Perfect like always I would love to see a edit of this amazing couple with Beautiful Disaster Kelly Clarkson I was listening this song yesterday and I tought about it for one of your edit they are amazing
After more 24 hours of listening,views,reading,your version of this song is definitely the best.Absolutely,title and lyrics and music,as well as the dialogues in the video,are the ideal message of the miraculous love we see in the SCK series!
OMG it was worth the wait ig! This felt like a walk down their whole journey & I now so want her to say "yes" when serkan asks "bana aşık mısın?" I don't usually Lstn to such music but this was a good song and I have been meaning to tell you this for so long that thank you so much for introducing me to the song "I'm only half a man" it's my absolute favorite these days ❤
Girl u have done it again and again. I never ever get tired of your edits. And I actually go back and see them again. 😭😍love all the scenes and the added details. It’s beautiful
So you finished this amazing song and video. these two amazing people have the best chemistry in this movie. That is why this movie needs to be number one and the couple needs to be number one. Love this movie it is amazing and sweet and beautiful can't get any better then this.USA. ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹
omg this is so good! i watched it on repeat to the point i have almost memorized the whole thing! It was lit 🔥 Keep up the work, babe!! I wish i had discovered you way earlier😭😭🥺
This is one of the best LOVE TEAM I ever seen in Turkish history haahah..I can't even explain it...I guess because both have "SECRET FEELINGS" for each other hahahaahh
GREAT music😍 wonderful summary of scenes! I LIKE! I am so flashed of these two actors. I admire them and have seen several series of them. I am wishing so much that there is sth more then friendship and working together. But I am missing his passion...I don't know.. maybe because he is playing a robot? Or he is overwhelmed by Hande? What do u think?
Excelente serie con unos de mis actores favoritos tienen talento, belleza, armonía y muchos sentimientos, entregan todo por darnos hermosos momentos, buena música, trabajo en equipo ...seguiré buscando los capítulos y videos en ESPAÑOL es mi único idioma.. esperando su final 💞 gracias mil bendiciones
The best video for the SCK series. His pictures,music,lyrics, dialogue and message subtitles of love, (Eda and Serkan), they beautifled two days of life put a smile back on the faces of people around the world. We traveled with this "short film" from love at first sight, hate,games,humor, "looks like love", jealousy,quarrels, break up love,lie, love pains,to memories of love. Lots of different emotion and only one wonderful magical love story, in just a few minute klaudosch video spot.
If your gaze is constanntly looking for her... Despite all the craziness,you still haven't given up on each other... And if every situation strengthens you... It seems to be love-It looks like love for Serkan-SCK
Im really scared for what is going to happen to those two but they are a strong couple so at the same time i am hopefull that they will end up together as they should. They are perfect for each other
klaudosch THE QUEEN of video production for Turkisch series After analysis and translation from all the subtitles for dialogues and messages, I conclude that you are well educated,spiritual,exce ptional gift for humor. I suggest that you seriously continue your training in all areas of science,art,literature,because you have a special talent for music production. Proof of this is the large number of music videos,as well as very positive comments. Nakon analize i prevoda svih titlova video spota za diijaloge i poruke(pogledaj niže), zaključila sam,da ste Vi," moja mala bosanko",jedna veoma inteligentna i obrazovana djevojka, jako duhovita sa izuzetnim smislom za humor.(danas sam plakala od smijeha). Savjetujem,kontinirana edukacija i obuka iz svih oblasti nauke,kulture,umjetnosti,književnosti, i ako naglašavam da posjeduješ izuzetan talenat za muzičku produkciju, Dokaz za sve to su veliki broj pratilaca video spotova sa vrlo pozitivnim komentarima. Klaudosch,ti si mene za samo dva dana oduševila i ako sam od jula gledala tvoje spotove za SCK.Zato žalim da uspiješ u ovom poslu,a imaš sve talente,samo treba biti uporan i voljeti posao kojim se baviš.Hajde samo naprijed! Ovo ispod je razlog zbog čega sam te nazvala kraljicom.(kako si talentovana to je "ludilo!") P.S. I ne zaboravi da ja sam tvoj veliki FAN! *klaudosch video* subtitles of dialogue and messages Eda+Serkan-Die For You Eda ON FIRE.(u plamenu,gorim) Eda YOU'R CHARISMATIC.(ti si harizmatičan) Serkan YOU'R SO BEAUTIFUL.(ti si tako lijepa) Serkan DONT LOOK AT ME SO BEAUTIFUL.(ne gledaj me tako lijepo) Serkan MY EYES ARE ON THE ROAD,BUT MY MIND IS SET ON YOU. (moje oči su uprte u put,ali moj um je usmjeren na tebe) message on the truck-poruka na kamionu Serkan SO WAT''S YOR PROBLEM? (pa šta je tvoj problem?) Serkan WHY ARE YOU SO DISTANT?