Most people say Europe is the best continent due to the European Union and the good people and environment. The only bad countries in my opinion are Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. (Ukraine would be canny is there were no war though), and I think Finland is the best because it’s the world’s happiest country.
also Ukraine has a terrible GDP per capita i think about 3k a year and overall is a somewhat impoverished country compared to countries in the European union with the average gdp per capita in the eu being around 30k
I have been to many countries in Europe such as Germany and Switzerland and I understand why these countries are named the best in this list.I live in Russia and in terms of the quality of life it is, of course, inferior to many countries, but it is not as poor as it seems at first glance, although the roads here are very dangerous.
I don't think so Hungary is a bad place. It's safe, nice and lovely. IDK why did you do that... Chech it out, my German relatives travelled there (Budapest and Lake Balaton) and they loved it. The people are nice, the cities are safe (safer than the Western Europeans) and Hungary has one of the best cuisine in all of the world (I think second after the Italian)
I don't take cuisine rankings for granted, they are literally subjective, someone may like the chinese cuisine the most, someone the indian one, another italian, another french, etc.
I'm glad you like our country! Many Hungarian people hate living here, and while I can understand on one side, on the other side I think Hungary is trying to stay safe and stable, unlike some western countries for example. I just hate how the majority of people judge us based on the surface tbh
@@tigris8470 "Hungary is trying to stay safe and stable" who wont get millions of euro because some random shit asshole wanted to be that rebelling teen? who loves shitting on the eu then get butthurt when he has to take responsibility of his actions? who lives in a mansion while flying around in a private jet while millions suffer because things go up in price? who is destroying the polish-hungarian relationship because putin #1? who likes to blame the west for every thing?
Bulgaria 🇧🇬: Global peace index: 24-th Crime index: 97-th HDI: 0.8 (high) Each year the minimum salary is increased, each year the healthcare is improved, the inflation rate is not very high (like 15% and it's expected to decrease), the cost of living is small. I mean...yes, we have disadvantages also, but in general i think we are one great country to live in.
I'm actually Belgian, but I was born in Fiji. I need recruits from France, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Hungary, no matter the age. And my sister is actually from Switzerland.
0:03 Republic of Portugal 0:07 Kingdom of Spain 0:12 Principality of Andorra 0:16 French 5nd Republic 0:21 Principality of Monaco 0:31 Kingdom of Belgium 0:36 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 0:45 Netherlands Kingdom 0:51 United kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland 0:56 Republic of Ireland 1:01 Republic of Iceland 1:06 Kingdom of Norway 1:18 Kingdom of Sweden 1:21 Republic of Finland 1:27 Kingdom of Denmark 1:32 Federal Republic of Germany 1:38 Swiss Confederation 1:48 Republic of Italy 1:53 Republic of Malta 1:57 Republic of Austria 2:02 Republic of Slovenia 2:07 Republic of Croatia 2:11 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2:14 Montenegro 2:17 Republic of Albania 2:21 Hellenic Republic 2:24 Republic of North Macedonia 2:27 Republic of Cyprus 2:31 Republic of Turkey 2:34 Republic of Bulgaria 2:36 Republic of Kosovo 2:40 Republic of Serbia 2:44 Republic of Romania 2:47 Republic of Moldova 2:50 Republic of Hungary 2:53 Republic of Slovakia 2:57 Czech Republic 3:02 Republic of Poland 3:07 Republic of Lithuania 3:12 Republic of Latvia 3:16 Republic of Estonia 3:20 Russian Federation 3:25 Republic of Belarus 3:32 Republic of Ukraine (War)
The only reason why Kosovo is bad is because with the relationship with Serbia, as Serbia may never accept Kosovo independence, and is why Kosovo is always watching Serbia. Ukraine is also a pretty good country, but the war made it bad.
No, Ukraine has always been a Corrupt, Derelict, Shit country to live in. Like wtf, did everyone just forget that the minute Russia and Ukraine went to war?
I think Poland should be better than the Baltic countries, Britain should be like France, Greece should also be bigger, at least on a par with Romania, and why is it so bad with Hungary?
Spain is very good country! Public health is free, medicines and food are free for the poor. But... Have Economical Inestavility and don't Clean the forest in Winter for Avoid fires In summer. Even so... I don't know Whether or not that is done in other countries 😅 And... Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece are somewhat messy.
