An extreme reckoning for democracy

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @Kathryn721
    @Kathryn721 11 місяців тому +87

    Thank you for this Maryanne. My heart breaks for the Aboriginal people in Australia. I really hope they get a voice.

    • @wendymortimer6862
      @wendymortimer6862 11 місяців тому +6

      Aborigines do already have a voice. They vote the same as the rest of us and there is no reason they can’t set up their own lobby groups. They have exactly the same rights and responsibilities as the rest of us. I don’t understand why we need to change the Constitution for this situation. I do not believe I am racist nor am I an extremist in any way (very conventional). I see this proposition as dividing us as a people. Australia is huge. Our aboriginal people are spread all over this land. It would be madness to think the traditional aborigines want the same things as they that live and work in cities, have their own businesses etc. I hope and pray for nothing but good for our aboriginal people however I can’t support this referendum. I’ve edited this comment for clarity. I would be horrified if I thought I had been taken for a fool or not serious about such a topic.

    • @dhyanidsouza2430
      @dhyanidsouza2430 11 місяців тому

      Australia is already a divided country and has been for a while. It’s very racist and doesn’t treat its First Nations People very well. It is time that white man started walking in a black man’s shoes and start bringing some understanding into the picture. The Constitution was written for white man. Its now time that the aborigines were included in it.

    • @bre8768
      @bre8768 11 місяців тому +6

      Well said Wendy ❤
      We should also remember that most of the racist remarks have been from the Yes people who keep on emphasising that if you vote no, you are racist. This has peed off alot of people. No voters are not racist, there is alot more to this than just a yes or no vote which none of it has fully been disclosed. Not so simple as what ppl outside of Australia realise. This is why the No vote will end up winning.

    • @alternate1868
      @alternate1868 11 місяців тому +6

      Well said
      I started off thinking I would vote yes , but the wonderful speech by First Nations woman Jacinta Price opened my eyes

    • @parry3231
      @parry3231 11 місяців тому +6

      ❤Equality is a very important part of our relationships with the world. Respect for all people equally in a healthy way that is inclusive and recognizes the need for everyone to have a voice with understanding that brings us all in alignment with our best interests of life with compassion and nurturing.
      The aboriginal people have been traumatized and have been mistreated for years. They have a right to have a voice in our government. It has to be done with a place of healing and respectful harmonious interests that are important for the development of a sovereign nation with all of the many different types of people.
      Kindness and respect for all people equally in a world that has civility and the clarity of all of our needs in a place of peace and truth in a just way. We all should be able to live without bigotry and hatred. Racists and discriminating attitudes are not doing anything to help us to get along together, We need a strong interest in tolerance and acceptance for the people who are different from each other. Peace is always the best way to find a place of healing and creating a sanctuary for everyone equally. ❤

  • @canadianperspective3731
    @canadianperspective3731 11 місяців тому +12

    I hope the indigenous peoples of Australia find their way in to leadership roles. Canada just elected its first indigenous Premier, Wab Kinue; a rapper, broadcaster and writer. Progress!

    • @brendacarmichael3180
      @brendacarmichael3180 11 місяців тому +3

      Canadian here. Thank you Manitoba for electing the amazing Wab Kinew as your Premier. I believe he can continue to bring people together and make positive change.( It was a real battle with autocorrect to spell his name. correctly.)
      Maryann, thank you for all you do. I listen and learn.

  • @user-fg2ts3wq9q
    @user-fg2ts3wq9q 11 місяців тому +12

    The only thing we can do in this turmoil is to keep shining our light and not getting down in the dumps because that is what the unlight want us to be . We have keep being positive and optimistic sothat we make the difference 😊

  • @amandamcquade1272
    @amandamcquade1272 11 місяців тому +14

    💙🌏 Blessings to you, Maryann, and to All Here 🙏🕊

    • @RachelIn179
      @RachelIn179 11 місяців тому +5

      And to you.❤

    • @jb2395
      @jb2395 11 місяців тому +5


  • @prasidakaye8090
    @prasidakaye8090 11 місяців тому +10

    Brilliant social and political analysis- Thank You ! Positive and uplifting solutions as well until this global darkness recedes. Blessings for you,. p. xox

