Impacts of Ozone Nonattainment

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Our region is facing a critical environmental challenge. We can't see ozone, but we can feel its effects. Not only on environmental and human health, but if we fail to act, on our economic health as well.
    The bottom line, we need to reduce ozone in our area with a critical sense of urgency, the roadway and transit projects associated with the Proposition 400 Extension give us significant air quality benefits and helps our businesses from having to comply with additional regulatory programs.
    Protecting air quality and fully funding the Proposition 400 Extension are essential to protecting public health and sustaining our economy.
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    00:00:00 Impacts of Ozone Nonattainment
    00:00:20 The Bottom Line
    00:02:04 Who Does What?
    00:03:40 Air Quality Boundaries in the MAG Region
    00:04:01 How Ozone is Formed
    00:04:34 Public Health Impacts of Ozone
    00:05:08 Current Ozone Nonattainment Status
    00:06:14 Ozone Nonattainment Requirements
    00:07:34 8-Hour Ozone Concentration
    00:08:21 Regional Air Quality Monitors
    00:08:34 Regional Ozone Air Quality Measures
    00:08:55 Current Ozone Attainment Deadlines
    00:09:33 Air Quality Permitting for Business
    00:10:07 Emission Offsets Get More Difficult
    00:10:38 Local Emissions Offset Examples
    00:11:14 Available Emissions Offsets in Region
    00:11:36 Business Impacts of Moving from Moderate to Serious
    00:11:55 Regional Ozone Air Quality Sources
    00:12:30 Ozone: A Regionwide Problem
    00:12:47 New Control Measure Categories
    00:13:16 Our Competitive Advantage
    00:13:36 P400E Investment Plan: By the Numbers
    00:13:50 Ozone Nonattainment is Expensive
    00:14:20 Examples of the Expenses
    00:14:54 MAG Strategy to Address Compliance with Ozone Standard
    00:16:01 The Bottom Line