Ali ya olvidate fe.mayran as ti vida q dios te ayude mayran esta enamorada fe omid busca tu vida y recuperate pronto saludos desde México dios los bendiga grasias por la transmisión
Али зачем ищет Марьям? Ни дома ни работы, ничего нет! По пещерам будет скитаться? Везде ходит, жалуется! Всё рассказывает! Марьям может его пожалеть при её состоянии и уйти с ним от доктора! И начнутся новые серии! Обе с приключениями!
It is true if he brings her back where she should live no job no money have debt still even sold a car how he can pay for her medical treatment because she still need to see a doctor better leave her lone with a doctor
Ali you are a gentleman and very respect for your decision you go to the doctors home for an accident Allah will help you now Maryam serch you please waiting ❤❤
Please leave her alone in my opinion if he brings her back where she have to live , he still no house no money no job still have debt and have to look after his brother kids for 3 what he gonna do with maryam sickness she have to go to see a doctor time to time go gonna pay for her Ali better look after for his own life
Ali deja de estar buscando a tu cuñada no es tu deber nada con ella es un pecado ella tiene que aser su propia vida y tu no pierdas tienpo busca a tu mujer
Hoy va a esperar que el doctor le termine la cabaña y cuando esté terminada le aparece para alojarse como lo hizo cuando el tío le hizo a Maryam la otra casa la que le destruyeron en el pueblo, lo típico de Ali. solo llegar a disfrutar lo que a otros les costó trabajo.
Maryam is Ali wife. Maryam and Ali need to meet again. So that they can talk about what they need to do. If Maryam wants to stay with omid and not Ali then Maryam needs to ask Ali for a divorce so she can marry omid.Maryam and Ali need to discuss the situation so they can come together and make an agreement on a divorce or stay together. And omid needs to stay away until it’s all settled… that way Ali not running all over the country side looking for her😪.and Maryam and Ali can decide what their future holds for them selfs .. until then leave them alone!!!!
Maryam told Ali many times that she wanted to leave him and not go looking for her. No meeting needs to happen because she doesn't have a memory, Ali knows this and could tell her whatever he wanted, not the truth. To make her see him in a positive way instead of telling her all the negative he has done in the past. How will that meeting go? How will it help Maryam? Until she has more memory, that meeting will be one sided bunch of lies to make Ali look like a saint. Bad idea!!!
@@Liz3nvy it is true and people still said she is married women but she married him by she was running with him when she was young only 19 years even not registered by notary office it mean she is not married by law and Ali and his brother make her suffering too, if Ali brings her back where she have to live no job lazy no money no house a lots of debt still even he sold a car better he lave her alone if he is a fair person
Lave maryam alone Ali if you take her back where she need to live and you have no job no money you still have debt 🤪if you are financially good that other story. Please fair with her she suffered from you and your brother a lots by the way by law she even not your wife because you’re not even registered by notary office it just she was running away with you when she was very young to a desert, now she have someone who care and look after her good she still needs to go to see a doctor because of her medical, how you can pay for her think about that , otherwise gonna be the same cave mountain and desert by river no money to buy food too
Ali you must apply cold water compress on your back the Nurse did not do that she wrapped it up that was a no no she should have flushed you back with cold water, now lay down and let the Mother put cold compresses to your back and a antibiotic cream to help with infection that may accure, good luck, and iam sorry you heard what fatama Mother said you looked so sad but you left there like a gentleman that you are, get well soon, love and kisses to you💞🥰😘.
Ali when will your suffering stop. Go back to Zarigol that was the happiest I've seen you working on your hut and loving your niece and nephews go back to Zarigol she worries about you,"Ali go back". Listen to that small still voice that drawing you back to Zarigol,, even if you find Maryam she may not want to go back with you, if she doesn't let her stay and be on your way without her, find your Atlantis in Zarigol, not with Fatama she has big problems.
