I found out Steward of Darkshire doesn't work on 1-health minions buffed with Sword of Justice. This needs to be fixed because SoD is supposed to be triggered "whenever" a 1-health minion is summoned and SoJ is triggered "after" a minion is summoned.
False. It works when 1-health minions are PLAYED but not when they are SUMMONED. Order has nothing to do with it. It's simply a glitchy interaction. Proof? Play bilefin with sword and steward out.
+Skyler Alsever what game do you play? In hearthstone everything is about which order you play. If you play SoD before Darkshire, it will use it's ability before Darkshire uses it's. Thus not giving the minion divineshield cause it has 2 health. BUT if you play Darkshire before SoD it will FIRST give the minion divine shield and THEN +1/+1
Patron and Hogger work even better in Warlock decks; Spreading Madness, Dread Infernal, and Darkshire Councilman all synergize (I've no idea if I spelled that right, it looks horribly wrong) really well with them.
Does anyone realise that in the Overwatch cinematic trailer, Tracer says "don't worry loves, the cavalry's here," just like what the Argent Horserider says when he is played
I think most of the reason people don't play it is because Steward is one of the only win conditions so if you get really unlucky and can't draw it you lose. It seems to be a 3 mana card that you have to play on 5 or 6 as well since it will get removed if you just slap it down on 3.
I guess you weren't playing the game before GVG or before and after black rock because the face hunter problem was much worse then ESPECIALLY AFTER NAXX
Butch Thomson I'm playing since before season one. And I didn't mean the two seasons right before LoE, I meant it was annoying since its inception until the release of LoE. Face Hunter player - noob player without imagination.
This is one of my favourite paladin cards, in wild it's AMAZING with silver hand recruit cards such as muster for battle and stand against darkness plus quartermaster and blood knight, in standard it's pretty decent but not too great. You can still get great value of blood knights from it in standard tho...
Rock this in my divine shield pally deck. Combo's awesome with bilefin tidehunter, abusive sergeant, and rallying blade. Got to 5 and stopped with it last month.
My Paladin deck contains two Steward of Darkshires, and two Blood Knights.So its called the Dark Knight, of course..Its so satisfying to drop the blood knight when you've already made the Steward of Darkshire/Stand Against Darkness combo. All the more satisfying if you steal a shield from their C'thuns chosen as well.
Decks like this. Argent Squires in lots of other decks, including lots of Zoo decks. Every C'thun deck uses C'thun's Chosen (the divine shield 4-drop) It's a good time to be putting a single Blood Knight in your decks, imo.
I can confirm that it works with the epic card that starts as a 1/1 taunt, but gains the stats of another friendly minion. (Can't remember its name.) I proved this with a random Kraken yesterday. A 9/7 that kills my opponent's four-health minion, followed next turn by a 9/7 divine shield with taunt? Now that's developing a board!
Steward of Darkshire reads like N'Zoth so that is why it works with twilight drake and how it interacts with redemption. Just like how unearthed raptor is not a deathrattle minion.
That says "PLAYS" Playing a card includes it's battlecry effect, while summoning does not. So if you play a card and the effect is "whenever you summon...." it will use the card's base stats for the conditions to be met, not the buffed stats. Hence why redemption doesn't work, because it SUMMONS a minion and THEN sets it to 1 HP Same with twilightdrake. For the purpose of the card in this video. It is SUMMONED from hand, gets then buff from the divine shield because of it's base stats and is then buffed by it's battlecry. I hope this clarifies the game's mechanics for you :)
Works with faceless shambler, gets divine shield then copyies the other minions stats Steward of Darkshire triggers before Sword of Justice, if you play steward before playing sword. but will not work with hero power just ended up with a 2/2 no shield.
Steward of Darkshire doesn't seem to work on murlocs that are already buffed as I play them. Example, if I have Murloc Warleader on the board none of my Murlocs will be buffed as they spawn in.
