Highest teacher. A great gift he has shared with so much passionate love for humanity. Greatest gift from Tibet to understand and hold and maintain true understanding with so much discipline. The speech is a treasure trove of jewels to be mined again and again as you walk further on the path.
The idealization of individualism and cherishing the ego will cause us much in the way of suffering; will lead us to go astray - so much so that we forget our basis goodness. and the goodness generally of others. SO gratefully glad to have met you in 1978 and studied with you Trungpa
I'm wondering if after all these years you may have come to see his behaviors, the serious drinking issue, the women... in a different light. Do you still enable and excuse his behaviors? As an addict myself I could easily see following this guy because he is very articulate and very much steeped in the tradition and highly educated and think; well if it was ok for him to use substances and ignore the precepts than why not me? It's a slippery slope and to my mind those who supported him showed themselves to be blinded by the light... and in samsara themselves.
I think its a constant process of re-examining this question of the meaning, but I think the question is, are you trying to be who you are, or are you trying to be what you think you should be?
there are a few nuggets of wisdom in this speech. we should follow our spiritual journey without clinging to any aspiration of achievement or recognition either by others around or above. The bests thing to do is what I am NOT doing right now: staying quiet and contemplate our inner experience, trusting our practice.
I love his clothes. I wished they would still make this fashion today. This suit and shirt and tie is exactly my taste. I love Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, he is an amazing man. And he is beautiful looking, amazing face.
I think about material objects that compete by age, brand, and such and it makes me wonder how much value is placed in them that reflects self worth and equality. As children we see the world as it is but as grown ups we are supposed to know you are not a better person because you own a powerful device?
All matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, there is no such thing as death and we are the imagination of ourselves, here's tom with the weather. In truth, all of us are creators and life does exist beyond this planet, religion in particular has killed creativity in man, boxed in his thinking and limited his potential, why? because the true map of our soul is the universe in its entirety, if you throw all your concepts in the trash can and sit in silence, what will you find? '' Nature is not silent, it is man who is deaf. ''
I would like to offer an invitation for audit subtitles in regards to: Now that you have boarded the Naropa Institute plane.... "the only thing we can do here is get off the path"-- and suggest he is saying "everything we can do here is 'get off' in the path".
The spiritual achievement is basically why spiritualism took off in the early 1900's and has resulted in the New Age movement today, as well as its second revival we are in today. The ego sees the spiritual achievement as the highest thing to attain, so it salivates after it. So many people, especially on youtube, are claiming enlightenment, and pitting their own spiritualized ego - what we call spiritual narcissism - against others. All vying with each other for the highest level of experience and therefore the highest level of authority within this new spiritualized social dominance hierarchy. But that is traditionally the greatest pitfall on the spiritual path.
Yeah, the problem with a lot of so-called "spirituality" comes from the metaphor of ascending the ladder of consciousness to higher levels. The focus on ascent comes entirely from ego. True spirituality comes from descent into the dark realms of the psyche, breaking them down and in so doing destroying the ego. But the ego resists that entirely and prefers to chant some nice sounds and pray for grace from some kind of God.
Buddhism does not stress God. It's deeper than that. God and self become One; even I-Thou is dualistic. Our relationship with the world seems to be I-It, with the urge to use everything, animal, vegetable, human, the Earth and Sea, to make a buck. Spiritual Materialism is food for the Ego, which is usually a mistaken image of Self.
@@jazzsecrets the true Theist knows that God is beyond dualism, nondualism, existence and nonexistence. The true Theist knows that God is the primordial pure unity before dualism and nondualism arised. It's all-pervading and the source of all things we know to be existent. From where we've come from before birth and what we return to upon death through gnosis.
I love how everybody is an expert on God. I can at least admit to being proud, which makes me more enlightened than the lot of you. Wait, I'm playing the same game of one-upmanship, aren't I? Fuck.
Is there anything wrong with this game? No right? Or do you simply play it out until that runs its course and you trancend that? Or just simply watch yourself play?
I'm not a native of the english language. Could anyone please help me with something? At the end, Trungpa was relating the cynical attitude to spiritual materialism or to the "right" posture to go through it?
