Ngl, I though we never gonna see big chap again after all those years, but I’m very surprised that we get to see him again, last time we only see him in the first movie, but it’s a shame that he never get to be bigger role again, instead he brutally got killed later on😢
Scorched definitely seems like the alpha or lead Alien. Its feats include: Kidnapped Kay (it seems to enjoy it while doing so, I swear it's smiling in glee, like savouring her fear and anxiety as it approaches), killed Tyler, dodged the elevator and deliberately set Rain up with the nearby Facehugger intending for her to be a host. It's also weird how it's the youngest xeno on Renaissance station but it somehow becomes the alpha? Why? How does the hierarchy work, do they just take the new guy as the leader? Just wish it had a more fleshed out role and personality like AVP Grid. I'm overall a bit bummed by the xenomorphs in this film. The designs are cool but they become disposable bugs once again like in Aliens.
The only thing I've really can guess on what makes an alpha/lead xeno is having survived a lethal encounter of any sort. Signaling to other hive members that it's stronger.
Grid from avp was on his way to become a praetorian and if there is no queen they evolve into one Even though the movie doesn't say so i like to think Scorched was in the early stages of becoming a queen
I need that prequel comic. Because I feel like Big Chap did more than wipe out everyone on the Renaissance station. I think it started the whole infestation by creating a hive and getting people facehugged before the security forces eventually killed him. Allowing a new generation of its kind to get born and remain dormant until Rook sealed the station. With Scorched getting introduced to the hive, I assume they automatically decided to follow its command. We need more exploration on hierarchy between drones when there's no Queen or warriors present since Drones seem to be the most intelligent/independent compared to other morphs besides the Queen.
@@ManSpider92 I like this theory, Big Chap to me is the most sinister and creepy xenomorph ever shown on screen, shame he was killed off offscreen, it's a popular theory he's molting into a queen which fits his personality to a T, seems like an evil mastermind type,
Something thats worth mentioning is that again we have a situation where the xenomorphs we see aren't part of the main strain but are an offshoot made by humanity, as the facehuggers were made through reverse-engineering which as we can see made some changes to their biology, with the drones dome not being the smooth shape, making "Big Chap" the only original Xenomorph entity on the Romulus.
It's possible but it's also possible she fell back into LV-426's orbit and burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere and of course gravity to the surface if she survived that.
Given a drone tanked several seconds of a spaceships engine frying it and was well enough to salughter a space station, I could believe that they could in theory survive a planetary impact. God help whatever planet she lands on.
@@TheSparkThatDefinesUs he'll yeah I would recokn so it would make sense just imagine a planet would be wiped within a few years and become one big hive 💯 probably how the engineers stumbled across them if the can write into cannon 🤔😂
The placenta that The Offspring emerged from is a smaller version of the original Giger design for the alien egg. Giger wanted the egg to have two flaps that pull back to reveal the Facehugger, but Ridley Scott said that would make the egg look like a clam. Ridley Scott made Giger redesign the egg to the four flap design used in the first film.
I agree. I really wish they would just do a film exploring a xenomorph homeworld or spend a lot of the movie explaining the history of the xeno. Not the constant cookie crumb exposition dump here and there.
Good effort! 👍 This movie is a great addition to the franchise, I really enjoyed it, although it took 30 minutes or so to warm up. Scorched was naturally a different beast compared to the rest, slick and cunning. Lucky for Rain, her brother Andy was there to save her from it. Ian Holms CGI was done well overall and the offspring was a pleasant but familiar surprise. The black goo seems to come from the xenomorph, the engineers look like to have used it to advance themselves at some point, like Rook was trying to do at Romulus’s point. What comes first? The chicken/xenomorph or the egg/black goo.
I dont think the black goo was created by the engineers. I think it originally comes from the xenos, but the engineers figured out how to extract and use it the same way the romulus scientist did. That's my headcannon, anyway.
Umm no it was made from the engineers that's a biological weapon to change things and then David screwed with it with shawls DNA and made the Xenomorphs
@moriawalker1712 and the ship from original alien on LV-426 was engineers transporting eggs to another place for then to extract the compound, unfortunately it crashed
3:49 for me that doesn’t make sense… “Scorched” should be a weakened runt. The facehugger impregnation stage was interrupted, as was the cocoon stage (violently so) after it had bursted from Navarro. Yes it still has the animalistic aggression attributed to Xenomorphs, but both of its development cycles were shortened, the rest of the hive would never accept a runt as an alpha.
think of it kinda like this, gore magala from monster hunter is a immature shagaru magala. if a gore magala is interrupted by an attack or another gore molting into a shagaru before it can the magala is stopped mid molting and is in constant pain because it is quite literally morphing under the skin like a cocoon it'll definitely hurt bad like a tooth trying to grow but the existing tooth won't budge, thus making it more aggressive than the others. i don't think the growth process of the scorched alien would've been hindered by the lack of time to gestate because of the xenomorphs natural ability to adapt to harsh situations as well as i'm sure navarro gave the chestburster enough food for it to continue to grow by it eating her body alone. we also saw the xenomorph's tail when it sliced bjorns face after being shocked, already looked fully developed. this is just my way of rationalizing the situation but in reality the chestburster wouldn't even been formed in the first place considering the lack of time the facehugger had to grow the chestburster. it would basically be something like a miscarriage.
Yeah had the same question, the hive has been around for a while, so why would they take this newbie who was today's year old (literally) as their new alpha?
@@Nicholas_Chen_ i think the alpha thing was just his idea. the scorched xeno was probably just eager to get some one so it went ahead of the group, they're all going to the same place anyways. I would also add the more smart or cleaver of the hive the xeno is, could be a sign of a potential queen candidate. it's theory after remembering about six from the avp game even though it's not canon. tbh i love this conversation, rarely do i get to talk about xenomorph biology and behavior with other people since not many people are interested or obsessed with them as i am. thanks for this bro.
Wasn't exactly interrupted you only need to deposit the embryo, the hugger doesn't need to stay too long for the embryo to keep going. Albeit I did think it might have been damaged enough by the electrocution.
The Offspring was ugly AF!!! but it was the best one. It was creapy. Looks like it sucks blood too or something when it killed it's "Mother" technically.
