⭐️ Use my referral link ts.la/zachary400595 to buy a Tesla and get up to 6 months of free Supercharging and 3 months of Full Self-Driving Capability. • Let me know if you’d like me to do a new video after using this car for one month, I am learning a lot about it and would love to know what questions you may have. 🤙🏾
⭐️ Use my referral link ts.la/zachary400595 to buy a Tesla and get up to 6 months of free Supercharging and 3 months of Full Self-Driving Capability.
• Let me know if you’d like me to do a new video after using this car for one month, I am learning a lot about it and would love to know what questions you may have. 🤙🏾
Is that the new model s
Model y
I’d move to a different city after that bro
I know people were behind me like look at this clown in the Tesla!