Billie Eilish performs for NYLON

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @caseyl7376
    @caseyl7376 6 років тому +3368

    no matter how many times you listen to their voices, you could never get sick of it

    • @clemediits3396
      @clemediits3396 6 років тому +14

      Casey Marshall- the past three days I’ve had Billie and finneas songs on replays

    • @minavlogs0607
      @minavlogs0607 5 років тому +7

      True facts! ❤️

    • @stephanieann6622
      @stephanieann6622 5 років тому +11

      Preach! Ive been playing their songs on repeat for the past several days several times a day learning to sing them to retrain my vocals and Im no where near tired of them!

    • @tiffanykauffman4380
      @tiffanykauffman4380 5 років тому +6

      Most beautiful voice I absolutely love her.

    • @irlinbet
      @irlinbet 5 років тому +1


  • @drepage4857
    @drepage4857 4 роки тому +4847

    The way he backs her up is so masterful. He hangs his voice just under hers like it is a pair of hands offering support. Most haunting sibling duo of the decade. May they have long and beautiful careers.

    • @carrilhas
      @carrilhas 4 роки тому +115

      FINNEAS is a hell of a singer/songwriter. I wonder how he picks, whether a song is gonna be his or his sister's.

    • @dreferre21
      @dreferre21 4 роки тому +58

      Miguel Carreira In an interview they said the songs for billie are always equally written it’s usually very 50/50. And Finneas said the songs he wrote (watch, My Strange Addiction, and when the partys over) himself usually go to Billie if she feels a connection to them and like she can truly convey a message through them, be it silly or serious). The when the partys over video concept was created by Billie and flows seamlessly into all the good girls go to hell and acts as a prequel, with when the partys over, bury a friend and atgggth making a trilogy, as the videos for everything i wanted, xanny and when its released, ilomilo will make a trilogy.

    • @noneyerbidness
      @noneyerbidness 4 роки тому +8

      you need to calm down.

    • @Jsween876
      @Jsween876 4 роки тому +12

      dre page perfect description. Couldn’t have said it better but that’s exactly what I thinking.

    • @AmyLaVonne
      @AmyLaVonne 4 роки тому +1


  • @StardollFameBLOG
    @StardollFameBLOG 6 років тому +2257

    0:30 six feet under
    4:00 ocean eyes
    7:30 bellyache

  • @fioregiallo
    @fioregiallo 3 роки тому +101

    The adlibs in ocean eyes are ETHEREAL. That song still hits so hard.

  • @thiskiddkelly
    @thiskiddkelly 6 років тому +3732

    It’s just so jaw dropping how she sound exactly like how she sings on the recorded versions from when she sings live like WOW

    • @hellojhitty7502
      @hellojhitty7502 6 років тому +29

      HelloKelly thats my girl billie for you

    • @itotallyagreewithyou6586
      @itotallyagreewithyou6586 5 років тому +126

      She actually sounds better live

    • @hannah-we3ws
      @hannah-we3ws 5 років тому +30

      That's what you call talent

    • @tany4904
      @tany4904 5 років тому +5


    • @NeoFighterX
      @NeoFighterX 5 років тому +33

      her vocals are being processed live - that's why her voice has reverb when she's sings - this is a very normal thing though; it's just meant to stop the vocals from sounding like the room they're in

  • @serenitybassett4177
    @serenitybassett4177 6 років тому +5586

    “blooooooooooom” lets just admire that note, that harmony....

    • @user-gg7vq8ci6c
      @user-gg7vq8ci6c 6 років тому +29

      Serenity Bassett just perfect

    • @toba6919
      @toba6919 5 років тому +34

      Boii what you think about 8:01

    • @serajones5095
      @serajones5095 5 років тому +1


    • @melaniemiller4311
      @melaniemiller4311 5 років тому +4

      Serenity Bassett chills on that lovely note!❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @sawsandaoud3306
      @sawsandaoud3306 5 років тому +2

      Serenity Bassett yassss

  • @dejarayvon1604
    @dejarayvon1604 6 років тому +5408

    The control she has over her voice🤯

    • @juvyk
      @juvyk 6 років тому +25

      How do you do that like-

    • @jasminecherry892
      @jasminecherry892 5 років тому +11

      Deja Rayvon I know it’s freaking amazing

    • @Abass.03
      @Abass.03 5 років тому +4

      Am the 1000th like

    • @gavgaming9546
      @gavgaming9546 5 років тому +5

      I think she has it not just over her voice)

    • @gavgaming9546
      @gavgaming9546 5 років тому +4

      i think so too)

  • @LeszekChmiel
    @LeszekChmiel 2 роки тому +359

    Her voice is extraordinary. Very modern but in the same moment very retro, like in old radio. Deep and strong but in the other hand so fragile and sensitive.

    • @cedricclerici5479
      @cedricclerici5479 Рік тому


    • @hux2000
      @hux2000 9 місяців тому +4

      @@cedricclerici5479 One day you'll realize how much time you wasted laughing dismissively at stuff to cover up your insecurity. Hopefully, anyway. Because it's time you can't ever get back.

    • @JonathanVicary
      @JonathanVicary 8 місяців тому

      @@hux2000 dude a little too deep srsly, it hurt me in the deepest core

    • @ElliPirelli-g4w
      @ElliPirelli-g4w 6 місяців тому

      Cool, amazing, wonderfull

    • @SharonWoodford-cb5dd
      @SharonWoodford-cb5dd 5 місяців тому

      EXACTLY 💯

  • @gvegan9787
    @gvegan9787 4 роки тому +1303

    She sounds her best when she does acoustics with her brother. Their voices are prefect together.

    • @terryhuffaker3615
      @terryhuffaker3615 3 роки тому +17

      So agree!! He writes with her voice in mind.. musical genius

    • @effygram8159
      @effygram8159 3 роки тому +7

      I think this is much better than her big releases.

    • @ivan_7402
      @ivan_7402 3 роки тому

      @@terryhuffaker3615, Genius? Do you know what this word means?
      You're so stupid!

    • @strider5119
      @strider5119 3 роки тому +5

      @@ivan_7402 "musical genius" the 2 words are used together. Considering how quickly she shot to fame, "musical genius" is correct, you fucking idiot

    • @ivan_7402
      @ivan_7402 3 роки тому +1

      Music for little girls who know nothing about what real music is. Simply becouse they're too young.
      She has an awful voice. No voice at all!
      And a brother who's a famous person in a musical production.
      Do you still think she is a geniuos?
      You're stinky gamer with crooked hands!