I don't think it goes off of base stats as when I've had the steward out and sword of justice equipped when I play stand against darkness I end up with 5 2/2's and none of them have divine shield.
I like this card a lot. Works good with the 2 mana Murloc that summons a 1/1 taunt.. Damn can't think to the name. Either way u know what I'm talking about
If youve been playing for longer than a year and focused on getting at least 80% of the classic set, then get whispers of the old gods. Definitely do this if you've opened less than 20 packs of wtog and more than 50 packs from the classic set
classic packs would definitely be better. Majority of the cards u build for yr decks.. actually came from classic. Unless your building a wotog decks, otherwise go for 30 packs of classic
The problem with Steward is that it cannot really be played on turn 3 and still be alive on turn 4, I ended up using it in the mid/late game with things such as Muster for Battle ect.
I believe it's a track titled ''DarkRiders" from Video Copilot's 'Pro Scores', which is basically a bundle of audio effects and cinematic music: www.videocopilot.net/products/proscores/
That wouldn't be a good idea at all. Why would you want to have one giant minion that's easily BGHed, silenced, or otherwise removed, when you could have a whole board full of crappy divine shields? It's way better to have your minions protected and to have your damage split up, rather than put all your eggs in one basket.
Rothbart24 but then you can get a 3:3 bonus for every silver hand knight you summon which is from the divine shield which is worth it for 2 mana hero power and its basically trading 2 mana for 3:3
Again, one huge minion is not a big threat compared to a full board of small divine shields. It doesn't matter at all how big your blood knight is ! Because it doesn't have charge. So your huge minion will get a polymorph / hex / execute / earth shock / silence / entomb / etc etc. (That's why no one plays blood of the ancient one)
I play a aggro divinepala and this is the maincard. i played 36 to 24 from rank 12 to 8 and i am playing only for 6 month and not the best player, so its pretty strong card and its cool because nobody knows the deck because not a lot of people playing it on ladder
Speaking of wanting people to try certain cards Im still waiting for Kripp to make a strong inspire deck. Ive made i few mage based ones which work ok. But im sure Kripp could do much better.
I want to like Steward more than I do, but my experience with it was kind of... meh. It goes down, and anybody that can remove it won't hesitate to do so, and since the deck is being built around it, once both are gone it's kind of difficult to come back. When it works, it works very well, but having to wait 3 or 4 turns to start setting up your plays can lead to a big deficit, and with no way to duplicate Steward efficiently, it's a pass for now. I'll stick to running Dragon Paladin for now.
I was really looking forward to doing a SoD+Mukla's champion combo, but the Mukla's tiggers first, so you don't get the divine sheilds. super disappointment
TheAlbion Not 100% sure, just a suggestion. Because another interaction is with Sword of Justice, and Steward needs to be played first in that situation, otherwise SoJ buffs the minion before the divine shield is applied.
Hobgoblin and Murloc Warleader actually buff 1 attack minions and murlocs respectively BEFORE Steward can trigger due the nature of their effects being aura-like. Thus, Steward can't trigger while they are on the field. Wishing it wasn't the case, but it would flat out busted if it were.
+David Giles All four cards are different mechanics. Hobgoblin is an on play trigger, Murloc Warleader is an aura, Steward is a Summon Resolution Step trigger and Sword of Justice is an After Summon Phase trigger. Because they are different mechanics, order of play does NOT break ties. For information about what triggers before what, see the Advanced rulebook or the Steward of Darkshire page on the Hearthstone wiki.
What matter is that Hobgoblin will prevent Steward's shield, but all this info is very much appreciated. From the Steward of Darkshire wiki page: "As a result, Steward of Darkshire triggers after Sword of Justice for merely summoned minions, but before Sword of Justice for played minions. She always triggers after Health auras update (such as Murloc Warleader) and after Hobgoblin triggers. It is unknown which of these interactions are bugged and which are intended. Keep them in mind when constructing Steward of Darkshire decks that contain other buffs.[4]"
Does Azure Drake instantly die to a Snipe secret? No? Then Steward of Darkness shouldn't work with Azure Drake. If it does, then it should be fixed. If not, then it's a pretty good combo.