Depends where ik how offensive this will be but it’s my opinion but I live in a place called bath in south west England its very nice but other parts of the uk are really not like in my opinion parts of London Bristol Birmingham Manchester Liverpool and places like slough Bradford I generally just think are not nice at all
I live in France (coucou aux Français qui passent ^^) and for me the life is good but not excellent. Of course it depend where you live but except few city i don't see the France in this phase. Idk which phase its deserve but not upper for me :/ however there is some good things like a good gastronomy, varied territories and weather, so why not ^^
@@latenightguy4738 bah en soit cela dépend de l'endroit du pays Vu qu'on est à la croisé des climats. il y' a une différence entre le nord et le sud niveau climat (je dit ça en tant qu'ancien habitant d'IDF habitant mtn en Provence ^^) et perso je trouve assez vrai qu'il fasse bien chaud en été mais j'ai pas trop de problème je m'y adapte bien x) y'a des pays ou tu crèverais de chaud mais là si tu es en Bretagne t'aura un climat frais en été je pense. Après sinon pour notre pays rien à redire même si notre gouvernement fait peine je trouve y'a du bon à tirer de ce pays, malgré le fait que des prolos qui profitent des aides sans rien branler viennent cracher dessus en s'en mettant plein les poches, et c'est cela qui nuit à la France c'est qu'on donne la permission à certains de niquer le système (même si les aides sont très pratiques faut qu'elles soient rentabilisées sinon ça dégage..) en tout cas je m'attendais pas à ce qu'il y'ai un FR qui passe par là ahah
i kinda agree on the last one because of war but im british and lucky i would travel there to beat some russians up and help in the war for a bit but when im weakened i will go back
@@darmick602 и это говорит человек, который делает мемы с Беном? Сразу видно твой "высокий" уровень интеллекта 1. Я не говорил, что у меня депрессия. Я писал, что многие люди себя так чувствуют. При чём слово "депрессивно" Гугл перевёл как "депрессия", что похоже, но всё-таки отличается. 2. Суицид занимает второе место среди смертей подростков, что подтверждает - депрессией могут страдать подростки в любом возрасте (13+ лет). Даже если бы у меня и была депрессия, это ничего бы не значило 3. Ты даже возраст мой знать не можешь. А что ты ответишь, если узнаешь, что мне 15? Я смотрю ты очень взрослый, если снимаешь мемы для пубертатов. Не имею ничего против такого контента, но такое лицемерие от тебя я проигнорировать не могу, "эйджист" ты малолетний 4. Твоё поведение доказывает, что ты явно не старше меня
@@darmick602 Да, источники по количеству самоубийств у меня есть (Сайт gtmarket, комментарии с ссылками удаляются) Россия на 4-м месте. Да, не на втором, но смысл тот же. Насчёт претензий к первому комментарию. Мои слова о том, что многие люди в России чувствуют себя ужасно (заметь я не исключительно про себя говорю) опровергнуты не были. "Я не говорил, что у меня депрессия" - на этот пункт ты до сих пор не ответил. С чего ты вообще решил, что я говорил про себя? Возвращаемся к возрасту. Вот это самое интересное. Человек, который 2 года назад закончил школу (19 лет) и которому совсем недавно исполнилось 18 уже считает себя взрослыми мудрецом, познавшим жизнь. Хотя ты всего лишь на 4 года меня старше. Большая разница? Немалая, но ты сам подросток! (что, нужны источники? Могу привести!), ты сам недавно закончил школу. Это похоже на мем, где человек закончил 9-й класс и называет людей, старших его на 1 год школьниками. Но не суть Окей, возраст прибавляет ума? Возраст делает человека плохим/хорошим? Подозреваю, что тебя самого срут за возраст. 16-тние упрекают 11-летний. 20-летние срут 16-летних. 40-летние так же называют 20-летних студентами/неопытными/незрелыми и прочими неприятными словами. Да, я не могу знать всей правды, но может быть тебя самого оскорбляли по возрастному признаку? И ты нашёл рандомного человека младше тебя Ты вообще знаешь, что существует такая вещь, как "инфантилизм", когда 19-летний, 25-летний, да хоть 50-летний ведёт себя как ребёнок? Что, возраст - это гарант ума, нравственности и прочего?
@@darmick602 такое мнение про жизнь в России не только у меня, а у львиной доли населения. Я не понимаю, что за триггер на слово "депрессия"? Феминистки так же злятся на слово "man", Пишу это для того, чтобы ты не посчитал меня леволиберальным зумером
@@darmick602 чем твой контент лучше моего? У нас в каком-то смысле схожие тематики Смешно, сначала ты пытался оскорбить за возраст, теперь за материальное положение. Достойное поведение взрослого человека. Да почти любой взрослый не стал бы оценивать стоимость оборудования по видео какого-то случайного человека из интернета и тем более судить человека по вышеперечисленному, он ведь понимает, как это низко Хотя нахрен я вообще с тобой спорю
@@darmick602 Мои выводы основаны на исследовании ВОЗ за 2018 год. Ссылки Ютуб удаляет. Я тебе сто раз об этом говорил, могу скинуть ссылку в ВК или Телеграме. Ты вообще читаешь то, что я тебе пишу? Где я пытался доказать свою мудрость или ум? Я написал комментарий, а 19-летний студент-подросток (нет, ну ты же называешь всех вокруг школьниками, почему я не могу делать то же самое?) начал писать про депрессии, малый возраст и прочее. Кстати, откуда тебе знать, сдавал ли я ОГЭ или нет? В этой области у меня всё более, чем хорошо
@Romanian patriot Romania is a lot bigger than Hungary so we can not compare richness by the size of economy. As a Turk our economy is bigger than Belgium’s economy but I can not say that Turkish people are richer than Belgium people. But I understood the other part, I only visited bucharest in Hungary and that was the reason that I made this comment. I don’t know anything else about the rest of the Hungary so I suppose that you’re right.
