Racism divides Deaf Community.

  • Опубліковано 1 сер 2021
  • Allow Black Deaf People to speak up by themselves and try to be there to support them. Don't try to take over the situation that concerns Black Deaf People otherwise it may erroneously divides Deaf Community. Assist anyone by using Apple's one of famous principles: A.P.P.L.E. - Approach, Probe, Present, Listen, and End.
    - Melvin Patterson


  • @nicholaschmitz24
    @nicholaschmitz24 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you Melvin for taking the stand to explain why racism is a word not to be taken lightly. We have been too quick to accuse someone of racism these days. The word would lose its meaning over time. Funny zero.

  • @brianriley4
    @brianriley4 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you, Melvin! This is a historic video, in my opinion. Well done.

  • @communityaccountability4071
    @communityaccountability4071  3 роки тому +7

    Now, let me move on to Thomas and Joey.
    Thomas and Joey, you both asked to meet with me. I was happy to meet with you to discuss certain situations such as racial issues and other topics; however I explained that as a board member I was not able to discuss the lawsuit, nor any DCARA personnel issues because as you know, a board of directors must protect the privacy of their personnel.
    From what I saw, you appeared to be disappointed and exhibited no serious interest in discussing racism, and were more interested and concerned about the DCARA board itself than racism.
    You wanted me to provide you with ALL DETAILS regarding the DCARA board. Whoa. It was my understanding that there is no board in all of America that would openly share details about problems with staff or board members with anybody outside the organization! Frankly, it's inappropriate and illegal.
    As to the lawsuit, the amount of details shared depend on instructions from their attorney. The attorney may instruct the board to be totally quiet, share a few details, or go ahead and tell it all. Why did you disregard this and continue to demand information that DCARA board is not at liberty to share? Would you do the same with other businesses/companies?
    You accused DCARA repeatedly of racism.
    I tell you, Liann is a capable woman, capable of doing things on her own. Don’t make her look bad! The way you talk makes her appear incapable. But I know well that she’s brilliant. In fact, she has a PhD, and a powerful job that requires extensive experience and knowledge. You are making Black people look bad, taking over their issues, claiming racism for them and expecting them to agree with you. If a Black person requested your help, then great, provide them with support. Be sure to encourage them to also formally file a complaint. This becomes evidence to be examined formally as part of a proper process.
    Please pay serious attention to this:
    David and Rosalyn. Everett and Liann. These pairs, separately and on their own power, had elected Jerry Grigsby as the fifth member of the new board. Are you willingly making Everett and Liann look bad for selecting Jerry Grigsby? Both Liann and Everett are POC and you could not be satisfied with their decision? Are you saying you didn't trust their decision in freely electing Jerry?
    All right. Let me tell you something. As a BLACK person, I TRUST David Martin, As a BLACK person, I TRUST Jerry Grigsby. As a BLACK person, I trust Rosalyn Ramos-Barry. Now, do you yourself trust Everett Glenn and Liann Osborne? If so, that’s fine. These form the current DCARA board.
    Now, if Liann Osborne experienced racial oppression at DCARA, she should file a formal complaint and follow standard procedures. I TRUST that the Board would acknowledge it properly and act on it accordingly as it would be considered potential evidence. The board knows that.
    Whenever you see a board entering an executive session, keep in mind those four words starting with “F” which are F. I. U. O. - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Or you could drop the letters “I” and “U” which ends up “ F… O..” Please, every time you see an executive session being called, it means “F… O…. Simply think of a security guard being told FIUO, approaching you and telling you to “F… O… (translation: “Go away and mind your business.”) Why make DCARA different by disregarding and complaining about their executive sessions while elsewhere, with other organizations, they are treated respectfully and left to meet privately?
    I want you, and the whole world, to know that David DID NOT file the lawsuit against Liann because she is Black. Absolutely not! You (Thomas, Joey, and Julie) would have to prove to me that Liann herself agrees with you that she is incapable and too subservient to take action on her own without you. Are you willing to ruin her reputation?
    You did not like the fact that David remained a board member. You disagreed with that. What did you do? You just pointed out his white and Liann’s black skin, and declared that David’s actions were rooted in racism -- mainly to divert attention away from facts and to stir up to negative emotions among community members to get what you wanted. Stop doing that. You debased yourselves.
    Just leave Liann’s name (and reputation) out of this. I want potential employers to hire her because she is capable of standing up for herself. If she can’t, why would anybody hire her? Again, let her be. If she has issues, she will handle them herself. Again, don't make Black people appear helpless!
    Let me close my narrative about Racism with this. Racism stinks like sulfur, blocking someone from being free. It is a closed system, not willing to change for better like a river that constantly renews. It stagnates and smells awful. Racism is the actions that disrupt my life and the lives of others. We work hard to remove racism so we all can move forward and feel normal. Throwing the word “racism” around constantly, without care, concern or accountability is NOT A JOKE. Please do not play with fire to flame up our community’s confusion and emotions. Enough of that.
    Again, throwing around “racism” too often without accountability and without evidence, is like the boy who cried wolf. It’s important to be cautious with the word racism, so that whenever Black people, or anyone else, calls out racism, people take them seriously. Don’t ruin it!
    Thomas, Julie, and Joey -- join us to eradicate racism by allowing Black people to speak for themselves -- and be there to support them. Are you truly serious about making sure racism is effectively gone? If so, please invite Pastor James Parker, NBDA President Isidore Niyongabo, and NBDA’s local chapter (BABDA) President AnnLynn Parker to lead on this action. Invite them and I will be there.
    To all of you, community members, here’s your call to action: Hate easily forms many types of oppression. Racism is one of them. Please don’t hate David Martin. He’s my friend. He never hated Liann Osborne just because she’s black! David also had never made the decisions re: DCARA legal issues alone. He has always consulted with other board members when making those decisions. This is standard procedure, and he has followed it.
    I need you to help us to unify the community and check with DCARA Board how they are handling or plan to handle racism. When you deal with various people seeking information or assistance, I suggest you to use this guide: A.P.P.L.E. Approach, Probe, Present, Listen and End.
    Do this with tough love. Please stop dividing our community. Let’s lift up our community. Thank you.
    -Melvin Patterson

