The Cobra Effect (Black Ops 2 Gameplay Commentary)

  • Опубліковано 10 жов 2024


  • @BalloonShot
    @BalloonShot 9 років тому +58

    One cobra effect is when people capture the third flag in domination. They think it's good because it gets them more points but what it actually does is mess up spawns and makes it easy for the enemy to double cap right off spawn.

  • @ElectricPyroclast
    @ElectricPyroclast 10 років тому +37

    And you did not bother to bring up Target Finders. They were originally meant to knock off campers and head glitchers. Guess who uses Target Finders now?

    • @th3on3thatb3atu
      @th3on3thatb3atu 10 років тому +4

      It does counter head glitchers pretty well.

    • @ElectricPyroclast
      @ElectricPyroclast 10 років тому

      th3on3thatb3atu Nah, I'd rather use FMJ with a heavy ammo weapon (SCAR-H, any LMG, and grudgingly... any sniper except SVU-AS).

  • @KARNAGEclan
    @KARNAGEclan 10 років тому +22

    Interesting topic! Never heard of this or been able to put a name on it. Very informative.

  • @Ularg7070
    @Ularg7070 10 років тому +19

    So the cobra effect is basically "Why we can't have nice things"-effect. Otherwise known as the general populace abusing every nice thing we get until we're worse off.
    Good going everyone. Hope you know we're all a part of the problem.

    • @TheTeeWorldsfreak
      @TheTeeWorldsfreak 10 років тому

      "No fun allowed"

    • @TheNugettinage
      @TheNugettinage 10 років тому +4

      Yup. The cobra effect is in essence why communism doesn't work in a human society. It's the perfect solution for the perfect people, the only problem being that were not perfect people.

    • @goodgamerguy3417
      @goodgamerguy3417 10 років тому +1

      only one thing is "perfect" and that is chaos

    • @acow1293
      @acow1293 10 років тому +3

      Good Gamer Guy and god

  • @ShaolinNinjaMaster
    @ShaolinNinjaMaster 10 років тому +5

    I like the idea of hiding the give away in the video, this is why I love Drift0r, he's just so smart and has all these good ideas, and he can be mature and sensible, yet still very entertaining, I love that he caters to the older more serious audience!

  • @deredelkatze5214
    @deredelkatze5214 10 років тому +2

    One thing on the whole "No Child Left Behind" bit, Washington actually has a program called Running Start, where the last 2 years of highschool you hop over to the nearby college and get your schooling and your credits there. I know it's just the one state, but I think it would make a big difference were it nation-wide, as the excellent WOULD have a place to go.
    Just a little rant :^)

  • @VidiotB454
    @VidiotB454 10 років тому +19

    Support Killstreaks were the biggest Cobra Effect ever!

    • @joshuakington8860
      @joshuakington8860 10 років тому +8

      please expand on this..

    • @TheFaxeProject
      @TheFaxeProject 10 років тому +2


    • @VidiotB454
      @VidiotB454 10 років тому +16

      Joshua Kington They wanted to help "low skilled" players earn scorestreaks. And while that did work, they were abused and high skilled players were using them so their stealth bombers could pick up 6 kills while they are spammimg their ACRs getting 30+ kills. Then an EMP goes off! * boom * Every hard earned point streak is on the ground toasted.

    • @ValThracian
      @ValThracian 10 років тому +1

      Joshua Kington Essentially, Support Killstreaks were supposed to enable players that either PTFOed or were just average/bad a way to get killstreaks, rather than people who played "conservatively," since support streaks carried over death. However, some of these "Support" killstreaks were, in fact, quite lethal, or gave players more than twice health. Meaning it was usually more effective to choose a support streak, and build up high level streaks like the stealth bomber, or spam UAV/Ballistic Vest. Not that Assault or Specialist weren't bad, however, the insurance that support streaks gave, combined with their effectiveness made them great for everyone to use.

    • @awfulpenguins2303
      @awfulpenguins2303 10 років тому +1

      Yea the support squadmate in ghosts, the op oracle, annoying ballistic vests and the stealth bomber aka no skill multi kill

  • @TheExcelllence
    @TheExcelllence 10 років тому +3

    I use the Tac so I don't have to run all the way across a map repeatedly, especially to get a camper. I play mostly in HC so it happens a lot. I'm usually the strongest on my team so it helps to be able to get back into the action. As for DLC Maps, In MW3 you could turn your DLC maps on and off, I wish they included this feature with Bo2 and I hope it's put into COD AW.

  • @OskarIng
    @OskarIng 10 років тому +8

    Drift0r, about tac insertions. To get into the action quicker is probably the main reason most people use tac inserts, (except for boosting). That is the main reason I use tac inserts alot. Seriously try it, it is so much fun even though your k/d ratio may not improve but if you are decent at close quarters combat and good at positioning yourself close to an enemy you will get so many kills using the tac insert and I love it.