(zašto si tako daleko?) Serkan WHAT ARE YOU DRINKIN'?(šta piješ?) Eda SODA (soda,gazirano piće bez alkohola) Serkan DID YOU INTENTIONALLY WEAR THESE DRESSES?? (da li si namjerno nosila--obukla ovu haljinu??) Eda YOU YELLED AT ME TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU (vikao si na mene da se držim dalje od tebe) Eda ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? (zar to nisi htio?) Serkan BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING CLOSE TO ME,OKAY? (jer si mi blizu,u redu?) Serkan AND I DON'T LIKE IT (i ne sviđa mi se) Eda EVERYTHING IS GAME FOR YOU (sve je igra za tebe) Serkan YES Serkan AND REMEMBER IT'S A GAME (i zapamti da je to igra) Eda I UNDERSTOOD! (razumijem!) Eda WHY ARE YOU PLAYING SUCH A GAME? (zašto igraš takvu igru?) Eda WHY? (zašto?) Serkan DO YOU HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? (imaš još pitanja?) Serkan Eda WILL YOU GO? (hoćeš li ići?) Eda WHERE SHOULD GO? (gdje da idem?) Serkan YOU CAN GO OUT (možeš izaći) Eda I'M GOING OUT AUREADY (već izlazim) Serkan YOU WILL BE SORRY? (biće ti žao?) Eda I'M SO SORRY ENOUGH (tako mi je žao) Eda REGARDING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS! (u vezi sa svim što se događa!) Serkan WELL DO YOU REGRET BEING ENGAGED TO ME? (pa da li se kaješ što si se zaručila sa mnom?) Eda YES.AND YOU? (da.a ti?) Serkan NO (ne) Eda DON'T YOU NEVER REGRET ANYTHING? (nemoj se nikad ni zbog čega pokajati?) Serkan NOT WHEN IT COMES TO YOU. (ne kad si ti u pitanju) Serkan WHEN WE GOT ENGAGED YOU SAID YOU REGRET IT (kad smo se zaručili rekla si da se kaješ) Serkan THEN..DO YOU STILL REGRET IT? (onda..kaješ li se još uvijek?) Eda IN MY OPINION WE'RE IN DIFFERENT POSITION NOW. (po mom mišljenju sada smo u drugom položaju) Serkan I ENJOYED THE BEAUTIFUL SEA VIEW.-Selin (uživao sam u prekrasnom pogledu na more) Serkan WE ARE SO LUCKY-Selin (tako smo srećni) Serkan WHEN WE RAISE OUR HEAD,WE CAN SEE THE -Selin (kad podignemo glavu,možemo vidjeti more) Selin YOU ALWASS COME HERE.YOU SAW IT ALL THE TIME. (uvijek dolaziš ovamo,ti si to gledao cijelo vrijeme) Selin YOU HAVE NEVER LOOKED AT THE VIEW FROM THE VINDOW (nikada nisi gledao pogled s prozora) Serkan I COME HERE ALL THE TIME,I HAVE ALREADY MEMORIZED THIS VIEW.-Eda (Dolazim ovde stalno.Već sam zapamtio ovaj pogled.Sjeća se....) Eda YOU CAN'T REMBER THE VIEW-Serkan(ne možete se sjetiti poglda...sječa se) Eda SOMTHING ALWAYS CHANGE.FOR EXAMPLE,CLOUDS,LIGHT... (Nešto se uvijek promijeni.Na primjer,oblaci,swvjetlost...) Eda THE PASSING SHIP CHANGES.LOOK,IS IT THE SAME AS YOU CAME BEFORE? (Promijene se trgovine u prolazu.Vidi,je li to isto kao i prije?) Serkan YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH ME? (ti si zaljubljena u mene,da li,jesi li?) Eda YES,SERKAN BOLAT. (idu sjećanja...da) Eda LOVE.(ljubav) Serkan LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT (ljubav na prvi pogled).
Sono bellissimi 😍 e meravigliosi 😍 e bravissimi 👏 serkan è innamorato di Eda ♥️ non voleva ammettere di essere innamorato di Eda ♥️ ma alla fine l'ho ha messo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
BE ONLY MINE-Serkan from Eda The mere possibility that you can be with someone else drivers me crazy. That he will touch you like i do and look like did. The fact that you will smile at another with that smile that makes my day brighter. I know this is selfish but i want you to be only mine. Look only at me,smile only at me,be only mine.
Hellooo,after 8 days,from public comment.19.11.2020.years,came out for me 1 of 2 the best edits by klaudosch!For the most,3 edits,the song,cover or version is fromThe Weeknd-Genius Lyrics!It is important that the message of the song(male artist,version) absolutely coincides with the plot and the role of the main male actor in the series. "In your eyes"(official video)is also great.I like the verses"In your eyes,You always try to hide the pain".Thanks kludosch for making me feel music! Genius lyrics really remind me of my life.I had the love of my life and lost. After a decade I live with memories of man who loved me so much that he would die for me.But we only realize that when we lose love.And if alone and sad,I am a happy woman because I have had souch love in my life.
"Miraculous love",what does this mean? First look the new video from *klaudosch*! There are a lot of titles and lyrics for this song: "Die or Id die...",,, but it is sam "I do it everything for you baby,yeah,oh,ah,na-na-na!" Everything for you"I would die,I would lie,keep it real with you,I would kill for you,my baby"
THE MAGIC FORMULA FOR IS MIRACUOLUS LOVE:LOOK AND TOUCH WITH A SMILE Looks and touches!And a smile without whiceh there is no love! Looks and touches for ,they spek more than a thousand words! The magic formula for the Miracuolus love,and Eda and Serkan: look and touch white a smile!