True I do agree a new avp movie would be 100x better, but Im just curious as to what will come next after Romulus (Edit: I know alien earth is next but in context I meant what will be next for Rain)
One thing that somehow makes less and less sense with every new movie is why the Xenomorphs sometimes just kill people and sometimes abduct them to use them as hosts. It seems totally random and the reason why I say it makes ever less sense is that the more we "learn" about the life cycle, the more obvious it becomes that they normally ought to try to preserve every human they can catch. Then again, the whole life cycle makes no sense. If those things can just grow from a Chest Burster to the size of a Big Chap within minutes without needing food, then why do they need to gestate in a human host in the first place? They seem to be totally detached from the need to take in nutrients to grow anyways. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but as far as I know, the "Offspring" sucking on its mother was the first and only time we ever see any monster from the Xenomorph family actually eat something. I guess the Neomorph who killed that woman in Covenant might have been eating when it was hunched over the corpse, not sure, but even if so, that makes 2 examples and both from weird hybrid-things and not actual Xenomorphs. Also, if they are "silicone based" as Ash said in the first movie, they wouldn't be able to digest carbon based stuff like humans anyways, nor interbreed or interact on a genetic basis. It would kind of be like having a baby with a glass bottle.
The only logical path is maybe they actually do eat, so if an extra human is around they're free for eating or maybe its related to how they create the hive resin. Also its possible their intelligence has its limits, like how Kay was injured and so judged as a poor candidate for hugging.
Theres a scene in Alien 3 where a character walks in on the runner eating one of the prisoners. Can't remember the details, but I think that was the only time an alien was seen eating someone.
Great video and break down! I'm looking forward to the prologue comic for Romulus, I'm hoping it will answer some questions on what they specifically did on the station, how containment was broken, why the mass extract, and why no quarantine or blockade is posted around it. Im also curious as to why Andy was just hanging out with his sis, I mean he's a friggin synth. Ppl know it, the tech in that dude has to be invaluable, not to mention the company tech that could be copied. And the amount of jumping points for more media, be that movie/book/comic/, seems abundant for this storyline.
To be fair it all comes down to who played the offspring. The fact that it wasn't all CGI creeped the hell out of me a lot more. For anyone who doesn't know, the offspring was played by Robert Bobroczkyi, just have a look around Google with that name.
@@pierrevendel841 it being practical helped sell it way more than if it was cgi, you’re right. The movements of the offspring were creepy, slow, then sudden but visible and realistic. Then if you look away for a second, it’s already above or behind you.
Not a bad film, though ironically it feels like the Xenomorphs were incredibly slow in this one, we never see them run full speed, crawl or pounce or even see a full body shot without shadows at any point. It was one thing I liked about Covenant that we get to see Xenos at full ferocity, speed and power, granted the Protomorph does have longer limbs I kind of like that more than the human proportions if it affords faster movement animation. Actually even Alien Resurrection had kind of speedier xenomorphs, while 3 having a runner adds that to the equation. It was basically 1 and 2 where we saw them be really slow and ponderous because of special effects limitations. Kind of makes me question if Perfect organism applies to perfect predator because I suppose they don't need that much speed to kill, but still then why was the human hybrid allowed to be so much more competant than its original forms? Avp movies basically had them all regularly speedy and agile too, contrasting how predators having anatomy closer to humans would be outclassed in speed.
To be fair the xenos from Covenant aren't trinational xeno's They are Praetomorphs which are less intelligent which is why it was so full of ferocity they would attack even their normal xenomorph cousins, it's unkown what exaclty creates a Praetomorph just that david learned how to create them Also in Alien resurrections those are runner xenos which are from DOG DNA The human Xeno had more DNA of the engineer due to them altering the substance of the black goo , like shaw gave birth to the trilobite because charlie sperm was infected with the goo substance, Kay gave birth to a engineer hybird, it's unknown if it's because they alter it or because she was pregnant when coming into contact with it There for they will be superior because the Xeno's grab the best part of their host DNAs and transfer it to their biology, an engineer is superior to us in every way The deacon would have been one of the biggest base xenos not counting queens(Deacon is when a trilobite impregnators a engineer) Idk if you watched Prometheus but i Highly suggest it it explained quite a bit. These xenos in Romulus seem way more intelligent while the face huggers seemed more huge.
I agree with the guy that reply first. The runner from “alien 3” has a dna of the dog. The aliens from “alien resurrection” was a clone and they have more human dna than the og aliens. The protomorph from “alien covenant” was the ancestor of the xenomorphs, which means it’s basically a caveman, with less intelligent and more hostile
2 things - I'm not certain but the tube the facehugger inserted into the throat in the movie looked longer and more robust than what we saw in first Alien was more like the creature that burst from mouth of that guy in Covenant!? And I thought the alpha alien didn't only drip the acid he seemed to fire it targeted it really like small darts or projectiles..did he spit it out or was it something from the cocoon.. ie is the cocoon sentient same way a facehugger is?
The facehugger's tube is called an, "egg proboscis." It was probably just thick and long for movie effect. And I believe the cocoon was dripping acid blood because the alien inside was injured from being stabbed by the cattle prod. I don't think the cocoon is sentient like the facehugger.
Something I don't see many people noticing is that these are not your typical facehuggers in Romulus. There's nothing conventional about them in this queenless environment. I'd suspect that what we are seeing are the descendants of the batch that David made away with in Covenant. Weyland-Yutani has been quite busy doing who knows what with them for a few decades. Their behavior doesn't align with what we know about them from previous franchise entries and there's a few things that are fishy here but mostly the off the rails incubation period of the chestburster. It's far too short. Insanely short, even. Another mystery is the sheer volume of them. Even if this scenario features a queenless method of producing ovomorphs there isn't and wasn't a robust enough host population on board to justify their numbers. Rook admits to some engineering efforts to distill and produce the z-01 serum, and there's no way to know what all that entails, but I think it's safe to assume that facehugger physiology and behavior are probably included. Whatever the answer is, it's abundantly clear that they had access to the facehuggers before they recovered Nostromo's Big Chap specimen. Which leads to a more interesting question which is why did they go through so much effort to find it when, in theory, they didn't really need to? Hoping for some major answers when the prequel comic is released.