The problem with Hungary is that Budapest is the alfa and the omega, everybody wants to go there and we have a lot of villages and really small towns that provide almost no jobs. Also HUF is really, really bad, especially right now with the war, everything is so expensive and our payments are really low, so that's why young people wants to leave.
things i dont get -norway is better than sweden -*what is going on in moldova ._.* -cyprus is better than greece and turkey (1974) -belarus is worse than russia -luxembourg and the netherlands are that far up Still a very good video, even if I'm just dumb or this is wrong
for lux its probably their high GDP per capita for Belarus its because they have a lower GDP per capita than Russia and what happened in Cyprus happened over 40 yrs ago for all the others i don't know
Although Sweden and Norway are pretty similar, Norway does a little better at the statistics, also Moldova is one of the poorest nations in Europe plus growing tensions in Transnistria
Most Canny in Whole Europe : Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg Most uncanny in whole Europe : Ukraine Most Canny in Nordic : Norway Most Uncanny in Nordic : Iceland and Finland West Europe(Canny) : Monaco West Europe(Uncanny) : UK, Spain Central Europe(Canny) : Switzerland, Luxembourg Central Europe(Uncanny) : Italy East Europe(Canny) : Estonia East Europe(Uncanny) : Ukraine Balkans(Canny) : Romania Balkans(Uncanny) : Kosovo
I hate the fact people say Scandinavian people are the happiest yes we get it they are the safest and economy is alright but still people are depressed, cold , shy and very very Introverted and not to forget alcoholic . People in Other countries like Iran or Turkey are much happier trust me
Most people say Europe is the best continent due to the European Union and the good people and environment. The only bad countries in my opinion are Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. (Ukraine would be canny is there were no war though), and I think Finland is the best because it’s the world’s happiest country.
with some helpful "juice"
also Ukraine has a terrible GDP per capita i think about 3k a year and overall is a somewhat impoverished country compared to countries in the European union with the average gdp per capita in the eu being around 30k
What “canny” is???
Ukraine is good country tho
@Complexus idk but they've always been poor
+9: Monaco, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland
+8: Ireland, Sweden, Denmark
+7: Iceland, Finland, Austria
+6: Netherlands, Germany
+5: Portugal, Andorra, France, Belgium, Malta, Czechia, Estonia
+4: Spain, UK, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania
+3: Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia
+2: Croatia, Romania
+1: Montenegro, Greece, Turkey, Serbia
±0: North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary
-1: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova
-2: Albania
-3: Kosovo, Russia
-6: Belarus
-7: Ukraine
+9 Bulgaria
Bro go to Bulgaria
Austria and Bulgaria best
Edit: Greece
@@GeometryDashGuyOfficial any proof of that?
@@owenhumphreys9065 proof: go just go
I have been to many countries in Europe such as Germany and Switzerland and I understand why these countries are named the best in this list.I live in Russia and in terms of the quality of life it is, of course, inferior to many countries, but it is not as poor as it seems at first glance, although the roads here are very dangerous.
дороги в россии это что-то
Ну да но не так плохо
Propaganda 🤫
@@vowl.7576 🤡
Central and western Europe:🤑😎📈
East Europe:📉😫😣
@@tigris8470 How is this cringe?
@@KungErik how is this not cringe lmao
У нас хотя бы отопление есть😉
I was honestly expecting at least ONE tili tili bom in there, but nope there's not.
That's for Africa, oof
i knew that
@@angelzavala2254 and countries like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, North Korea
@@VoidRays2665 oh and Somalia.
@Rød sol also Myanmar
I love that how Netherlands did fight with water and won
Why is everyone seeing Germany as a paradise? Why didn't I ever see a bit of that "paradise"?
