“Do you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? Time has slipped away. Your life is stolen. You tarried with trifles, Victim of your folly.”
Just an absolutely incredible score from Hans. His best work since Interstellar. I hope the trilogy pans out and he becomes to Dune what Howard Shore is to LOTR.
It's good, but imo Brian Eno did it better. I haven't even seen 1984 Dune,but my god, the prophecy theme from it, probably the best movie theme I have ever heard.
@@mattropolis99 you probably mean that there was connection between the viewer and the characters especially paul. I'm pretty sure it is done on purpose, since I heard that in the original novel you are almost meant to dislike/hate the main characters as far as I know.
I’m listening to this while reading the book and it helps so much to get immersed into the world of Dune. Incredible soundtrack which I took for granted when watching the film, but I went in completely blind and had no idea what to expect! Thanks so much for uploading
I absolutely LOVED this movie so much and the sound had a lot to do with it. I was privileged enough to see it in an IMAX theater, and I wish everyone who saw it could be so privileged, it was incredible. The sound of this movie...not just the music but I mean the sound altogether, god DAMN it was awesome.
This one is perfect. I found some other Dune Ambiance music too intense/loud sometimes like in the original OST. This one is more dreamy, calm, floaty.. love it!!!
Yeah, exactly. I don't think some ambient video makers understand what ambient means. It's not supposed to grab your attention and be distracting. It's supposed to be just what it says it is... ambient! Something to have on in the background to either use to help you focus, meditate, chill out, etc.
I have listened to this about 100x already. While working, reading Dune, commuting, cooking or even when I couldnt sleep. What you have done is masterpiece, just like the book or film, I could listen a million times again and still it would comfort, inspire, excite, encourage me the same way. Thank you for the gift you provided to all of us.
I listen to this while playing Call of Duty. It's the perfect music for playing because it's not too loud and dinamic to the point where you can't hear if an enemy's behind you, but at the same time it's melodical enough so that I feel the heavy and majestic undertone I'm looking for. I've had many victories over it.
@@pawelt.5385 I had never even heard of the books till this movie. I didn’t watch the trailer and never read anything about it. Went into the movie completely blind and I’m so glad I did. Watching this movie and knowing absolutely nothing about it was such a great experience. I cannot wait to read the books now
@@immortalsugimandudeguy one really interesting thing is that certain bits of the story are designed to be read (obvs I know) but therefore don't really fit other media as well. For example, reading the part about the agony (pain) box and watching it are two different experiences. Reading it was horrific, a wrenching experience, watching it is just dull by comparison.
@@immortalsugimandudeguy there are a lot of episodes in the books that were skipped in the movie (otherwise its pretty accurate, beside the fact that liet kynes is woman in the movie for some reasons), since you cant describe it without narrator voice, the first 2 trilogies are amazing tho, youll not regret time spent ;]
So, I'm working my way through your early videos. Wow, this has to be one of the most exquisitely dark, elegantly atmospheric ambient mixes I've ever heard. And it's an amazingly satisfying listening experience! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I use this for both my D&D world building sessions and for in game travel scenes across desolate wastes/uncertain sea voyages. It adds so much to the game - Thank you!
I’ve never read the Dune books but Denis Villeneuve has introduced me to a new epic sci-fi franchise apart from Star Wars through his movie. I loved the movie so I might read the books to learn more about the Dune universe
This music elevates the novel, and I can think of no higher praise. It breathes, it sweats, it perseveres. Like the human spirit. I always come back to it.
Frank's six are a tough series to read though the first time, but its re read value is top notch. It gets even BETTER each time you read it. Esp at different ages of your life. It's... something true DUNE fans understand, and why EVER making it into a decent live adaption is almost impossible! Film director, Alejandro Jodorowsky was most likely the one to bring it proper life after seeing the documentary. I hope in the year since this post, you enjoyed it, and are on to the others. : )
Good job, it absolutely fills the bill of being ambient and reminiscent of Dune's score. Stunning tunes to accompany me working on my thesis, thank you! 😌
This is so amazing to read Dune to!! I like to read at a slow pace and fully absorb the information dense sentences of Dune, and this music helps me to do it. It makes reading Dune feel like I’m playing a video game!