~I said,it's mine,and if the world was against it. And I could only stand against everything to keep her... Because what will the whole world do to me if I don't have the one I love?~
~I wish you happiness and radiance in your eyes,and me sadness takes over. I have to go and it's very difficult,the greatest love and the greatest mistike. I should never have loved you,I would rather die than get over you.~
Eu estou procurando maneiras de expressar o sentimento que estou passando Eu simplesmente não posso dizer que não te amo Porque eu te amo, sim É difícil para mim comunicar os pensamentos que eu guardo Mas hoje eu vou fazer com que você saiba Me deixe dizer a verdade Amor, me deixe dizer a verdade, sim Você sabe o que eu estou pensando, vejo isso nos seus olhos Você odeia me querer, odeia quando chora Você está com medo de ficar sozinha, especialmente durante a noite Estou com medo de sentir sua falta, acontece toda vez Eu não quero esse sentimento, eu não consigo pagar o amor Tento encontrar razões para nos separar Mas não está funcionando porque você é perfeita E sei que você vale a pena Eu não posso ir embora, oh! Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim A distância e o tempo entre nós Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor Eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim Estou procurando maneiras de mudar o que você está sentindo Mas amor, eu não estou culpando você Só não me culpe também, sim Porque eu não posso sentir essa dor para sempre E você não vai encontrar alguém melhor Porque eu sou certo para você, amor Acho que sou certo para você, amor Você sabe o que eu estou pensando, vejo isso nos seus olhos Você odeia me querer, odeia quando chora Mas não está funcionando porque você é perfeita E eu sei que você vale a pena Eu não posso ir embora, oh! Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim A distância e o tempo entre nós Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor Eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim Eu morreria por você, eu mentiria por você Sendo sincero com você, eu mataria por você, meu amor Só estou dizendo, sim Eu morreria por você, eu mentiria por você Sendo sincero com você, eu mataria por você, meu amor Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim A distância e o tempo entre nós Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor Eu morreria por você Amor, eu morreria por você, sim, amor (Morreria por você)
***klaudosch***just for you,beautiful,young,our music producer SCK! Another version of this beautiful song. "I'd Die For You" Artist end songwriter Jon Bon Jovi If you could see inside my heart Then you 'd understand I'd never mean to hurt you Baby I'm not that kind of man I might not say I'm sorry Yeah,I might talk tough sometimes And I might forget the little things Or keep you hanging on the line In a world that don't know Romeo and Juliet Boy meets girl and promises we can't forget We are cast from Eden's gate with no regrets Into the fire we cry I'd die for you I'd cry for you I'd do anything I'd lie for you You know it's true Baby I'd die for you I'd die for you I'd cry for you If it came right down tome and you You know it's true,baby I'd die for you I might not be a savior And I'll never be a king I might not send you roses Or buy you diamond rings But if I could see inside you Maybe I'd know just who we are 'Cause our love is like a hunger Without it we would starve In a world that don't know Romeo and Juliet Boy meets girl and promises we can't forget We are cast from Eden's gate with no regrets Into the fire we cry I'd die for you I'd cry for for you I'd do anything I'd lie for you You know it's true Baby I'd die for you I'd die for you I'd cry for you If it came right down to me and you You know it's true,baby I'd die for you I'd die for you I'd cry for you I'd do anything I'd lie for you You know it's true Baby I'd die for you I'd die for you I'd cry for you If it came right down to me and you You know it's true,baby I'd die for you Oh oh oh Baby it's only for you It's only for you Oh oh oh Baby it's only for you It's only for you
Dear Claudia,I am fulfilling my promise for the third version of this wonderful song. "I Do It For You"(Everything I Do) Artist end songwriter Bryan Adams Look into my eyes You will see What you mean to me Search your heart Search your soul And when you find me there You'll search no more Don't tell me it's not worth tryin'for You can't tell me it's not worth dyin'for You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you Look into your heart You will find There's nothin'there to hide Take me as I am Take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice Don't tell me it's not worth fightin'for I can't help it,there's nothin' I want more You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you There's no love Like your love And no other Could give more love There's nowhere Unless you'r there All the time All the way,yeah Look into your heart,baby Oh,you can't tellmeit's not worth tryin'for I can't help it,there's nothin' I want more Yeah,I would fight for you I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you Yeah,I'd die for you You know it's true Everything I do Oh I do it for you Everything I do,darling And we'll see it through Oh,we'll see it through Oh yeah Yeah Search your heart Search your soul You can't me it ain't worth dying for Oh yeah I'll be there,yeah I'd walk the wireforyou I will die for you Oh yeah I would die for you I'm going all the way,all they way,yeah
BOMB!BRAVO!YOU ARE MAGIC! Batter than the music producer of the series.The best in the end.Ideal text for SCK. Song "Die For You" Artist The Weeknd I'm findin' ways to articulate The feeling I'm goin' through I just can't say I don't love you 'Cause I love you,yeah It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold But tonight I'm gon'let you know Let me tell the truth Baby let me tell the truth,yeah You know what I'm thinkin' See it in your eyes You hate that you want me Hate it when you cry You're scared to be lonely 'Specially in the night I'm scared that I' ll miss you Happens every time I don't want this feelin' I can't afford love I try to find reason to pull us apart It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect And I know that you're worth it I can't walk away,oh! Even though we're going through it If it makes you feell alone Just know that I would die for you Baby I would die for you,yeah The distance and the time between us It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby I would die for you Baby I would die for you,yeah I would die for you I would lie for you Keep it real with you I would kill for you,my baby I'm just sayin',yeah I would die for you I would lie for you Keep it real with you I would kill for you,my baby Na-na-na,na-na-na,na-na-na Even though we're going through it If it makes you feel alone Just know that I would die for you Baby I would die for you,yeah The distance and the time between us It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby I would die for you Baby I would die for you,yeah baby Die for you
Song:"Die for You" is a song by Canadian singer the Weeknd,from his third studio album Strarboy(2016).producer Doc McKinney,Prince 85,film Mania.Die for You single by The Weeknd from the album Starboy(2017)in the USA.This is one of several versions of this song as it is performed by multiple artists with different song title and lyrics. Artists:Jon Bon Jovi,Bryan Adams,Garbage-I Will,Prince,Sam Smith, Antique,Post Malone, Beyonce,Alice Cooper,GarbageI-Will, Akylla,Starset ,Leon, Aldious, Margo Price, Zara Larsson, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Dirty Blond... Song title versiones:To die for you,I would die for you or Dite for you. The authors of both the titles and lyrics of their songs that are very good are, " I 'Die For You" Jon Bon Jovi and "I Do It For You" Bryan Adams. The title doesn't matter,the lyrics and message of the song are important! I will write you their songs because they are different and yet great again.