Yes leave maryam alone she is suffering from him and his brother it is enough for her, he can look after zoligo and her 3 kids looking for job and pay for them he have to bring kids to school , he have to be fair for he she in a good place she have who is care for her and love her
Well you found the right house where Maryam and Dr Omid are.... why did that young girl lie and say they moved out several weeks ago? And why didn't you go knock on the upstairs door? No translation was given
No das una Ali primero ay andabas con sorijol ahora andas ay con la doctora que te pasa copiaron lo mismo que con el doctor omid busca a tu mujer es tu deber aserlo déjate de perder el tienpo con siertas personas es ridículo lo que ases
А ты думал тебе все рады, везде про свою Марьям, хорошо еще про Зариголь не говоришь. Ой еще ругатся надо из за Али. А тебе Али пора понимать что ты никому не нужен, создаешь только проблемы.
Ali again go to the Dr's house go upstairs knock the door and call by the name maryam she is in the house they hasn't gone any where she is still in that house .
Sungguh kasihan melihat Ali memandang dari jauh rumah di mana maryam tinggal... Pasti sedih, kecewa dan marah semua ada bila dapst tahu isteri yang di cintai di cari berbulan bulan berada di rumah lelaki lain... Sedih dengar Ali menyanyi semasa di rumah mak maryam... Mulut menyanyi tetapi hati menangis.. Menangis kerana sakit ahibat di simbah asid, menangis mengenang maryam dan menangis berpisah dengan jururawat yang baik yang merawat di selama ini... Pergi lah ali jumpa maryam... Apa pun kalian harus berbincang dan membuat kata putus samada untuk mereruskan tinggal bersama kembali atau berpisah dengan baik.
Leave maryam alone she in a good place where who love her from a heart who is care for her, if he take her back where is she live no job no money no house have a lots of debt still even he was sold a car to paid out from debt , maryam she still have to go to see a doctor for her teadment who gonna pay for her who gonna take responsibility for her illness
Ali tiene su encanto siento q esta joven bella se enamoro de él divorciate Ali dela fingidaza de Mariam ella vive feliz con su pretendiente segun ella perdio la memoria y no quiere recoordar pobre Omir la aguantara porq se vuelto teatrera me gustaba la mariam y Sogra
@@arianeramirezvergara4344 no ALi no te quedes con esa fea vuelve con tu esposa te queremos con ella si estás con otra ya no te seguiremos además la fea pronto te mirará en menos q no bales nada para ella chao con la fea
آقای اپراتور لطفاً به علی آقا بگین که کتایون جای مریم میدونه چرا چیزی نمیگویی الان آقا امید داره برای مریم خونه درست میکنه داخل یه باغ حس میتونه علی آقا هم بره اونجا باهم زندگی کنند
ALi busca tu propia esposa trabaja sale adelante déjate de andar de vago , Maryan está bien tiene una buena vida con Omid pero te queremos ati apenas te sigo esa mujer fea q te encontrastes ahora mas te gusta la floja de tu cuñada , no seas califa , busca ha Maryam nos gusta esta pareja as estado mui serca de ella y no la Queres encontrar
Que no la busque el no la quiere no tiene casa ni trabaja todo quieren que se lo den que deje quieta a mariam con el doctor y ella si perdió la memoria porque toma tanta droga que le mandaron
Али, тя е добре с Омид. Той и предложи брак, въпреки знае че Мариям неможе да има деца. Той много я обича,а също така се вижда че и тя го обича. Моля те не я търси, не я прави отново нещастна, ти изобщо не ти е добър живота и положението Нямаш къща къде ще я заведеш?
Ali ali o que ta acontecendo com você ? Você precisa horar resar ir a igreja agradeça a deus tudo o que voce teve na vida e entao depois voce pede o que voce precisa mas com muita fé tudo vira no tempo de Deus não se desanime você vai vencer Deus te abençoe
Bagus Ali dia tahu hukum haram tinggal serumah dengan orang yang bukan mahram... Tetapi bagai mana dengan Omid?? .. Kenapa dia masih tinggal serumah dengan maryam kalau mereka bukan mahram... Ada kah omid tahu atau saja buat tidak tahu dan ketepikan soal hukum halal haram... Dokter berpelajaran mesti tahu lainlah kalau jahil bab hukum agama...
