Dark Souls 2 - 10 Things you might not know #20

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DecoyBlackMage
    @DecoyBlackMage 8 років тому +92

    Great job, it has been a joy to watch this series.
    I am looking forward to your DS3 videos
    /clap clap clap

  • @LimitBreakers
    @LimitBreakers 8 років тому +44

    Tip 4 is incredible! I wonder if it is still considered blocking with block frames?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +15

      +Limit Breakers What a honor - Limit Breakers himself comments :)
      I can't tell you that, because I didn't test it! But I can tell you that really strange things happen...your character is still two-handing the weapons/shields but you can't visibly see it. So you have the two-handed moveset without "holding" the weapon two-handed. You have the strange blocking animation...Than I used a torch and my flame disappeared - I didn't want to go further, but I think that's your department anyway :)

    • @dexmerx3425
      @dexmerx3425 8 років тому

      +Limit Breakers Ayyyyyyyyyyyy

  • @Terioth
    @Terioth 8 років тому +26

    Great job. Watching these has been so amazing. You should post all of these on reddit. You'd blow up.
    I have two more secrets. Laddersmith Gilligan has a unique headbutt attack. When he uses a lifegem, it heals an instant amount instead of over time. Idk if this is something that you would include, but his animations are severely underdeveloped.
    In reference to the ship that the bell calls, if you get there fast enough, you can board the ship while all of the characters are manning their positions. You can make it to the boss room without a fight.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +6

      +Super Smash Joe Awesome, thank you so much!! I hope I can make antoher episode and include your facts :)

    • @Terioth
      @Terioth 8 років тому

      No problem :)

  • @Shadow6OO
    @Shadow6OO 8 років тому +36

    I can't believe that, out of 199 facts(Carthus Demon repeat), I only knew 17!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +18

      So glad to hear that :)
      And sorry for the double Demon fact -.-

  • @Enoonb
    @Enoonb 8 років тому +5

    I just found this series today and I watched all of the episodes because they're quick, well done and straight to the point. I appreciate what you do.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +2

      +Artsy Thanks bro, really glad to hear that!! \[T]/

  • @Curratum
    @Curratum 6 років тому +3

    This has been an incredible series, thank you for all the great information, curious facts, subtle details and tons of footage!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  6 років тому

      I'm glad you liked the series :)

  • @hohlnd
    @hohlnd 4 місяці тому +1

    Found out this series of videos today and watched them all. Learned whole bunch of things, thank you very much for all the effort!!!

  • @Kurdent
    @Kurdent 8 років тому +1

    Nice stuff as always!
    The "out of stamina" running killed me! Also, the one about shrine of winter I was like "Wait... who's stupid enough to not realised the door open when you get the 4 souls or 1 million sm" but then you pointed the "manual" opening instead of automated. Well.... Emerald Herald say we are too weak to get to the castle without the 4 souls... but you have less souls in the end when getting all 4 and then going to Drangleic Castle. ALSO, manually opening the door mean you are stronger than that old lady waiting for these automated sliding door.
    See you in Dark Souls 3! Love your work!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Matante Kurdent Thanks bro :)
      See you there \[T]/

    • @Kurdent
      @Kurdent 8 років тому


  • @c0mmanderKeen
    @c0mmanderKeen 8 років тому +2

    Good stuff! :D 200 !!! Quite something ahead

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +c0mmanderKeen Thanks :)

  • @jayjack
    @jayjack 8 років тому +1

    After watching a ton of your videos, I was surprised how many comments you replied to in all of them. That's pretty amazing.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +jayjack654 Thank you for watching my vids, really appreciate that :)

  • @HD-Shadowcloak
    @HD-Shadowcloak 8 років тому +12

    There are upside down statues on the roof before velstatd boss fight

  • @okamiwarrior3327
    @okamiwarrior3327 4 роки тому +1

    Wow... it was amazing job to find all this secrets and little things. Thank you, i didn't know so much about my favorite game in this trilogy.
    Sorry for my English, im from Russia.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked the series :)
      And don't worry, your English is perfect!

