Revelation 6 // Nature Of The Tribulation

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @jimday2618
    @jimday2618 5 років тому +1

    It is the revelation of Jesus Christ In His church in the last days. Chapter 6 is the beginning of the 3and 1/2 year tribulation. It is important thing is to understand this Book is written in a Hebrew literary style of writing called a bifid. The whole story is told twice from different point of view. The first is in chapters 1-11 the second telling is chapters 12-22 it includes the 1000 year reign of Christ and His church. Sir if you believe it is two stories you will miss it all together. The lord shared with me this will never be taught behind the pulpit. I will be glad to share more with you brother if you request. Blessings.

  • @Jesusexplains
    @Jesusexplains 4 роки тому +1

    WELL, that just doesn’t make sense! The 6th seal is the Rapture when the sun and tithe moon go dark (Rev6:12-13 KJV), but that doesn’t happen until Jesus appears “in the clouds” “immediately AFTER the tribulation” (Matt24:29-31 KJV) The pre-tribulation is just so flawed, because it’s a false teaching not based on correctly balanced scripture.

    • @Nothere56
      @Nothere56 4 роки тому

      It's interesting. What's the purpose of the rapture?

  • @Jesusexplains
    @Jesusexplains 4 роки тому +2

    JESUS SAID he shall raise ALL believers “on the CB last day” (Jn6:39,4,44,54 KJV) - that’s one-day, one time “first resurrection” (Rev20:5 KJV) that happens when the sun and the moon go dark (Rev6:12-13 KJV” immediately AFTER the tribulation (Matt25:29-31 KJV) Sorry folks, but there is NO pre-tribulation Rapture!

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому +1

    Correction. We're given the amount of time the "great" trib portion of the over-all trib period is. I'll compare Matt 24 with what Dan 12:11-12 says. Matt 24 says that the "great" trib portion of the over-all trib period is the time between the abomination "standing" in the holy place and Christ's 2nd coming. And Dan 12:11-12 tells us that the abomination is "set up" on Day 1290 and that Jesus returns on Day 1335. 1335 minus 1290 is 45 days. And if you'd really like to get technical, we can subtract however many days the "darkness" lasts. Is it only for a moment? A week? 3 days? It doesn't say but however many days it is, can be subtracted from the 45 days.

  • @Acquaplumbingllctacoma
    @Acquaplumbingllctacoma 5 років тому +1

    GREAT TO KNOW YOUR A PASTOR IN MY STATE, IF you ever come over to teach in the Tacoma area please post it on your site, So my family can come learn.....

  • @jacksoncorp124
    @jacksoncorp124 4 роки тому

    Matthew 24:36 has always been associated with the rapture. Many people say that no one knows the day or hour of his coming. I chose to study this chapter in more detail to see if that was what it really says. Here are the questions asked by the disciples in Matthew chapter 24.
    1. When shall these things be?
    2. When shall be the sign of thy coming?
    3. When shall be the end of the world?
    Of these three questions I don't see anything related to the rapture of the church. As we all know the end of the world as we know it will happen when the savior returns and defeats the antichrist and the false prophet then sets up his kingdom on earth. So when we see verse 36 we can now know that it's not referring to the resurrection of the church. So with that out of the way, here is what I've been able to understand about the specific timing of the last 7 years.
    1. I believe Daniels vision in chapter 8 began on April 15, 2019. Less than a month later Iran began to push in all three directions and continued to push through the rest of the year.
    2. April 15, 2019 on the Hebrew calendar turns out to be the 10th day of the first month(Abib). This is the day Yeshua came into Jerusalem as our passover lamb.
    3. 1260 days from April 15, 2019 lands you on September 26, 2022. This day on the Hebrew calendar is the feast of Trumpets and also when the antichrist will enter Jerusalem and set up his
    kingdom. You can also find a reference to this day in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, and Daniel 8:11-12.
    4. 10 days later you come to the day of Atonement. This is the highest holy Hebrew day of the year and also when throughout history all of Israel is cleansed of its sins.
    5. During these ten days of being persecuted, thrown in jail, and killed by the antichrist, those remaining will be caught up in the rapture on the day of Atonement. Revelation 2:8-11 tells us that
    the church of Smyrna will suffer tribulation for 10 days, then they are promised a crown of life at the end of it.
    6. 1290 days from April 15, 2019 brings you to October 26, 2022. This is the day that the antichrist sets up the abomination that causes desolation in Jerusalem(Daniel 9:27).
    7. 1335 days from April 15, 2019 brings you to December 10, 2022. This is when Daniel 12:12 says anyone that makes it to this day will be blessed. This is in direct reference to Revelation
    12:13-17 and the woman that fled into the wilderness to be protected for the remaining 42 months of the great tribulation. Matthew 24:20 also speaks of praying that your flight not be in
    winter or on the sabbath.
    8. 2300 days from April 15, 2019 brings you to August 1, 2025. By this day the antichrist is defeated by our lord and the sanctuary is cleansed.
    9. From August 1, 2025 until March 9, 2026 all of Israel will be cleansing the land of the dead bodies from the Gog Magog slaughter. This will last 220 days which is 7 months and 10 day.
    You can find a reference to this timing in Ezekiel 39:12. The cleanup will finish just in time for the start of passover on April 2, 2026. This will conclude the 70 weeks of Daniel.
    This is the timing that I believe that I have discovered while running to and fro in the bible, and having my knowledge increased by the word of God. I'm only presenting this as a possible explanation of the book of Daniel so I implore you to test what I've presented and seek the Lord for understanding. Shalom...

