MAMAMOO Immortal Songs 2 'Wait A Minute' Reaction - Pure Talent! - KPop On Lock S4E30

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @msannemontes8294
    @msannemontes8294 4 місяці тому +5

    Love it for give time for reacting their immortal songs i love mamammo i love to listen their all appearance in immortal songs worth it to listen and watch

  • @thenesisk
    @thenesisk 4 місяці тому +12

    Cant wait for backwoods

  • @ikra291
    @ikra291 4 місяці тому +4

    This one makes me feel things just seeing them at the start of their journey. I hope you continue with their immortal song performances because "Way to Sampo" one is my ultimate favourite to this day and the vocals are outstanding.

    • @KPopOnLock
      @KPopOnLock  4 місяці тому +3

      Yes we will continue with the Immortal Songs performances!

    • @ikra291
      @ikra291 4 місяці тому +3

      Yay omg music to my ears literally🎉​@@KPopOnLock

  • @david3388
    @david3388 4 місяці тому +14

    This was their 2nd debut as a group, basically, and finally no one questioned their talent.

  • @carlosvillalobos8114
    @carlosvillalobos8114 4 місяці тому +2

    Gracias por su reaccion ver estos videos solo agradecer a MOOMOO COREA ..ellos estuvieron en los momentos mas dificiles de nuestras reinas..protegiendolas..en Latam decimos que ellas contra viento y marea crearon el STANDAR MAMAMOO..EN LATAM AGRADECEMOS A LOS QUE VALORAN A LOS NUESTROS..GRACIAS A UDS

  • @underthegardenwall
    @underthegardenwall 4 місяці тому +16

    Mamamoo was a rookie group from a totally unknown company at this time, but this performance (as well as many more) REALLLLLLY helped them become recognizable since they became the first idol group to win the show. It's this combination of Immortal Songs wins + frequent UA-cam MMMTV uploads that Mamamoo was able to unconventionally secure their spot among the top 4 girl groups of 3rd gen Kpop. Otherwise, I doubt they could've really cracked this industry since YG / SM/ JYP had such dominance over TV shows back then, Mamamoo hardly had any other opportunities to showcase their talent or personalities. In that, many fans regard Immortals Songs as THE top contributing factor to their early success.
    As for this particular performance, Mamamoo won three rounds against well-regarded senior singers, so that made news back then. They didn't win, but they were invited back by the show because they made such a splash right from the start.

  • @jinaqkrtjdrb32
    @jinaqkrtjdrb32 4 місяці тому +3

    We like your fantastic song reviews. very thanks.🥰🥰💗💗💗 👍👍👍👍😅😅😄

  • @yoo77full
    @yoo77full 4 місяці тому +9

    Can't wait for Backwoods
    I discovered Immortal songs in 2012 with Ailee's light and shadow
    I've been waiting for Ailee's perdormances like a child waiting for Saturday's cartoons 😂
    Then when Mamamoo came along, I've had the same feeling
    After you're done with Mamamoo performances, Ailee's ones will not disappoint
    They had similar stories, in the sense that they went on the show as rookies and disrupted the peaceful korean scene in their times

  • @kudgeond755
    @kudgeond755 4 місяці тому +16

    Wait A Minute is from Jan 2015, just 7 months after their debut. Their early singles had moderate success on the k-charts but at that point they were pretty much completely unknown by the general public. Their appearances on Immortal Songs changed all that. I also heard there was some grumbling that this rookie idol group had been invited to compete with the well-established and highly respected artists who were regulars on Immortal Songs but Mamamoo quickly earned the respect of their seniors and a rep as scary monster rookies after finishing 2nd with Wait A Minute. They were soon invited back.
    I love this rendition. They're so raw and enthusiastic, just kids singing their hearts out and enjoying every moment. One of the cool things about their early performances on the show is that Wheein did a lot more belting in these covers than she did in Mamamoo's original songs and it's fun to watch her let loose. Also gotta love and respect Moonbyul's ability to write new rap verses for classic songs that everyone in Korea knows by heart. Takes balls and talent to pull that off at all, let alone as well as she always did.

  • @ceciliastarita6463
    @ceciliastarita6463 4 місяці тому +5

    Thank you for this guys! Love lots ❤

  • @sophiarosalind
    @sophiarosalind 4 місяці тому +8

    The full Immortal Songs episodes include a clip of the original song before the cover performance, so if you'd like to hear a short snippet of the original (it's there! I've seen it!) you can search for the full ep. The video titles for these covers include who the episode is about, so you can hunt it down that way. :)

    • @KPopOnLock
      @KPopOnLock  4 місяці тому +2

      OK Cool! I will try to find those! Thanks You!

  • @DewiKhodijah-z9e
    @DewiKhodijah-z9e 4 місяці тому +11

    please react Mamamoo backwoods

  • @sendarian
    @sendarian 4 місяці тому +4

    yes they were rookies and hardly known and considering most people in 2015 considered kpop idols to be more about performance than vocals, and an entire group of vocalists not just 1 singer they really made an impression. They also have always had this ability to make any performance basically a mamamoo concert of which other things might be happening. Since this contest is about vocal talent, mamamoo was invited back over and over because even as rookies their vocals were top tier with the fascination they are kpop idols who can actually sing that exceptionally. They were the first kpop group to win and for many years they also had the most wins, though a male group has now exceeded them by 1 win. It would be great to see them do the show again but Solar said a couple of years ago they are sort of done with the contests because all 4 of them are perfectionists and a contest is just too much stress. More likely to find Solar as a judge in one of these types of contests.

  • @KayaMii-uj5el
    @KayaMii-uj5el 4 місяці тому +3

    Thank you for reacting to the Mamamoo! ❤ I'm excited for the upcoming immortal songs reaction xD I really love their immortal songs performance 😂 i binge watch them all the time

  • @MsMaria___
    @MsMaria___ 4 місяці тому +7

    Rookie Mamamoo came and left quite an impression on this show. Unfortunately I haven’t heard any of the originals so hopefully someone from the radish farm can help you find some good links.

    • @KayaMii-uj5el
      @KayaMii-uj5el 4 місяці тому

      I don't know why I can't see my own comment- but I found a playlist on Spotify that had the original songs! It's called: MAMAMOO"Immortal song 2"s ORIGINALS! ( I posted a link in my other comment so maybe that's why I can't see it??)

    • @MsMaria___
      @MsMaria___ 4 місяці тому +1

      @@KayaMii-uj5el yea sometimes creators don’t allow for comments with links to control for spam, hope they can find it using your description

    • @KayaMii-uj5el
      @KayaMii-uj5el 4 місяці тому

      @@MsMaria___ ohh I didn't know that xD probably cause I rarely post comments, thanks for the info! 🫶

    • @MsMaria___
      @MsMaria___ 4 місяці тому +1

      @@KayaMii-uj5el I don’t think it’s specific to you, I think it’s a channel setting that creators have control over (I could be wrong though lol)

  • @yessickh
    @yessickh 4 місяці тому

    React to Moonbyul in the show BEGIN AGAIN. She covered 4 songs ^^

  • @muzza1967
    @muzza1967 4 місяці тому +2

    original song for Flying into the night sky

    • @KPopOnLock
      @KPopOnLock  4 місяці тому

      Unfortunately the link is blocked in our country so we can't see it but thank you for trying.