  • @MsAbaddonna
    @MsAbaddonna 6 років тому +984

    Every single tone is perfect

  • @Naama178
    @Naama178 6 років тому +705

    She has an insane control over her voice

  • @rebenaq4506
    @rebenaq4506 2 роки тому +62

    Her voice is pure and she can hold a note beautifully. Her brother compliments her voice and you can hear his tone too.

  • @hannebas5011
    @hannebas5011 6 років тому +3372

    she is so pure, her voice is so pure, i admire her completely. she's so young and so talented. ✨

    • @snatchedbatch4311
      @snatchedbatch4311 6 років тому +45

      Im 30 and im in complete awe of her💙😲😇😳💙

    • @michaelpalladino7361
      @michaelpalladino7361 5 років тому +75

      I don't see how her being younger than you has any relevance to your ability to admire her but ok lololol

    • @sinestau
      @sinestau 5 років тому +21

      “Even” 🤣 age doesn’t matter

    • @Stupidpeephole
      @Stupidpeephole 5 років тому +8

      I was unaware that respect and admiration was determined by age. 🌟 the more you know 🌈

    • @paigesumner1796
      @paigesumner1796 5 років тому +4

      24 and SO impressed. I watch so much about her and the things she wants to share with her fans

  • @jessied.6741
    @jessied.6741 5 років тому +1426

    This video shows that Billie deserves every bit of the fame she's got

    • @Mujerortodoxa
      @Mujerortodoxa 5 років тому +1


    • @Toppa35
      @Toppa35 5 років тому +17

      This actually shows she is better than any bit fame she has gotten to this day, omg!! with the pop songs, i did not know she had this!!

    • @veritysmart
      @veritysmart 5 років тому +8

      She deserves every bit of success and recognition. Fame is something else and not something to aspire to but a byproduct of this industry.

    • @patsymeadows5581
      @patsymeadows5581 4 роки тому

      @@veritysmart canhelpbuttolikeyou

    • @na_li_a1993
      @na_li_a1993 4 роки тому


  • @zuu876
    @zuu876 6 років тому +378

    Her voice is just fairy. It’s so soothing, simple and clear. And the same time it gives goosebumps

    • @Jaqvander
      @Jaqvander 5 років тому

      @Sum Sai It gives you goosebumps _because_ it's so soothing, simple and clear. You're responding to no need for frills. Authenticity.

  • @Eden639
    @Eden639 6 місяців тому +27

    Billy’s singing takes my breath away. These are the most talented duo I’’ve heard in decades.

  • @emsea1708
    @emsea1708 6 років тому +296

    this is by far one of her best performances of Bellyache

    • @dream1430
      @dream1430 5 років тому +9

      Em Sea cus she isn’t running around the stage

    • @nicolea1980na
      @nicolea1980na 5 років тому +1

      Em Sea: all of her performances are the best not one of them are perfect all of them are and yeah because she is not running around a stage with a thousand fans screaming at’s not meant to be hateful just letting you know...I’m also a fan of Billie

  • @markm.5756
    @markm.5756 4 роки тому +1422

    What a voice!!! I've only just discovered these two. I'm 63 years old - and their music touches my heart and soul. I'm completely blown away - All the best!

    • @wazlo94103
      @wazlo94103 4 роки тому +28

      I love that.

    • @MARINA-ze1fe
      @MARINA-ze1fe 4 роки тому +43

      Well these two just won 10 grammys 😊

    • @dhg6772
      @dhg6772 4 роки тому +30

      Billie's rendition of Six Feet Under is divine. I start the video and then find myself floating in a dream-like state.
      I'm 49 and likewise just discovered.... Just such talent.

    • @markm.5756
      @markm.5756 4 роки тому +20

      @@dhg6772 Just listened to Six Feet Under
      for the first time here on UA-cam. Incredible. 2016 - both so young but solid talent. Finneas with no beard. LOL.

    • @booksandauthorsindependenttv
      @booksandauthorsindependenttv 4 роки тому +11

      Aww, yes they touch so many people. Who wouldn't love their music. Suits everyone.

  • @dreenyan
    @dreenyan 6 років тому +189

    The level of mastery she has over her voice is incredible! One heck of a vocalist!!!

  • @tofutofutofu444
    @tofutofutofu444 3 роки тому +169

    this is still my absolute favourite way her voice has ever sounded. like nothing can ever beat how perfect it is here for me

    • @kerrydoucette6959
      @kerrydoucette6959 3 роки тому +5

      luv her

    • @gj8566
      @gj8566 3 роки тому +2


    • @jussitikkuri6991
      @jussitikkuri6991 3 роки тому +2


    • @mitcht2717
      @mitcht2717 3 роки тому +5

      All the songs are beautiful, but Billie on "Ocean Eyes" is mesmerizing.

    • @TrippyUnderMoonlight
      @TrippyUnderMoonlight 2 роки тому +4

      Well, it was foreseeable that she will grow and be an adult someday. So her voice get's naturally darker. She even said that people should stop expecting from her that she can get these high notes from ocean eyes because her voice was logically higher when she was younger. I think, she could learn it again, she definitly has the controll over her voice.

  • @QteaTheSwag
    @QteaTheSwag 6 років тому +876

    Can we just appreciate finneas’ falsetto in the harmonies in bellyache

  • @ruqayyahkibriah1360
    @ruqayyahkibriah1360 5 років тому +285

    The way he smiles at her after every song is so adorable. You can tell he's so proud of her and she leans on him

    • @AmyLaVonne
      @AmyLaVonne 4 роки тому +2

      ❤ so sweet

    • @tisme13
      @tisme13 4 роки тому

      They are a DUO... " EVERYTHING I WANTED " States that

  • @kenscribbles
    @kenscribbles 5 років тому +2301

    I saw Billie on American Music Awards tonight. Didn’t know who Eilish was till now. I spent last 2 hours listening to her on You Tube. She is addictive. Sorry I’m so late to the party. Billie Eilish & her bro are spectacular.

  • @lusinemanukian2567
    @lusinemanukian2567 3 роки тому +32

    Those harmonies just give me chills. The brother is brilliant along side a sister who has such amazing singing chops! It's nice to see a siblings who work together and create such magic!

