I understand why Jessi was so fluster when talking to Ha Jung-woo; he's so good looking, amazing actor and director, and so funny. Shit I would have been like Jungkook (International playboy) when he's around girls.
lol what a coincidence you have mention jungkook here and your comment is from 4 years ago and I just watched this video after watching a video about Jessi's crush on Jungkook.
It would be so great if Jessi could meet this actor ....but I kind of doubt that it really was Ha Jungwoo on the phone...he didn´t sound right...it could have been somebody else pretending... and I really dislike how they keep playing with her feeling since she seems so sincere in her emotions
Ha Jung woo is well respected A-list actor. He is very talented, handsome and charismatic with an easy-going personality. Very likeable character. He has such a good eye on picking movie roles for himself. The movies that I've seen him in are such gems.
Honestly, they should've just casted Ha Jungwoo even just for this episode. Imagine how happy Jessi would be.
JAMFUL O' JIMIN maybe they tried and he refused...he's not very into variety show after all!
He's must be busy
It's probably because he's not into variety shows that much, or he's too busy.
That's so adorable when she talked to him on the phone, she was soo cute, "I'm your biggest fan"
I understand why Jessi was so fluster when talking to Ha Jung-woo; he's so good looking, amazing actor and director, and so funny. Shit I would have been like Jungkook (International playboy) when he's around girls.
Suga infires me SAME
lol what a coincidence you have mention jungkook here and your comment is from 4 years ago and I just watched this video after watching a video about Jessi's crush on Jungkook.
jessi's mom is beautiful
tae's gucci slippers and racist
@@ssj-rose4572 what?
@@melissaalves2842 what?
@@ssj-rose4572 she racist?
@@ssj-rose4572 you cant just pour that tea and not give us the receipts.
4:07 like mother like daughter ^_^;
Ha Jung Woo is seriously so handsome imo
The fact that Jessi immediately called Ha Jung Woo oppa even though it's their first time talking lol the fangirling mode jumped out🤣☺️
He kinda shot her down a little, but I'm still happy she got to talk to him like she wanted. :3
Aw I know
Wait was the phone call real???
@@rozhin6055 yes
I think her tanned skin is cute
seeing park narae and kim sook side by side, i was so confused at first, like how the heck are there 2 Sooks?!
They really almost look a same 😂 😂
Wait what? They’re not twins? I thought she was her twin...
@@nouraahmad8922 lol no, i thought they were the same person skskskks
@@aleezaraza8509 Same lol
6:00 If Jessi appears in WGM, I will definitely watch it coz she looked so soft when she got simkung
I can understand why Jessi was so flustered Ha Jungwoo and his voice 👌👌😥😥💦💦
i watched The Handmaiden last week and was also smitten by Ha Jungwoo. now i understand Jessi. 😅😂😍
Jessie is so beautiful. :)
Jessi looked so cute with this video😍
I think that jessi's voice is similar to jackson's voice.
omg this was too funny jesus christ lord this group has such great chemistry together
Seeing Jessi fangirling... Priceless
jinkyung really looks like kwangsoo hahahhah
Mom always savage when she said about Jessi's skin color. 🤣
** watching it after 3 years I still LOL. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jessi is so pretty in wedding dress
Oh no I felt bad for her😭 I love ya Jessi ❤️😘
2:28 ! did you guys see that?😏 #EXO
I love these ppl
제시언니와 하정우님이 잘되길요
Are they in an sm building or what 😂 2:20 taeyeon and nct 😍
yeah ahaha the one where super junior members had their meeting in super returns ahahaha
wow i didn't think ha jung woo would be jessi's type but damn same sis.
He's the masculine type, like her father
4:11... Jessi so pretty... 🥰
im here because ha jung woo oppa 😍
HOW TO UNSEE THIS 1:20 OMOO!!!! 😂 Jinkyung you will be forever register to my mind as Kwangsoo's girl version wahahahahahaahhaha. 😂
I dudes crying 😂 when Jinkyung came out
Sook looks exactly like Hyunmoo and Jinkyung looks like Kwangsoo I can't omg ahahaha
Ha jungwoo 😍😍😍😍😍
am I the only one who focused with the photo in the background??
Why all of them are SM Artist?
MeU Forever n
They shot at the SM center, just knew it from SuperTV on 2018
The lee kwangsoo joke... I was thinking the same thing 😂😂😂
she looks like kwanghee aw forgot his name thegiraffe on running man 😂😂😂 lmao
Jaay M Kwangsoo 😊
Hhaha yes that one haha
ONE THING I WANNA ASK: Did Ha Jungwoo watched this????? 😂
It would be so great if Jessi could meet this actor ....but I kind of doubt that it really was Ha Jungwoo on the phone...he didn´t sound right...it could have been somebody else pretending... and I really dislike how they keep playing with her feeling since she seems so sincere in her emotions
XYuneeX99 it was really ha jungwoo on the phone. dont worry
it was real
Why was this so entertaining lol
Please can someone tells What’s the name of the song in 9:11
she looks like kwangsoooo (the tall one)
Could you please answer me, is Jessica mix or just korean with tan skin
Pure Korean with tanned skin
Why does tiffany not speak at all?
OMG HAHAHA😂😂😂😂why do they have to disguise like that😂😂
whoaaa jessi so cute, did she ever meet him
wah daebak hahaha jinkyung really did looked like lee kwangsoo
Jinkyung unnie reminds me of han ki beom
Nevertheless, why Na rae and Sook look the same
1:24 It's Lee Kwang Soo, not Ha Jung Woo :D
who is Ha Jungwoo ?
can someone please tell me ??
Ha Jung woo is well respected A-list actor. He is very talented, handsome and charismatic with an easy-going personality. Very likeable character.
He has such a good eye on picking movie roles for himself. The movies that I've seen him in are such gems.
His role in along with the gods are so cool
@@SHINeeTaeKeyshawol im totally agree with that
@@aishahyusoff3675 he has many other films mucher better than that one, his best roles are in The chaser and the yellow sea
Guess what jinkyung turns into Han KiBuem 😂🐙
Lee kwangsoo 😂
They keep on making false surprises. 😅
Hope Jessi will meet ha jungwoo.
They already met
omg im wondering ha jungwoo really meet jessi or not lol
Wait..Is that SM
what is song when ha jung woo already end the call?
Whitney Houston -run to you
😂 😂 😂 😂
Its just me or narae and sook looks alike
Me too. I thought they are the same person 😭
She looks more like Han Gi Beom (Kwang Soo’s twin) xD
is jessi married for real ?
Phoenix GMR no
김숙분 화장하니까 전현무 닮았어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Cant stop laughing :,)))
Why do they have to do her like this lol
Their such trolls
game .
I'm a broke ass bitch
why take this level you desearv better : game ^^
not paying the make-up artist is just... nasty. c'mon pay your guys properly..
1000glowflys ofc they did...but behind the scene
That wasn’t a makeup artist that was another comedian learn your stuff kid