    • @Torstenr16
      @Torstenr16 10 років тому +1

      I do it on black ops 2 with the remington on hijacked I put my tac down underground and I'm back in their spawn so much fun.

    • @MrWilko2000
      @MrWilko2000 10 років тому

      Who exactly are boosters

    • @FatherandDaughter87
      @FatherandDaughter87 10 років тому +3

      So happy tac inserts hadn't made a come back yet, to much bull with those things. To much.

    • @DamienDarksideBlog
      @DamienDarksideBlog 10 років тому +2

      MrWilko2000 In case if you weren't around for the embarrassment that was MW2 this is what happened:
      People would join FFA lobbies or would contact another member of the lobby they were in. From there they would both have tactical insertions and silenced weapons along with all the stealth perks they could find Cold Blooded so their location wasn't revealed to UAV Ninja so they wouldn't appear on sensors etc). Then they would find some isolated corner in the map and one guy would shoot the other in the head repeatedly while tac inserting.
      This resulted in three things:
      1) The person would gain all the camos for the guns. This game didn't have gold so it showed the "Fall" camo. This unlocked a lot of EXP through challenges for guns.
      2) They would gain high killstreaks. This game's killstreaks counted towards your killstreak more than any other game. Five kills would get a predator, the kills from the predator go towards the chopper gunner thos kills get you an AC130. You can easily see how fast someone sitting in a corner with free kills can stack up the streaks. This game also had the most powerful killstreaks by far.
      3) Nukes. You know how MW3 and Ghosts have the MOAB/KEM and BlOps2 has the Nuclear medal? That was inspired by MW2. When you chose the Nuke as your killstreak you had the opportunity to END THE GAME. This isn't like the MOAB/KEM where it killed the other team, no, this ended the game and automatically gave you the win.
      Were you down in domination 24-180? Nuke. You win.
      That is how Tac Insertions were used by boosters. It got so bad that people formed "Booster Justice Teams" to find and kill boosters following them from lobby to lobby to kill them whenever they could. If you have ever heard of a UA-camr Sandy Ravage, then you know who started the Booster Justice movement. I was a part of it and it was fun to say the least when you got a few dozen hate messages.

    • @OskarIng
      @OskarIng 10 років тому

      DamienDarksideBlog Yeah that is the reason why you cant use tac inserts in free for all.

  • @DainRiffgin89
    @DainRiffgin89 10 років тому +12

    A recent example of the Cobra effect from politics was Cash for Clunkers. The original plan was to turn in old, fuel inefficient cars, and get money to buy newer, fuel efficient cars, stimulating the auto industry and reducing fuel emissions.
    What happened was people turned in slightly older cars, some of which were nice cars that worked fine, and bought new but still fuel inefficient cars (SUVs and the like). Worse still, because the older cars were being destroyed, not sold to used car dealerships, so the price for used cars went up, because of a shortage of used cars. And who paid for these new cars? That's right: We the taxpayers. It seems like government has a knack for creating Cobra Effects. Makes sense, most politicians are snakes anyways.

    • @DainRiffgin89
      @DainRiffgin89 10 років тому

      This situation was an example of the Broken window fallacy, that destruction (in this situation, older cars) fuels economic growth. The people who bought the new cars did so at the expense of the used car dealerships and the taxpayers (since it was federal tax credit to participate, meaning we paid for it). Spending does help the economy: Citizens spending their own money buying things. To get out of a recession is not about forcing people to buy as much as encouraging. The best way to do that is to lower taxes and regulation, and cut governmental spending. That way, people have much more money to spend, and the government doesn't print more money than it needs, keep monetary values stable.

