Such a W Vlog. The Hecz vlog styles are absolutely unmatched actually genuine and never forced can’t top it. Vlogs nowadays just ain’t the same need more people like you brother
Love the Hecz vlogs as always. Keep pumping content please. Any content with the optic fam is always a great watch. That setup in there is soooo fire tooo!
I live in the same city as you guys and its crazy seeing yall drive on the same roads that I do! Use to say hi to you guys at Nerdvana 4 years ago when I worked there!
Tokeo is an absolute must. So many things to do there. The clothes shops are insane. Also yeah you learn the trains pretty quickly since you take them everywhere. I already knew some Japanese before going so it definitely helped
Love ya HECZ I need an Asian/Middle Eastern EATIOTS if you ever can. Al Markaz would be a great place in Dallas to start (Get Chicken Tikka and Beef Samosa)
Love to see the vlog back! Please rerelease old merch! I love all those things shown in the video, but if you released something 7 years ago, please rerelease it!
I love how "I got gifted subs" is always a good excuse to do most anything. Also can't wait to see Sethy fry one time for the one time. Hope Pred gets back quick though. Seeing him and Shottzy cruz around the map like maniacs
I have been a huge fan and supporter of optic since the 6050 mag days when I would bounce between scump and nades streams. With that being said I love OpTic with everything in me the only the that rubbed me the wrong way was Nick. It always seemed like he was forced to do everything and never put in any effort to the content he was in. I could be misinterpreting but its never seemed like he could care less about his content or optics. Love all the content thank you for everything Hecz
Nothing was better than watching the optic vlogs everyday between classes when I was in college. This gave me fat nostalgia
Me, in college watching this eating my dinner
@@kevinmesita767u eat dinner in college?
@@dizzyrasclart1013dorm room bro
Love the banter between you all, miss these vlogs Hecz, bring em back!!! Had me cracking up non stop, you guys deserve all the success
Such a W Vlog. The Hecz vlog styles are absolutely unmatched actually genuine and never forced can’t top it. Vlogs nowadays just ain’t the same need more people like you brother
Dashy hitting the sloss arc. Im here for it
Underrated comment
10/10 comment lmao
Looks like he just came back from a bender and his boys shaved his eyebrow 😂
Having the vlogs back, is a breath of fresh air
I feel like you can always catch Maniac and Boze laughing about something 😂
Hell yeah! Much needed a good old vlog to wake n bake!
Yup big ups
Am I the only one expecting Rab to take a 4 min snip bit of Hecz’ vlog baiting everyone that Scumps coming back 😂🌶️
Love rab
The man has a job and he's damn good at it lol
Anyone who really does not expect Scump back to be competing and some extent I got some magic beans to Cell you
Nothing hits better than old school vlogs.
Lets goooo A Hecz vlog in the morning. Vlog + breakfast= 💯
Love the Hecz vlogs as always. Keep pumping content please. Any content with the optic fam is always a great watch. That setup in there is soooo fire tooo!
You guy working on the sweater and gear is fire!! I love the simplistic and cleanliness of the sweater he makes
hearing scump say "i dont wanna chalk my schedule day1" after that kick off classic ended at 830am lmfao
I live in the same city as you guys and its crazy seeing yall drive on the same roads that I do! Use to say hi to you guys at Nerdvana 4 years ago when I worked there!
The vlogs were a big part of my mornings when I was growing up man, hope you’re doing good dude!
Dam i miss these vlogs, takes me back to the college days watchin them before class in the mornin
10k Likes and the Scumper is legally obligated to make a comeback.
your style bleeds so nicely into these vlogs. 24 minute banger for the come back 🫡🔥
Nothing better than a big OpTic hecz vlog
this was a BANGER vlog hector. Keep em coming
Love inside the office types of vlog
Hecz vlog to start the morning is the best
Great vlog, love the greenwall!
dude i love these vlogs. hecs was made for the camera baby!
Great vlog, cameos by everyone made it so good. Nick, BoZe, Kenny the snip it of the apparel drop. 🔥
Seeing hecz do all the things he did makes me want to have some type of job in esport but looks like blue collar the only option love the content ❤️
Bring me bacc hecz love your vlogs!!
New hecz vlog? im rolling up for this one lol
Missed your vlogs HECZ
Missed these vlogs WECZ
Tokeo is an absolute must. So many things to do there. The clothes shops are insane.
