#30 Nadía Sif & Lára Clausen með Sölva Tryggva

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Turn "on" subtitles for english
    Lára Clausen og Nadía Sif Líndal eru umtöluðustu manneskjur Íslands, eftir að hafa hitt ensku landsliðsmennina Mason Greenwood og Phil Foden. Málið rataði á forsíður allra helstu fjölmiðla Bretlands á mánudaginn og síðan þá hefur áreitið á þær verið gríðarlegt. Hér mæta þær í sitt fyrsta viðtal á Íslandi eftir atburðina og segja söguna alla.
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    Hljóð - Eiður Steindórsson (@oathhljod)


  • @mrsoftnessful
    @mrsoftnessful 4 роки тому +12

    All I know is that Mason and Phil blowed the shit out them girls' backs.

    • @tiskais
      @tiskais 3 роки тому


  • @christiansnowball8261
    @christiansnowball8261 4 роки тому +28

    Seriously. I don't understand why they are getting so much hate from everybody. I am around the same age as them (2001) and can fully understand them. They did absouletly nothing wrong in this situation, it's so much more Phil's and Mason'd fault without blaming anybody. The girls didn't know Who they were, what rules they have, And what they couldn't do. Phil and Mason did however know what rules they had. The girls Just thought this was a fun opportunity that they took. I feel very sorry for the girls for what they have been through. I think it's time to let this situation calm down and let them figure it out themselves, both Phil, Mason, Nadia and Lara. It's quite unlucky that somebody chose to send the pictures to the News and that this whole situation blew up. Let them get on with their lifes. Sorry for the bad english, but i'm from Norway 😅

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому +4

      @Monolith Fan my dude, you’ve been arguing about their knowledge of quarantine with another commenter. It just seems that they didn’t know (not that that makes them free from consequences). The interviewer himself said it wasn’t a given that people who don’t follow sport news (or news in general it seems) knew about how long the team had been in the country, or what restrictions they were under.

    • @bilquishashmi343
      @bilquishashmi343 4 роки тому +1

      It's everyone's fault. Maybe the eldest out of them should have thought this through

  • @yuliu8834
    @yuliu8834 4 роки тому +20

    Thses 2 girls are trying to tell the truth and all you cares is how they look? That's pathetic.

  • @ughnotyouagain9042
    @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +31

    So basically Foden and Greenwood contacted these girls and asked them to come over, fully knowing that by doing so they were breaking quarantine rules because they weren’t supposed to meet anyone outside of their team. They somehow snuck past hotel security to meet with them, never told the girls they were in quarantine, never told them that they couldn’t take photos or record them (and even took some pictures of the girls themselves), and they were also talking to at least 1 or 2 other Icelandic girls, trying to make them come over.
    The girls really don’t deserve the hate and harassment they’re getting. Based on Foden’s and Greenwood’s behavior and actions, this sort of scandal probably would have happened to the lads eventually even if these specific girls hadn’t gone to meet them.

    • @ikram_248
      @ikram_248 4 роки тому +3

      It wouldn’t have been big if the girls didn’t post it everywhere on social Media 🤦🏻

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +7

      Ikram Hussien
      They didn’t “post it everywhere on social media” though. They sent it to a private group of people they knew (via social media), because those people were telling them that no one was going to believe they met Foden and Greenwood unless they showed pictures. Someone in that group screen recorded it and contacted Icelandic media. Foden and Greenwood never told the girls that they were in quarantine and weren’t allowed to meet with them. The girls also didn’t know that they were very famous, so they didn’t think anything was wrong with posting it to some people they knew.
      If this story had gotten out because of “leaked hotel security footage” or something, of the lads sneaking up to the girl’s rooms and staying there for hours, the magnitude of the scandal would have been the same.