I really, REALLY like your videos, you really do the ambience right as you actually blend in the soundtrack so well in all your videos! As for requests, I would love it if you did an assassins creed Black Flag ambience video… that game had such good ambient track… Regardless, thanks so much for these videos, I appreciate them a lot! :)
You have done a marvellous work with this mix, there are several mixes of Dune'soundtrack circulating on You Tube but this is a far better one than the originals, bravo to you sir. I usually listen to this specific mix since the moment you have uploased it, in the mornings on my headphones while going to work and also in the sunset hours when walking back from work. To me this kind of outside listening is a far deeper experience than listening inside the comfort my home and that's because I relate this music not with the context of "Dune" the movie or the novels but with my own everyday life in the real world. Having it in my ears as I'm walking around the streets of Tirana everything around becomes meaningful, even the smallest and most un-important things become important due to the mystification these sounds inbue them with.In a world where there is no god nor an afterlife (this is my personal belief if course, as is the whole experience I'm talking about), this life is all we have and since there's no need for a meaning per sè to the universe itself and also to our existence as a species and as indibiduals other than existence itself, it's music and art in general what becomes the spiritual experience for each one of us. An emotional experience such as this makes everything have sense and beauty, even things that might be painful become bearable when you associate them with music. Paradoxically, this experience is "escapism" but at the same time I try to keep myself inside my everyday life, so I don't imagine myself being somewhere else other than where I am at the moment or doing something else other than what I'm doing at the moment, there's no need to imagine being in thedunes of Arrakis as I am in the dunes of Tirana. Thus the "escapism" element for me is not leaving reality but staying in it while giving it the emotional and spiritual weight that it might not have per sè outside this musically induced spiritual/emotional experience. So this is very important to me as a mechanism of not only coping with reality but also shaping its meaning in accordance to my personality so that even the most ugly and painful elements of daily-life become not only bearable but poetic.
this is good music! much more ambient and neutral vibes than other dune ambience music as well, it was very good to read children of dune to and it put me right to sleep when i was done reading! 10/10
I am currently reading the novel while listening to this and I must say...I love this universe!❤ But I must thank the new movie for getting me interested.
Porfin he conseguido estar solo. Durante horas experimentó una inmersión total en aquella idea que apareció en sus pensamientos. Abstrayendo los sentidos y focalizándose en un solo propósito: conseguir crear el autómata más complejo que jamás había planeado. De niño, tardaba semanas en tan solo dibujar los planos, esto nunca le supusoun impedimento, aprendió el valor del esfuerzo y desarrolló una disciplina religiosa para con sus obras. Ahora, en el tiempo que ocupa la mitad de una noche, ya estaba colocando las piezas que formarían su nuevo orgullo. Cortaba la madera en formas escamosas, fabricaba los mecanismos internos haciendo conexiones de aire entre las pequeñas piezas que tan minuciosamente diseñó. Decoraba las escamas con el verde que desprende la tinta de malaquita y trazaba sutiles detalles con sangre de yak hervida. Para conseguir un patrón de movimiento colocaba piedras magnéticas por todo el sistema, estás reaccionaban al imán que utilizaba como núcleo conductor. Para que pudiese funcionar de forma independiente, necesitaba tener cerca el imán , por lo que debía mantenerse dentro de un rango de cinco metros conforme a este. El imán era demasiado pesado como para dejarlo apoyado en el lomo, Satih debía llevarlo consigo, media no más de veinte centímetros de diámetro así que decidió meterlo en una esfera hueca de cristal. En la punta de la estructura , dos pequeños cristales formaban los ojos de la recién nacida serpiente autómata. Satih suspiró, frotó sus manos repetidamente e instintivamente sonrió. Ya está, ya lo he conseguido, creía que iba a tardar mínimo dos días, pensó Satih. La dulce luz que reflejaban las