Hallo Stefan, weer een prachtige aflevering. Er zijn zoveel onbekende feiten betreffende Nederlandse militairen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog die verteld zouden moeten worden. Zoals over commandant Conrad Helfrich. Daar zou je bijvoorbeeld ook een mooie aflevering over kunnen maken.
Yeah it must mean they have no other options. I thought the KIA numbers would have been higher. Still tuff battle. And that’s when the Luftwaffe was a force still!!
For me this subject was mandatory at school. Because I was born in Zeeuws Vlaanderen, but boy dit I forget a lot of details, so thank you for the refresher.
Echt geweldig mooi gedaan dit! Een Franse oorlogsbegraafplaats in Kapelle, en het belang van de sloedam. Twee plaatsen om binnenkort te bezoeken. Great content, thanks Stephan!🙏
yeah, most sources skip everything that doesn't involve Russian or American troops in some way. Another thing often forgotten is the RAF bombardments on Dutch airfields and port facilities during BEFORE the Dutch surrender on 15 May 1940. Rather than assisting the Dutch by attacking German forces in the field, the British assisted the Germans (though that wasn't their direct intent) by bombing Dutch airfields, ports, and oil storage tanks. Their idea was to prevent those from falling into German hands undamaged and they didn't want to give the Germans time to set up AA guns around them, so they just bombed them while there were still Dutch troops and civilians operating them... Thank you RAF.
Great video. I'm by no means an expert but I love history and I know quite a bit about WW2. But even though my mom is a Zeeuw and i've been to Zeeland countless times to stay with my grandparents (who lived through the invasion and occupation). I had no idea about any of this! I'm really enjoying this channel. Good quality videos with lots of unknown and interesting stuff. Ga zo door!
Isn't this great? I would love to see some remnants of the Zanddijklinie! I never knew that the main entrance road towards Yerseke from the A58 wás part of that defense line. Next to the motor cross plot near Bath, in what now is a little nature reserve, are some heavy cast iron shields with peek holes, overlooking the surrounding fields looking North and East. I always assumed this was for bird watching, but could this be parts of the old Bath line defense? (Bathstelling?)
@@vincentstuker5507 could definitely be the case, if you look close enough you can find old fortifications everywhere. There are even some very old bunkers in the Yerseke moer
Haha cool video! I live right there in the village of Kruiningen right at the "zanddijkstelling". 2 old bunkers are still there left and right of the railroad.
Thank you for the reminder of this episode of the battle in the west. There is a lot to say about these 2 months of German offensive. But, only Dunkirk interests the public, because this event was written and romanticized by the English.
Weer knap gemaakt! Er gaan verhalen dat Middelburg in puin is geschoten door Frans geschut, waarschijnlijk niet helemaal met opzet gedaan maar was bedoeld om de terugtrekkende Franse troepen dekking te geven.
Bedankt! Bronnen die ik over Middelburg heb bestudeerd laten het dus in het midden en beweren dat zowel de Duitsers als de Fransen hebben bijgedragen aan de veroorzaakte puinhopen in deze stad. Sommige bronnen beweerden de Fransen alleen.
Thank you so much. I came across this when researching my Opa's involvement in the Dutch Army. I only had a letter to go by which came from Vlake Veldpost 9. As an Australian citizen it does not mean so much to me and I find out all of this fascinating information. He was in 2III 40 R.I.
Very interesting. I never knew about this, but my grandparents were a part of it as they were residents of Duinbeek near Oostkapelle. I still have a Canadian 5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb with the original markings and detachable base plate as it was rifle-fired around my mom's house. Of course, that was near the end of the war. And one of the stories I remember is of the SS looking around the property for my great uncle, a resistance leader for Zeeland. My mom still remembers bullets coming through the attic where she and the family were hiding.
@@HistoryHustle Oh, I forgot to add that another great uncle of mine was in the Netherlands as part of the Canadian infantry. He survived D-Day and Sicily. I don't know if he was in Zeeland as I don't know what Highlander regiment he served in since he never talked about the war. As for my Dutch great uncle, he was one of the founders of Trouw (newspaper), and was put on trial by the Nazis- a death sentence. My Opa had to bribe a German guard to save him, but his friends were executed. My mom still has the court papers and other info. And another interesting story I remember was of my Opa stepping out of a line of men being selected for forced labour in Germany.
Great video and very informative, little dissapointed you forgot us Belgians. We had around 24000 troops stationed in Zeeland at the time and lost a number of men fighting here as well ( i dont know how much). But the small village where i live in Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen at least 9 Belgians were KIA in May 1940. So for the whole of Zeeland i think it would be a little less or the same as the French army lost.
To go a little deeper on the subject the last Dutch troops left from Oostende on the 19th of May at 9 p.m. By this time the French army has also packed their stuff and left. The Belgian army with left overs from 2e Gidsen, 2e/4e Carabiniers, 1e Grenadiers and propably a few other regiments fought back the German 227. Infanterie-Division in Eastern Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen untill the night between the 22th and 23th of May, while the Belgian 1e & 2e Cavelerie Divisie held off untill the night of the 23th / 24th of May in West Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen. After this they retreated as well behind the Leopoldchannel to continue their fight till the 27th of May when they also surrendered.
Thanks for your reply. Didn't know about the Belgian presence in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen actually. I did cover Belgium 1940 here. The Campaign: The Army:
Hi Stefan, weer een mooie aflevering. Ik was deze slag zeker niet vergeten, maar heb me nooit gerealiseerd dat het zo'n "walk in the park" was voor de Duitsers. Overigens werd in 1944 weer heftig gevochten bij de Sloedam. Met de Duitsers nu op de plek van de Nederlanders/Fransen en de Canadezen aan de andere kant. Keep up the good work.
Interessante video weer Stefan. Mag ik je een tip geven? Koop voor een paar tientjes een wind jammer voor je microfoon. De wind leid soms best wel een beetje af. Ga zo door, ik bewonder je gedrevenheid.
Although for my taste, your presentation could be a bit less ‘popular’, I have to say that your subjects are different and often interesting and you are well informed. So, thumbs up!