I guess you meant to say Twilight Drake. When you play a minion, it enters play first of all, then we resolve the four Phases in order - On Play Phase, a Battlecry Phase, After Play Phase, After Summon Phase. In addition, after each outermost Phase, we run Summon Resolution Step triggers like Steward. So when you play drake, it enters play, Steward triggers, Battlecry resolves, Snipe triggers in that order. For more information see the Advanced rulebook.
Steward of Darkshire buffs '1-health minions', not minions with 1 health, which means it affects all minions that has 1 health as default. It does not matter how much health Twilight Drake gains after it enters the battlefield, it will forever be a 1-health minion as per its description. Just like how Vol'jin is a '2-health minion', Faceless Manipulator is a '3-health minion'...
This isn't 100% true. Have you seen the interaction between Steward of Darkshire and Sword of Justice, or the interaction between Steward of Darkshire and Murloc Warleader? She won't trigger on a minion if something else buffs it BEFORE she would trigger. See the wiki for examples.
To (viably) use this card in the deck, you have to wait until turn 8 to play steward + stand against darkness. This is because if you try slapping down steward on turn 3 or 4 and playing stand against darkness on 5, chances are your opponent would have dealt with steward at that point. With all the aggro going on, a turn 8 play isn't too good, but it's still fun watching your opponent concede whenever you get the combo off.
You can however throw quartermasters in if you are going to run stand against darkness, at which point you can potentially get 5x3/3s with divine shield and go face/never lose board control again
Fast. Nice
Wow you're fast man
You scare me sometimes... 1 minute and you've already been able to Skip the Kripp.
what the fuck is wrong with this guy, how is he always first?
How's Overwatch m8?
Turns out its preeeeeetty good...
Steward of Darkshire + Magma Rager = insta concede for your opponent
haha you know this is one combo that your ice enemy can't do... but the boar hehehe
Who said ice rager was a power creep? Kappa
no magma rager meme today? disapointed
it was, magma rager is 1hp soooooo
Bro, You live but I keep a body on the board anyway.
I'm surprised Magma Ragerinno hasn't cropped up to point out the synergy between Steward and Magma Rager.
I found out Steward of Darkshire doesn't work on 1-health minions buffed with Sword of Justice. This needs to be fixed because SoD is supposed to be triggered "whenever" a 1-health minion is summoned and SoJ is triggered "after" a minion is summoned.
It does work, but steward has to be played before you play sword of justice
+Halo Newbz thus making it broken
False. It works when 1-health minions are PLAYED but not when they are SUMMONED. Order has nothing to do with it. It's simply a glitchy interaction.
Proof? Play bilefin with sword and steward out.
+Skyler Alsever what game do you play? In hearthstone everything is about which order you play. If you play SoD before Darkshire, it will use it's ability before Darkshire uses it's. Thus not giving the minion divineshield cause it has 2 health. BUT if you play Darkshire before SoD it will FIRST give the minion divine shield and THEN +1/+1
Do you mean SoJ?
6:58 Do you really have to cut the video just to say "k"?
Your picture fits what you say perfectly
Wow lol!
You probably know this, but he cuts to skip the dead moments, such as opponent thinking.
Would you be willing to look at the new Hogger for us at some point?
Especially in patron and mage decks?
Patron and Hogger work even better in Warlock decks; Spreading Madness, Dread Infernal, and Darkshire Councilman all synergize (I've no idea if I spelled that right, it looks horribly wrong) really well with them.
i have had a good success with patron warlock.
Tom Clark
Yeah you just mortal coil the patron for an extra 3/3. Hellfire for easy board clears.