0:02 Portugal
0:07 Spain
0:11 Andorra
0:16 France
0:21 Monaco
0:31 Belgium
0:35 Luxembourg
0:46 Netherlands
0:51 UK (Untied Kindom)
0:55 Ireland
1:01 Iceland
1:06 Norway
1:16 Sweden
1:22 Finland
1:27 Denmark
1:32 Germany
1:38 Switzerland
1:48 Italy
1:52 Malta
1:57 Austria
2:02 Slovenia
2:07 Croatia
2:10 Bosnia and Herzegovina
2:14 Montenegro
2:17 Albania
2:21 Greece
2:24 North Macedonia
2:26 Cyprus
2:31 Turkey
2:34 Bulgaria
2:36 Kosovo
2:40 Serbia
2:43 Romania
2:47 Moldova
2:50 Hungary
2:53 Slovakia
"untied kindom"
I think if there will be unrecognized states Abkhazia and South Ossetia Skull, Artshakh, LDP, DPR, tili tili bom, Northern Cyprus Canny phase 3
They will not include LDPR, XD
This is what you get for being Russian Puppet's
Canny 😎
🥇Monaco (Tie) - Phase 9 🇮🇩
🥈Switzerland (Tie) - Phase 9 🇨🇭
🥉Norway (Tie) - Phase 9 🇧🇻
Luxembourg (Tie) - Phase 9 🇱🇺
Sweden (Tie) - Phase 8 🇸🇪
Ireland (Tie) - Phase 8 🇮🇪
Denmark (Tie) - Phase 8 🇩🇰
Iceland (Tie) - Phase 7 🇮🇸
Finland (Tie) - Phase 7 🇫🇮
Austria (Tie) - Phase 7 🇦🇹
Germany (Tie) - Phase 6 🇩🇪
The Netherlands (Tie) Phase 6 🇳🇱
France (Tie) - Phase 5 🇨🇵
Andorra (Tie) - Phase 5 🇦🇩
Portugal (Tie) - Phase 5 🇵🇹
Estonia (Tie) - Phase 5 🇪🇪
Czechia (Tie) - Phase 5 🇨🇿
Malta (Tie) - Phase 5 🇲🇹
Belgium (Tie) - Phase 5 🇧🇪
Spain (Tie) - Phase 4 🇪🇦
Lithuania (Tie) - Phase 4 🇱🇹
UK (Tie) - Phase 4 🏴🏴🏴🇬🇧
Cyprus (Tie) - Phase 4 🇨🇾
Italy (Tie) - Phase 4 🇮🇹
Poland (Tie) - Phase 3 🇵🇱
Latvia (Tie) - Phase 3 🇱🇻
Slovakia (Tie) - Phase 3 🇸🇰
Romania - Phase 2 🇹🇩
Serbia (Tie) - Phase 1 🇷🇸
Greece (Tie) - Phase 1 🇬🇷
Turkey (Tie) - Phase 1 🇹🇷
Montenegro (Tie) - Phase 1 🇲🇪
Bulgaria (Tie) - Phase 0.5 🇧🇬
Hungary (Tie) - Phase 0.5
North Macedonia (Tie) - Phase 0.5 🇲🇰
Uncanny ☠️
Bosnia and Herzervorgina (Tie) - Phase 0 🇧🇦
Moldova (Tie) - Phase 0 🇲🇩
Alabania - Phase -1 🇦🇱
Kosovo (Tie) - Phase -2 🇽🇰
Russia (Tie) - Phase -2 🇷🇺
Belarus - Phase -6 🇧🇾
Ukraine - Phase -7 🇺🇦
I don't think so Hungary is a bad place. It's safe, nice and lovely. IDK why did you do that... Chech it out, my German relatives travelled there (Budapest and Lake Balaton) and they loved it. The people are nice, the cities are safe (safer than the Western Europeans) and Hungary has one of the best cuisine in all of the world (I think second after the Italian)
I don't take cuisine rankings for granted, they are literally subjective, someone may like the chinese cuisine the most, someone the indian one, another italian, another french, etc.
I'm glad you like our country! Many Hungarian people hate living here, and while I can understand on one side, on the other side I think Hungary is trying to stay safe and stable, unlike some western countries for example. I just hate how the majority of people judge us based on the surface tbh
@@tigris8470 "Hungary is trying to stay safe and stable"
who wont get millions of euro because some random shit asshole wanted to be that rebelling teen?
who loves shitting on the eu then get butthurt when he has to take responsibility of his actions?
who lives in a mansion while flying around in a private jet while millions suffer because things go up in price?
who is destroying the polish-hungarian relationship because putin #1?
who likes to blame the west for every thing?
@@tigris8470 I love Hungary, my parents were there a long time ago and they've talked me so well about ur country, I need to go there someday
hungary is a beautiful country together with russia.
Bulgaria 🇧🇬:
Global peace index: 24-th
Crime index: 97-th
HDI: 0.8 (high)
Each year the minimum salary is increased, each year the healthcare is improved, the inflation rate is not very high (like 15% and it's expected to decrease), the cost of living is small. I mean...yes, we have disadvantages also, but in general i think we are one great country to live in.
nuh uh look around you we're in Europe 💀💀
Considering I lived there for many years I don't think Ireland deserves that high. Maybe stage 7.
