The reason why the name changed was bc meta wouldn't allow the name anymore, they also just posted the video to mainly announce that they changed the name, I talk to the owner and devs and talked to them abt the name change and other stuff bc I am a Beta tester, just clearing some things up, have a good day.
The reason why the name changed was bc meta wouldn't allow the name anymore, they also just posted the video to mainly announce that they changed the name, I talk to the owner and devs and talked to them abt the name change and other stuff bc I am a Beta tester, just clearing some things up, have a good day.
@DreamntVR thanks. Man u r living a dream of mine. I would love to beta test and meet the owners that sounds sick. Congratulations
@ Ty bro
@@DreamntVR how'd you do it
Become a beta tester.
@ also 7 months of work
They're joking around they're not actually gone crazy
@EliRennie you think. I just thought it was weird
@@goriIIaVRGT ok
I think we got a lot out of this conversation
thats deep bro
@goriIIaVRGT man, there going to make movies about this talk
their gonna make 3rd graders do art projects about this
@@TEMUMONKE TeChNiCaLy I pOsTeD tHe ViDeO sO i SaW iT fIrSt
@@Funtimegamer-VR TeChNiCaLy WHaT I MeAn Is ThaT I cOmmEnTEd fIrSt