  • @TaraVon
    @TaraVon 5 років тому +613

    Billie Eilish is exactly what this generation desperately needed!! Nothing but pure, raw talent!

    • @MoreThanRuan
      @MoreThanRuan 5 років тому +13

      Tara Von And she’s Vegan which this world needs more than anything. Peace starts on our plates. 🌱 ☮️

    • @joew2842
      @joew2842 5 років тому

      If they would only listen in between the lines more often :(

    • @joew2842
      @joew2842 5 років тому +1

      @@MoreThanRuan piece Starts in the mind...

    • @domenikvalci7743
      @domenikvalci7743 4 роки тому

      Joe W Yes. But if you have murdered animal bodies on your plate, how is that peace?

    • @joew2842
      @joew2842 4 роки тому

      @@domenikvalci7743 how do we get to the state of Not eating dead, without setting our mind right First?

  • @jj9533
    @jj9533 6 років тому +440

    First song had me balling. Ive heard it before but this live version was insane. Felt like the lyrics were more personal. She was emotional too, i saw that tear wiped away. Wow. Incredible people..

    • @ttbyt3
      @ttbyt3 6 років тому +4

      Honestly, same, oh my goodness

    • @skepto-o-punk8286
      @skepto-o-punk8286 6 років тому +6

      Basket balling?? Bowling balling??

    • @itotallyagreewithyou6586
      @itotallyagreewithyou6586 5 років тому +3

      @@skepto-o-punk8286 I love you, you are just as Savage as myself.

    • @jarawegerif742
      @jarawegerif742 5 років тому +1


  • @kunkunangmadu
    @kunkunangmadu 5 років тому +91

    I always put a biig respect to Finneas. He's a good brother, he supporting her sister, making song together, and doesn't envy Billie's career. Thanks for the beautiful songs and beeing sweet sibling you two...

  • @stefaniejensen2474
    @stefaniejensen2474 3 роки тому +166

    These siblings are so ridiculously talented. To think they wrote and recorded these songs in a tiny bedroom is insane. Billie has more natural talent than most common could ever dream of. And it’s all real… she sounds even BETTER LIVE

  • @larrycanepa
    @larrycanepa 5 років тому +232

    WOW! This young lady is dripping with talent and yet seems very down to earth. I can respect the hell out of a person like that. And her brother is that foundation she can lean on, with great arrangement and harmonies. These two deserve all the success they can get. I'm blown away.

  • @lanak99
    @lanak99 4 роки тому +9828

    These two are under 23 years old and now, collectively have 10 Grammys.
    I'm 25 and have a cat.

    • @lanak99
      @lanak99 4 роки тому +485

      No shade to my cat. Love her. Obviously.

    • @saviatoumar9213
      @saviatoumar9213 4 роки тому +55

      Hahahahahhaa stop that

    • @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive
      @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive 4 роки тому +166

      As someone who is not allowed pets in my building, I will take a cat over a Grammy.

    • @MRS-ty6uf
      @MRS-ty6uf 4 роки тому +42

      Best. Comment. Ever.

    • @wtf8020
      @wtf8020 4 роки тому +134

      Im 53 and have 2.... cats....

  • @chaosismycopilot6893
    @chaosismycopilot6893 6 років тому +192

    Both of their voices work together so well, and they definitely know each other musically. I'm getting an Oh Wonder vibe from them. On a side note, if I could hear Finneas sing Ocean Eyes alone, I would die happy 😍

  • @Eden639
    @Eden639 5 місяців тому +8

    This young girl is the most talented, soulful singer of this decade. Her brother equality talented in his own right. What a duo! Love them!

  • @amalihafizhan7956
    @amalihafizhan7956 6 років тому +635

    "Six Feet Under"
    Help, I lost myself again
    But I remember you
    Don't come back, it won't end well
    But I wish you'd tell me too
    Our love is six feet under
    I can't help but wonder
    If our grave was watered by the rain
    Would roses bloom?
    Could roses bloom
    Retrace my lips
    Erase your touch
    It's all too much for me
    Blow away
    Like smoke in air
    How can you die carelessly?
    Our love is six feet under
    I can't help but wonder
    If our grave was watered by the rain
    Would roses bloom?
    Could roses bloom?
    They're playing our sound
    Laying us down tonight
    And all of these clouds
    Bringing us back to life
    But you're cold as a knife
    Six feet under
    I can't help but wonder
    If our grave was watered by the rain
    Help, I lost myself again
    But I remember you
    "Ocean Eyes"
    I've been watching you for some time
    Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes
    Burning cities and napalm skies
    Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
    Your ocean eyes
    No fair
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes
    I'm scared
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes
    I've been walking through a world gone blind
    Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind
    Careful creature made friends with time
    He left her lonely with a diamond mind
    And those ocean eyes
    No fair
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes
    I'm scared
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes
    No fair
    You really know how to make me cry
    When you give me those ocean eyes
    I'm scared
    I've never fallen from quite this high
    Falling into your ocean eyes
    Those ocean eyes
    Sitting all alone
    Mouth full of gum
    In the driveway
    My friends aren't far
    In the back of my car
    Lay their bodies
    Where's my mind
    Where's my mind
    They'll be here pretty soon
    Looking through my room
    For the money
    I'm biting my nails
    I'm too young to go to jail
    It's kinda funny
    Where's my mind
    Where's my mind
    Where's my mind
    Where's my mind
    Maybe it's in the gutter
    Where I left my lover
    What an expensive fate
    My V is for Vendetta
    Thought that I'd feel better
    But now I got a bellyache
    Everything I do
    The way I wear my noose
    Like a necklace
    I wanna make 'em scared
    Like I could be anywhere
    Like I'm reckless
    I lost my mind
    I don't mind
    Where's my mind
    Where's my mind
    Maybe it's in the gutter
    Where I left my lover
    What an expensive fate
    My V is for Vendetta
    Thought that I'd feel better
    But now I got a bellyache
    Maybe it's in the gutter
    Where I left my lover
    What an expensive fate
    My V is for Vendetta
    Thought that I'd feel better
    But now I got a bellyache

  • @leafychild17
    @leafychild17 5 років тому +269

    0:00~ Introduction
    0:31~ 6 Feet Under
    4:00~ Ocean Eyes
    7:32~ Bellyache

    • @caileybronny3498
      @caileybronny3498 5 років тому +1

      Thank you!

