Mavrick Murder Trial Recap: Day Eight

  • Опубліковано 11 гру 2024


  • @cordiashort8339
    @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому +4

    One more thing..are we the HATERS? NO!
    If we hate someone, it’s called to murder someone or to put a curse upon someone. If we bless them , AHAYAH will bless us. If we curse them, AHAYAH will curse us. (Read Deuteronomy 28.)

    • @thresh9128
      @thresh9128 4 роки тому


    • @cordiashort8339
      @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому

      Yeah. Good question, glad you asked.
      Read Psalms 68:4
      “ Sing to God, sing praises to His Name;
      Extol Him who rides on the clouds,
      By His name YAH,
      And rejoice before Him.
      Isaiah 12:2;
      “Behold, God is my salvation,
      I will trust and not be afraid;
      For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song;
      He also has become my salvation.
      Isiah 26:4;
      Trust in the Lord forever,
      For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.
      Isaiah 38:11;
      I said,
      I shall not see YAH,
      The Lord in the land of the living;
      I shall observe MAN no more among the inhabitants of the world.
      Isiah 52:5-6;
      Now therefore, what have I here, says the Lord,
      That My people are taken away (raptured) for nothing?
      Those who rule over them
      Make them wail, says the Lord,
      My Name is blasphemed continually every day.
      Therefore My people shall know My Name;
      Therefore they shall know in that day that I am He who speaks:
      Behold, it is I.
      Joel 2:31-32;
      The sun (spirit) shall be turned into darkness,
      And the moon (faith) into blood (sin),
      Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
      And it shall come to pass
      That whoever calls on the Name of the Lord
      Shall be SAVED.
      It’s sad..we all were taught that God is His name.
      Exodus 3:14;
      God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”
      You should say to the children of Israel, “I AM has sent Me to you.”
      Verse 15;
      You shall say to the children of Israel: “The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob, has sent Me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.”
      Why God? Not YAH?
      If we call on His name..YAH, we will be saved. If we call Him God then who is God?
      Satan said: “ I will be like the Most High (God)”
      Why would Paul tell us in 1 Corinthians 8:5;
      he stated idol is nothing in the world and that there is no other God but One.
      If there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), for us there is One God.
      Why Isaiah, David and all prophets call Him YAH not God?

    • @cordiashort8339
      @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому

      Some people called Him “YHWH” and others call Him “YHVH”
      I am born in English words. God spoke to Hebrew first in their own language, not Judah (Judaism).
      Judah taught us His name is Jah or Jehovah.
      Hebrew didn’t have vowels. Just letters.
      HA-YAH means the God
      YA-YAH means My God
      YA-SHA means My Deliver (Saviour)
      ISHI means My Husband
      HAYAH means to be (I AM, I WAS, and I WILL BE)
      AH-HAYAH means “I Exist”
      YASHI OR YASHA means Saviour/Deliver.
      Like I say, Hebrew’s own language is how we pronounce His name.
      Did you know that Jesus isn’t His REAL name. Yup. (It’s YASHIYA or YASHAYA) Same as Christ isn’t a real name as it’s a make up name by Orthodox’s Messiah (in Greek) or HA MASHIAH (in Hebrew).
      Examples: OBADI-YAH means Servant of YAH
      ISAI-YAH means YAH is salvation
      JEREMI-YAH means YAH saves
      HALLEU-YAH means “Praise You, YAH”. (Not HALLEU-JAH)
      Judah use Joshua as Jesus‘a name and it is not the proper name.
      Iesous or Iesus is how they called Him and it means “he is God”. We all know that YASHAYA is the Son of YAH.

    • @cordiashort8339
      @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому

      I am not sure is anyone knows the meaning of “Christian“?
      It’s interesting because in Daniel 9:25-26;
      Daniel called the Saviour “the Messiah“ (meaning “the ANOINTED ONE”)
      If you study Greek words it’s called “Christos” and in Chrio means to smear or rub with oil. (they spell it out as Khris-tos or Khris-tee-an-os) ..meaning a follower of Christos (a man who is smeared or rubbed with oil by men)
      Christian means someone who ACTS as a Christ follower. We already know that He is the Messiah, the anointed one. (He is NOT the Christ..He is the Messiah)
      Remember YASHAYA said in Matthew 24: they will come in My Name?
      There’s a good example in Isaiah 44:5;
      “One shall say, I am the Lord’s; and other shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another will write with his hand, “The Lord’s“, And name himself by the name of Israel.”
      It’s like those men will say “I am the Christian”, “ I am a Priest”, “I am Evangelist”, “I am a Teacher”, “I am the Prophet”, “ I am the Bishop”, “I am the Pastor” etc,...etc, and so on. (Too many Lords or Gods all over the World)
      There’s only One Lord, One God and His Name is YAH.
      There’s only One Son, One Saviour, One Messiah (the Anointed One) and His Name is YASHAYA.
      Why shall we call ourselves the Christian? We are not the Holy peoples or the Perfect peoples or the Righteous peoples. We all are the sinners.
      Men wants us to follow them, and give up YAH for their own God (the deity).
      YAH gave us a life (soul..the breathing creature or the breathing of flesh/body), we need the “Life-giving Spirit” by YASHAYA (life is the newness of blood which is anointed for our Lev 17:11:) Spirit isn’t the word meaning of the “wind” or the “breath” means YAH’s own breath Word. (All Scripture is Breathed out by YAH..2 Timothy 3:16;)
      Men are tossed to and fro and carried about every wind (evil spirits) of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting (Ephesians 4:14) ...(Satan is the power of the air..Ephesians 2:1-3) remember YASHAYA said “Satan can divide the kingdom“? (Kingdom means Words for Words or Lies for Lies which causes too many diviner in us).