When I saw the scene with The offspring when I went to go see the movie I thought to myself the entire offspring thing is a reference to the newborn from alien Resurrection
We needed a flashback of him coming back to life and wasting more humans, even after floating in space for 20 years. His status as a Xeno legend among Xenos secured:)
So did the electric attack give it its electric head?? Cuz we've not seen electrics in xeno heads before. They're usually just filled with yellow goo and chunks.
@@Hambone4815 This confirms the theory that xenomorphs are basically walking batteries. The acid blood serves as an electrolyte powering it's bodily functions, eliminating the need to respire and feed and enabling it to survive harsh environments such as space.
Big Chap was what got you to watch this movie? That makes no sense. In no trailer did they ever tease that he'd be alive or even mentioned. Some people make very illogical decisions when choosing what movie to go see. Like they convince themselves, without any other evidence, that something particular will happen. Then they are mad and trash the movie for absolutely no reason. It's your fault not the creator of the movie. Common sense is being slowly removed from human beings. I swear.
I don’t need this explained. I need a better movie that gives Fede more control, and I need characters to be killed off slowly over the runtime and not weaned down to 2 survivors in less than an hour. Aliens knew what the f*ck it was doing. Romulus gave a talented director a keg, told him to do a 10 minute keg stand, and then handed him a visual guide to the past movies in the franchise and said “go!”
Any longtime fan will not need this explained, it's def aimed for the more recent fans of the franchise. As for Fede, I can not imagine the list he got of what to do, not to do, what to include, and directions to not go. Making this film had to feel like a gamble for him, the fact he took the endeavor assures me he's a damn good fan of the franchise. My worries stem from the film's success, does Disney give Fede the open checkbook and say have at it? Or does Disney decide to get even more involved, intice with more money which has more strings attached for direction.
@@MetamorphMedia Because Aliens is an action movie, with many combats scenes, many bugs to kill. Pure action. Not horror. I always think the 2 films are great to watch beside the two genre.
@@Peplinsky i just hate how they look so untrained, shooting wildly everywhere. And then you have the one annoying marine who bitches and moans the entire movie. And we have a 5’2 woman who’s supposed to be in charge of a 35+ lb light machine gun turret thing? Ridiculous. Along with the obligatory cigar chomping sargeant
So are these face huggers clones? I always wondered why these face huggers have a darker color then then classic ones and the xenos we see in this movie are they clones of the big chap sense they are used from its dna 🧬 or are they modified?
This is okay, assuming the next movie isn't a sequel. I kind of would be happy leaving raine's story as this honestly. Let her be traumatized but relatively happy. We don't have to have another trilogy based on Raine alone.
There were a lot of callbacks sure, it certainly wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel. Some classic alien trills mixed with some lore. Ill take it over Covenant
@@michaelottway6553 calling this movie utter garbage tells me one of two things : 1. You haven't actually seen the movie and are just one of those negative cynical people who can't stop themselves from always finding something to complain about. 2. Saw the movie plus everything else I said in part one, which makes you feel the need to trash anything that is popular at the moment. Bonus : You mostly spend your life jumping into random comments and trying to create as much chaos as possible. Regardless which is true, hopefully someday you find something in life that gets you to not hate yourself completely. It's OK buddy, someone does care about you. Life is exactly what we make of it. Smile and try to make it happy for a while. Might change your mind on stuff. Also, if you can't find any fun and enjoyment from Fede Alvarez then there aren't gonna be many movies you do enjoy. That's on you. Calling Romulus trash is so lazy though. You want to give some legit reasons why you feel this way? Waiting patiently for a response similar to "It just sucks. The robot is a retard then all of a sudden he's a badass villain. Just isn't reality." And that would be the last time anyone ever asked you to review a movie. Deep stuff for sure. I love the part where you expose how simple minded you are.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Big Chap? This is a completely new director. It's his movie. Ridley Scott was a producer. He had a couple small pieces that he helped with. Fede Alvarez is always going to make his movie his way. Using Big Chap for than a few seconds is just lazy and unoriginal. Alvarez is neither. We don't need Big Chap in every single Alien media for it to be good. Xenomophs are so interesting because they don't need to be the same one over and over. It's a hive. So sick of hearing and reading you casuals constantly get boners for Big Chap. It also exposes you for being a casual. You aren't impressing anyone with the nonstop Big Chap comments. We get it, you saw "Alien" as a kid. You used to maybe have a Big Chap action figure. Probably made by Neca. So what. So many interesting details happened in Romulus that have vastly expanded or open many mores paths to explore and build toward. During and after watching I never once thought about BC. So many other options to think about. I once had a vanilla ice cream cone. It was good. I could have only chose that flavor every time but I tried a different one one day and then a different one another day. Options are great. Romulus gives us many options way way beyond and more interesting than freaking Big Chap that was killed by Ripley. They gave the simple minds of the world the little BC throw because you people will take to the streets for one moronic opinion or another so they pleased you then moved on quickly. Thank God. Let's let BC rip. OK?
I don't really like how they brought the original alien back. Yeah it's nice seeing him again but... The reason I don't like it is because I have the official novelization of alien. At the end of the book, after the alien is sucked into space and blasted by the enginees, its body gives into pressure and explodes, killing it instantly. So big chap shouldn't even be in this film.
While I understand what u mean I don’t don’t think the movies follow any of their novelizations continuity I’d say the novels and movies have their own continuity So while Big Chap was roasted in the end of the novel and wouldn’t be here, that’s not what happened in the movie and instead he’s just blown away into space and thus here he is
Actually the movie came first. As far as I know Alan Dean Foster was hired to write a novel based on the movie's script. (as well as for "Aliens" and "Alien 3") That's why the additional scenes with the air lock and the Dallas-cocoon are part of the book but not of the cinematic version. So the exploding xenomorph is Foster's own invention.
Un American? It's not even close to American. Where are you from? Seriously, I am curious. Please tell me. I want to find out if certain types of comments are made by people from the same general area or not.
The xenos in this movie were the worst from any alien movie, looked like robots you can see the piston actions in their movements, terrible movie, terrible designs, we need something new not something borrowed. This universe needs new players, new aliens, xenos humans and engineers cannot be the only races in that universe
It's a different creature made in a different way, the newborn in Resurrection was formed from genetic splicing of human and alien DNA, birthed by a Queen alien, This Offspring creature was the result of a mutated human foetus infected by the black goo. Totally different circumstances
@nicholasbennett7367 I get it. I'm kinda confused. Did that android know about the side-effects of that goo or not? I like to think he didn't, but that still doesn't explain why he betrayed them at all.
