Athearn Genesis HO Amtrak P42 Unboxing & Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jasondalton9590
    @jasondalton9590 Рік тому +1

    CraftyFoxe have P42DC’s 5, 72, 114 and 184 (Phase 4 unit)

  • @michellemccoy6502
    @michellemccoy6502 3 роки тому +2

    wow,what beautiful models those genisis are got me one too

  • @mikewhite767
    @mikewhite767 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for showing us your video of the Athearn Genesis p42dc Amtrak Genesis locomotive model I subscribed to your channel and because of your review I went to my hobby shop to buy me a copy of one I ordered Amtrak p42dc phase 5 I will pick it up June 3rd 2021

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      You're welcome. I hope they aren't sold out.

  • @pAtOsHtRaiNs001
    @pAtOsHtRaiNs001 3 роки тому +2

    They do look fantastic, looking forward to getting some run time with mine shortly. Thanks for sharing!

  • @poke-dude2401
    @poke-dude2401 3 роки тому +1

    Mine is perfect it has the perfect weight i love the sound and i love the details

  • @LE-ly1su
    @LE-ly1su 3 роки тому +1

    I bought a shamu and a Heritage 4, wish I had gotten more but I’m waiting for Heritage 3 to come out.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      They will do them in one of the future runs

  • @RobsTrainHouse
    @RobsTrainHouse 3 роки тому +1

    Very excellent video I I appreciate you sharing this.

  • @LaneMphoto09
    @LaneMphoto09 3 роки тому +1

    Hope they come out with 145 I want to get the phase III 145 because I’ve seen it in person and I’m gonna try to get the phase 5 someday

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +2

      They will be doing more runs which will include 145.

    • @LaneMphoto09
      @LaneMphoto09 3 роки тому

      Let’s go! I know what ima save up for or ask for as a Christmas Gift or Birthday Gift! Thank you!

    • @LaneMphoto09
      @LaneMphoto09 3 роки тому

      Or Amtrak 100 that would be cool to see

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      @@LaneMphoto09 I do not know if they will be out that quickly. I would count on something possibly next year in 2022.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      @@LaneMphoto09 100 will be done also

  • @gopalan77
    @gopalan77 3 роки тому

    Thank you for taking time to share your experience and preparing us on what to expect out of the box. I am receiving my units next week, and I should feel lucky if they arrive intact. It's unbelievable that someone touched up the silver paint on your unit #12 with a paint brush. What happened to Athearn's quality control? Genesis is "supposed' to be their premium line. No wonder why they are losing out to ScaleTrains and Rapido.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      You're welcome. All manufacturers experience QC issues but I was surprised at the paint touch-up.

    • @LE-ly1su
      @LE-ly1su 3 роки тому

      Everyone experiences QC issues but Athearn is particularly unhelpful with their customer service. My last few run ins with them have not been positive at all.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      @@LE-ly1su that’s what I’ve heard. After filming this video, I actually discovered a broken truck on #5 that was almost separated from the body. I had to send it off to a friend to be repaired which he thankfully took care of.

    • @LE-ly1su
      @LE-ly1su 3 роки тому

      @@CSXKid5016 I have an SD60M Tri Clops with a truck side frame that appears to broken or just simply not snapped fully on. Athearn totally came through on providing missing bearing caps but told me they couldn’t do anything about the truck because they were relocating their office. I plan to determine the issue myself before too long.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      @@LE-ly1su we’ve been told Athearn that there are no spare parts available for these models yet

  • @richardcolemanjr3749
    @richardcolemanjr3749 3 роки тому

    When will Athearn release all the Amtrak trains like the Crescent, Auto Train and the South West limited.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      No one releases a “train”. It’s always a mix of manufacturers. These are Athearn locomotives, all my Amtrak passenger cars are Walthers & rapido

  • @tenorcenter
    @tenorcenter 3 роки тому

    You’re right about the weight on these! I was a bit taken aback when I unboxed mine. Unfortunately, I seemed to get ALL of those minor issues you mentioned on my ONE loco. Sadly have to return it. The plow on my phase V is very crooked, lots of paint discrepancies (dots of blue down on the silver, multiple scratches on the roof) and the entire body leans to the engineer’s side. Hate that these went to fast and the price will be through the roof on eBay!