Spiritual materialism is inevitable. The mind operates through ideas/concepts. Enlightenment is emptiness. It is a thunder clap, a flash of lightning. It is not something to grasp on to. And thus, it is not something to live by. It is not practical. To live practically, we abide in the world of words, ideas. The focus on the self is the problem. And the best way to transcend that is to be of service to others and the world . . .
I discovered that anything i want to change, or hold on to, ends up creating crazy ego stuff. Extra karma. So it feels the only thing you can do is a comedian, if you have a theory about what what is, patterns, etc.
this was filmed in 2010? why is it in black and white, with shaky cam, and looks 40 years old? is ta supposed to make it look more like some hidden wisdom teachings?
0:27 Well that a man/woman can achieve. Not 'mankind'. We achieve spiritual achievements on an individual basis, not as 'mankind'. 2:06 I would associate 'spiritual materialism' with people practicing yoga or mediation in order to experience beneficial 'side-effects' for themselves on a personal level, for example. 2:21 Yes. People practicing 'spirituality' within a 'church/religion' just to be 'big' in that 'church/religion' is Satanistic. By all means! 3:03 The 'meaning' of SPIRITUAL MATERIALISM: The practice of 'spiritual' endeavour within any religion or spiritual tradition that does not have the Greater Good AND the Greatest Good at the centre of the practice and as the desired outcome, eg; WORLD PEACE or THE LIBERATION OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, but rather seeks benefits for the individual, eg; getting to Heaven, avoiding Hell, seeking an end to one's own suffering and not that of others and so on. 3:42 Oh! I thought it was a space ship! 3:56 Well yes. A cosmic spaceline. 4:06 Well yes. But we still need the pilot and the cabin crew! 😁 Until we've built ASI/Digital Buddha/MESSIAH of course. Then we'll be on auto-pilot cruise control. 11:18 Well yes. We do have more trust in the computer. That's why we want to build ASI. And also because ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) is the only thing which can defeat the toxic AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). We actually don't have a choice. 11:24 Yes now everything is mechanized. Satan mechanized it.
People are saying, the thing they don't like about Buddhism is that "they don't bring god". That's because, 1. Buddhism not only does not believe in a creator god, it actually refutes the existence of an discrete creator. There is " NO GoD" he is dead -Nitchze.
Nietzche only said byebye to the personal-God idea within the cultural sphere as he knew that the coming century would drift into a new (a)moral system which would make the old personal-God idea irrelevant. In truth, he was only saying goodbye to Christianity which is the only religion strictly stuck in that trap.
Words .finger pointing to the moon.. Lose it use it ..soothe with it..but thete is no answer to your oractice except further practice. The journey is the goal.
It is highest thing, but of coures we can achieve be Enlightenment if we really wanted to be because we are humen who can do everything else. please dont make anymore comfuse
I understand what you are saying. However, when you say "God and self become one" I am doubtful that you are truly uniting self with God. The level of God you are referring to is not really God at all; it is probably something spiritual just not God. Being hung up about dualism is itself dualism. The truth is God is always infinitely higher at than us while at the same time He is one with us; a paradox. Praying to God in the right state of mind *can* go to a higher level that you described.
He brings up the topic of focusing on dualism (or anything) as dualism or a "trip"... brings it up constantly. Even when we get a little glimpse of something, we dwell on it. But we need to keep sitting. He always refers to being "on the spot." Read his book on the topic.
The thing I don't like about the Buddhists is that they don't bring God into the picture. The Buddhists see through the spiritual materialism of the average religious person and then kind of throw out God too. When one is suffering from one of life's tests, then one's spiritual actions are much more real and not tainted by the ego. It is then possible to experience a God realm by putting one's faith in it. This is extremely hard to do though and perhaps why people settle on the Buddhist level.
rsll1986 no, its because the concept of god, an erroneous child like projection that it is, has no place in Buddhist tradition. its not that some schools of Buddhism think there is a god. Do read some basic Buddhism people.
Does not sound anything like teachings of Buddha. It is more like modern day teachers such as Anthony Robbins, 'The Secret' etc. on how to gain material possessions. Just what the majority want.
