Top 20 Things You MISSED in The Strongest Battlegrounds

  • Опубліковано 10 січ 2025

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @Azas
    @Azas 3 місяці тому +333

    i dont have a title :(

  • @learningwithkuyajharex96
    @learningwithkuyajharex96 3 місяці тому +33

    He cbrah,u can get infinite killstreaks(mostly infinite) in a private server
    Requirements:private server gamepass, early access gamepass
    How to do it:go join ur private server and go to settings, and after that press build mode, place a block and configure it, then press gears and search "zombie staff", after that clone the block( clone the block how many you want) and place a block(if you want to) and configure it to clear the previous gears and use martial artist and spawn the zombies with "zombie staff" and change the damage multiplier to 10, and use the 3rd move of martial artist "whirlwind drop" on the zombies and u will get a killstreak
    Hope this helps!
    This took way too long

  • @Unknownrage88
    @Unknownrage88 2 місяці тому +10

    1:35 bro was a charger before he became fries

  • @Your_average_rblx_player
    @Your_average_rblx_player 3 місяці тому +9

    btw if you don’t know people said kj ult is boring but they said they will REPLACE the ult moves along with a new signature kick for base

  • @taetaeki
    @taetaeki 3 місяці тому +2

    13:08 the water isn’t removed because it’s not actually a part, basically on studio there’s workspace where you place scripts, parts etc, the “Hide Map” just make all the parts of the map invisible, but there’s also a “Terrain” on the workspace that can’t be deleted using scripts and only manually

