Metal Slug Attack Reloaded Switch Review

  • Опубліковано 18 чер 2024
  • The Nintendo Direct had some wonderful surprises this week, and Metal Slug fans had 2 announcements (one outside of the direct in Metal Slug Tactics) with Metal Slug Attack Reloaded, a deck-building, Plants Vs Zombies-like mobile game featuring iconic characters and locales while sticking to the amazing pixel art style fans of the series has come to love. What's it Like? Go over the roster, shuffle your deck, and prepare to slug it out as we review Metal Slug Attack Reloaded on Nintendo Switch.
  • Ігри


  • @Zinkyeal
    @Zinkyeal 19 днів тому +15

    To me, it is fun. It is a hard challenge, but I like challenges. Mind you I do not get frustrated with games as much, I like to learn and fix it. Now I know same games are made so bad I do not touch them.

    • @frozone-yeah
      @frozone-yeah 19 днів тому +8

      I feel the same way, this game I was hooked on mobile simply because this is the only game or one of them where I can control and command my army of the bosses and enemies I have faced in the series, that alone was always the thing that got me hooked. And I always found the gameplay loop viable for a good challenge.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому +6

      Yeah I don't think it's a bad game, just a frustrating one with the difficulty spikes. I did some googling after the review to ensure I wasn't missing something major and it seems the spikes are the same for a lot of players. I'll still AFK grind it while getting my other reviews done and revisit this one in a few months.

  • @JMrealgamer
    @JMrealgamer 15 днів тому +4

    This is what I love. Grinding. No microtransacrions at all. That’s why I got this and I’m loving it so far!

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  14 днів тому +2

      I'm glad you're enjoying it. I've tried so many times after posting this review and I think it's just not for me.

  • @DaveVoyles
    @DaveVoyles 16 днів тому +5

    It just comes to a complete halt when you need to spend 90% of your time just navigating menus.
    Lots of gameplay for the first hour, then after that, you literally JUST navigate menus.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  16 днів тому +1

      Thats what I found. Then you get over a wall and run into another. I feel like they didn't balance it when they removed microtransactions. It would be a really enjoyable AFK game if they fixed the difficulty issues.

    • @DaveVoyles
      @DaveVoyles 16 днів тому +1

      @@whatsitlikeau Absolutely. I looked for a video review to understand "Are there other people who feel the same way?" and it looks like there are.
      It's comforting to know I'm not crazy 🤣

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  16 днів тому +1

      Hahaha. It seems there's 2 camps on this one. People that love it, and people that find it a chore. It's been good getting both sides of the story in the comments, but I've spent another 2 or so hours with it since review and stand by my score. Fingers crossed they do an adjustment patch.

  • @marcuspurry
    @marcuspurry 4 години тому +1

    I was expecting the same micro-transactions that existed in the mobile version,
    but honestly without them - this game has even more of a grindy charm that forced me to really try out new unit comps and everything else the game has to offer in order to beat it.
    When you have to complete “ANOTHER STORY: PM - CHAPTER 10”… YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
    Great game, and great example of making a game feel complete without having to spend more than the game itself. And the pixel art is one of a kind. I will never forget the Xbox demo disc I had with Metal Slug 3 on it back in like 2006 that got me hooked on the franchise.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  2 години тому

      Thank you for sharing your perspective. I still occasionally go back to do some grinding but the game just doesn't really hook me.
      Metal Slug 3 was amazing! What's your favorite one of the franchise so far?

  • @alyasVictorio
    @alyasVictorio 18 днів тому +4

    Hope Metal Slug Attack Reloaded will grow its own grassroots for its own niche esports due to this game being the most competitive of all tower defense games (unlile Battle Cats where there's no active skill nor pvp), specially since even its predecessor Metal Slug Defense is so great thanks to its gameplay alone (and is also my no. 1 childhood mobile game ever played)
    Not only that, I finally found the challenge from most stages of this game (unlike where its 2 predecessors has too easy stages with our strong deck that became boring to play again)
    Plus if indie tower defense devs take inspiration from this game and its gameplay, they'll open the door for revival of this tower defense formula
    And yeah, grinding up to level 50, the same level that help pass most high difficulty stages, is so hard tho- (and I lost my lv47 MSA account before I even reached lv50)

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому +2

      I hope they put some more development into it and it takes off. Right now I feel like a balancing patch would go a long way

    • @alyasVictorio
      @alyasVictorio 18 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau Yeah

  • @lukamagicc
    @lukamagicc 18 днів тому +3

    Totally fair review. I played for an hour and am HOOKED. I totally love the idea of removing microtrans for a fixed up front price. But, they need to adjust the numbers so it isn’t such a slog - it’s kind of pointless since they aren’t making any more money of this. Also you said there’s countless menu navigation and man I wish you could turn off that damn animation that plays every time you select something… game could be way more streamlined. Still an addictive loop and beautiful re-tooling of some of the best pixel art to ever exist!