Where is the magma-rager comment? magma rager with divine shield should be fine
Does anyone realise that in the Overwatch cinematic trailer, Tracer says "don't worry loves, the cavalry's here," just like what the Argent Horserider says when he is played
Preeeety good with murlocs
I think most of the reason people don't play it is because Steward is one of the only win conditions so if you get really unlucky and can't draw it you lose. It seems to be a 3 mana card that you have to play on 5 or 6 as well since it will get removed if you just slap it down on 3.
Also when its killed with some shitty minion or low cost spell you are fucked, and warrior just wrecks this deck with ghouls and fiery war axe
Fiery win axe + alextraza's champion is just too op, and i know those fucks mulligan hard for it
13:18 first time I hear that thing attacking lol
Murlocs + Steward of Darkshire = more annoying than Face Hunter was before League of the Explorers
Not annoying ! Presety good
I guess you weren't playing the game before GVG or before and after black rock because the face hunter problem was much worse then ESPECIALLY AFTER NAXX
+Butch Thomson grim patron
Butch Thomson I'm playing since before season one. And I didn't mean the two seasons right before LoE, I meant it was annoying since its inception until the release of LoE. Face Hunter player - noob player without imagination.
Butch Thomson Which is why I rope them to death, even if I am clearly going to win. It's the only way I can cost them wins.
Cool, Steward of Darkshire-based deck was the first deck I made on WotOG expansion
I named it "Noobshire Flashmob" (WoW nostalgia feelings)
This is one of my favourite paladin cards, in wild it's AMAZING with silver hand recruit cards such as muster for battle and stand against darkness plus quartermaster and blood knight, in standard it's pretty decent but not too great. You can still get great value of blood knights from it in standard tho...
Do how good is renounced darkness. I want to see what kind of decks you can make with it
Kripp I like the analysis depth you hit in this one keep it up!
Rock this in my divine shield pally deck. Combo's awesome with bilefin tidehunter, abusive sergeant, and rallying blade. Got to 5 and stopped with it last month.
Noble sacrifice unit at 13:20 :
I think it's cool how the noble sacrifice guy says "hahaha I live!" when he attacks
My Paladin deck contains two Steward of Darkshires, and two Blood Knights.So its called the Dark Knight, of course..Its so satisfying to drop the blood knight when you've already made the Steward of Darkshire/Stand Against Darkness combo. All the more satisfying if you steal a shield from their C'thuns chosen as well.
Holy crap... did Kripp have a jump cut?! 3:43???
Decks like this.
Argent Squires in lots of other decks, including lots of Zoo decks.
Every C'thun deck uses C'thun's Chosen (the divine shield 4-drop)
It's a good time to be putting a single Blood Knight in your decks, imo.
I might try that.
I can confirm that it works with the epic card that starts as a 1/1 taunt, but gains the stats of another friendly minion. (Can't remember its name.) I proved this with a random Kraken yesterday. A 9/7 that kills my opponent's four-health minion, followed next turn by a 9/7 divine shield with taunt? Now that's developing a board!
Unreal Magma Rager synergy
memes aside, at +2, this post is legitimately underrated.
actually, yes
I've personally been loving this deck- has been nearly the only thing I've used in Standard
something to note about steward, if by summoning a minion with 1hp that minion gets a buff (via ex. sword of justice) it doesnt get the shield
Steward of Darkshire reads like N'Zoth so that is why it works with twilight drake and how it interacts with redemption. Just like how unearthed raptor is not a deathrattle minion.
Do you think you could do a video showing the complete deck? I've been experimenting with that card, and I wan't to try your deck out.
Stand against darkness turn 8 is a fun "Well that just happened" combo.
In her art, it always looks like she's standing in front of a giant book.
battlecries does not resolve before the minion enters theboard...
ever played a twilight drake into mirror image? do it
That says "PLAYS" Playing a card includes it's battlecry effect, while summoning does not. So if you play a card and the effect is "whenever you summon...." it will use the card's base stats for the conditions to be met, not the buffed stats. Hence why redemption doesn't work, because it SUMMONS a minion and THEN sets it to 1 HP Same with twilightdrake. For the purpose of the card in this video. It is SUMMONED from hand, gets then buff from the divine shield because of it's base stats and is then buffed by it's battlecry.
