0:02 Chrome Gadget (of course) 0:40 Azure Lake 1:14 Balloon Park (watch the floor JUST after the loop carefully!) 2:07 Desert Palace 3:30 Endless Mine (edit: Confirmed by mod maker)
Jay Bleu Christian Whitehead was actually planning to do just that in the hypothetical IOS Remake of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but sadly the project was never approved by SEGA, most likely due to the copyright issues with Michael Jackson’s original contributions with the original game.
You mean the music used in the title screen? Because i still cant believe that everyone keeps comparing Endless Mine and City Escape and absolutely no one mentions how the main theme in Sonic Mania is pretty much the same
Seeing this in action only makes me wish even more that Chrome Gadget was an actual stage, I love it both musically and visually along with Endless Mine and Azure Plains.
I believe they chose carnival nights over Chrome gadget as the night level for sonic 3 but chromed gadget would have been cool and the music's way better than the shitty prototype music for carnival night zone
Actually, the level design itself is built around Titanic Monarch Act1, you can even notice similar level design in some especific parts. The level design isn't really bad, but most of the time trying to figure out what is background, what's solid and what isn't is hard due to everything looks similar.
I love how they kept the claustrophobic feel to the zone without it being too unexplorable. Also I never realized how similar titanic monarch is to chrome gadget. Wow the tile set looks similar, especially the floor
If you think about it, Titanic Monarch was a perfect template for Chrome Gadget. I always wanted to see Chrome Gadget as a full stage. This is pretty impressive so far.
Best Sonic Mania mod out there. This is hands down the best Classic Sonic level I've played besides SSZ Act 2. Good job, Jalex! And R&Z did a great run of the level too. =^-^=
There were zones in 1p that were basically equivalent to the 2p in sonic 3. Azure lake= Marble garden, Ballon park= Carnival night, Desert palace= Sandopolis, Endless mine= Lava reef (without lava). But Titanic Monarch was made with Chrome gadget in mind.
This is just incredible! The remix is so faithful and fits Mania perfectly! I would love to see this in a sequel to Sonic Mania alongside Azure Lake and Endless Mine!
More like Incomplete Gadget. Not sure what happened to the level design after the halfway point. Hope it's still being worked on, looks and sounds great otherwise.
I know this is going to sound a bit too rude, but the creator of this mod isn't well known for his level design skills. If you look at his other works you'll get why
You know, and the competitive level of chrome gadget would be more suitable instead of titanic monarch, but looking at the background of the monarch you might think that this is a chrome gadget, only called differently.
So, I know what they were going for insofar as the sheer difficulty/complexity of Titantic Monarch...but as this level demonstrates, the Titanic Monarch tileset positively comes ALIVE if you speed up the pace a little bit and make the level a little smoother and faster.
This Chrome Gadget should happen after the Death Egg zone act 2 . The level starts by Robotnik in his Eggmobile being chased by Sonic and Tails then Robotnik uses a teleporter which is then destroyed by some Badniks to stop Sonic and Tails from reaching their master , Sonic and Tails destroy the badniks and the animals are saved then you can control the characters .
I always wanted to see the 2P levels (especially chrome gadget) reimagined on a Mania level of quality because I honestly loved and still love these zones, they all have a unique feel and the music is very iconic of them. This mod is good but it's still too much like Titanic Monarch....
0:02 Chrome Gadget (of course)
0:40 Azure Lake
1:14 Balloon Park (watch the floor JUST after the loop carefully!)
2:07 Desert Palace
3:30 Endless Mine (edit: Confirmed by mod maker)
Endless Mine was 3:30- 3:36. Please pin this cuz you're correct mostly!!
That's so clever!
That's so fucking cool!
Damn! Who'd knew?
SMaster777 WHAT
I've always dreamed of seeing a sonic 3 hack that turns all 2P zones into full blown stages. This will do :)
I had the same dream :')
We are 3
Jay Bleu Christian Whitehead was actually planning to do just that in the hypothetical IOS Remake of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but sadly the project was never approved by SEGA, most likely due to the copyright issues with Michael Jackson’s original contributions with the original game.
Jay Bleu I'll eventually make a sonic 3 and Knuckles Rom hack containing 2p stages as full zones just for you!
@@PhilipTF2 Me too!
Holy shit, the remix is just... powerful.
The kick and the snare really take it to another level
A Sonic 3 multiplayer got the spotlight huh? We need Endless Mine now!
You mean the music used in the title screen? Because i still cant believe that everyone keeps comparing Endless Mine and City Escape and absolutely no one mentions how the main theme in Sonic Mania is pretty much the same
I actually didn't talked about the Music xD,But yeah,thats right.
@@MegaSombra He didn't even mention the music; were you high when writing this comment?