I've been following your videos since the beginning of the SCK,but because of this l'm sick doctor(covid pneumonia)you were the cure for my soul last night.And if I said you're a music producer I'll suggest songs for new videos if you like them.
Toni Braxton-Un-Break My Heart Laura Pausini-One More Time,In assenza di te(canzones have wonderful lyrics) Celine Dion-My Heart Will Go On,Because You Loved Me I wis you health and happiness,success in your work and take care of yourself.
@@mirimiri5710 Napokon neko piše našim jezikom❤👍 Nije moj video! To je naša muzička producentica SCK-KLAUDOSCH. Js samo pišem komentare. Dobra vam noć ili jutro ili dan. Pozdrav🌅
💞LOOK LOVE=GALIBA ASK💞 If your gaze is constanntly looking for her.. Despite all the craziness,you still. haven't given up on each other... And iif every situation strengthens you...It iseems to bi love- lt llooks live love 💓💓
IS THE IT SUM HEPPY AND UNAHAPPY LOVE=MIRACUOLUS LOVE HAPPY LOVE:The one love,Love at first sight,Beutful love,Wondderful love, Magic love, Strong love,Funy love,Everlasting love,Big love. UNHHAPPY LOVE:Sad love,Melancholy love,Painful love,False love,Tears love, Love with teres,Secret love,Love with disappointments,Myssteriosys love, Pley et false love,Hale love,Ageed love,With jelous love,Quarrel love,Forbdden love.
🌼klaudosch🌼 Cestitam na preko 21 hiljadi pregleda za samo 2 dana! Čekam prevod SCK...ali neće niko prevesti do sutra.Nadam se da će novi video biti super.Ako mogu predložiti pjesmu npr. Toni Braxton-Un-Break My Heart -Izliječi moje srce...kazi da ćeš me ponovo voljei,dobar text,traje 4.25min-🎵🎶 Dobri su i textovi kancona...npr. Laura Pausini...Tacno ponoć.Auh. Hvala na današnjem druženju i porukama.Cekam novi video. Laku noć💤🐾🌼💤
finally, i finished it 🦋 your thoughts are always welcome!!🤍
hii i want to dm you. whats your ig?
@@neweditor1462 my ig is @klaudiatihic 🦋
Their chemistry is explosive.... butterflies and goosebumps they give me every time. ahhhh
I love the intense chemistry they create together. I really miss the challenging eda who challenged Serkan. ❤️
Eda & Serkan | unfaithful
Their chemistry is everything i love this
This is on repeat for 2 days straight for me. So good! Love that you slowed the song down. For me it's so good to listen to it!
Perfect like always I would love to see a edit of this amazing couple with Beautiful Disaster Kelly Clarkson I was listening this song yesterday and I tought about it for one of your edit they are amazing
As always you're edits are an amazing combination of intensity and stunning flow!!!
OBSESSED with this edit its sooooo good omg!!!!! this edit showed there chemistry so well
you did a great job at showing their relation
amazing as always!! caught the seref meselesi scene you sneaked in there lol
After more 24 hours of listening,views,reading,your version of this song is definitely
the best.Absolutely,title and lyrics and music,as well as the dialogues in the video,are
the ideal message of the miraculous love we see in the SCK series!
OMG it was worth the wait ig! This felt like a walk down their whole journey & I now so want her to say "yes" when serkan asks "bana aşık mısın?"