Also yeah you learn the trains pretty quickly since you take them everywhere. I already knew some Japanese before going so it definitely helped
Absolutely nothing beats a three day wweekend, started with the big dog H3CZ blasting a vlog. 💚💚
LFG! Starting the work day with my morning video and I see the greatest vloger to ever do it.
Love ya HECZ I need an Asian/Middle Eastern EATIOTS if you ever can. Al Markaz would be a great place in Dallas to start (Get Chicken Tikka and Beef Samosa)
Never realized how much I missed these
This video made my day man thank for uploading this
This is such a goated vlog, look how far Optic has come.. coming from a 6050 days fan
King of Vlogs is back!!
Been watching since the Elgin , IL days
Letssss go missed the blogs ya era hora hermano extraño tus videos y ya espero ver mas blogs saludos desde Toluca
Most relaxed chill vlog in min and it’s what we want to see love as always glad to see y’all being groovy mfs cheers
Groovy mfs ? Wtf you on
@@jessedavila4858 L hating
@@jessedavila4858 clearly never watched Austin powers all good
bring these vlogs back
love hecz vlogs dude deserves one million subs
"Theres gonna be like 600 teams"
But they 1 ans dones, man was trying so hard gotta love it 😭🤣🤣
The vlogs are back and my day has been made
Miss these vlogs!
The goat is back
aaaaaaaaaaaah bless day when a Hecz vlog shows in your recommended section
Is The King coming out of retirement? 😮
I hope he does but not just for kick off games
Until pred is back. he better be!
Scump is playing challengers with nade boze methodz
hopefully not he’s ass
@@juannito6318that’s been confirmed?
Completely off topic, but Yo Hecz we are coming up on December, so are we gonna get another annual Tumes podcast for episode 160??
I'm a simple man - I pour a bourbon, I see Hecz uploads, I like the video before watching.
Oh how I have missed these videos. I haven’t been on UA-cam a lot in a while, but this is bringing me back 🖤💚🤍
Awesome content .. Many, many years ago I worked at Electronic Arts in the UK and the vibes were the same 🤘
finally a vlog been a min
We may not get the vlogs all the time like we used to but it’s always nice seeing them.
love this team so much 🤝🏽
Shotzy with a camera is a throw up simulator
Banger vlog incoming 🔥
hecz vlogs back w
Come on Hecz let’s fire these vids away, let’s get that Milli subs😏
Following up after the fact: Scump played the 4v4 and it went until 9am 😂😂
The RotK sound bite was hilarious
New OpTic coffee drop (!!!) *Eyes emoji*
“No way he sketches now this like the third time” kenny is hilarious
Bruce and the leopard print backpack are the most iconic duo on optic
I miss your vlogs brother, as a 45 year old phenome myself, I need that content in my life lol
Hype to seem omens in the lab, give the man some creative freedom, and see what come through
Finally hecz is spending time with me
Nice editing brother
Love to see the vlog back! Please rerelease old merch! I love all those things shown in the video, but if you released something 7 years ago, please rerelease it!
Dashy looks like Mo Salah if he grows his hair more haha.
Legend H3cz with the vlog love it miss it too I need more lol
8:45 pizza pringles are elite
That drop looks fire, when is it
I love how "I got gifted subs" is always a good excuse to do most anything. Also can't wait to see Sethy fry one time for the one time. Hope Pred gets back quick though. Seeing him and Shottzy cruz around the map like maniacs
I’ve missed the Vlogs so much 😭
Dashy looks like that cool Bodega owner in the city that never misses. matter what.
If Hecz hits 1m subs the king comes back!
We are almost there keep liking the video we need Scump back !!!!
i don’t get it what happened with pred? did i miss an episode
Damon slowly turning into Matt 😂
I have been a huge fan and supporter of optic since the 6050 mag days when I would bounce between scump and nades streams. With that being said I love OpTic with everything in me the only the that rubbed me the wrong way was Nick. It always seemed like he was forced to do everything and never put in any effort to the content he was in. I could be misinterpreting but its never seemed like he could care less about his content or optics. Love all the content thank you for everything Hecz
Watching this knowing the kickoff didn’t end till like 9am there time 😂
Dashy looks like a Hamas leader lol😂😂😂
dashy out here looking like Mo salah
Have they said what happened to Hastro?
Kens reverse psychology is unmatched
the anoraks go hard 🔥
Kenny's presents hits different. Kinda liking this a lot
dashy looking like Mohamed salah and im here for it. 😎
“Do it” Lord Sidous
hell yeee papa!!
have a great weekend!
@17:04 ant realizing what you did lmao
Dashy got that Seth iw champs cut