Seeing this in action only makes me wish even more that Chrome Gadget was an actual stage, I love it both musically and visually along with Endless Mine and Azure Plains.
+Light Sonitzekioro It was Azure Lake :D
Chrome Gadget would have been a much better final stage than Launch Base ngl
God yes. So good to see I'm not the only person who thinks this
@@TheGael95 Launch Base is awesome. I love Chrome Gadget, but it doesn’t give off a final battle vibe.
I believe they chose carnival nights over Chrome gadget as the night level for sonic 3 but chromed gadget would have been cool and the music's way better than the shitty prototype music for carnival night zone
1:44 wow I didn't know that you could do that with the lighting shield
Kaze_Senshi wow... thanks for tagging that timestamp... I woulda missed it...
I'm going to try that in titanic tower zone...
Wait holy fuck
That's literally the point of those electric coils
@@sauvagess and to kill the player.
I had always wanted to see the zone explored
*Hears first 30 seconds of the remix* It sounds great and all, but where are the other instrum...
*Hears the rest of the track and starts to tear up*
If you noticed from Titanic Monarch, it uses some of Chrome Gadget's assets and sprites. So like what if Titanic Monarch is built off Chrome Gadget?
Titanic Monarch = Scrap Brain + Cyber/Genocide City + Chrome Gadget
TMZ was based off of CGZ
Even the background is kinda Chrome Gadget like
I know this is late, but what if titanic monarch was just chrome gadget in the future?
Plus Titanic Monarch was built in little planet maybe but then chrome gadget isn't actually in little planet..
What was cut out of Sonic 3's full stages and dropped to just one of its competition mode stages now makes a full appearance... I like! :)
The level design falls off later on, but overall this is a pretty neat hack
Well done to the guy who made it
Vivi 恥ずかしがりや自信がなくなった Ortinier thanks a bunch
Actually, the level design itself is built around Titanic Monarch Act1, you can even notice similar level design in some especific parts. The level design isn't really bad, but most of the time trying to figure out what is background, what's solid and what isn't is hard due to everything looks similar.
I love how they kept the claustrophobic feel to the zone without it being too unexplorable. Also I never realized how similar titanic monarch is to chrome gadget. Wow the tile set looks similar, especially the floor
And now, just imagine, what if multiplayer zones from s3&k were in Sonic Mania.
The music is amazing!! When I was a kid I always thought this music belonged in Gunstar Heroes.
If you think about it, Titanic Monarch was a perfect template for Chrome Gadget. I always wanted to see Chrome Gadget as a full stage. This is pretty impressive so far.
I never thought someone would make these levels in Mania, i am glad they did. I fucking love the music of these stages.
Best Sonic Mania mod out there. This is hands down the best Classic Sonic level I've played besides SSZ Act 2. Good job, Jalex! And R&Z did a great run of the level too. =^-^=
thanks a bunch! appreciate it
Ahhhh the music is so perfect and nostalgic I want to cry!
I looove that someone made these full stages.
My goodness, its like chrome gadget was the father of titanic monarch
blu Scout Mom : Cyber City
With good level design instead that stupid moving platform spikes on it will kill you instantly.
Chrome Gadget gave me a lot of chills the music is sooo damn good
Spectacular and amazing video 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Wow really good level design on chrome gadget
This just made me love chrome gadget even more than I already did previously😍😍
Samuel Hutchinson thanks a bunch
There were zones in 1p that were basically equivalent to the 2p in sonic 3. Azure lake= Marble garden, Ballon park= Carnival night, Desert palace= Sandopolis, Endless mine= Lava reef (without lava). But Titanic Monarch was made with Chrome gadget in mind.
I was grooving to the music
I love how in this level you slowly make your way up to the top to the point you see that moonlit sky.
Either Heavy Brawler or Heavy Medic would work in this zone.
Better level design than the original Titanic Monarch.
TheSonicbandicootX thank you!
This is just incredible! The remix is so faithful and fits Mania perfectly! I would love to see this in a sequel to Sonic Mania alongside Azure Lake and Endless Mine!
I love the 80s pop styling in the music
Wow, What an amazing zone!!!
Good, great, awesome, outstanding, AMAZING!
The remix is amazing, the level is love, the zone is life, Chrome Gadget Is love live.
When that music kicks in at 0:30 👌
Had they not wanted another unique zone plus a big metallic structure to run around with, I imagine Chrome Gadget could have worked.
That music was EXCELLENT. I wanted him to transform back
Awesome remix!
This is awesome because people are giving sonic 3 the love too
Cool as hell, I always thought this map was too nice to only be a split screen map
Thanks for playing my mod! ~~even tho I asked to link the video instead but whatever~~
I changed the link in the description. Thanks for the good mod!