I don't usually Lstn to such music but this was a good song and I have been meaning to tell you this for so long that thank you so much for introducing me to the song "I'm only half a man" it's my absolute favorite these days ❤
Eda & Serkan | unfaithful
This is such a beautiful and well done edit😍😍 everything was on point😍😍♥️♥️ you did THAT
Girl u have done it again and again. I never ever get tired of your edits. And I actually go back and see them again. 😭😍love all the scenes and the added details. It’s beautiful
Omg, beautiful and so much chemistry. Love the music. 🙏🙏💕💕
So you finished this amazing song and video. these two amazing people have the best chemistry in this movie. That is why this movie needs to be number one and the couple needs to be number one. Love this movie it is amazing and sweet and beautiful can't get any better then this.USA. ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹
Thank you so much for presentation these emotional scenes to us, I really like this edit 😍🤩
3:15 ahhh omg imagine if that’s what she actually says ✨
omg this is so good! i watched it on repeat to the point i have almost memorized the whole thing! It was lit 🔥 Keep up the work, babe!! I wish i had discovered you way earlier😭😭🥺
Good job!😍 thank u for this incredible and emotional edit❤
What an amazing work you did, so beautiful video 😍😍
Now that was 🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏 Can it be Saturday yet?!?!?! I can only imagine what your next edit will be like after that episode 😍😍😍
❤️❤️ this was beautiful
This is one of the best LOVE TEAM I ever seen in Turkish history haahah..I can't even explain it...I guess because both have "SECRET FEELINGS" for each other hahahaahh
😱 OMG!!!! Best edited version!!!!😍😍😍 You can really feel the 🔥🔥🔥 between them!!! Bravoo👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
you know how to edit girl 🔥🔥🔥
ahhh,this is SO ADORABLE🤤💘 this song suits them very much! I really love your videos💜
Another great one ! I also love how I always discover new songs with your edits ❤️
GREAT music😍 wonderful summary of scenes! I LIKE! I am so flashed of these two actors. I admire them and have seen several series of them. I am wishing so much that there is sth more then friendship and working together. But I am missing his passion...I don't know.. maybe because he is playing a robot? Or he is overwhelmed by Hande? What do u think?
Excelente serie con unos de mis actores favoritos tienen talento, belleza, armonía y muchos sentimientos, entregan todo por darnos hermosos momentos, buena música, trabajo en equipo ...seguiré buscando los capítulos y videos en ESPAÑOL es mi único idioma..
esperando su final 💞 gracias mil bendiciones
On Fire🔥🔥🔥. Really worth the wait. In my opinion the best edit.
🌟HE'S A WIZARD🌟Eda for Serkan
With ideas,mind...
With a smile...
With a look and touch
which enchant!✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
My heart during the video: 💓 💓💖 💥
😍 Message on the truck😍
💘Serkan for Eda💘
👀My eyes are on the road,
but my mind is set on you.👀
The best video for the SCK series.
His pictures,music,lyrics,
dialogue and message
subtitles of love,
(Eda and Serkan),
they beautifled two days
of life put a smile back
on the faces of people
around the world.
We traveled with this
"short film"
from love at first sight,
"looks like love",
break up love,lie,
love pains,to
memories of love.
Lots of different
emotion and only
one wonderful
magical love story,
in just a few minute
klaudosch video spot.
I love this edit
😍💛It's still being watched...
not me watching this edit every week til a new episode comes out
💖If the man did not discover
something for what it is
redy to die,
not worth living💖
They give me so many butterflies🦋🥰😘
Amazing job! please do a video with one of the arctic monkeys' songs 😍😍😍
yessss! like Wanna be yours! it’ll suit them
wowww, thats amazing🔥
H&K zagrają każdą rolę , są cudowni w scenach miłosnych uniesień ale również w scenach dramatycznych 👍💫😍
0:21 kerem knew EXACTLY what he was doing 👁👄👁
Oh damn yessss😍💘🔥
That’s where he won over her , wedding broke lol
Damn this edit 🔥 wow 🤩 so hot
OMG!! i love thisss🤩❤
Exellent .I love it😍
If your gaze is constanntly looking for her...
Despite all the craziness,you still haven't given up on each other...
And if every situation strengthens you...
It seems to be love-It looks like love for Serkan-SCK
Im really scared for what is going to happen to those two but they are a strong couple so at the same time i am hopefull that they will end up together as they should. They are perfect for each other
klaudosch THE QUEEN of video production for Turkisch series
After analysis and translation from all the subtitles for dialogues and messages, I conclude that you are well educated,spiritual,exce ptional gift for humor.
I suggest that you seriously continue your training in all areas of
science,art,literature,because you have a special talent for music production.
Proof of this is the large number of music videos,as well as very positive comments.
Nakon analize i prevoda svih titlova video spota za diijaloge i poruke(pogledaj niže),
zaključila sam,da ste Vi," moja mala bosanko",jedna veoma inteligentna i obrazovana djevojka,
jako duhovita sa izuzetnim smislom za humor.(danas sam plakala od smijeha).
Savjetujem,kontinirana edukacija i obuka iz svih oblasti nauke,kulture,umjetnosti,književnosti,
i ako naglašavam da posjeduješ izuzetan talenat za muzičku produkciju,
Dokaz za sve to su veliki broj pratilaca video spotova sa vrlo pozitivnim komentarima.
Klaudosch,ti si mene za samo dva dana oduševila i ako sam od jula gledala tvoje spotove za SCK.Zato žalim da uspiješ u ovom poslu,a imaš sve talente,samo treba biti uporan i voljeti
posao kojim se baviš.Hajde samo naprijed!
Ovo ispod je razlog zbog čega sam te nazvala kraljicom.(kako si talentovana to je "ludilo!")
P.S. I ne zaboravi da ja sam tvoj veliki FAN!