tres lunas bañaba el jardín en una atmósfera casi divina. Satih se paró un segundo a contemplarlo, sintiéndose privilegiado por poder vivir en una casa con un jardín como ese. Es el lugar idóneo para probar la serpiente, las plantas con sus ramas serán el oponente perfecto para un animal como el que he querido inmitar, un fantasma silencioso. Reflexionó el chico. Cuidadosamente colocó la serpiente sobr el humus de la tierra, un segundo después, activó el imán que daba vida a el mecanismo. De inmediato se erguió y comenzó a impulsarse sobre su propio peso, inmitando el reptar de las reales. La curvatura de la onda que se creaba no era tan fluida como le hubiese gustado a Satih, pero podía desplazarse y ese era el objetivo principal. Se aproximó a las plantas que hace tanto tiempo Baba Musa importó desde Badegan, pocos centímetros antes de impactar con una tomaba la dirección contraria.Era más rápida de lo esperado. "Ningún aprendiz es capaz de lograr fabricar algo de esta complejidad, ninguno menos yo. Cuando llegue la prueba de admisión ya habré superado al examinador" . Presumió en su cabeza. Un parpadeo más tarde, como si de una lluvia de ironía se tratase, la serpiente se quedó enganchada con una rama que sobresalía. " Mierda " Recogió su nuevo conejillo de indias , se obligó a reconocer que aún no estaba completado y necesitaba hacer algunas variaciones. Tal vez no fuese perfecta, pero haberse acercado tanto en tan poco... no podía negar su propio talento. Cerró los ojos y dijo en voz baja: - Está bien , lo siento. El ego mata tu espíritu, os he faltado el respeto dejando que florezca en mi. - se forzó a seguir - En consecuencia me habéis mostrado que si un humano se cree en la condición de un creador, sus creaciones nunca sembrarán fruto. - " ¿Realmente no podemos llegar a ser como ellos?" , Se cuestionó interrumpiendo sus propios pensamientos. - Perdonadme por ser ostentoso, dejadme entender la luz de vuestra virtud. Así acabó el rezo vital. Shati no era seguidor de los Creadores, más por obligación de las enseñanzas impartidas en la Escuela Azul era conocedor de los ritos vitales. Rechazar el ego era uno de ellos, y aunque dudaba de su existencia había comprobado como no funcionaban sus inventos cuando el ego llegaba. ¿Sería casualidad, un efecto placebo de las enseñanzas? No tenía una respuesta, la duda le hacía seguir las tradiciones. Al fin y al cabo, los Creadores eran los dioses de los constructores, los que impartieron el hambre de curiosidad por el mundo. No creen en ellos no le evitaba poder apreciar su mensaje . Quería crear, quería conseguir que cualquier idea fuese materializada, que los sueños dejarán su condición y se transformarán en realidades...era Lo único que le importaba. Lo único. Al dar media vuelta para volver a su habitación, creyó ver una sombra en la ventana del dormitorio de su padre.
Just from the first minute, I knew this was going to be the best one among the hundreds of original Dune OSTs out there. Most of them are really cool, but too loud, including the Hans Zimmer one which is absolutely sensational btw.
Hope you bring back the Total Recall (1990) video. That one was how I discovered your channel and was my favorite. In the mean time, this is my new favorite.
When I was a child, I've had a dream of a world similar to that shown in the dune. It was a barren desert, dusty grey sky with a huge moon, and surface filled with black rocks. There were civilizations there, similar to our ancient civilizations, but they have somehow managed to develop extremely advanced huge humanoid robots that used to fight each other like gladiators instead of having an all-out war, it was futuristic yet felt so ancient. But future and past didn't make any sense to me there since it was an entirely different planet in an entirely different timeline, lost somewhere in one of the trillions of galaxies out there. While watching dune I realized how eerily similar it was to that dream, this music just enhanced that strange feeling of experiencing something which never happened in reality. The strange thing is I don't even live in the US, had no idea about the dune franchise until last year.
@@ontolog5871 Don’t know what that any of that “drone” stuff is but even I doubt it . Just don’t make any more comparisons as it should qualified in of itself.
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I'm leaving this comment here so after a week, month or a year when someone likes it, I get reminded of this amazing soundtrack :)
Hope we are keeping you on track....
