Make Noise QPAS: Just Ambient Modular Music.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @TOMLEW1S 5 років тому +38

    That was the most relaxing poo I've had in ages.

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  5 років тому +7

      HA. I live to fulfil your most basic needs

    • @bluetv6386
      @bluetv6386 5 років тому +5

      Sweeping filters whilst swiping sphincters

    • @leftmono1016
      @leftmono1016 5 років тому +8

      Tom Lewis - waiting for the drop...

    • @shitpains
      @shitpains 5 років тому +4

      the man who put the anal in analog

    • @jonaseggen2230
      @jonaseggen2230 4 роки тому

      @@shitpains : D !!!

  • @jonaseggen2230
    @jonaseggen2230 5 років тому +2

    It seems like the part of your brain that listen to what you make has never heard Eurorack and or anything you made before, with it's wows and yeah!'s as if it tastes chocolate or get a kiss for the first time in its life. I find it really inspirational that you after all this time still manage to surprise and excite your self.

    • @aeropilot4419
      @aeropilot4419 5 років тому

      jonas eggen good, perceptive comment mate 🙂

    • @jonaseggen2230
      @jonaseggen2230 5 років тому

      @@aeropilot4419 Thank you : ) !

  • @CinematicLaboratory
    @CinematicLaboratory 5 років тому

    Absolutely gorgeous.

  • @robertsyrett1992
    @robertsyrett1992 5 років тому +2

    Time to relax with my dog and listen to some mellow music :)

  • @willinwoods
    @willinwoods 5 років тому

    Most excellent, thanks for sharing.

  • @thomassynths
    @thomassynths 5 років тому +2

    I've never seen you use so little cables. Congrats!

  • @wishbonebrewery
    @wishbonebrewery 5 років тому +1

    I've just had to explain that you don't take yourself too seriously re: your humming along :) I was hoping for a hand puppet show at around 3mins too.

  • @chedhead3278
    @chedhead3278 5 років тому

    Cheers Alex, goodness me that hit the spot, inspiring stuff, too inspiring to finish watching now in fact, good job! :)

  • @thb-music
    @thb-music 5 років тому

    I missed old Hearts of Space/Echoes. Just zone out and imagine crazy landscapes, cloud formations, night skies. This gives me that vibe.

  • @strangemobius
    @strangemobius 5 років тому

    Lovely!! Would love to know more about how you're wiggling QPAS. I'm having trouble going from like to love with it.

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  5 років тому

      I wiggle it like dees:

  • @intafon
    @intafon 5 років тому

    Wow, I need to get one of those Discwoman's (Discwomen?) -- they sound awesome! (kidding) :-D I really love that choppiness with the Clouds going on starting around 6 minutes in. QPAS outs were going in to Clouds in, right?

  • @SnaFOo75
    @SnaFOo75 5 років тому

    Lush sounds, Mylar.

  • @Contang0
    @Contang0 5 років тому

    13:33 seriously hit my spot. going to have to set up something similar and noodle away at it. why ever go outside again ?

  • @kriang_0
    @kriang_0 5 років тому +3

    How does this sound polyphonic? How did you do this? This sounds amazing :o

    • @feteti
      @feteti 5 років тому +5

      the TX7 is fully polyphonic (it's basically a racked DX7). Modular stuff is just acting as effects

  • @RyanFromUltrasound
    @RyanFromUltrasound 5 років тому

    Damn that's classy.

  • @LittleFoilFish
    @LittleFoilFish 5 років тому +1


  • @gooneybird808
    @gooneybird808 5 років тому

    Really like when you do a small case set up. I really want to get into modular’d be cool if you did a small case genre based type house case acid case ambient case...ya dig? Or just do you case it’s awesome haha much love cool noise 🤠

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  5 років тому +1

      Working on just that - time tight but watch this space!

  • @timothynewman6062
    @timothynewman6062 5 років тому

    How are you switching your routing? You mentioned occasionally it’s QPAS into clouds and sometimes clouds into QPAS

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  5 років тому

      Pull out the cables and swap em round!

  • @knobsstrings
    @knobsstrings 5 років тому


  • @maxmartinez6430
    @maxmartinez6430 5 років тому

    That's why I bought a Digitone an FM synth that has filters

    @YTNUKLR 4 роки тому

    Hey, is clouds running stock firmware?

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  4 роки тому

      Yep, at least I’m using a standard mode

  • @flame2106
    @flame2106 5 років тому +1

    aha so that tx7 i saw for 120 dollars is something i should do then. damn

    • @thb-music
      @thb-music 5 років тому

      TX7 is legit undervalued right now.

    • @mylarmelodies
      @mylarmelodies  5 років тому +1

      Yup. Mine was like £50!! That was a long time ago in fairness.

    • @flame2106
      @flame2106 5 років тому

      @@thb-music yeah... shhhh

  • @neomono2303
    @neomono2303 5 років тому

    Magic fingers, magic fingers....

  • @toitoitoy
    @toitoitoy 5 років тому

    are these fake candles?)