  • @absurdo_pensador805
    @absurdo_pensador805 8 років тому +1

    I love this videos. I can't wait to see them in Dark Souls 3. Very good work Zoikoikum :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Absurdo_Pensador Thanks bro :)

  • @Trager0
    @Trager0 8 років тому +3

    These videos are great!
    I'm surprised they don't have more views than they do, they're very well made.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Traeger Thank you :)

  • @AYorkshiremanPlaysGames
    @AYorkshiremanPlaysGames 8 років тому +1

    I'm always learning new stuff about DS/DS2 from your videos, even after multiple playthroughs!
    Keep up the good work, looking forward to learning all the stuff I missed in DS3 :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +A Yorkshireman Plays Thank you, really glad to hear that :)

  • @Didibeng
    @Didibeng 8 років тому +1

    200 FACTS, LETS CELEBRATE IT, your way to do it ;)
    Great vid :D

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Didibeng Thanks bro :)

  • @Er404ChannelNotFound
    @Er404ChannelNotFound 8 років тому +13

    And here I thought there couldn't be any more facts to dig. Good job proving me wrong, I learned a lot of new things today. thanks for the video, keep up the good work. Also, does the Moonlight Greatsword stay in its original colours in the Chasm of Old?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +4

      +FirstName LastName Thanks, really glad to hear that :)
      And nope! Strangely only the Bluemoon Greatsword!

  • @tank7013
    @tank7013 8 років тому

    Hey there. Found your channel yesterday and already really enjoying your videos so far (in fact I just finished binge watching this series). Heres to many more fun facts from DSIII

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +tank7013 Thank you for the kind words! Glad you liked the series :)

  • @diamondbac22
    @diamondbac22 Рік тому +2

    Watching in 2023, thank you for the great series.

  • @worvet7817
    @worvet7817 8 років тому +1

    i been here since ep 1 :D see you Dark Souls 3 bro!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +worvet I know worvet!! I always recognize the shark :D Thank you!!!
      See you there bro!!

  • @GhostWolfLP
    @GhostWolfLP 8 років тому +1

    love that you are making more of these now

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +GhostWolfLP Glad to hear :)

  • @riddarhyttan
    @riddarhyttan 8 років тому +1

    Did not know about nr. 9 (the symbols). That's...interesting.
    Also, 200! Amazing.
    Congrats, see you soon in DS3!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +riddarhyttan Thank you riddar :)
      See you there \[T]/

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому

      When I saw the fact aproachin I actually thought, he's gonna analyze the symbols, well guess they don't mean anything

  • @blaf55
    @blaf55 8 років тому +3

    You Did It :D now you are hermit of Dark Souls 2 :D

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +pan liška WE did it ;)
      And yes, I've definitely been too long in Drangleic :D

    • @blaf55
      @blaf55 8 років тому +1

      zoikoikum :D im expecting you in DS3 :D Praise thee \o/

  • @azkieel5323
    @azkieel5323 7 років тому +1

    This series is great. Good job and thanks for the work you did.

  • @TheMikeMilk
    @TheMikeMilk 8 років тому +3

    These low stamina walking animations cracked me up. Cue the Benny Hill them pls :D

  • @myprogram3067
    @myprogram3067 8 років тому +3

    Wow just as I thought you couldn't find any more facts haha great job man

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Mert Erten Thanks :D

  • @Nightmare-bn4sr
    @Nightmare-bn4sr 8 років тому +1

    another excellent video, good work bro. Waiting for Dark Souls 3 videos.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Vitor Giacomo Thank you :)

  • @royalkina
    @royalkina 8 років тому +1

    Zoikoikum you did an amazing job with this videos and I can't wait to see the DS3 versions.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +royalkina Thank you :)

  • @JDEvz
    @JDEvz 8 років тому +1

    Loved this series, very well done!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Just Jam Thanks bro :)

  • @juanfacundomendozabari8589
    @juanfacundomendozabari8589 8 років тому +1

    Love it! Love it!
    Great as always!
    Please keep it up!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Juan Facundo Mendoza Bari Thanks bro :)

  • @Spawnus
    @Spawnus 8 років тому +1

    Only just found out about your channel today and I have discovered a lot of things! you've earned a sub! look forward to seeing what you do with Dark Souls 3 once we can get our hands on it :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Spawnus Thanks bro, really glad to hear that :)
      24 hours remaining...hyyyype \[T]/

    • @Spawnus
      @Spawnus 8 років тому +1

      +zoikoikum \[T]/

  • @ColeTheUber
    @ColeTheUber 8 років тому

    200 facts and I've known about 7 of them. Great series and I hope you continue it into Dark Souls 3

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +ColeTheUber Thanks bro, glad to hear that :)

  • @dannyspremium4474
    @dannyspremium4474 8 років тому +1

    Excited for some DS3 vids!!