Dune part 2 is coming in a couple of weeks 🗿
A real banger
@jeandaniellopezsmith53 so excited I'm seeing opening day!
*Dune 2 was phenomenal just as tha books foretold*
Hearing this while you read the book it is therapeutic and gives a greater sense of immersion I recommend it
Exactly why I came here! Just started reading the series now!
Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. And keep the world for His people.
Fear is the mind killer.
Listening to this while reading _Dune: Messiah_ !
Trying to get my hands on that book, doesn't sell in my town, prefer purchasing books in person 😭
Me too!
Me three!!
Me four!!!
Bless the Maker and his Water. This is beautiful.
Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.
what's mean 'water'❓
@@ejjj8083 Fear death by water. I see crowds of people walking round in a ring.
bi la kaifa
“Do you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? Time has slipped away. Your life is stolen. You tarried with trifles, Victim of your folly.”
Who said this I haven’t read too far into dune
@@pluspens2134 Paul's dirge for Jamis
I know not from where I came, for I know where I must go.
damn, what a vicious line.. can you imagine someone saying this before battle? feels like you’ve already lost
This is so relaxing , i feel like a Fremen hiding in the sand until the sandstorm passes , taking spice and meditating
"taking spice and meditating" sounds much better than snorting a line and zonking out of your gourd
I don't know why but my brain read that as 'Frenchman' and I was like uh whut
Hell yeah. Imma get stoned, hide under my blanket and put this on.
@@ganii1804 thought exactly the same :D
@@ganii1804 ou a la limite fumer un bon joint d'herbe vaut mieux que sniffer de la coke s'injecter de la merde dans les veines
ambience videos take audio books to the next level
Just an absolutely incredible score from Hans. His best work since Interstellar. I hope the trilogy pans out and he becomes to Dune what Howard Shore is to LOTR.
The sound and visuals were absolutely amazing. The story and character development....well....sigh.
@@mattropolis99 I disagree. Story and setting were well done, as was the character development.
It's good, but imo Brian Eno did it better. I haven't even seen 1984 Dune,but my god, the prophecy theme from it, probably the best movie theme I have ever heard.
@@mattropolis99 you probably mean that there was connection between the viewer and the characters especially paul. I'm pretty sure it is done on purpose, since I heard that in the original novel you are almost meant to dislike/hate the main characters as far as I know.
The last samurai is his best score though I think.
So happy Hans won an Oscar for his soundtrack of Dune. It’s a beautiful soundtrack and it truly captures the feelings I get from reading the book.
I’m listening to this while reading the book and it helps so much to get immersed into the world of Dune. Incredible soundtrack which I took for granted when watching the film, but I went in completely blind and had no idea what to expect! Thanks so much for uploading
That's such a good idea!
Yees, i'm doing the same. It's a perfect experience.
Im an auditory person. The music sets the feel in an abstract way.
If you love audio while reading suggest listening to the audiobooks, they have a great cast of voice actors and a good soundtrack
I absolutely LOVED this movie so much and the sound had a lot to do with it. I was privileged enough to see it in an IMAX theater, and I wish everyone who saw it could be so privileged, it was incredible. The sound of this movie...not just the music but I mean the sound altogether, god DAMN it was awesome.
WOOOOOW, Dune on IMAX.... That would be so incredible.
you are lucky
Me too, watched it twice in IMAX and walked away a Fremen warrior
Watched it twice on IMAX too!
38:40 those slow chords just make me melt every time I hear them.
This one is perfect. I found some other Dune Ambiance music too intense/loud sometimes like in the original OST. This one is more dreamy, calm, floaty.. love it!!!
Yeah, exactly. I don't think some ambient video makers understand what ambient means. It's not supposed to grab your attention and be distracting. It's supposed to be just what it says it is... ambient! Something to have on in the background to either use to help you focus, meditate, chill out, etc.
Needing the ambient vibe in this hostile climate for focus calm and relaxation and sleep
i use this mix while i read the books and its perfect
From one of the old Dune computer games ua-cam.com/video/PvDdogyKFtY/v-deo.html
@@KibyNykraft oh wow that brings back some memories, that intro music lol
Desolation, hostility and survival. That's what this ambience screams.