  • @hattkelley296
    @hattkelley296 11 місяців тому +13

    Thank you Maryann for your loving inclusive mindset. I have been very close to a Palestinian community here in SF. My heart is so heavy with the news of the war., There has been no peace for decades but this is a new (or return to the old) level of violence. The continuing struggle to retain our democracy in America seems to be coming to a crisis point and I fear an increasing number of "lone wolf" attacks. I continue to pray for Indigenous people everywhere. I believe there are many many many people who share our desire for a more just and inclusive society ,but are remaining silent for fear of adding fuel to the fires of discontent, I only hope their opportunity to speak/act comes in time to sway the outcome, You, dearheart, have been a gift and a balm to my spirit during these dark times. I am so very grateful. lovelovelove

    • @geralyn-mm
      @geralyn-mm 11 місяців тому +1

      Very nicely and well done. Thank you!

  • @suzisaleh8567
    @suzisaleh8567 11 місяців тому +37

    Thank you for jumping on, so glad to see you and happy you enjoyed time with your family.

  • @jhanes3791
    @jhanes3791 11 місяців тому +17

    Thank you for mentioning that both sides of extremism can be distilled down to one word: Extremism, regardless of side.

  • @athavolpe1282
    @athavolpe1282 11 місяців тому +5

    😢 I don't think I've heard any Australian psychics find the Aboriginal question a "yes" answer. It took the US centuries and decades to give American Indiginous living on Reservations the right to be counted in All elections.😮 Racism knows no borders. Neither does White Light Energy, the greatest force on Earth. 😊❤ Thank you for the total reading Mary Anne.

  • @lyndagardner6660
    @lyndagardner6660 11 місяців тому +5

    Thankyou Maryann your looking beautiful well and rested. The world is in chaos as the old guard try's to hold on but change is coming

  • @mariaczubernat6634
    @mariaczubernat6634 11 місяців тому +11

    The most important thing in Democracy is to let other people believe what ever they choose but don't impose our views on others. Thank you Maryann you are very real genuine person and you really care obout others Love and Light from me to you

  • @TheLiteraryGroupie
    @TheLiteraryGroupie 11 місяців тому +24

    Thank you Maryann. Very comforting to hear your messages during these turbulent times. Huge congrats on finishing your book. Can't wait to hear more when it's out in the world.

  • @sherylpehr2702
    @sherylpehr2702 11 місяців тому +8

    I'm looking forward to buying your books!

  • @juliecollin2837
    @juliecollin2837 11 місяців тому +8

    I'm not indigenous but live on lovely Wiradjuri country and will be just so sad if the Voice doesn't get up. Let's hope for a last minute change in the winds 💜

  • @carlyb9511
    @carlyb9511 11 місяців тому +22

    Thank you, Maryann! I’m so glad you had a wonderful time with your sister and family.

  • @kimcarstensen4558
    @kimcarstensen4558 11 місяців тому +3

    Your calming voice gives me comfort in these times of chaos. Thank you.

  • @sherrieshatzen3801
    @sherrieshatzen3801 11 місяців тому +8

    Thank you for this podcast. I agree with what you have said. I have a question I would like you to address. Where does climate change & the overheating of the earth fit into this? I have to say that I have to wonder about the simultaneous of the overheating of global politics & the overheating of the earth.Both threaten our existence. We seem to be either unable and/or unwilling to modify our behaviour wth respect to either one.

  • @prasidakaye8090
    @prasidakaye8090 11 місяців тому +15

    This reading coupled with the recent Random Sage reading is brilliant . More so than ever, to the light we must go. Thank you ! Blessings, p. xox

  • @anita1300
    @anita1300 11 місяців тому +5

    Very pleased you had a break with your sister. So hope the voice is given to those without a voice.

  • @beckystone7994
    @beckystone7994 11 місяців тому +29

    Thsnk you Maryann for coming on to read on this terrible act of violence ! God bless ❤️🙏🙋🏻🌈🌈

  • @Cat54867
    @Cat54867 11 місяців тому +9

    Psychological Warfare. A quiet topic of manipulation for a long long time.