  • @Blood1119
    @Blood1119 2 місяці тому +59

    i dont know why i typed this.. (owners usernames) Cronigod, adamxcron, Cronigod, cronxvorex, Cronigod, ragoozerfriendme, Cronigod, VorexSIices, Cronigod, ValentineHound, saitamaclearofgoku, saitamacatlover, 4freshfrenchfries, gameplayer23033, idrinkwater10023, strongestpersonevr, amthestrongest214, ogcharacterselection, hatsthatmakesoundsOP, therealfryeater, friesaresogood2, burgerNfriesRop, scripterbeast321, friesNburgerRgood, imFreshhaha, iLikeChickenToo22, scripterOfGames2104, SoapSmeller12040, wastefulmoneyspender, ABA_topPlayer12r4, SpenderOfMoneyDaBeas, iGotA_Plan, TahitiGoer2103, AnimalsRAwsome355, birthdayluva235, appleNeve4wow, iluvfruits_OK, fastfoodfanatic203, MyMomIsTheBest22112, ImThankfulForEvrythn, GameMakerBeast8, AmmaLaughAtU, AncientFeuds, ModernFeuds, loyalrobloxfan9, saintdenisbeastkillr, windblower545, dinosaurluva9351, yieldingarts4life, rdr2isthebestgame214, iguessimafraidsister, stanIey_parabIe, sintaIsDaBestSong, thebestofthebest_294, cloudgazer3, peoplepIaygroundfan, realassassinbossraid, swatbossXx35, worldboxruler0, redemptionofthedead, pushcomestoshove2, gameplayer9999999992, beastknight310, bearkiller10234, flowersthetall, ogremotor30, moneymakerhaha4, mousepaduser3, laptopbtrthancomputr, thewildwestisfire, amillionwaystodiehuh, pushupdoer32, nowyouseemee51, nowyoudont31, situps4life124, idopullups000, idontgotothegym1, earthtraveler104, spacefan55557, theunIimitedspace, ilovesidedashing, iloveforwarddashing, am_aragdoll, cosmeticwearer, clotheswearer, johnwickllI, interstellamazing, omnipresilent, creedRemastered, Legends0fApex, KnightsOfForrt72, curseD_k1Ng3, theGreatUnlimVoid, UNLIMITEDV0lD, galaxyking91111, bricksmitbuilder1000, foodeater8882, capephysics, teethbiter1, demolisherdead, jetpackrider_j, B0XEDW0RLD, realtrash_can, THEGR3ATH3AVENS, shoestringrbetter, backpackssavelives, AirpIaneTake0ff, iIoveMy_Father, scaryairplaneLanding, seatbeltsaver7, bighugeworld4wut, horserider71528, thenethermother, TheReaIEnd_D, AmericanVenom9, AgreatConquest, realwarhater, babypinklover8, clockalarmworker, slushyeaterfood, VolcanoStarter, tornadospawner92, eartquakemaster_Cz, accuratebattIes, wolfingmage9, TheDoorPusher, Room_Haver8881, Theweathers_niece, rainrain_g0Aw4y, desirability8888288, TeleportBeast8, HouseBusterHaunted, GhostsScaryier, Pillowfighteer_jjjjj, buyeruser72, droneIsFlies8, BasketbaIIBalIer, Football_Soccer728, Bouncy_Spheres7, Surrounded_String, ProcessTruster6w, TrustDaProcessss, THEYDONTKNOWM3S0N, WhosGonCarryDaLogs, WhosGonCarryDaB0ats, I_AMIAM3000, alarmclockhater30, colognessmellgood, messagermessage0, saywahtttt2, warhater_21, timekeepsgoing5, tehrevivedone, humblehouse30, blueluva400, bombedteddybear, gun_fire1051, steaIthyMission0, realblindtraveller, zombiekilla1524, wearetheliving_W, thesurvivors1024, realparkourmaster3, buildingclimber100, bearbuildermuahaha, gold_rings3o0, evilIaugher, oranges_ryummy, timeawaitsallofus, LampShadesLoader, PapayaMuncher15, ImTheUltimateMore, M00NHOPPER, GalaxyScavanger, PinningBowler, UndercoverGovernment, OhSimpIeThing, WhereHavUGone, Acogosthetall, Imonlygettingolder, TheApocalypse_Eleven, AmITheRealClone_3, MirageGod_25, TheReal3Deal, DoSmthAbIt, ClearClearClearClea4, BaseBallBat313, ThousandsOfTh0usands, 4freshfrenchfries, internetintellectW_2, TheGoatOfOutlaster, GodOfCombat21, NobodyCanDoltLikeMe, TheRealGrimes1, TheZombieKilla1000, ImNoMonsterIMAGOD, moneygenerator130, taxpayer10312, realbuilder_offorts, effortplaya103, maheart99, myfralmain10, DisMyAlternateAcc3, lampShader1, shirtcollector142, mistabowla14, bowlerprowler, therealspiderman7233, spidamanbeatsbatman, ArentYouDaGuyWh0, OhPleaseeeee1, LetMeWINNNN14, PlayTwoTomorrow, PeakaboooTeddybear, MuscIeMaster0, BicepMagicUser, KneelAndFight, AnothaDayAlright, AmmmHimmm, CatCarer1, IifeKeepsGoing, TimeWatcher50, FutureFuII, TheSunGIows, THEworIdHAStoCHANGE, ItWasntMeWhowasWrong, lTWASTHEWORLD, CHALLENGEBUTAREQUEST, NobodyCanDoltLikeMe, MarkerFinderRealTalk, BigHeadFinder1, CodeGuessaW, SuperPowerDesirer, NobodyCanDoltLikeMe, IacceptWholam, AmDahBadGuy, MyPastDoesntHauntMe, ThatsLifeForyou1, DOMlNUS0WNER, TojiSpeedblitzer, DeathSymball, ZombieBucketList, TheHon0red0ne, Who_ElseButMe, ChargerLaptop123, megaIodonhunter, HairBlowerFlinger, OnlylCanDoIt, N0OneElseButMe, 4freshfrenchfries, RegularCartoonGuy, Television_watcha, NightowlreaI, MONEHMONEYY, NoOneCanDoltLikeMe, TheAImightey, ChargerPhoner, randomtelephonebox, MintBettaDanGum1, 4freshfrenchfries, realEmoteDanca, TheManWhoSleepz, forwhoeveritis3, GameIzGame, TheSlrongestMan, realharmonicabringer, laughworthylaugh, EasyStreetFeelsSweat, EasyStreetFeelsSweet, GoIdenChainn, diamonddigs9, PushCommision, GokdRepresentative, GoldRepresentative, SilverRepresent, snake_snakeSssssssss, GlowlnDaNight, THEYKNOWMES0N, PrayerShallCry, sixzdigits, aIlThisTimee, THEYKNOWMES0N, THEYKN0WMESON, NaturaISurviv0r, FriesSellar1, BiggestWManz15, THEYKN0WMESON, THEYKN0WMES0N, DesiredUsernanne, FlyingCars2032, NewYearNevvme, TheRealHologram, HologramTrickster, SunbIessedMonkey, fuIIofnature, naturefiIIed, QuantumMoney, JUlCEDRINKA, BeautifuISkys, RandomNumbaGen, ToTheSkiesWeGo, AreaIBeaufy, WaIIWatcher, c4planta, reaIbotaimbot, lnCourtesy, DaOnlyManInDaSky, HeWhoHasRissen, Perfoomm, LifeIsLifeIsRoblox, LifeISROBLAAX, OceanGaza, TheKingOfQueens15, MoneyHoldaa, RAlNINGTAC0S, mintLASTINGEVER, StrategicSwatSquad, BeaureuOfLife, WatABeautifulLife, BadDaysHappen1, GoodDaysRbetta, TimessWeHad, RememberDaTlmesWeHad, TycoonGameMaster2, simuIatorbeastt, chairsitter00, AnimaICage, FanFlier12, OP_Airconditioner, PrisonBreaker0008, musicpIayer0, CombatWarrior111141, ReaICombatGods, elevatorrida, HorsePeter1, ClockWatcher_65, AndSoTimeGoesOn, beach_goer1, SaItyOceanWaters, CuteLittleFishies1, truecrabchaser, tradingtrades0, OpportunitySpawner, WhyDidItHaveToBeMe0, NewLeafNewPerson, TowerBuildaa, TinyTanksBestPlayer, theceIlsystem, NobodyCanDoltLikeMe, TheMotherOfMint, toiletriot, laptopcharger_520 i genuinely dont want likes

  • @UnknownRage419
    @UnknownRage419 3 місяці тому +6

    shove, tatsumaki's shield, homerun and prey's peril can reflect all projectiles including trashcan
    9:07 you can use any kind of AoE attack to hit the samurai since he has no i-frames, any kind of projectile would work too, and it will stop the attack, a good example is genos' blitz shot since it's the easiest to hit
    17:00 you can do this in a much easier way if you run up a stone coffin, it's steep so it will also launch you

  • @AJDaGamer1
    @AJDaGamer1 3 місяці тому +2

    For anyone wondering in case they couldn't cancel sunset, it's only if they're not hitting anyone and have missed the attack, but even if they miss you can't cancel after they put their katana into the ground.

