Janab e Fatema Zahra tumhare aanese - Ahmed Raza Nasiri - Haram of Bibi Masuma (AHS)

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @wissenzusuchen2794
    @wissenzusuchen2794 Рік тому +1

    Salaam بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم some useful stuff in his lectures but there is some bad too take the good leave the bad say this as You see in his shabAshur lecture 2022 (night at Leicester mksi 10 takfir) is where Syed Nakshwani is applying disingenuous brainwashing in the name of the greater good. The greatness of the Shia people who have giants within the populous Alhamdolillah whether the lady that bankrupted Umars false beliefs or Mauwiyas false beliefs and paid with her life is that they have a Divine right to an opinion whether Sayed Nakshwani likes it or not(as the nods of agreement because people wanted to express support for proper view that the prophet does not forget despite what some shias say but Syed said valid Shia opinion that prophet is forgetful ) are not tribalism but the essence of being Shia. and often they have the duas of the imams 100% full backing and thanks. The nods are not tribalism as the Sayed would have you believe (he told them off for nodding in the name of valid Shia opinion that the prophet forgets even many Sunnis don’t say he does) but Ukal and fitrat. just as my 5 year old would laugh at the teacher that says his super great grandfather was a monkey. Now that laugh which may spit in the face of the ‘great’ Darwin is his Divine right nothing to do with tribalism rather the problem is with Darwin for having such a stupid opinion (often God may trigger their stupidity to show their fallible nature of such greats to protect the innocent) but he my child would have my thanks and reward for exposing the stupidity of such a false belief and I would say to him Son that’s why your leaders have to be Masoom who do not forget or make mistakes . Just as my child has that right we the Shia whether young or old have the right to discredit deviant views intellectually via nods or WhatsApp…Zindabad. His lecture on Yemen was good but for his ikhlaq people swore at Imam Hassan and peed in the prophets mosque and they did not bat an eye lid. Yet, the Sayed was giving looks that could kill to six year old or elderly for perhaps getting up to go to the toilet. the old English adage Pick on someone your own size comes to mind. In one lecture he had the audacity to say close the door on believers to the people of Ali who could have completely genuine reasons for being late! God Himself closed the doors on the ones who forget but left Ali’s door open. To the one who closed the door he will have to justify why he did to his Imam saying the scholar told me never washes with the imams, becaause we have ukal ( maybe the British Shia put the Uk in ukal or was it the Azad Kashmiris…Akal) I say audacity because he himself was late to the Yemen lecture where maybe the polite well mannered youth secretary ( a credit to mksi and his parents ) instead of apologising for the Syed should have closed the doors . Nothing is more annoying than a UA-cam advert that interrupts a lecture often with unislamic ads if you need the money there are other ways to to raise funds for good causes rather than via via impermissible ways (making excuses for a brother who does not disable ads thinking of reasons for them). Syed nakshwani says asking Imam Ali for rizk is shirk giving strength to our enemies who say look even Nakshwani saying it. In letter number 28 reply to Mauwiya Imam Ali says “We are the direct recipients of our Lord's favours while others receive favours from us after that.” If a sheikh tells you it’s shirk to ask Imam Ali for these bounties doing the Whabbi’s work we have the right to shake our heads ‘everything encompassed by bounties’ includes children. There are well documented cases of people asking directly from Abbas say and miraculously recovered and further Hazrat Abbas confirming he gave shifa. The padre asked the prophet for children and he sent him to ask Hussain. Further there is a Sunni and Shia hadeeth that the prophet said I do not fear from my ummah Shirk . If you see any good it’s from the blessings of the Imam if you see any bad it’s from myself. May Allah keep us modest and humble in all circumstances not thinking we are Gods gift wasalaam . I do not have the slightest apprehension that this post will be deleted as it’s MKSI Leicester anywhere else maybe ( in fact it was deleted so I simply complained to the Imam and left him (ajf) to hold them to account that’s why it’s posted here a very backward and arrogant move.
    . Iltemas e dua.
    Ps Imam Ali (as) in the audience of his sermons had people who not only cursed him but wanted his blood. Yet he welcomed them to following sermons perhaps as he hoped he would get through perhaps but Sayed discourages those who have issue with a previous lecture see defence of sale of khak e shifa clip further he was not insecure and humble and knew that the audience had a divine right to be there as they were Allah SWT and his (being Masoom guests normal speakers can bypass that part replace with Allahs and Masoom’s guests as when we attend majalis we are not the speakers guests nor the committees eg mksi but Allah’s guests and the imams ) so to comment on bad guests or imply it’s hypocritical of them who criticised a previous lecture to attend this one is childish even if they sent Lannat for Imam Ali invited ibn Muljam (lannat) to his audience and if only the saying ‘ momin get knowledge even from a munafiq as it belongs to you’ so no speaker can ban a guest for his views but we can ban speakers who misguide our children for example tell them it’s ok laid Shia opinion to think the prophet of Allah (SWT) forgets has lapses of memory or intercession is shirk contradicting his own Q&A recorded answers) and they cannot argue against this who ban my comment or delete it a perfectly valid opinion…if you think this is harSh listen to the Syeds criticism of some on Shia voice like the Quran reciter. This ps note was not in original comment that Mksi Leicester deleted but a current addition. No point staying silent on a matter of wisdom. Finally those who join commitees as youths like guy who closed door I would have left open don’t become the mistakes of your elders I’ve seen good youth after a year or two of muki transformed into the embodiment establishment errors like they been cloned rather take the good and leave the bad which you have to spot eg racism insularity and less hero worship Imam Ali (as) himself said listen to what I’m saying rather than look at who I am. Wasalaam