  • @Amy-dw7ii
    @Amy-dw7ii 11 місяців тому +6

    I can not believe you are going through the exact same types of misinformation and hate in Australia also. I need to expand my awareness to more world news. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know. In the US we are so bombarded with Political news that I barely have the energy to get past that. Perhaps that is the plan, to wear us down. Love and light to you Maryanne.

  • @EstellHartington-ut8lf
    @EstellHartington-ut8lf 11 місяців тому +6


  • @debrakostro3429
    @debrakostro3429 11 місяців тому +21

    I'm so happy that you took a break and got to enjoy your time with family, Maryann.
    You deserve it!!! 💙🦋💙

  • @janetstilwell6803
    @janetstilwell6803 11 місяців тому +5

    WE are collectively moving toward release of duality as a foundation of thought. As WE move toward 5D foundation for creation which cannot include opposite views. We are moving toward valuing if our differences.

  • @clearfield2009
    @clearfield2009 11 місяців тому +11

    Glad you hopped on. Glad you had time with family 💕

  • @clearfield2009
    @clearfield2009 11 місяців тому +11

    The Second Coming
    WB Yeats
    Written in 1919
    “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned; / The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity."
    Keeps coming to mind, how prescient.

    • @toomanydonuts
      @toomanydonuts 11 місяців тому

      At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
      Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door.…
      Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Matthew 24:30-34
      The Fig tree (Israel) bloomed in 1948 and they will have around 120 years or so to live and that brings us to ~ 2068.
      This fig tree generation (born in 1948) shall not pass until all of these things have happened.
      Generation: 1) a group of people who were born during a certain time period. 2) Birth years between parent and offspring.
      WW2 generation exists until every last member is gone. The 1948 generation is here until every last member is gone.

  • @susanhernandez7290
    @susanhernandez7290 11 місяців тому +9

    So glad to see you back. But I'm glad you got to be with family and a peaceful break.

  • @andrearenee7845
    @andrearenee7845 11 місяців тому +2

    Happy Indigenous Day! Good to see you, Maryanne. The far right will fail.

  • @bobbyesamdahl
    @bobbyesamdahl 11 місяців тому +3

    thank you
    glad you enjoyed your time with family

  • @theresadiamond3651
    @theresadiamond3651 11 місяців тому +24

    Thank you for a pure & straight talk about what’s happening. Thank you for your gifts and sharing them with us .❤

  • @mtnpeace2
    @mtnpeace2 11 місяців тому +13

    Maryann, how do you discuss and listen when you can’t agree on what is truth?? I live with my sister and she is a Fox News listener. I refuse to talk politics with her. We just end up in terrible arguments. She loves to debate; I hate debate and aggression. She watches Fox and various other sources like Joe Rogan. I listen to a variety of places but they are more center left like Meidas Touch or some MSNBC. It is very difficult for both of us. As she keeps saying, we are a perfect examples of the problem. I, personally do not feel safe to “debate”. It’s a quandary for me and I feel like I’m living in an armed camp sometimes.

    • @trisho.8331
      @trisho.8331 11 місяців тому

      @mtnpeqxe2. My heart goes out to you! I don’t like conflict, much less debating politics with a Fox News sister. I simply cannot fathom the right wingers gullibility or buying into the propagandist cult mentality. I send you my love, peace and prayers. As a highly sensitive person there is NO way I could live with the energies of someone whose views are polar opposite to my Democratic ones. Maybe I’m the unenlightened one here and need to learn to compromise, but feel that’s a long shot. Good luck and much peace to you 🙏🏻😇🤞❤️.

  • @edwinpagan7784
    @edwinpagan7784 11 місяців тому +5

    This has to be the most enlightening and revealing and best podcast to-date that you have made. Yes, it is a failure of any civilization to have far right extremists, or any extremism. I think you hit the nail on it’s head. I personally believe that lack of education is the main problem - but that is only my opinion.
    I hope more people listen to yr podcast and learn.
    I am grateful for every single podcast you post.
    Thank you.

  • @NanaOneAZ
    @NanaOneAZ 11 місяців тому +2

    Something I have heard, and try to remember, is that when I am uncomfortable about a situation, it has surfaced to be healed. With this thought I am in a more positive frame of mind to tackle the situation instead of feeling like a victim. So turmoil and discomfort become a symptom of what needs to be looked at and healed. This is true in the micro and macro sense.

