Most people don't realize this about anxiety.

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Super power or devastating shock to the nervous system 😝
    I use to label myself as an anxious person… in all honesty it’s a very addictive energy to embody and identify with especially in today’s society. Most people however, myself included at one point, let this energy run them instead of learning how to work with it.
    Anxiety is just a surge of energy coupled with a thought. Now when that thought is fearful and dependent on how much we’re feeding that fear can cause the freeze state to our nervous system and a shut down which is not what we want.
    What you can do and what I learned is to use anxiety as a guiding mechanism to show you what you need to be leaning into in your life. See healthy doses of anxiety can actually be used to channel energy towards a purpose.
    Think of it like this…. Your body requires a certain energy to meet a demand.. say lift weights. Too much and you won’t be able to pick the weight up, but just right you’ll challenge yourself and demand your body to meet the correct energetic load to pick up that weight.
    Anxiety is like the same thing. It’s a fear response to a thought, and sometimes its thoughts around things we want to complete or do to better our lives… which then we can channel this energy to complete a task (aka meet an energetic load) and up level ourselves. So the next time you have to do something similar, your body is more familiar to the action and therefore lessens the anxiety.
    You can also think of it as using anxiety to complete deadlines or makes some form of movements towards doing hard shit 💩 that will improve your life.
    It’s all about your mindset approach to how you view the anxiety and listening to it. Changing what it means to you and seeing it as an opportunity to better yourself. The key is finding balance and rest to not overload the nervous system and let the body catch up to adapting to new energetic levels
    #anxiety #fuckfear #motivation