And so does Arrakis.
Best track to listen to while reading the Dune series. Thanks for the upload!
In my experience the best music for reading Dune was Brian Tyler`s.
I’ve fallen asleep to this video every night since you posted it. Love itt 🥰
RISE AND GRIND BABY, Dune music gives you those different power thoughts am I right? Enjoy your walnut salad mate.
When are you going to add some spice melange to your hair ;)
just what i needed. This ambient track + the novel will tide me over til part 2
I have listened to this about 100x already. While working, reading Dune, commuting, cooking or even when I couldnt sleep. What you have done is masterpiece, just like the book or film, I could listen a million times again and still it would comfort, inspire, excite, encourage me the same way. Thank you for the gift you provided to all of us.
This soundtracks makes me feel like i"m dreaming of a place I have never been. It's calming and sensible, all at once
I listen to this while playing Call of Duty. It's the perfect music for playing because it's not too loud and dinamic to the point where you can't hear if an enemy's behind you, but at the same time it's melodical enough so that I feel the heavy and majestic undertone I'm looking for. I've had many victories over it.
This is the most calming and beautiful Dune ambient track I have heard. My favorite music to listen to while studying.
Truee, it gives some sense of seriousness, calmness and focus dont u think
This film was amazing
This has become my all time favorite Dune mix to listen to on UA-cam. You can feel the spice blowing in the wind as you embrace the prophecy.
Seeing this in theaters was worth it for the soundtrack/sound design alone
It was - had to go more than once. Hans is brilliant.
@@kylechwk SAME. Was so happy to be able to catch it at least twice.
@@fockingreat1125 Glad you did, stoked for Part II
Here to soak in some vibes after the amazing Part Two trailer
Literally started reading the book today great timing!! 🥰
I regret that I can't read it again for the first time :)
@@pawelt.5385 I had never even heard of the books till this movie. I didn’t watch the trailer and never read anything about it. Went into the movie completely blind and I’m so glad I did. Watching this movie and knowing absolutely nothing about it was such a great experience. I cannot wait to read the books now
@@immortalsugimandudeguy one really interesting thing is that certain bits of the story are designed to be read (obvs I know) but therefore don't really fit other media as well. For example, reading the part about the agony (pain) box and watching it are two different experiences. Reading it was horrific, a wrenching experience, watching it is just dull by comparison.
@@philmccavity even more reason for me to read the books😳
@@immortalsugimandudeguy there are a lot of episodes in the books that were skipped in the movie (otherwise its pretty accurate, beside the fact that liet kynes is woman in the movie for some reasons), since you cant describe it without narrator voice, the first 2 trilogies are amazing tho, youll not regret time spent ;]
So, I'm working my way through your early videos. Wow, this has to be one of the most exquisitely dark, elegantly atmospheric ambient mixes I've ever heard. And it's an amazingly satisfying listening experience! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I use this for both my D&D world building sessions and for in game travel scenes across desolate wastes/uncertain sea voyages. It adds so much to the game - Thank you!
Just started my Dune journey guys wish me luck
About half way through Children now and it’s all so good
On to the Chapterhouse
The Machine crusade now
I really like that you come back and update this comment haha. I'm starting my Dune journey rn too. :)
I’ve never read the Dune books but Denis Villeneuve has introduced me to a new epic sci-fi franchise apart from Star Wars through his movie. I loved the movie so I might read the books to learn more about the Dune universe
books are great
I always put this on while I am reading the book! It really sets me in the atmosphere!
Instant meditation soundtrack. Excellent work.
one of the best book and movie i have ever read and seen!
Thank youuuu, I'm reading Dune and I'm needed this
Same! What do you think of the novel(s) so far?
This music elevates the novel, and I can think of no higher praise. It breathes, it sweats, it perseveres. Like the human spirit. I always come back to it.
Great music to read dune books with. Love the music. Very relaxing. I feel like going to war for the duke.
Goosebumps already from the beginning!
I got the 1st book a few days ago, and listening to this has really helped me immerse myself into the world and it's characters! Thank you!
