WOW! That was one hell of a journey Thank you all so much for being patient with me on this project! This all started back in December of 2023 haha! I hope you all enjoyed it! It would mean a lot if you liked it to share it with your favorite dog or cat xD or your friends would work too xD in all seriousness this was a wild journey I can't wait for the next journey we have together! If you read this far! Let me know where you all started in your monster hunter journey! I would love to hear about it
I remember i broke a joystick after i got mad at one of the egg quests when i was a kid, man time flies. Wasn't able to watch all the journey, but i had lots of fun on the streams i was able to watch! Great video!!
I've never played Mh 1, i startet with Tri, but after this video i think i am going to at least give it a Chance😅. Thanks for this Video you made me laugh a lot.
DONT. WORRY. ABOUT. IT. 😂 Nah it was a bet I lost to the community xD It was a member goal and they crushed it instantly LOL! I DONT WEAR THIS NORMALLY I SWEAR
WOW! That was one hell of a journey Thank you all so much for being patient with me on this project! This all started back in December of 2023 haha! I hope you all enjoyed it! It would mean a lot if you liked it to share it with your favorite dog or cat xD or your friends would work too xD in all seriousness this was a wild journey I can't wait for the next journey we have together!
If you read this far! Let me know where you all started in your monster hunter journey! I would love to hear about it
A great man once said “If you roll credits on MH1 you ARE the strongest gamer!” Congrats sir.
Appreciate you bud! this was a wild ride 😂
I remember i broke a joystick after i got mad at one of the egg quests when i was a kid, man time flies.
Wasn't able to watch all the journey, but i had lots of fun on the streams i was able to watch!
Great video!!
@@LegianaIcon oh goodness I can imagine 😅 it sure does! 20 years already lol!
Thank you so much! thank you for joining me on this journey
Egg quest my beloved
They were so bad!
Nearly a whole year, and I gotta say...this journey was worth watching all the way through (God I hope the egg quests in Wilds isn't a pain )
It was awesome seeing you there AND LOL ME TOO! MH1 had enough egg quests to last a lifetime xD
The small monsters being a menace is a certified monhun moment😅
For sure! 😂 The moment you enter the area we are enemy number 1 for them 😂😂
Ngl, I played every game and in some games it was “I got to a spot and this sucks.”
1 was cephadrome, Freedom U was tigrex, etc.
Oh I can imagine LOL!
For me in this game it was definitely Rathalos lol! HE NEEDS TO GET OUT OF THE AIR
I think I remember you starting this challange XD glad to finally see the video out
@@Whirlwind2986 YUP LOL December 20th 2023 is when I started this 🤣🤣 it feels so good to finally have it out
The bullfango farm ! Absolutely epic lmao
omg it was absolutely hilarious xD the ultimate strat!
Behold the power of 64 polygons.
Its so beautiful!
The end nearly made me cry skoj good job
Aww So happy you enjoyed it so much Thank you
@SkojSkull np and thank you and liz it's was you two that helped me get through 3u and 4u and now I'm just a few key questbaway from gog
@@Drdino1993 AYYY nice work!
This was a great video and an awesome way to experience mh1. Still shocked it took 11 months to beat fatalis
@Kyle-p9p I'm so glad you enjoyed it! and nuuu it didn't take me that long to fight him
I meant to get that far in the game
@Kyle-p9p Oh gotcha! 😂 Yeah it's been a rough ride! But we made it!
I've never played Mh 1, i startet with Tri, but after this video i think i
am going to at least give it a Chance😅. Thanks for this Video you made me laugh a lot.
Ayyyy hell yeah! Its one crazy ride for sure😂 I have yet to play tri! Its definitely on my list
And I'm so glad you enjoyed the video!
was the pain and suffering worth it
It was one hell of a journey LOL but to put out something like this for you all, absolutely!
Great video skoj
Thank you so much Monotone! That seriously means a lot
Monster Hunter 1 is a nightmare for me😂
@@Seyjh oh absolutely 🤣🤣
@@SkojSkull i remember the Yian Garuga urgent quest i almost quit🤣
@@Seyjh I can imagine xD Also did you mean yian kut ku? Garuga isnt in this game xD
@@SkojSkull oh yes yian Kut ku my bad 🤣 i remember now Yian garuga is in mh freedom 1
@@Seyjh ALL GOOD! xD Either way! they are both rough starting chickens! xD
I have a question!
Nah it was a bet I lost to the community xD It was a member goal and they crushed it instantly LOL! I DONT WEAR THIS NORMALLY I SWEAR
@@SkojSkull I had a feeling that happened 😂
@@SkojSkull Also is it just me or did you not cover Gendrome and Iodrome...?
@@Bloom8182yeah 😂
@@Bloom8182oh! honestly completely forgot 😂 they are around the same just with poison and para
Can you play monster hunter online for a video
@@GDANGER11 absolutely! If there is a way to play it!
imagine playing sns in mh1, the weakest without draw item usage without any advantage but all inconvenients
Doesn't matter what weapon you play xD I had a blast regardless! Sns has a solid shield ;)
"STOP HAVING FUN" aah comment.
@@SkojSkull fun? in mh1? hah
@angielada71 for sure! 😁 I absolutely have complaints for the game, but it's a blast exploring where monster hunter came from!