    • @DainRiffgin89
      @DainRiffgin89 10 років тому

      Actually, it is not necessarily high taxes that is hurting our economy (though it is a factor): it is the devaluation due to overprinting of currency by the Federal Reserve, which lowers the buying power of the dollar. It is hard to make a claim that reduction in government is helping America, when government has been expanding. The ACA is an example of expanding government, along with Common Core.
      During the Great Depression, FDR's Policies were designed to get us out of the depression, but it wasn't until WWII did America has any sort of recover. What eventually brought us out of the Depression for good (instead of gong into a post war recession, as what normally happened) was the Baby Boom, millions of GIs coming home, gettting married, having kids, and spending money on lots of things they needed. The businesses saw the opportunity to explore the markets opening up and as a result, America grew rapidly.
      The Science and Tech of the Cold War era were spurred on by the competition of the Soviet Union, and also by national competition. Governmental funding can help, but it is the entrepeneurs that create the amazing innovations we see today.
      I mentioned before that taxes can stifle economic growth. The other big one is government regulation. While some regulation is important, too much can impede the creation of new businesses, and cut into the profitability of established ones. In addition, businesses are concerned about making ends meet, which means lowering costs and improving the product. Government has no such immediate needs, and often can result in waste and inefficiency. Compare a McDonalds with a DMV, in terms of speed and efficiency and it becomes pretty obvious why government is good at some, but not all things.
      Also, the economy is in trouble, since many businesses are having trouble finding workers, and workers are having trouble finding jobs. One big reason for this is that the job pool has shrunk, due to many people not looking for work. The Number of people on food stamps and unemployment benefits has increased dramatically, and some (not all) now use this as a viable lifestyle, instead of working, in which they would lose such benefits.
      The solution, for me, is to make it much easier to start businesses, hire and fire workers, and let more workers and business owners keep what they earn. Now, lest you think i am one to have the poor and disabled die in the streets, I have faith in private charities and communities looking out for their members. Even encouraging neighborhoods to help improving themselves can make dramatic differences, more than decades of project housings and food stamps could ever hope to accomplish. It is my belief that often when governments fail, it is because they are trying to solve something that is not theirs to solve. That is where individuals succeed.

    • @DainRiffgin89
      @DainRiffgin89 10 років тому

      The reason that I worry about giving government more power and authority over our lives is that, while large corporations might have control over parts of the economy, they do not have force. That is the one thing that the Federal Government does have. The ACA is a good example of this. No insurance company can force you to buy a plan, but the government can. And very often, it is the large corporations, with an army of lawyers to dodge regulations and lobbyists to get their influences heard, that are getting favors in government. Remember the Bailout? It was paid for by us, and even after hundreds of billions of dollars, companies like GM still went under, putting people out of work, while the higher ups pocketed the money. Also, it is when government gets entangled with business that often times bad things happen. Companies such as Amtrak and semi-governmental entities like the US Postal Service are bleeding money, our money, and yet the government is not willing to cut costs to stem the losses.
      You are right about education. That is one area, unfortunately, has become blighted with waste. Our spending per student has increased dramatically for years now, yet test scores have barely moved. The problem is mostly that the money is going to growing the amount of administrators, not going to fund classrooms. Simply passing money for more education funding is not going to solve the problem.
      You are also right that not everyone is cut out to be entrepenuers; for every start up business, there needs to be quite a few people willing to work for that company. What we need to figure out is how and where are each of the sectors, private and public, best suited to handling problems. I am not implying that government should not handle any problems, as part of its responsibility is protects and helping with disasters, but it is more when government goes too far, and not only does a sloppy job, but with our money. I feel that if government could focus on what it does best, and lowering its influences in our lives, that individuals can be able to step up and help out where they can. Make the market profitable, and employers will gladly pay more, since they will want to keep their best employees. There can be a lot of debate on this subject, and though we don't agree on everything, it is important to keep it going. Somewhere, sometime, some how, we'll find the right solution.

    • @DainRiffgin89
      @DainRiffgin89 10 років тому

      That is one thing we both whole heartedly agree on: lawyers are dangerous. Not all, as my brother is in law school and my dad was one before he became a Judge, but there are some out there that can certainly do some harm. But there also are those that will take advantage of such lawyers, including a growing (and disturbing) trend to try and find businesses and institutions that might be against the tiniest infraction and then launch major lawsuits against them. Some people even make a living off it.
      As for schools, competition will definitely work, for schools, students and teachers. As it stands, it is very difficult to fire bad teachers, with their unions making convoluted forms and committees and sub-committees, taking months without even the guarantee that they will be fired. And even with proof, it still can be hard to fire them, without them receiving some sort of compensation. Ever heard of the Rubber Room in the New York School District? It is an empty office where certain bad teachers, pending termination, go for hours a day and still are paid. I remember at my school, we actually had awards for Teacher of the Year (several of which I had) and I can personally attest they were great teachers.
      I also believe that we need to have more charter and private schools, and offer them as a choice for students. Even have scholarships to go to these better schools, incentivizing kids to perform well. This in turn will put pressure on public schools to also do better, in hopes of being the better school. Also, I think we need to have less standardized testing and a lot more of class interaction. While some subjects this can be hard (like math), English and History classes can be fun and interesting. My dream history class would have everyday be a new year in the past, filled with opportunities to explore what happened in this day in history. English would have you explore the great works of literature, which could include in class dramatic readings, along with interesting background facts.
      Another important change would be to include classes like Home Ec, Finance and budgeting, basic auto repair, handyman 101 (with a special attention to the handyman's secret weapon: Duct tape!), and other such important life skills, so that we can help prepare students to be autonomous in the real world. Though some of these classes do exist, I think we should require them, as these are very important to being an adult.
      I will say, however, is that I do fear what government can do, not in terms of military force, but in special interest groups usurping power from ordinary people. I have heard numerous stories of the EPA or some other governmental agency trying to seize land or deny someone's rights over some technicality or simply because it fits their agenda. Not all government is bad, but too large a government often can overreach into areas we didn't even know it could. I could liken it to a Cobra: It can get rid of the rats, but we must watch it carefully, or else we might one day find it has poisoned us, and we lose our life, liberty or our pursuit of happiness.