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +6

      Monolith Fan
      I assume you’re talking about the video of a girl speaking on the phone with Mason and asking “what’s the plan, how are you going to sneak us in”. That is *not* either of these two girls. That is another Icelandic girl Mason was trying to hook up with. British media wrongfully reported that it was one of them.
      The only thing these girls had to do to get into the hotel was to book a room themselves on another floor, and the boys snuck past security to get to them. Mason only told Nadia that the team wasn’t allowed to leave the hotel, but never told her that they were in quarantine and weren’t allow to meet them. The girls said that if Mason had at some point before told them “oh yeah btw we’re in quarantine” they wouldn’t have gone to meet them.
      I understand the sentiment of “it takes two to tango” but you’re really twisting the definition of equality there.
      The reason why the four of them shouldn’t be judged the same way is because it was Foden and Greenwood who made the decision to ask them to come, knowing that they were in quarantine and by doing so they were breaking the rules, and if caught would face harsh consequences. They were the ones who were there on a business trip, were in quarantine and had responsibilities and duties towards themselves and their team, not the girls.
      As for the “they’re trying to profit off of this now” I would refer to the other comments I’ve left in this comment section, as well as what the girls say at 43:43 and 40:35

    • @ikram_248
      @ikram_248 4 роки тому +1

      Ugh, not you again and it was their decision to go? I think you are being incredibly biased, they all were equality involved,

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +5

      Monolith Fan
      Quote the whole thing. “The reason why the four of them shouldn’t be judged the same way is because it was Foden and Greenwood who made the decision to ask them to come, *knowing they were in quarantine and by doing so they were breaking the rules. They were the ones who were there on a business trip, were in quarantine and had responsibilities and duties towards themselves and their team, not the girls.*” that last sentence is important. Don’t cut it to make a comeback that suits you.
      Also, if you’ve watched the podcast they said themselves “you can call us dumb blondes but we didn’t know.” “The first time we were told that they were under quarantine was the morning after we met them. When we asked the reporter who called us why he would publish a story about it, what he had to gain from it, and he said that if the story got out that Foden and Greenwood had met with them, then they would be kicked off the national team for violating quarantine” also said “we don’t follow the news” as well as “we knew that some other foreign teams had come to the country and didn’t have to quarantine”.
      Gæti allt eins verið að þær hafi ekki vitað neitt um regluna um viku sóttkví, það er endalaust verið að breyta reglunum og ekki eins og allir unglingar séu að fylgjast með fréttunum.

  • @really8930
    @really8930 4 роки тому +13

    The girls are OK. They are young. They made a mistake ... because of Covid-19.
    The boys though were really thoughtless because of the potential dangers of infection for themselves, teammates, every member of the England party, the Danish team and officials and the families of every single person they came into contact with, also when they returned home.

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому +2

      @Monolith Fan
      The blokes are more guilty in the fact that they were knowingly trying to meet with those girls, **and others** during a pandemic, while being under quarantine with their team.They weren’t considering the rules or possibility that one of them could be infected and they could infect their whole team.
      I’ve said this before but: “you’ve been arguing about their knowledge of quarantine with another commenter. It just seems that they didn’t know (not that that makes them free from consequences). The interviewer himself said it wasn’t a given that people who don’t follow sport news (or news in general it seems) knew about how long the team had been in the country, or what restrictions they were under.”

  • @jon3948
    @jon3948 4 роки тому +7

    For all the people that came to watch this video to hate on these girls(i hate to admit i was one) watch the full vid. The girls seem genuine and the lads were respectful to them, which most football players aren’t to random women they meet . They were dumb to post the vids but i genuinely believe they didn’t see this outcome

  • @ominomi5130
    @ominomi5130 4 роки тому +6

    The girls taking photos without permission, I agree, was in bad taste (even if the boys took their own in return). Young people do that and it annoys the shit out of me, but it isn't extra out-of-the-ordinary for people to post that kind of shit on a private story. But, otherwise, there is absolutely no reason to blame these girls when these two young men knew who they were, what their team's regulations were, who they were in relationships with, etc.. It seems simple to me. Hate to break it to any of you idolizing famous athletes- but they ALL cheat on their wives and girlfriends. In my personal experience, having (accidentally) met famous footballers, they have always been rude, horny, and blatantly asked to fuck. And, all of them had families back home. I believe that being young, attractive, rich and famous, living a life of excess, where any woman (virtually) would sleep with you for no reason, turns the vast majority of these men into literal sociopaths. They think they are invincible and they make mistakes that jeopardize their families and careers as a product of their own ego.
    Also, the vast majority of Icelandic women hookup with randoms on weekends. These girls were just as young and dumb as every other young adult in this country. They just happened to be young and dumb in the wrong place at the wrong time. I believe them when they say they didn't know they are in quarantine, or bad intentioned when taking photos and I am not going to slut-shame them for sleeping around. I will, however, continue to blame the boys for being idiots, the Icelandic media for extorting 19-20 year old women, and any of these old fucks online who are so attached to men who got famous kicking a ball around that they would bully young girls on the internet who they don't even know.