  • @catwhisperer968
    @catwhisperer968 11 місяців тому +20

    Thank you for a great read and sharing your nature intuitive ability with the world. It helps a lot!!

  • @maxinerosola3029
    @maxinerosola3029 11 місяців тому +8

    Thank you Maryann for reading’s🙏
    So excited about your completion of your book. I also look forward to your works on your new Random Sage book as well❤❤❤❤❤🥰

  • @desireerl9501
    @desireerl9501 11 місяців тому +8

    Thank you Maryann that was very insightful as usual.

  • @kathymcloughlin7730
    @kathymcloughlin7730 11 місяців тому +7

    Your words of wisdom are very appreciated in these reactionary times 🙏As you said, we all need to take a step back and look at how we may be contributing to the fray. 🙏❤️🙏❤️

  • @RachelIn179
    @RachelIn179 11 місяців тому +8

    Maryann, I am looking forward to reading your Random Sage book!

  • @peggyrivera3964
    @peggyrivera3964 11 місяців тому +11

    Love you so much Maryann. Thank you so much for keeping us sane while informed.

  • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
    @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому +66

    Thank you, Maryann. This is the last weekend of Jewish fall holidays and we Jews were eating communal dinners, celebrating, dancing for Sim Hat Torah when the attack started in Israel.💙💙💙🤍🤍🤍. Someone brought word to our rabbi beforeSaturday morning services. He got on the email chain with a video to let us know his thoughts. Generally Jews do not use electronics on Shabbat unless there’s an emergency, or they are first responders. We do not send emails, phone calls or watch the news either, so most of us had no idea what was going on until we arrived at synagogue or were told by a non Jew what was going on.
    I do not see the side of right or wrong with this conflict. My first thought was that some outside influence like Irannwas assisting Hamas in some way. There are SO MANY invested into continuing all these global wars, conflicts, trying to prevent democracy from succeeding. Israel and Palestine to me has always had far too many people feeding the conflict instead of working through the issues. Even as a Progressive Jew, I do not believe in the ultra orthodox “right” to continue to colonize Palestine. I do not believe that Bibi Netanyahu is in any way for democracy, because that would bring to light his and his wife’s corruption.
    Like I said, so many people are invested in preventing peace.

    • @margaretmurphy9498
      @margaretmurphy9498 11 місяців тому +12

      Thank you for your perspective. Ever since mr n got back into power, it looks to me like he has been stirring up conflict. Blessings to you and your family ❤

    • @margaretmurphy9498
      @margaretmurphy9498 11 місяців тому +9

      Thanks for your perspective on the Jewish ✡ point of view. Love to you and your family❤

    • @Kinypshun
      @Kinypshun 11 місяців тому +9

      Thank you for your perspective on the conflict, which is supported by history and spot on.

    • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
      @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому +2

      @@margaretmurphy9498 thank you, to you as well. Btw, I’m 1/4 Irish. We have a multicultural, interfaith family.

    • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
      @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому +9

      @@Kinypshun thank you. I have 2.5 degrees in history, biblical archeology, and the ancient world, which means my perspective is very different than others. I do not believe this conflict in any way has any fact within religion of any kind. True, religious practice and faith of all kinds have always been used to sway a group of people in a debate or argument, even in Greco- Roman times. Until after the 1950s, Palestine before the state of Israel was formed and then until the 1967 war, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side, assisted each other in neighbourly endeavours, caring for children, helping during each other religious festivals- very much like in North America where we are an interfaith country. I grew up with persons of multiple faiths in metro Detroit. I loved learning about them. I loved learning about cultures and practices. Two of my child carers were not of my faith, nor culture. I loved learning from them as a child.

  • @leonieburnham322
    @leonieburnham322 11 місяців тому +5

    Stay moderate peeples ... it's sexy.
    Moderate is where sexy happens.
    My Nana went to Moderate and I got this awesome T-shirt .
    Want sexy legislation? Vote moderate.
    Feel free to graffiti these on overpasses everywhere.
    The fever pitch of extremism has only left our infrastructure in decay, civil rights oppressed and friends, families and communities at odds with each other.
    Moderate might be humdrum but that's where diligent administration flourishes and bipartisanship can function for everyone's benefit.
    Proudly composed on Worimi land and grateful to the Worimi people for the land on which I dwell.