  • @SaGaLX374
    @SaGaLX374 8 років тому +1

    dein channel ist einfach nur der wahnsinn danke für diesen tollen content

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +SaGa374 Vielen Dank für die netten Worte!!
      Sehr motivierend :)

  • @SuperBaklavas
    @SuperBaklavas 8 років тому +1

    Thanks for doing this man. See you in DS3 :D

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +SuperBaklavas Thanks for watching it ;D
      See you there \[T]/

  • @coolname3760
    @coolname3760 8 років тому +1

    Great videos! I love your channel alot!

    • @coolname3760
      @coolname3760 8 років тому +1

      Something I didn't add is that I recently discovered that retainers have a little backstab/grab attack, if you turn your back while they thrust their weapon at you, they backstab you

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Thanks bro :)

  • @honeybadger2898
    @honeybadger2898 8 років тому +1

    This soundtrack is truly epic

  • @Fuutor
    @Fuutor 8 років тому +2

    Fun fact: You can't see detailed art of shields in the Dark Chasms. Best example is the Guarding Dragon Shield

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Max Schmitd Nice, thanks :D

  • @jimjoerobinson
    @jimjoerobinson 8 років тому +4

    see you in Dark Souls 3! :)
    would love to see Demon's Souls or Bloodborne content in future too :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +2

      +Jamster Maybe I can borrow my friend's PS4...that would be awesome :D

    • @jimjoerobinson
      @jimjoerobinson 8 років тому +2

      +zoikoikum Demon's Souls actually interests me more cos there's so little UA-cam content about it, but Bloodborne would be great too :)

  • @MikeHawk-mf9gh
    @MikeHawk-mf9gh 8 років тому +3


    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +FoZe blozikein Thanks bro :)

  • @worvet7817
    @worvet7817 8 років тому +1

    7 more days dude! hype!!!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +worvet hyyyype \[T]/

  • @abysssensei6886
    @abysssensei6886 6 років тому

    3:36 I never knew that, does it still count for the hex Affinity?

  • @blaf55
    @blaf55 4 роки тому

    you made a legendary series , nice

  • @victorch.2137
    @victorch.2137 4 роки тому

    You now... that is a sick level of detail

  • @Fuutor
    @Fuutor 8 років тому

    Really liked this series ! If you can promise some Dark Souls 3 content I'll subscribe ! Really fast, simple content and really informative ! Good Job

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Max Schmitd Of course there will be DS3 content :)
      And i am glad you like the series!

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому

      zoikoikum Just remember. The sooner you're gonna do DS3 stuff, the more people will notice your channel ! I'm sayin' because right now you should have ten times the amount of subs

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Thanks for the nice words!! I already preordered DS3 so I think I can start soon after the release making some vids :D

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому +1

      zoikoikum No problem, I preprdered DS3 already as well. I still need to finish Dark Souls 2 though. Man, I hate that Iron DLC

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      At least there are no Fridgid Outskirts in that DLC ;D

  • @spaceman9459
    @spaceman9459 8 років тому

    Great Videos! I hope you will make this series for ds3 when its come out!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Mad Bad Thank you!! I definitely will :)

  • @ViperJoe
    @ViperJoe 8 років тому +1

    I've just binge-watched this series. Great work! Will you do the same for Dark Souls 3 when it rolls around? :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Viper Joe Thanks for watching them all :)
      And yes, can't wait to start this series with DS3!!

  • @regularjean1196
    @regularjean1196 8 років тому +1

    wow...you actually did it...congrats man !

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Therock İs cooking Thanks bro :)

  • @MamaTrixxieAsmr
    @MamaTrixxieAsmr 2 роки тому

    4:36 as well as on the phantom dude on Gower's

  • @Rukaji77
    @Rukaji77 8 років тому +1

    Loved this series. One thing I think you missed is that armor visually degrades when broken. Weapons do too.