Ali, žao mi je, vaš te prate neprike, ja sam već te kritizirala što nemaš svoj stav, ti bi pomogao, ali vidiš kako to ide, svi gledaju svoje interese, evo vidiš ta te djevojka pogazila, pa si je zaštitom da nju ne polju kiselinom vidi njeni roditelja da susjedi NEBI dogovarali nju tako su te pustili besramno, ❤
Ella hablo duro para que el lo ollera la madre tiene que agradecerle a ali que tiene que ver lo que hablen la jente cada cual con su vida con tantos problemas para uno se va echar los problemas de otro la jente no le salvaron la vida a su propia hija malagradecida señora no piensa le hubiese gustado ver a su hija desfigurada completa esa señora habla como el que no siente amor por las personas su hija tiene un corazón muy noble asta hace pareja con ali
Ich hoffe die Krankenschwester findet ihn auch wegen der Weiterbehandlung der Wunde, wäre nicht auszudenken was da noch alles an Komplikationen entstehen können. So wie ich sie einschätze Intiliegente Frau wird sie ihn finden und auch wollen!
En voyant où habite ta femme Maryam chez le Dr Omid, tu renonces à t'approcher. C'est vrai que tu n'as plus de maison ni terrain ni voiture, ni argent, tu as les "mains vides". Ali pense à toi et refait ta vie.
Али рассказывает странные вещи Фатиме его брат саман болен и скоро умрёт а на фига он хотел женится на Марьям когда мачеха украла её и хотела выдать замуж за Самана такое враньё рассказывает Али хватит врать
Operator tell to Ali agha his wife is under care Doctor Amid I don't no where place maybe the same with your place their house up and down but in second stage tell to Ali my message thank u
Ali quantas vezesos telespectadores vão te alerta você não deve procura Maryam ela não lembra mais de você sem contar que ela apaixonoce pelo doutor mais do que aceitavel pois duravte todo esse tempo ele foi o abrigo e amparo da maryam o médico encomtrou Marya quase morta sem medir nem um esfoço fez tudo pra salva- la depoi começou a busca por seus famíliares até encomtrar umas pessoas que conheciam a Marya e diceram lhe que você teria sofrido um acidente vindo a falecer emtão pararam de procurar com toda essa comvivencia se apaixonaram e. pois ninguém manda no coração então se divorcie de maryam pois você deve cuidar de você que esta sem teto e sem emprego Marya têm uma vida maravilhosa vive bém. deixe ela viver em em buscade de fazer sua vidapra que tenhas uma vida diguina a jovem que te atropelou com certeza esta gostando de vovê ela ficou sentida quando te viu ir embora seja feliz com ela ou zarigol maryam ja ficou no passado.
Ali ,nieprawdą Maryam tęskni za tobą ,myśle że ona nadal cię kocha ,a stosunki z lekarzem nie wyglądają już tak słodko ,Ali nie rezygnuj ,szukaj żony ❤
درودبرعلی آقاودرودبربانوفاطمه خداشفات به علی آقااپراتورچرابه علی آقانمیگوی کتایون توخونه محمودخبری مریم داره هم شماره میدونه مقصراپراتورتوهستی❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
WTF #KALOT get Ali away leave Maryam alone she's no longer Ali's wife she loves another man stop trying to poach Maryam away to your channel she has her own #GETLOST KALOT
Ni Q se paresca por dónde Maryam ella está muy bien gracias A Dios
Ali ya olvidate fe.mayran as ti vida q dios te ayude mayran esta enamorada fe omid busca tu vida y recuperate pronto saludos desde México dios los bendiga grasias por la transmisión
Omid and Mayram, it means for each other ❤❤
The nurse and Ali are the same
@@anna-brittaingelsson7448 But n
urse's parents specially mother does not seems happy with Ali....
Hemşire çok güzel ve düzenli bir hanım çok video izledim yeni tertipli bir ev gördüm afirim hemşire 🙏🙏🙏
Ali deja Amaya ella está muy bien lleba una vida tranquila
Get well soon Ali 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Али зачем ищет Марьям? Ни дома ни работы, ничего нет! По пещерам будет скитаться? Везде ходит, жалуется! Всё рассказывает! Марьям может его пожалеть при её состоянии и уйти с ним от доктора! И начнутся новые серии! Обе с приключениями!