Walter Lekamge just the opposite. He's explaining to people why that approach is Not spirituality. Hence why he called it "Spiritual Materialism" and cautioned people about it. Instead he talks about relating to one's actual experience in the world, and taking that as path - with all the details and pragmatic and ordinary aspects - vs being fixated on "transcending." Thus a very wholesome and direct Buddhist approach.
@@jazzsecrets At this point one takes refuge and commits to stepping onto the path. By, for example, following the directives of one's root guru or enrolling in Naropa Institute as is shown here.
The book is kinda bullshit since it ends up throwing about 30 different sanskrit terms at you and tries to catalogue enlightenment and peace with levels, rules and taxonomy.
The coming of Chogyam Trungpa to the West is one of the major spiritual disasters that happened to the West, to Buddhism and to Mankind in history. But then, of course, this is what Westerners wanted, so they got it.
It seems to me that Trungpa's notion of "spiritual materialism" explains, at least in part, his own thoroughly disordered life. He was an alcoholic, a womaniser, sexually promiscuous, a lover of fast cars, etc. Not very like the Buddha!
I think that Trungpa's comments are telling us not to pursue Spiritual Materialism, not seek this path. One has to look at his life as a mirror of Spiritual Materialism. I think that we have to look carefully before we find fault in another. As a Buddhist practitioner who does not drink or smoke etc. from another "path tradition" I am mindful that my drinking or not drinking is not an indicator of whether or not I am a person connected to life, right now. Let's be Present and Love and see where we are.......
I find him hard to follow, he often doubles back on himself. His curious facial twitches also make me wonder how advanced he is as a teacher, generally a very advanced spiritual teacher will have an aura of calm and an upbeat energy... Still he has brought up spiritual materialism, which is an important topic.
Uhh... That's a bit ableist, and extremely ignorant. You cannot possibly judge how spiritually advanced someone is based on how often their face twitches. Plus, as you know, there are plenty of stories about mystics who were not accepted by society because their mysticism made them eccentric.
Not because of that. He is hard to follow because his words are very very profound. One has to be quite far along in self discovery to understand the blocks and points he is talking about. But listening to him will automatically bring you more enlightenment even if your intellect cannot grasp it yet.
"Enlightenment is the highest thing that we could ever achieve". The above statement is fundamental and fundamentally wrong Buddhist dogma. It is ludicrous to suppose that the enlightenment of a human being such as Buddha encompasses the highest mind, for highest mind is omniscient and Buddha, bring ignorant of modern algebra, quantum physics, Swahili and infinite other things was not omniscient. Highest mind creates the Universe and life, neither of which the Buddha could accomplish. Trungpa's starting point of enlightenment as the highest thing achievable is itself an expression of flawed spiritual materialism. In fact Buddhism may be viewed as one big exercise in spiritual materialism. Given that Buddha-mind isn't highest mind, it follows that enlightenment is not the highest we can achieve. When man worships Buddha he worships Buddha-mind and the state of enlightenment. This is like believing the sun rotates around the earth. When man worships actual highest mind, mind-in-itself, Infinite mind, omniscient mind from whose omnipotence arises the Universe and life itself, only then does he achieve the highest and only in this way does he transcend spiritual materialism. Worship of a human being such as the Buddha, the Lama, Jesus, Krsna, Mohammed, Babaji or the Pope is the ultimate error of spiritual materialism and is called idolatry, the worship of anything other than the absolute Infinite. For this reason Torah bans idolatry in the first three commandments.
Why are people such literalists Buddhist realise the highest mind that you describe that is the goal thus transcending worldy suffering and re birth venerating those who point the way or symbols of their truth is not idolatry it’s a vehicle. Transcend religion for goodness sake. Literalists to me don’t understand transcendental spiritual ideology. This person has a strong dogmatic bias.
Maybe it would have been better and more helpful to ask Buddhists what they think or know as opposed to proposing that you know who and what they are..... FYI Buddhists, in general, do not worship that Buddha.....