    • @funnytv2846
      @funnytv2846 4 роки тому +1

      Thanks 💚🖤

    • @Palangga2022
      @Palangga2022 4 роки тому +1

      yeet goes the dog o.O you’re a hero. Thank you so much

    • @leafychild17
      @leafychild17 4 роки тому +1

      @@Palangga2022 thank you, and you're welcome

  • @andreadeleon7965
    @andreadeleon7965 6 років тому +286

    She's literally the only artist that can bring me to tears

  • @micheleaxelgard-dw6zx
    @micheleaxelgard-dw6zx Рік тому +32

    You're Incredible...I am 60 years old and I adore you and your brother. Your music warms my Heart!

  • @lydia129
    @lydia129 6 років тому +6437

    FINNEAS. IS. UNDERRATED. what an angel

    • @idahoplantguy9027
      @idahoplantguy9027 6 років тому +80

      Underrated and unknown are two different things. You can't be underrated if you're unknown.

    • @lilac392
      @lilac392 6 років тому +13

      bro my fav song of his Hollywood Forever

    • @alinasadat1709
      @alinasadat1709 6 років тому +5


    • @rimshining4237
      @rimshining4237 5 років тому +18

      @@idahoplantguy9027 why are you so salty lmao

    • @peyton1817
      @peyton1817 5 років тому +19

      Mike Jones oh yea bc you are all knowing and are aware of all people’s intentions. you’ve got no clue what purpose people are posting for, all assumptions. no need to come in here & reply aggressively.
      He is underrated since Billie’s whole fan base knows who he is yet he is always referred to as “her brother”.

  • @namethischannel7794
    @namethischannel7794 6 років тому +175

    the way she sang bellyache omg so much energy

  • @aaron_the_dj_hawaii
    @aaron_the_dj_hawaii Рік тому +42

    This will forever be the peak vocally to me for Billie. Sung to perfection

    • @Changelingheart
      @Changelingheart 4 місяці тому

      I was thinking the same thing. But then they wrote "The Greatest" ..

    • @adielkamalie5252
      @adielkamalie5252 2 місяці тому

      So now..those Amazon sessions?..and let me know

  • @va.syndicate2ndam862
    @va.syndicate2ndam862 4 роки тому +477

    So I'm a metal guy(guitarist/bassist) and 46 year's old today and the first time I heard this girl sing I was blown away. Mad Respect young lady!! Don't ever stop but don't get burned out either !!!

    • @raepierce7649
      @raepierce7649 4 роки тому +12

      Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm a decade older than you and love these 2 so much. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful and Finneas is brilliant.

    • @ninaerman5253
      @ninaerman5253 4 роки тому +6

      Heyy ! She and her brother just won 5 Grammys award each ! She is superfamous now

    • @patsymeadows5581
      @patsymeadows5581 4 роки тому


    • @waynetice7908
      @waynetice7908 4 роки тому +11

      Me too man. I am 42, literally grew up in the mosh pits of Pantera. Metal head until the day I die. I listen to her when I need to ground myself back to earth. I can't believe how amazingly talented these two are.

    • @knowhere60
      @knowhere60 4 роки тому +2

      It's like their songs are musical therapy

  • @itskonan69
    @itskonan69 5 років тому +879

    She has more control over her voice than I have over my life💞💞

  • @imaniprice8275
    @imaniprice8275 6 років тому +488

    This is art. I can listen to them do this for all eternity

  • @grahammoreton9686
    @grahammoreton9686 8 місяців тому +8

    Pure gold, I come back to this over and over, thank you both,

  • @romulusremus7537
    @romulusremus7537 5 років тому +544

    I'm 65 and her music takes me back to Joni Mitchell's Blue, Ladies of the Canyon, and For the Rose's period. Excellence. Billie and her brother are very special.

    • @Hooper-fy6si
      @Hooper-fy6si 5 років тому +10

      Romulus Remus I’m 58 love them!

    • @simplymarilyn5295
      @simplymarilyn5295 5 років тому +11

      I'm 62yrs old & just became a fan♡

    • @jesusbapt
      @jesusbapt 5 років тому +8

      I'm 55 and many punk, industrial, post rock, etc after, i think they're fantastic artists.

    • @lualgocis
      @lualgocis 5 років тому +4

      31 and loving these two

    • @Maximo7519
      @Maximo7519 4 роки тому +3

      and what about Fleetwood Mac?

  • @rohancoleman4092
    @rohancoleman4092 6 років тому +93

    Ocean eyes killed me, those high notes are so perfectly angelic

  • @mikekelsey6777
    @mikekelsey6777 4 роки тому +450

    I am 68 years old, and am very impressed with the young lady. Just what is needed today.

    • @jmk1962
      @jmk1962 4 роки тому +24

      57 year old fan here too.

    • @jimcarter2105
      @jimcarter2105 4 роки тому +30

      Count me in at 78.

    • @kaufmann6988
      @kaufmann6988 4 роки тому +4

      Word !

    • @loesepoes18
      @loesepoes18 4 роки тому +12

      jim carter 69 and my granddaughters and i like her voice very much. We are fans...big fans!

    • @chrisehmke1651
      @chrisehmke1651 4 роки тому +12

      Shall we make up a fan club? 67 here

  • @amoniwatson3795
    @amoniwatson3795 3 роки тому +25

    this is the first time her voice isn't drowned out by the least that Im hearing and her voice is beautifuk she is such a vibe her music has really grown on me recently and im grateful that she exists shes so humble and amazing

    • @BridgetFitzgerald-nn4yx
      @BridgetFitzgerald-nn4yx 7 місяців тому +1

      ❤ This is why I love acoustic versions of music, it lets you hear how talented people truly are, plus the music is always so beautifully haunting depending on the talent, band, singer(s), harmonies, songs, and instruments, you hear everything. ❤️

  • @SaraRidgard
    @SaraRidgard 4 роки тому +363

    It’s so crazy how effortless it is when she sings.

    • @alaskie1227
      @alaskie1227 4 роки тому +6

      Her microphone is sooo loud. She sings very quite first two songs, that's the magic. New technologies...

    • @missj1234
      @missj1234 4 роки тому +15

      @@alaskie1227 singing softly us a skill on it's own. Stop downplaying her.