Just subscribed to your channel, I am progressively going through all of your great content, many thanks for all the work and passion you put into this, if you ever come to Southern east of France to shoot some videos and need to be stationed, I can happily help you with that.
@@HistoryHustle I am mostly interested in the ww2 conflict but I start to get into ww1 and battle of the somme (was born there), now that I leave in the south east, I document myself on the dragoon operation. I don't seem to be able to get enough of paper or video content on what happened in ww2 and this crazy period it was. I am also a gun collector and shooter so I own quite a few rifles from all sides. Anyway if you plan on shooting content downhere, let me know if I can be of help. Guillaume
Considering that the weaponry of the Dutch army at that point existed of guns from 1898 (Staal 8) and mainly lots of bicycles, the outcome was not surprising. Most of those guys had also just been called up and training and discipline were gone by the 4th day in many cases. I was unaware of this event having happened after the surrender of the Netherlands. I had always understood it to be part of the general invasion during the initial few days. Thanks for filling in this gap in my historical knowledge. The performance of the Dutch army in 1940 was pretty much as expected for the most part, but it had some unexpected spots of stubborn resistance. The overall delay it caused may have been a factor in the Brits escaping from Dunkirk. In all the invasion wasn't the success the German high command expected and the large Dutch government escaped. With it the mercantile fleet that would carry goods across the Atlantic and doing convoy duty to Murmansk for instance. The Dutch colonies that now make up Indonesia got invaded by Japan in 1942, took some longer than the homelands, but even less well equipped often native troops that were not willing to die for the queen were no match for the Japanese. In all, the Netherlands played a minor role in world events of that era, but it is worth to be remembered what it was against and how much suffering was involved for so many. The reasons to create the EU are as valid today as they were in 1945 and later. At the very least it has taught us the importance of international law and arbitration in order to prevent such things from happening again. But yeah,.. history's lessons are not always taught as the current state of the US shows us.
Ten eerste, erg benieuwd naar de video! Ik heb uw afstudeerfilm gezien en vond hem erg mooi. Ik kwam deze tegen tijdens het zoeken naar de film over de slag om de Grebbeberg ( die ene die verdween zonder enkel nieuwsbericht). Nu vroeg ik mij af of u nog plannen had voor een andere film over de meidagen? Ik zou, met mij denk ik een hoop anderen, graag alsnog een film willen over de Grebbeberg!
Bedankt! Inderdaad, een Nederlandse filmmaker had plannen voor een film over de Slag om de Grebbeberg. Hij kreeg de financiering helaas niet rond. Zelf concentreer ik mij nu op dit videokanaal en heb geen filmplannen.
De animaties waren erg handig en duidelijk! Zou u ook een filmpje kunnen maken over de slag bij Ypenburg? De Nederlanders hebben daar 2 Fallschirmjäger aanvallen succesvol afgeslagen en 375 vijandelijke vliegtuigen neergeschoten.
@@TimDutch Een ander onderwerp, maar een hele interessante situatie. Zoiets heb ik nog nooit mee gemaakt. Ik wil wellicht van de nood een deugd maken. Er is nog een video die ik wil opnemen op de Dam die normaal zwart staat van de toeristen. Wellicht is dat binnenkort anders en kan ik daar ongestoord filmen.
Gratitude! I did the animations in Adobe Premiere Pro. Actually it's better to use After Effects but I don't own that programm and don't know how it works either. With Premiere Pro it is kind of a cumbersome task, but it's worth my time and actually kinda fun to do.
Have you already made a video about the Princess Irene Brigade ? I would be interested to know what they did after their landing in Normandy at Courseul., i have lived in the Oise region which is North of Paris, and the road to Senlis, I visited the Nederlands ereveld Orry-la-Ville, It would nice to learn about their route, where and how the fought all the way to NL
ben je ook naar de monument in Vlissingen gegaan? het is vlakbij mijn werk en makkelijk te lopen vanuit Station Vlissingen. daar word herdenking vaak gehouden van dat slag in Vlissingen.
@@HistoryHustle aha, maar ik bedoel wel de Franse monument. en als je naar Uncle Beach monument. probeer ook de bunker en de molen bezoeken. want daar heb je ook de een persoon onderzeeër de Biber in zee container. dus best moeite waard om bezoeken. als het open is door die Corona virus? (behalve de biber want die staat buiten dus dat is gratis om te kijken) ow en daar heb je ook de namen monument. die heeft mijn afdeling gemaakt en daar hebben wij (mijn collega's en mijn voorman meer) extra veel tijd in gestoken om iets waardevol aan die jongen mensen herinneren zullen worden. dus veel succes er mee. als je ook bijzonders wilt zien bij de buurt van de zwembad Vrijburg heb je een bunker (op de Nieuwe Vlissingseweg) die als huis vermomt is echt moeite om te zien.
I had a great time watching this channel, Dutch Soldiers are not that well known or not that familiar to other nations during WW2 an Like the British Americans French and Russians that fought the mighty Axis Germany, I have watched some Dutch WW2 movie and its inspiring.
Can you do a show on the small arms the Dutch used? I noticed the actors had old Lewis guns. Would those be in .303 or French 11mm lebell? Did the Dutch have their own standard cartridge? Again I thank you sir.
Colonel Lewis was an American, US army. The Belgians were the first to manufacture the design and Britain obtained it's first Lewis guns from Belgium. The Dutch bough their first Lewis guns from BSA, .303's, which were later converted to a 6.5mm used in other Dutch weapons. This was not hard as the 6.5mm round has almost the same dimensions as the British .303.
If the Dutch in 1940 would have had the same spirit and energy as our HistoryHustle they would have kept up much longer against the Germans than only 5 days.
Fighting for another country after your country already surrendered? Fighting against the best Germany had to offer together with luftwaffe support while you and youre friends are hopelessly outgunned? Of course they are low morale
Lol,.. The french in this case seem to have put up a stiffer fight if I count the fallen. I get your drift. Though I think the French have always been treated unfairly in that regard, they at least had comparable equipment to their enemy. Considering the fact that the country had already surrendered and having been confronted with the routing troops coming in with horror stories on their faces, I can imagine any inspiration to die for the retreating French must have been low. Getting bombed and strafed by Stuka's without any meaningful defense cannot have been much fun either. At that time meth wasn't a thing yet in Holland either, unlike Germany where 33% of the population is estimated to have been addicted. That seems to have helped taking extreme risks with high rewards for the German army. But just imagine those scary guys with grinding teeth and spaced out eyes.