It is true if he brings her back where she should live no job no money have debt still even sold a car how he can pay for her medical treatment because she still need to see a doctor better leave her lone with a doctor
Ali you are a gentleman and very respect for your decision you go to the doctors home for an accident Allah will help you now Maryam serch you please waiting ❤❤
Please leave her alone in my opinion if he brings her back where she have to live , he still no house no money no job still have debt and have to look after his brother kids for 3 what he gonna do with maryam sickness she have to go to see a doctor time to time go gonna pay for her Ali better look after for his own life
Leave Maryam alone . She is happy with Omid and doesn't need this loser Ali again. He has nothing and is nothing only problems she get from him
Ali deja de estar buscando a tu cuñada no es tu deber nada con ella es un pecado ella tiene que aser su propia vida y tu no pierdas tienpo busca a tu mujer
He should leave Maryam alone. She left him a long time ago and is happy now
Али хорошо устроился молодец 😊
Ali what nonsense is this? Why your cameramen is recording this girl video,the oprator must go with you its your channel
Agora que Ali não tem pra onde ir
Aí lembrou de procurar Maryam e encontrou exatamente onde ela está,que oportunista esse Ali em
Терпеть не могу али, противни рожа...
Hoy va a esperar que el doctor le termine la cabaña y cuando esté terminada le aparece para alojarse como lo hizo cuando el tío le hizo a Maryam la otra casa la que le destruyeron en el pueblo, lo típico de Ali. solo llegar a disfrutar lo que a otros les costó trabajo.
Maryam is Ali wife. Maryam and Ali need to meet again. So that they can talk about what they need to do. If Maryam wants to stay with omid and not Ali then Maryam needs to ask Ali for a divorce so she can marry omid.Maryam and Ali need to discuss the situation so they can come together and make an agreement on a divorce or stay together. And omid needs to stay away until it’s all settled… that way Ali not running all over the country side looking for her😪.and Maryam and Ali can decide what their future holds for them selfs .. until then leave them alone!!!!
Well said I'm we'd you 👍
Did they are really married by registration or just she was running with home when she was young. Like her stepmother said
Maryam told Ali many times that she wanted to leave him and not go looking for her.
No meeting needs to happen because she doesn't have a memory, Ali knows this and could tell her whatever he wanted, not the truth. To make her see him in a positive way instead of telling her all the negative he has done in the past.
How will that meeting go? How will it help Maryam?
Until she has more memory, that meeting will be one sided bunch of lies to make Ali look like a saint. Bad idea!!!
@@Liz3nvy it is true and people still said she is married women but she married him by she was running with him when she was young only 19 years even not registered by notary office it mean she is not married by law and Ali and his brother make her suffering too, if Ali brings her back where she have to live no job lazy no money no house a lots of debt still even he sold a car better he lave her alone if he is a fair person
Operadora afasta o Ali da casa do doctor
Maryam ta muito feliz
Deixa ela em Paz carra insuportavel
Deixe a Maryam em Paz
I cannot even watch this guy he is so lazy and doesn't want to work. In all videos he never brought money in the house.
Ali se parese a la madre igualitos los ojos los tienen verdes los dos
Lave maryam alone Ali if you take her back where she need to live and you have no job no money you still have debt 🤪if you are financially good that other story. Please fair with her she suffered from you and your brother a lots by the way by law she even not your wife because you’re not even registered by notary office it just she was running away with you when she was very young to a desert, now she have someone who care and look after her good she still needs to go to see a doctor because of her medical, how you can pay for her think about that , otherwise gonna be the same cave mountain and desert by river no money to buy food too
i agree
Ali you must apply cold water compress on your back the Nurse did not do that she wrapped it up that was a no no she should have flushed you back with cold water, now lay down and let the Mother put cold compresses to your back and a antibiotic cream to help with infection that may accure, good luck, and iam sorry you heard what fatama Mother said you looked so sad but you left there like a gentleman that you are, get well soon, love and kisses to you💞🥰😘.