    • @alaskie1227
      @alaskie1227 4 роки тому +2

      @@missj1234 did I say she is bad at it? Why you fans are so hateful?

    • @terran236
      @terran236 4 роки тому +2

      @@alaskie1227 a lot of crybaby victims now days.

    • @ido1061
      @ido1061 3 роки тому +3

      @@alaskie1227 you kinda hated when u said its magic cause she sings softly so its easier and not impressive because the new tech
      singing softly is difficult

  • @Jay-qf1kc
    @Jay-qf1kc 6 років тому +117

    I don’t know how I am just now discovering Billie but wow...her voice is out of this world

  • @HvrricaneVenusCovers
    @HvrricaneVenusCovers 6 років тому +74


  • @Upinthecutty...
    @Upinthecutty... 3 роки тому +106

    I hope people appreciate how talented and on-point Finneas is, its easy to disregard everything around her when Billie sings

    • @hux2000
      @hux2000 9 місяців тому +3

      I honestly believe that if she'd gone the traditional route, gone to a label, been assigned a producer, etc., she wouldn't be the star she is today. They would've ruined it with safe, corporate garbage. The quality of production that Finneas brings to the songs is absolutely out of this world. I understand why they perform under her name only, but that's an equal partnership right there and if either half of it was gone, it just wouldn't work. Both of them are geniuses. They really are that good.

    • @Upinthecutty...
      @Upinthecutty... 9 місяців тому

      @@hux2000One of my best friends sold his soul to a record label in the late 90s and it was NOT what he ended up wanting at all. A terrible experience

  • @AnastasiaMinyard
    @AnastasiaMinyard 4 роки тому +404

    Everyone is talking about her voice and songs, but I can't stop admiring her connection with Finneas. Those little smiles they gave each other were so cute. It's nice to see siblings that are so close.

    • @kevinhickman6837
      @kevinhickman6837 4 роки тому +30

      To me it looks as if Finneas is checking on Billie silently, after the first song anyway, "Have you recovered from the emotion? Are you ready to go on?" He waits until she gives him a little nod, and on they go. Very in tune, very respectful.

    • @AnastasiaMinyard
      @AnastasiaMinyard 4 роки тому +15

      @@kevinhickman6837 exactly. That was so sweet when he checked on her after each song. And he did it so carefully and with such respect. I love their connection so much ❤

    • @marcobernal4857
      @marcobernal4857 4 роки тому +3

      @@AnastasiaMinyard I know right. Its so amazing 🌺

    • @LucisFerre1
      @LucisFerre1 4 роки тому +6

      After 6 feet under, she looked at Finneas and started to cry. I think she might love him too much. If he passed away, she would literally die.

  • @thenameisSolo
    @thenameisSolo 4 роки тому +2598

    I don’t understand the hate, she easily has one of the best voices I’ve ever heard

    • @bruh6315
      @bruh6315 4 роки тому +184

      Mainstream shit is always hated even if it’s good cause dudes feel like they r cool if they hate her

    • @caroleyre
      @caroleyre 4 роки тому +72

      Jealous and Negative little ppl like to transfer their negativity...there has to be over a billion songs... Why can't they just move on and find something they do like
      Weirdos anyway if they don't like Billie and Finneas
      Probably never heard real raw talent... Maybe not enough on show for their warped minds 🤣

    • @Hyuttah
      @Hyuttah 4 роки тому +67

      jealous people hate on the people they admire

    • @istanbasicallythewholemusi9288
      @istanbasicallythewholemusi9288 4 роки тому +80

      "they hate you cause they ain't you"

    • @lisaxxx5942
      @lisaxxx5942 4 роки тому +44

      simple .... jealousy

  • @chloeheneghan1077
    @chloeheneghan1077 6 років тому +128

    The other two were great but six feet under was incredible. They’re so freaking incredible

  • @cultabz2607
    @cultabz2607 3 роки тому +37

    Such talent is extremely rare. Billie is a gem. and so is her brother. they compliment each other so well.

  • @watchinvidzwatchinvidz7691
    @watchinvidzwatchinvidz7691 5 років тому +133

    The acoustic versions are masterpieces. Beautiful. Billie's voice is heard in it's perfection. She has it bridaled like a stallion. Simply beautifully crafted.

    • @conniemullett2494
      @conniemullett2494 5 років тому +3

      I agree I prefer her acoustic versions. I loved her on the Howard Stern show

    • @labellaleah90
      @labellaleah90 4 роки тому +3

      This is the most accurate description of her vocals.

    • @BridgetFitzgerald-nn4yx
      @BridgetFitzgerald-nn4yx 7 місяців тому

      ❤ 👏🏼 Took what I was getting and thinking and wrote it out. 🫡❤
      I've always loved acoustic performances, they let you know how talented people truly are, you can hear their voice loud and clear, and you can hear each instrument(s). I loved when MTV had there show Unplugged, it was the best thing they did outside of marketing the bands by making videos and playing them for us in the 80s & 90s. ❤

  • @daniellem5519
    @daniellem5519 6 років тому +232

    Hands down best voice I have EVER heard! Just my opinion.

    • @violetsmith5731
      @violetsmith5731 5 років тому +2

      Danielle M you have a great opinion.

    • @nicolea1980na
      @nicolea1980na 5 років тому +1

      Danielle M your right she does have a awesome voice especially when her and her brother collaborate it’s even better

    • @violetsmith5731
      @violetsmith5731 5 років тому +1

      Nicole Anderson I totally agree.

  • @evasweet-anderson7805
    @evasweet-anderson7805 6 років тому +150

    I love it how her and her brother sing together! 😍

  • @Atalbot1994
    @Atalbot1994 3 роки тому +46

    Her brother really has so much control not to ever overpower her vocals

  • @amnoneylath
    @amnoneylath 4 роки тому +826

    She was 14 y.o. and Finneas 19 y.o. here, four years ago. He still had acne and their parents couldn't yet afford to get her an Invisalign to fix her crooked tooth...Early last year, Finneas paid off his folk's mortgage and moved into his own house in LA. This is the level of their musicianship right out of their bedroom, before she started performing regularly before and audience. What talent and heart!