  • @Mvstic_0reo
    @Mvstic_0reo 3 місяці тому +80

    14:21 bro really hit the "Cursed Technique: Reversal Red"

  • @Anime-Society-Official
    @Anime-Society-Official Місяць тому +2

    For your information its not just final hunt that cannot be countered, there are 4 ult moves that have this thing called “hyper-armor” and if you don’t know what it is it basically means it can’t get countered under any circumstances

  • @frankthetanK-Real
    @frankthetanK-Real 3 місяці тому +37

    Frank the tank appreciates your content

    • @mifflewiffle
      @mifflewiffle 3 місяці тому

      frank the tank, john pizza was hired to assasinate you again, you need to run!!!

    • @ahren_niko
      @ahren_niko 3 місяці тому +1

      @@frankthetanK-Real OMG 🤤

    • @frankthetanK-Real
      @frankthetanK-Real 3 місяці тому +1

      Sub to frank the tank Mr cbruh sir

    • @aprilmendoza5912
      @aprilmendoza5912 3 місяці тому

      @@frankthetanK-Real hi

    • @Soccer_fan1990
      @Soccer_fan1990 2 місяці тому

      Xai ling

  • @Optimillity
    @Optimillity 3 місяці тому +2

    not trying to be mean about your video style, your channel is very good, but a suggestion is for editing and explaining is mixing images and emotes and keep the camera shaking to a minimum. if you see this comment please do consider!

  • @raju68282
    @raju68282 3 місяці тому +6

    4:46 who is cage

  • @margarithaestepa1758
    @margarithaestepa1758 3 місяці тому +2

    You can use the lethal by using a bench:
    go to the right time and go to the middle bench while using lethal and you can fly and throw the opponent hope it helps!

  • @johnmieleballes9808
    @johnmieleballes9808 3 місяці тому +8

    fun fact: sonic's ult actually change for like 1 day. It was called "Speed of Sound" and not "Can you even see me?"

    • @GamerXOnYT
      @GamerXOnYT 3 місяці тому +1

      @@johnmieleballes9808 true u saw it

    • @Zumwell75
      @Zumwell75 3 місяці тому +1

      I saw that to it was after a suiryu update

    • @Starlight-vo9ls
      @Starlight-vo9ls 3 місяці тому +1

      I saw it and made a video on it

  • @Gaminator_Official
    @Gaminator_Official 3 місяці тому +2

    9:13 you can also counter the sunset while he/she is swinging the katana by using any ranged attacks

  • @sampkm254
    @sampkm254 3 місяці тому +18

    Yo, did you know that the only way to see your title you equipped is to reset then it should appear and disappear after a few seconds (check your character head after respawning)

    @SANS_THE_SKELETON66 3 місяці тому +5

    The smoke is a part when you death counter someone at the end

  • @Ezkex
    @Ezkex 3 місяці тому +120

    Everyone has a free title, it's called their username

  • @YTKillshotGaming
    @YTKillshotGaming 3 місяці тому +1

    Let's goo Cbrah is back!

  • @IbrahemMohamedali-nm6gy
    @IbrahemMohamedali-nm6gy 3 місяці тому +7

    Cbrah, The Final Hunt stops death counter because it attacks all around, and death counter goes right behind.

    • @floppaflopps5309
      @floppaflopps5309 3 місяці тому +2

      I think death counter doesn't work on attacks that like are too fast or are way too strong
      -Final Hunt is fast and strong
      -Atomic Slash is slow but very strong and slices atoms
      -Speedblitz dropkick is extremely fast but not super strong

    • @someone-nk1qd
      @someone-nk1qd 3 місяці тому

      U can death counter atomic slash

    • @floppaflopps5309
      @floppaflopps5309 3 місяці тому

      @@someone-nk1qd no you can't

    • @fruitorsmth4pl
      @fruitorsmth4pl 3 місяці тому

      you can’t dc most single target but has aoe moves

    • @IbrahemMohamedali-nm6gy
      @IbrahemMohamedali-nm6gy Місяць тому

      @@someone-nk1qd you cant

  • @xKaua_yt
    @xKaua_yt 3 місяці тому +44

    The fact that you can counter every suiryu moves including the awakening moves is actually crazy

    • @Draxyeditzz
      @Draxyeditzz 3 місяці тому +3

      @@xKaua_yt if you try to preys peril whirlwind drop, it won’t work

    • @EvanRucks
      @EvanRucks 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@Draxyeditzz he meant with death counter or death blow, bur you can still use preys peril or split second counter on the first and second ukt move for suiryu

    • @DecemberzStudio
      @DecemberzStudio 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@Draxyeditzzit does counter it...