*klaudosch video* subtitles of dialogue and messages Eda+Serkan-Die For You
Eda ON FIRE.(u plamenu,gorim)
Eda YOU'R CHARISMATIC.(ti si harizmatičan)
Serkan YOU'R SO BEAUTIFUL.(ti si tako lijepa)
Serkan DONT LOOK AT ME SO BEAUTIFUL.(ne gledaj me tako lijepo)
(moje oči su uprte u put,ali moj um je usmjeren na tebe)
message on the truck-poruka na kamionu
Serkan SO WAT''S YOR PROBLEM? (pa šta je tvoj problem?)
Serkan WHY ARE YOU SO DISTANT?(zašto si tako daleko?)
Serkan WHAT ARE YOU DRINKIN'?(šta piješ?)
Eda SODA (soda,gazirano piće bez alkohola)
(da li si namjerno nosila--obukla ovu haljinu??)
(vikao si na mene da se držim dalje od tebe)
Eda ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? (zar to nisi htio?)
Serkan BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING CLOSE TO ME,OKAY? (jer si mi blizu,u redu?)
Serkan AND I DON'T LIKE IT (i ne sviđa mi se)
Eda EVERYTHING IS GAME FOR YOU (sve je igra za tebe)
Serkan YES
Serkan AND REMEMBER IT'S A GAME (i zapamti da je to igra)
Eda I UNDERSTOOD! (razumijem!)
Eda WHY ARE YOU PLAYING SUCH A GAME? (zašto igraš takvu igru?)
Eda WHY? (zašto?)
Serkan DO YOU HAVE MORE QUESTIONS? (imaš još pitanja?)
Serkan Eda WILL YOU GO? (hoćeš li ići?)
Eda WHERE SHOULD GO? (gdje da idem?)
Serkan YOU CAN GO OUT (možeš izaći)
Eda I'M GOING OUT AUREADY (već izlazim)
Serkan YOU WILL BE SORRY? (biće ti žao?)
Eda I'M SO SORRY ENOUGH (tako mi je žao)
Eda REGARDING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS! (u vezi sa svim što se događa!)
(pa da li se kaješ što si se zaručila sa mnom?)
Eda YES.AND YOU? (da.a ti?)
Serkan NO (ne)
Eda DON'T YOU NEVER REGRET ANYTHING? (nemoj se nikad ni zbog čega pokajati?)
Serkan NOT WHEN IT COMES TO YOU. (ne kad si ti u pitanju)
(kad smo se zaručili rekla si da se kaješ)
Serkan THEN..DO YOU STILL REGRET IT? (onda..kaješ li se još uvijek?)
(po mom mišljenju sada smo u drugom položaju)
(uživao sam u prekrasnom pogledu na more)
Serkan WE ARE SO LUCKY-Selin (tako smo srećni)
(kad podignemo glavu,možemo vidjeti more)
(uvijek dolaziš ovamo,ti si to gledao cijelo vrijeme)
Selin YOU HAVE NEVER LOOKED AT THE VIEW FROM THE VINDOW (nikada nisi gledao pogled s prozora)
(Dolazim ovde stalno.Već sam zapamtio ovaj pogled.Sjeća se....) Eda YOU CAN'T REMBER THE VIEW-Serkan(ne možete se sjetiti poglda...sječa se) Eda SOMTHING ALWAYS CHANGE.FOR EXAMPLE,CLOUDS,LIGHT...
(Nešto se uvijek promijeni.Na primjer,oblaci,swvjetlost...) Eda THE PASSING SHIP CHANGES.LOOK,IS IT THE SAME AS YOU CAME BEFORE?
(Promijene se trgovine u prolazu.Vidi,je li to isto kao i prije?) Serkan YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH ME? (ti si zaljubljena u mene,da li,jesi li?) Eda YES,SERKAN BOLAT. (idu sjećanja...da) Eda LOVE.(ljubav) Serkan LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT (ljubav na prvi pogled).
Glad they are together💞💗💗so this on off was a gimmick
Sono bellissimi 😍 e meravigliosi 😍 e bravissimi 👏 serkan è innamorato di Eda ♥️ non voleva ammettere di essere innamorato di Eda ♥️ ma alla fine l'ho ha messo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
BE ONLY MINE-Serkan from Eda
The mere possibility that you can be with someone else drivers me crazy.
That he will touch you like i do and look like did.
The fact that you will smile at another with that smile that makes my day brighter.
I know this is selfish but i want you to be only mine.
Look only at me,smile only at me,be only mine.
Hellooo,after 8 days,from public comment.19.11.2020.years,came out for me 1 of 2
the best edits by klaudosch!For the most,3 edits,the song,cover or version is fromThe
Weeknd-Genius Lyrics!It is important that the message of the song(male artist,version)
absolutely coincides with the plot and the role of the main male actor in the series.
"In your eyes"(official video)is also great.I like the verses"In your eyes,You always try to
hide the pain".Thanks kludosch for making me feel music!
Genius lyrics really remind me of my life.I had the love of my life and lost.
After a decade I live with memories of man who loved me so much that he would die
for me.But we only realize that when we lose love.And if alone and sad,I am a happy
woman because I have had souch love in my life.
"Miraculous love",what does this mean? First look the new video from *klaudosch*!
There are a lot of titles and lyrics for this song:
"Die or Id die...",,, but it is sam "I do it everything for you baby,yeah,oh,ah,na-na-na!"