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому

      This is a great perspective. I too love the art, wish there was a faster way to auto recruit/combine type mechanic. I'm still putting time into it but it's become a real progress/wall/progress/wall slog

  • @johnbas1564
    @johnbas1564 18 днів тому +4

    It's a repetitive grind when you play it regularly. I know because this game was one phones before. You'll see more of this once they started adding "Extra ops" every 2 weeks.
    Also, it was a free to play game on phone with heavy micro transaction but it was shut down.
    It's an okay game, every event they add has stories for every faction. Just hope that getting medals is easier than it was on mobile since the only way for Free to play players to get medals were to do PvP and Collect on events.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому

      Medals are a bit of a grind! I found the game hit me into wall after wall so was really frustrated!

    • @johnbas1564
      @johnbas1564 18 днів тому +1

      @@whatsitlikeau it does, so I'm hoping that they make it easier to grind medals now than it was a year ago.

    • @alyasVictorio
      @alyasVictorio 18 днів тому

      I saw the video of that channel ":flop:" where he now already has thousands of medals and spend them to get more R-SR units. Bet most huge amount of metals were obtained from achivements and/or task, which is what I saw while watching his first gameplay of MSAR

    • @johnbas1564
      @johnbas1564 18 днів тому +1

      @@alyasVictorio I knowing Metal slug attack from the past, you're supposed to get like 15k medals in total since those challenges and stuff were beginner missions. Unless those missions are permanent and is refreshed, then SNK must've learned from the past.

  • @frozone-yeah
    @frozone-yeah 19 днів тому +8

    I understand where you come from and I respect this review as this game certainly has an acquired taste and not for everyone even for some casual or die hard metal slug fans, but for me, I loved this game when it was on mobile and was hooked right from the start with being able to command my army of foes I’ve bested in the series. Even having brand new never before seen units in the game that spiced up the experience even more. My only gripe with the mobile version is that it had its own barrier of not letting you play the missions after a certain number of tries. You either have to wait for the play currency to refill or pay money to be able to buy it and continue playing. That’s a big no thank you for me. I’d much rather pay a one and done purchase and play the game how ever much I want and whenever I please. Sure the grind is still there but at least I do not have to wait around for hours just to be able to play the game. If you want my opinion I’d prefer this route of the game even amidst the grind.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому +4

      That's a really good insight, thank you for sharing your opinion! To me, this version of the game felt like it was still forcing you to put the game down each few missions. I hope we get a difficulty adjustment and that would go a long way

    • @SadVIad
      @SadVIad 17 днів тому +2

      I never heard anyone complain about NOT having micro transactions 😅 This game is a beautiful love letter, and I played both of the original games that this game was based off of. I'll be playing this game for hundreds of hours.

    • @frozone-yeah
      @frozone-yeah 17 днів тому

      @@SadVIad Yeah I just can’t justify having to pay for the micro transactions especially just to play the game on mobile as that was just such a drag, having just to pay for the game once and play it forever is a blessing, when they got rid of this game, I was devastated as it was like about a year or so before they shut the servers down. I was just starting to get into, now I can get back into it. I’ll also be playing this game for a long time. And if I ever manage to get game pass ultimate, a little friendly competition wouldn’t hurt from those that are willing either. Always fun to see the most powerful units stand up to the next most powerful and seeing the chaos unfold on screen. 😈😅😂

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  17 днів тому

      I'm not sure what I'm missing in the game? I adore the franchise, and I put a fair few hours into this for Review but honestly outside of the first 2 hours, didn't enjoy it at all. Any recommendations as to what I should be doing?

    • @frozone-yeah
      @frozone-yeah 17 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau sure thing. So what your gonna want to do is basically level up your units and get more units. If you are stuck at a certain level or levels it won’t do you any good to trying and beat them with the units you have. Experiment and leveling up as well as recruiting more units to experiment with is key and you may have to go back to previous levels to do that. Yes like you explained in the video it may be the grindy part, but really that’s how the game should be played since the roadblock feeling is still there. Maybe they’ll update that soon and make not so grindy but as of right now that’s the way. But may not be for everyone. This game is an acquired taste afterall. So if you are just not having fun or not feeling this game then it’s understandable and maybe just not the kind of game for you.
      Also it may be wise to play this game is short bursts rather than long sessions as well. To come back to it from time to time may be the better option too but that’s just what I do.
      The best part about this game for me is using any playing with units that I otherwise could never be able to in the main franchise,
      That’s what is addictive for me and what keeps me coming back.