Frank's six are a tough series to read though the first time, but its re read value is top notch. It gets even BETTER each time you read it. Esp at different ages of your life. It's... something true DUNE fans understand, and why EVER making it into a decent live adaption is almost impossible! Film director, Alejandro Jodorowsky was most likely the one to bring it proper life after seeing the documentary.
I hope in the year since this post, you enjoyed it, and are on to the others. : )
I have this on repeat when I study. EXCELLENT work! You captured the calming essence of dune PERFECTLY! 💙
Good job, it absolutely fills the bill of being ambient and reminiscent of Dune's score. Stunning tunes to accompany me working on my thesis, thank you! 😌
This is the best Dune Ambiente Music! Great job!
Love everything about this movie except that it's not 3.5 hours. Awesome stuff
Desert power
really love this. keep coming back to it.
reading while reading the first book of Dune really sets the atmosphere of the book and makes me feel more immersed while i read.
This is so amazing to read Dune to!! I like to read at a slow pace and fully absorb the information dense sentences of Dune, and this music helps me to do it. It makes reading Dune feel like I’m playing a video game!
The part at 20:05 ... gorgeous and haunting. Love the depth to this
This is awesome ! I play this on repeat at Dune theme boardgame evenings, it's perfect and non-intrusive.
Finally, good Dune ambient music.
Thank you... I've been looking for a soundtrack to listen to while reading Dune Messiah.
To whoever made this - I love you
Perfect for reading the books ! Thank you
Thank you for the track, it's just amazing to listen while studying
Finally. Now i can read 4, 5 and 6th books with this ambience soundtrack thanks man
X2 necesito comprarlos xd
dude I'm doing the exact same thing, I'm at the middle of God Emperor of Dune and decided to use this playlist
@@luismiguelalvarez3526 cool dude, have a nice read
I’ve started listening to this while i read, while i study, while i’m going to bed. I often fall asleep to this… this is so magical
welcome back thank you
I really, REALLY like your videos, you really do the ambience right as you actually blend in the soundtrack so well in all your videos!
As for requests, I would love it if you did an assassins creed Black Flag ambience video… that game had such good ambient track…
Regardless, thanks so much for these videos, I appreciate them a lot! :)
i love monemts like this 8:50, takes you to another world
You have done a marvellous work with this mix, there are several mixes of Dune'soundtrack circulating on You Tube but this is a far better one than the originals, bravo to you sir. I usually listen to this specific mix since the moment you have uploased it, in the mornings on my headphones while going to work and also in the sunset hours when walking back from work. To me this kind of outside listening is a far deeper experience than listening inside the comfort my home and that's because I relate this music not with the context of "Dune" the movie or the novels but with my own everyday life in the real world. Having it in my ears as I'm walking around the streets of Tirana everything around becomes meaningful, even the smallest and most un-important things become important due to the mystification these sounds inbue them with.In a world where there is no god nor an afterlife (this is my personal belief if course, as is the whole experience I'm talking about), this life is all we have and since there's no need for a meaning per sè to the universe itself and also to our existence as a species and as indibiduals other than existence itself, it's music and art in general what becomes the spiritual experience for each one of us. An emotional experience such as this makes everything have sense and beauty, even things that might be painful become bearable when you associate them with music. Paradoxically, this experience is "escapism" but at the same time I try to keep myself inside my everyday life, so I don't imagine myself being somewhere else other than where I am at the moment or doing something else other than what I'm doing at the moment, there's no need to imagine being in thedunes of Arrakis as I am in the dunes of Tirana. Thus the "escapism" element for me is not leaving reality but staying in it while giving it the emotional and spiritual weight that it might not have per sè outside this musically induced spiritual/emotional experience. So this is very important to me as a mechanism of not only coping with reality but also shaping its meaning in accordance to my personality so that even the most ugly and painful elements of daily-life become not only bearable but poetic.
Reading _Dune Messiah_ to this.
Thanks for the music, been listening to it while reading the books and adds a lot to the Arrakis atmosphere!
Excellent ! Waiting for part 2!
What an amazing score and movie!
sweet soft ambience. I love the light soundscape :)
"When there is no change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
Listening to this ambient music while reading a Dune book enhances the experience.