@@HistoryHustle .....SO, the german had been right to attack the netherlands, as the netherlands had been working together with France, the country who declared war on germany. Thx for clarification. I am german.
Een tijdje geleden vroeg ik me af wat er eigenlijk was gebeurd op Tholen tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog. Nu weet ik dus het antwoord: niet echt veel! Wat ik wel heb gehoord van mijn grootouders is dat Canadese parachutisten hier landde tijdens de bevrijding van Nederland
Tijdens de Duitse inval zijn er her en der wat schermutselingen geweest. Tijdens de bevrijding (1944) was het een ander verhaal. Daarvoor moet ik nog in de boeken duiken. Wellicht dat ik daar 's zomers een video over ga schieten.
recently i read about the dutch marine fighting in rotterdam. the germans were astonished with their bravery and called them the black devils. maybe a subject for one of your videos???
Dit heb ik me nou altijd afgevraagd inderdaad! Je engels verbeterd. Ik hoop dat je het niet irritant vindt trouwens. Alleen de woorden “allied en country” zou je even moeten opzoeken. Country spreekt bijna niemand goed uit, je spreekt het zo uit “kantrie” op zijn nederlands zeg maar en niet “kountrie”.
History Hustle Did the forces, the forces of the mainland or the entire country surrender? Afaik in the colonies was some fighting and the government escaped. (Btw I wrote something under our comments under the Volkssturm-photo. Maybe this could become stories.)
The Dutch government and royal family fled to England. On the 5th of May the forces in the Netherlands (exept Zeeland) surrendered. Suriname and the Antilles remained under Dutch control. So did the Dutch East Indies till March 1942 when the Japanese completed their conquest of the area.
Thank you for that video. My understanding of one of the reasons of the success of the german offensive on the western front was that German army attacked not only Belgium but the Netherlands, which led French and British troops to stretch even more than during August/September 1914 and being even more vulnerable to being cut. Dunkirk, Zealand, and other fights in Belgium in 1940 should be then considered as part of the same tactical movement.
I belive there were some Dutch ships taking part at the invasion of Normandy, the Hr. Ms. Soemba and the Hr. Ms. Flores. Litle after D-day the Dutch Princes Irene brigade joined in too.. they fought in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. I think they took part in operation Market Garden and also in the battle for Zeeland.
After the Germans captured The Netherlands and the Japanese captured the Dutch East Indies, there were Dutch soldiers, pilots and sailors who kept fighting in Europe and Asia during the entire war. Like commander Conrad Helfrich. His small force of submarines sank more Japanese ships in the first weeks of the war than the entire British and US navies together. Also not forget the Dutch resistance fighters.
@@HistoryHustle A town called Oostburg. But I live in Rotterdam now for studying. It's to the South West so we were probably one of the last towns to fall to Germany.
Good question. There are North African graves located on this cemetery. Yet, I read on a sign these were the bodies of North Africans that washed ashore on Zeeland after their boat that departed from England was shot down by the Germans. I've heard of North Africans (Maroccans, Algerians, Tunesians) that did fight in Zeeland in 1940 but wasn't able to find sources on this.
Because in 1944/45 Germany had 1 milion soldiers on western front, in 1940, 3 milions, without taking into account the decisive allied air superiority in 1944/45, while in 1940 french and british air forces combined could'nt do much against Germany's. Comparing both times is being either incult or dishonest.
Stefan is the man!!!!! He inspired me and my friend to create our own channel and create videos about our country! We would love some support/feedback, check it out and hit the subscribe button. Stay awesome!
It was a poorly conducted defence staged by forces speaking two different languages, this made communication difficult. On top of that, as mentioned the two commanders didn't cooperate very well. The Dutch, after the surrender were very much demoralized and the retreating soldiers from other parts were very disorganised, causing further confusion among the remaining defenders. The overall sentiment among the defenders was that they were fighting a battle that was already lost. This is also stated in the same book that Stefan uses as one of his forces. "Mei 1940, De strijd op Nederlands grondgebied"
The Dutch didn't fight well, but they fought when they didn't have to. Technically, as soon as the surrender happened, the Dutch-French alliance ended, so French troops in the Netherlands should have either left immediately or been interned by the Dutch under the prevailing international customs. The Dutch chose neither to evict or disarm their French guests. Their other option was to simply leave Zeeland and surrender to the closest Germans. They didn't. Instead, they kept their arms and fired upon Germans, long after it was illegal for them to do so. Make of that what you will. I consider the Dutch defenders of Zeeland proper Dutch patriots, if not exactly great soldiers.
Als ik dat beeld zie van zoveel kruizen met daarop "Français Non-identifié", dan vind ik dat toch wel triest. Triest dat die jongens daar zijn gestorven, maar ook triest dat men nog niet heeft uitgevonden WIE dat nu zijn die daar liggen...
Well guess what? France and Britain ditched poland and France did took some settlement but guess what? how to put this together? They were to scared to fight the german and Britain to be honest they where recovering from ww2 but if they did well 6 year war would not happen is ww2
And the 11 settlement and Sarra offensive well the France army decided to leave the the captured territory and mostly ww1 equipment even they did not get train to fight they thought of ww1 style but guess what? They got run over by the 100 of panzer tanks and swarm all over france
Are you aware that in your graphics you are using the wrong cross ? You say you're a history teacher how did you miss that ? Looks like something a American teacher or a teacher from some overly PC country would do.
@@chrisdeal9945 interesting that you didn't assume im anycase im neither but I don't respect computer monitor generals who wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.
@@HistoryHustle ah interesting! I once read that the French entered the Netherlands because they were afraid that the Dutch would let the Germans pass trough the country, but must have been a false source!
Of course the French wanted to make sure the Germans wouldn't pass through unopposed. Furthermore the French saw the Dutch Army as incapable. One French observer before 1940 compared the Dutch Army with a boyscout organisation...