    • @ludurigan
      @ludurigan 4 роки тому +7

      maybe they are not actually that young, she looks 19-21 years old here and finneas looks 25

    • @mofesola1000
      @mofesola1000 4 роки тому +11

      @@nicolegarza1663 they paid for all that because they WANTED to do those things. Their parents also did those things at their own leisure times. No one did anything to "become famous"

    • @ludurigan
      @ludurigan 4 роки тому

      @@nicolegarza1663 it is perfectly possible for a parent to pay for those things for their kids to enjoy themselves.

    • @ludurigan
      @ludurigan 4 роки тому +1

      @@nicolegarza1663 of course it is. But you didn't say that. You said that the only reason a parent would pay for that is "to support their child's growth and hope that eventually they get somewhere". No. parents can pay for all that for many other reasons, not just the ones you mentioned. There are lots of different people in the world with different goals, dreams and ambitions. I have no idea how you are not aware of that.

    • @amnoneylath
      @amnoneylath 4 роки тому +21

      Actually, they attended dance lessons for free, as their father Patrick was a carpenter and handyman and bartered his services for lessons. Music lessons were by Patrick and their mom, Maggie, except for some piano lessons that they had, and discontinued since they didn't like them. Homeschooling is free, expect for books and materials. Maggie ran lessons at home for arts and crafts, songwriting, aerial silk and trapeze. Patrick worked as a carpenter for Mattel and as a Handyman. He also recorded audio books and had several bit parts in films/TV. Maggie had several bit parts and produced and acted in an Indie film "Inside Out", with Finneas and Patrick. They were not poor but definitely not wealthy.

  • @ForeverFashionGirl21
    @ForeverFashionGirl21 6 років тому +2387

    when he harmonizes with her- wish they were a duo or he got the credit he deserved more or better yet- his own career.

    • @venusrose89
      @venusrose89 6 років тому +155

      thestaceofspade he has his own career☺️

    • @gwendolyn2442
      @gwendolyn2442 6 років тому +81

      Go check out his music, it's really good and very underrated

    • @brookechristmas42o
      @brookechristmas42o 5 років тому +63

      he has music and a fan base lololol

    • @SincereDoper
      @SincereDoper 5 років тому +161

      he makes bank from her songs since he wrote or co-wrote nearly all of them, and pretty much any fan of hers knows that he's her brother and has helped get her where she is. he's doing fine, no need to feel sorry for him. feel sorry for all the talented young singers out there whose older brothers aren't amazing songwriters... lol

    • @Raddiebaddie
      @Raddiebaddie 5 років тому +2

  • @jcdeleon1729
    @jcdeleon1729 5 років тому +130

    This is still my favorite live performance by Billie of all time 🥰

    • @pictzone
      @pictzone 5 років тому +2

      I still love her but she's kind of going through a phase right now.. Didn't you like her better with her natural hair and not so over-the-top clothing?

    • @sean-qi7le
      @sean-qi7le 5 років тому +5

      felixplan i completely get where your coming from but it’s her life and she gets to do what ever feels right for her but sometimes i do wish we could go back to “small billie” as i call it 😂

  • @EroAward
    @EroAward 2 роки тому +98

    Billie is probably the BEST female voice nowadays and the most creative artist!!! Mind blowing what she can do with her voice and her lyrics...the brother also seems to help a lot!

    • @viniquintiliano
      @viniquintiliano 2 роки тому +6

      her brother is singer-songwriter, record producer. the mixing of her beautiful and perfect voice + finneas geniality it's what's make that so good

    • @sandras2624
      @sandras2624 2 роки тому +1

      @@viniquintiliano i like to give her all the credit tbh. she is the purely magical one

    • @sandras2624
      @sandras2624 2 роки тому +1

      agree ❤.

    • @icnohelp
      @icnohelp 11 місяців тому +2

      He writes the lyrics, composes the music, and produces the records. He also harmonizes and plays all the instruments. Billie contributes to the lyrics and music. Her beautiful voice, along with all his talents, make for an unbeatable team. Perfection!

  • @aryam5381
    @aryam5381 6 років тому +257

    I wish I had a brother to support me like this She is lucky I am so happy for her ❤️

    • @mariiamahmed59
      @mariiamahmed59 5 років тому

      Same but I'm 12 and my brothers r younger than me 😂
      Btw U R SO BEAUTIFUL! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😄😍😍😍

  • @lonestarlucas
    @lonestarlucas 6 років тому +83

    i love how she hums her first note, just to be sure she's on the right pitch. and then her brother notices, and helps her out by playing the note she comes in on to let her know that she was right.

  • @Shadowxfheaven
    @Shadowxfheaven 6 років тому +69

    Her voice does not even need autotune its just SO good

  • @wernerwatzlaw489
    @wernerwatzlaw489 Рік тому +18

    Billie Eilish's voice in the acoustic versions with Finneas caresses and opens my soul and penetrates deep into my heart ❤. Beautiful music. That touches me deeply. 😊💞💞💞💖

  • @frankcoffey
    @frankcoffey 4 роки тому +399

    Best brother sister act since the Carpenters, this performance shows how great they are without the computer. Amazing...

    • @beafisch5299
      @beafisch5299 4 роки тому +4

      If you haven't already check out Angus and Julia Stone which is also a brother sister duo and they're amazing!!

    • @susans8432
      @susans8432 4 роки тому +5

      You stole my thoughts. Pray she handles the pressures of fame better than Karen did.

    • @TheLockdownDuo
      @TheLockdownDuo 4 роки тому +1

      check out our brother sister act here

    • @cyradus
      @cyradus 4 роки тому

      These two are already better than the Carpenters.

  • @yaraaljalwah9625
    @yaraaljalwah9625 3 роки тому +691

    i dont understand how some ppl hate on how “bad” her voice is. come on? she sounds like an angel.

    • @catmomlavender3036
      @catmomlavender3036 3 роки тому +52

      Jealous ppl, she is such a rarity ! Most artists now don't sound like themselves from their recordings.

    • @c.shepherd9866
      @c.shepherd9866 3 роки тому +25

      Jealousy is very real!

    • @doloresbunnik9378
      @doloresbunnik9378 3 роки тому +18

      She is a angel. Started in choir

    • @bradsimpson1970
      @bradsimpson1970 3 роки тому +15

      She does indeed. Most haters hate themselves & just gotta burn others, coz they suck ✌️

    • @composer19la
      @composer19la 2 роки тому +11

      They’re thinking of all the producer type effects on her voice in “Bad Guy” and judging on that. Truth is that she has a beautiful voice. Love her.

