@LEGENDARYXRV new animations for ignis Kinda like ancient remnant, his animation got alot more movement and doesn't look very stale Same goes for ignis, his animation is smooth and really good but not much movement, Probably gonna get some changes too like ancient remnant got rage meter now
The Immortal looks like an villain
Is the immortal part of EEEAB's mobs? Cause I think there's a new update
Ignis and nameless guardian made a baby 💀💀💀
New favorite boss!
Ignis steps out the throne, but i saw some images of a revamp in the cataclysm discord
Will ignis be reworked?
@LEGENDARYXRV new animations for ignis
Kinda like ancient remnant, his animation got alot more movement and doesn't look very stale
Same goes for ignis, his animation is smooth and really good but not much movement, Probably gonna get some changes too like ancient remnant got rage meter now
Will ignis become weak like ancient remnant and what about netherite monstersity? @@Batmaniggga
@LEGENDARYXRV probably a buff
Where did you see the new Ignis animation?
Now against headhunter please
new update now 1.20.1 headhunter is for 1.19.2
Yea sorry WE cant do that
ソーラサー(エリートバージョン)(Goety - The Dark Arts mod) VS iron's spells 'n spellbooks mobsをお願いします!
ソーラサーはiron's spells 'n spellbooks modの魔法を使うMobでいうGoety - The Dark Arts modの魔法を使うMobバージョンってことですね
最上位のエメラルドバージョンはスポーンエッグから出すことはできません、Goety - The Dark Arts modのイリジャーアサルトかソウルエネルギーを沢山持ってる場合の襲撃のみスポーンします