The facilitation technique that wakes up the Zoom: The Avalanche (how-to in description)

  • Опубліковано 7 чер 2022
  • If a course only gives me information, it's a failure (That's what Google and UA-cam are for). A great course helps you find supporters and collaborators in this crazy thing we call the internet.
    In my course, I make this happen with a technique called an avalanche. Here's a playbook for running one yourself.
    Step 1: Pick a recipient.
    Who needs a little gratitude? Who's making solid contributions to the class? Who had a rough week and needs a pick me up?
    Check with that person to make sure they're up for this, and then...
    Step 2: Explain the concept of the avalanche
    Tell the group that this is an exercise where, on the count of 3, everyone unmutes themselves and showers the recipient with positivity, support, and encouragement.
    Everyone goes at the same time. Not in turns.
    Step 3: Hit record
    Later, you can share the clip with the recipient.
    This gives them a souvenir. Something to keep in their back pocket when they next hit a rough patch or need some encouragement.
    Step 4: Start the avalanche.
    Count to 3 and open the floodgates. Everyone unmutes and talks to the recipient.
    Yes, it's chaotic. Cacophony is a bug, not a feature.
    It's the thought that counts. Not the words. Smiles abound and it galvanizes the room.
    Showering the recipient with well-wishing will make their day, but the real magic is how EVERYONE feels part of the experience.
    This is a sign that the cohort is moving beyond the intellect to somewhere deeper. This is how we create cohorts of people rooting for each other!
    The cart for my course is open:
    Twitter: / cahouser
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