Roman empire that was large and good at war and look at the Italian Greek war in 1940 they just lost the war to olive eater and Germany have to intervene to help Italy and they even lost Africa and a joke when they touch the land they switch side
@@HistoryHustle daar zou ik wel graag t verhaal achter willen weten..zo snel troepen van een ander land toelaten op je grondgebied nadat je neutraliteit is geschonden.
Misschien leuk voor jou om te zien : Hij heeft heel andere video's dus geen concurrent hoor ;-)
Hallo Stefan, weer een prachtige aflevering. Er zijn zoveel onbekende feiten betreffende Nederlandse militairen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog die verteld zouden moeten worden. Zoals over commandant Conrad Helfrich. Daar zou je bijvoorbeeld ook een mooie aflevering over kunnen maken.
When the French defend your country harder than you do.
Crazy Times.
Yeah it must mean they have no other options. I thought the KIA numbers would have been higher.
Still tuff battle. And that’s when the Luftwaffe was a force still!!
For me this subject was mandatory at school. Because I was born in Zeeuws Vlaanderen, but boy dit I forget a lot of details, so thank you for the refresher.
You're welcome. Thanks for your message.
Thank you for teaching us on the forgotten WW2 Battles
You're welcome 👍
Echt geweldig mooi gedaan dit! Een Franse oorlogsbegraafplaats in Kapelle, en het belang van de sloedam. Twee plaatsen om binnenkort te bezoeken.
Great content, thanks Stephan!🙏
Bedankt! 👍
Thanks for this info. I never new this battle.
You're welcome!
Fantastic as always
dit verhaal wist ik niet, bedankt
Excellent video Sir!👌🏽👌🏽
Thanks Fouad!
I am really impressed with knowledge of the subject and the passion of your delivery. Cheers
Thank you 👍
Interseting story, and again a great video
Thank you, glad you liked it!
Informative one. I never heard of this battle as many sources skipped this in WW2 chapters.
Indeed, a fairly unknown battle. Thanks for watching and commenting.
yeah, most sources skip everything that doesn't involve Russian or American troops in some way.
Another thing often forgotten is the RAF bombardments on Dutch airfields and port facilities during BEFORE the Dutch surrender on 15 May 1940.
Rather than assisting the Dutch by attacking German forces in the field, the British assisted the Germans (though that wasn't their direct intent) by bombing Dutch airfields, ports, and oil storage tanks.
Their idea was to prevent those from falling into German hands undamaged and they didn't want to give the Germans time to set up AA guns around them, so they just bombed them while there were still Dutch troops and civilians operating them...
Thank you RAF.
I'm excited!! You make high quality content
Great video. I'm by no means an expert but I love history and I know quite a bit about WW2. But even though my mom is a Zeeuw and i've been to Zeeland countless times to stay with my grandparents (who lived through the invasion and occupation). I had no idea about any of this!
I'm really enjoying this channel. Good quality videos with lots of unknown and interesting stuff. Ga zo door!
Thanks for your comment! Nice to read.
Where were you born? That's interesting
@@HistoryHustle +q
Very nice hommage .
Great video, I'm from Yerseke so literally at the Zandijklinie. The traces of the battle are still visible in Zeeland when you look closely
Cool! Thanks for sharing, Jesse!
Isn't this great? I would love to see some remnants of the Zanddijklinie! I never knew that the main entrance road towards Yerseke from the A58 wás part of that defense line. Next to the motor cross plot near Bath, in what now is a little nature reserve, are some heavy cast iron shields with peek holes, overlooking the surrounding fields looking North and East. I always assumed this was for bird watching, but could this be parts of the old Bath line defense? (Bathstelling?)
@@vincentstuker5507 could definitely be the case, if you look close enough you can find old fortifications everywhere. There are even some very old bunkers in the Yerseke moer
Haha cool video! I live right there in the village of Kruiningen right at the "zanddijkstelling". 2 old bunkers are still there left and right of the railroad.
Interessant, dank voor het delen!
Thank you for the reminder of this episode of the battle in the west. There is a lot to say about these 2 months of German offensive. But, only Dunkirk interests the public, because this event was written and romanticized by the English.
You're welcome. Thanks for your message.
Sounds like a good video!
Thanks, hope you like it.
Weer knap gemaakt!
Er gaan verhalen dat Middelburg in puin is geschoten door Frans geschut, waarschijnlijk niet helemaal met opzet gedaan maar was bedoeld om de terugtrekkende Franse troepen dekking te geven.
Bedankt! Bronnen die ik over Middelburg heb bestudeerd laten het dus in het midden en beweren dat zowel de Duitsers als de Fransen hebben bijgedragen aan de veroorzaakte puinhopen in deze stad. Sommige bronnen beweerden de Fransen alleen.
@@HistoryHustle kijk eens naar Andere tijden met een aflevering over het "bombardement" op Middelburg
Dat is correct, alle bewijzen laten zien dat het idd de Fransen waren.
Ook Duitse archiefstukken ontkrachtten dat het de Duitsers waren.
Had ik vroegah maar zo'n leraar geschiedenis 🤙 Keep up the good work!
Dank je!
Very good Video. Deserves deffenetly more likes and views
Thanks, feel free to share this video on social media of course :)
@@HistoryHustle heb ik al xD
Thank you so much. I came across this when researching my Opa's involvement in the Dutch Army. I only had a letter to go by which came from Vlake Veldpost 9. As an Australian citizen it does not mean so much to me and I find out all of this fascinating information. He was in 2III 40 R.I.
We're welcome Adrianne, thanks for your comment.
Love animations. And the history
Thanks, Brad.
Great video
Very interesting. I never knew about this, but my grandparents were a part of it as they were residents of Duinbeek near Oostkapelle. I still have a Canadian 5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb with the original markings and detachable base plate as it was rifle-fired around my mom's house. Of course, that was near the end of the war. And one of the stories I remember is of the SS looking around the property for my great uncle, a resistance leader for Zeeland. My mom still remembers bullets coming through the attic where she and the family were hiding.
Very interesting to read, thank you for sharing this.
