I love your music, I was hit by a car at the age 6, parapeligic, I met the man of of dreams at the age of 28, he was 25, he has dealt with bi-polar, mental issues. I will never say a but, we met I fell in love with him not knowing everything that I would see him go through, Am still here, he is still here. We are married now, the one thing he told me and promised was he will be my legs and i will be his mind, and yes he has kept his promise, seeing him in and out of hospitals, we are still here
I love your music, I was hit by a car at the age 6, parapeligic, I met the man of of dreams at the age of 28, he was 25, he has dealt with bi-polar, mental issues. I will never say a but, we met I fell in love with him not knowing everything that I would see him go through, Am still here, he is still here. We are married now, the one thing he told me and promised was he will be my legs and i will be his mind, and yes he has kept his promise, seeing him in and out of hospitals, we are still here
An amazing song.
...You'll wait for me only scared of the lonely arms
Thé béaúty óf sóunds àn words MAKES you féél the húrt deep in your soul