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Also tell me when Jesus and those who are with Him walk the Highway of Holiness to Zion, Isa 35:8-10. And why are there people in Christ's kingdom if it's the one flesh and blood cannot inherit, Zech 8:5, Ez 47:22, and the judgment of the LIVING as to who can be in Christ's kingdom in Matt 25:31. Why does Psalm 23 says He's going to prepare the table for me in the presence of my ENEMIES? Are there enemies in heaven? And when does it happen that Micah 7:14 says He'll shepherd His people in the midst of Carmel.....and feed them in Bashan and Gilead?

  • @Ripper7620
    @Ripper7620 4 роки тому

    Please do not just take my words as fact, or simply disregard them outright due to preconceived notions, but rather pray in earnest to God, asking for the help of the Holy Spirit to guide you unto all truth & understanding, and diligently search the holy scriptures. God bless and be with you all as you search for the truth of what is to come, as God does not want us to be in darkness, but rather to glory in the light of His truth. Additionally, I highly recommend watching, to answer questions based on the clear words of holy scripture, rather than the thoughts, opinions, & preconceived notions of man, the Revelation series found on the framingtheworld UA-cam channel in order to gain insight & dispel the error of man's ways. The book of Revelation is actually two books in one, giving two separate viewpoints of the same event. Chapters 1-11 are the first viewpoint, followed by chapters 12-22, which give a second viewpoint. This is very similar to how the four gospels give us four separate viewpoints on the ministry of Christ Jesus, who by His precious blood, is God's will that none should perish, but have everlasting life with Him. He will be our God, and we who put our full trust in the blood of the Lamb, will be His elect for ever, and ever.
    Isaiah 55:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
    8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
    9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
    2 Timothy @ King James Version (KJV)
    15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
    1260 days of tribulation/abomination of desolation followed by 75 days of great tribulation, & the anti-christ continues in power for 1260 days/after the 6'th seal, sun & moon darkened, Jesus comes in the clouds with power & great glory to gather His elect. The dead in Christ rise first, then us who remain follow/after the 7'th seal, there are 1215 days of God's wrath, followed by the destruction of the great whore & Babylon, then the battle of Armageddon. The beast & false prophet are cast into the lake of fire, & Satan is bound in hell until the 1000 years are up/Jesus sets up his 1000 year reign/after the 1000 years are up, satan is lossed a little while to deceive many, then the battle of Gog & Magog ensues & satan is cast forever into the lake of fire where the anti-christ & false prophet are/the earth & heaven fled away from God's face,death and hell are cast into the lake burning with fire. After this is great white throne judgement of the dead & whoever is not found in the book of life is cast into the lake burning with fire/the new heaven & new earth, after which, the city of new Jerusalem descends from God out of heaven, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.
    Revelation @-21 King James Version (KJV)
    20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