Very easy for him to say these ridiculous things. How did he purchase that fine suit? How did he get to this location? How does he feed himself, how does he put a roof over his head, how does he get from place to place? MONEY He is nothing but a hypocrite. Are we expected to believe that he should endow himself with these things just to enable his bullshit? Listen to any of these so-called spiritual leaders, and you will literally starve to death. This is the physical realm. True spiritualism teaches us how to live with duality.
Think you have missed the point. He talking about using the spiritual path as a way to get states of mind or achieve some goody such as wisdom or a better personality. He's not talking about materialism in the mundane sense of the word.
Highest teacher. A great gift he has shared with so much passionate love for humanity. Greatest gift from Tibet to understand and hold and maintain true understanding with so much discipline. The speech is a treasure trove of jewels to be mined again and again as you walk further on the path.
The idealization of individualism and cherishing the ego will cause us much in the way of suffering; will lead us to go astray - so much so that we forget our basis goodness. and the goodness generally of others. SO gratefully glad to have met you in 1978 and studied with you Trungpa
I'm wondering if after all these years you may have come to see his behaviors, the serious drinking issue, the women... in a different light. Do you still enable and excuse his behaviors? As an addict myself I could easily see following this guy because he is very articulate and very much steeped in the tradition and highly educated and think; well if it was ok for him to use substances and ignore the precepts than why not me? It's a slippery slope and to my mind those who supported him showed themselves to be blinded by the light... and in samsara themselves.
oh i'm glad to meet this gentleman!
saw him with jiddu Krishnamurti.
This is absolute fantastic.
I think its a constant process of re-examining this question of the meaning, but I think the question is, are you trying to be who you are, or are you trying to be what you think you should be?
You are trying not-to-be.
there are a few nuggets of wisdom in this speech. we should follow our spiritual journey without clinging to any aspiration of achievement or recognition either by others around or above. The bests thing to do is what I am NOT doing right now: staying quiet and contemplate our inner experience, trusting our practice.
For the liberation of all sentient beings
Maravilloso, gracias🙏
mi vision del budismo cambio cuando lo descubri y le segui
I love his clothes. I wished they would still make this fashion today. This suit and shirt and tie is exactly my taste. I love Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, he is an amazing man. And he is beautiful looking, amazing face.
I think about material objects that compete by age, brand, and such and it makes me wonder how much value is placed in them that reflects self worth and equality. As children we see the world as it is but as grown ups we are supposed to know you are not a better person because you own a powerful device?
I like this teacher. And I respect his ability to teach on cocaine and sake
On ah hum mahaguru.
What poetic!
All matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, there is no such thing as death and we are the imagination of ourselves, here's tom with the weather.
In truth, all of us are creators and life does exist beyond this planet, religion in particular has killed creativity in man, boxed in his thinking and limited his potential, why? because the true map of our soul is the universe in its entirety, if you throw all your concepts in the trash can and sit in silence, what will you find? '' Nature is not silent, it is man who is deaf. ''
cuando dejamos el cuerpo nos damos cuenta QUE VIVIMOS EN UN SUEÑO. EL SISTEMA NOS HA CEGADO
I would like to offer an invitation for audit subtitles in regards to: Now that you have boarded the Naropa Institute plane.... "the only thing we can do here is get off the path"-- and suggest he is saying "everything we can do here is 'get off' in the path".
thank you 🙏🙏🙏
The spiritual achievement is basically why spiritualism took off in the early 1900's and has resulted in the New Age movement today, as well as its second revival we are in today. The ego sees the spiritual achievement as the highest thing to attain, so it salivates after it. So many people, especially on youtube, are claiming enlightenment, and pitting their own spiritualized ego - what we call spiritual narcissism - against others. All vying with each other for the highest level of experience and therefore the highest level of authority within this new spiritualized social dominance hierarchy. But that is traditionally the greatest pitfall on the spiritual path.
Yeah, the problem with a lot of so-called "spirituality" comes from the metaphor of ascending the ladder of consciousness to higher levels. The focus on ascent comes entirely from ego. True spirituality comes from descent into the dark realms of the psyche, breaking them down and in so doing destroying the ego. But the ego resists that entirely and prefers to chant some nice sounds and pray for grace from some kind of God.
