Jessi finally talks with Ha Jungwoo [Sister's Slam Dunk/2016.11.18]



  • @jamfulojimin9068
    @jamfulojimin9068 7 років тому +1446

    Honestly, they should've just casted Ha Jungwoo even just for this episode. Imagine how happy Jessi would be.

    • @miki28miss
      @miki28miss 6 років тому +124

      JAMFUL O' JIMIN maybe they tried and he refused...he's not very into variety show after all!

    • @youbil6470
      @youbil6470 5 років тому +40

      He's must be busy

    • @lfczela8317
      @lfczela8317 5 років тому +38

      It's probably because he's not into variety shows that much, or he's too busy.

  • @zcoffee328
    @zcoffee328 8 років тому +609

    That's so adorable when she talked to him on the phone, she was soo cute, "I'm your biggest fan"

  • @gusteree
    @gusteree 8 років тому +635


  • @hereheer
    @hereheer 8 років тому +776

    I understand why Jessi was so fluster when talking to Ha Jung-woo; he's so good looking, amazing actor and director, and so funny. Shit I would have been like Jungkook (International playboy) when he's around girls.

    • @jeonjungkook-cl7fi
      @jeonjungkook-cl7fi 6 років тому +3

      Suga infires me SAME

    • @elmariajin744
      @elmariajin744 3 роки тому +1

      lol what a coincidence you have mention jungkook here and your comment is from 4 years ago and I just watched this video after watching a video about Jessi's crush on Jungkook.

  • @raramina_09
    @raramina_09 8 років тому +291

    jessi's mom is beautiful

    • @ssj-rose4572
      @ssj-rose4572 6 років тому +1

      tae's gucci slippers and racist

    • @melissaalves2842
      @melissaalves2842 5 років тому

      @@ssj-rose4572 what?

    • @ssj-rose4572
      @ssj-rose4572 5 років тому

      @@melissaalves2842 what?

    • @melissaalves2842
      @melissaalves2842 5 років тому

      @@ssj-rose4572 she racist?

    • @highonimmi
      @highonimmi 5 років тому +8

      @@ssj-rose4572 you cant just pour that tea and not give us the receipts.

  • @lyyx4862
    @lyyx4862 8 років тому +287

    4:07 like mother like daughter ^_^;

  • @moxxyj
    @moxxyj 8 років тому +225

    Ha Jung Woo is seriously so handsome imo

  • @misslilyhyun
    @misslilyhyun 5 років тому +72

    The fact that Jessi immediately called Ha Jung Woo oppa even though it's their first time talking lol the fangirling mode jumped out🤣☺️

  • @TheDispleasedCow
    @TheDispleasedCow 8 років тому +261

    He kinda shot her down a little, but I'm still happy she got to talk to him like she wanted. :3

  • @Modern_shinobi
    @Modern_shinobi 6 років тому +99

    I think her tanned skin is cute

  • @aleezaraza8509
    @aleezaraza8509 5 років тому +310

    seeing park narae and kim sook side by side, i was so confused at first, like how the heck are there 2 Sooks?!

    • @indiranafisa3141
      @indiranafisa3141 5 років тому +16


    • @marinchowRTBP
      @marinchowRTBP 5 років тому +13

      They really almost look a same 😂 😂

    • @nouraahmad8922
      @nouraahmad8922 4 роки тому +8

      Wait what? They’re not twins? I thought she was her twin...

    • @aleezaraza8509
      @aleezaraza8509 4 роки тому +4

      @@nouraahmad8922 lol no, i thought they were the same person skskskks

    • @anormalghost8447
      @anormalghost8447 4 роки тому

      @@aleezaraza8509 Same lol

  • @imchayoung1076
    @imchayoung1076 5 років тому +22

    6:00 If Jessi appears in WGM, I will definitely watch it coz she looked so soft when she got simkung

  • @jasminemalhotra5253
    @jasminemalhotra5253 6 років тому +78

    I can understand why Jessi was so flustered Ha Jungwoo and his voice 👌👌😥😥💦💦

  • @prench_pries
    @prench_pries 5 років тому +37

    i watched The Handmaiden last week and was also smitten by Ha Jungwoo. now i understand Jessi. 😅😂😍

  • @clipsbelike2019
    @clipsbelike2019 8 років тому +62

    Jessie is so beautiful. :)

  • @ashlyp9478
    @ashlyp9478 5 років тому +5

    Jessi looked so cute with this video😍

  • @Mimi-vn8hw
    @Mimi-vn8hw 7 років тому +40

    I think that jessi's voice is similar to jackson's voice.