  • @carolginsberg662
    @carolginsberg662 11 місяців тому +6

    Thank you, dear Maryann❣️ Excellent reading, as always! (You are loved and cherished!💖)

  • @janepilkington9293
    @janepilkington9293 11 місяців тому +2

    Democracy has turned into a dirty word over here. As is bipartisan. Hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Hope it goes better in Australia.

  • @yasminehasham1060
    @yasminehasham1060 11 місяців тому +7

    Look forward to reading your books 😊
    Thanks for all that you do for so many of us around the world ❤

  • @justinesimone5343
    @justinesimone5343 11 місяців тому +11

    It's good to see and hear you, Maryann. Thank you. 😱. Times!

  • @jomarie6860
    @jomarie6860 11 місяців тому +3

    Maryanne , I want to comment off topic to something much brighter. Your new haircut! It is wonderful on you! Hope that lifts you even a small percent of how you have lifted me through the insanity of the last several years!

  • @mihacurt
    @mihacurt 11 місяців тому +1

    You speak the voice of my mind and my heart. Thank you dear lady Maryann. ❤

  • @judy6371
    @judy6371 11 місяців тому +2

    Thank you from America!

  • @rosiemcl2000
    @rosiemcl2000 11 місяців тому +27

    Yay, Maryann. Listening to your readings is great way to end the day. Thank you. 🎉

  • @GdHr-oz5ph
    @GdHr-oz5ph 11 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for your work and your insights, Maryann. And congrats on your book(s). They sound really good. ♥️🌠💜🌠🌠🌠

  • @bethm6941
    @bethm6941 11 місяців тому +2

    I pray Australia will soon recognize the Aborigini people's rights. Canada 🇨🇦 just got our 1st First Nation's Premier last week.

  • @vatiammatri2660
    @vatiammatri2660 11 місяців тому +5

    Good for MaryAnn! Congratulations ❤

    • @revealinglight-tarotastrology
      @revealinglight-tarotastrology 11 місяців тому +2

      Thank you.

    • @vatiammatri2660
      @vatiammatri2660 11 місяців тому

      ​@@revealinglight-tarotastrology🙏🏼🌹❤️ you've really helped us here in the US deal with everything, you're my go to reader for the world situation. You deserve all good things ☺️

  • @maryhuddleston746
    @maryhuddleston746 11 місяців тому +6

    My heart breaks for all the vulnerable ones who are paying for the violent aspirations of greedy, power abusing men. I am sending love and peaceful energies to the Middle East, to the Aboriginal people of Australia and to the Australian voters to choose justice and inclusion for ALL. While we can't "force" extremists to agree that vulnerable populations deserve equity, we MUST create laws that protect them from hate crimes and legislation targeting them for discrimination and harm. I am always grateful for you, Maryann. So happy that you and your sister had a nourishing and beautiful visit together. Your spirit is such a brilliant beacon in this world. So excited for your book. Much love and gratitude to and for you!

  • @sueshade8215
    @sueshade8215 11 місяців тому +9

    Thank you, Maryann. Hoping conditions improve soon.

  • @lyndagardner6660
    @lyndagardner6660 11 місяців тому +4

    The way forward is negotiation and to come together and talk.
    I have a background in union organisation it's not about force but discussion. But extremists do not want change, it's driven by fear .

  • @parry3231
    @parry3231 11 місяців тому +6

    Thanks Maryann for the reading on this journey in learning how to get along with each other regardless of our differences between us all.
    We all have to be kind and thoughtful with respect for all people equally.
    This current craziness of hostilities and hatred of any other types of people who are seeking a place of individuality and their own personal lifestyles is heart breaking. We all are worthy of respect and the ability to live with a place of peace and joy in life.
    Communication with each other and deep listening and understanding through our desires for peace and unity. We all have the choices to make peace and to be able to live together and to put the needs of others in our hearts with a place of respectfully acceptance in honoring diversity and the unique ways of people. ❤Thanks again Maryann and for your kindness and compassion in the wisdom of your heart felt postings.
    The truth is a very important part of our relationships with each other. You always are truthful and compassionately honest with the positions that you take in every single matter of interest. Evolutionary reimagining is a great blessing that is beginning to happen regardless of the circumstances that surround us all. You shine the light to make the path clear and understood by so many people. You are absolutely incredible and very generous with the love and care that you give us all. ❤
    Blessings to all of us in the world with love and the strength of our convictions in peacefulness with respect for all people equally. ❤