Buddhism does not stress God. It's deeper than that. God and self become One; even I-Thou is dualistic. Our relationship with the world seems to be I-It, with the urge to use everything, animal, vegetable, human, the Earth and Sea, to make a buck. Spiritual Materialism is food for the Ego, which is usually a mistaken image of Self.
@@jazzsecrets the true Theist knows that God is beyond dualism, nondualism, existence and nonexistence. The true Theist knows that God is the primordial pure unity before dualism and nondualism arised. It's all-pervading and the source of all things we know to be existent. From where we've come from before birth and what we return to upon death through gnosis.
I love how everybody is an expert on God. I can at least admit to being proud, which makes me more enlightened than the lot of you. Wait, I'm playing the same game of one-upmanship, aren't I? Fuck.
lmao you still have some pretty good self-awareness though.
Is there anything wrong with this game? No right? Or do you simply play it out until that runs its course and you trancend that? Or just simply watch yourself play?
Buddhism = The True Way of Life
GodBeyondGods opinion = opinion
I'm not a native of the english language. Could anyone please help me with something? At the end, Trungpa was relating the cynical attitude to spiritual materialism or to the "right" posture to go through it?
12:27 Very fine Oxbridge accent, but the grammar and sentence formations are somewhat very unclear.
can you tell where to find the complete video of the lecture and/or more about Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche ? Thankyou
TheStormP find all on chronicleproject by Walter Fordham
Still interested with Trungpa Rinpoche teachings? All Best.
i have the same question
Audible, UA-cam, Wordpress
Audible, UA-cam, Wordpress
Mass spirituality maybe, a powerful tool against the corruption and the greed of this world.
Happy Losar.
💓 ❤️ 💓
Spiritual materialism is inevitable. The mind operates through ideas/concepts. Enlightenment is emptiness. It is a thunder clap, a flash of lightning. It is not something to grasp on to. And thus, it is not something to live by. It is not practical. To live practically, we abide in the world of words, ideas. The focus on the self is the problem. And the best way to transcend that is to be of service to others and the world . . .
Thank you for your discernment
@@jarijansma2207 Thank you . . .
@@stonew1927 any more pointers? In learning to swim for the first time again
I discovered that anything i want to change, or hold on to, ends up creating crazy ego stuff. Extra karma. So it feels the only thing you can do is a comedian, if you have a theory about what what is, patterns, etc.
The ego of service.
The Path IS the ongoing Enlightenment. One is not suddenly done with the Path. Path OF Enlightenment, not Path TO Enlightenment.
Never heard of these dude … damn. Where are these people ?? Dead ?? By now ?
this was filmed in 2010? why is it in black and white, with shaky cam, and looks 40 years old? is ta supposed to make it look more like some hidden wisdom teachings?
He died in 1987. No way was this fimed in the 2000s 🤦♀️
It isn't about him.
0:27 Well that a man/woman can achieve. Not 'mankind'. We achieve spiritual achievements on an individual basis, not as 'mankind'. 2:06 I would associate 'spiritual materialism' with people practicing yoga or mediation in order to experience beneficial 'side-effects' for themselves on a personal level, for example. 2:21 Yes. People practicing 'spirituality' within a 'church/religion' just to be 'big' in that 'church/religion' is Satanistic. By all means! 3:03 The 'meaning' of SPIRITUAL MATERIALISM: The practice of 'spiritual' endeavour within any religion or spiritual tradition that does not have the Greater Good AND the Greatest Good at the centre of the practice and as the desired outcome, eg; WORLD PEACE or THE LIBERATION OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, but rather seeks benefits for the individual, eg; getting to Heaven, avoiding Hell, seeking an end to one's own suffering and not that of others and so on. 3:42 Oh! I thought it was a space ship! 3:56 Well yes. A cosmic spaceline. 4:06 Well yes. But we still need the pilot and the cabin crew! 😁 Until we've built ASI/Digital Buddha/MESSIAH of course. Then we'll be on auto-pilot cruise control. 11:18 Well yes. We do have more trust in the computer. That's why we want to build ASI. And also because ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) is the only thing which can defeat the toxic AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). We actually don't have a choice. 11:24 Yes now everything is mechanized. Satan mechanized it.