@@HistoryHustle Oh, I forgot to add that another great uncle of mine was in the Netherlands as part of the Canadian infantry. He survived D-Day and Sicily. I don't know if he was in Zeeland as I don't know what Highlander regiment he served in since he never talked about the war. As for my Dutch great uncle, he was one of the founders of Trouw (newspaper), and was put on trial by the Nazis- a death sentence. My Opa had to bribe a German guard to save him, but his friends were executed. My mom still has the court papers and other info. And another interesting story I remember was of my Opa stepping out of a line of men being selected for forced labour in Germany.
Great video and very informative, little dissapointed you forgot us Belgians. We had around 24000 troops stationed in Zeeland at the time and lost a number of men fighting here as well ( i dont know how much). But the small village where i live in Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen at least 9 Belgians were KIA in May 1940. So for the whole of Zeeland i think it would be a little less or the same as the French army lost.
To go a little deeper on the subject the last Dutch troops left from Oostende on the 19th of May at 9 p.m.
By this time the French army has also packed their stuff and left. The Belgian army with left overs from 2e Gidsen, 2e/4e Carabiniers, 1e Grenadiers and propably a few other regiments fought back the German 227. Infanterie-Division in Eastern Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen untill the night between the 22th and 23th of May, while the Belgian 1e & 2e Cavelerie Divisie held off untill the night of the 23th / 24th of May in West Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen.
After this they retreated as well behind the Leopoldchannel to continue their fight till the 27th of May when they also surrendered.
Thanks for your reply. Didn't know about the Belgian presence in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen actually. I did cover Belgium 1940 here.
The Campaign:
The Army:
@@HistoryHustle thanks ill check them out!
Hi Stefan, weer een mooie aflevering. Ik was deze slag zeker niet vergeten, maar heb me nooit gerealiseerd dat het zo'n "walk in the park" was voor de Duitsers. Overigens werd in 1944 weer heftig gevochten bij de Sloedam. Met de Duitsers nu op de plek van de Nederlanders/Fransen en de Canadezen aan de andere kant. Keep up the good work.
Dank voor je bericht, Marcel. Ik praat over de 1944 gevechtshandelingen in deze video:
@@HistoryHustle Die had ik gemist, ik ga hem op mijn lijst zetten. Thnx, Stefan!
Looking forward to it.
That was great. Thankyou
You're welcome.
Could you do a video on the Dutch troops who served in Korea?
I think the Korean War is a fascinating topic that doesn’t get talked about enough.
Future somewhere
History Hustle nice👌
The o [
Interessante video weer Stefan. Mag ik je een tip geven? Koop voor een paar tientjes een wind jammer voor je microfoon. De wind leid soms best wel een beetje af. Ga zo door, ik bewonder je gedrevenheid.
Dank, en ga ik doen!
Very good video! I have a question, what about the Dutch citizens? Were they armed and did any fight back?
Thanks. No Dutch civilians fought the Germans in May 1940.
Dankje voor de aandacht voor mijn mooie provincie
Graag gedaan.
Although for my taste, your presentation could be a bit less ‘popular’, I have to say that your subjects are different and often interesting and you are well informed. So, thumbs up!
Thanks. I am experimenting with presentation styles.
All personally subjective, myself I love Stefans presentation style, it's the reason I keep coming back after finding the channel recently.
Have you made a video of the Battle Of Texel in 1945 .
top Stefan, very very good vid and animations, keep up the good work 😉
Ps mooie jas...staat je wel.😊
Just subscribed to your channel, I am progressively going through all of your great content, many thanks for all the work and passion you put into this, if you ever come to Southern east of France to shoot some videos and need to be stationed, I can happily help you with that.
Thanks, welcome to the channel. What history are you most interested in?
@@HistoryHustle I am mostly interested in the ww2 conflict but I start to get into ww1 and battle of the somme (was born there), now that I leave in the south east, I document myself on the dragoon operation. I don't seem to be able to get enough of paper or video content on what happened in ww2 and this crazy period it was. I am also a gun collector and shooter so I own quite a few rifles from all sides. Anyway if you plan on shooting content downhere, let me know if I can be of help. Guillaume
@@HistoryHustle by the way, that film Mei 1940, where can it be found?
Check my Patreon page for that. Also, have you seen my video about the liberation of France? It's right here:
Interesting topic to cover would be why hitler did not attempt to invade Switzerland
Ik woon zelf in Kapelle, interessant om dit terug te zien in de video!
Ja tof, mooie filmlocatie hier!
Considering that the weaponry of the Dutch army at that point existed of guns from 1898 (Staal 8) and mainly lots of bicycles, the outcome was not surprising. Most of those guys had also just been called up and training and discipline were gone by the 4th day in many cases. I was unaware of this event having happened after the surrender of the Netherlands. I had always understood it to be part of the general invasion during the initial few days. Thanks for filling in this gap in my historical knowledge.
The performance of the Dutch army in 1940 was pretty much as expected for the most part, but it had some unexpected spots of stubborn resistance. The overall delay it caused may have been a factor in the Brits escaping from Dunkirk. In all the invasion wasn't the success the German high command expected and the large Dutch government escaped. With it the mercantile fleet that would carry goods across the Atlantic and doing convoy duty to Murmansk for instance. The Dutch colonies that now make up Indonesia got invaded by Japan in 1942, took some longer than the homelands, but even less well equipped often native troops that were not willing to die for the queen were no match for the Japanese.
In all, the Netherlands played a minor role in world events of that era, but it is worth to be remembered what it was against and how much suffering was involved for so many. The reasons to create the EU are as valid today as they were in 1945 and later. At the very least it has taught us the importance of international law and arbitration in order to prevent such things from happening again. But yeah,.. history's lessons are not always taught as the current state of the US shows us.
Thanks you for sharing your insights.
The US is good, but Europe has had some issues the past 3 years. Looks like it was Europe that needed to learn from its history.
Ten eerste, erg benieuwd naar de video!
Ik heb uw afstudeerfilm gezien en vond hem erg mooi. Ik kwam deze tegen tijdens het zoeken naar de film over de slag om de Grebbeberg ( die ene die verdween zonder enkel nieuwsbericht). Nu vroeg ik mij af of u nog plannen had voor een andere film over de meidagen? Ik zou, met mij denk ik een hoop anderen, graag alsnog een film willen over de Grebbeberg!