Operator you recording that's girls vedio you know Maryams place please tell Aliagah he is poor man please help him❤
Ali when will your suffering stop. Go back to Zarigol that was the happiest I've seen you working on your hut and loving your niece and nephews go back to Zarigol she worries about you,"Ali go back". Listen to that small still voice that drawing you back to Zarigol,, even if you find Maryam she may not want to go back with you, if she doesn't let her stay and be on your way without her, find your Atlantis in Zarigol, not with Fatama she has big problems.
Yes leave maryam alone she is suffering from him and his brother it is enough for her, he can look after zoligo and her 3 kids looking for job and pay for them he have to bring kids to school , he have to be fair for he she in a good place she have who is care for her and love her
No es su dever esta mujer deve luchar por sus hijos son hijos del hermano además me carga la voz de zarigul
En français svp. Merci ❤
Well you found the right house where Maryam and Dr Omid are.... why did that young girl lie and say they moved out several weeks ago? And why didn't you go knock on the upstairs door? No translation was given
Ali es flojo para trabajar todo quiere que se lo den
No das una Ali primero ay andabas con sorijol ahora andas ay con la doctora que te pasa copiaron lo mismo que con el doctor omid busca a tu mujer es tu deber aserlo déjate de perder el tienpo con siertas personas es ridículo lo que ases
А ты думал тебе все рады, везде про свою Марьям, хорошо еще про Зариголь не говоришь. Ой еще ругатся надо из за Али. А тебе Али пора понимать что ты никому не нужен, создаешь только проблемы.
Alinin gidişine hemşire çok üzüldü Ama Ali doğru olanı yaptı inşalah Ali'yi bulur hemşireyi beyendim 😂
Dejela enpas ella es feliz 🤨
Ali again go to the Dr's house go upstairs knock the door and call by the name maryam she is in the house they hasn't gone any where she is still in that house .
Sungguh kasihan melihat Ali memandang dari jauh rumah di mana maryam tinggal... Pasti sedih, kecewa dan marah semua ada bila dapst tahu isteri yang di cintai di cari berbulan bulan berada di rumah lelaki lain... Sedih dengar Ali menyanyi semasa di rumah mak maryam... Mulut menyanyi tetapi hati menangis.. Menangis kerana sakit ahibat di simbah asid, menangis mengenang maryam dan menangis berpisah dengan jururawat yang baik yang merawat di selama ini... Pergi lah ali jumpa maryam... Apa pun kalian harus berbincang dan membuat kata putus samada untuk mereruskan tinggal bersama kembali atau berpisah dengan baik.
Gente sem noção
Leave maryam alone she in a good place where who love her from a heart who is care for her, if he take her back where is she live no job no money no house have a lots of debt still even he was sold a car to paid out from debt , maryam she still have to go to see a doctor for her teadment who gonna pay for her who gonna take responsibility for her illness
Y a donde piensas llevar a Miryam a vivir a la calle?
Gdje je prijevod
Ali tiene su encanto siento q esta joven bella se enamoro de él divorciate Ali dela fingidaza de Mariam ella vive feliz con su pretendiente segun ella perdio la memoria y no quiere recoordar pobre Omir la aguantara porq se vuelto teatrera me gustaba la mariam y Sogra
@@arianeramirezvergara4344 no ALi no te quedes con esa fea vuelve con tu esposa te queremos con ella si estás con otra ya no te seguiremos además la fea pronto te mirará en menos q no bales nada para ella chao con la fea
آقای اپراتور لطفاً به علی آقا بگین که کتایون جای مریم میدونه چرا چیزی نمیگویی الان آقا امید داره برای مریم خونه درست میکنه داخل یه باغ حس میتونه علی آقا هم بره اونجا باهم زندگی کنند
Because he shouldn't tell him. Maryam has her own channel and doesn't need Ali.