I hope this clarifies the game's mechanics for you :)
+LillyGaming seems legit, okay maybe you're right
+LillyGaming but your first comment is still badly worded but whatever
Hey Kripp, do you have any replacements for Keeper of Uldman? Aldor maybe?
"Hahaha! I live!"
Cracked me up so much
Works with faceless shambler, gets divine shield then copyies the other minions stats
Steward of Darkshire triggers before Sword of Justice, if you play steward before playing sword. but will not work with hero power just ended up with a 2/2 no shield.
You know why Steward of Darkshire is so good?
Because it makes Magma Rager better than Ice Rager.
how strong would steward and hobgoblin be? or would it be too hard to build a reliable deck with the 1/1 or X/1, 1/X power constraints
Have you considered using Blood Knight in this style deck?
I love this card so much and it makes my Paladin C'Thun deck so much fun. Had this activate on Noble Sacrifice once and it won me the game XD
It's like "1 mana deal 2 damage to the next enemy that attacks and summon a 2/1 defender". Pretty ridiculous tbh. Much value
+Ehri blood to ichor?
+Keon Presley Noble Sacrifice.
+Ehri I'm saying, the card is pretty similar.
I completely forgot Noble Sacrifice guy's attack line, "Ah hah, I lived!!"
Steward of Darkshire doesn't seem to work on murlocs that are already buffed as I play them. Example, if I have Murloc Warleader on the board none of my Murlocs will be buffed as they spawn in.
Can anyone else see that huge bruise around krip's eye? Krip been getting in fights boys.
4:12 how sad kripp forgot about blackrock mountain :D
where is magma ragerino to talk to us about the synergies?
never heard the attack of a noble sac, thats pretty cool actually. I LIIIIVE
I don't think it goes off of base stats as when I've had the steward out and sword of justice equipped when I play stand against darkness I end up with 5 2/2's and none of them have divine shield.
I like this card a lot. Works good with the 2 mana Murloc that summons a 1/1 taunt.. Damn can't think to the name. Either way u know what I'm talking about
He mentioned next standard set, TGT and LoE will be phased out. Wouldnt Blackrock be taken out next, not LoE?
If I want to buy 30 packs, should they by WotOG packs or Classic?
Depends on what you have
If youve been playing for longer than a year and focused on getting at least 80% of the classic set, then get whispers of the old gods. Definitely do this if you've opened less than 20 packs of wtog and more than 50 packs from the classic set
Buy GvG Kappa
classic packs would definitely be better. Majority of the cards u build for yr decks.. actually came from classic. Unless your building a wotog decks, otherwise go for 30 packs of classic
Noobgirl123 :3 I play Darwin Shaman, N'Zoth Priest and N'Zoth Pally.
Hey kripp wanna try something insane steward with illidan, it may not be good but when you can pull it off it is super gratifying.
The problem with Steward is that it cannot really be played on turn 3 and still be alive on turn 4, I ended up using it in the mid/late game with things such as Muster for Battle ect.
Nice edit at 3:47 ahahahaha
The wording is a bit conspicuos, but it seems like "1-health minion" refers to the card and not the actual minion on the board.
This card practically got me my first ever 12 win run in Arena.
Can someone please tell me the outro music?
+BM Raterino Kripperino dude epik meme
I believe it's a track titled ''DarkRiders" from Video Copilot's 'Pro Scores', which is basically a bundle of audio effects and cinematic music: www.videocopilot.net/products/proscores/
Jānis Zunda thx
Why does he say that tgt and LoE are out of next standard set? Isn't that suppose to be TGT + BRM that are leaving standard?
so my first pack from the free 3 from whispers which i just restarted playing hearthstone i pulled a golden yshiraj i guess im having a good time
So if Steward buffs Twilight Drake before its battlecry, could Midnight Drake get buffed by Hobgoblin?
shouldnt kripp use blood knight just think about it...
oh jesus christ
That wouldn't be a good idea at all. Why would you want to have one giant minion that's easily BGHed, silenced, or otherwise removed, when you could have a whole board full of crappy divine shields? It's way better to have your minions protected and to have your damage split up, rather than put all your eggs in one basket.