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      I'm sorry to hear you had that experience with yours.

  • @josephmurrill3644
    @josephmurrill3644 3 роки тому +1

    Athearn Genesis is going to have to step up their model trains quality. Scale trains rivet counter models are right at their doorstep with quality models.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому +1

      I have seen quite a bit of issues with ST offerings as well but in different categories. Seems to happen to everyone.

  • @SpheroJr3289
    @SpheroJr3289 2 роки тому +2

    Thats a lot of money.

  • @carlosmagno1112
    @carlosmagno1112 3 роки тому +1

    Lindas máquinas !
    Curto muito trens Europeus. Mas confesso que sou fã da Amtrak.

  • @Natestriker1209
    @Natestriker1209 3 роки тому

    Where did u get these ?

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      4 were bought from Midwest Model Railroad, the other 2 were from Lombard Hobbies.

  • @devernepersonal3636
    @devernepersonal3636 3 роки тому

    17:56, thats the only problem with the hobby. unless you can afford it during preorder or the week they hit shelves, you will never have it.

    • @CSXKid5016
      @CSXKid5016  3 роки тому

      Preorder deadline to customer delivery gives you a year to save up, and preorders don’t take payment until day of delivery. Idk about you but a year long warning is a pretty decent time to be able to save.

    • @devernepersonal3636
      @devernepersonal3636 3 роки тому

      @@CSXKid5016 lol

    • @LE-ly1su
      @LE-ly1su 3 роки тому +2

      I got really lucky with these. I have been in an impulsive buying habit over the last two months and happen to catch the P42’s the evening they hit the shelves at my favorite online group. When I came back the next day to buy another one they were gone, luckily my hobby shop had what I was looking for for only 30 bucks more, and that was the last heritage 4 they had. Batch production has really changed the hobby, but the quality, dcc and all of the lighting effects make it such a real experience for me.

    • @devernepersonal3636
      @devernepersonal3636 3 роки тому

      @@LE-ly1su the up in quality is amazing. But yeah batch production makes it hard. End up getting lots of second hand on ebay

    • @eclipz4129
      @eclipz4129 Рік тому

      @@devernepersonal3636True, that only seems to be an Athearn thing because I swear I never had problems buying from other brands they’re always in stock no matter how long I wait to buy. But with Athearn good luck their products are off the face of the earth within 2 weeks!

  • @jasminegarcia5920
    @jasminegarcia5920 Рік тому

    i have amtrk too and my amtrak numder tis numder # 17

  • @tlimb813
    @tlimb813 3 роки тому

    I love your videos and videos love you love love you and your videos love you love love you and your videos love you love love you 😘

  • @AMTRAK2122
    @AMTRAK2122 Рік тому +1

    So that’s why I can’t find any online
    This is as a joke, I wish I could be you right now!

    • @eclipz4129
      @eclipz4129 Рік тому

      For real though….. People buying like 5 or 10 of them all at once. However you are in some luck, Athearn just released their next run and they’re in the store online NOW get you one and don’t wait! I ordered mine and it arrives next week.

    • @AMTRAK2122
      @AMTRAK2122 Рік тому

      @@eclipz4129 yeah we actually will be getting one of the new ones, it’s the 108 50th anniversary

    • @eclipz4129
      @eclipz4129 Рік тому

      @@AMTRAK2122 NICE! Glad to hear you got ahold of one! I ordered engine 46.

  • @amberchandler6120
    @amberchandler6120 3 роки тому


  • @loucosmotivaferromodelismo6560
    @loucosmotivaferromodelismo6560 3 роки тому +2


  • @astrobrady2396
    @astrobrady2396 2 роки тому

    Kid named finger👇

  • @marquitaholmes8025
    @marquitaholmes8025 3 роки тому