  • @mickeyloveminnie1729
    @mickeyloveminnie1729 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for your very clear understanding. Absolutely agree with you well said!

  • @geraldgamlin5632
    @geraldgamlin5632 2 роки тому

    Hi Melvin I love your lecture . I agree with you 110 percent . Gerry from Massachusetts 👍

  • @KingofKingsCharningPeters
    @KingofKingsCharningPeters 2 роки тому +1

    wow subtitle help a lots. greeting from England

  • @winros
    @winros Рік тому

    In the Deaf community do you feel Deaf white people are races towards Deaf Black people? I'm just trying to educate myself!

  • @communityaccountability4071
    @communityaccountability4071  3 роки тому

    Greetings to all.
    Regrettably, racism continues to show up in our community again and again.
    On July 13th, DCARA’s Board had its first general board meeting in over a year. About a week later, three videos appeared on social media made by Thomas Holcomb, Joey Baer, and Julie Rems Smario. I am familiar with them and they know me as well. These videos criticized the DCARA board, especially three members out of five, but mainly they targeted David Martin. They said he was racist.
    The purpose of this video is to make clear what is RACISM. I have identified three issues and will share with you what the problems are in hopes that you will examine them and discover their implications.
    You may want to ask yourself this question: AM I TOO SUBSERVIENT, too afraid to challenge powerful, well-known big-wigs around even when they are doing harmful things? Do I prefer to look the other way? Or should I stand up and tell them they are in the wrong and to knock it off?
    I will now focus on Black People.
    Watching these three videos, I see the word “racism” thrown around constantly, without care, concern or accountability. Using the word “racism” is not a joke. It is like playing with fire.
    I’ll start with you, Julie. You have a multitude of problems in this area. I will focus on three, all concerning DCARA.
    Problem One:
    When I first became a board member of DCARA, and you disagreed with that action, what did you do? You declared to a Deaf news source that the DCARA board had handpicked me as a TOKEN because I was a Black Deaf Man. You said this broke your heart.
    What was the problem? When you said that, it implicated that I can’t think for myself, that I believed I had no life and no rights. It implicates that I bow down to others, doing what they tell me what to do, what to say, who to scold for them, and that I seek approval from them. That’s quite ridiculous, isn’t it?
    Had I been a white man, what would you have called me? Obviously, when you disagreed about me joining the board, you focused on the color of my skin, and it was a problem for you.
    Problem Two:
    When a Deaf Black Man was offered the position as a temporary executive director for DCARA, you immediately spread a rumor everywhere that he was a rapist!
    The problem: DCARA was working on reconciliation with and among staff and the community. They reached out to this person because they believed he was able to help pinpoint and solve the issues, such as listening to staff, interviewing people, and identifying the areas to work on, such as bylaws or mission or whatever. When his TEMPORARY job ended, and problems resolved, DCARA would be able to hire a permanent Executive Director. However, sadly, you ruined this Black Deaf man's reputation, with your falsehood purely based on rumors and zero facts!
    Problem Three:
    In your recent Instagram video, you made claims that David Martin had oppressed a Black Deaf Woman.
    Again, the problem is….you have ZERO evidence that David actually oppressed this black Deaf Woman named Liann Osborne.
    In that video, you mentioned the importance of perception. If you refer to your own perception, then you need to add the IMPORTANT ACTION OF ASKING. When you add this, it will simply prevent poor judgements and misunderstandings, and remove the hollow words not rooted in facts.