This is the best content you have made in a while ( Not the topic, it's the way you present it, enlightening people), you were being just a hype man & random conent!! Now Getting back to your personal best! Good for you
I think pep was lost it, even I can see the problem in Manchester City tactics. He try to open a team that plays with 4-4-2 and 4-5-1 defensive organization then what pep did was shocking that he use grealish and Bernardo Silva in the wing, this two players profile are similar in the sense that they both are more ball holding winger in fact I don't see a quality of any winger in Bernardo. This player are not dribbler and their pace is not good enough and they lack dynamic and most shocking they are inward winger they constantly cut inside in the field. The other problem I saw was Manchester City rest defence lacks organisations to stop the counter attack even if they constantly use 3-2 position their positional sense is embarrassing. In my opinion they solutions is he need to use wingers with a profile of dribbling, skills, fast and try to wide the field as much as possible. If Pepe use a player like docku, savinio, and foden on the wing can exponentially change their team attacking phase. The rest defence can be easily change with the personal change that are more physical and simple playing style and the one has to be progressive not creative and risk taker.
That's why Sir Alex is the greatest of all time
sir Alex Be 8 amet West 6 Wancha Albelum Pep Is The Goat
መንሱሬ የሲቲ ደጋፊ አይደለሁም ግን ፔፕ እና ወታደሮቹ የገቡበት የአእምሮአዊ መውረድ ችግር በጣም አሳዝነውኛል በተለይ ፔፕ አንጀቴን እየበላኝ ነው በፍፁም እንዲህ ይሆናል ብዬ አልጠበኩም።
ሐበሻ ትዝታ ይወዳል ያሁኑን ውድቀት በድሮ ትዝታ እየሸፈነ ሁሌም ወደዋላ የቀረን ነ ን ።በቃ ፊት ጎበዝ ኘበረ ብዙ ድንቅ ነገር ሠርቷል አሁን ግን ወድቋል አልቻለም ተሠነካክሏል ዘንድሮ የሚጠገን አይመስለኝም ።መቀበል የግድ ነው።
1 first day this year ከሌሎች ጋዜጠኞች ለየት ያለ ሀሳብ አነሳህ 👌ፔፕን በጣም ስለምትወደው መሆን አለበት እስከዛሬ ድረስ የቆየኸው
ፔፕ በሲቲ ቤት ቢበቃውና በሌላ አዲስ ክለብና ቡድን ብናየው ደስ ይለኛል
ገርዲዮላ በለፉት ዓመታት መሰናበት የሌለባቸውን ተጫዋቾችን ያሰናበተ ጊዜ ነወ ውድቱ የሚጀምረው። ለምሳሌ እንደነ ገብሬል ጀሱስ
አሪፍ ሄደክ ጄሱስ ብለክ አበላሸከው
ሰላም ሰላም መንሱሬ የሲቲ እንዲህ አቋሙ የወረደበት ምክንያት የመልበሻ ቤት ችግር እና የእድሜ መግፋት ይመስለኛል ፔፔ የአለማችን ምርጡ አሸልጣኝ ነው እርግጠኛ ነኝ የጊዜ ጉዳይ እንጅ መፍትሔ ያፈላልጋል የአሁኑ ሲቲ የቴንሃግን ማንችስተር ዩናይትድን ይመስላል የፊትነስ መውረድ ይታይባቸዋል መልካሙን ሁሉ ለእንግሊዙ ድምቀት ፔፕ አህመድ ነኝ የዩናይትድ ደጋፊ🙏🙏🙏
I'm really sorry for pep 😢😢😢😢😢 but for city we hope bad ggmu❤❤❤❤
Betamenm batamenm beyanse la 10 amte yakel wancha eytafararakum behone meyansut che ena liv new❤❤❤
This is the best content you have made in a while ( Not the topic, it's the way you present it, enlightening people), you were being just a hype man & random conent!! Now Getting back to your personal best! Good for you