    • @treedwhite
      @treedwhite 11 місяців тому +1

      The Aboriginals should have ALWAYS had A Voice! Under Patriarchy, as with all systems of Dominance Submission, Racism uses it's stranglehold on our body politic to manipulate the darkest side of human weakness. Blessings on you, dear Maryanne, for tackling these readings. You bring a lot of us affirmation and comfort.

  • @grammagreat
    @grammagreat 11 місяців тому +11

    Thank you Maryann. Happy you had a family visit. ❤

  • @reneremington5806
    @reneremington5806 11 місяців тому +12

    Hi Maryann, Random Sage has a very different feel than Revealing Light. I love them both. In listening to you talk about extremist, I saw how my dislike of he who shall not be named, really affected me. It's only been recently that I have finally simmer down from that overload.
    I feel sad for the Aboriginal people. So much injustice everywhere. It has been hard for me stay in the light side.
    I really love you and appreciate all you do for humanity. Your in my prayers.❤

  • @kcuzz4091
    @kcuzz4091 11 місяців тому +3

    Good for you Maryann, taking off for bit.

  • @judithrussell9162
    @judithrussell9162 11 місяців тому +5

    Thank you Maryann. I do hope that for once you are wrong about the outcome of the referendum, even if positive actions are taken without it. It's the symbolism and demonstration of solidarity with our First Nations people that are so important.

    • @revealinglight-tarotastrology
      @revealinglight-tarotastrology 11 місяців тому +3

      I do believe the donkey vote will be high. That may be the surprise we see on October 15th. If this is the case, it is a condemnation of the process and the model proposed rather than condemnation of constitutional power in some form for Indigenous peoples.

  • @equus3333
    @equus3333 11 місяців тому +2

    Thanks so much Maryann. I’m🙏🏻💙

  • @knelson3484
    @knelson3484 11 місяців тому +13

    Awesome! Wonderful to see you Maryann. Thank you in advance.

  • @lindeoosterhoff6937
    @lindeoosterhoff6937 11 місяців тому +8

    A profound session. So much sadness happening but your voice is calming and hope, as you say, is with the silent majority. Love and light to you and yours.

  • @niccielders3471
    @niccielders3471 11 місяців тому +6

    Very interesting, thank you for covering this. Thank you dear friend 🥰 ❤

  • @skyebird3933
    @skyebird3933 11 місяців тому +6

    Glad you had a nice time away with family. Unfortunately the negative energies keep stirring up troubles to have to come back to. Thanks for the podcast.

  • @clairer.7136
    @clairer.7136 11 місяців тому +23

    Thank you for sharing, Maryann. These are emotional times indeed. However, it was encouraging to hear your take on the 'silent majority.' We do have to come to terms with soon being silent no more. Circumstances -- extremism -- will eventually rally us to make our moderate voices heard. Living in democratic countries, this will take the form of electoral tsunamis. We definitely need to move back from this perilous precipice. 🌻

  • @agibby4848
    @agibby4848 11 місяців тому +10

    Thank you Maryann, I appreciate you so much. ❤

  • @lindamanrique2249
    @lindamanrique2249 11 місяців тому +8

    Thank you for your readings.❤️❤️❤️

  • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
    @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому +6

    Thank you, Maryann.