  • @cordiashort8339
    @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому +2

    I understand most of your frustrations...He is guilty of murder, he lies and always change his story.
    One thing we need to remember: “NO one on earth are righteous (holy) or perfect (we all are the sinners..guilty of charge).
    Second thing is God is FULL of (mercy or) merciful..only He can redirect the plan. We can’t take control over His plans. Because of His Love for us.
    Third thing is We have NO authority over Judgement, only God has the powerful of Judgement. (If we judge Maverick, we have already judged ourselves..that means whatever we speak (blasphemy) against relating to criticism, judging, blaming, etc..our own tongues (sign languages) cause us to sin or increases in our sins like James said, “we rebirth new sins”)
    Fourth thing is..we always all judge the appearances of our brothers and sisters almost EVERYDAY!!
    Appearance meaning in Greek and Hebrew.....How they act, How they speak, How they dress or wear, How they eat..etc. we do judge them all the time...we never sees or looks at what’s in their heart inside.
    God knows what’s in our hearts. (’s like how we judge the Gay, the Transgender, (LGBTQ)’s their own choice and their own life, not ours because we DON’T own their souls, only God does. It’s like if “They are an Offense to you, LOVE your enmity (enemy) no matter what and you’ll be blessed for showing your Love for them)
    It is between God and Maverick. (Not us)
    (I do feel so bad for Grant and his family. Their pains aren’t easy. And I don’t blame them for their own grievances)
    Now it’s very sad because a lot people (including myself) used to call our Father..His name as God.
    It isn’t His real name.
    If you read Psalms 68:4; (Isaiah 12:2; 26:4:)
    “Sing to God, sing praises to His Name;
    Extol (Exalt) Him who rides on the clouds,
    By His name YAH,
    And rejoice before Him.”
    YAH told Moses..”I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14)
    Not YHVH or YHWH.. I AM which is “AHAYAH”
    Exodus 3:15...
    You shall say to the children of Israel (who’s these peoples? That’s us..the lost 10 tribes of Israelites):
    “The Lord AHAYAH of your fathers, the AHAYAH of Abraham, the AHAYAH of Issac, and the AHAYAH of Jacob, has sent Me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to ALL generations.”
    Not to copy “YAH” or “JAH” as the Egyptian’s name of the moon. We need His FULL NAME:
    Remember we were like Babylon...full of confusion and Judaism are blind... (they killed “the Savior”)
    Judaism called Him “JAH” such as Jehovah...”Je” means son and “Hovah” means ruins or the “SONS OF DESTRUCTION” Paul said in 2 Thessalonians (if I get that right?)
    People keep changing His Name as God (that’s how Roman Catholic calls Him God in early 300’s we are now in 2020’s), Judaism called Him Adonai (which is also a false name it’s a name of goddess) Hebrew calls Him Elohim.
    Some called Him, YahWeh, YaHUaH, YahVah and so on as etc,”.
    It’s also sad because AHAYAH told us or the writers NOT to add or to remove His own Name. (That’s how He feels so resentful from us because we don’t know His real name) Bible are so mixed up with many false words. That’s why we depend on His words, AHAYAH...not MEN’s.
    HalleluYah (Praise to AHAYAH)

    • @jellyringsricepudding6961
      @jellyringsricepudding6961 4 роки тому

      Agree. Mavrick did destroyed bible and insulting god and his people. Probably Mavrick realized his actions are wrongfully.