  • @piorism
    @piorism 10 років тому

    This was probably one of your best and most informative commentary. Very cool stuff man, keep up the great work !

  • @KRiderMan1248
    @KRiderMan1248 10 років тому +83

    Way to fix cod is by simply giving everyone free maps. All the DLC maps are given for free and just sell DLC guns and skins. Simple fix and you get more people in action.

    • @jamienorton6964
      @jamienorton6964 10 років тому +4

      No, then there is no point to make dlc maps, you should retract your comment.

    • @KRiderMan1248
      @KRiderMan1248 10 років тому +4

      Jamie Norton I would if the point of it wasnt about keeping the player base alive and not segregated. Dipshit

    • @orlandosantiago3852
      @orlandosantiago3852 10 років тому +4

      Jamie Norton I think what Chris was trying to say was just that it would make it a better, not that it would happen

    • @TheCptnOfFail
      @TheCptnOfFail 10 років тому +3

      having actually read what he said they might do that. but what if they released the multiplayer maps free, but the extra gamemode maps (zombies, survival, extinction) and the guns came in different packs that you would have to pay for?

    • @KRiderMan1248
      @KRiderMan1248 10 років тому +1

      TheCptnOf Fail yes. And that is something people are more than willing to do. For the most part the maps are already on the disc anyways. Most of the time all you buy is the coding that allows you access to the content. But they can easily make up the diff by making fun player skins, gun camos and game modes. And a few other interesting things. Its not a perfect solution but i feel that it is something that would work.
      Really that is the only thing that is holding most other games back. Specially Evolve

  • @adamroecker1745
    @adamroecker1745 10 років тому

    I love that quote at the end "the best laid plans of mice and men" because we are reading Of Mice and Men in my English class

  • @austin7
    @austin7 10 років тому

    I love your commentaries so much, they just make sense to me and I always learn something new. Keep up that great work 👏😄 (BTW nice scuff).

  • @TheTeaCupKiller
    @TheTeaCupKiller 10 років тому

    It's videos like these that make me really love this channel. Thanks for the intelligent commentary Drift

  • @stephenarpin9304
    @stephenarpin9304 10 років тому

    Drift0r, great topic and gameplay. that last life in the gameplay was especially nice. great video!

  • @lowkey3921
    @lowkey3921 8 років тому +1

    "The best laid plans of mouse and men, gang aft agley" The best part about Driftor is that he is a wise and intelligent chap.

    • @soccerandtrack10
      @soccerandtrack10 8 років тому +1

      I'm basically him but with more stuff, plus not serious, and invent a lot of stuff. plus can understand huge numbers and complex things and make bigger way bigger things. that's like our only differences. plus I can see time. complex stuff and paradoxes are interesting. and mystery.

  • @brianterry7056
    @brianterry7056 10 років тому

    oh my goodness, you referenced Of Mice and Men/To a Mouse stuff. You don't realise how many hours I had to put into that for my GCSE. My mind has just exploded

  • @TpolTime
    @TpolTime 10 років тому

    Enjoyed the video, literally endless COD examples to be made for the cobra effect!

  • @drink15
    @drink15 10 років тому +1

    I must say, the corba and rat story was pretty cool.

  • @Snorlaxer565
    @Snorlaxer565 10 років тому +2

    I love ur commentaries

  • @JustinSTeam2
    @JustinSTeam2 10 років тому +1

    Very informative and funny CoD Commentary

  • @PaPaGiiZMOFTW
    @PaPaGiiZMOFTW 10 років тому

    excellent commentary as always man :) I'm glad to see nobody can call you a sellout anymore :D

  • @PvTNuclear
    @PvTNuclear 10 років тому +30

    Destiny has had a huge cobra effect lately.

    • @KRiderMan1248
      @KRiderMan1248 10 років тому +1

      How so? With everyone dropping the seros?

    • @NaruBrilu
      @NaruBrilu 10 років тому +1

      How so?

    • @shahbajs.520
      @shahbajs.520 10 років тому +1

      How so?

    • @bert6938
      @bert6938 10 років тому +20

      So how?

    • @jamienorton6964
      @jamienorton6964 10 років тому +7

      I think this guy did not listen to the video, he thinks the cobra effect is something made to fix something to not work.

  • @raymondhernandez2935
    @raymondhernandez2935 10 років тому

    You explained Battlfield 4's DLC playlists. What you said in this video happens a lot in BF4

  • @JohnPaul-oe4qd
    @JohnPaul-oe4qd 10 років тому

    "Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go awry." Thank you Drift0r for saying that lol

  • @josephbijou9416
    @josephbijou9416 10 років тому

    I love when u make vids just explaining things like this.