@@TheGoldenPlatoon757 I’m sure that rook knew meaning Andy would as well because Prometheus happened before alien. The goo is just stupid to me and it ruined the movie for me. He turned on them once that chip from rook got inserted
I thought the movie was amazing right up until the hybrid showed up. Most seem to like its design but to me it just looked goofy. I would’ve preferred if they instead used the scrapped Ultramorph design from Prometheus. I know the Ultramorph was supposed to come out of an Engineer but since humans share dna with the engineers it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch imo.
@@pelaaja1337 The funny thing is that that is basically just how the dude who played the monster (some Serbian basketball player or something like that) looks like in real life. They basically just put white face paint on the guy and CGI-ed a tail on him.
It was brilliant bar a few minor flaws. I don’t know what you were expecting but how could it be better? It was up there but not quite as good as the top two - way better than an other sequel or prequel since aliens.
The last Alien human hibrib was ridiculous, very silly and the worst alien so far. As for the film it was a disappointment, far too many scenes that were very close to those in Alien and Aliens. I should have waited for the DVD.
Either way, the offspring is still the nightmare fueling creature. The offspring is so far the most nightmarish thing in every alien franchise. It just grinned, it drink it’s mother’s blood dry, the way it’s crawling, the human head with a xenomorph/neomorph like body, it’s looks very uncanny and unsettling, it just birthed out from the human mother and then grown to it’s adulthood in a minute, there’s no other alien hybrids is this close to this level of nightmare fuel, newborn is worst but not this close to this offspring’s level
Only trailer is good but alien romulus is not that movie which we were expected. In my point of view its an average movie' lot of sceen picturized childishly and try to create horror to save franchise money. .Very slow action rate the crew running spaceship as they runing a truck. Totally inexperience and bullshit. And for Godsake we cant wait next an other 5 or 6 years so requested to franchise launch movie in 2025 like alien covenant and prometheus' please.
I was really surprised to see that big chap survived in space. Really shows the absolute perfection of the xenomorph
Ngl, I though we never gonna see big chap again after all those years, but I’m very surprised that we get to see him again, last time we only see him in the first movie, but it’s a shame that he never get to be bigger role again, instead he brutally got killed later on😢
Scorched definitely seems like the alpha or lead Alien. Its feats include: Kidnapped Kay (it seems to enjoy it while doing so, I swear it's smiling in glee, like savouring her fear and anxiety as it approaches), killed Tyler, dodged the elevator and deliberately set Rain up with the nearby Facehugger intending for her to be a host. It's also weird how it's the youngest xeno on Renaissance station but it somehow becomes the alpha? Why? How does the hierarchy work, do they just take the new guy as the leader? Just wish it had a more fleshed out role and personality like AVP Grid. I'm overall a bit bummed by the xenomorphs in this film. The designs are cool but they become disposable bugs once again like in Aliens.
The only thing I've really can guess on what makes an alpha/lead xeno is having survived a lethal encounter of any sort. Signaling to other hive members that it's stronger.
Grid from avp was on his way to become a praetorian and if there is no queen they evolve into one
Even though the movie doesn't say so i like to think Scorched was in the early stages of becoming a queen
I need that prequel comic. Because I feel like Big Chap did more than wipe out everyone on the Renaissance station. I think it started the whole infestation by creating a hive and getting people facehugged before the security forces eventually killed him. Allowing a new generation of its kind to get born and remain dormant until Rook sealed the station. With Scorched getting introduced to the hive, I assume they automatically decided to follow its command. We need more exploration on hierarchy between drones when there's no Queen or warriors present since Drones seem to be the most intelligent/independent compared to other morphs besides the Queen.
@@Siex99they’re aren’t different versions of aliens. That’s Cameron’s bullshit. This is a Ridley Scott film
@@ManSpider92 I like this theory, Big Chap to me is the most sinister and creepy xenomorph ever shown on screen, shame he was killed off offscreen, it's a popular theory he's molting into a queen which fits his personality to a T, seems like an evil mastermind type,
Something thats worth mentioning is that again we have a situation where the xenomorphs we see aren't part of the main strain but are an offshoot made by humanity, as the facehuggers were made through reverse-engineering which as we can see made some changes to their biology, with the drones dome not being the smooth shape, making "Big Chap" the only original Xenomorph entity on the Romulus.
best movie since alien 2, it takes the lore of prometheus and does something cool with it unlike covenant
The story wasn't as good as Alien 3 but it was more of a buzz
@@adulfitler8240nigga. Alien 3 story was very mid
@@MrTPFP I don't see why the Dragon was a very imposing alien considering how fast it was.
I liked Alien 3 though, Runner/The Dragon was cool and insanely scary because of its speed.
@@kennethsatria6607 Alien 3 is my favourite, it's hugely under appreciated
If Big Chap survived, then the Alien Queen from Aliens definitely survived..
It's possible but it's also possible she fell back into LV-426's orbit and burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere and of course gravity to the surface if she survived that.
I've been thinking this she is definitely alive if big chap was smart to do this
Hmm the queen could hibernate easier since it's own face can go back into the crest.
The scary thing is now we know her majesty is definitely floating about in space in her royal chrysalis just waiting to see a planet
She can survive re-entry and impact?
Given a drone tanked several seconds of a spaceships engine frying it and was well enough to salughter a space station, I could believe that they could in theory survive a planetary impact.
God help whatever planet she lands on.
@@TheSparkThatDefinesUs he'll yeah I would recokn so it would make sense just imagine a planet would be wiped within a few years and become one big hive 💯 probably how the engineers stumbled across them if the can write into cannon 🤔😂
@@zeratul____1228 rest there souls 😂🤣think I'm goin to start writing the next alien movie we could be on to something 🤔 💯
We have 1 in the sea in Antarctica still alive most likely from avp. If they can survive space they can definitely survive water.
I don't think scorch is an alpha, more he just had a personal vendetta against the people for hurting him
Offspring variant kinda looking like SCP shyguy
Yes but Still, 096 solos
1:15 The small hooks are a nice detail.