    • @WAnimsLmao
      @WAnimsLmao 3 місяці тому

      @@Draxyeditzz dawg it counters every basic move

    • @Draxyeditzz
      @Draxyeditzz 3 місяці тому +1

      @@DecemberzStudio the drop move on suiryu can’t be countered by prey’s peril dumdum

  • @JesusMoreno0803
    @JesusMoreno0803 3 місяці тому +7

    6:19 buddy in the back was fighting his inner demons

  • @kinggjohnn7627
    @kinggjohnn7627 3 місяці тому

    1) The owner's roblox username changed over 200 times (0:27)
    2) Death counter cutscene can be found outside the map (1:54)
    3) Atomic slash cutscene can be found outside the map (3:09)
    4) Top donator gets kj (4:12)
    5) Grand slam can cancel cosmic strike (4:55)
    6) Nothing can counter final hunt (5:33)
    7) You can counter with homerun (6:10)
    8) Shove can counter projectiles (6:51)
    9) Emotes (7:21)
    wheres 10 bruv what is bro trynna say (9/1-)
    11) You can stop atomic samurai's sunset move (8:29)
    12) The lanterns in duel queue swing from side to side now (9:26)
    13) All suriyu's ult moves can be countered (10:04)
    14) If you are a youtuber you get an in game title (11:52)
    15) if you hide the map the water doesn't get hidden (12:37)
    16) smoking part (13:21)
    17) Using blitz shot while flying flips your character upside down (14:00)
    18) You can cancel some of your ult moves moves by using death blow (14:45)
    19) Using the 2nd move for garou in mid air causes an increase in damage (15:57)
    20) You aren't subbed (20:04)
    Some of these need context from the video.
    Please like this took me 40 minutes :(

  • @IhaveSiblings
    @IhaveSiblings 3 місяці тому +3

    6:39 “we playin baseball with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥“

  • @InraQuapunli
    @InraQuapunli Місяць тому +1

    hey cbrah , the number 16. that smoking bricks , it's a part of gear on the game that you can find it when you use build mode . It called "configure" then scroll down and you will find something called "gear" just search some motorbike gear , and when you sit on the motorbike , and if you cancel it , you will be able to teleport to that smoking bricks like a troll :)

  • @KnRoblox1991_wwswft
    @KnRoblox1991_wwswft 3 місяці тому +2

    4:34 that’s the sols rng creater-

  • @Poohcifer1030
    @Poohcifer1030 3 місяці тому +17

    Daniel give me coffee 0:17

  • @zackkyrosjacalan6325
    @zackkyrosjacalan6325 3 місяці тому +6

    14:29 flying red? (Sorry for commenting again)

  • @Spikiethedow
    @Spikiethedow Місяць тому +1

    14:33 gojo ahhh reversal red momment

  • @Mpg_creator
    @Mpg_creator 3 місяці тому +4

    2:56 I saw this before a hacker teleported me here while I was playing the strongest battlegrounds