  • @ascrein5247
    @ascrein5247 8 днів тому +1

    This game is catered likely to old players of Metal Slug Attack and Defense. I am an old player who played the game for a few years and this game was once a gacha game that ultimately hit an EoS. Naturally, it had microtransactions, stamina, etc. Of course, events too and medals were the currency made to pull in various gacha banners. They had a lot of unit sprite arts so I believe they likely decided to put all those assets and art to good use by repackaging the MSA gacha game into a single player with online gameplay. Also, there is an actual Metal Slug Defense Game still there in steam out for free. It has some different units but its a lot inferior to MSA. So, any expectations is really silly overall. There are other gacha games out there that have hit an EoS but became stand alone games later on. MSA is just the latest on that list though I am very grateful as an old MSA player. I am willing to buy the game just to play it once more.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  8 днів тому +1

      I really love the art style of the Metal Slug series which made the first few hours of this game a delight to play, but the constant walls killed it for me. It seems a lot of Mobile gamers are really glad its back, but I think the difficulty curve isn't very welcoming for new players.

    • @ascrein5247
      @ascrein5247 7 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau Sadly true lol. Which is why I say it is catered towards the old msa players and not towards new players. To be fair, msa when it was running had its fair share of problems. We didnt really have such things as stamina potions though we did have means to gather stamina. To go through events, you needed to skip some to gather thousands of stamina. Then old units were easily powercreep by new ones making all the effort to get them kinda vain. Also, the gacha animations were quite different. I kinda preferred that type of gacha animation...

  • @kcadventures1454
    @kcadventures1454 15 днів тому +1

    Yes! I kept hitting wall after wall to the point where I said to hell with it! I love these types of games so this should have been right up my alley.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  14 днів тому +1

      It seems these walls are all in the same places. If they manage to balance the difficulty, it could be a more enjoyable experience.

    • @kcadventures1454
      @kcadventures1454 14 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau even the 2nd area: china..... Right out the gate gatling guns preventing you from moving until you level your characters up the right way.

  • @popoya2297
    @popoya2297 2 дні тому +1

    The difficulty spikes are definitely killing the fun for me: I'm the type of player that gets frustrated a lot very quickly by the grinding, so having to continuosly stop progress to get back to farming objects and experience... No, thank you. Also the fact that every time my player level rises I have to go manually raise the level of every unit and all of their skills, one by one, is absolutely moronic and I can't believe nobody could think of any way to make it less of a chore. Maybe when you raise a unit's level also automatically raise the skills level? Multi unit selection for upgrade? I mean, based on my experience, if there's something I doubt anybody has ever lacked is MSP so what's the problem there? I at least have waaaaay more than I know what to do with them.
    Also the PVP's balancing system is a joke. I barely made my way up to level 18 by now, yet the other day my measly bronze-silver units and I were put against this lv 50 guy with all his lv 50 platinum units. I didn't even try to put up a fight and am now refusing to go back to playing online until I max everything out.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  2 дні тому +1

      It could definitely use a balance and some auto equip/level functions. I've tried going back a few times and it's a no from me.

  • @bricebrillo6635
    @bricebrillo6635 18 днів тому +3

    I kinda wish it will come to mobile. And it's fine if it won't since it already shutdown before if it does it's not going to be free since there no microtransaction

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому

      It's wierd they took it down? Hopefully they do a premium version for mobile users

  • @superrunnerx1
    @superrunnerx1 18 днів тому +2

    After spending 6 years straight playing metal slug attack, from beginning to the very last day. Its nice to see them revive their own dead game.
    Cant wait to see the microtransactions get added. 😂

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому

      I'm such a fan of Metal Slug but can't get into this. Got any recommendations or advice?

    • @alyasVictorio
      @alyasVictorio 18 днів тому

      ​@@whatsitlikeauIn case we talking about which will upgrade first, it's both AP production speed and Unit production speed that should be prioritize to level up, and if we can, leveling up those units with more skills unlocked (through equipments) or whose skills makes them stronger (e.g. stun and dodge)

    • @SodaPopBot
      @SodaPopBot 16 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau ​ @whatsitlikeau I recommend the Aqua Ippan demo (clear art-style and gameplay clone in the best way possible) and wishlisting an upcoming game featuring old Metal Slug devs; Black Finger JET. If you haven't heard of these already.

    • @JMrealgamer
      @JMrealgamer 15 днів тому +1

      There are no MT’s on the Switch version.

  • @Barbaryotaku
    @Barbaryotaku 17 днів тому +1

    I think the game is more fun if you play a bit every day rather than grind for and hour straight. Simple games like this can also be good for when you want to listen to UA-cam or podcasts in the background.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  17 днів тому

      Agreed, but even rationing out playtime doesn't resolve the core issues that boil down to luck and grinding. I'm still plugging away at it as I write more reviews and to me, I still stand by the score.