  • @Ablazed55
    @Ablazed55 10 років тому

    Drift0r you are awesome, love your philosophical commentaries, keep it up!

  • @Project_EG2
    @Project_EG2 3 роки тому

    I think this just happened to me today. I’m a local truck driver and I report for work every night. Ever since covid, my dispatching office adopted a no face-to-face check-in system designed to allow drivers to stay out of the office and not expose each other. drivers simply text the dispatcher’s computer and get assigned a trailer. What actually happened is MORE drivers crowded into the little office because they were all having problems using the app.

  • @TheoCharalambous
    @TheoCharalambous 10 років тому

    This reminds me of the Streisand Effect - which means to make something worse after trying to suppress it.
    Basically, a picture of Barbara Streisand's house in Malibu were uploaded to the internet, however, before she tried to get them removed, only four people had downloaded them - afterwards, it had been downloaded thousands of times.

  • @Shady4268
    @Shady4268 9 років тому

    Really love your videos Drift0r!! Been watching them since forever! Keep up the great work!

  • @JammyDodger2699
    @JammyDodger2699 10 років тому

    Actually love these philosophical commentaries

    • @TheNugettinage
      @TheNugettinage 10 років тому

      This isn't really all that philosophical, more like him just explaining a concept and then using it to describe some thing that have been done wrong with CoD.

    • @JammyDodger2699
      @JammyDodger2699 10 років тому

      ***** ik but I had to exclaim the love ;)

  • @lenick2170
    @lenick2170 10 років тому

    No tac inserts mostly gave players disadvantage because the enemy would wait for the enemy to respawn and kill them right away. Also that gave players more xp than smashing them.

  • @KingOfTheSoulSociety
    @KingOfTheSoulSociety 10 років тому +1

    Come for the in-depth statistics, stay for the intelligent and philosophical discussions.

  • @DarkLordLinkOfficial
    @DarkLordLinkOfficial 10 років тому

    Great point about the tac insert

  • @EricAsEcho
    @EricAsEcho 10 років тому

    Good breakdown on the Cobra effect here Drift0r.

  • @aaronyu2841
    @aaronyu2841 10 років тому +5

    THIS can also apply to to Common Core Learning For california

  • @edgeknight1786
    @edgeknight1786 10 років тому

    a good example of a cobra effect in cod was... remember those fmg9 akimbo in mw3? remember when they were considered overpowered and needed a nerf? remember when drift0r made a video about how the fmg9 akimbo was buffed bc IW was too incompetent to do nerf patches correctly? ya... that is a cobra effect

  • @AvokusMC
    @AvokusMC 10 років тому +1

    C4 was another one of these things. The idea was that people would strategically place and detonate them when they knew enemies would be on top of or near them, but then people started just chucking it left and right when they couldn't win a gunfight, i.e. take a ton of bullets, back off, throw a C4 and blow it up (often in midair), problem solved.

  • @Tegis1750
    @Tegis1750 10 років тому +7

    I was wondering if you could make a video about Krugger-Dunning Effect. Especially the guys that just go around a "hackusate" everyone that kills them. If you don't know what that effect is, I really recommend reading about it.

    • @jagzzlp
      @jagzzlp 10 років тому

      I had not heard of this, thanks. And yes, Drift0r should make a video on this :P
      As i was reading on that, i noticed that, gladly, i'm not really affected by it at least in video games. I can accept if i get killed by someone more skilled.
      It really baffles me when i play with someone who _is_ affected by it.
      Like a situation where i'm playing with a friend and he gets killed and says "wow i'm pretty sure that guy has wallhack or something" and i'm just watching the killcam like "yeah, no..he's just pre aiming when going around corners. you could try it too." :P

    • @Korijna
      @Korijna 10 років тому


    • @Tegis1750
      @Tegis1750 10 років тому

      Siri Rii It's the other way around where I live.

    • @crazyjrho
      @crazyjrho 9 років тому

      Y54e3ee chi uni semi TXmy hi g cum j3

    • @Qualltoxy
      @Qualltoxy 8 років тому

      +Tegis1750 He already made one xD

  • @michaelhackett6753
    @michaelhackett6753 10 років тому

    I have never heard of the cobra effect before. Thank you.

  • @robertozenteno13
    @robertozenteno13 10 років тому

    I really like the idea of your videos taking part of history and rael life

  • @msammut4
    @msammut4 10 років тому

    Really enjoy your videos as a whole. Thanks for doing what you're doing!