    • @Tigered_up
      @Tigered_up 3 місяці тому

      Same to me dude

    • @Frosted_123
      @Frosted_123 3 місяці тому

      Oh i thought it was a glitch someguy that is white and blue

  • @MemeZED
    @MemeZED Місяць тому +1

    5:50 speedblitz dropkick, gojo, atomic slash, saitama ult cant either

  • @virijacionsabin5884
    @virijacionsabin5884 3 місяці тому +4

    The Longest Text Ever!
    I am going to do it. I have made up my mind. These are the first few words of the new… the best … the Longest Text In The Entire History Of The Known Universe! This Has To Have Over 35,000 words the beat the current world record set by that person who made that flaming chicken handbooky thingy. I might just be saying random things the whole time I type in this so you might get confused a lot. I just discovered something terrible. autocorrect is on!! no!!! this has to be crazy, so I will have to break all the English language rules and the basic knowledge of the average human being. I am not an average human being, however I am special. no no no, not THAT kind of special ;). Why do people send that wink face! it always gives me nightmares! it can make a completely normal sentence creepy. imagine you are going to a friend’s house, so you text this: [ see you soon 🙂 ] seems normal, right? But what is you add the word semi to that colon? (Is that right? or is it the other way around) what is you add a lorry to that briquettes? (Semi-truck to that coal-on) anyway, back to the point: [ see you soon 😉 ]THAT IS JUST SO CREEPY! is that really your friend, or is it a creepy stalker watching your every move? Or even worse, is it your friend who is a creepy stalker? maybe you thought it was your friend, but it was actually your fri end (let me explain: you are happily in McDonalds, getting fat while eating yummy food and some random dude walks up and blots out the sun (he looks like a regular here) you can’t see anything else than him, so you can’t try to avoid eye contact. he finishes eating his cheeseburger (more like horseburgher(I learned that word from the merchant of Venice(which is a good play(if you can understand it(I can cause I got a special book with all the words in readable English written on the side of the page(which is kinda funny because Shakespeare was supposed to be a good poet but no-one can understand him(and he’s racist in act 2 scene1 of the play too))))))) and sits down beside you , like you are old pals (you’ve never met him before but he looks like he could be in some weird cult) he clears his throat and asks you a very personal question. “can i have some French fries?” (I don’t know why there called French fries when I’ve never seen a French person eat fries! all they eat it is stuff like baguettes and crêpes and rats named ratty-two-ee which is a really fun game on the PlayStation 2) And you think {bubbly cloud thinking bubble} “Hahahahahhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehheheheheh…..heeeheehe..hehe… sigh. I remember that i was just about to eat one of my fries when I noticed something mushy and moist and [insert gross color like green or brown] on the end of one of my fries! now I can give it to this NERD!! ” (yes he is a nerd because all he does all day is watch the extended editions of the hobbit, lord of the rings and star wars and eat fat cakes (what the heck is a fat cake? I think it might be like a Twinkie or something)and twinkies(wow so is doesn’t really matter which is which because he eats both(i may have just done that so I didn’t have to Google what a fat cake is (right now I am typing on my iPhone 3gs anyway, which has a broken antenna so i can’t get internet anyway (it’s actually a really funny story that i’ll tell you sometime)))and sit in his man cave with his friend named Joe (an ACTUAL friend, not a fri end)and all Joe does is watch sports like football with bob and all bob does is gamble ferociously (don’t ask(it means he buys all those bags of chips that say “win a free monkey or something if you find a banana in your bag*”(if there is a little star it means there is fine print so I always check the back of the package) *flips over the package* okay, it says: “one of our workers accidentally threw a banana in the packing machine and we don’t want to get sued so we did this promotion thing” cool. Oh wow, this is salt and vinegar! my favourite! i hate cheese and onion.))and that’s pretty much his life, he lives in Jamaica with Naruto and his friends) so you give him that gross fri end he throws up all over you and me and the worker behind the counter who was still making an onion, and THAT is the story of the fri end, not a friend who somehow remembered your name and your phone number / email so he could text you saying he would come to your house soon. *finally takes a breath after typing a few hundred words about fri-ends* so what now? i know, i know, you think i ramble too much and use too many brackets (i don’t) but now i am going to talk about my amAZEing day. first i woke up, ate choco pops for breakfast even tho i always hate it when people say that cause i get jealous and super hungry. then i… umm… yea! that was my day. you know that other person i mentioned before? that flaming chicken person? WELL. i will steal something from that person but do it better. i will… drum roll please … badabadabadabadabadabadabummmmmmmmmmmchshchshchshchshbadabadboumboumpoopoopichypichypichypowpow-crash! *a drum roll was just playing in the background* that drumroll was so long i forget what i was talking about. *scrolls up to see what he was writing about* oh yea! i will make my own FLAMING CHICKEN HANDBOOK! what things do i like? instead of flaming it could be rainbow, instead of chicken it could be fluffysheep and instead of handbook it could be handbook (not very creative, i know) but the total complete name is now to rainbow fluffysheep handbook! to make life easier for you guys, instead of taking random rules out of book willy nilly, i will take them out using my favourite numbers! so, section 5040 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook states that the king of all oddly coloured farm animals (thats me!) is allowed to tell you any part out of this book randomly or if it is his one of his favorite numbers! 5040 is a great number because it is divisible by 60 integers which i don’t know. i’m tired. it is 10:41 and i am getting sleepy… hey hey hey! an intruder! remember that from pokepals rulers of time and darkness or something like that! with piplup and sunflora and chimchar! whaoh piplup is really hard to write on a tiny qwerty keyboard! try it! i realised that asdf is actually written in order on the qwerty keyboard! (just in case you didn’t know, asdf is an amazing short video clips cartoony thing on youtube i first learned bout on flipnote hatena, which is now shut down 😦 ) what if one day they get rid of the qwerty keyboard completely! i will type it out for you just in case one day they get rid of it. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. there u go. Goodbye. I’m back! i decided that i should tell you about fonts. i always used the same font for my whole life, called arial. the reason is probably because it is on the top of the list in alphabetical order, and i was too lazy to scroll all the way down. only a few months ago did i finally decide to change my mind. i scrolled for what seemed to be an eternity, and i finally got to… are you ready … arial black. yep, that was my big SCROLLING ADVENTURE! just yesterday, i was typing something on google docs and i found the new best font : roboto. its great! i could choose from FIVE different thicknesses. isn’t that amazing? right now we are driving behind a really slow “farm plastics collection” semi. i think i know someone obsessed with pokemon, but i can’t tell you who it is. he keeps making pokepals references and stuff. wow! you are a very loyal reader! if you have REALLY made it this far then you… get a gold star on your loyalty chart! good job! this is looking to be the longest text ever, considering that this was all written in one day. i don’t understand sandwiches. if you were to eat bread, mayo and tomatoes separately it would be disgusting! you know all those fancy magazines/restaurants that always have really fancy food pictures with meat and brussels sprouts and all the old people say “wow! that looks great!” and you think {bubble thing} “it looks like the worst thing anyone could ever eat” and the you eat it and it tastes surprisingly… WORSE than you imagined! gotta go… im back! ive ive got stuff to say! your probably thinking… HoW DoEs He HaVe So MuCh FrEe TiMe?!?! And the answer is… i don’t. that’s right. this isn’t just some SIDE project. i’ve gotta make time to do this if wanna get the world record. for all i know, the flaming chicken opponent who i will refer to from now on as sam (i don’t know why) is probably still adding to her posts. (i think i picked sam because it sounds like ham which is like cooked meat and so is flaming chicken, so you will remember that now ) i am officially going to make a quote from the rainbow fluffysheep handbook of knowledge and prestige (sounds catchy, huh?) . section 777 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook STATES that the king of oddly colored farm animals (thats me!) is allowed to use whatever font he wants to. [now, i know what your thinking reader, that has nothing to do with anything. but it will come in handy someday (maybe)] sam makes me feels sick! im offended! (probably because i’m jealous of how much is written on that website(i dont even know how to make a website)) I’VE JUST BEEN READING THIS AND I HAVE DISCOVERED A CONSPIRACY! THAT’S RIGHT, I AM WORKING FOR DOCTOR SUESS! YES! i will prove it

