I use the bottom you don't like , but l like it s give me great Aim

  • @LeeAndHisReviews
    @LeeAndHisReviews Рік тому +2

    Shame no easily removed battery pack

  • @dannydoesd154
    @dannydoesd154 Рік тому

    best controller for fifa 2023

  • @Kwease247
    @Kwease247 Рік тому

    Tried it and the damn right thumb stick still clicks loud as hell with the slightest movement. Why I need a $200 to annoy me when a $65 does the same thing.

  • @pedrostokoe1980
    @pedrostokoe1980 Рік тому

    The tallest sony thumbstick is perfect the one's you use are far to tall for me i actually use the kontrol freeks fps which are about the size of the tallest Edge One's which are perfect

  • @t__uncensor1337
    @t__uncensor1337 Рік тому +1

    Not having 4 paddles is a deal-breaker

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +4

      It's a concern for sure
      Next week I'll be comparing the ds edge to the besavior and to the victix pro
      Both have 4 back buttons instead of 2.
      Stay tuned

    • @kiterJ
      @kiterJ Рік тому

      @@GearsAndTech sweet

    • @Ashes2Ashes
      @Ashes2Ashes Рік тому +1

      @@GearsAndTech Looking forward to that!

  • @johnmckown1267
    @johnmckown1267 Рік тому

    Have a USB-C charging cable just to the right of my chair. So I hope I could use that instead of the one on the PS5 because the PS5 is too far away.

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +1

      You would just need a usbc to usbc cable and will be fine. It doesn't need to be plugged into the ps5 to charher

    • @Garrison64
      @Garrison64 Рік тому +1

      I charge mine via a plug on my sofa. Works just fine.

  • @ChamaUFC300
    @ChamaUFC300 Рік тому

    Man never hurd of kontrol freeks?

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому

      I have. I don't like them. And shouldn't need to use them on such an expensive controller

  • @davidomersa1380
    @davidomersa1380 Рік тому +1

    How good can the controller be when Sony makes it almost impossible to actually buy one

    • @GearsAndTech
      @GearsAndTech  Рік тому +2

      It's so good there is no supply. Too much demand

    • @blown9079
      @blown9079 8 місяців тому

      I just purchased one yesterday and come to find out the stick modules have been out of stock for months.. now im worndering was it even worth buying this if theres not stick modules available incase of emergency? .. ive checked everywhere and nothing ... for people that have owned this controller for over a year have you guys experienced this ? Or is this shortage something new . ?​@@GearsAndTech

  • @DyllonMcDonald68
    @DyllonMcDonald68 Рік тому

    its even easier on pc to set it up

  • @dockaos924
    @dockaos924 Рік тому

    A bit pricey but a👍