  • @GamerRoman
    @GamerRoman 8 років тому +19


    • @Kurdent
      @Kurdent 8 років тому +2


  • @colerichard9264
    @colerichard9264 3 роки тому +1

    Hot damn, there was so much info to take in on this series! How many hours do you even have on this game?

  • @RED-hb1di
    @RED-hb1di 8 років тому

    Gongrats on everthing ;) 200 facts your exams everything you've earned it to bad i wont see you on ds3 :(

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Swordmaster lowell Thanks :)
      Why not? Different platform??

    • @RED-hb1di
      @RED-hb1di 8 років тому

      Yeah remember i play ps3 ps4 and your a pc gamer but soon soon i will be to haha haha

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Ahh, yeah, I remember -.-
      You're getting a PC? Awesome!!!

    • @RED-hb1di
      @RED-hb1di 8 років тому +1

      Yeah and soon might be may or june

  • @simonjakobsson2800
    @simonjakobsson2800 8 років тому

    So I watched all the videos with things you might not know. Some things I did know and some were a really fun reminder. However, many of these things I was not even aware of. Great observation! May I ask what country you are from? Also, have a like, I Surely enjoyed this ^^

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Simon Jacobsson Thank you Simon, really appreciate that :)
      I'm from Italy!

  • @axolotlist9700
    @axolotlist9700 8 років тому

    Congrats on 200 Dark Souls 2 facts!!! Great video! Do you think you'll ever play/make videos on Bloodborne to pass the time until Dark Souls 3?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Axolotlist Maybe if I can borrow my friend's PS4 :D

    • @RED-hb1di
      @RED-hb1di 8 років тому +1

      If you do I'll be happy to help you out, all you have to do is ask buddy

    • @axolotlist9700
      @axolotlist9700 8 років тому

      zoikoikum It's a shame that you just finished the series. I just found one out a fact that you might have already said but also maybe not lol. The Dragon Head Stone flame does not count as fire since when you use it on an oil barrel it does not explode as you think it should.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Didn't know that - thanks :D

  • @MamaTrixxieAsmr
    @MamaTrixxieAsmr 2 роки тому

    1:08 pretty sure navlaan casts with his hands...which we can't either

  • @spakkiotto94
    @spakkiotto94 8 років тому +1

    try doing parry to ghosts in the hundead crypt.
    Also great video man!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Alex 94 Thanks!! Do you mean the wall-ghosts?

    • @spakkiotto94
      @spakkiotto94 8 років тому


    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Alex 94 I think I once tried to parry them, but it didn't work...did I miss something?

    • @spakkiotto94
      @spakkiotto94 8 років тому

      The parry does not work , but you do not receive damage

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      Alex 94
      Aaah, thanks!!

  • @kenny6772
    @kenny6772 8 років тому +10

    Maybe we can get 300 facts in Dark Souls 3 ;P

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +2

      +Kryce The Heide Knight We can try it!! I just have to cover some facts before Vaati does it :D

    • @kenny6772
      @kenny6772 8 років тому +3

      Not an easy task - good luck in advance!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Kryce The Heide Knight Thanks!!

  • @xolxtzol5722
    @xolxtzol5722 7 років тому

    I don't know if you guys have noticed but if your character is idle his/hers breathing is easy but if you have finished a battle your characters breathing will be heavier for a few seconds. Pretty cool detail in my opinion

  • @kinkajuu1
    @kinkajuu1 8 років тому

    i binge watched, or marathoned all your series,
    srsly great work finding all this stuff.
    i found a way to get out of the map in tseldora cove, outside of ornifexs house(or opposite side) there should be a ramp of sand, where spiders comefrom top.
    takes a while, but you can run and jump over the top and walk around the area

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +kinkajuu1 Thanks bro :)
      I'll definitely try that out!! Vanilla or SotFS?

    • @kinkajuu1
      @kinkajuu1 8 років тому

      zoikoikum both, :) but i did it in sotfs most recently.

    • @kinkajuu1
      @kinkajuu1 8 років тому

      zoikoikum it can be hard, took me 10 minutes, but i just really wanted to get over that sand dune/ramp

  • @giantdad9481
    @giantdad9481 4 роки тому

    I know I’m like 4 years late but this fact series is amazing and it taught me so much!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  4 роки тому

      Thank you!!