    • @virijacionsabin5884
      @virijacionsabin5884 3 місяці тому +1


      @M-MATRIXEDITZ 3 місяці тому +1

      Bro has the patience😂

    • @virijacionsabin5884
      @virijacionsabin5884 2 місяці тому

      @@M-MATRIXEDITZ it took me 3h to make it

  • @GameBuddies-e2f
    @GameBuddies-e2f 3 місяці тому +1

    theres a thing that ive noticed. when you arew the crab, go to the water and do an m1 or pincer barrage and it would show water particles coming from the water. (i dont think anyone has noticed this)

  • @why-ih6vq
    @why-ih6vq 3 місяці тому +22

    Fun fact: the guy name "53_Axis" is actually the head developer in Sols rng.

    • @VortexSlayer648
      @VortexSlayer648 3 місяці тому

      He's the head developer

    • @duck3416
      @duck3416 3 місяці тому

      Of course, how would he buy it without the billions of robux from premium payouts

    • @why-ih6vq
      @why-ih6vq 3 місяці тому

      @@VortexSlayer648 sorry for my mistakes. And thanks!

    • @TheNumberOneBacon
      @TheNumberOneBacon 3 місяці тому

      i play soss rng tsb! i have almost 5m rolls in sols. and now im starting to get addicted to tsb

    • @TheNumberOneBacon
      @TheNumberOneBacon 3 місяці тому

      i play soss rng tsb! i have almost 5m rolls in sols. and now im starting to get addicted to tsb

  • @unkowngamig0961
    @unkowngamig0961 Місяць тому

    The "trick shot" genos can do is a reference to when Gojo goes upside down and counters Toji with reversal red.

  • @JeremiahPolanco-k9d
    @JeremiahPolanco-k9d 3 місяці тому +3

    35 user pages is insane

  • @pixel_ytt
    @pixel_ytt 3 місяці тому

    this is the best editing i have seen bro do

  • @Astroclock2
    @Astroclock2 3 місяці тому +6

    my guy just talked about stuff we already know
    for like *20* minutes

    • @Mavy-c9q
      @Mavy-c9q 3 місяці тому

      @@Astroclock2 dude ikr

  • @KyleLe-l9o
    @KyleLe-l9o 2 місяці тому +1

    Cbrah you can see your Title for a second when you join the game

  • @ajshehhi
    @ajshehhi 3 місяці тому +6

    thank u for everything…

  • @UnRaged
    @UnRaged 3 місяці тому +2

    Daniel didn't give me coffee

  • @v3rification
    @v3rification 3 місяці тому +5

    4:46 I can’t wait for “CAGE” to be free

    • @Sean-p1e
      @Sean-p1e 3 місяці тому +2

      Cage?? What do you mean. Do you mean KJ?

    • @LuckismOnTop
      @LuckismOnTop 3 місяці тому

      ​@@Sean-p1ewym its always been cage not kj who's kj

    • @Sean-p1e
      @Sean-p1e 3 місяці тому

      @@LuckismOnTop bro do you even play strongest battleground? It's a admin character you need to buy it for ,1M robux to get it cause it's a powerful moveset

    • @LuckismOnTop
      @LuckismOnTop 3 місяці тому

      @@Sean-p1e nah it's kage

    • @alexwu2613
      @alexwu2613 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@Sean-p1eyou just dont get the joke thats all

  • @DescribedIsBack
    @DescribedIsBack 3 місяці тому

    Fun fact: you can float in the waterfall and even go through the tunnels without flying! Just use atomic samurai and proppell yourself into the waterfall with quick slice cause of no cooldown and no stun

  • @シ_RBLX
    @シ_RBLX 3 місяці тому +3

    2:26 stop telling us

    • @RashadKillings
      @RashadKillings 3 місяці тому

      Stop telling us about what the cut scene

    • @Orange4Life
      @Orange4Life 3 місяці тому

      @@RashadKillings stop telling us that hes out the map.