  • @PrincessSakuno
    @PrincessSakuno 6 років тому +38

    omg this was too funny jesus christ lord this group has such great chemistry together

  • @CapyPurin_celestial
    @CapyPurin_celestial 5 років тому +5

    Seeing Jessi fangirling... Priceless

  • @bitlien518
    @bitlien518 7 років тому +50

    jinkyung really looks like kwangsoo hahahhah

  • @mashreqtour7459
    @mashreqtour7459 4 роки тому +12

    Mom always savage when she said about Jessi's skin color. 🤣
    ** watching it after 3 years I still LOL. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @bokjooha8466
    @bokjooha8466 4 роки тому +2

    Jessi is so pretty in wedding dress

  • @honourathy9586
    @honourathy9586 6 років тому +4

    Oh no I felt bad for her😭 I love ya Jessi ❤️😘

  • @fatinrafhanah4308
    @fatinrafhanah4308 7 років тому +22

    2:28 ! did you guys see that?😏 #EXO

  • @dorcasnyanguila1382
    @dorcasnyanguila1382 4 роки тому +2

    I love these ppl

  • @소희-p8d
    @소희-p8d 5 місяців тому +2

    제시언니와 하정우님이 잘되길요

  • @user-co5hn4yn6l
    @user-co5hn4yn6l 8 років тому +35

    Are they in an sm building or what 😂 2:20 taeyeon and nct 😍

    • @ikhsanfadillah2446
      @ikhsanfadillah2446 5 років тому +3

      yeah ahaha the one where super junior members had their meeting in super returns ahahaha

  • @blackpinkinyourarea8497
    @blackpinkinyourarea8497 4 роки тому +8

    wow i didn't think ha jung woo would be jessi's type but damn same sis.

    • @melkor77751
      @melkor77751 Рік тому

      He's the masculine type, like her father

  • @kartikachemilia
    @kartikachemilia 2 роки тому

    4:11... Jessi so pretty... 🥰

  • @Raheshi12
    @Raheshi12 4 роки тому

    im here because ha jung woo oppa 😍

  • @rianne0907
    @rianne0907 5 років тому +4

    HOW TO UNSEE THIS 1:20 OMOO!!!! 😂 Jinkyung you will be forever register to my mind as Kwangsoo's girl version wahahahahahaahhaha. 😂

  • @mariasingian9614
    @mariasingian9614 4 роки тому +2

    I dudes crying 😂 when Jinkyung came out

  • @ap5141
    @ap5141 6 років тому +12

    Sook looks exactly like Hyunmoo and Jinkyung looks like Kwangsoo I can't omg ahahaha

  • @youdeservetheworld7416
    @youdeservetheworld7416 4 роки тому

    Ha jungwoo 😍😍😍😍😍

  • @krystalissoojung5114
    @krystalissoojung5114 8 років тому +55

    am I the only one who focused with the photo in the background??
    Why all of them are SM Artist?

    • @paulinelow5075
      @paulinelow5075 8 років тому

      MeU Forever n

    • @MsJESICA21
      @MsJESICA21 6 років тому +2

      They shot at the SM center, just knew it from SuperTV on 2018

  • @skiski2485
    @skiski2485 4 роки тому +3

    The lee kwangsoo joke... I was thinking the same thing 😂😂😂

  • @jaaym7761
    @jaaym7761 8 років тому +79

    she looks like kwanghee aw forgot his name thegiraffe on running man 😂😂😂 lmao

    • @sioben-
      @sioben- 8 років тому +3

      Jaay M Kwangsoo 😊

    • @jaaym7761
      @jaaym7761 8 років тому

      Hhaha yes that one haha

  • @farhanaismail4447
    @farhanaismail4447 4 роки тому +9

    ONE THING I WANNA ASK: Did Ha Jungwoo watched this????? 😂

  • @XYuneeX99
    @XYuneeX99 7 років тому +56

    It would be so great if Jessi could meet this actor ....but I kind of doubt that it really was Ha Jungwoo on the phone...he didn´t sound could have been somebody else pretending... and I really dislike how they keep playing with her feeling since she seems so sincere in her emotions

    • @SylChunnie
      @SylChunnie 7 років тому +24

      XYuneeX99 it was really ha jungwoo on the phone. dont worry

    • @ieyntan
      @ieyntan 4 роки тому +2

      it was real

  • @melissaivy8860
    @melissaivy8860 4 роки тому

    Why was this so entertaining lol

  • @v.i.pforever6955
    @v.i.pforever6955 5 років тому +1

    Please can someone tells What’s the name of the song in 9:11

  • @fayeadams2929
    @fayeadams2929 8 років тому +4

    she looks like kwangsoooo (the tall one)

  • @mochimochi4868
    @mochimochi4868 7 років тому +13

    Could you please answer me, is Jessica mix or just korean with tan skin

  • @juhimandhare7401
    @juhimandhare7401 4 роки тому +2

    Why does tiffany not speak at all?

