Very interesting! As a machinist, and the end user of bar and coil stock, it was enlightening to see where our stock deliveries come from. It should be pointed out what stainless steel actually IS. It's an alloy of steel and nickel, in an endless variety of proportions, and it's hard to imagine modern life without it.
We gave patents away to the US along with a number of other projects ?... What skill those guys had drawing and manipulating hot coil, that was hard work.
It's all about saving money. Today everything is made in Asia because that's where the cheap labor is. Wall Street investors only care about money. Workers are disposable.
Very interesting! As a machinist, and the end user of bar and coil stock, it was enlightening to see where our stock deliveries come from. It should be pointed out what stainless steel actually IS. It's an alloy of steel and nickel, in an endless variety of proportions, and it's hard to imagine modern life without it.
I can't believe this was all happily given up during deindustrialization just because some parliament types said so.
We gave patents away to the US along with a number of other projects ?... What skill those guys had drawing and manipulating hot coil, that was hard work.
It's all about saving money. Today everything is made in Asia because that's where the cheap labor is. Wall Street investors only care about money. Workers are disposable.
All this has gone and is now replaced with derelict factories, 'sports' centres and shopping malls. The skills are lost and the jobs long gone.