ALi busca tu propia esposa trabaja sale adelante déjate de andar de vago , Maryan está bien tiene una buena vida con Omid pero te queremos ati apenas te sigo esa mujer fea q te encontrastes ahora mas te gusta la floja de tu cuñada , no seas califa , busca ha Maryam nos gusta esta pareja as estado mui serca de ella y no la Queres encontrar
Que no la busque el no la quiere no tiene casa ni trabaja todo quieren que se lo den que deje quieta a mariam con el doctor y ella si perdió la memoria porque toma tanta droga que le mandaron
Trzeba Alemu dać szansę ,on kocha Maryam❤@@judithsilvahernandez
Ali agah go and knock the door call maryam she is inside,Maryam is also looking for you.
Yes Ali this right go upstairs knock the door and call by maryams name she is inside the house she hasn't gone any ware she is still in the house .
For what leave her alone
Ali Aga🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Привет Али ага желаю тебе быстрейшый воздоровлениеи люби эту девушку
Али ты тоже заслужил такой жизнью жить ано очень красивая умная предлагай мести жить
Ali and smart ???? Do you see a different person?
Now u on the street again if u were keeping Maryam nd treated her nicely not ur brother's wife 😢😢she have to be with u even now
Кекса захотела может
A man who begs..has nothing..only debts..he grabs...
Али, тя е добре с Омид. Той и предложи брак, въпреки знае че Мариям неможе да има деца. Той много я обича,а също така се вижда че и тя го обича. Моля те не я търси, не я прави отново нещастна, ти изобщо не ти е добър живота и положението Нямаш къща къде ще я заведеш?
Ali ali o que ta acontecendo com você ? Você precisa horar resar ir a igreja agradeça a deus tudo o que voce teve na vida e entao depois voce pede o que voce precisa mas com muita fé tudo vira no tempo de Deus não se desanime você vai vencer Deus te abençoe
Bagus Ali dia tahu hukum haram tinggal serumah dengan orang yang bukan mahram... Tetapi bagai mana dengan Omid?? .. Kenapa dia masih tinggal serumah dengan maryam kalau mereka bukan mahram... Ada kah omid tahu atau saja buat tidak tahu dan ketepikan soal hukum halal haram... Dokter berpelajaran mesti tahu lainlah kalau jahil bab hukum agama...
Your Fatimeh didn't tell u the truth abt her parents we thought that is her house😅
Cameramen, please tell Ali aga, if he meet up with Dr Omid, do not angry with him because he tried to save Maryam’s life!…please do not hurt Dr Omid!
اين الترجمة ما فهمنا شيء من هذا الفيلم
شكرا ع الترجمة للعربية ايها المشغل 😊
Ali, žao mi je, vaš te prate neprike, ja sam već te kritizirala što nemaš svoj stav, ti bi pomogao, ali vidiš kako to ide, svi gledaju svoje interese, evo vidiš ta te djevojka pogazila, pa si je zaštitom da nju ne polju kiselinom vidi njeni roditelja da susjedi NEBI dogovarali nju tako su te pustili besramno, ❤
Ella hablo duro para que el lo ollera la madre tiene que agradecerle a ali que tiene que ver lo que hablen la jente cada cual con su vida con tantos problemas para uno se va echar los problemas de otro la jente no le salvaron la vida a su propia hija malagradecida señora no piensa le hubiese gustado ver a su hija desfigurada completa esa señora habla como el que no siente amor por las personas su hija tiene un corazón muy noble asta hace pareja con ali
Ali bas te zalim svima pomazes a vidi tebi
Togri qild ota onas erak kishi nima qiladi ayol uyida ali sen dangasasannish qidr uy qur va maryamni top tezroq erkak kishiga yotishvyarashmaydi
Ich hoffe die Krankenschwester findet ihn auch wegen der Weiterbehandlung der Wunde, wäre nicht auszudenken was da noch alles an Komplikationen entstehen können.
So wie ich sie einschätze Intiliegente Frau wird sie ihn finden und auch wollen!