Everything for you"I would die,I would lie,keep it real with you,I would kill for you,my baby"
Looks and touches!And a smile without whiceh there is no love!
Looks and touches for ,they spek more than a thousand words!
The magic formula for the Miracuolus love,and Eda and Serkan:
look and touch white a smile!
Poner la serie en Español a mi me encanta esta pareja 👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏
Amazing 😘
~I said,it's mine,and if the world was against it.
And I could only stand against everything to keep her...
Because what will the whole world do to me if I don't have the one I love?~
👀It' s not hard to fall in love.
It's hard to say that.💬
Kızımmm bu ne bayıldımmmmmmm😍😍😍😍😍😍😍aşırı iyiii
~I wish you happiness and radiance in your eyes,and me sadness takes over.
I have to go and it's very difficult,the greatest love and the greatest mistike.
I should never have loved you,I would rather die than get over you.~
Eu estou procurando maneiras de expressar o sentimento que estou passando
Eu simplesmente não posso dizer que não te amo
Porque eu te amo, sim
É difícil para mim comunicar os pensamentos que eu guardo
Mas hoje eu vou fazer com que você saiba
Me deixe dizer a verdade
Amor, me deixe dizer a verdade, sim
Você sabe o que eu estou pensando, vejo isso nos seus olhos
Você odeia me querer, odeia quando chora
Você está com medo de ficar sozinha, especialmente durante a noite
Estou com medo de sentir sua falta, acontece toda vez
Eu não quero esse sentimento, eu não consigo pagar o amor
Tento encontrar razões para nos separar
Mas não está funcionando porque você é perfeita
E sei que você vale a pena
Eu não posso ir embora, oh!
Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso
E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha
Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim
A distância e o tempo entre nós
Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor
Eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim
Estou procurando maneiras de mudar o que você está sentindo
Mas amor, eu não estou culpando você
Só não me culpe também, sim
Porque eu não posso sentir essa dor para sempre
E você não vai encontrar alguém melhor
Porque eu sou certo para você, amor
Acho que sou certo para você, amor
Você sabe o que eu estou pensando, vejo isso nos seus olhos
Você odeia me querer, odeia quando chora
Mas não está funcionando porque você é perfeita
E eu sei que você vale a pena
Eu não posso ir embora, oh!
Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso
E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha
Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim
A distância e o tempo entre nós
Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor
Eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim
Eu morreria por você, eu mentiria por você
Sendo sincero com você, eu mataria por você, meu amor
Só estou dizendo, sim
Eu morreria por você, eu mentiria por você
Sendo sincero com você, eu mataria por você, meu amor
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na
Mesmo que nós estejamos passando por isso
E isso faz com que você se sinta sozinha
Apenas saiba que eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim
A distância e o tempo entre nós
Nunca farão com que eu mude de ideia, porque amor
Eu morreria por você
Amor, eu morreria por você, sim, amor
(Morreria por você)
Dont know, its something i cant explain, but only one thing i am sure about,..." i fell in love with you goddamn KEREM BURSIN"...
Greetings-Selamar to all the people around the world who were united in love this year by the SCK,Hande and Kerem series ❤🎈😍❤🎈😍❤🎈😍
Can someone please send me link where I can watch series online in English? Thanks!
I'm here 😍
***klaudosch***just for you,beautiful,young,our music producer SCK!
Another version of this beautiful song.
"I'd Die For You"
Artist end songwriter Jon Bon Jovi
If you could see inside my heart
Then you 'd understand
I'd never mean to hurt you
Baby I'm not that kind of man
I might not say I'm sorry
Yeah,I might talk tough sometimes
And I might forget the little things
Or keep you hanging on the line
In a world that don't know Romeo and Juliet
Boy meets girl and promises we can't forget
We are cast from Eden's gate with no regrets
Into the fire we cry
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
I'd do anything
I'd lie for you
You know it's true
Baby I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
If it came right down tome and you
You know it's true,baby I'd die for you
I might not be a savior
And I'll never be a king
I might not send you roses
Or buy you diamond rings
But if I could see inside you
Maybe I'd know just who we are
'Cause our love is like a hunger
Without it we would starve
In a world that don't know Romeo and Juliet
Boy meets girl and promises we can't forget
We are cast from Eden's gate with no regrets
Into the fire we cry
I'd die for you
I'd cry for for you
I'd do anything
I'd lie for you
You know it's true
Baby I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
If it came right down to me and you
You know it's true,baby I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
I'd do anything
I'd lie for you
You know it's true
Baby I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
If it came right down to me and you
You know it's true,baby I'd die for you
Oh oh oh
Baby it's only for you
It's only for you
Oh oh oh
Baby it's only for you
It's only for you
Dear Claudia,I am fulfilling my promise for the third version of this wonderful song.