It’s stage 8. Does it make a big difference? Also, Ireland is richer than every Nordic country
@@NoahBall08 Earth mapping?
@@NoahBall08 Most of that extra wealth goes straight out of the country. It's all corporate.
For a regular person this country's more like canny 5.
@@NoahBall08 I’m from england but I think i’d rather live here than Ireland
Romania and Serbia should be uncanny, most people in those countries are poor as hell
I'm actually Belgian, but I was born in Fiji. I need recruits from France, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Hungary, no matter the age.
And my sister is actually from Switzerland.
Central Europe: 😀
Balkans: 😕
Western Europe: 😃
Iberia: 😄
Baltics 🙂
Scandinavia: 😎😎
Slav states: 😔
Лол в России нормально
@@breh_begula Где? В Москве и Питере да, а за их пределами как-то не очень
I already know that Switzerland is the best in The world due to fresh air, more freedom, and no war.
And highest average monthly salary, one of the lowest crime rates,and highest HDI / quality of life
Swiss people live life on easy mode for real
Best salary, but everything is expensive as shit too
BRO, every northic country deserves phase 10
Switzerland is the best country to stay if there is a war
also iceland
And greenland Of course because no one bombs greenland because hardly anyone lives there
@@iesroo No, it is cold
@@kittyboochanyesbongono8467 Also in Switzerland for the mountains, but yea, still not as much as in Iceland.
@@Sara-fd3dd Okay
As a Romanian Romania is a beautiful country And i'm Glad That my country is on phase 2
Same here
@West African Republic clould have been a little better but i am still happy
@tengoro ball We can't afford
@tengoro ball i have been to Austria (Vienna) twice and it was
I think, live in Slovakia is good when you are Citizen of Slovakia!
0:03 Republic of Portugal
0:07 Kingdom of Spain
0:12 Principality of Andorra
0:16 French 5nd Republic
0:21 Principality of Monaco
0:31 Kingdom of Belgium
0:36 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
0:45 Netherlands Kingdom
0:51 United kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland
0:56 Republic of Ireland
1:01 Republic of Iceland
1:06 Kingdom of Norway
1:18 Kingdom of Sweden
1:21 Republic of Finland
1:27 Kingdom of Denmark
1:32 Federal Republic of Germany
1:38 Swiss Confederation
1:48 Republic of Italy
1:53 Republic of Malta
1:57 Republic of Austria
2:02 Republic of Slovenia
2:07 Republic of Croatia
2:11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
2:14 Montenegro
2:17 Republic of Albania
2:21 Hellenic Republic
2:24 Republic of North Macedonia
2:27 Republic of Cyprus
2:31 Republic of Turkey
2:34 Republic of Bulgaria
2:36 Republic of Kosovo
2:40 Republic of Serbia
2:44 Republic of Romania
2:47 Republic of Moldova
2:50 Republic of Hungary
2:53 Republic of Slovakia
2:57 Czech Republic
3:02 Republic of Poland
3:07 Republic of Lithuania
3:12 Republic of Latvia
3:16 Republic of Estonia
3:20 Russian Federation
3:25 Republic of Belarus
3:32 Republic of Ukraine (War)
Dutch person here. I can confirm it’s pretty all right here in The Netherlands🇳🇱
Italian, but living in Switzerland. The difference is noticeable: although Italy is decent overall, Switzerland does a far better job. 🇨🇭 #godtier
non ci spendi l'ira di cristo laggiù?
Lithuania more canny than Poland?! Really?!
Dude, Living in Romania how better than Hungary???
And linchestein 🇱🇮, vatican 🇻🇦 and San marine 🇸🇲?
life in russia is not so bad russia is perfectly clean and you don't even see a criminal around.
I like Belarus because of Minsk and most wildlife areas there.
2:12 is first uncanny
NATO & EU: 😎
Eastern Slavs: 💀
Italy is cannier than Belgium, Czechia, and Estonia
3:31: I Like That Phase 9 Is The Worst You Can Get
The only reason why Kosovo is bad is because with the relationship with Serbia, as Serbia may never accept Kosovo independence, and is why Kosovo is always watching Serbia. Ukraine is also a pretty good country, but the war made it bad.
Wow look a clown
все сраны снг плохие
No, Ukraine has always been a Corrupt, Derelict, Shit country to live in. Like wtf, did everyone just forget that the minute Russia and Ukraine went to war?
@@XCrysis I said pretty
Imagine an update on UA-cam where every time you fast forward or reverse a video it will take you to the most replayed part 😮😯💀
The rule of Europe:the more southeast you go to worst
West Europe :😮💨😎🤑😜
East Europe :💀💀👹👹👽☠️
I think Poland should be better than the Baltic countries, Britain should be like France, Greece should also be bigger, at least on a par with Romania, and why is it so bad with Hungary?