This set is one of my happy places
this is good music! much more ambient and neutral vibes than other dune ambience music as well, it was very good to read children of dune to and it put me right to sleep when i was done reading! 10/10
This is exactly what ive been looking for. Incredible, truly.
best ambient dune music on youtube
Wish that I could find more that is very similar to this. Only ambient I can study to. I like the dark ominous vibes
makes my brain tingle, thank you Hans!
I am currently reading the novel while listening to this and I must say...I love this universe!❤ But I must thank the new movie for getting me interested.
This helps me focus and study in class :)
@@hycngtnr98 yes
@@hycngtnr98 not when the teacher is talking obviously tho, but when learning for yourself, yes
I'd totally recommend the artist Lorn for Dune. Listening to their track Diamond while reading the final chapters of book one was something else.
I love lorn, their sound is so unique
I'm listening to this while reading the book hahaha
This music is so beautiful
I study and meditate to this. Your best yet!!! Well done indeed.
Porfin he conseguido estar solo.
Durante horas experimentó una inmersión total en aquella idea que apareció en sus pensamientos. Abstrayendo los sentidos y focalizándose en un solo propósito: conseguir crear el autómata más complejo que jamás había planeado. De niño, tardaba semanas en tan solo dibujar los planos, esto nunca le supusoun impedimento, aprendió el valor del esfuerzo y desarrolló una disciplina religiosa para con sus obras. Ahora, en el tiempo que ocupa la mitad de una noche, ya estaba colocando las piezas que formarían su nuevo orgullo. Cortaba la madera en formas escamosas, fabricaba los mecanismos internos haciendo conexiones de aire entre las pequeñas piezas que tan minuciosamente diseñó. Decoraba las escamas con el verde que desprende la tinta de malaquita y trazaba sutiles detalles con sangre de yak hervida. Para conseguir un patrón de movimiento colocaba piedras magnéticas por todo el sistema, estás reaccionaban al imán que utilizaba como núcleo conductor. Para que pudiese funcionar de forma independiente, necesitaba tener cerca el imán , por lo que debía mantenerse dentro de un rango de cinco metros conforme a este. El imán era demasiado pesado como para dejarlo apoyado en el lomo, Satih debía llevarlo consigo, media no más de veinte centímetros de diámetro así que decidió meterlo en una esfera hueca de cristal. En la punta de la estructura , dos pequeños cristales formaban los ojos de la recién nacida serpiente autómata. Satih suspiró, frotó sus manos repetidamente e instintivamente sonrió. Ya está, ya lo he conseguido, creía que iba a tardar mínimo dos días, pensó Satih.
La dulce luz que reflejaban las tres lunas bañaba el jardín en una atmósfera casi divina. Satih se paró un segundo a contemplarlo, sintiéndose privilegiado por poder vivir en una casa con un jardín como ese.
Es el lugar idóneo para probar la serpiente, las plantas con sus ramas serán el oponente perfecto para un animal como el que he querido inmitar, un fantasma silencioso. Reflexionó el chico. Cuidadosamente colocó la serpiente sobr el humus de la tierra, un segundo después, activó el imán que daba vida a el mecanismo. De inmediato se erguió y comenzó a impulsarse sobre su propio peso, inmitando el reptar de las reales. La curvatura de la onda que se creaba no era tan fluida como le hubiese gustado a Satih, pero podía desplazarse y ese era el objetivo principal. Se aproximó a las plantas que hace tanto tiempo Baba Musa importó desde Badegan, pocos centímetros antes de impactar con una tomaba la dirección contraria.Era más rápida de lo esperado.
