云南省佤族民族舞蹈 - 甩发舞

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 甩发舞,佤语叫“稿西尾嘿”,是流传于临沧市沧源佤族自治县勐董镇永和社区(永茸寨)、班老乡纳勐村的佤族(布绕支系)民间女子舞蹈。甩发舞,广泛流传在佤族妇女中的一种自娱性舞蹈,产生年代已久。早年起佤族妇女就酷爱 长 发,以长发为美,并从小习惯长发披肩。
    关于佤人:佤族/Wa people(佤文:Ba Rāog/ si viex / Brāog / Vax Ba Rāog / Vāx qux (口语) / Vā (文学语),旧佤文:Praok / Va;中国标准罗马字母:Va)是一个跨国民族,主要分布在澜沧江与萨尔温江之间的山地,分属于中国与缅甸。在缅甸境内超过60万人,主要分布于佤邦,也分布于掸邦其他地区。在中国约43万人,主要分布在云南省西南部的西盟佤族自治县和沧源佤族自治县,其余分布在澜沧、孟连、双江、耿马、镇康等县。传统上佤族人信仰万物有灵,现在则多信仰基督教或佛教。有木鼓崇拜。民族语言为佤语,属南亚语系孟高棉语族佤德语支。
    佤人在2000年前就与布朗族、德昂族等民族的先民一起居住在高黎贡山和澜沧江地区。先秦时「百濮」的一支。唐代称「濮子蛮」,宋代称「濮蛮」,明代称「古剌」,清代称「嘎剌」、「哈瓦」,也被记载为「野『左犭右卡』」。佤族分为两种,一是「卡瓦」(佧佤),保有猎人头的习俗,所以又称为「野佧」;另一是「卡喇」(佧喇),常与邻族(尤其是傣族,旧称「摆夷」)接触,且已经革除猎人头的习惯,又称之为「熟佧」,他们受傣文化的影响而接受了南传上座部佛教信仰。「野佧」依猎头方式又分为两种:「湿头」用杀人的方式取得人头,「干头」则以购买或挖掘坟墓的方式取得人头。 他们自称「佤」、「巴饶克」、「阿佤」等,都有「住在山上的人」的意思。当地傣族与国外老族、掸族称其为「佧佤」,「佧」在傣语中意为奴隶。在中华人民共和国成立后,统一称为佤族。佤族有猎头的习俗,最后一次有记录的猎头在1950年代末。
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    The Wa people (Wa: Vāx; Burmese: ဝလူမျိုး, [wa̰ lùmjóʊ]; Chinese: 佤族; pinyin: Wǎzú; Thai: ว้า) are an ethnic group that lives mainly in Northern Myanmar, in the northern part of Shan State and the eastern part of Kachin State, near and along Burma's border with China, as well as in China's Yunnan province. The Wa language forms a language group belonging to the Palaungic branch of the 【Austroasiatic language family】.
    Historically the Wa have inhabited the Wa States, a territory that they have claimed as their ancestral land since time immemorial. It is a rugged mountainous area located between the Mekong and the Salween River, with the Nam Hka flowing across it. The Wa traditionally practiced subsistence agriculture by cultivating rice, peas, beans, poppies and walnuts. They bred water buffaloes, which they used mainly for sacrificial purposes. Generally, the traditional customs of the Wa, as well as their lifestyle, are very similar to those of the Naga people further to the Northwest.
    Many of the Wa are animists and a small proportion of the population follows a derivative of either Buddhism or Christianity. The Wa were once known as the "Wild Wa" by the British due to their practice of headhunting.