Bedankt! Inderdaad, een Nederlandse filmmaker had plannen voor een film over de Slag om de Grebbeberg. Hij kreeg de financiering helaas niet rond. Zelf concentreer ik mij nu op dit videokanaal en heb geen filmplannen.
De animaties waren erg handig en duidelijk! Zou u ook een filmpje kunnen maken over de slag bij Ypenburg? De Nederlanders hebben daar 2 Fallschirmjäger aanvallen succesvol afgeslagen en 375 vijandelijke vliegtuigen neergeschoten.
Wil ik sowieso nog een keer doen. Weet nog niet wanneer.
@@HistoryHustle mooi dankuwel! Wat vindt u van de Corona situatie in Nederland?
@@TimDutch Een ander onderwerp, maar een hele interessante situatie. Zoiets heb ik nog nooit mee gemaakt. Ik wil wellicht van de nood een deugd maken. Er is nog een video die ik wil opnemen op de Dam die normaal zwart staat van de toeristen. Wellicht is dat binnenkort anders en kan ik daar ongestoord filmen.
Should of had your New Zealand brothers by your side. They would have defended that name with everything. Love to the Dutch
Thanks for your reply.
Yay! Can't wait!
Good to hear.
Must of forgot to comment here. How did you make those animations? Keep them up anyway!
Gratitude! I did the animations in Adobe Premiere Pro. Actually it's better to use After Effects but I don't own that programm and don't know how it works either. With Premiere Pro it is kind of a cumbersome task, but it's worth my time and actually kinda fun to do.
@@HistoryHustle Well as I said. Keep them up! They are very enjoyable to watch!
Have you already made a video about the Princess Irene Brigade ? I would be interested to know what they did after their landing in Normandy at Courseul., i have lived in the Oise region which is North of Paris, and the road to Senlis, I visited the Nederlands ereveld Orry-la-Ville,
It would nice to learn about their route, where and how the fought all the way to NL
No, somewhere in the future it will be made, but not anytime soon.
ben je ook naar de monument in Vlissingen gegaan? het is vlakbij mijn werk en makkelijk te lopen vanuit Station Vlissingen. daar word herdenking vaak gehouden van dat slag in Vlissingen.
Staat zeker nog op de planning! Wil in de toekomst sowieso Vlissingen aan doen voor een video over de Slag om de Schelde.
@@HistoryHustle aha, maar ik bedoel wel de Franse monument. en als je naar Uncle Beach monument. probeer ook de bunker en de molen bezoeken. want daar heb je ook de een persoon onderzeeër de Biber in zee container. dus best moeite waard om bezoeken. als het open is door die Corona virus? (behalve de biber want die staat buiten dus dat is gratis om te kijken) ow en daar heb je ook de namen monument. die heeft mijn afdeling gemaakt en daar hebben wij (mijn collega's en mijn voorman meer) extra veel tijd in gestoken om iets waardevol aan die jongen mensen herinneren zullen worden. dus veel succes er mee. als je ook bijzonders wilt zien bij de buurt van de zwembad Vrijburg heb je een bunker (op de Nieuwe Vlissingseweg) die als huis vermomt is echt moeite om te zien.
Dank voor de tip, zeker een bezoek waard dus.
@@HistoryHustle dat is wel de moeite waard. als je naar die bunker gaat. kan je beter uit Vlissingen souburg station uit stappen.
Ga ik doen!
I had a great time watching this channel, Dutch Soldiers are not that well known or not that familiar to other nations during WW2 an Like the British Americans French and Russians that fought the mighty Axis Germany, I have watched some Dutch WW2 movie and its inspiring.
Thanks for your message.
Thank you. Very interesting. I have ancestors who are from Zeeland so it's interesting to see what happened to the province during the war.
Cool! So interesting to hear from people across the planet that have ancestors from these European regions.
Leuke video! Top
Ik kijk er erg naar uit!
Mooi. Heb m'n best gedaan voor deze met geanimeerde kaartjes enzo.
@@HistoryHustle wow dat klinkt gaaf!
Heb je ook een filmpje over de russenoorlog op texel? De opstand van de Georgiërs
Ik bespreek deze opstand hier:
Als ie morgen klaar is ga ik gelijk kijken!
Is dat die begraafplaats die je vanaf de a58 kan zien?
Durf niet te zeggen, rij zelf nooit op die weg.
My grandfather fought in Zeeland, they surrendered on 17 may in front of a burning city hall in Middelburg.
Interesting, thanks for sharing Roger!
Bataille inconnue en effet !
Tres bien.
Can you do a show on the small arms the Dutch used? I noticed the actors had old Lewis guns. Would those be in .303 or French 11mm lebell? Did the Dutch have their own standard cartridge?
Again I thank you sir.
More on that here:
Colonel Lewis was an American, US army. The Belgians were the first to manufacture the design and Britain obtained it's first Lewis guns from Belgium. The Dutch bough their first Lewis guns from BSA, .303's, which were later converted to a 6.5mm used in other Dutch weapons. This was not hard as the 6.5mm round has almost the same dimensions as the British .303.
Hi! Where can i bought this kind of a coat?
@@HistoryHustle thanks. It looks awesome
I live in Zeeland! Philippine
can you discuss dutch troops and civilians who retreated to the u.k. and fought on to 1945? thank you.
You mean the Prinses Irene Brigade. I will adress this army formation one day.
History Hustle yes, plus other escaped dutch forces in europe, as well as in asia. thank you.
If the Dutch in 1940 would have had the same spirit and energy as our HistoryHustle they would have kept up much longer against the Germans than only 5 days.
Lol, who knows...
Interesting how by popular standards, the Dutch were more French than the actual French present 🤔.
Fighting for another country after your country already surrendered? Fighting against the best Germany had to offer together with luftwaffe support while you and youre friends are hopelessly outgunned? Of course they are low morale
@2eme_Voltigeur: Not sure what you mean by this...