"Ningún aprendiz es capaz de lograr fabricar algo de esta complejidad, ninguno menos yo. Cuando llegue la prueba de admisión ya habré superado al examinador" . Presumió en su cabeza. Un parpadeo más tarde, como si de una lluvia de ironía se tratase, la serpiente se quedó enganchada con una rama que sobresalía. " Mierda "
Recogió su nuevo conejillo de indias , se obligó a reconocer que aún no estaba completado y necesitaba hacer algunas variaciones. Tal vez no fuese perfecta, pero haberse acercado tanto en tan poco... no podía negar su propio talento. Cerró los ojos y dijo en voz baja:
- Está bien , lo siento. El ego mata tu espíritu, os he faltado el respeto dejando que florezca en mi. - se forzó a seguir - En consecuencia me habéis mostrado que si un humano se cree en la condición de un creador, sus creaciones nunca sembrarán fruto. - " ¿Realmente no podemos llegar a ser como ellos?" , Se cuestionó interrumpiendo sus propios pensamientos. - Perdonadme por ser ostentoso, dejadme entender la luz de vuestra virtud.
Así acabó el rezo vital. Shati no era seguidor de los Creadores, más por obligación de las enseñanzas impartidas en la Escuela Azul era conocedor de los ritos vitales. Rechazar el ego era uno de ellos, y aunque dudaba de su existencia había comprobado como no funcionaban sus inventos cuando el ego llegaba. ¿Sería casualidad, un efecto placebo de las enseñanzas? No tenía una respuesta, la duda le hacía seguir las tradiciones. Al fin y al cabo, los Creadores eran los dioses de los constructores, los que impartieron el hambre de curiosidad por el mundo. No creen en ellos no le evitaba poder apreciar su mensaje . Quería crear, quería conseguir que cualquier idea fuese materializada, que los sueños dejarán su condición y se transformarán en realidades...era Lo único que le importaba. Lo único.
Al dar media vuelta para volver a su habitación, creyó ver una sombra en la ventana del dormitorio de su padre.
Reading this as I finished Children of Dune. I can't help but look at the clouds and weep for Leto.
Such an amazing soundtrack! in some moments it gives me vibes from Ras Al Ghul's theme from Batman Begins and the soundtrack of Sweeney (Lorne Balfe)
Tina Guo Rock's the cello 🤘🤘❤🔥
Just from the first minute, I knew this was going to be the best one among the hundreds of original Dune OSTs out there. Most of them are really cool, but too loud, including the Hans Zimmer one which is absolutely sensational btw.
Amazing work, thanks for uploading this. It's been perfect for reading the series.
Amazing, very relaxing sounds… perfect for studying 📚
Currently reading children of dune , thanks for this !
Hope you bring back the Total Recall (1990) video. That one was how I discovered your channel and was my favorite. In the mean time, this is my new favorite.
Impressive, you captured it perfectly
Whenever I listen to this I feel blessed by the Maker
When I was a child, I've had a dream of a world similar to that shown in the dune. It was a barren desert, dusty grey sky with a huge moon, and surface filled with black rocks. There were civilizations there, similar to our ancient civilizations, but they have somehow managed to develop extremely advanced huge humanoid robots that used to fight each other like gladiators instead of having an all-out war, it was futuristic yet felt so ancient. But future and past didn't make any sense to me there since it was an entirely different planet in an entirely different timeline, lost somewhere in one of the trillions of galaxies out there.
While watching dune I realized how eerily similar it was to that dream, this music just enhanced that strange feeling of experiencing something which never happened in reality. The strange thing is I don't even live in the US, had no idea about the dune franchise until last year.
Then put your right hand into the box:)
This made me cringe. :)
this is really great, imagine if you had a some low vocals in the background like a chorus, would really add to the ambience I think
The first track may have been very black metal-ish with these vocals !
I think it’s fine enough as it is but that could work.
@@ontolog5871 NOTHING about the first track was “black metalish” AT ALL! NOTHING about it is. NOTHING!
@@OttoWatt9000 ok then maybe Drone Metal / Ritual drone.
@@ontolog5871 Don’t know what that any of that “drone” stuff is but even I doubt it . Just don’t make any more comparisons as it should qualified in of itself.
Excellent job! Really enjoyed; and yes, headphones are essential!
Perfect for meditation. Perfect.
Hi quality cinematic ambient here... great to work with this playing, as others say. Great job! Subscribed.
Amidst everything, this gives peace.
Great ambient for focus
Awesome.. Great job again mate.
Frank Herbert got the idea of DUNE in Oregon, Florence in the 1950's. Incredibly what surrounds you can influence one person.