The placenta that The Offspring emerged from is a smaller version of the original Giger design for the alien egg. Giger wanted the egg to have two flaps that pull back to reveal the Facehugger, but Ridley Scott said that would make the egg look like a clam. Ridley Scott made Giger redesign the egg to the four flap design used in the first film.
Brilliant info and Thank you ☕
Knowing Giger the 2 flap design also looks like something else...
@@duderdude4831 Yeah it was. And guess what else kinda looks like a clam... yeah lets not finish that thought
after seeing the drone from alien 1 again, I kinda wonder now where the queen in alien 2 ended up in
That should b the next movie
I agree. I really wish they would just do a film exploring a xenomorph homeworld or spend a lot of the movie explaining the history of the xeno. Not the constant cookie crumb exposition dump here and there.
The cocoone was a vargina with acidic ph looool
Always wear protection in outer space.
Yes, ribcage was definitely the first body part I thought of
Good effort! 👍
This movie is a great addition to the franchise, I really enjoyed it, although it took 30 minutes or so to warm up.
Scorched was naturally a different beast compared to the rest, slick and cunning.
Lucky for Rain, her brother Andy was there to save her from it.
Ian Holms CGI was done well overall and the offspring was a pleasant but familiar surprise.
The black goo seems to come from the xenomorph, the engineers look like to have used it to advance themselves at some point, like Rook was trying to do at Romulus’s point.
What comes first? The chicken/xenomorph or the egg/black goo.
I dont think the black goo was created by the engineers. I think it originally comes from the xenos, but the engineers figured out how to extract and use it the same way the romulus scientist did. That's my headcannon, anyway.
Umm no it was made from the engineers that's a biological weapon to change things and then David screwed with it with shawls DNA and made the Xenomorphs
@@somersfamily no.
That would make sense and all the black goo they had in Prometheus. They probably took it from the alien queen, they had the carving on the wall off
@moriawalker1712 and the ship from original alien on LV-426 was engineers transporting eggs to another place for then to extract the compound, unfortunately it crashed
@@FloydTheBreathless yes that’s right and I really hope they go this route because this would keep Xenomorph prime canon along with the AVP lore canon
3:49 for me that doesn’t make sense… “Scorched” should be a weakened runt. The facehugger impregnation stage was interrupted, as was the cocoon stage (violently so) after it had bursted from Navarro. Yes it still has the animalistic aggression attributed to Xenomorphs, but both of its development cycles were shortened, the rest of the hive would never accept a runt as an alpha.
think of it kinda like this, gore magala from monster hunter is a immature shagaru magala. if a gore magala is interrupted by an attack or another gore molting into a shagaru before it can the magala is stopped mid molting and is in constant pain because it is quite literally morphing under the skin like a cocoon it'll definitely hurt bad like a tooth trying to grow but the existing tooth won't budge, thus making it more aggressive than the others.
i don't think the growth process of the scorched alien would've been hindered by the lack of time to gestate because of the xenomorphs natural ability to adapt to harsh situations as well as i'm sure navarro gave the chestburster enough food for it to continue to grow by it eating her body alone. we also saw the xenomorph's tail when it sliced bjorns face after being shocked, already looked fully developed.
this is just my way of rationalizing the situation but in reality the chestburster wouldn't even been formed in the first place considering the lack of time the facehugger had to grow the chestburster. it would basically be something like a miscarriage.
Yeah had the same question, the hive has been around for a while, so why would they take this newbie who was today's year old (literally) as their new alpha?
@@Nicholas_Chen_ i think the alpha thing was just his idea. the scorched xeno was probably just eager to get some one so it went ahead of the group, they're all going to the same place anyways.
I would also add the more smart or cleaver of the hive the xeno is, could be a sign of a potential queen candidate. it's theory after remembering about six from the avp game even though it's not canon.
tbh i love this conversation, rarely do i get to talk about xenomorph biology and behavior with other people since not many people are interested or obsessed with them as i am. thanks for this bro.
Wasn't exactly interrupted you only need to deposit the embryo, the hugger doesn't need to stay too long for the embryo to keep going.
Albeit I did think it might have been damaged enough by the electrocution.
Can’t thank you enough for this Xenomorph video
The Offspring was ugly AF!!! but it was the best one. It was creapy. Looks like it sucks blood too or something when it killed it's "Mother" technically.
Im hoping there is a prequel to Romulus of some sorts, it would be very cool to see big chap causing chaos as well as the incidents that took place.
Idk feels redundant, I would prefer we speed on over to AVP film
True I do agree a new avp movie would be 100x better, but Im just curious as to what will come next after Romulus
(Edit: I know alien earth is next but in context I meant what will be next for Rain)
I'm glad they brought back the white mouth, just wish the dom was a bit more grey
Good job breaking each down.
The off spring looks like the rake
Also I saw the movie I’m gonna have nightmares of that thing
One thing that somehow makes less and less sense with every new movie is why the Xenomorphs sometimes just kill people and sometimes abduct them to use them as hosts.
It seems totally random and the reason why I say it makes ever less sense is that the more we "learn" about the life cycle, the more obvious it becomes that they normally ought to try to preserve every human they can catch.
Then again, the whole life cycle makes no sense.
If those things can just grow from a Chest Burster to the size of a Big Chap within minutes without needing food, then why do they need to gestate in a human host in the first place?
They seem to be totally detached from the need to take in nutrients to grow anyways. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but as far as I know, the "Offspring" sucking on its mother was the first and only time we ever see any monster from the Xenomorph family actually eat something.
I guess the Neomorph who killed that woman in Covenant might have been eating when it was hunched over the corpse, not sure, but even if so, that makes 2 examples and both from weird hybrid-things and not actual Xenomorphs.
Also, if they are "silicone based" as Ash said in the first movie, they wouldn't be able to digest carbon based stuff like humans anyways, nor interbreed or interact on a genetic basis.
It would kind of be like having a baby with a glass bottle.
The only logical path is maybe they actually do eat, so if an extra human is around they're free for eating or maybe its related to how they create the hive resin.
Also its possible their intelligence has its limits, like how Kay was injured and so judged as a poor candidate for hugging.
Theres a scene in Alien 3 where a character walks in on the runner eating one of the prisoners. Can't remember the details, but I think that was the only time an alien was seen eating someone.