"I Do It For You"(Everything I Do)
Artist end songwriter Bryan Adams
Look into my eyes
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there
You'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin'for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin'for
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Look into your heart
You will find
There's nothin'there to hide
Take me as I am
Take my life
I would give it all
I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin'for
I can't help it,there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
There's no love
Like your love
And no other
Could give more love
There's nowhere
Unless you'r there
All the time
All the way,yeah
Look into your heart,baby
Oh,you can't tellmeit's not worth tryin'for
I can't help it,there's nothin' I want more
Yeah,I would fight for you
I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you
Yeah,I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Everything I do,darling
And we'll see it through
Oh,we'll see it through
Oh yeah
Search your heart
Search your soul
You can't me it ain't worth dying for
Oh yeah
I'll be there,yeah
I'd walk the wireforyou
I will die for you
Oh yeah
I would die for you
I'm going all the way,all they way,yeah
❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏👏👏💞💞💞💕💕💕😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️💗💗💗💗💗😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏👏💞💞💞Such a beautiful love story ever "SEN CAL KAPIMI"!!!.. ❤️❤️❤️
what episode did i miss that they were in the shower together.
I'm still following you...When will the new video?I'm waiting...hello
Mora preći 50 hiljada pregleda!
Batter than the music producer of the series.The best in the end.Ideal text for SCK.
Song "Die For You"
Artist The Weeknd
I'm findin' ways to articulate
The feeling I'm goin' through
I just can't say I don't love you
'Cause I love you,yeah
It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold
But tonight I'm gon'let you know
Let me tell the truth
Baby let me tell the truth,yeah
You know what I'm thinkin'
See it in your eyes
You hate that you want me
Hate it when you cry
You're scared to be lonely
'Specially in the night
I'm scared that I' ll miss you
Happens every time
I don't want this feelin'
I can't afford love
I try to find reason to pull us apart
It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect
And I know that you're worth it
I can't walk away,oh!
Even though we're going through it
If it makes you feell alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you,yeah
The distance and the time between us
It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby
I would die for you
Baby I would die for you,yeah
I would die for you
I would lie for you
Keep it real with you
I would kill for you,my baby
I'm just sayin',yeah
I would die for you
I would lie for you
Keep it real with you
I would kill for you,my baby
Even though we're going through it
If it makes you feel alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you,yeah
The distance and the time between us
It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby
I would die for you
Baby I would die for you,yeah baby
Die for you
Song:"Die for You" is a song by Canadian singer the Weeknd,from his third studio album Strarboy(2016).producer Doc McKinney,Prince 85,film Mania.Die for You single by The Weeknd from the album Starboy(2017)in the USA.This is one of several versions of this song as it is performed by multiple artists with different song title and lyrics.
Artists:Jon Bon Jovi,Bryan Adams,Garbage-I Will,Prince,Sam Smith, Antique,Post Malone, Beyonce,Alice Cooper,GarbageI-Will, Akylla,Starset ,Leon, Aldious, Margo Price, Zara Larsson, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Dirty Blond...
Song title versiones:To die for you,I would die for you or Dite for you.
The authors of both the titles and lyrics of their songs that are very good are,
" I 'Die For You" Jon Bon Jovi and "I Do It For You" Bryan Adams.
The title doesn't matter,the lyrics and message of the song are important!
I will write you their songs because they are different and yet great again.
I've been following your videos since the beginning of the SCK,but because
of this l'm sick doctor(covid pneumonia)you were the cure for my soul last
night.And if I said you're a music producer I'll suggest songs for new videos if you like them.
Toni Braxton-Un-Break My Heart
Laura Pausini-One More Time,In assenza di te(canzones have wonderful lyrics)
Celine Dion-My Heart Will Go On,Because You Loved Me
I wis you health and happiness,success in your work and take care of yourself.
Super ti je ovaj video..hvala 🤗💗!
Napokon neko piše našim jezikom❤👍
Nije moj video!
To je naša muzička producentica SCK-KLAUDOSCH.
Js samo pišem komentare.
Dobra vam noć ili jutro ili dan.
If your gaze is constanntly looking
for her..
Despite all the craziness,you still.
haven't given up on each other...
And iif every situation strengthens
you...It iseems to bi love-
lt llooks live love 💓💓
HAPPY LOVE:The one love,Love at first sight,Beutful love,Wondderful love,
Magic love, Strong love,Funy love,Everlasting love,Big love.
UNHHAPPY LOVE:Sad love,Melancholy love,Painful love,False love,Tears love,
Love with teres,Secret love,Love with disappointments,Myssteriosys love, Pley et false love,Hale love,Ageed love,With jelous love,Quarrel love,Forbdden love.
Cestitam na preko 21 hiljadi pregleda za samo 2 dana!
Čekam prevod SCK...ali neće niko prevesti do sutra.Nadam se da će novi video biti super.Ako mogu predložiti pjesmu npr.
Toni Braxton-Un-Break My Heart
-Izliječi moje srce...kazi da ćeš me ponovo voljei,dobar text,traje 4.25min-🎵🎶
Dobri su i textovi kancona...npr.
Laura Pausini...Tacno ponoć.Auh.
Hvala na današnjem druženju i porukama.Cekam novi video.
Laku noć💤🐾🌼💤
SCK brilla .
#thebursin #Handemyy #MFyapim #sencalkapimi #FOX #FOXplay #SenÇalKapımı#SerkanBolat #EdaYildiz #handeerçel #handemiyy #thebursin #kerembursin #serkaneda #serkanbolat #kerembürsin #kerembursın #edaserkan #edayildiz #handemiyy #thebursin #edser #KeremBürsin #HandeErçel @handemiyy @MFyapim @FOXplay @sencalkapimi @thebursin
Eda & Serkan || unfaithful
🤮🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩💩👎👎👎👎👎محلوة كلة فاسد فاشل يععععع