لاتبحث عن المراءة بالجبال
اذهب الى كاتيون
وواجه مريم
حتى تعرف
تريدك ام لا
Ali oga Maryam shu uyda togri boring vabeshikni taqillatin
Bota as legendas por favor
روح لزوجته عند الطبيب
احسنت ياعلي تصرف جيد بخروجك من المنزل
Хорошо Али играешь покажи нам твой ожог что бы мы не сомневались а так играешь на публику
Али ого марям борган уйингда
This house is for dr. Omid a
Nd maryam ali go inside why
Are you waiting
Оператора,кажете му да не я търси!!!!!
tes pero ella llega Tú llegeayi con el Dr osmid esperando que
Hutede no la encontrados porque no an querido el Doctor homid vive en los callejón
En voyant où habite ta femme Maryam chez le Dr Omid, tu renonces à t'approcher. C'est vrai que tu n'as plus de maison ni terrain ni voiture, ni argent, tu as les "mains vides". Ali pense à toi et refait ta vie.
That's what you want Ali u don't respect urself you follow ur heart without thinking😢😢
Теперь это медсестра будет искать Али будет ходить мастерской где он работал там его не будет у Алии адрес нет дом нет вот и вам продолжение
تصرف الفتاة مع الاهل جيد
وتشرحةلهم ماحدث
Jeli se udomio Mejrem i ne spominje
هذا منزل الدكتور اوميد ومريم موجوده بداخله
Али рассказывает странные вещи Фатиме его брат саман болен и скоро умрёт а на фига он хотел женится на Марьям когда мачеха украла её и хотела выдать замуж за Самана такое враньё рассказывает Али хватит врать
Ali aga esta bem em frente onde marian doutor omid moram kkkkk
علي مريم تعيش مع اوميد
وكاتيون تعرف ذلك
اذهب الى كاتيون ومحمود هم يعرفون مكان مر يم
لماذا لا تعيش مع اهلها ؟؟؟
Thank you Ali for remembering Zarigol💞💞
Pará queeee
Operator tell to Ali agha his wife is under care Doctor Amid I don't no where place maybe the same with your place their house up and down but in second stage tell to Ali my message thank u
She's already cured with Her sicknesses she's also find you
Ali ahli syair keadaan susah bersyair senang apalagi
Почему. Мало. Перевода
Али каждий раз зрительям показиваеш ложь нам надоела прикроти пожайлуста
Почему гнь русский сабтитр? 😊
Али ты бродиш болтаеш много больше ничего не умееш неужели трудно найти марьям
No subtitle no interest
Ima prijevoda
Мариям каякта
Оператор где перевод
რატომ ვერ იპოვა მარიამი
Ali quantas vezesos telespectadores vão te alerta você não deve procura Maryam ela não lembra mais de você sem contar que ela apaixonoce pelo doutor mais do que aceitavel pois duravte todo esse tempo ele foi o abrigo e amparo da maryam o médico encomtrou Marya quase morta sem medir nem um esfoço fez tudo pra salva- la depoi começou a busca por seus famíliares até encomtrar umas pessoas que conheciam a Marya e diceram lhe que você teria sofrido um acidente vindo a falecer emtão pararam de procurar com toda essa comvivencia se apaixonaram e. pois ninguém manda no coração então se divorcie de maryam pois você deve cuidar de você que esta sem teto e sem emprego Marya têm uma vida maravilhosa vive bém. deixe ela viver em em buscade de fazer sua vidapra que tenhas uma vida diguina a jovem que te atropelou com certeza esta gostando de vovê ela ficou sentida quando te viu ir embora seja feliz com ela ou zarigol maryam ja ficou no passado.
Ali ,nieprawdą Maryam tęskni za tobą ,myśle że ona nadal cię kocha ,a stosunki z lekarzem nie wyglądają już tak słodko ,Ali nie rezygnuj ,szukaj żony ❤
Uvijek ste imali prijevod hrvatski sad nema ni prošli put
درودبرعلی آقاودرودبربانوفاطمه خداشفات به علی آقااپراتورچرابه علی آقانمیگوی کتایون توخونه محمودخبری مریم داره هم شماره میدونه مقصراپراتورتوهستی❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
لاتكون قناتك ممله وكذابه
WTF #KALOT get Ali away leave Maryam alone she's no longer Ali's wife she loves another man stop trying to poach Maryam away to your channel she has her own #GETLOST KALOT
Jest żoná Alego ❤
Ali and maryam even not married by registration by notary because her stepmother said ones
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