    • @Coolguybutnot
      @Coolguybutnot 3 місяці тому

      Daniel give me coffe

    • @riyaebu3449
      @riyaebu3449 3 місяці тому

      Its not lie

  • @SammmyAviationsWorldOfficial
    @SammmyAviationsWorldOfficial 3 місяці тому

    I remember somewhere in 2023 when I was a metal bat main I said “homerun can counter” then someone said “Nuh uh” then I think I said “yes it does”

  • @soundsultanchannel
    @soundsultanchannel 3 місяці тому +181

    Under a minute gang👇

  • @PingvinIsCool
    @PingvinIsCool 3 місяці тому +1

    3:23 i was playing tsb, then I saw not just one but TWO HACKERS, I 2v1 them, but I always lost, BUT THEN, ONE OF THE HACKERS HAD GAROU, AND HE USED 1 MOVE (flowing water) AND GLITCHED ME INSIDE THE OKACE WHERE ATOMIC SLASH IS

  • @Johnathan-walker-the-48th
    @Johnathan-walker-the-48th 3 місяці тому +3

    5:43 L furry

  • @MohammedSoliman-z6j
    @MohammedSoliman-z6j 8 днів тому +1

    Bro kj new move is ultimate flex world

  • @dragonxbeast8817
    @dragonxbeast8817 3 місяці тому +4

    Man u gotto check ur eyes mate u colour blind its red 13:36

  • @XernityZ
    @XernityZ 3 місяці тому +1

    How do you get that roblox theme at 0:53?

  • @PIN327
    @PIN327 3 місяці тому +4

    under 40minutes gang

  • @Bliz3377
    @Bliz3377 2 місяці тому

    If you didn’t already know with 2 metal bats if one metal bat used grand slam and the other uses homerun as it is about to hit them you can cancel out grand slam. But it’s not easy and you need good timing

  • @JeanWilliams-b7l
    @JeanWilliams-b7l 3 місяці тому

    Cbrah is that one random guy that doesnt fight but observes everything

  • @ShreejanGautam-cg7uu
    @ShreejanGautam-cg7uu 2 місяці тому

    You could actually cancel sonic moves if you use generals you was the first wolf and then when the sonic is gonna get you with the right first move just use the first move and then you could count to it

  • @Robloxfan-eb1zp
    @Robloxfan-eb1zp 3 місяці тому

    For the people who are new to tsb, shove can actually counter trash can, blitz shotand foul ball and peril can also do the same thing like shove

  • @beastgamer5504
    @beastgamer5504 5 днів тому

    "It should be coming out next week"
    Little did we know, of the pain and suffering waiting for us.

  • @gtagamerandmore.4227
    @gtagamerandmore.4227 3 місяці тому

    Fun fact: webby smash is hardest on trashcans or trees, mid on fence or benches and the easiest on wild psychic's stone grave

  • @LukasOudhoff
    @LukasOudhoff 7 днів тому

    if you spawn very much dummies (i think like 10-15) you can, with savage tornado, kill 9/10 of them with only their landing if you get them all in the tornado.

  • @SanttosYT
    @SanttosYT 3 місяці тому

    13:30 the smoke, that appears on your character when u die by cyborg,sonic,and blad master is ult, when u die by him, your character color turn black and the smoke appears,
    Thanks for reading :D

  • @Jake_qr
    @Jake_qr 3 місяці тому

    Ohhh I am subscribed to you, but I didn’t put the bell on. That’s why I didn’t get a notification. 🤯

  • @soundsultanchannel
    @soundsultanchannel 3 місяці тому +1

    W cbrah

  • @muhammadirfan-e2l2n
    @muhammadirfan-e2l2n 3 місяці тому +1

    Man Fr toke a hour to find this all

  • @Upside_Central
    @Upside_Central 3 місяці тому

    Yeah, he’s able to change his real username frequently because of all the Robux he gets from the monthly donators and that’s kind of crazy since changing your username cost 1000 Robux each

  • @jaredvicta4117
    @jaredvicta4117 3 місяці тому

    21-You can do unlimited flex works. Make yourself fly then use serious punch

  • @JustADumGuy
    @JustADumGuy Місяць тому +1


  • @VexVex30
    @VexVex30 2 місяці тому

    3:24 atomic slash although almost no one gets hit with it cuz it’s just too easy to dodge unless u have death counter and ppl think they could death counter it.. they can’t

  • @Tony10berrios
    @Tony10berrios 3 місяці тому

    Fun Fact Genos Ignition Burst if done mid air can be parried and will PULL the player from the SKY so Gauro can land his shots.

  • @AnotherWait-m7x
    @AnotherWait-m7x 27 днів тому +1

    4:34 3 months lol no kj :(

  • @EithanHarryDalimag-rq3yw
    @EithanHarryDalimag-rq3yw 3 місяці тому

    Also for cosmic strike, you can use death counter on the tatsumaki users when they are using cosmic strike.