Are pepi aszengn betam pepi addis tatik ye tefw ye mesla😢😢
የሲቲ ችግር የክለቡ በተሳሳተ መንገድ መጓዝ ነው።
1 2 3 ብሎ ማስረዳት ይችላል ለዛም ነው የንቧይ ክብ እየሆነ ያለው
ባጭር ቃል በክለቡ ስለ የለም።
Manusur manimi minimi bili fefegaridola tilki aseltayini newu ❤
ሀሳብ እንዳጠረው ሰው አንተም ረጅም ስዓት የሰው አስተያየት ታነባለህ 😗
Endezisewy yasxelagisew yelem hodamhonoal
Endit nachehu betam new neremechegn
ፔፕ ፔፕ እያልክ ስንት ጆሯችንን ስታደነቁረን አልነበር?አርሰናል 3 ጨዋታዎችን በተከታታይ ቢሸነፍ የአለም የኳስ ተንታኞችና ጋዜጠኞች የስድብና የማንጓጠጥ ብዛት ይወርድብን ነበር::
አርስናል እንኳን city Chelsea Liverpool በይኖሩም no ዋንጫ 🙄
መንሱሬ በምንም ተአምር ሲቲ የሚነሳ አይመስለኝም ። ምክንያት ካልከኝ ከፔፕ ጋርድዮላ ጋር ተሰላችተዋል ። ተጫዋቾች የማሸነፍ ፍላጎት የላቸውም ። ጭራሽ የታሪክና የክብር ኪሳራ እያስተናገደ ነው ። ምንም ይሁን ምን ከሞሪንሆ ለመሻል በአነስተኛ ቡድን ይታይ እስኪ ? Josse is Still the SPECIAL ONE !!!
በጣም ትክክል ሀሳብ
ከዚበውሁዋላ ሽንፈት የለም
😂😂😂😂አርሴ ግን ምን አይነት የተረገመ ክለብ ነዉ ሁለት አመት ሲፈታተ ነዉ የነበረዉ ሲቲ ሲሞት ሁለት አንበሶች ደግመዉ ሌላ መጡበት ሊቨርፑል እና ቼሊሲ ❤❤
አርሰናሎች ሲቲ ችግር ውስጥ ስላለ ዋንጫ የምትበሉ መሰላችሁ አይደል 😂😂😂😂😂
እኮ ምን አዳሜ አተሽ ትቀረልሽ 😒😂😂🙈
ወፍ የለም😂😁😂😁
ምን አገናኘን ከሲቲ ጋር ደደብ
አፈር ይብሉ የምን መብላት
Mnsure are silepep atawra
Manusuri taqaxalini ikko baya samitu 😭😭😭😭
Zuro azuro tenzuwaro wanchaw ye city new😂
I think pep was lost it, even I can see the problem in Manchester City tactics. He try to open a team that plays with 4-4-2 and 4-5-1 defensive organization then what pep did was shocking that he use grealish and Bernardo Silva in the wing, this two players profile are similar in the sense that they both are more ball holding winger in fact I don't see a quality of any winger in Bernardo. This player are not dribbler and their pace is not good enough and they lack dynamic and most shocking they are inward winger they constantly cut inside in the field. The other problem I saw was Manchester City rest defence lacks organisations to stop the counter attack even if they constantly use 3-2 position their positional sense is embarrassing.
In my opinion they solutions is he need to use wingers with a profile of dribbling, skills, fast and try to wide the field as much as possible. If Pepe use a player like docku, savinio, and foden on the wing can exponentially change their team attacking phase. The rest defence can be easily change with the personal change that are more physical and simple playing style and the one has to be progressive not creative and risk taker.
Mnagebak geziba hodam afnziga geziba
Mensuri anteslecity yemawurat mebtyelhm
Wendime አትሳሳት መንሱረ eko ጋዜጠኛ መሆኑን እዳትረሳ
ሙያዊ ግዴታ ነው ስለ የትኛውም ስፖርታው ጉዳይ ትንታና ማቅርብ ይችላል...............
..... የመንሱሬን ዜና ስለ ስፖርት ብቻ ምትሰማ,ከሆነ ተሳስታሃል........... እኔ በበኩሌ ብዙ ትምህርት ነው ከሱ ምማረው.
.. Bedembi admiti ብሮዬ
Miskin Arse City endezi siwerd wancha satbela Chelsea ina Liverpool Anserartew metubat😂
ሰውየው ፔፔ ነው የአለም ምርጡ እሱን ለመተቸት ማንም አቅሙ ሞራሉ የለውም ዝም በል መንሱር