  • @Trinexx42
    @Trinexx42 10 років тому +4

    Not 100% related to the video, but when you mentioned Tactical Insertions, I started thinking about ways to fix the boosting problem with Tac Inserts. My idea is that maybe for a Tac Insert to work, you'd need to get two kills or more. 1 kill wouldn't work since people could just alternate who kills who, but with 2 kills you would need to get two kills before you could lay down your Tac Insert (or possibly you can lay it down but it does nothing until you get 2 kills), then when your buddy kills you he still needs another kill before he can lay down his Tac Insert. It would solve boosting, but it would make Tac Insert boosting much harder to do.
    What do you guys think?

    • @mruybkye
      @mruybkye 10 років тому +5

      not a bad idea, but it would ruin the fun of people who try to use tac inserts honestly.

      @RUDSOFFICAL 6 років тому

      Instead of 2 now there would be 3 boosters also the original tac users may not get a double kill everytime they die, making the tac useless

  • @Xavier.Phoenix
    @Xavier.Phoenix 10 років тому

    Best example of this in call of duty was taking away stopping power in black ops 1 and making ghost the most overpowered perk in the game.

  • @TheRagefires
    @TheRagefires 10 років тому

    I don't understand Ghosts at all. I don't play it anymore, but all of the guns that everybody uses now are all of the guns I used when the game came out.
    I LOVED the Bizon and Vector on the first week of release, and nobody used them but now everybody uses both of them.

  • @dannyj5476
    @dannyj5476 10 років тому

    Great video. Always enjoy your commentary. Keep up the great work!

  • @FabianR87321
    @FabianR87321 10 років тому +1

    So that means always think about how you would abuse your own set of rules. Thats fantastic.

  • @malun132
    @malun132 10 років тому +2

    Having tons and tons of different gamemodes in multiplayers must be one of the sadest cobraeffects i know of. the reason people still play bf2 is because there is only one gamemode. if developers would make call of duty with only 3 gamemodes the PC players would actually find servers to play on for a much longer time. would increase the lifespan of the games. But once again, the developers dont want people to play their games, only to buy them.

    • @mikemikeetoo9094
      @mikemikeetoo9094 10 років тому

      No its because some people actually like to play other gamemodes

    • @memnarch129
      @memnarch129 10 років тому +1

      ***** a few game modes are alright, but having 10+ just fragments your player base.

  • @jairengilmore
    @jairengilmore 5 років тому

    You're reference to Robert Burns was noticed and appreciated :D

  • @Kino-K
    @Kino-K 10 років тому

    The DLC problem happened for me. I bought the one DLC in Black Ops 2 for the Buried zombies map, and i ONLY had that DLC and none others. On multiplayer I mainly play hardcore, which would have a small population to start with. Well after I downloaded the DLC, I was barely getting into any matches with different/new players. I was playing the same 50 or so players over and over and over again and there would only be like, 5 or 6 active lobbies at one time.
    To keep myself entertained on BO2, I'm trying to get diamond for every weapon class. Well while I was trying to earn all the camos (using guns that I'm not crazy familiar with and guns that I don't have leveled up), I got smashed constantly. I was playing TERRIBLE because the people I played against were just destroying me, and I couldn't really even leave the lobby and go to a different one because I'd just be running into the same skilled players.
    I wound up deleting the DLC JUST so I could go back to the regular lobbies where the biggest majority of players are, because at least there I can stand somewhat of a chance trying to get the camos against average players and not really skilled players.

  • @_Titanium_
    @_Titanium_ 10 років тому

    good examples are in dota 2 and Lol where a teammate is in trouble so you go help but you end up feeding the enemy carry

  • @ssjordan22
    @ssjordan22 10 років тому

    Good stuff and even better examples! Thank you for the hard work.

  • @chrispybx
    @chrispybx 10 років тому

    I personally don't care for the giveaway, I'm here for the videos and the occasional philosophical commentary.

  • @jettmeade6729
    @jettmeade6729 10 років тому

    Also, having a two year development cycle was a massive cobra effect...

  • @Watchmen07
    @Watchmen07 10 років тому

    reaction time on point god damn that was fast

  • @clifflee54
    @clifflee54 10 років тому

    Thats why i loved mw3. If u waned dlc, u keep it on. If u wanted the original maps, u press the back button to turn them off

  • @slapjake
    @slapjake 9 років тому

    I swear I learn more from your videos than I do at school.

  • @i_n_t_d
    @i_n_t_d 10 років тому

    So the Cobra effect is basically the age old question of
    "How can this possibly go wrong?"

  • @kutkuknight
    @kutkuknight 10 років тому

    So the cobra effect in short is what shows that people are much smarter and more enthusiastic when it comes to exploiting something for their own benefit than they are at solving a problem which would help everyone

  • @SniPeRtHieF
    @SniPeRtHieF 9 років тому +4

    So basically the cobra effect is playing the game for a long time and then realising how you can sort of abuse the game's mechanics by cheap overpowered tactics??

