Interesting cheap choice! I looked for it the other day, and could find the page just fine, but tried again today, and I can't find them. Is there any link you could share? Thanks, nice video!
I can't find the shop link from where I bought it either. I think it's sold out! But there are lots of other shop in AliExpress that sells it. Hope you can find the one that you like. 🧸
Yes, you can. You just have to press the B and C buttons together, and the sound on/off option will appear. Then you can mute the sound by pressing the A button, and vice versa! ☺️🧸
I have the dog one! I've just tried putting a battery on it to see if it still works hahaha...
I plan on getting the remastered version too!
that looks really fun!! :3
It really is!! 🧸
Interesting cheap choice! I looked for it the other day, and could find the page just fine, but tried again today, and I can't find them. Is there any link you could share? Thanks, nice video!
I can't find the shop link from where I bought it either. I think it's sold out! But there are lots of other shop in AliExpress that sells it. Hope you can find the one that you like. 🧸
will get when i save my money
Hello, I bought one but when I don't use it it turns off. Is that normal?
Yes, It's actually in its screen saver mode. 🧸
Can it turn off the sound?
Yes, you can. You just have to press the B and C buttons together, and the sound on/off option will appear. Then you can mute the sound by pressing the A button, and vice versa! ☺️🧸
Where did you get your pet ?
I got it from AliExpress..
Is it possible to pause it?
Unfortunately no!
@@SamiBearAccount what a pitty. Not even with the time configuration, like the original Tamagotchi?
@@shadowscout33You can't really set the time in it, so nope! 🧸
Thank you! I want the kitty hehe
Yeah, the cat variant is cute as well. 🧸