  • @Yostar-k1j
    @Yostar-k1j 3 місяці тому +2

    4:34 his name is 53_Axis a developer

    • @Laradem06
      @Laradem06 3 місяці тому

      @@Yostar-k1j thats a sols rng dev…

    • @Yostar-k1j
      @Yostar-k1j 3 місяці тому

      I know bro

  • @bennthegoat
    @bennthegoat 3 місяці тому +1

    fun fact: you can counter with shove aswell!
    edit: i commented this before he said that 🫣🫣🫣

  • @BeverlyOrtiz-b5c
    @BeverlyOrtiz-b5c 3 місяці тому

    I love how you talked about you cannot death counter it with death counter, but he never said anything about death below 6:10

  • @Pavelonroblox
    @Pavelonroblox 3 місяці тому

    You can also death counter the meteor ability thingy with saitama's first ultimate attack.

  • @Void_phantomplayz
    @Void_phantomplayz 3 місяці тому

    3:27 with death counter and atomic slash cutscenes if u go really close to them and activate suiryu’s awakening the animation will noclip you inside and ppl who use the moves can see you

  • @Callme_Chanc3
    @Callme_Chanc3 Місяць тому +1

    9:15 death counter it

  • @goldenSpirit-s6f
    @goldenSpirit-s6f 3 місяці тому

    excluding the first one, everything you told us theholygrail75 already told us (btw i start playing this game from august 8 and ive changed 6 acc so you cant see my full time of playing tsb)

  • @YourTeacherrisyt
    @YourTeacherrisyt 3 місяці тому

    In 6:27 and 6:59 you can also counter using Hero Hunter moveset

  • @GuyWhoCreatesThings
    @GuyWhoCreatesThings 3 місяці тому

    Another way to remove people from using sunset is to use head first on them but you need to time it

  • @TheSugarman883
    @TheSugarman883 3 місяці тому +1

    Did you know if you use the move while inside of it you can see yourself and the animation
    Make sure to like

  • @Bad_animator_0999
    @Bad_animator_0999 3 місяці тому +1

    11:35 ngl garous speciality is literally countering everything.

  • @debyadvighorebaire994
    @debyadvighorebaire994 3 місяці тому

    You can actually use the cyborg trickshot while u use its jump boost move thingy which I found out when I was new completely by accident😅😅😂

  • @Jo3lWashere-420
    @Jo3lWashere-420 3 місяці тому +1

    Wassup Cbruh , ive been having a problem where i cant tap my screen and my character doesn't punch ps im on mobile and it is a huge disadvantage for me please help

  • @Flora_TheSilly
    @Flora_TheSilly 3 місяці тому +1

    "53_Axis" was the owner of Sol's Rng...

  • @IndianaFeve
    @IndianaFeve 3 місяці тому +1

    all ultimates have a move that can go through death counter (except tatsumaki and sonic)

  • @azkaoktalima5203
    @azkaoktalima5203 3 місяці тому

    13:31 the smoke is for finisher genos blitz shot or another
    5:37 another final hunt garou can counter by preys peril

  • @idk242-w1s
    @idk242-w1s 3 місяці тому +1

    hellooooo Cbrah :D

  • @theDefaultLayout
    @theDefaultLayout 3 місяці тому

    The fact that almost everybody knows this already is crazy

  • @PedroHernandez-ef3ui
    @PedroHernandez-ef3ui 3 місяці тому

    Here’s something if you are in a private server with gojo and go to ranked and 1v1 someone it will show you have gojo but it changes it to Saitama

  • @AGC3000
    @AGC3000 3 місяці тому

    If you use death counter and go to the box you can see your self in the box
    And same as atomic slash
    If you use atomic slash in atomic room you can see your self and you also can see the atomic explode after you use it

  • @Okcoolestgamerpro
    @Okcoolestgamerpro Місяць тому

    Imagine santinos mom going
    “Santino release the update I want the child emperor moveset!”

  • @AdrianSacnanas
    @AdrianSacnanas 2 місяці тому +2

    But its been a month and theres still no KJ 😭🙏🏻4:48

    • @Nexu_rb
      @Nexu_rb Місяць тому

      @@AdrianSacnanas already 2 months😭😭😭😭

    • @AdrianSacnanas
      @AdrianSacnanas Місяць тому

      @Zeit_rl Ur so right i wish we had KJ free now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @HimothyTSB
      @HimothyTSB 14 днів тому


    • @Salty_Pretzel23
      @Salty_Pretzel23 3 дні тому

      @@HimothyTSBHES GONE NOW

  • @FestiveAngel5K
    @FestiveAngel5K 3 місяці тому +1

    Tbh im not rlly a fan of kj because everyone will like use the ultimate and then it will be so chaotic i mean i wanna use it but its not rlly gonna be so fun

  • @watilalongkumer825
    @watilalongkumer825 Місяць тому +1

    I have Dragon level threat already so I'll make a new account and do ur way to get title

  • @ThePerseverers-y2i
    @ThePerseverers-y2i 3 місяці тому

    Remember, Speedblitz is the same with counters

  • @VV-db7sn
    @VV-db7sn 3 місяці тому +1

    hello I just subscribed

  • @barbirogliofede
    @barbirogliofede 3 місяці тому +2

    14:06 you can see the title

  • @MostWantedBedwars
    @MostWantedBedwars 3 місяці тому +1

    if u do attack speed generator to 10 it makes ur emote faster

  • @henyupro
    @henyupro 3 місяці тому +1

    The guy that paid 4.5mil for kj was the owner of sols rng so ye