  • @normanlindsay9285
    @normanlindsay9285 10 років тому

    thanx drift0r for the great info and insight

  • @CallumMcCartney
    @CallumMcCartney 10 років тому

    That was a pretty good counter against the rc xd good job.

  • @PeRoTiX
    @PeRoTiX 10 років тому

    Love the intellectual vids drift0r! Keep em comin

  • @remingtonrojas
    @remingtonrojas 10 років тому +4

    Drit0r when you say the PC community is small, I think you should expand on it because some people take that straight up when that fact is basically only true for cod. The community is so small for cod because there are so many better games to play on PC, not because PC's community is small. On steam, there are 100 million active accounts and steam has 70% of the PC game market.

    • @Korijna
      @Korijna 10 років тому

      I think everyone understands what he meant. It's amazing how an FPS is more popular on a console than PC - But I guess it's because of what you said, compared to other FPS on PC, COD is trash.

    • @jedimastu
      @jedimastu 10 років тому

      Siri Rii That is not why at all. CoD is simply better on console, and pc elitists would never admit that

    • @remingtonrojas
      @remingtonrojas 10 років тому

      jedijoren Explain. Besides xbone getting dlc a month earlier the ps4 has the same amount of consumers. It's really just a boring game IMHO.

    • @jedimastu
      @jedimastu 10 років тому

      Remington Rojas I can understand taht you dont like the game, but IMO it is much better on console.

    • @remingtonrojas
      @remingtonrojas 10 років тому

      jedijoren Example? Community is toxic and the graphics are lower.

  • @HeyItsHunterr
    @HeyItsHunterr 10 років тому

    CoD sniping in a whole is cobra effect. if you think about it... Sniping was supposed to be a long range-suppressor-pickoff kinda weapon, but now someone will pick up a sniper and run around quickscoping like it's a sub machine gun.

  • @TJK1025
    @TJK1025 10 років тому +1

    10:00 = The second biggest problem in BO2 (first is the snipers).

  • @cronos233
    @cronos233 10 років тому

    Drift0r is definitely a top top commentator.

  • @XxDogsofWarxX
    @XxDogsofWarxX 10 років тому

    Don't care about the giveaway, could actually care less about your gameplay as well (though you are good). I just really enjoy your commentary. Even if I don't always agree with your POV, I always respect it because I know you actually think before you speak. A quality, I think, that's fairly uncommon.

  • @ertsec
    @ertsec 10 років тому

    Quoting "Of Mice and Men" just made you more awesome

  • @jakobwithak3805
    @jakobwithak3805 9 років тому

    What comes to my mind is the state testing in high school. When I took mine it was set up that the ACT evaluated you, then you took the PSAT which evaluated the school & the schools that got the highest scores got the most funding. How does that make sense ? Shouldn't the low scoring schools get funding bc those are the schools where something isn't working. I don't know if it is the same in other states but this was in Illinois.

  • @deriznohappehquite
    @deriznohappehquite 10 років тому +4

    Obvious solution: 1. construct additional pylons. 2. camp, it's a legitimate strategy.

    • @donovanrice8682
      @donovanrice8682 10 років тому +11

      But what if you have not enough minerals?

    • @WilliamScopes
      @WilliamScopes 10 років тому

      Not simple enough I got my dick stuck in my hard drive.

    • @MarcDobby
      @MarcDobby 10 років тому

      Donovan Rice I hear a good cannon rush can solve the problem.

    • @Asitokia
      @Asitokia 10 років тому

      We require more minerals!

  • @AustiuNoMatterWho
    @AustiuNoMatterWho 10 років тому

    Drift0r is really smart not putting giveaway in the title

  • @zob8686
    @zob8686 10 років тому

    I loved the DLC map search option in MW3. I have absolutely no idea why they dropped it. I hate the online DLC lobbies i just buy the DLC for the zombies/extinction.

  • @50LightSabersInAPack
    @50LightSabersInAPack 10 років тому +10

    Does anyone know if Drift0r has made an indepth video about jumping to avoid grenades?
    I ask because theoretically one should be able to minimise the damage (albeit a very small reduction) inflicted by a grenade because by jumping, you're creating a sort of virtual hypotenuse of your horizontal and vertical vectors thus increasing your distance from the grenade :P

    • @Iskander_Nekkaz
      @Iskander_Nekkaz 10 років тому

      He didn't because if you're a smart CoD player, you'll already have figured that out, even if it won't reduce the damage of the grenade inflicted upon thyself much.

    • @SiftBIade
      @SiftBIade 10 років тому +10

      Iskander N. Le Roux I get that you're trying to act smart by using stuff like thyself, but I have no fucking idea what you just said.