    • @giantdad9481
      @giantdad9481 4 роки тому +1

      @@zoikoikum thanks go to you, I thought I was an expert on ds2 but I knew less than half of this stuff. Great work.

    • @Hadley.Sinclaire
      @Hadley.Sinclaire 4 роки тому

      @@zoikoikum cutie

  • @mebardock
    @mebardock 8 років тому +3

    upon starting a new game you can remove your raggs before character creation revealing you to be a hollow red headed man. just incase you do a ten things #21
    great series by the way

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +micky Awesome, thank you!!

  • @MsThefallen
    @MsThefallen 8 років тому

    great series. i highly appreciate your work.
    got a question. do you all the things out yourself ?

    • @MsThefallen
      @MsThefallen 8 років тому

      *find out

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Kahviah fifty-fifty I would say!! If you look in the description of the videos you'll see which facts where suggested by subscribers!
      There wouldn't be 20 episodes without the amazing DS2-community :)

    • @MsThefallen
      @MsThefallen 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum ah ok i see. thanks :). and this was the last one for ds2 ?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Probably yes! But I said that so many times that I am not sure anymore :D

  • @cimaaaaaaa
    @cimaaaaaaa 8 років тому +9

    Dude, u are hero c:

  • @boutanutrn
    @boutanutrn 8 років тому +2

    Hey +zoikoikum I just found out that all 4 crowns in dark souls 2 have hidden abilities.
    Kings Crown gives you +3 FTH & INT
    Crown of the sunken king removes 1 VGR & VIT and adds +1 STR, DEX INT & FTH
    Crown of the iron king restores %20 of your spell casts every 2 minutes (Outside of battle)
    Crown of the ivory king gives you a small amount of life regeneration.
    All of these effects are removed when you receive Vendricks blessing (Prevents Hollowing), But the effects are not removed in NG+
    Have fun!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +SENS awesome work, thanks bro :)

  • @samuelhernandez2752
    @samuelhernandez2752 4 роки тому +1

    The end of a great series...
    And the beinning of anoter.
    …what could possibly await us?
    And yet, we seek it, insatiably…
    thing we might not now...
    Such is our fate.

  • @Tosnoob
    @Tosnoob 8 років тому +1

    Even the walking animation of the Alonne knights looks goofy.

  • @errayqou9870
    @errayqou9870 8 років тому

    Jajaja i rly want Dark Souls III out, and a lot of videos about it! xD Great work zoiko jaja

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +errayqou Thanks bro :D

  • @Andi-zg8po
    @Andi-zg8po 8 років тому +1

    Now thats some music!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Andi Keucher Glad you like the choice :)

  • @magicdragon3409
    @magicdragon3409 8 років тому

    not too shabby

  • @Lucifer7816
    @Lucifer7816 8 років тому

    Nice job as always, are you gonna do any bloodborne videos?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Viktor 7816 Thanks :)
      I don't have a PS4 so I can't do anything Bloodborne related :/

    • @Lucifer7816
      @Lucifer7816 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum Understood, good luck on dark souls 3 videos.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Viktor 7816 Thank you!

  • @robertocastillo3745
    @robertocastillo3745 8 років тому +1

    amazing bro

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Roberto Castillo Thank you :D

  • @StrayCatAnimations
    @StrayCatAnimations 6 років тому


  • @Nox93
    @Nox93 8 років тому

    E la mia sul veleno? D:
    Comunque gz per i 200 fatti!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +Nox Ho ancora alcuni fatti per un possibile episodio bonus :)

  • @Fuutor
    @Fuutor 8 років тому +1

    I don't know if it's too early but in DS3 at the cliff where all the dead turtle pilgers lie. Pay attention to the arm of the ones at the very cliff. One has a completely fucked up arm that goes up and down. Just a detail, I noticed. Hope you read this :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Max Schmitd Awesome, thank you!!

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому

      Did you actually find it or is it patched out already ? Actually, how far are you into the game ? I don't want to spoiler anyone :I

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Max Schmitd I found him :)
      I beat 4 bosses, including the Tutorial boss, so I'm not that far...