  • @clementyong8442
    @clementyong8442 19 днів тому +5

    Game is fun but is super grindy

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому

      Initially, I was hooked, but after a few hours it was like hitting a wall to me.

  • @SodaPopBot
    @SodaPopBot 16 днів тому +1

    Still buying this (and Tactics) for copium that they'll focus more on the franchise in general, or put some of the characters into KoF again
    But I don't really wanna support it in terms of a F2P mobile game way. They really should've rebalanced the game better if it's this grindy.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  16 днів тому +1

      If it had a balance patch it would be a great AFK game, but as it stands its frustrating beyond belief. Tactics looks great and I've applied for a preview key so fingers crossed!

  • @SadVIad
    @SadVIad 17 днів тому +11

    This is nothing like PvZ and people need to stop making the comparison. It's like battle cats above all else. But it doesn't have a single aspect that is in comparison to PvZ.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  17 днів тому +2

      Sorry, that was the first thing that came to mind when playing it for me. I haven't tried battle cats, do you recommend it?

    • @Teachermook
      @Teachermook 17 днів тому

      I wish it was on switch I'll say that. That being said, I LOVE THIS GAME. yeah it's repetitive but it is also fun!

    • @user-kj9oz7lb8s
      @user-kj9oz7lb8s 16 днів тому +1

      ​@@Teachermookit is on Switch.... I'm playing it right now.

    • @Teachermook
      @Teachermook 16 днів тому

      @@user-kj9oz7lb8s I mean battle cats. I heard so much about it I'd love to try it.

    • @pelaajacreeper
      @pelaajacreeper 16 днів тому

      @@Teachermookthere is battle cats unite on switch. There are no microtransactions on it!

  • @joejoe9997
    @joejoe9997 12 днів тому +1

    I was thinking of buying the game on my PlayStation but it's 10 bucks it looks like a fun game but you have to grind so much

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  12 днів тому

      The grind can be a chore, I recommend checking out some other reviews just in case!

  • @jamestrent8949
    @jamestrent8949 19 днів тому +6

    Not even a mention of the excellent music? That seems like a big omission in a proper game review.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому +1

      Valid point, and thank you for the feedback. I will make a point to dive a bit deeper into the scores of games instead of a passing mention.

  • @rinaldo7618
    @rinaldo7618 19 днів тому +2

    capcom and snk already release offline gacha
    now wait the others

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому +1

      A little bit of balance would make this a great game in my opinion.

  • @kingarcadian
    @kingarcadian 18 днів тому +1

    tanx 4 the rev

  • @nicked_fenyx
    @nicked_fenyx 19 днів тому +1

    Oof. When a game leaves you wishing for IAPs, that's generally not a good thing. Shame about this one. It sounds like it might make a semi-decent "second screen" game to slowly grind away at while listening to something else, but even then probably only worth it on sale. Thanks for getting this review out so quickly. Much appreciated.

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому +1

      Yeah I had it auto grinding today for a bit while finalising the review. The main issue is constantly hitting walls. I don't mind a challenge but it becomes a core loop. Will revisit it for a Re-view in a few months

  • @jackfieldsjack1061
    @jackfieldsjack1061 19 днів тому +2

    I bought it not good.. I should bought the street fighter sale

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому

      Yeah very disappointing for the fans :(

  • @wallpaperagent8944
    @wallpaperagent8944 18 днів тому +1

    only fools buy progression

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  18 днів тому

      That may be the case, but there's mechanics stuck here to entice you to do so, despite not having any choice but to grind

  • @xd._.8306
    @xd._.8306 19 днів тому

    Skill issue

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  19 днів тому

      Not really. It seems there's many sections that put up walls that require the grind and RNG to get certain units. Happy to discuss elements of the game and get your opinion, but let's be real and acknowledge it's a mobile game they didn't take the mobile out of when porting to Switch

  • @ChoomOfDoom
    @ChoomOfDoom 18 днів тому +1

    Oh god no. This game again? The gacha game that was ruined with waifu trash and garbage matchmaking? It should have stayed dead

  • @vnt1869
    @vnt1869 16 днів тому +1

    Bro, is it neccesary to pay a subscription to play online?

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  16 днів тому

      It doesn't say specifically, only says its required for online cloud saves.

    • @vnt1869
      @vnt1869 16 днів тому +1

      @@whatsitlikeau Bro, I was thinking about buying this game on Xbox but it seems it requires a xbox live gold subscription to play online and that's very disappointing, i absolutely disagree about paying to play online and the online subscriptions

    • @whatsitlikeau
      @whatsitlikeau  16 днів тому

      I can't seem to find anything about it, but I recommend further research just in case. Usually, shop listings say NSO is required for online features?

    • @vnt1869
      @vnt1869 16 днів тому

      @@whatsitlikeau If it's necessary for xbox it says, but idk if it is for every game