  • @BertGraef
    @BertGraef 5 років тому

    Rev 1:1. Things that shall SHORTLY come to pass. Why is it so hard for you all to miss the obvious? Is 2000 years a SHORT time?
    These things happened within a GENERATION of Christ. Revelation was fulfilled, along with all prophecy , by 70AD.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    If you really believe you're correct, tell me why the parable of the wedding supper, Matt 22:10, says that there will be "both bad and good" there initially? Can't God ONLY "rapture" Christians? And now that I think of the "heaven" thing, if you're going to be raptured to heaven, WHY would the dead even need to rise??? 1 Thess 4:14 says God will BRING the dead in Jesus. Why would it say "bring" if God was just moving them from Paradise to heaven?

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Lord have mercy....comes out of Rome???????????????? The final beast comes out of hell, my friend, Rev 17:8 and Rev 11:7.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    No, the 7th Trumpet doesn't correspond to the 6th Seal. The 7th Trumpet is when GOD comes at the end of the 7,000 years. What does the 7th Trumpet say? It's when God AND His Christ reign. That's the eternal New Jerusalem that flesh and blood cannot inherit, Rev 21:22. Christ's millennial reign in Zion has flesh and blood people in it. (Jesus actually returns at the 6th Trumpet).

  • @rockkstah2550
    @rockkstah2550 4 роки тому

    I love the Calvary Chapel Teaching of the Word, this guy is awesome! But, not all Calvary Chapels are like this anymore, some are becoming apostate and becoming just like Hillsongs and Bethel(Redding California) I hope this guy stays on course...

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Do you know that Matt 4:16 tells us that the valley of the shadow of death is a real place? It's quoting Isa 9:2. When Jesus first came, it meant Galilee. But Isaiah 9 goes on to say it's also a place just before a great war and the gov't being on His shoulders. Hmmmm. Make a triangle of Carmel, Bashan, and Gilead. Where are you? The Jezreel valley, the plains of Megiddo, the valley of the shadow of death. Guess what? That's where He and we will be and Psalm 23 will play out in real time. Bye, bye, I'm bored now.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    1 Thess 4 isn't talking about when Jesus comes. It says it happens at the trumpet of God. And it says God will bring the dead in Jesus. The last trump, the trumpet of God, and the 7th Trumpet are one and the same. And the 7th Trumpet is when God AND His Christ reign. That's the New Jerusalem, not Christ's reign in Zion, Rev 21:22.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    The reason we "don't know" is because the pre-trib protection event is the woman of Rev 12 who flies to the wilderness for the final 1260 days, and mirrors the scapegoat on the Day of Atonement, Lev 16:21. It happens just before the 5th Trumpet which we won't know when it'll happen.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    No. The 7th Bowl has nothing to do with the timing of the 6th Seal. The 6th Seal is when Jesus returns to earth. He returns and STAYS here. Once He's with "the people of Thy heritage", Micah 7:14, in the wilderness, the Vial judgments begin on those who took the mark. And by the 6th Bowl, they "come against the Lamb and those who are with Him", Rev 17:14, at Armageddon because that's where He'll be. They don't gather at a miniscule, random place on the earth to shake their fists at the sky. They could do that tomorrow for all the good it would do. No, they gather there because that's where He'll be.

  • @dianestuart6420
    @dianestuart6420 5 років тому

    I am wondering if the reason Israel goes through so much persecution is because of Matthew
    27: 25 Then answered all the people and said " His blood be on us and all our children." I understand that in the Greek all our children means all following generations. Just a thought makes sense to me.
    I enjoy your teaching very much.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Kennewick?! My home town. I'll try to listen but since I've figured out how all the Bible about the last days can agree with no contradictions and have written a book about it, I probably won't get too far in your video. Maybe I'll make corrections as you go along.....see how far I get.