That alien in 3 was "dog based", maybe that has something to do with it.
fave was the human xeno hybrid, super interesting
I remember someone saying in the theatre "what the actual fuck it that!"
@@zeratul____1228that was my reaction too lol
offspring reveal was insane
The way its face looked, I honestly would prefer taking my chances with the Newborn from Resurrection.
Great video and break down! I'm looking forward to the prologue comic for Romulus, I'm hoping it will answer some questions on what they specifically did on the station, how containment was broken, why the mass extract, and why no quarantine or blockade is posted around it. Im also curious as to why Andy was just hanging out with his sis, I mean he's a friggin synth. Ppl know it, the tech in that dude has to be invaluable, not to mention the company tech that could be copied. And the amount of jumping points for more media, be that movie/book/comic/, seems abundant for this storyline.
Love to now about xenomorph
Thank you for this extremely watchable explanation of the xenomorphs.
The best xenomorph I ever seen before
I absolutely loved the designs
Best or second best design ngl
I disliked the offspring's face and head very much.. other than at the movie was amazing
Basketball alien 😂
Looked like a cracked out engineer
To be fair it all comes down to who played the offspring. The fact that it wasn't all CGI creeped the hell out of me a lot more. For anyone who doesn't know, the offspring was played by Robert Bobroczkyi, just have a look around Google with that name.
@@pierrevendel841 it being practical helped sell it way more than if it was cgi, you’re right. The movements of the offspring were creepy, slow, then sudden but visible and realistic. Then if you look away for a second, it’s already above or behind you.
looks creepy af , i like that disgusting design imagine that shit in front of u .. 😮 is horrorific
Thanks for the video. I loved it.
Very good 👍😎🖤
From fachugging to bursting & from bursting to adulthood in romulus was significantly cut ... they were both bearly a scene apart
man your accent is so strong you could have made it into the movie cast
Kinda wish the Big Chap had a bit more screen time instead of only being teased but that's just me 😞
Not a bad film, though ironically it feels like the Xenomorphs were incredibly slow in this one, we never see them run full speed, crawl or pounce or even see a full body shot without shadows at any point.
It was one thing I liked about Covenant that we get to see Xenos at full ferocity, speed and power, granted the Protomorph does have longer limbs I kind of like that more than the human proportions if it affords faster movement animation.
Actually even Alien Resurrection had kind of speedier xenomorphs, while 3 having a runner adds that to the equation.
It was basically 1 and 2 where we saw them be really slow and ponderous because of special effects limitations. Kind of makes me question if Perfect organism applies to perfect predator because I suppose they don't need that much speed to kill, but still then why was the human hybrid allowed to be so much more competant than its original forms?
Avp movies basically had them all regularly speedy and agile too, contrasting how predators having anatomy closer to humans would be outclassed in speed.
To be fair the xenos from Covenant aren't trinational xeno's
They are Praetomorphs which are less intelligent which is why it was so full of ferocity they would attack even their normal xenomorph cousins, it's unkown what exaclty creates a Praetomorph just that david learned how to create them
Also in Alien resurrections those are runner xenos which are from DOG DNA
The human Xeno had more DNA of the engineer due to them altering the substance of the black goo , like shaw gave birth to the trilobite because charlie sperm was infected with the goo substance, Kay gave birth to a engineer hybird, it's unknown if it's because they alter it or because she was pregnant when coming into contact with it
There for they will be superior because the Xeno's grab the best part of their host DNAs and transfer it to their biology, an engineer is superior to us in every way
The deacon would have been one of the biggest base xenos not counting queens(Deacon is when a trilobite impregnators a engineer)
Idk if you watched Prometheus but i Highly suggest it it explained quite a bit.
These xenos in Romulus seem way more intelligent while the face huggers seemed more huge.
@@TheAdhardthe runner is from alien 3, not alien resurrection.
I agree with the guy that reply first. The runner from “alien 3” has a dna of the dog. The aliens from “alien resurrection” was a clone and they have more human dna than the og aliens. The protomorph from “alien covenant” was the ancestor of the xenomorphs, which means it’s basically a caveman, with less intelligent and more hostile
2 things - I'm not certain but the tube the facehugger inserted into the throat in the movie looked longer and more robust than what we saw in first Alien was more like the creature that burst from mouth of that guy in Covenant!? And I thought the alpha alien didn't only drip the acid he seemed to fire it targeted it really like small darts or projectiles..did he spit it out or was it something from the cocoon.. ie is the cocoon sentient same way a facehugger is?
The facehugger's tube is called an, "egg proboscis." It was probably just thick and long for movie effect. And I believe the cocoon was dripping acid blood because the alien inside was injured from being stabbed by the cattle prod. I don't think the cocoon is sentient like the facehugger.
Something I don't see many people noticing is that these are not your typical facehuggers in Romulus. There's nothing conventional about them in this queenless environment. I'd suspect that what we are seeing are the descendants of the batch that David made away with in Covenant. Weyland-Yutani has been quite busy doing who knows what with them for a few decades.
Their behavior doesn't align with what we know about them from previous franchise entries and there's a few things that are fishy here but mostly the off the rails incubation period of the chestburster. It's far too short. Insanely short, even. Another mystery is the sheer volume of them. Even if this scenario features a queenless method of producing ovomorphs there isn't and wasn't a robust enough host population on board to justify their numbers.
Rook admits to some engineering efforts to distill and produce the z-01 serum, and there's no way to know what all that entails, but I think it's safe to assume that facehugger physiology and behavior are probably included. Whatever the answer is, it's abundantly clear that they had access to the facehuggers before they recovered Nostromo's Big Chap specimen. Which leads to a more interesting question which is why did they go through so much effort to find it when, in theory, they didn't really need to?
Hoping for some major answers when the prequel comic is released.
I can only guess why the facehuggers/xenon are acting differently is that they were probably created artificially from big chap's DNA.
When I saw the scene with The offspring when I went to go see the movie I thought to myself the entire offspring thing is a reference to the newborn from alien Resurrection
the offspring looked like an engineer/ xenomorph hybrid
Only gripe with the movie was I was hoping the big chap was back in more than just a cameo of its dead body hanging from some chains
We needed a flashback of him coming back to life and wasting more humans, even after floating in space for 20 years. His status as a Xeno legend among Xenos secured:)
Dam its great to find answer here for that hybreed
It really hard to find answers about this
If you dont talk about the xeno that had electricity in its head I'll be so annoyed. No one is mentioning it and i need answers
So did the electric attack give it its electric head?? Cuz we've not seen electrics in xeno heads before. They're usually just filled with yellow goo and chunks.