    • @cordiashort8339
      @cordiashort8339 4 роки тому

      It’s hard to explain this part because if he is mad at God (YAH)’s not His real Name. Like the Satan said..”I am God”. (Bible is corrupted due to the names of the true God (YAH) because Paul said: there’s many gods or many lords... in 1 Corinthians 8:5)
      Some people gets so angry at God (YAH) and doesn’t mean to hurt God (YAH). They think He doesn’t answer their prayers or He takes something away from’s like He is telling us, no or not this time. So we have to learn to live with it. And be very patient.
      About Maverick....I have no idea about his life. Only thing I know that he did a horrible thing to a breathing (living) soul ( in Leviticus 17:11; ...For the life of the flesh is in the blood: ......It is like Grant’s blood cried out for God (YAH) and He knows it.) He (Maverick) will have to face a fair punishment for his mistake or consequences.
      If he gets a less time served, it’s between him and God (Yah), not us.
      My points is: there’s no reason to hate him (Maverick), judge him or reject him because the Bible states that if we hate him, then we hate God (YAH). If we judge him wrong then we judged God (YAH) too. If we reject him then we also rejected God (YAH).
      That’s why we have to accept that he will serve for his time and leave him alone.
      Remember Cain? Who murdered his own brother Abel? God (YAH) put a mark upon him, He said if we kill him or hate him, He said this person will suffer a sevenfold vengeance. That’s a scary part when we face God (YAH) if we disobey.

  • @TheDailyMoth
    @TheDailyMoth  4 роки тому +3

    CALLIE FRYE (The Daily Moth Reporter):
    The defense attorney for Mavrick Fisher was finished with his questions, and it was the District Attorney’s. Mavrick sat down in the witness box.
    DA: Why did you travel with Grant if you knew that Grant had a tendency to smoke marijuana and drink while driving?
    Mavrick: I couldn’t get away from him.
    DA: Grant invited you to go on a camping trip with him and you went ahead and joined him. You could have said no.
    Mavrick: I didn’t want to push Grant’s buttons.
    DA: So, you were concerned about pushing his buttons - because Grant would become angry with you?
    Mavrick: Oh yes, from what I could see, based on what Grant did to others like Lee, Emily, and other people. I didn’t want to make the same mistake.
    DA: You said Grant drove recklessly and that you didn’t like him, among other things. But you was never direct with him about it?
    Mavrick: I couldn’t.
    DA: You could have declined to join Grant.
    Mavrick: You’re right.
    DA: Did you feel threatened by Grant with his words and messages?
    Mavrick: Yes. He said, “I’ll do ‘calibre’ shit to people who fuck around with me.
    Both the DA and Mavrick talked back and forth about “Calibre.” What is it? It is the title of a movie that both of them watched together. It is a murder movie.
    [VIDEO CLIP OF TRIAL: Mavrick: “It is a murder movie.”]
    DA: Did Grant specifically threaten your son?
    Mavrick: No.
    DA: Did Grant specifically threaten Emily?
    Mavrick: No.
    DA: You said Grant was very angry. Did he ever attempt to assault you?
    Mavrick: During an argument? No.
    DA: Did Grant threaten you with his body at any time or aggressively approach you?
    Mavrick: No.
    DA: “Did Grant threaten you or move towards you during the argument?”
    Mavrick: No.”]
    DA: When you and Grant had that heated talk about splitting up, did you feel upset?
    Mavrick: I was nervous, upset, and a bit scared. All of these at once.
    DA: Does Grant typically enter the tent and step over you as you lay down, so he wouldn’t step on you, is that right?
    Mavrick: That’s right.
    DA: You both have camped together in the past. Do you both always sleep in the same position with Mavrick near the tent zipper (front door) and Grant being in the back?
    Mavrick: Yes.
    DA: Did you feel any anxiety that night on what Grant could do to you when he entered the tent?
    Mavrick: A little bit, yes.
    DA: How long was you lying down on the sleeping bag before Grant went inside?
    Mavrick: It felt like a few hours. Two or three hours, I don’t know.
    DA: Did you see Grant or his figure when he was standing outside of the tent before he went inside?
    Mavrick: No.
    DA: When you took the rock, did you put your body out of the tent?
    Mavrick: My torso never went outside of the tent.
    DA: I know you have answered this question before, but I wanted to be sure you said your head was outside of the tent?
    Mavrick: It was enough to see the rock.
    DA: You could see the rock?
    Mavrick: That’s how I took it.
    DA: But it was dark outside. How did you see the rock?
    Mavrick: I could see the shape of it.
    DA: How did you gather the rocks to use for the tent’s corners?
    Mavrick: I found them around the place. Near the river, at the trail, and at other places on the campground.
    DA: You gathered the rocks from various places?
    Mavrick: I was looking for the right rock to place on the spike holes, at the four corners of the tent.
    DA: What kind of rock was you looking for?
    Mavrick: A flat surface that you would be able to secure on the spike hole and the fabric tab next to it. I didn’t want a weirdly shaped rock. The rock should look like a brick.
    DA: How heavy was it?
    Mavrick: It feels like a brick.
    [VIDEO CLIP: Mavrick: It feels like a brick.]
    DA: Did you need two hands to hold the rock and carry it? Or just one hand?
    Mavrick: Just one hand.