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому

      zoikoikum Okay, you may be ahead of me :I Should I comment other things, I notice ?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Max Schmitd Of course, that would be great :D

  • @ivankalinin407
    @ivankalinin407 8 років тому +2

    I think found something in dark souls 1....at the entrance of the tomb of the giants just after the coffin bridge you can see the remains of two campfires, a rope and some little bags...I think that was the camp of reah&co before patches happened.....just thought I share this information with you ;)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Haldir of Lorien Nice find, thanks!! Damn you Patches :/

  • @xTeloss
    @xTeloss 7 років тому

    What armor pieces are you wearing at 1:30?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  7 років тому +1

      Fume Sorcerer Robe + Boots and the Bell Keeper Goves iirc :)

  • @defectiveuser470
    @defectiveuser470 8 років тому +1

    zoikoikum I'm so glad you are finally posting again But its The last episode /[T]\

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Luther Nilsen Dark Souls 3 is coming soon for more episodes :)

  • @fredh1897
    @fredh1897 8 років тому

    hey zoikoikum, did you know that on ng+2 or bonfire level 3, you have black phantom enemies in ivory king dlc? the others dlcs i don't know i didn't try yet

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Fredh18 Didn't know that - thanks!!

    • @fredh1897
      @fredh1897 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum you,re welcome ! but sorry though to be late to the party, it was the final episode, no more thing you didn't know... :(

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Fredh18 I'll start a new series with DS3 :)

    • @fredh1897
      @fredh1897 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum yes but I mean my thing was about Dark Souls 2 ^^

  • @TwiceMeDem
    @TwiceMeDem 8 років тому +1

    addirittura 200 complimenti \[T]/
    ora vedremo cosa ci riserverá dark souls 3 :D

  • @saifalkuwari2092
    @saifalkuwari2092 8 років тому +1

    It amazes me how people can keep finding new things about a game that was released 2 - 3 years ago. The soul series is really one of the best things happened in gaming history because you can never be sure that you discovered everything in the game you always learn something new just imagine how crazy this would been if souls was a thing back in PS2 it could take you years and years and you still won't find everything on your own.
    Gaming need a new genre under the name Souls.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Saif Kuwari True words, my friend :)

  • @Alican2687
    @Alican2687 8 років тому +1

    On number 3; back before the game was released you cast sorceries and pyromancies with a staff, and miracles and hexes with a bell. Something that was true even during the network test, where you also had normal and strong casts, like the regular melee.... Good times....

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Alican2687 Really interesting - thanks for sharing!!

    • @Alican2687
      @Alican2687 8 років тому

      anytime! also, back then, felkin's set was called the pyromancer set. I wonder to this day why the end product differed from the network test so much...

  • @user-cc9gz8bg7o
    @user-cc9gz8bg7o 8 років тому +3

    Noice :D

  • @doomsentinal5413
    @doomsentinal5413 8 років тому +1

    Last fact try but hole for illusory wall therefor try jumping (gg on 200 facts)

  • @imskiller99
    @imskiller99 8 років тому

    Number 9: Are those symbols the same as the symbols on the engraved gauntlets.
    Speaking of said gauntlets, a symbol on one of them looks very similar to the board lands vault symbol (I could be grasping at straws now)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +imskiller99 I have to check that out!! Borderlands easteregg in DS2? That would be awesome :D

    • @imskiller99
      @imskiller99 8 років тому

      Anything I found out.
      If you place message (I am in the "coop area in the sunker king dlc", could be related to that), your message has a "firefly effect" where it has glowing particles. It could be to distinguish which is yours and other players messages

    • @imskiller99
      @imskiller99 8 років тому +1

      Back yet again.
      Iron King DLC
      Those torch stands spilling ?oil? in the tower that gives you the smelter thing to activate the main tower.You can hit the torch stand with pyro glove/a weapon with a fire modifier. I would assume fire bombs, pyromances, and make even jump attack with a torch could light them on fire.
      Praise the Sun \[T]/

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      imskiller99 Awesome, thanks!!! \[T]/

    • @imskiller99
      @imskiller99 8 років тому +1

      A extra thing I found when I was doing shenanigans
      the rock formation is a rat head

  • @josiahvock5675
    @josiahvock5675 8 років тому

    those low stamina enemy walk animations are amazing

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Josiah Vock I love them - such a hilarious detail :D