  • @JustKate43
    @JustKate43 5 років тому

    At the end, when you talk about the lie people will believe in, that they believe they are gods, that’s what my Mom talks about, she said to me “ we are all gods”, of course I told her no we are not. She’s into that New Age religion and buddism, that’s where she gets it from. I’ve tried witnessing to her but she just gets angry when I bring things up now, so I just pray for her today, it’s really got a grip on her sadly and many of her friends. One other thing she has said to me is she doesn’t want the punishing God I believe in. I ask for help praying for her, her name is Carol. Thank you, great sermon Pastor, God bless you. 💗

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    There are different kinds of harpazos. What happened to Philip in Acts 8:39-40 was a harpazo. And he didn't "go to heaven". There's not ONE verse of Scripture that says any raptured Christians are in heaven. Not one.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Dan 9 doesn't say the "abomination" is set up at mid-week. It says that at mid-week, the sacrifices and oblations are made to cease. And that's because the Beast out of hell is the one who gets specifically 42 months. Again, Rev 13 is in reverse order.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    So you're saying the day of the Lord includes Christ's kingdom? Why? Is that a part of the darkness and gloominess? You need to rethink that one. Just because bad stuff happens before and after His kingdom doesn't mean the kingdom is included in the darkness.

  • @shafawn9730
    @shafawn9730 5 років тому

    Let's think about this ... "All the stars of heaven will fall to the earth". I am wondering if this means the fallen angels and not actual physical bodies hundreds and millions of light years away. If even just one star were to hit earth the earth would be annihilated wipe out all life.. every living thing in an instant. Revelation 12:4 would affirm that these stars that fall are the angels cast out. So it has to mean something other than every physical star .. remember the sun is our nearest star. If just the sun fell to the earth .. see what I mean?
    So what we're actually talking about here is fallen angels who are now (at chapter 6) presenting on the earth. The astronauts have said they've seen lights around their capsules and recently LOTS of UFO exposure in the news sometimes almost daily ... the powers of heaven will be shaken. What would it be like on earth to wake up to the reality that fallen angels (presenting themselves as aliens) have been here all along in another dimension and then boom they are here .. when they 'fall to earth' in Revelation 6. God allows the veil that separates dimensions to be lifted- the powers of heaven are shaken.
    This same theme shows up in Revelation 16:13. Three spirits (they aren't human) that *look like frogs*. What animal do these "aliens" look like more than a frog? big eyes, sunken nose, no hair, no lips.. In Revelation 16:14 He plainly says those frog looking things are demons. Then he said they go out to the leaders of the earth to do supernatural wonders to persuade the leaders of the world to fight against God.
    Now think of that... the global elites are going to actually believe that if they team up with these "aliens" they can whip God. Talk about guile
    So don't think we are talking about physical stars like our sun will fall to earth.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Technically, there isn't necessarily 7 years total. That's only for people who follow Dan 9. And it's one line of thought and not worth the debate but you should point out that the book of Revelation doesn't give a specific time allotted to the first one who comes on the scene, who is the 7th king of Rev 17. (Maybe I should reveal that Rev 13 lists the beasts in reverse order as to how they come on the scene but I may have an opportunity to show that Truth later in the video).

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    The time of Jacob's trouble isn't the entire 7 years, if you go by Dan 9, nor is it the whole last 42 months. It's the "great" trib/last 45 days portion.

  • @morrisritchie870
    @morrisritchie870 3 роки тому

    I am pretty discerning about prophetic teachings, because there are a lot of false and misleading accounts of what is to come, but I find no fault in what I just heard from you in this video. Hence, after viewing it I subscribed. God bless you as you continue to enlighten us on what is ahead and I hope to find more of your sermons in the future.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Why would it say "we who are alive and remain" if it's pre-trib? Alive and remain from the happening of WHAT exactly?

  • @paulsrochenski8740
    @paulsrochenski8740 5 років тому

    When your anointed in your truly born against the Holy Ghost speaks to you then the word of God is quick and sharper and powerful than any two-edged sword not in the carnal mind you're in a carnal mind Guy you don't even have a clue what you're talking about your lost soul repent and turn from your idols are you going to hell are you going to give an account for all the people you're deceiving

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    The day of the Lord has NOTHING to do with the trib. The day of the Lord is when Jesus returns.

  • @cd123atd4e
    @cd123atd4e 5 років тому

    praise God Jesus is coming soon whether you believe post mid or pre trib rapture we know we are in the end times. our Lord is coming soon and i cant wait

  • @hike2024
    @hike2024 5 років тому

    Most people stay a way from it because the dispensational view makes so confusing.

  • @BertGraef
    @BertGraef 5 років тому

    the book is history, not prophecy.It was fulfilled by 70AD.