Lol,.. The french in this case seem to have put up a stiffer fight if I count the fallen. I get your drift. Though I think the French have always been treated unfairly in that regard, they at least had comparable equipment to their enemy. Considering the fact that the country had already surrendered and having been confronted with the routing troops coming in with horror stories on their faces, I can imagine any inspiration to die for the retreating French must have been low. Getting bombed and strafed by Stuka's without any meaningful defense cannot have been much fun either.
At that time meth wasn't a thing yet in Holland either, unlike Germany where 33% of the population is estimated to have been addicted. That seems to have helped taking extreme risks with high rewards for the German army. But just imagine those scary guys with grinding teeth and spaced out eyes.
Interesting, never read about this.
Thanks for your reply, Jonas.
Love franc from netherlands
Than, u
Cause of u i know so much of WW2 and ww1
Good netherlands
I'm counting hours to it
Hope you will like it!
@@HistoryHustle there is no possibility for me to not like it!
Haha, thanks!
So it was mainly a Dutch retreat, with a few French thrown in for at least some form of resistance?
In short, yes.
@@HistoryHustle .....SO, the german had been right to attack the netherlands, as the netherlands had been working together with France, the country who declared war on germany.
Thx for clarification.
I am german.
@@keinervondaoben720 France declared war on Germany because they had a guarantee on Poland... which was attacked by Germany in the first place.
Een tijdje geleden vroeg ik me af wat er eigenlijk was gebeurd op Tholen tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog. Nu weet ik dus het antwoord: niet echt veel!
Wat ik wel heb gehoord van mijn grootouders is dat Canadese parachutisten hier landde tijdens de bevrijding van Nederland
Tijdens de Duitse inval zijn er her en der wat schermutselingen geweest. Tijdens de bevrijding (1944) was het een ander verhaal. Daarvoor moet ik nog in de boeken duiken. Wellicht dat ik daar 's zomers een video over ga schieten.
@@HistoryHustle Daar kijk ik naar uit!
Ik wou dat ik een geschiedenisleraar had zoals jij! Dan had ik veel meer geleerd :)
Bedankt :)
Thank you very much an interesting story, i know what you're talking about live in Vlissingen.
Dank je wel goed bezig erg interessant😀👍🏽
Dank, Ronald!
We need to know.
So it is.
@@HistoryHustle Respect to our French allies that tried to help us.
New Zealand 🇳🇿 was named after Zeeland 🔥 🔥 🔥
recently i read about the dutch marine fighting in rotterdam. the germans were astonished with their bravery and called them the black devils. maybe a subject for one of your videos???
My oldest video:
Hoe kom je aan die jas hahaha
Lol u always get English sayings just slightly incorrect but it is always fine - love your analysis! 👍
Thanks 👍
Are you dutch yourself?
I am.
History Hustle dat is echt cool man, hoorde het aan jouw uitspraak van de steden :p
Kan je ook een
Keer vidio maken over Nederlandse wapens in de tweede wereld oorlog
Deze al gezien?
Dit heb ik me nou altijd afgevraagd inderdaad! Je engels verbeterd. Ik hoop dat je het niet irritant vindt trouwens. Alleen de woorden “allied en country” zou je even moeten opzoeken. Country spreekt bijna niemand goed uit, je spreekt het zo uit “kantrie” op zijn nederlands zeg maar en niet “kountrie”.
Dank voor de feedback. Ik hoop dat je de video alsnog om zijn inhoud kon waarderen.
Could at least parts of the airforce and the navy escape?
I believe that did happen to a certain extent.
History Hustle Did the forces, the forces of the mainland or the entire country surrender?
Afaik in the colonies was some fighting and the government escaped.
(Btw I wrote something under our comments under the Volkssturm-photo. Maybe this could become stories.)
The Dutch government and royal family fled to England.
On the 5th of May the forces in the Netherlands (exept Zeeland) surrendered.
Suriname and the Antilles remained under Dutch control.
So did the Dutch East Indies till March 1942 when the Japanese completed their conquest of the area.
so the reason people domt know about this battle is basically because they got steamrolled and the entire raid got wiped.
Might be true. It was also fairly small scaled compared to the bigger WW2 Battles that took place later
Thank you for that video. My understanding of one of the reasons of the success of the german offensive on the western front was that German army attacked not only Belgium but the Netherlands, which led French and British troops to stretch even more than during August/September 1914 and being even more vulnerable to being cut. Dunkirk, Zealand, and other fights in Belgium in 1940 should be then considered as part of the same tactical movement.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Frederic.
Where there Free Dutch Forces on Normandy and fighting with Canadian Forces to take back The Netherlands?
I belive there were some Dutch ships taking part at the invasion of Normandy, the Hr. Ms. Soemba and the Hr. Ms. Flores. Litle after D-day the Dutch Princes Irene brigade joined in too.. they fought in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. I think they took part in operation Market Garden and also in the battle for Zeeland.
Thanks for the answer Michiel.
The Dutch have liberated a small town called Pont-Audemer located in Normandy.
After the Germans captured The Netherlands and the Japanese captured the Dutch East Indies, there were Dutch soldiers, pilots and sailors who kept fighting in Europe and Asia during the entire war. Like commander Conrad Helfrich. His small force of submarines sank more Japanese ships in the first weeks of the war than the entire British and US navies together. Also not forget the Dutch resistance fighters.
I am from there!
Cool! Which part?
@@HistoryHustle A town called Oostburg. But I live in Rotterdam now for studying.
It's to the South West so we were probably one of the last towns to fall to Germany.
@@HistoryHustle I am interested now. What was the final town in the Netherlands that fell to the Germans?
@@RandomPerson-dp7ij Hey Dutch person. 👍Love from Luxembourg.
@@luxembourgishempire2826 Love from the Netherlands.
Coole vidio ik wis nooit dat de Franse vochten in nederland weer wat geleerd
Ja toch! Dank voor je bericht.
Where there also marocan soldiers in the fresh legions ?
Good question. There are North African graves located on this cemetery. Yet, I read on a sign these were the bodies of North Africans that washed ashore on Zeeland after their boat that departed from England was shot down by the Germans. I've heard of North Africans (Maroccans, Algerians, Tunesians) that did fight in Zeeland in 1940 but wasn't able to find sources on this.