Rothbart24 but then you can get a 3:3 bonus for every silver hand knight you summon which is from the divine shield which is worth it for 2 mana hero power and its basically trading 2 mana for 3:3
***** but then,if you have like stand against darkness and blood knight combo its basically free 15:15 for blood knight
Again, one huge minion is not a big threat compared to a full board of small divine shields. It doesn't matter at all how big your blood knight is ! Because it doesn't have charge. So your huge minion will get a polymorph / hex / execute / earth shock / silence / entomb / etc etc. (That's why no one plays blood of the ancient one)
I play a aggro divinepala and this is the maincard. i played 36 to 24 from rank 12 to 8 and i am playing only for 6 month and not the best player, so its pretty strong card and its cool because nobody knows the deck because not a lot of people playing it on ladder
100 years later and this guy still plays a fucking card game! :D
Sounds like Kripp said Stewart of Darkshire. :D
Does kripp have a blackeye or is he just dirty? =S
Also Steward Of Darksire and Stand Against Darkness combo.
what is the complete card list of the deck?
Speaking of wanting people to try certain cards Im still waiting for Kripp to make a strong inspire deck. Ive made i few mage based ones which work ok. But im sure Kripp could do much better.
Wait were there 3 lightning storms played in that first game? How?
Hey, MagmaRagerino, you are finally useful with steward.
Aj Koorstra If my opponent plays Magma Rager, he can kill me without dying.
Was about to comment the same.
I think that sounds preeeeetty decent...
+CoreRagerino Kripperino You're not 7/7 anymore?
why dont you add a blood knight to the deck? remove a few 1-1's divine shields and you get a deathwing stated minion
I want to like Steward more than I do, but my experience with it was kind of... meh. It goes down, and anybody that can remove it won't hesitate to do so, and since the deck is being built around it, once both are gone it's kind of difficult to come back. When it works, it works very well, but having to wait 3 or 4 turns to start setting up your plays can lead to a big deficit, and with no way to duplicate Steward efficiently, it's a pass for now. I'll stick to running Dragon Paladin for now.
And this is an amazing deck for the new tavern brawl
Time to start playing Blood Knight.
It even works with Twilight Dragon :D
It sees a lot of play actually... Ever heard of divine pally, I see it a lot. Not sure if it's aggroo or not.
Do you guys think it would be bad or good if there also was a card like this, but it gives taunt to 1-health minions instead?
"Hahaha!!! I lived!!!" dies...
Have u seen him die? NOPE! So GTFO!
Soooo late man, nice try anyway
well, magma rager is better
you're welcome
Skipperino Kripperino beat you to it
Kripp, thou has forsaken the fatherland
9:25 "AHHH I LIVE"
I'm alone shocked to hear it?
I asked myself "that guys can survive in a situation"?
Spoiler alert: He died holding the dor.
I was really looking forward to doing a SoD+Mukla's champion combo, but the Mukla's tiggers first, so you don't get the divine sheilds. super disappointment
It's order of play I'm pretty sure
the steward went down before the Mulka. does it need to be the other way around?
TheAlbion Not 100% sure, just a suggestion. Because another interaction is with Sword of Justice, and Steward needs to be played first in that situation, otherwise SoJ buffs the minion before the divine shield is applied.
If only hobgoblin was still in standard. Wisp viable
Hobgoblin and Murloc Warleader actually buff 1 attack minions and murlocs respectively BEFORE Steward can trigger due the nature of their effects being aura-like. Thus, Steward can't trigger while they are on the field.
Wishing it wasn't the case, but it would flat out busted if it were.