@@Hambone4815 This confirms the theory that xenomorphs are basically walking batteries. The acid blood serves as an electrolyte powering it's bodily functions, eliminating the need to respire and feed and enabling it to survive harsh environments such as space.
The end of the stun baton broke off in its head I read from a fan somewhere.
@@PMMcIntyreso would that mean they are full of battery acid?
Cant wait to buy the dvd
Big Chap was the draw for me. Unfortunately, it is barely shown and dead in the film.
Me too could have had more of him in the story a liittle disappointed
Big Chap was what got you to watch this movie? That makes no sense. In no trailer did they ever tease that he'd be alive or even mentioned.
Some people make very illogical decisions when choosing what movie to go see. Like they convince themselves, without any other evidence, that something particular will happen. Then they are mad and trash the movie for absolutely no reason. It's your fault not the creator of the movie. Common sense is being slowly removed from human beings. I swear.
Whatever they kill off the old characters these days.. movies are dying off.
Wish we saw some big chap footage since we haven’t seen him in over 40 years
the cocoon had a vagina-like appearance. you missed that?
You didn't have to say the quiet part out loud
well, the xenomorph was made by h.r. giger, so most- if not all- the designs have very phallic/sexual design motifs
The xenomorph eggs also have the same design.
The facehugger has had that same design for almost 50 years captain obvious
I don’t need this explained. I need a better movie that gives Fede more control, and I need characters to be killed off slowly over the runtime and not weaned down to 2 survivors in less than an hour.
Aliens knew what the f*ck it was doing.
Romulus gave a talented director a keg, told him to do a 10 minute keg stand, and then handed him a visual guide to the past movies in the franchise and said “go!”
Aliens was terrible. The marines were so cheesy and lame. I’ll never understand the hype around that movie
Any longtime fan will not need this explained, it's def aimed for the more recent fans of the franchise. As for Fede, I can not imagine the list he got of what to do, not to do, what to include, and directions to not go. Making this film had to feel like a gamble for him, the fact he took the endeavor assures me he's a damn good fan of the franchise. My worries stem from the film's success, does Disney give Fede the open checkbook and say have at it? Or does Disney decide to get even more involved, intice with more money which has more strings attached for direction.
@@MetamorphMedia Because Aliens is an action movie, with many combats scenes, many bugs to kill. Pure action. Not horror. I always think the 2 films are great to watch beside the two genre.
@@Peplinsky i just hate how they look so untrained, shooting wildly everywhere. And then you have the one annoying marine who bitches and moans the entire movie. And we have a 5’2 woman who’s supposed to be in charge of a 35+ lb light machine gun turret thing? Ridiculous. Along with the obligatory cigar chomping sargeant
@@MetamorphMediafound the zoomer
So are these face huggers clones? I always wondered why these face huggers have a darker color then then classic ones and the xenos we see in this movie are they clones of the big chap sense they are used from its dna 🧬 or are they modified?
They were 3D printed by the lab staff. Using genetic material from Big Chap
They should’ve ended the film on a cliff hanger instead of having the hybrid being at the end of the movie
I would have prefer this only thing is the LAST TWO alien movies did exactly that
we needed a case closed type thing this one time
This is okay, assuming the next movie isn't a sequel.
I kind of would be happy leaving raine's story as this honestly.
Let her be traumatized but relatively happy.
We don't have to have another trilogy based on Raine alone.
@@WillofStone08 yea we still need the final movie of the prequel trilogy aka the sequel to alien covenant which we still waiting for.
@@MikeDang-pm4co we still gotta see how we got the xenos of today aka alien 1. We not counting the protomorph
the Protomorph is easily my favorite. simply terrifying and competently displayed
Spoiler: this was just Alien, again. They used the same robot, twist, getting in space suit, knocking alien out of spaceship, etc etc.
There were a lot of callbacks sure, it certainly wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel. Some classic alien trills mixed with some lore. Ill take it over Covenant
But thats what you oldies want right? Boomers never appreciate anything
Yay! Saved me the price of a cinema ticket. 🎉
I mean - it does what it says on the tin including the word ‘spoilers’
Only if you a a stooge who can't avoid spoilers (no one made you watch the video) or set on hating the movie no matter what.
I will confirm it, Romulus is utter garbage
@@michaelottway6553 you're in the minority so ok
@@michaelottway6553 calling this movie utter garbage tells me one of two things : 1. You haven't actually seen the movie and are just one of those negative cynical people who can't stop themselves from always finding something to complain about. 2. Saw the movie plus everything else I said in part one, which makes you feel the need to trash anything that is popular at the moment. Bonus : You mostly spend your life jumping into random comments and trying to create as much chaos as possible.
Regardless which is true, hopefully someday you find something in life that gets you to not hate yourself completely. It's OK buddy, someone does care about you. Life is exactly what we make of it. Smile and try to make it happy for a while. Might change your mind on stuff.
Also, if you can't find any fun and enjoyment from Fede Alvarez then there aren't gonna be many movies you do enjoy. That's on you. Calling Romulus trash is so lazy though.
You want to give some legit reasons why you feel this way?
Waiting patiently for a response similar to "It just sucks. The robot is a retard then all of a sudden he's a badass villain. Just isn't reality."
And that would be the last time anyone ever asked you to review a movie. Deep stuff for sure. I love the part where you expose how simple minded you are.
Nice try Fede, see ya in a decade Alien fans.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Big Chap? This is a completely new director. It's his movie. Ridley Scott was a producer. He had a couple small pieces that he helped with. Fede Alvarez is always going to make his movie his way. Using Big Chap for than a few seconds is just lazy and unoriginal. Alvarez is neither.
We don't need Big Chap in every single Alien media for it to be good. Xenomophs are so interesting because they don't need to be the same one over and over. It's a hive.
So sick of hearing and reading you casuals constantly get boners for Big Chap. It also exposes you for being a casual. You aren't impressing anyone with the nonstop Big Chap comments. We get it, you saw "Alien" as a kid. You used to maybe have a Big Chap action figure. Probably made by Neca. So what.