History Hustle i got the info from a old marocan guy 20 years ago and it still fascinating me
retreat retreat retreat pfff. Thks to our BRAVE allied forces ho didnt RETREAT in 44/45
The story of Zeeland in 1940 was indeed a story of much retreat.
yess the army was not strong also.
Because in 1944/45 Germany had 1 milion soldiers on western front, in 1940, 3 milions, without taking into account the decisive allied air superiority in 1944/45, while in 1940 french and british air forces combined could'nt do much against Germany's. Comparing both times is being either incult or dishonest.
Echt toffe video! Wist dit nooit
Bedankt, Samuel!
Thankfully, the Dutch are better equipped against Germany on the Football pitch.
Stefan is the man!!!!! He inspired me and my friend to create our own channel and create videos about our country! We would love some support/feedback, check it out and hit the subscribe button. Stay awesome!
I think both of you are awesome!
I will kick all the haters you have
That defence just sounds kind of pathetic
I couldn't help to conseil it in my voice, but you're right.
It was a poorly conducted defence staged by forces speaking two different languages, this made communication difficult. On top of that, as mentioned the two commanders didn't cooperate very well. The Dutch, after the surrender were very much demoralized and the retreating soldiers from other parts were very disorganised, causing further confusion among the remaining defenders. The overall sentiment among the defenders was that they were fighting a battle that was already lost.
This is also stated in the same book that Stefan uses as one of his forces. "Mei 1940, De strijd op Nederlands grondgebied"
Lucas Jonk the dutch fled as soon as the first artillery shells landed, I know they were demoralized but god damn
@@ultrasmurf1245 I know, i just felt like giving a bit of extra context.
The Dutch didn't fight well, but they fought when they didn't have to. Technically, as soon as the surrender happened, the Dutch-French alliance ended, so French troops in the Netherlands should have either left immediately or been interned by the Dutch under the prevailing international customs. The Dutch chose neither to evict or disarm their French guests. Their other option was to simply leave Zeeland and surrender to the closest Germans. They didn't. Instead, they kept their arms and fired upon Germans, long after it was illegal for them to do so. Make of that what you will. I consider the Dutch defenders of Zeeland proper Dutch patriots, if not exactly great soldiers.
Als ik dat beeld zie van zoveel kruizen met daarop "Français Non-identifié", dan vind ik dat toch wel triest. Triest dat die jongens daar zijn gestorven, maar ook triest dat men nog niet heeft uitgevonden WIE dat nu zijn die daar liggen...
Inderdaad, een trieste zaak. We zullen er hoogstwaarschijnlijk nooit achter komen.
@@HistoryHustle Hangt er van af hoeveel tijd en geld er in gestoken wordt. We zijn het ze eigenlijk wel verschuldigd. :S
Ik durf het niet te zeggen.
Ironically like the French that run away well we got a second version of France at least it still fights on like the French resistance
They made a stand in Zeeland.
The French didnt run away. They were routed and so were the Brits. Have a look at the siege of Lille and think again.
Well guess what? France and Britain ditched poland and France did took some settlement but guess what? how to put this together? They were to scared to fight the german and Britain to be honest they where recovering from ww2 but if they did well 6 year war would not happen is ww2
And France was recovering from ww1 but if they did took some more punishment well ww2 would not happened
And the 11 settlement and Sarra offensive well the France army decided to leave the the captured territory and mostly ww1 equipment even they did not get train to fight they thought of ww1 style but guess what? They got run over by the 100 of panzer tanks and swarm all over france
Als een Zeeuw dit is zeker vergeten🥲
Jup another great job of the Dutch army....
I feel the sarcasm....
Are you aware that in your graphics you are using the wrong cross ? You say you're a history teacher how did you miss that ? Looks like something a American teacher or a teacher from some overly PC country would do.
That has to do with monotizations. Hope you understand (although I doubt you would). Thanks for your comment anyway.
@@HistoryHustle Sorry my mistake but here in the States a lot of the teachers are dumber than a bag full of hammer at a babies Christening.
Battle ? More of a run and surrender competition between the French and Dutch LOL
It sure was a battle, but indeed with a lot of running and retreating.
respect for men who fought and died over internet warriors
@@camm8642 whatever frenchie
@@chrisdeal9945 interesting that you didn't assume im anycase im neither but I don't respect computer monitor generals who wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.
@@camm8642 it's only a joke . But the French are world famous for surrender . If there was a surrender Olympics the French would win gold every time .
So in your language why is prussia sound like proosia good video though
Thanks and yes, I kinda messed up there.
Stupid admin, next time ban planes. Planes too OP.
I don't understand.
@@HistoryHustle It's a joke. I'm acting as if WW2 is a game and I'm telling the admin to ban planes since they're clearly OverPowered.
Technically we got invaded by France and Germany but yeah the enemy of my enemy is my friend hahaha!
As soon as the Germans invaded the Netherlands the Dutch asked for allience with the Allies. The French were thus are allies and could come in.
@@HistoryHustle ah interesting! I once read that the French entered the Netherlands because they were afraid that the Dutch would let the Germans pass trough the country, but must have been a false source!
Of course the French wanted to make sure the Germans wouldn't pass through unopposed. Furthermore the French saw the Dutch Army as incapable. One French observer before 1940 compared the Dutch Army with a boyscout organisation...
My God the Dutch always run away it like it take one shell to scare them away
You have no clue what you’re talking about
Check out this video to learn more about the German invasion of NL:
You think italy is like France brother because they surrender every damn war no offense to France because she won lots of battle
Roman empire that was large and good at war and look at the Italian Greek war in 1940 they just lost the war to olive eater and Germany have to intervene to help Italy and they even lost Africa and a joke when they touch the land they switch side
@@HistoryHustle yeah I've seen it before but never went inside
French soldiers in neutral netherlands ... vreemd
Nederland was niet meer neutraal op het moment dat het werd aangevallen.
@@HistoryHustle daar zou ik wel graag t verhaal achter willen weten..zo snel troepen van een ander land toelaten op je grondgebied nadat je neutraliteit is geschonden.