  • @joymee6420
    @joymee6420 8 років тому +13

    OMG HAHAHA😂😂😂😂why do they have to disguise like that😂😂

  • @smknmx8027
    @smknmx8027 4 роки тому

    whoaaa jessi so cute, did she ever meet him

  • @catherineosabelarnaiz8616
    @catherineosabelarnaiz8616 6 років тому +1

    wah daebak hahaha jinkyung really did looked like lee kwangsoo

  • @miwasseo
    @miwasseo 4 роки тому

    Jinkyung unnie reminds me of han ki beom

  • @oanhnguyen-hp9pt
    @oanhnguyen-hp9pt 4 роки тому +4

    Nevertheless, why Na rae and Sook look the same

  • @Dreamer-tq9bo
    @Dreamer-tq9bo 5 років тому

    1:24 It's Lee Kwang Soo, not Ha Jung Woo :D

  • @mimmicbungeeblacklightjonj6725
    @mimmicbungeeblacklightjonj6725 8 років тому +3

    who is Ha Jungwoo ?
    can someone please tell me ??

    • @SHINeeTaeKeyshawol
      @SHINeeTaeKeyshawol 7 років тому +34

      Ha Jung woo is well respected A-list actor. He is very talented, handsome and charismatic with an easy-going personality. Very likeable character.
      He has such a good eye on picking movie roles for himself. The movies that I've seen him in are such gems.

    • @aishahyusoff3675
      @aishahyusoff3675 6 років тому +4

      His role in along with the gods are so cool

    • @aintoretto4147
      @aintoretto4147 6 років тому +2

      @@SHINeeTaeKeyshawol im totally agree with that

    • @2o2k78
      @2o2k78 3 роки тому +1

      @@aishahyusoff3675 he has many other films mucher better than that one, his best roles are in The chaser and the yellow sea

  • @nafishabakar1919
    @nafishabakar1919 4 роки тому +1

    Guess what jinkyung turns into Han KiBuem 😂🐙

  • @13airthe
    @13airthe 4 роки тому

    Lee kwangsoo 😂

  • @aviarymoala3725
    @aviarymoala3725 5 років тому +1


  • @minervakatina859
    @minervakatina859 4 роки тому +2

    They keep on making false surprises. 😅
    Hope Jessi will meet ha jungwoo.

  • @sinarimaydena9828
    @sinarimaydena9828 4 роки тому

    omg im wondering ha jungwoo really meet jessi or not lol

  • @HazelVellavoor
    @HazelVellavoor 4 роки тому

    Wait..Is that SM

  • @geraldinerokz3655
    @geraldinerokz3655 7 років тому

    what is song when ha jung woo already end the call?

  • @gracetuliao6523
    @gracetuliao6523 5 років тому +1

    😂 😂 😂 😂

  • @mingyukim2919
    @mingyukim2919 4 роки тому

    Its just me or narae and sook looks alike

    • @heidya.9764
      @heidya.9764 4 роки тому

      Me too. I thought they are the same person 😭

  • @KaiJun-on4qc
    @KaiJun-on4qc 2 роки тому

    She looks more like Han Gi Beom (Kwang Soo’s twin) xD

  • @phoenixgmr6420
    @phoenixgmr6420 5 років тому

    is jessi married for real ?

  • @gabrielitaangy
    @gabrielitaangy 7 років тому +1


  • @ssoyybean
    @ssoyybean 7 років тому +1

    김숙분 화장하니까 전현무 닮았어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @thewallflower8511
    @thewallflower8511 6 років тому +1

    Cant stop laughing :,)))

  • @potatowarrior747
    @potatowarrior747 4 роки тому +1

    Why do they have to do her like this lol

  • @nooraalali7504
    @nooraalali7504 6 років тому


  • @princessleai
    @princessleai 6 років тому +2

    Their such trolls

  • @jemmery2070
    @jemmery2070 6 років тому

    game .

  • @sammydastrawberry9394
    @sammydastrawberry9394 5 років тому

    I'm a broke ass bitch

  • @jemmery2070
    @jemmery2070 6 років тому

    why take this level you desearv better : game ^^

  • @maddinkn
    @maddinkn 5 років тому


  • @keziahfajutrao1883
    @keziahfajutrao1883 5 років тому


  • @glowfly1000
    @glowfly1000 7 років тому +7

    not paying the make-up artist is just... nasty. c'mon pay your guys properly..