Carol Vorderman - Countdown is a British quiz show where two contestants have to do sums and anagrams. Carol, now replaced by the equally amazing Rachel Riley, was in charge of putting the letters for the anagrams up, and more importantly, they have to verify the contestants' answers, or if neither of the two contestants got the answer, Carol (now Rachel, "the new maths girl" mentioned here) would have to show them how it's done! There's also a comedy version that David and Lee have both been in hosted by Jimmy Carr, captained by Jon Richardson and the late Sean Lock, called Cats does Countdown.
Janet Street Porter getting up to threaten David is amazing! 🤩 😂 I thought she was going to deck him! 😂
She's the worst person on any episode of wilty
Look how much of a young Russell looks
I don't think the Mean Machine liked Jack.
1954 was not a Leap Year. 1952/ 1956 were. Oh God I've turned into David Mitchell.
Master bayden
Mrs browns boys
They wouldn't be made in China in the '60s. China was closed for foreigners. He should have said Hong Kong.
A great example of confusing 2 separate issues and also getting both of them wrong.
Mrs browns.
the captains once again dont allow a woman to speak - they shut down Fern when she should have been talking about her tea caddy..
Who is the “ pen”. Woman…..
I’m American, …..who is she ?
Carol Vorderman - Countdown is a British quiz show where two contestants have to do sums and anagrams. Carol, now replaced by the equally amazing Rachel Riley, was in charge of putting the letters for the anagrams up, and more importantly, they have to verify the contestants' answers, or if neither of the two contestants got the answer, Carol (now Rachel, "the new maths girl" mentioned here) would have to show them how it's done! There's also a comedy version that David and Lee have both been in hosted by Jimmy Carr, captained by Jon Richardson and the late Sean Lock, called Cats does Countdown.