He uses the word mankind because this was recorded in 1974. We've come a long way since then with our language.
2:25 and before he connects spiritual martialism to satanism
Enrolacao ?
People are saying, the thing they don't like about Buddhism is that "they don't bring god". That's because, 1. Buddhism not only does not believe in a creator god, it actually refutes the existence of an discrete creator. There is " NO GoD" he is dead -Nitchze.
Nietzche only said byebye to the personal-God idea within the cultural sphere as he knew that the coming century would drift into a new (a)moral system which would make the old personal-God idea irrelevant.
In truth, he was only saying goodbye to Christianity which is the only religion strictly stuck in that trap.
@@davidbrant390 All religions are stuck in that trap, including some forms of Buddhism. Stop Christian bashing of which you know only what you know.
Nowhere does Buddhism refute the existence of a creator. It does not touch on the subject
read shambhala ^^
People are so ready to follow anyone who speaks gibberish with confidence.
Words .finger pointing to the moon..
Lose it use it ..soothe with it..but thete is no answer to your oractice except further practice. The journey is the goal.
He's cute
Conman, drunkard and sexual predator... great role model.
It is highest thing, but of coures we can achieve be Enlightenment if we really wanted to be because we are humen who can do everything else. please dont make anymore comfuse
Why are you 'trying' to be anyone?
Becuase 99% of people are flesh with eyes and they want more.
Read RAW a long time ago.
What is the biggest teaching you took away from him?
That which is not is that which is not.
I understand what you are saying. However, when you say "God and self become one" I am doubtful that you are truly uniting self with God. The level of God you are referring to is not really God at all; it is probably something spiritual just not God.
Being hung up about dualism is itself dualism. The truth is God is always infinitely higher at than us while at the same time He is one with us; a paradox. Praying to God in the right state of mind *can* go to a higher level that you described.
Trungpa Rinpoche is a Ocean of timles Wisdom Creativity and Compassion
He brings up the topic of focusing on dualism (or anything) as dualism or a "trip"... brings it up constantly. Even when we get a little glimpse of something, we dwell on it. But we need to keep sitting. He always refers to being "on the spot." Read his book on the topic.
The thing I don't like about the Buddhists is that they don't bring God into the picture. The Buddhists see through the spiritual materialism of the average religious person and then kind of throw out God too. When one is suffering from one of life's tests, then one's spiritual actions are much more real and not tainted by the ego. It is then possible to experience a God realm by putting one's faith in it. This is extremely hard to do though and perhaps why people settle on the Buddhist level.
rsll1986 you haven't met the right Buddhist yet. not all Buddhists are the same.
rsll1986 no, its because the concept of god, an erroneous child like projection that it is, has no place in Buddhist tradition. its not that some schools of Buddhism think there is a god. Do read some basic Buddhism people.
-The thing I don’t like about abhrahamic religions is that they always bring ‘God’ in the spotlight when they can’t seem to fathom its existence
Does not sound anything like teachings of Buddha. It is more like modern day teachers such as Anthony Robbins, 'The Secret' etc. on how to gain material possessions. Just what the majority want.
Walter Lekamge just the opposite. He's explaining to people why that approach is Not spirituality. Hence why he called it "Spiritual Materialism" and cautioned people about it.
Instead he talks about relating to one's actual experience in the world, and taking that as path - with all the details and pragmatic and ordinary aspects - vs being fixated on "transcending."
Thus a very wholesome and direct Buddhist approach.
Walter Lekamge Did you even listen to the video or just judge based on the title ?
@@jazzsecrets At this point one takes refuge and commits to stepping onto the path. By, for example, following the directives of one's root guru or enrolling in Naropa Institute as is shown here.
The book is kinda bullshit since it ends up throwing about 30 different sanskrit terms at you and tries to catalogue enlightenment and peace with levels, rules and taxonomy.