    • @josiahvock5675
      @josiahvock5675 8 років тому +1

      +zoikoikum it's like the same quality animation as the falconeer knight walk animation and it looks hilarious

  • @LetsPlayLuffy
    @LetsPlayLuffy 8 років тому +1

    That fapping animation at 1:50 ..
    Das du so schnell, so coole Fakten raushauen konntest, hat mich echt gewundert. Wird ja langsam schwer noch was zu finden, hehe. Ein guter Abschluss für die DS2 Videos, freue mich schon auf deine Dark Souls 3 Videos. Danke! :)

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +LetsPlayLuffy Danke Luffy!! Bin selbst überrascht wie viel DS2 doch zu bieten hat :)

    • @LetsPlayLuffy
      @LetsPlayLuffy 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum Gerne doch! Oh ja, sicherlich gibt es da noch einiges zu finden, aber 200 ist eine gute Zahl für den Abschluss. Noch fast 1 Monat!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Ich zähl schon die Tage ;D

    • @LetsPlayLuffy
      @LetsPlayLuffy 8 років тому +1

      +zoikoikum Same over here! :'D

    • @Fuutor
      @Fuutor 8 років тому

      +zoikoikum Yo German ? I never thought that Germany has smart individuals, probably from austria

  • @borek92
    @borek92 8 років тому

    That intro music, do you play WoW?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +borek92 Nope, just liked that song :)

  • @EOCmodernRS
    @EOCmodernRS 7 років тому

    what song is playing in this video? so epic.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  7 років тому

      Realm Of Gabriel 1,2 and 3 - Patrik Almkvisth

  • @WOKgamer
    @WOKgamer 8 років тому

    does the blue longsword of the 3rd DLC event also stay in its original colou in the dark chasm?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Wiliam Otto The blade gets black too, but you can see the blue infusion!

  • @gseliverstov
    @gseliverstov 8 років тому

    What about piglet, mushrooms and pickaxe from Tseldora cove, or ability to go through Shrine of Winter without defeating Freya? I know that these facts are fairly well known among ds2 community, but it would be nice to highlight them anyway in some possible #21 part.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      I'll take them on my list - thanks!

  • @BotMechanic
    @BotMechanic 8 років тому +1

    You know I love your videos I've seen me all, we need to play together more!

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Haile Yuen Thanks Haile :)
      We definitely have to! Maybe in DS3?

  • @elpretender1357
    @elpretender1357 7 років тому

    1:38 This dude walks like DIO

  • @boutanutrn
    @boutanutrn 8 років тому

    Did you know that you can cancel the bonfire lighting animation? you can also cancel the animation when you enter a fog door.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому +1

      +SENS I think I have to do a animation-cancel vid...so many things you can cancel! Didn't know that it's possible with bf too - thanks!!

  • @michaelgoudis344
    @michaelgoudis344 8 років тому

    Ι think you mentioned the covetous demon grab attack twice...on different videos.

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Yeah, I screwed that up - sorry :(

  • @lorenzomidabatacchi5342
    @lorenzomidabatacchi5342 8 років тому

    Hey Zoiko I wanted to ask you how do I submit something I found out for Dark Souls 3?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +King Mida private message or a comment :)

  • @RomanowRomanow1
    @RomanowRomanow1 8 років тому

    great job, cheers

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +RomanowRomanow Aleksiej Thanks bro :)

  • @martyrdace4209
    @martyrdace4209 8 років тому +1

    Well Done Zoi! \[T]/

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Martyrdace Thanks bro \[T]/

  • @feganshor7224
    @feganshor7224 8 років тому

    Heeeey! Is there any ay to get back the number of ballls on the homing soulmass?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Papyrus Only if you level up intelligence...24 int = 3 orbs, 30 int = 4orbs and 40 int = 5 orbs.

    • @feganshor7224
      @feganshor7224 8 років тому

      Thank you! I have like 39 int plus im level 297
      so i kinda need to get some souls,anyhow
      \[T]/ Praise The Sun

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      Np :)
      Praise it \[T]/

  • @lureck_3796
    @lureck_3796 8 років тому

    I haven't tried: Can you kill iron golem from outside the arena?

    • @zoikoikum
      @zoikoikum  8 років тому

      +Lureck _ Nope, he has not hitbox -.-