Murloc is an aura but Hobgoblin isn't, by normal Hearthstone rules if you played the Darkshire first then both should be able to trigger.
Dope! I must have forgotten the nature of hobgoblin. Wild has so much crazy potential.
+David Giles All four cards are different mechanics. Hobgoblin is an on play trigger, Murloc Warleader is an aura, Steward is a Summon Resolution Step trigger and Sword of Justice is an After Summon Phase trigger. Because they are different mechanics, order of play does NOT break ties. For information about what triggers before what, see the Advanced rulebook or the Steward of Darkshire page on the Hearthstone wiki.
What matter is that Hobgoblin will prevent Steward's shield, but all this info is very much appreciated.
From the Steward of Darkshire wiki page:
"As a result, Steward of Darkshire triggers after Sword of Justice for merely summoned minions, but before Sword of Justice for played minions. She always triggers after Health auras update (such as Murloc Warleader) and after Hobgoblin triggers. It is unknown which of these interactions are bugged and which are intended. Keep them in mind when constructing Steward of Darkshire decks that contain other buffs.[4]"
How Good Is Malkorok ?
Turns out, its pretty gooood!! ofc, if it doesnt give you cursed blade aka wow emote.
tgt an leaque gets phased out? uhm... wasnt there something about dragons before LoE?
Would be great with muster for battle
Hey Kripp redemption doesnt work on C'Thun also. If he is say 20/20 he will return as 20/20
Does Azure Drake instantly die to a Snipe secret? No? Then Steward of Darkness shouldn't work with Azure Drake. If it does, then it should be fixed. If not, then it's a pretty good combo.
+Seto0019 I think he meant twilight drake
I guess you meant to say Twilight Drake. When you play a minion, it enters play first of all, then we resolve the four Phases in order - On Play Phase, a Battlecry Phase, After Play Phase, After Summon Phase. In addition, after each outermost Phase, we run Summon Resolution Step triggers like Steward. So when you play drake, it enters play, Steward triggers, Battlecry resolves, Snipe triggers in that order. For more information see the Advanced rulebook.
Yeah, I meant Twilight Drake
Steward of Darkshire buffs '1-health minions', not minions with 1 health, which means it affects all minions that has 1 health as default. It does not matter how much health Twilight Drake gains after it enters the battlefield, it will forever be a 1-health minion as per its description. Just like how Vol'jin is a '2-health minion', Faceless Manipulator is a '3-health minion'...
This isn't 100% true. Have you seen the interaction between Steward of Darkshire and Sword of Justice, or the interaction between Steward of Darkshire and Murloc Warleader? She won't trigger on a minion if something else buffs it BEFORE she would trigger. See the wiki for examples.
One good combo is the neutral demon and Stewart of darkshire
what neutral demon?
+Julian Lopez Zalazar he means illidian i think so
I think he's talking about imp master.
I think he's talking about imp master.
imp master
Can you pls post the Decklist?
what is saying as his "intro" ?? i cant really understand what does he say :)
is stand against darkness good in this deck?
To (viably) use this card in the deck, you have to wait until turn 8 to play steward + stand against darkness. This is because if you try slapping down steward on turn 3 or 4 and playing stand against darkness on 5, chances are your opponent would have dealt with steward at that point. With all the aggro going on, a turn 8 play isn't too good, but it's still fun watching your opponent concede whenever you get the combo off.
You can however throw quartermasters in if you are going to run stand against darkness, at which point you can potentially get 5x3/3s with divine shield and go face/never lose board control again
This card is great played it with blood knight, more yolo than good since blood knight removes all bubbles only to get hexed after🤕
Why no Blood Knight?
This or murloc version?
Does this card make magma eager playable?
Why no blood knight?
Should include blood knight and muster somehow
4:35 where is Skipperino Kripperino ?? do ur job bro pls... for all of us ! we believe in u Kappa
League of Explorers isn't getting rotated out next year. Blackrock Mountain is.