There was a time for me when I didn't understand English songs because I couldn't learn English at school. There were no English lessons. I still liked the music of the Beatles and the Kinks, even though I didn't understand the songs. The melodies were catchy. I was 15 years old. I didn't learn Finnish at the schools I went to. ... and again - almost 50 years later - I don't understand the Finnish titles of "Halloo Helsinki" and again I find their melodies simply good. Now I am 71. Everything repeats itself. Greetings Ernest
Scene from everyday life: Place: A German cemetery: Two women, about 80 years old, are walking through the cemetery and stop at a grave. They are talking to each other: "That's Ernst's gravestone. It says something funny. He learned Finnish at the age of 71 to understand ELLI's jokes: Who is ELLI? The two ladies walk on and away from the grave. One of them says: "He was funny!"
elli oot ihanparas oon haloo helsinki fani rakastan teiän musiikkii jere jukka ja leo on myös parhait oon ollu haloo helsigin 2😍😍 keikal imatran öissä ja lahes ja asun imatralla elli on vil kuttanu miulle ja jukka on kattonu ku lauloin yhtä piisii täysii ni jukka on katto nu minuu koko piisin ajan💗💕💖
There was a time for me when I didn't understand English songs because I couldn't learn English at school. There were no English lessons. I still liked the music of the Beatles and the Kinks, even though I didn't understand the songs. The melodies were catchy. I was 15 years old.
I didn't learn Finnish at the schools I went to.
... and again - almost 50 years later - I don't understand the Finnish titles of "Halloo Helsinki" and again I find their melodies simply good. Now I am 71.
Everything repeats itself.
Greetings Ernest
Ihana toi Ellin puheääni. ❤️😭😂
Jotenkin kiva kattoo kun bändin jäsenet muistaa nämä vanhat biisit joita eivät enää laula livenä
ihana ääni ellillä 😍😍 paljon heleäpi kun se puhuu 😀
Mikä järki täs musiikissa taustalla on. Näis on kiva kun voi ite miettiä kans mut nyt mä kuuntelen vaa tota titidi ti ti titidi ti ti ti
Ellillä on ihana ääni
-Ei toi ollu meiän?
ihana elli
Siis mitä onks Ellillä on heleä ääni oikeasti puhuessa 🙈
Tää oli ihan mahtava
Jes haloo helsinki Elli
Mä haloo helsinki Ellin suurin fani
Scene from everyday life:
Place: A German cemetery:
Two women, about 80 years old, are walking through the cemetery and stop at a grave. They are talking to each other:
"That's Ernst's gravestone. It says something funny. He learned Finnish at the age of 71
to understand ELLI's jokes: Who is ELLI? The two ladies walk on and away from the grave.
One of them says: "He was funny!"
elli oot ihanparas oon haloo helsinki fani rakastan teiän musiikkii jere jukka ja leo on myös parhait oon ollu haloo helsigin 2😍😍 keikal imatran öissä ja lahes ja asun imatralla elli on vil kuttanu miulle ja jukka on kattonu ku lauloin yhtä piisii täysii ni jukka on katto nu minuu koko piisin ajan💗💕💖
Antti Tuisku on jo
ei sillä että laskettaisiin pisteitä mutta se taitaa olla kaks yks mulle XdDDD
Herranjumala oon siis virolainen😂 ja Jerehän osaa hyvin viroo😂
Karola elise mä oon puoliksi ja todella hyvin osaa 😂😂
Elli haloo peppu on upea pyöreä
Ei se oo paha asia jos antaa pusun fanina
Minä olen suuri elli haloo fani ja ellille sopisi korsetti 💖💕💖💏💑
Ville Perukangas väitätkö et Elli on läski