  • @gonkerr
    @gonkerr 6 років тому +65

    They sing so effortless together

  • @pattybrowning9643
    @pattybrowning9643 3 роки тому +354

    As a mother, I'm truly so proud of these two! I'm 58 years old and I enjoy their music so much! Finneas is amazing too, songwriter, singer, instruments, they're both just amazing and I just had to say that I love them both dearly, and hope they continue to thrive and do good as they have. Continue to be amazing kids! You have gifts, and the sky has no limits!

    • @kimvatcher-smith8194
      @kimvatcher-smith8194 3 роки тому +2

      Keel., gives me hope for our future.

    • @lovefalwell1233
      @lovefalwell1233 3 роки тому +6

      I have played this youtube video.. No lie, a hundred times (just today!).
      I simply can't get enough!! I'm stuck, mesmerized and addicted.
      Thank you God, Billie and Finneas. 💖

    • @aoteifa
      @aoteifa 2 роки тому +7

      I'm a 58 year old father and I feel exactly the same. Love them both. There's more talent in those two than all the modern singers put together.

    • @MoniqueDiCarlo
      @MoniqueDiCarlo 2 роки тому +3

      I'm 57 and love her music just as much as my 19 yr old daughter! You have 2 amazingly talented children you can be very proud of!

    • @bobzthecat82
      @bobzthecat82 2 роки тому +4

      Im 64 and a big fan of billie, my daughter and i went to her concert a few nights ago at 02 London, we loved it! Even though i coukd be her grandmother, i recognise truly great talent when i see it, she is truly unique

  • @Fsone174
    @Fsone174 4 роки тому +80

    I can’t wrap my head around how people can’t love these two. They’re both phenomenal.

  • @lifestylewithsarah3890
    @lifestylewithsarah3890 6 років тому +1313

    is nobody going to talk how she teared up a bit while singing six feet under? my babyyy 😭

    • @Grace-yh1mf
      @Grace-yh1mf 6 років тому +21

      she was?? aww poor bbygirl

    • @arianaeilish1901
      @arianaeilish1901 6 років тому +22

      this song makes me so sad

    • @AlixBurrell
      @AlixBurrell 6 років тому +22

      @@krysolithyt after they finished she wiped her eyes like she was crying a bit

    • @AlexSharbono_
      @AlexSharbono_ 6 років тому +12

      I was bawling my eyes out

    • @account10558
      @account10558 5 років тому +3

      She wasn't crying lmho

  • @proudamerican2264
    @proudamerican2264 5 років тому +90

    Her voice gives me chills and she is LIVE. She makes it look simple and let me also add she looks beautiful. 17. She’s 17!

    • @soolmen1
      @soolmen1 5 років тому +12

      Meag Dio here she was 15 if im not wrong😍

    • @uhhhidk9255
      @uhhhidk9255 5 років тому

      Meag Dio ik !!!!!!

    • @user-fo5kj6fb7t
      @user-fo5kj6fb7t 5 років тому +6

      @@uhhhidk9255 she was 15 here! it is insane

    • @uhhhidk9255
      @uhhhidk9255 5 років тому

      Asli yeah trueeeeeeeeee 😱

  • @chrisneumann8578
    @chrisneumann8578 3 роки тому +21

    Man, I love this collection of gently, emotional and profound songs - performed by two amazing music artists!
    It's remarkable that the acoustic versions are much better than the pure studio versions pressed on CD... in other words: Billie Eilish can sing beautifully.

  • @marcusbajjsson4154
    @marcusbajjsson4154 5 років тому +99

    I know her brother wrote ”Ocean Eyes” for himself but the song is SO made for her voice

  • @elyssayazid2093
    @elyssayazid2093 4 роки тому +41

    Billie Eilish's laugh at the hand was adorable. Her brother's back-up was so... wow. His voice felt like so much support and both their expressions were so emotional/expressive, it was captivating. I'm glad they shared this.

  • @californialinchen
    @californialinchen 4 роки тому +1033

    Just imagine being their parents. They created this. Incredible.

  • @a.g.3961
    @a.g.3961 2 роки тому +27

    Her voice is just so pure and amazing & Phinneas talent as a producer is unparalleled.

  • @eilishfan7040
    @eilishfan7040 4 роки тому +306

    0:32 six feet under
    4:01 ocean eyes
    7:32 bellyache

  • @BerliTyas
    @BerliTyas 6 років тому +1867

    Listening to them gets me high

    • @maddyalena5087
      @maddyalena5087 6 років тому

      Berli Tyas 😂

    • @anitanovillo7574
      @anitanovillo7574 6 років тому +7

      i was gonna say that... lol
      i literally just found out about her. i love her. and her brother.

    • @user-gg7vq8ci6c
      @user-gg7vq8ci6c 6 років тому +5

      I wish I could like this comment twice

    • @crystalbleau2611
      @crystalbleau2611 6 років тому +1

      Same I feel like im meditating

    • @justforrfunnn
      @justforrfunnn 5 років тому

      Relatable 😂

  • @marydoyle9418
    @marydoyle9418 4 роки тому +67

    Her voice is so pleasing to my soul. Just 100% lovely and authentically original young lady and man.

  • @altops4490
    @altops4490 3 роки тому +16

    incredible song writing, and sing ability, such vocal control and care of each verse. blown away.

  • @ntwrkxbeats4721
    @ntwrkxbeats4721 6 років тому +493

    it feels like watching a candle glow

    • @DeathValleyDazed
      @DeathValleyDazed 5 років тому +11

      ntwrkx beats what a beautiful response. You could write your own song with that candle glow line!

    • @penguinz1384
      @penguinz1384 5 років тому +5

      I've never agreed more with a comment on anything 👌

    • @katipeaches2000
      @katipeaches2000 5 років тому +2

      I love this

    • @DeathValleyDazed
      @DeathValleyDazed 5 років тому +2

      Kati Peaches Me too. I hope that Billie and Finneas record everyone of their songs in this at home quiet style for us enjoy over and over again!