I personally don’t get how denmark is super canny? explain
Supper happy
@@OliverX_VR wow
What country are you from? From Norway? Or which one?
almost all of europe:🤑southern europe:😐Eastern Europe: ☠️
Country Is Tempo106 = Temporia Canny Phase 250
I'm glad you like Romania. But as a Romanian I can confirm that living here is not great...
Stop the cap
Its true if you live in a poor area or a small village
@@lakaka401 shut up
Liechtenstein, San Marino and Vatican City left the chat
Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 phase 9 canny
Vatican city 🇻🇦 phase 1 canny / phase 2 uncanny
San Marino 🇸🇲 phase 7 canny
Spain is very good country! Public health is free, medicines and food are free for the poor. But... Have Economical Inestavility and don't Clean the forest in Winter for Avoid fires In summer. Even so... I don't know Whether or not that is done in other countries 😅
And... Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece are somewhat messy.
2:11 first uncanny: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Denmark would be the happiest
As a British person I would put the UK as neutral or regular
Why do Austria and Iceland look like the Macedonian flag 🇲🇰💀
Yuo mean the Vardaskan flag?
What happened to Vatican City, Kazakhstan and San Marino?
Vatican and San Marino doesn’t show on map in this on and Kazakhstan is not in Europe
@@OliverX_VR a bit of Kazakhstan is.
Yes but it’s not in quizzes
@@ゆとだぬ 翻訳者は驚異的に働きます。 彼は「ロシア、私はあなたを決して許しません!」と訳すことになっていたが、「ロシア、私を決して許さない!」と訳された。
As a UK person in England I feel like phase 1000000000000000000000000 canny
Dont read dis comment
Depends where ik how offensive this will be but it’s my opinion but I live in a place called bath in south west England its very nice but other parts of the uk are really not like in my opinion parts of London Bristol Birmingham Manchester Liverpool and places like slough Bradford I generally just think are not nice at all
I live in France (coucou aux Français qui passent ^^) and for me the life is good but not excellent. Of course it depend where you live but except few city i don't see the France in this phase. Idk which phase its deserve but not upper for me :/ however there is some good things like a good gastronomy, varied territories and weather, so why not ^^
Totalement d’accord mais il fait beaucoup trop chaud en eté
I live in romania and the life isnt that good because im not in the capital.
@@latenightguy4738 bah en soit cela dépend de l'endroit du pays Vu qu'on est à la croisé des climats. il y' a une différence entre le nord et le sud niveau climat (je dit ça en tant qu'ancien habitant d'IDF habitant mtn en Provence ^^) et perso je trouve assez vrai qu'il fasse bien chaud en été mais j'ai pas trop de problème je m'y adapte bien x) y'a des pays ou tu crèverais de chaud mais là si tu es en Bretagne t'aura un climat frais en été je pense. Après sinon pour notre pays rien à redire même si notre gouvernement fait peine je trouve y'a du bon à tirer de ce pays, malgré le fait que des prolos qui profitent des aides sans rien branler viennent cracher dessus en s'en mettant plein les poches, et c'est cela qui nuit à la France c'est qu'on donne la permission à certains de niquer le système (même si les aides sont très pratiques faut qu'elles soient rentabilisées sinon ça dégage..)
en tout cas je m'attendais pas à ce qu'il y'ai un FR qui passe par là ahah
Canniest: Norway,Switzerland,Monaco And Luxembourg phase 9 canny
Uncanniest: Ukraine phase 9 uncanny
i kinda agree on the last one because of war
but im british and lucky i would travel there to beat some russians up and help in the war for a bit but when im weakened i will go back
Hah, as a person living in Russia, I absolutely confirm this. Since February 24, many feel depressed
@@darmick602 и это говорит человек, который делает мемы с Беном?
Сразу видно твой "высокий" уровень интеллекта
1. Я не говорил, что у меня депрессия. Я писал, что многие люди себя так чувствуют. При чём слово "депрессивно" Гугл перевёл как "депрессия", что похоже, но всё-таки отличается.
2. Суицид занимает второе место среди смертей подростков, что подтверждает - депрессией могут страдать подростки в любом возрасте (13+ лет). Даже если бы у меня и была депрессия, это ничего бы не значило
3. Ты даже возраст мой знать не можешь. А что ты ответишь, если узнаешь, что мне 15? Я смотрю ты очень взрослый, если снимаешь мемы для пубертатов. Не имею ничего против такого контента, но такое лицемерие от тебя я проигнорировать не могу, "эйджист" ты малолетний
4. Твоё поведение доказывает, что ты явно не старше меня
@@darmick602 Да, источники по количеству самоубийств у меня есть (Сайт gtmarket, комментарии с ссылками удаляются) Россия на 4-м месте. Да, не на втором, но смысл тот же.