The coming of Chogyam Trungpa to the West is one of the major spiritual disasters that happened to the West, to Buddhism and to Mankind in history. But then, of course, this is what Westerners wanted, so they got it.
how so
So you know.
It seems to me that Trungpa's notion of "spiritual materialism" explains, at least in part, his own thoroughly disordered life. He was an alcoholic, a womaniser, sexually promiscuous, a lover of fast cars, etc. Not very like the Buddha!
@@closetcleaner What an insightful response! Compare Buddha in the Pali canon with Trungpa!
I think that Trungpa's comments are telling us not to pursue Spiritual Materialism, not seek this path. One has to look at his life as a mirror of Spiritual Materialism. I think that we have to look carefully before we find fault in another.
As a Buddhist practitioner who does not drink or smoke etc. from another "path tradition" I am mindful that my drinking or not drinking is not an indicator of whether or not I am a person connected to life, right now.
Let's be Present and Love and see where we are.......
Now the truth about this man being an abuser is out
Shameful to have this shown
I find him hard to follow, he often doubles back on himself. His curious facial twitches also make me wonder how advanced he is as a teacher, generally a very advanced spiritual teacher will have an aura of calm and an upbeat energy... Still he has brought up spiritual materialism, which is an important topic.
Uhh... That's a bit ableist, and extremely ignorant. You cannot possibly judge how spiritually advanced someone is based on how often their face twitches. Plus, as you know, there are plenty of stories about mystics who were not accepted by society because their mysticism made them eccentric.
Not because of that. He is hard to follow because his words are very very profound. One has to be quite far along in self discovery to understand the blocks and points he is talking about. But listening to him will automatically bring you more enlightenment even if your intellect cannot grasp it yet.
"Enlightenment is the highest thing that we could ever achieve".
The above statement is fundamental and fundamentally wrong Buddhist dogma. It is ludicrous to suppose that the enlightenment of a human being such as Buddha encompasses the highest mind, for highest mind is omniscient and Buddha, bring ignorant of modern algebra, quantum physics, Swahili and infinite other things was not omniscient. Highest mind creates the Universe and life, neither of which the Buddha could accomplish.
Trungpa's starting point of enlightenment as the highest thing achievable is itself an expression of flawed spiritual materialism. In fact Buddhism may be viewed as one big exercise in spiritual materialism.
Given that Buddha-mind isn't highest mind, it follows that enlightenment is not the highest we can achieve. When man worships Buddha he worships Buddha-mind and the state of enlightenment. This is like believing the sun rotates around the earth. When man worships actual highest mind, mind-in-itself, Infinite mind, omniscient mind from whose omnipotence arises the Universe and life itself, only then does he achieve the highest and only in this way does he transcend spiritual materialism.
Worship of a human being such as the Buddha, the Lama, Jesus, Krsna, Mohammed, Babaji or the Pope is the ultimate error of spiritual materialism and is called idolatry, the worship of anything other than the absolute Infinite.
For this reason Torah bans idolatry in the first three commandments.
Why are people such literalists Buddhist realise the highest mind that you describe that is the goal thus transcending worldy suffering and re birth venerating those who point the way or symbols of their truth is not idolatry it’s a vehicle. Transcend religion for goodness sake. Literalists to me don’t understand transcendental spiritual ideology. This person has a strong dogmatic bias.
Maybe it would have been better and more helpful to ask Buddhists what they think or know as opposed to proposing that you know who and what they are.....
FYI Buddhists, in general, do not worship that Buddha.....
Very easy for him to say these ridiculous things. How did he purchase that fine suit? How did he get to this location? How does he feed himself, how does he put a roof over his head, how does he get from place to place?
He is nothing but a hypocrite. Are we expected to believe that he should endow himself with these things just to enable his bullshit?
Listen to any of these so-called spiritual leaders, and you will literally starve to death. This is the physical realm.
True spiritualism teaches us how to live with duality.
Think you have missed the point. He talking about using the spiritual path as a way to get states of mind or achieve some goody such as wisdom or a better personality. He's not talking about materialism in the mundane sense of the word.
jahaha : you probably can sharpen the mind and listen full?