  • @lynden1314
    @lynden1314 4 роки тому

    Couple of slags wanting an easy payday instead of working for a living

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому

      Aren’t the blokes “slags” too though? They all had a one night stand. One could argue that Foden and Greenwood are more at fault since they knowingly were trying to hook up with a bunch of Icelandic girls (other than those two) despite being under quarantine.
      The girls haven’t gotten any actual money from this, they’ve done like 3 interviews. The ones making money from this scandal are all the media outlets.
      I doubt they need the money anyways, apparently they’re both daughters of big-shot lawyers.

  • @marekszaqal3006
    @marekszaqal3006 4 роки тому +1

    Dont understand any sentence or Word but language is really pretty.

  • @ryder1128
    @ryder1128 4 роки тому

    Keep up the great work!!! Good luck with growing your channel. Did you know that you could use smzeus . c o m?? You should use it, it will help you get the views that you deserve!!!

  • @hamzaalam2906
    @hamzaalam2906 4 роки тому

    Fucking money grabbing snitches

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому

      In what way? They didn’t snitch, they didn’t leak anything to the press, that was someone else. The players didn’t pay them, and they have only done like 3 interviews, which they haven’t received any actual money for. The ones making money from this are the tabloids.

  • @halkihaxx5
    @halkihaxx5 4 роки тому +1

    Það er hægt að byðja símafyrirtækið um að blocka erlend númer í nokkrar vikur

  • @loganthomson2319
    @loganthomson2319 4 роки тому +14

    Class how they don’t know anything about Foden. Small city

  • @2010oblivion1
    @2010oblivion1 4 роки тому +36

    I thought they were supposed to be good looking.

    • @ylfawh3336
      @ylfawh3336 3 роки тому

      Oh so I assume you´re better looking then them?

  • @Dr.HaroldShipman
    @Dr.HaroldShipman 4 роки тому +18

    Not surprised that these leaches are trying to milk this incident as much as possible for that money.

    • @AlexSvarti
      @AlexSvarti 4 роки тому +13

      It's funny how stupid you are 😂 they aint makeing a single dime from this at all, i guess you have a hard time listening to what they said

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +12

      They havent received any actual money from this whole ordeal. They have been harassed and publicly shamed. This is the only real interview they’ve given to the Icelandic media, and they begged the first media outlet that contacted them (who broke the story) to not to publish anything about it.
      Watch the podcast.

    • @osibosi99
      @osibosi99 3 роки тому

      You have no class

  • @delphi0202795089
    @delphi0202795089 4 роки тому +1

    little britain

  • @oliveriosteinn
    @oliveriosteinn 4 роки тому +12

    So these girls can get away with revenge porn just because they're girls.

    •  3 роки тому +2

      What are you on about?

  • @alarrisify
    @alarrisify 4 роки тому

    Once in a lifetime opportunity for what? Fucking a United player? Getting a rich boyfriend? I’m confused.

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому

      Probably a “once in a lifetime opportunity” to even meet the two famous guys. Who knows how many other girls or blokes would kill to be able to meet some famous footballers. Not like a lot of famous people go to Iceland every day anyways.

    • @alarrisify
      @alarrisify 4 роки тому

      Yep. Nope. But they didn’t even know them. To them they were just two young guys.
      Obviously if they were fans of them it’d be something else but here it seems like they saw the opportunity to be with money printers which is pretty embarrassing.