Насчёт претензий к первому комментарию. Мои слова о том, что многие люди в России чувствуют себя ужасно (заметь я не исключительно про себя говорю) опровергнуты не были. "Я не говорил, что у меня депрессия" - на этот пункт ты до сих пор не ответил. С чего ты вообще решил, что я говорил про себя?
Возвращаемся к возрасту. Вот это самое интересное. Человек, который 2 года назад закончил школу (19 лет) и которому совсем недавно исполнилось 18 уже считает себя взрослыми мудрецом, познавшим жизнь. Хотя ты всего лишь на 4 года меня старше. Большая разница? Немалая, но ты сам подросток! (что, нужны источники? Могу привести!), ты сам недавно закончил школу. Это похоже на мем, где человек закончил 9-й класс и называет людей, старших его на 1 год школьниками. Но не суть
Окей, возраст прибавляет ума? Возраст делает человека плохим/хорошим? Подозреваю, что тебя самого срут за возраст. 16-тние упрекают 11-летний. 20-летние срут 16-летних. 40-летние так же называют 20-летних студентами/неопытными/незрелыми и прочими неприятными словами. Да, я не могу знать всей правды, но может быть тебя самого оскорбляли по возрастному признаку? И ты нашёл рандомного человека младше тебя
Ты вообще знаешь, что существует такая вещь, как "инфантилизм", когда 19-летний, 25-летний, да хоть 50-летний ведёт себя как ребёнок? Что, возраст - это гарант ума, нравственности и прочего?
@@darmick602 такое мнение про жизнь в России не только у меня, а у львиной доли населения. Я не понимаю, что за триггер на слово "депрессия"? Феминистки так же злятся на слово "man",
Пишу это для того, чтобы ты не посчитал меня леволиберальным зумером
@@darmick602 чем твой контент лучше моего? У нас в каком-то смысле схожие тематики
Смешно, сначала ты пытался оскорбить за возраст, теперь за материальное положение. Достойное поведение взрослого человека. Да почти любой взрослый не стал бы оценивать стоимость оборудования по видео какого-то случайного человека из интернета и тем более судить человека по вышеперечисленному, он ведь понимает, как это низко
Хотя нахрен я вообще с тобой спорю
@@darmick602 Мои выводы основаны на исследовании ВОЗ за 2018 год. Ссылки Ютуб удаляет. Я тебе сто раз об этом говорил, могу скинуть ссылку в ВК или Телеграме. Ты вообще читаешь то, что я тебе пишу? Где я пытался доказать свою мудрость или ум? Я написал комментарий, а 19-летний студент-подросток (нет, ну ты же называешь всех вокруг школьниками, почему я не могу делать то же самое?) начал писать про депрессии, малый возраст и прочее.
Кстати, откуда тебе знать, сдавал ли я ОГЭ или нет? В этой области у меня всё более, чем хорошо
Norway is like a luxury even if ur poor
Isn’t the Hungary is fine to live how is it worse than Romania?
@Walker I don’t think that they are more poor than Romania or Bulgaria are they?
@Romanian patriot Romania is a lot bigger than Hungary so we can not compare richness by the size of economy. As a Turk our economy is bigger than Belgium’s economy but I can not say that Turkish people are richer than Belgium people. But I understood the other part, I only visited bucharest in Hungary and that was the reason that I made this comment. I don’t know anything else about the rest of the Hungary so I suppose that you’re right.
@Walker Rumunia is poorer
@@alpmete13 you visited Budapest, not Bucharest, if it's in Hungary. Please keep in mind, Romania has Bucharest and Hungary has Budapest.
The problem with Hungary is that Budapest is the alfa and the omega, everybody wants to go there and we have a lot of villages and really small towns that provide almost no jobs. Also HUF is really, really bad, especially right now with the war, everything is so expensive and our payments are really low, so that's why young people wants to leave.
Everybody new watching this, get used to canny songs expect for 7 countries
3:07 look at Baltic union
Lol, i loved the balkans part, it was like 😃☺😨☺😳😎😰😃💀☺
Bulgaria’s good, why didn’t he become canny!?
Thats good country but its europe 10 poorest country and dangerous
Same as Hungary what better than Romania 😑😑
It is immediately clear that the author is not competent, and thinks in stereotypes.
things i dont get
-norway is better than sweden
-*what is going on in moldova ._.*
-cyprus is better than greece and turkey (1974)
-belarus is worse than russia
-luxembourg and the netherlands are that far up
Still a very good video, even if I'm just dumb or this is wrong
for lux its probably their high GDP per capita
for Belarus its because they have a lower GDP per capita than Russia
and what happened in Cyprus happened over 40 yrs ago
for all the others i don't know
Although Sweden and Norway are pretty similar, Norway does a little better at the statistics, also Moldova is one of the poorest nations in Europe plus growing tensions in Transnistria
@@pausen4567 oh ok
norway is in fact a little better than sweden, and it is shown in the video.