  • @LightsOn128
    @LightsOn128 11 місяців тому +5

    It’s very important that you take brakes and care for yourself. 💕

  • @margaretmurphy9498
    @margaretmurphy9498 11 місяців тому +12

    I really enjoy your random sage podcasts. To me you speak good old common sense. There are several members of my family in the maga camp who try to brow beat me into their beliefs. I am not swayed, but they are allowed to have their views as i have mine. I dont argue with them but let it rest. Many thanks for your time & talents. ❤

  • @Rowan2314
    @Rowan2314 11 місяців тому +1

    Always good to hear your words of wisdom. Trying times.😢❤😊

  • @judyjones9984
    @judyjones9984 11 місяців тому +11

    Thank you Maryann ❤ we are blessed to have you 🥰 you look refreshed from your lovely sisters time together, love and light to all ❤

  • @cheryljohnson6542
    @cheryljohnson6542 11 місяців тому +4

    Visualize having a student like The Donald in kindergarten or a third grade student in your classroom…AND, trying to describe to his parents their child’s extremism during classes is stopping the learning for his fellow classmates 😢

  • @MsMaverika
    @MsMaverika 11 місяців тому +1

    I’m happy to hear you had a great time with family and going out together. ❤

  • @pittarak1
    @pittarak1 11 місяців тому +10

    I'm so hoping for a YES win, but I worry about the fear and misinformation put out by right wing (Murdoch) media here. I've also noticed that the NO vote seems to also appeal to anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists?

  • @corinneanderson2023
    @corinneanderson2023 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much. I appreciate the reframing of these issues.

  • @kathyrussell8429
    @kathyrussell8429 11 місяців тому +12

    So happy to see you and happy to hear you enjoyed your time with family. All of this is breaking my heart. We cannot allow the exstreemist on any side to steal our freedom, and continue to devide us. Coming together is a great start. ❤🙏💙💛💙🇺🇦

  • @64slugirl
    @64slugirl 11 місяців тому +4

    USA is sick Leadership is weak to nonexistent; priorities of government for USA are not defined and tenable (sp) this decade. We must be realistic and redefine US Democracy (identify the deficits) before Democracy can be healed and strengthened, IMO. Not enough people in Senate or House think in these terms anymore, At 81, I know when the Nation was stronger and stable. When leaders were talking together and across (stupid) party lines. And it's sad the way younger generations accept mediocrity and ineptness in elected individuals. IMO, it's amazing that so many elected people are simply greedy and power hungry for their own benefit.

  • @lightlovebeing1
    @lightlovebeing1 11 місяців тому +2

    Thank you 💖

  • @joniangelsrreal6262
    @joniangelsrreal6262 11 місяців тому +1

    Hello Beautiful One had to review twice to absorb this message… giving hope for the entirety…!
    Sending love and light for EVERYONE…🙏🏼

  • @Campbell483
    @Campbell483 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for your insight. Yes we have some work to do. Very thought provocative talk.

  • @karencossar1827
    @karencossar1827 11 місяців тому +10

    Hope you had a wonderful time with your sister ❤. Glad to see you back. Been feeling really unsettled the last two weeks. The energy around the world feels exceptionally heavy.
    Whichever way the voice goes, it is on the table, will happen eventually. The awful comments on all sides is so sad.... following the middle way...

  • @pamelahabe6976
    @pamelahabe6976 11 місяців тому +1

    I’m glad you had a wonderful time

  • @thiskiddyahoo
    @thiskiddyahoo 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Maryanne! Always appreciated your world news perspective that brings us all in touch with the fact that no country is isolated nor solely struggling with these conflicts. Exciting news about your books, Congrats on completing your Revealing Light book! The Random Sage Book sounds like a wonderful perspective and tool-chest must-have, looking forward to its completion!

  • @geralyn-mm
    @geralyn-mm 11 місяців тому +3

    All of this strife comes from human beings, believing we are separate from each other. Until we realize that we are all individuations of the collective divine here on this earth at this time to grow deeper into our divinity, this crap continues. Surround yourself with your highest and best intentions, understand you are perfectly divine as you are, and ask only for that which brings your spiritual growth. It changes everything about our day to day in this world. (edits: typos)

  • @lynnleglaire4819
    @lynnleglaire4819 11 місяців тому +5

    I think these are fascinating times. This all will come to an end, things will change. WW111 may come, but maybe not, but this fascist move happening now and it’s opposite, will all change and things will be much better. I’d rather live through these times than 1939 to 1945 where there were 1000 deaths a day. We will evolve whether we agree to it or not.

