ASV 2008 PT60 & 2017 RT60 Comparison Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tymurchison11
    @tymurchison11 Місяць тому

    Thank you for making this video! Very informative. It’s getting harder to find either of these machines used… would you shy away from picking up a PT60? Any typical issues to watch out for?

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  Місяць тому +1

      PT-60 with quick attach is a great machine I'd buy one if it was in good shape or low hours

  • @blairwise3339
    @blairwise3339 3 роки тому +2

    Well I for one definitely appreciate it all of that information. Thank you very much. I look forward to learning more about these machines. You just now starting to look for my first machine and I'm pretty well set on the asvs and I had in mind maybe one of the new 25s until I just heard everything you had to say about this older machine.

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  3 роки тому

      Good to here you got something out of this video and I did a video on buying tips so check that one out. I haven't tried an RT 25 but as long as it meets your lifting and grading needs you should be fine.

    • @markhall3434
      @markhall3434 2 роки тому

      @@Northbaylandscaping I can say the RT40 might be worth a peek.. I think it's the biggest w/o DEF fluid. The RT25 uses the Older chassis (W/Trailer Hitch), whereas the RT40 is a new chassis (No Trailer Hitch). Your mileage may vary.. Love my RT40..

  • @marshallbell9354
    @marshallbell9354 3 роки тому

    Awesome walk through! Thanks!

  • @Drew_P_Bahlz
    @Drew_P_Bahlz 2 роки тому

    Excellent video mate thanks very much!!

  • @voidthewarranty1429
    @voidthewarranty1429 2 роки тому

    My Terex PT50T is almost exactly the same machine as your RT60. A good mod I did to the foot throttle was weld on an extra 2 inches (50mm) of steel plate to make it wider. The original is much to tiny for work boots. I also added a extra return spring on the linkage so that it balances the pressure of my boot when it rests on the pedal. Otherwise you are actively holding up your boot up to return the machine to idle. I mostly use the foot throttle rather than use set revs. Gives better control for the work I'm doing.

  • @natelivingston5528
    @natelivingston5528 Рік тому

    Did you end up getting rid of your pt 60? Im looking for one for my first skid steer.

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  Рік тому +1

      Yes sold it shortly after this video but I wish i kept it and not purchased vt-70 or rt-65max but that's they it goes

    • @natelivingston5528
      @natelivingston5528 Рік тому

      Anything to look for on the pt 60?s thanks for your videos Darren. Im a part time stone mason hoping to go full time. Any suggestions there too would be helpful.

  • @darrellshepherd4282
    @darrellshepherd4282 2 роки тому

    What's the new and used price range for theses ASV's?

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  2 роки тому +1

      The Rt-60 and PT-60 have been discontinued in North America and used PT-60 $27k up RT-60 $37k and up depending on condition.

  • @markhall3434
    @markhall3434 2 роки тому

    I have both an Little 48" RC30 and an RT40. The RT40 Much Refined, but the RC30 is no slouch once I cranked up the charge pressure to 400 PSI. Climbs a friggin dirt WALL! Gotta say WTF were they thinking No Trailer Hitch!! The RT40 has practically No Bumper at All! Did they loose that Old School Technology? No option for one at all. I had to make my own "Bumper", but had to get creative since there are No rear accessory bolt on holes anywhere. The RT40 has a Tiny Turbo on a 3 cylinder Kubota which also includes a MAF sensor (computer). I can literally breathe the exhaust once it's warmed up No open source service manuals either. Engine yes, hydraulics No. ASV claims you can download them on request, but something is fishey. The RC30 is Old school, easy to fix, no computer, manuals easily found, aftermarket/Remanufactured motors, a big advantage for DIY.

  • @bluethunder1951
    @bluethunder1951 3 роки тому

    Awesome review, I have the 2009 PT50 bought it new, has 1323 hrs, only use it on my acreage to clean the driveway 2km long and 10 degree incline, I use a 6 way blade from Quick Attach it’s been a challenge to keep it together lots of welding. I’m currently going through some issues with the hydraulics, killing the engine power, cleaned all the fuel system no better, even had a certified diesel mechanic look at it and he thinks it’s fuel, I’m leaning to a stuck bypass valve, as the charge pressure was 400 psi at idle and 415 at 2700 rpm. The engine sounds like its has a plugged exhaust, so frustrating. I also had issues with the fuse box, took it off and cleaned out the box that was packed with mud, I didn’t put a bag on it , but will do that. Have you had any issues with hydraulics killing the engine rpm’s? Thanks.

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  3 роки тому

      Well the closest I've had was the 2008 PT60 which is the only difference is the turbo and 2 speed drive motors. I found that in around the 1500 hour range I would get the fequent stalling underload and notice sootie exhaust smoke after startup when engine at temperature. What I did was added a diesel fuel system cleaner additive to decarbon valves and injectors and change the fuel filter more frequently it took a good season before it cleared up. I'm going through the same problem with the 2017 RT-60 and I'll do a video. The problem might be more noticeable with the PT-50 because it has less power and may stall under load easiler. also check for bad bearings in the boogies and or the end of drive motor maybe something causing excessive drag or load. To see what I am talking about look at video pt60 vs rt60 and look around the tail pipe of both machines you will notice the newer rt60 is sooted up.

    • @bluethunder1951
      @bluethunder1951 3 роки тому

      @@Northbaylandscaping thanks for the info, it doesn’t look like the drive system, when at max rpm and cycling the blade it will bog the engine down to 15 revs, if I release the hydraulics it revs back to max, or if I hold the button to keep the hydraulic open it kill the engine, even turning on the continuous flow button it kills the engine completely. Every thing I read is either fuel or the hydraulics loading up the engine as it obviously does, might be an open bypass valve that should be closing, just driving it up a small incline I have to just barely push the stick forward. I’m ready to take it to a ASV dealer somewhere, as I’m in New Brunswick and none here, might have to go to QC where there is one.

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  3 роки тому

      @@bluethunder1951 Ah I see well let us know if what you find.

    • @bluethunder1951
      @bluethunder1951 3 роки тому

      @@Northbaylandscaping Well, the PT-50 was at ALPA for two weeks, they did a complete tear down on the fuel system, cleaned the fuel tank, all new fuel lines, new fuel filter, new water separator, new pickup pump, and rebuilt the fuel pump, only working on two injectors, and four new fuel injectors. They adjusted the engine rpm’s and now it’s got more power then when it was new 😎 , for some reason ASV or the dealer I bought it from put on a cat AC bracket to mount the AC compressor and it wasn’t a proper fit, never could get full 2800 rpm’s only 2500 and the emergency shut off never worked because of the bracket prevented it from going all the way back. All in all it was a lesson learned, so, just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s working 100%. Going to send a nasty to my dealer and ASV. It costed me after a field call out and shop repairs $3974.00 for a bad fuel pump. Back in business.

    • @Northbaylandscaping
      @Northbaylandscaping  3 роки тому

      @@bluethunder1951 really eh well at least you got it figured out. My 2019 ram died the fuel pump incinerated and send metal throughout the system so I'm waiting for it to get fixed it's already a week