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому

      Rave In Peace
      Nadía said that she had spoken to Greenwood on a dating app and knew that he was famous, but not to the extent he actually is. She debated going to see him but her friends talked her into going. Phil just sorta showed up and asked Nadía to bring her friend too and she had no idea who he was. Lára just thought he was attractive and decided to go. Their friends however were freaking out because they knew how famous they were and kept asking for pictures and stuff.
      Also, not to be argumentative, but you kind of contradict yourself in your response. You said the girls didn’t know them and just saw them as two young guys, but then right after that say that they went because they were in it for the blokes’ money.

    • @alarrisify
      @alarrisify 4 роки тому

      Yep. Nope. Well what I’m trying to is if they were football fans and fucked them because they were into them then that’s perfectly fine. They didn’t know them though. All they knew is that they have tons of money. And with that knowledge they sneaked into a hotel to fuck them.
      So tell me. Where they there to have sex with two guys they were into or did they do it hoping it could financially change their life?

    • @2010oblivion1
      @2010oblivion1 4 роки тому

      They signed up to a celebrity dating site did they not? So looking for Rich and Famous people.

  • @himynameiscarl6162
    @himynameiscarl6162 4 роки тому +17

    They´re completely different in real life. Guess facetune is treating them well huh?

    • @TonyVega123
      @TonyVega123 3 роки тому

      Haha they look like children to me

  • @ryanfitzpatrick1785
    @ryanfitzpatrick1785 4 роки тому

    Did they have sex or not?

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому +1

      Lára admitted that she slept with Phil, but said that he never told her that he had a girlfriend and child. Nadía has only said that Mason kissed her, but implied more happened.

  • @ceejaytube1662
    @ceejaytube1662 4 роки тому +5

    How was Greenwood finishing?

    • @suhailiqbal5160
      @suhailiqbal5160 4 роки тому

      PROBABLY A 10.

    • @really8930
      @really8930 4 роки тому

      She said she liked the fact that “he was tall and athletic”. That might have been a reference to his “finishing”.

    • @TonyVega123
      @TonyVega123 3 роки тому

      He came from the left field

  • @halldorfannarsigurgeirsson7741
    @halldorfannarsigurgeirsson7741 4 роки тому +5

    Þær nota "ljóska", "ung" og "stelpa" sem afsökun fyrir skorti á hugsun. Mér finnst ekki illa gert að ætlast til þess að sjálfráða fólk með kosningarétt geti hugsað aðeins framávið, þannig að ég spyr mig hvort við eigum að hækka kosningaaldur í 25 ára eða takmarka kosningarétt kvenna - út frá þessu. Býst við að kvenréttindabaráttan tjái sig.

    •  4 роки тому +9

      Ég er eldri en þær, ekki kona (sem virðist skipta máli fyrir þig) og fylgist vel með fréttum; samt sem áður er ég ekki viss um að mér hefði dottið í hug að það væru einhverjar sérstakar reglur sem giltu um þessa aðila. Við erum bara heppnir að þau mistök sem við höfum gert í lífinu hafa ekki endað á forsíðum ruslrita eins og DV.

    • @halldorfannarsigurgeirsson7741
      @halldorfannarsigurgeirsson7741 4 роки тому

      @ sett fram í mestu kaldhæðni sökum þess að þær nota þessar afsakanir. Hefði komið mun betur út ef þær hefðu bara sagt "við bara spáðum ekkert í að rannsaka nánar" án afsakana. Auðvitað gerum við mistök, og mistök hafa mismiklar afleiðingar. Þær drápu vissulega engann með ölvunarakstri, en ef það hefði gerst, þá hefðum við aldrei samþykkt "þetta eru nú bara ungar og vitlausar ljóshærðar stelpur..." til að bursta öllu út af borðinu.

  • @brynjatomer8829
    @brynjatomer8829 4 роки тому +5

    Æ, æ. Vonandi er þetta viðtal eina undantekningin. Ekki fara þessa leið, Sölvi, þetta eru svo fjári fínir þættir hjá þér.

  • @ChaosCharge
    @ChaosCharge 4 роки тому +11

    They got their fame, hope you girls enjoy it before it fades away lol

    • @AlexSvarti
      @AlexSvarti 4 роки тому +10

      They never wanted this fame.