  • @bstylesk
    @bstylesk 5 років тому

    I have learned some stuff through this gentleman but be wary I do not believe in the rapture

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Yes, the original Babylon was destroyed where no one has lived since.

  • @riseofyahzami4348
    @riseofyahzami4348 5 років тому

    Israel is all followers of Yahusha, not the synagogue of Satan.

  • @lisar4867
    @lisar4867 5 років тому

    Segregate it is natural and normal . . . New heaven and earth

  • @alexysrodriguez376
    @alexysrodriguez376 5 років тому

    Those Jews are not the real Jews of scripture

  • @kathymeikle4806
    @kathymeikle4806 5 років тому

    Thank you Pastor Steve. I enjoyed your message. I do want to mention one thing. It's estimated there are 6.5M Jews now living in Israel. There are approximately 2M in NY State and between 5.8-6.8 in the U.S. Most experts now say that Israel now has the highest concentration of Jews.

  • @leeannhabben562
    @leeannhabben562 Рік тому

    You “get off”? Wow!!

  • @patriciavoldberg5849
    @patriciavoldberg5849 5 років тому

    Oh Wow...all my Christian life I have belie ed Gabriel was an archangel...I cannot express to how thankful I am for this entire teaching...Bless you!

  • @missreed7486
    @missreed7486 5 років тому

    I just wanna say u are awesome and thx 4 new insight on Rev. My fav part the 153 fish and what it means in Hebrew is so beautiful words can't explain how beautiful it is. Thnx for ur sermons on Rev can't wait to see more

  • @j.b.5420
    @j.b.5420 5 років тому

    💥I like sound of a “Rapture” but my church discounts this concept...if there IS one, I wonder what becomes of our pets left behind...I guess pain & suffering like for the rest of creation💔

    • @Nothere56
      @Nothere56 4 роки тому

      There is just so many views. I will always remain confused

  • @geriemiller1934
    @geriemiller1934 5 років тому

    Thank you for your teaching of the Word. Have learned a lot that I didn't know. I have been studying Revelation about 39 years. Still learning! God bless you.

  • @shafawn9730
    @shafawn9730 5 років тому

    Really great teaching about how HE is taken out of the way. I needed to hear that just the way it was taught. Makes perfect sense because the Holy Spirit ONLY dwells in the believer and if the believers are gone HE is taken out of the way. That's awesome teaching! Thank you!

  • @Danielle24
    @Danielle24 4 роки тому

    Thank you for explaining genesis, how the Jews tell something.. the overview & the details..

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 5 років тому

    The days of sorrow started in 2017 according to Daniel 12 and Revelation 12.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    You have the wrong timing of the resurrection of the "dead in Jesus" and rapture of the living.

  • @lisar4867
    @lisar4867 5 років тому

    8th day

  • @maritaluneng9531
    @maritaluneng9531 5 років тому

    Amen, Halleluja, Praise, Our God, Jesus Christ.😍❤

  • @davidmcdaniel3592
    @davidmcdaniel3592 5 років тому


  • @loritapscott3805
    @loritapscott3805 5 років тому

    Thank you for this teaching, Jesus come quickly.

  • @debbiewhi4847
    @debbiewhi4847 5 років тому

    Thank you for sharing this, God bless you and keep you.

  • @lesliekendall5668
    @lesliekendall5668 5 років тому

    Saddam never had his seat of gov't in Babylon.

  • @Rapture-Ready888
    @Rapture-Ready888 5 років тому

    The UN came out today and said, that satan is lord and master now!!

  • @kennyshrader9375
    @kennyshrader9375 5 років тому

    Did I just hear a pastor say "I get off on that"? Are you serious

  • @Inkbyjeremy
    @Inkbyjeremy 5 років тому

    Great video brother keep pushing forward amen in these end times

  • @jimoaks9270
    @jimoaks9270 5 років тому

    most accurate telling i’ve heard, thank you!

  • @cherifidele3567
    @cherifidele3567 5 років тому

    Thank you for Preaching the Gospel 💕

  • @donnamcmaster9033
    @donnamcmaster9033 5 років тому

    Great lesson - thank you!

  • @robynlowry3643
    @robynlowry3643 4 роки тому

    Still trying to get there.