  • @scryingt
    @scryingt 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Maryann

  • @joannejoma3223
    @joannejoma3223 11 місяців тому +4


  • @user-mm6tr8ni9h
    @user-mm6tr8ni9h 11 місяців тому

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Marryann - thank you.

  • @karenjohannessen8987
    @karenjohannessen8987 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom in so many ways over the next few months!
    Blessings to you ALWAYS ~

  • @user-zj1hu3mq7t
    @user-zj1hu3mq7t 11 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for your wisdom and gentle spirit. I’d love to hear you speak on Europe and UK. ❤

  • @hazellove2144
    @hazellove2144 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Maryann. 🕯🙏🌬💞💫🦉🕊🤲>🌎🌟

  • @moxiechacha1146
    @moxiechacha1146 11 місяців тому +3

    😢😢😢heartbreaking over Israel. Hamas backed by Iran attacked Israel. Unfortunately, Palestinian people will suffer over Hamas actions. Israel will defend itself.

  • @skywalkercowgirl
    @skywalkercowgirl 11 місяців тому +2

    Your comments today were so clear about the list of problems we face and what we need to explore together! there is hope in being ONE in facing extreme threat. now we need to explore ways to come together to create safety and humanity . This extreme division is certainly highlighting systemic issues that are in need of change.
    Before these past years I did not clearly see the outline of systemic racism or the oligarchy crushing the will of the people and democracy. the silent majority has a lot of work to do! Thank you for!

  • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
    @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому +12

    As you speak, I am greatly reminded of the late great Madeleine Albright, the first female Secretary of State who had to deal with a hidebound bureaucracy of misogyny and toxicity in both the US State Department and the diplomatic world. Often times after a meeting, someone on her team would tell her how angry the other country’s team as in having to deal with a “mere woman”. She would say, “Good. That’s progress.” Btw, that included the UK and AUZ. Putin hated both her and Hillary Clinton because neither woman was afraid of him. Neither is Biden. Likewise Donald Trump and his cronies are so misogynistic that they fail to see how they are adding to their own demise by thinking females or persons not of their class aren’t as capable or even better at discovering facts and fiction than they are.
    The reason both former Secretary’s of State come to mind because as women they are part of that female generation of silence that voted for their needs, not the needs of male family members. Both were centrists who did their best to understand the views of those who completely disagreed with them from the right and the left. The only time when democracy works to bring people up from their despair is when it leads from the Center. And! More importantly educates, brings health care and day care to women world wide.
    “Extremism does not work” absolutely. No country in the world these days is “the best”. Social media and international journalism is helping many understand why so much is happening at once. And how their country’s rulers are so corrupt that if democratic elections succeed to oust them it will take decades to dig out corruption.
    And then there is the continent of Africa where many countries are trying to make connections with countries other than their colonizers to either success, or utter downfall. China, Russia, India have had decided mixed results or no results on the African continent. China became yet another colonizer and was literally fire bombed out of two African countries, because like all who seek their fortunes in Africa, they did not try to learn the local people, their culture, their needs.The local people rose up when the Chinese attempted to take over economically, and the result was they killed all the Chinese management, burned their properties to the ground. As Ms Albright wrote, it is the constant problem of western or economically emerging countries that they do not think they have to understand, learn, or relate to the locality they attempt to colonize by economic means.

    • @doriansummerlin3195
      @doriansummerlin3195 11 місяців тому +1

      Had a job once. Was staying at the Metropolitan Club and she was there too. Giving a speech at the Ritz next door. I was so excited. I was standing 6 foot of her. She felt her powerful presence. And confidence

    • @cindyloomis-torvi3396
      @cindyloomis-torvi3396 11 місяців тому

      @@doriansummerlin3195 oh yes! That’s what made the misogynistic males fear here, which often meant they hated her.

  • @enriquesanchez2001
    @enriquesanchez2001 11 місяців тому +2

    AMEN ♥♥♥♥

  • @doriansummerlin3195
    @doriansummerlin3195 11 місяців тому +4

    Happy you had your sister but so missed you. Your like a rock for me. Love

  • @MN-Jim
    @MN-Jim 11 місяців тому +4

    Challenge the lies with the truth!