    • @TheDailyMoth
      @TheDailyMoth  4 роки тому +1

      Callie Frye:
      Now, let’s go to the incident in the tent.
      DA: Did you strike the rock on various parts of Grant’s body?
      Mavrick: No.
      DA: So, every time you struck Grant, you aimed for the head?
      Mavrick: Yes.
      DA: You could have hit his arm or back, right?
      Mavrick: Yes, I could have.
      DA: Every time you struck him, you pulled your back arm as to load up on your full strength so you could hit him with tremendous force, right?
      Mavrick: It was not at my full ability, it was more of like throwing a baseball.
      DA: So you didn’t use your full strength?
      Mavrick: Yes, I used my full strength. I put my life behind it.
      [VIDEO CLIP: DA: You didn’t use your full strength? Mavrick: Yes, I used my full strength. I put my life behind it.”]
      DA: After the final blow, at that time, was Grant still breathing?
      Mavrick: Yes.
      DA: You could have called for help when Grant was still alive.
      Mavrick: Theoretically, I could have.
      DA: There were other people near by, right?
      Mavrick: Yes, there was a camper or a tent. I don’t remember. There were a couple or three people, some females. I don’t know.
      DA: Did you approach them to ask for help?
      Mavrick: No.
      DA: You could have used Grant’s phone to text Lee to explain what happened and notify him that you’re on your way?
      Mavrick: Theoretically, I could.
      DA: You wanted help from Lee as soon as possible?
      Mavrick: Yes. I wanted help as soon as possible.
      DA: Lee could have helped you? If you texted back and forth with him, he could have helped?
      Mavrick: I did not do it.
      [VIDEO CLIP: DA: Lee could have helped you if you used Grant’s phone to text him back and forth? He could have helped. Mavrick: I simply didn’t do it.]
      DA: When you got to Lee’s property that early morning, the gate was closed. Did you try to text Lee to let him know that you were there and needed help?
      Mavrick: I did not have cell phone service on my phone.
      DA: But you had Grant’s phone.
      Mavrick: I did not use it.
      DA: Grant’s phone had reception. You could have texted him when you arrived.
      Mavrick: Yes, I could have.
      [VIDEO CLIP: Mavrick is flipping through a few papers as the DA stands by him]
      Callie Frye: The DA gave papers for Mavrick to read it. They were printouts of Mavrick’s texts to Lee. The printout:
      Mavrick (texting to Lee): “I’m going on a road trip with Grant. We are going to Mt. Shasta. The engine felt funny. The RPM went up and down. We pulled over and checked the car out. My finger went into the fan wheel and I felt the belt cut it. Grant was frustrated and turned on the engine while my finger was on the pulley and belt. The belt cut off a chunk of my skin.”
      DA: So, all of that was a lie
      Mavrick: Yes.
      [VIDEO CLIP: DA: (Reading) “The belt cut my skin off.”
      So, in short, you are saying all of this was a lie?
      Mavrick: Yes.]
      DA: Now, let’s move to the part where you packed the tent and supplies into a tote. Did you put the knife in there?
      Mavrick: No, I did not put a knife there.
      DA: But everything else was put in the tote.
      Mavrick: That’s right, everything was in there except for the knife, that was the only thing. But is it just the one? I can’t remember. I can’t say if it was just the knife, but yes I put the knife in the car.
      DA: Who did the knife belong to?
      Mavrick: I have no idea.
      [VIDEO CLIP: DA: Who did the knife belong to? Mavrick: I have no idea.]
      DA: Let’s move forward. When you were at the Lake County police station, were you planning to walk up and inform them you killed Grant?
      Mavrick: If an officer came up to me while I was in the car and asked questions, I might have told him.
      DA: You could have walked with Mr. Fucci to the police station. You could have signed in ASL and Fucci would (have used his voice) to tell the officers that you killed Grant.
      Mavrick: That was possible.
      [VIDEO CLIP: Judge: We’ll wrap up for the evening.]

  • @victoriajohnson5797
    @victoriajohnson5797 4 роки тому +3

    🤔 I’m confusing his answer is different than before!

  • @pmg1180
    @pmg1180 4 роки тому +1

    Kind of late to post this. Don’t you know that?

  • @patriotlady7540
    @patriotlady7540 4 роки тому

    I agree with grant family said in court maverick is narcissistic true I noticed he lacked empathy and remorse. He love to be in spotlight and love to prey on people to fed his narcissistic supply. He have light sentence that is shocking to me. Sad for grant family.

  • @Euthesian
    @Euthesian 4 роки тому

    My grandpa was friend with maverick's dad so ye

  • @michaelcurry11
    @michaelcurry11 4 роки тому +1

    Not bullshit buy.