Razor & Zenon hey np! More levels to come!
Jalex777 whats the chrome gadget remix name?
Commenting because I'd also like to know
Huakai Chrome Gadget - Act 1 (Sonic Mania Remix) by Mr. Stardust.
"fase linda 💙💙💙, me emociono toda vez que vejo o Sonic Mania, e a mais pura nostalgia"
3:09 Even tough fan guy couldn’t hold super sonic
Awesome :)) Wonderful music too (chrome gadget theme)
One of the greatest multiplayer stages is back
this is amazing man. like for real. id play the shit outta this
I can see a lot of Titanic Monarch here.
Music is lovely though.
Me: Can we get Chrome Gadget
Mom: No, we have Chrome Gadget at home
Chrome Gadget at home: Crazy Gadget
Industrial and Urban level themed zone!!!
0:45 until 1:35, it synced so well with the song. (except for the 1up jingle)
/starts to whistle the level soundtrack/ Oh, memories... This is a theme of our childhood.
wish this is what monarch actually looked like. 10/10.
Chrome Gadget Zone - "A friendly Competition"
(weeps on the floor to how amazing this game is)
Damn, that fuckin chrome gadget remix tho..... fuckin amazing
That base drop from chrome gadget is just as hard as tee lopes flying battery.
My 8 year old self would have fucking exploded
*Chrome Gadget*
Titanic Moranch [Past]
Chrome Gadget [Present]
I don't understand why Sega never will bring a Sonic Level Maker a like Super Mario Maker? That would be so nice!
That music tho
More like sonic 4 that we never got
More like Incomplete Gadget. Not sure what happened to the level design after the halfway point. Hope it's still being worked on, looks and sounds great otherwise.
I know this is going to sound a bit too rude, but the creator of this mod isn't well known for his level design skills. If you look at his other works you'll get why
Lmao I never said it was beta
How is it incomplete anyways
Jalex777 Are you the creator of this mod?
Its a mixture of all of the multiplayer Sonic 3 stages
You know... on closer inspection, Chrome Gadget and Titanic Monarch do look really similar.
Chrome gadget would fit perfectly as a tmz prototype
You know, and the competitive level of chrome gadget would be more suitable instead of titanic monarch, but looking at the background of the monarch you might think that this is a chrome gadget, only called differently.
This nostalgia for me
So, I know what they were going for insofar as the sheer difficulty/complexity of Titantic Monarch...but as this level demonstrates, the Titanic Monarch tileset positively comes ALIVE if you speed up the pace a little bit and make the level a little smoother and faster.
This music kicks so much ass it got RedHotSonic to shut up on his own video, just to listen to it.
I love this so much
Plot twist: the stage between star light and scrap brain.
So that's where Titanic Monarch got inspiration from, I guess...
yep, it is.
I need this whole music this my work out music here lol
Hey , I saw this before , it's a Classic !
my favorite zone :')
Isn’t Chrome Gadget just Titanic Monarch act 1 re-skinned and the music is different?
Nice remix this best sonic song ever 😍🎮🎮👍😊
Not a bad fan stage, but I kinda wish the bsckground layers you could see the iconic night moon with clouds around it better, or made it larger.
this and hydrocity are the best!
Chrome Gadget 💙
Aw man i wish if there was zone 2.
This Chrome Gadget should happen after the Death Egg zone act 2 .
The level starts by Robotnik in his Eggmobile being chased by Sonic and Tails then Robotnik uses a teleporter which is then destroyed by some Badniks to stop Sonic and Tails from reaching their master , Sonic and Tails destroy the badniks and the animals are saved then you can control the characters .
nicely done
did anyone played the In the groove step chart of Chrome Gadget theme song?
I always wanted this to be a full level. Kinda wish they kept the original music from Sonic 3 though.
i love it
I always wanted to see the 2P levels (especially chrome gadget) reimagined on a Mania level of quality because I honestly loved and still love these zones, they all have a unique feel and the music is very iconic of them. This mod is good but it's still too much like Titanic Monarch....
Where can I find this Chrome Gadget Zone remix?
this has potential
Is the music available seperately? It's amazing
Just need Sandopolis and we're set.
"Gadget the Wolf Zone" >
where did the music come from for this?
Someone should do a Azure Lake Mod or Endless Mine Mod.
Whoever designed this level hated this boss. Lol.
Why the hell has Sega NOT made this a level yet....They have Flying Battery Zone...but not Chrome Gadget or Aquatic Ruins....
The nostalgia of me winning all day from my sister in these levels
Or when humanity lives up to its purest form
When i see mania mods how come nobody has recreated all of sonic 3 for it yet?
Does anyone know what the remix version of this song is called?
I need this sound track
Does someone have the link for the remix or archived it???? I think it got deleted.