So many interesting details happened in Romulus that have vastly expanded or open many mores paths to explore and build toward. During and after watching I never once thought about BC. So many other options to think about.
I once had a vanilla ice cream cone. It was good. I could have only chose that flavor every time but I tried a different one one day and then a different one another day. Options are great. Romulus gives us many options way way beyond and more interesting than freaking Big Chap that was killed by Ripley. They gave the simple minds of the world the little BC throw because you people will take to the streets for one moronic opinion or another so they pleased you then moved on quickly. Thank God. Let's let BC rip. OK?
Its not that deep bro
I don't really like how they brought the original alien back. Yeah it's nice seeing him again but...
The reason I don't like it is because I have the official novelization of alien. At the end of the book, after the alien is sucked into space and blasted by the enginees, its body gives into pressure and explodes, killing it instantly.
So big chap shouldn't even be in this film.
While I understand what u mean
I don’t don’t think the movies follow any of their novelizations continuity I’d say the novels and movies have their own continuity
So while Big Chap was roasted in the end of the novel and wouldn’t be here, that’s not what happened in the movie and instead he’s just blown away into space and thus here he is
Novelizations should always be taken with a grain of salt and they're just supplementary material. Films will always take priority.
Actually the movie came first. As far as I know Alan Dean Foster was hired to write a novel based on the movie's script. (as well as for "Aliens" and "Alien 3") That's why the additional scenes with the air lock and the Dallas-cocoon are part of the book but not of the cinematic version. So the exploding xenomorph is Foster's own invention.
White Edward Jones David Martin Timothy
all these wouldn't have happened if everyone kept their mouths shut.................
The offspring that thing was terrifying😅
Walker Nancy Davis Thomas Walker Barbara
What is your accent? Seems un American & un british
It is English; just not Received Pronunciation.
Un American? It's not even close to American.
Where are you from? Seriously, I am curious. Please tell me.
I want to find out if certain types of comments are made by people from the same general area or not.
Sounds like New Zealand accent.
The xenos in this movie were the worst from any alien movie, looked like robots you can see the piston actions in their movements, terrible movie, terrible designs, we need something new not something borrowed. This universe needs new players, new aliens, xenos humans and engineers cannot be the only races in that universe
The last alien isn't new. I think in Resurrection, the Hybrid is incomplete. The one in Romulus is its complete form
It's a different creature made in a different way, the newborn in Resurrection was formed from genetic splicing of human and alien DNA, birthed by a Queen alien,
This Offspring creature was the result of a mutated human foetus infected by the black goo. Totally different circumstances
@@danielpeckham5520yeah plus alien 4 happened way after alien romulus
@@danielpeckham5520well said. Different circumstances will always result is different results.
The ending was pure Ridley Scott trash. The rest was awesome
What makes you think that about it?
@@TheGoldenPlatoon757 you shittin me? That black goo engineer garbage wasn’t enough? Then an upgrade newborn? 🤣 the last 20 minutes sucked ass
@nicholasbennett7367 I get it. I'm kinda confused. Did that android know about the side-effects of that goo or not? I like to think he didn't, but that still doesn't explain why he betrayed them at all.
@@TheGoldenPlatoon757 I’m sure that rook knew meaning Andy would as well because Prometheus happened before alien. The goo is just stupid to me and it ruined the movie for me. He turned on them once that chip from rook got inserted
@@nicholasbennett7367 Oh, ok, gotcha.
I wanted this to be good. But nope. Just another disappointment.
Nah it was good
I thought the movie was amazing right up until the hybrid showed up.
Most seem to like its design but to me it just looked goofy.
I would’ve preferred if they instead used the scrapped Ultramorph design from Prometheus.
I know the Ultramorph was supposed to come out of an Engineer but since humans share dna with the engineers it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch imo.
@@pelaaja1337 The funny thing is that that is basically just how the dude who played the monster (some Serbian basketball player or something like that) looks like in real life. They basically just put white face paint on the guy and CGI-ed a tail on him.
@@pelaaja1337 for me it was tense until she started going doom mode on the xenomorph, that shit had me wheezing
It's like a coverband playing your favorite songs but not as good. And yelling out call backs that the character didnt earn.
well now Im curious on how you feel about Fede's take on Evil Dead
It was brilliant bar a few minor flaws. I don’t know what you were expecting but how could it be better? It was up there but not quite as good as the top two - way better than an other sequel or prequel since aliens.
It's official. The Alien franchise is completely dead and beyond repair. RIP.
@@gambit5667 ??
4 is better.
@@FortFinesse007 Yall weird this movie was good
Spoiler for Alien Romulus, it’s crap ☹️
Alien: the force awakens..mostly
@@TheGhostOfJohnWicksBeaglesure bud sure your the only one that loses both spent two hours of our lives .. and I enjoyed mine more
@@gambit5667 Yah
@@FortFinesse007 That’s called delusion 😂
The last Alien human hibrib was ridiculous, very silly and the worst alien so far. As for the film it was a disappointment, far too many scenes that were very close to those in Alien and Aliens. I should have waited for the DVD.
hibrib? The fuck is that?
Nope, resurrection was worst.
I thought it was nightmare fuel. Very reminiscent of SCP 096
Either way, the offspring is still the nightmare fueling creature. The offspring is so far the most nightmarish thing in every alien franchise. It just grinned, it drink it’s mother’s blood dry, the way it’s crawling, the human head with a xenomorph/neomorph like body, it’s looks very uncanny and unsettling, it just birthed out from the human mother and then grown to it’s adulthood in a minute, there’s no other alien hybrids is this close to this level of nightmare fuel, newborn is worst but not this close to this offspring’s level
@@GODCONVOYPRIMEI think he/she meant “hybrid”
Only trailer is good but alien romulus is not that movie which we were expected. In my point of view its an average movie' lot of sceen picturized childishly and try to create horror to save franchise money. .Very slow action rate the crew running spaceship as they runing a truck. Totally inexperience and bullshit. And for Godsake we cant wait next an other 5 or 6 years so requested to franchise launch movie in 2025 like alien covenant and prometheus' please.
The aliens sucked and moved slow af, no motion no hustle