@@Bisurrdo ok
Have you forgotten the European of Armenia and Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and Georgia?
I live in Ireland, its far from Europe's best
Its prob just the overall like city ratings or stuff like that
As a russian I can say that Russia it's real good country .
We cannot hate an entire country just because of one crazy man
@@cheseofficial1476 true
Murmansk oblast is good
@@cheseofficial1476 Yea i agree just beacause of
this man {you know} we cannot hate entire country
Edit: why is Kosovo uncanny
Cuz of the propaganda there i can say that im a serb. And they had confikt in kosovo and its very poor
@@klosar69420 ok
@@fireschoolbus your welcome
@@klosar69420 which phase it is
Most Canny in Whole Europe :
Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg
Most uncanny in whole Europe :
Most Canny in Nordic :
Most Uncanny in Nordic :
Iceland and Finland
West Europe(Canny) :
West Europe(Uncanny) :
UK, Spain
Central Europe(Canny) :
Switzerland, Luxembourg
Central Europe(Uncanny) :
East Europe(Canny) :
East Europe(Uncanny) :
Balkans(Canny) :
Balkans(Uncanny) :
0:24 Monaco
0:38 Luxembourg
i wish i could live in Europe
Turkey is not in Europe
A small parts after Istanbul in it so officially and geographically yes it is
Why is Hungary worse than Romania? GDP per capita in Hungary: $20,119, in Romania: $15,619
Bro literally go to Bulgaria and reply how you like it
Edit: Austria and Bulgaria best
They’re really poor
Stop talk...
Bro Russia is not that bad if you forget about the war
But it’s still bad
It would be normal mrnincredible
@@andrew0801 lol no its not 😂
@@XCrysis 10th dangerous country, terrible geography, hostile temperatures, government, 60% is uninhabitable, population decreasing
How tf is portugal blue sunglasses category?
I hate the fact people say Scandinavian people are the happiest yes we get it they are the safest and economy is alright but still people are depressed, cold , shy and very very Introverted and not to forget alcoholic . People in Other countries like Iran or Turkey are much happier trust me
bro as a Bulgarian i can cunfirm we have some problems in our country but why live in Russia to be bad?!?!
Dude, if your Norwegian, and named Noah. Im also named Noah, but i'm from Denmark :)
Well, I’m actually 25% Danish. Also, why are you named Helle Larsen, if your real name is Noah?
@@NoahBall08 because this isn't my account.
@@julinmette1 oh
Why the long face Russia?
You forgot Vatican City, San Marino, Caucasus & Kazakhstan
This is bullshit.
You ranked the Balkans way too high.
fuck is san marino and vatican at?
Do of América in next video
Liechtenstein left the building🇱🇮🏡
I know they're really small. But where are Liechtenstein, San Marino, and Vatican City?
The map I used didn’t include them
Oh, okay.
They would probably all be the canniest stage
@@CommonCommiestudios except that theocratic monarchist if you get who is it
@@gamingwitheagleofficial8477 dude Vatican is cool
I'm live in Russia
I doubt living in Russia is worse than Turkey
Croatia incredible almost ate uncanny 💀
Spain in (2019 2023) 3:31
Source: Andrew Tate's hair
Bro graduated in Skibidi toilet💀
Yo what nothing bad happened here
IMO is rather go to Sweden than Norway but still both are great countries
Norway is better the crime rate is way lower + it's happier + it's richer + it's more beautiful
@@bryantofsomething5964 I just said it was my opinion and Norway is expensive as hell
@@bryantofsomething5964 Sweden is way more beautiful
@@australiancountryball1272 NOOOOO
As a bosnian i confirm that our country not safe 👍
As a serb serbia shold be like bosnia
Yeah but u feel like serbia shold be like bosnia cuz serbia really isnt peacful and others stuff oh and kosovo
@Complexus yeah only slovenia croatia bulgaria and romania remane peacful in the balkans other countries are in chaos
@@klosar69420 Albania is more chaotic in my opinion
@@gamingwitheagleofficial8477 i mean yeam but now we are in chaos
I live in Russia
Эмы чем то похожи(по никам) ?🤔
you forgot vatican city
How is life in Serbia better than in Bulgaria?
It's the same probably
I think switching Sweden and Finland is ok
Как россиянен говорю что в РФ не так плохо жить
But it’s still bad for others, and it could collapse because of the war
Ukraine should be phase 10 but instead it’s poor and getting attacked by Russia