    • @rayjackson1952
      @rayjackson1952 10 років тому

      I think he was trying to say that, no, jumping does not help. It has nothing to do with angles - the grenade has a blast radius. Claymore mines shoot one direction, you can avoid them. Bettys bounce, you can duck, IEDs have a weird shaped blast zone, and jumping can help. With grenades you are screwed.

    • @ValThracian
      @ValThracian 10 років тому +2

      Ray Jackson Actually he was saying that it does help, just not noticeably.

    • @SiftBIade
      @SiftBIade 10 років тому

      ValThracian I thought tat too, but I'm not sure. I can't decipher this.

  • @meleefan23
    @meleefan23 10 років тому

    Btw on the road to a million subs for you drift

  • @Simon-pb7mj
    @Simon-pb7mj 10 років тому +3

    I didn't enter the giveaway so you guys have a better chance to win! good luck!

  • @duckslayer11000
    @duckslayer11000 10 років тому

    That was a really good commentary.

  • @Verdugo_Arulaq
    @Verdugo_Arulaq 10 років тому

    Ghost is pretty much "here are are some SMGs...oh look other weapons too." *still only uses the Honey Badger cause I'm trash*.

  • @callmeo5104
    @callmeo5104 10 років тому

    You got like the best emblem driftor

  • @MrBot127
    @MrBot127 10 років тому

    Love you Driftor, love your videos too.

  • @bravebow
    @bravebow 10 років тому

    I was expecting attack choppers lol nice vid

  • @UsurperKingZant
    @UsurperKingZant 10 років тому

    Competitive games shouldn't get balance updates too quickly. Versions of games don't fully become explored and strategies for those games don't fully become developed (by the community). Bad weapons/characters/stuff that were thought of as bad can get buffed and become super broken. Things people thought of as broken could have unexploited flaws and when they get nerfed, they become useless. On paper, balance updates seem really good. It's just that its possible to mess them up. Predicting future difficulties is difficult

  • @Zensiv
    @Zensiv 10 років тому

    I love his controller because of that beast logo

  • @seanfarley6074
    @seanfarley6074 10 років тому

    this is a really interesting concept

  • @makinbacon618
    @makinbacon618 10 років тому

    Tactical Insertions also made boosting very easy.

  • @philm9211
    @philm9211 10 років тому

    i feel like driftor has the attention span of a squirrel, "so im doing this giveaway for you guys who watch my vids, oh that was a nice rcxd kill i was impressed with that, so the giveaways for you loyal guys"

  • @mitchlorenz4715
    @mitchlorenz4715 10 років тому +1

    the cobra effect is what happens when i try to help on a school project.

  • @GoldenAircraft310
    @GoldenAircraft310 10 років тому

    You should have put it at the end Drift0r, but great vid! (:

  • @Wes007mich
    @Wes007mich 10 років тому

    Nice vid, and i would love to get my hands on that lovely scuf!

  • @capachinoxm
    @capachinoxm 10 років тому

    I made the mistake of buying the 1st and 3rd dlc maps from ghosts and I was finding myself waiting sometimes up to a half an hour sometimes just to play a game.

  • @adamgornjak1536
    @adamgornjak1536 10 років тому

    Could u make a playlist with your "psychological" commentaries

  • @arcroy7
    @arcroy7 10 років тому

    A good thing that Halo 3 did and I think Halo Reach, was make the old DLC free, when a new map pack came out.

  • @zackveno2779
    @zackveno2779 10 років тому

    Thanks for another informative vid man!

  • @xDiViNexInfectedx
    @xDiViNexInfectedx 10 років тому

    The problem with most game developers is that they think they can just toss in a new mechanic or feature that'll directly affect the in game experience and everything will be fine. As nice as that sounds it's far from reality, there needs to be balances and limitations such as only a few uses, perhaps add in a cooldown time, it just depends on what's being added. If not then people will obviously abuse or spam it. Naruto Storm Revolution is currently suffering because they didn't balance a few of their mechanics correctly and people are abusing it like hell.

    • @xDiViNexInfectedx
      @xDiViNexInfectedx 10 років тому

      ***** Subsitutions aren't even the slightest of a problem. It's the drive type, counter and dash mechanics.

  • @jomama2078
    @jomama2078 10 років тому +1

    Driftor, A few months ago you made a video on an extremely loud bang you heard in your backyard, you mentioned you were going to upload an update video but I never saw it. If you did can someone put a link and if you did not, what was it? I've been curious.

  • @papageorge2397
    @papageorge2397 10 років тому

    I ordered my driftor scuf I can't wait

  • @axelkusanagi4139
    @axelkusanagi4139 10 років тому

    The cobra effect, also known as true irony.

  • @Pawz2142
    @Pawz2142 10 років тому

    The MTAR thing seems like what's happening in BF4 now.

  • @jab4043
    @jab4043 9 років тому

    I like the "to a mouse" poem refrence