    • @katipeaches2000
      @katipeaches2000 5 років тому

      Death Valley Dazed yessss

  • @bbiancaec
    @bbiancaec 6 років тому +162

    Six feet under... what a beautiful, touching song

  • @angyeet4195
    @angyeet4195 6 років тому +119


  • @bobm3407
    @bobm3407 Рік тому +11

    She is absolute drop-dead gorgeous, her eyes and voice are pure diamonds, shes unique and so lovely talented, her songs are dancing words, shes art, shes so beautyful in every way

  • @tiernytouch3274
    @tiernytouch3274 6 років тому +144

    Finn’s voice is so beautiful I want more please

    • @Zwiebel27
      @Zwiebel27 5 років тому +6

      He has his own songs

    @GOOGLEISVERYEVIL 5 років тому +306

    My 13 year old daughter played this for me. I LOVE it and I'm a metal guy.

    • @computersrevil
      @computersrevil 5 років тому +12

      I'm a total metal head, too..I love these cats! So much raw f'ing talent, can't help but love em!!

    • @smellmyfingers6902
      @smellmyfingers6902 5 років тому +3

      I'm a edm PERSON...But this HIT different

    • @chloepersephone
      @chloepersephone 5 років тому +4


    • @asochithung5169
      @asochithung5169 4 роки тому

      So all the family is here 😂 welcome home ya all ,I discovered them three days ago accidentally n I'm loving this n break my heart again by finneas 😍😍

    • @Uvisir
      @Uvisir 4 роки тому

      the thing is you arent a metal guy, you're a human, maybe you forgot.

  • @saleembassadien7144
    @saleembassadien7144 4 роки тому +1174

    I honestly think Billie performs at her best when she's with Finneas.

    • @c.shepherd9866
      @c.shepherd9866 3 роки тому +12

      I agree 100%!

    • @catmomlavender3036
      @catmomlavender3036 3 роки тому +14

      I thought they always perform together ? But do you mean like right next to each other , singing together?

    • @eloibossu607
      @eloibossu607 3 роки тому +12

      @@catmomlavender3036 you're right they always do ! Finneas is always on stage with her, on guitar, bass, keyboard or the 3 😁

    • @pearljam1984
      @pearljam1984 3 роки тому +4

      Never seen her sing completely solo except like genius/song association videos. But not for full performances

    • @Meriale46
      @Meriale46 3 роки тому +10

      They are always together... they write together, performs together and tour together so they're never far away from one another because they are a partneership.

  • @yellowknifeandfork
    @yellowknifeandfork 2 роки тому +11

    I love the fact that she seems so comfortable in her own skin. And OMG, that voice is so mezmerizing.

  • @sourcenz
    @sourcenz 4 роки тому +145

    I love her emotion when she sings. I get lost in that shit

  • @krisgi00710
    @krisgi00710 4 роки тому +72

    Billie and Finneas are the most genuine artists to come along in a great while.

  • @breetomlinson5904
    @breetomlinson5904 4 роки тому +65

    She has such a strong voice in such a soft tone. I still love her.

  • @hcarty425
    @hcarty425 4 роки тому +38

    how is it that her normal voice always sounds like it's already been edited, mixed, and mastered already??

  • @truthteller4442
    @truthteller4442 5 років тому +383

    She looks so incredibly pretty here.

    • @Palangga2022
      @Palangga2022 4 роки тому +1

      Truth Teller yes

    • @themontrealgirl95
      @themontrealgirl95 4 роки тому +7

      Truth Teller yes she really does. she looks mentally healthy compare to today with all her fame :/ i hope she's okay

    • @theresadavis8556
      @theresadavis8556 4 роки тому +9

      pfftthh. By stating 'She looks so incredibly pretty HERE.' you insinuate that how she looks now does not live up to your assessment on what is 'pretty'. Typical, stereotypical, superficial judgement of the physical appearance of a female who is wearing make-up and flattering female clothes. You may have eyes, but I'm afraid you are blind. Her BEAUTY is her entire package. Voice. Heart. Soul. Mind.

    • @Nostalggia_
      @Nostalggia_ 4 роки тому +7

      She is always beautifull

    • @truthteller4442
      @truthteller4442 4 роки тому +10

      @@theresadavis8556 Yes, I'm making a comment on her appearance. It's my opinion of what's physically pretty. If you don't like it...then oh well. Everyone has their preferences. Your comment is petty and hypocritical in its own right. You're trying to say that "anyone who doesn't think exactly like me about what's pretty is wrong." I'm not saying her voice, heart, soul, and mind don't matter. You should honestly take a chill pill.

  • @xX88B88Xx
    @xX88B88Xx 5 років тому +847

    God: would you like talent? Beauty? Or style?
    Billie: Yes.

    • @gabriellemesmo
      @gabriellemesmo 5 років тому +18

      Billie and Finneas!! They are both so perfect, omg!

    • @queeniechoe9789
      @queeniechoe9789 4 роки тому

      @@gabriellemesmo .rd ex

    • @MRS-ty6uf
      @MRS-ty6uf 4 роки тому


    • @JJ-jw5ny
      @JJ-jw5ny 4 роки тому +1

      Don't forget amazing song writer toooooo

    • @Jamthecoolerator
      @Jamthecoolerator 4 роки тому

      Mind your manners, Billie. It's "Yes, PLEASE."

  • @PamelaDrake215
    @PamelaDrake215 3 роки тому +12

    I don't understand how 1.9K could NOT like this. This is GORGEOUS.

  • @willbrink
    @willbrink 4 роки тому +249

    She gives me some faith that modern pop does not have to suck. So much talent there.

    • @christopher1800
      @christopher1800 4 роки тому +4

      WillBrink True. It’s also pretty much the only performance of Billie that I care for. All the other performances are tainted by fame and fortune and they just don’t do it for me. Hoping she’ll cut out all the crap, the billion youtube videos that have absolutely nothing to do with music, the interviews... This is her, and I hope she finds herself again.

    • @tijnburcksen8206
      @tijnburcksen8206 4 роки тому +1

      So true!

    • @jussitikkuri6991
      @jussitikkuri6991 3 роки тому +2

      Bruh.... Either you aren`t looking very hard for Billie Eilish music or you just don`t like her concept videos. Just because you may not like videos of her being playful shouldn`t have any bearing on her vocals. BTW .... UA-cam has so much to do with both established musicians as well as the new up and comers.

    • @willbrink
      @willbrink 2 роки тому

      @@christopher1800 She's put out some good songs before and after this studio stuff, but what's clear if the well of talent there. Her Bond theme song was about the only good thing about that movie for example...

  • @MeriahJ
    @MeriahJ 4 роки тому +270

    They need to release an acoustic album!!!