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +9

      They never wanted this to begin with. They didn’t leak anything to the media so that it would become a story. The “fame” they’ve gotten out of this is to be known as the two girls who slept with two famous football players which resulted in them getting kicked off their national team. And that “fame” has resulted in getting publicly shamed, harassed and death threats sent to them and their families.

    • @iceperson9249
      @iceperson9249 4 роки тому +5

      You’re saying they didn’t want the attention? I’m pretty sure they’ve told the media more than they should if they’re not being paid for interviews then I don’t know what’s going on. Normal people wouldn’t share that much shit unless they’re in for something

    • @ughnotyouagain9042
      @ughnotyouagain9042 4 роки тому +7

      Ice Person
      They didn’t want the attention. They didn’t leak the story and thought it would never come out. They begged the first media outlet who broke the story to not publish anything.
      They’re getting harassed both online and in public, one of their phone numbers has been leaked, they have people from all over the world calling them, sending death threats to them and their families and calling them whores.
      They haven’t spoken with the media that much. They start speaking on that at about 33 and 37 minutes in. One of them spoke to British media because her parents told her to, and she said she wanted to set the story straight because the British media had been publishing bogus stories about them. The other one was contacted by a British journalist that seemed trusting and she talked to him. All the other media outlets are just reporting on those 2 or 3 interviews that they gave. They also say in the podcast that they want this to be over, and that their logic is that by giving those two interviews with the British press, they’ve given out the whole story, there will be a short resurgence again about this scandal, but hopefully that after that it will all just die out because there’s nothing more to report.
      Also more about that at 40:33

  • @MrGunnsig
    @MrGunnsig 4 роки тому +13

    Nú minnkaði álitið mitt á þessum þáttum. Búinn að hlusta öll frábæru viðtölin hingað til. Þetta verður ekki spilað.

    • @johannesbirgirjensson
      @johannesbirgirjensson 4 роки тому +14

      Gott viðtal. stelpurnar koma vel fyrir, segja sína hlið.

    •  4 роки тому +8

      Ekki taka lífið svona alvarlega. Ekkert að því að leyfa fólki að segja sína sögu.

    • @Starkardur
      @Starkardur 3 роки тому

      Skárra en mörg viðtöl í þessum þáttum. Mun skárra en Jónínu Ben viðtalið t.a.m.

  • @HafsteinnEvarssonhaffikaff13
    @HafsteinnEvarssonhaffikaff13 3 роки тому +1

    Íslenskar hórur

    • @ylfawh3336
      @ylfawh3336 3 роки тому +4

      Íslensk karlremba

    • @HafsteinnEvarssonhaffikaff13
      @HafsteinnEvarssonhaffikaff13 3 роки тому

      @@ylfawh3336 Sanleykur er Sár

    • @ylfawh3336
      @ylfawh3336 3 роки тому +4

      @@HafsteinnEvarssonhaffikaff13 sanleykur? Lærðu að bera virðingu fyrir fólki og að skrifa rétt

  • @josephoakley6962
    @josephoakley6962 4 роки тому +14


    • @AlexSvarti
      @AlexSvarti 4 роки тому +19

      Real classy dude 👍 grow up.

    • @alarrisify
      @alarrisify 4 роки тому +3

      Alex Svarti man c’mon they went to a hotel to fuck two boys they didn’t know. Or at least one of them. All she knew was that he Foden is rich and she drove to a hotel, sneaked in and fucked him. I mean who if not a prostitute does this?

    • @yep.nope.166
      @yep.nope.166 4 роки тому +5

      Monolith Fan
      The blokes were going to pay the girls back for the rooms though (or at least Foden was). They treated this whole thing pretty casually and even asked Lára to bring candy for them from the supermarket. It was just young people hooking up, to use “prostitution” to describe the encounter is quite an exaggeration.

    • @hv1225
      @hv1225 4 роки тому

      @@yep.nope.166 They accepted thousands of pounds from the british press bc. they slept with them.

    • @alarrisify
      @alarrisify 4 роки тому +1

      black-leg Sanji yes but why did they do it? Because they thought they’re so hot? Or because they saw a chance to become the girlfriend of a rich guy?