The Complete Monster Hunter 1 Experience

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SkojSkull
    @SkojSkull  8 днів тому +6

    WOW! That was one hell of a journey Thank you all so much for being patient with me on this project! This all started back in December of 2023 haha! I hope you all enjoyed it! It would mean a lot if you liked it to share it with your favorite dog or cat xD or your friends would work too xD in all seriousness this was a wild journey I can't wait for the next journey we have together!
    If you read this far! Let me know where you all started in your monster hunter journey! I would love to hear about it

  • @Kro-RissaVirus
    @Kro-RissaVirus 4 дні тому +7

    A great man once said “If you roll credits on MH1 you ARE the strongest gamer!” Congrats sir.

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому

      Appreciate you bud! this was a wild ride 😂

  • @LegianaIcon
    @LegianaIcon 5 днів тому +5

    I remember i broke a joystick after i got mad at one of the egg quests when i was a kid, man time flies.
    Wasn't able to watch all the journey, but i had lots of fun on the streams i was able to watch!
    Great video!!

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      @@LegianaIcon oh goodness I can imagine 😅 it sure does! 20 years already lol!
      Thank you so much! thank you for joining me on this journey

  • @Nekros-M0S
    @Nekros-M0S 8 днів тому +10

    Egg quest my beloved

  • @Flores_1314
    @Flores_1314 8 днів тому +6

    Nearly a whole year, and I gotta say...this journey was worth watching all the way through (God I hope the egg quests in Wilds isn't a pain )

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  8 днів тому +1

      It was awesome seeing you there AND LOL ME TOO! MH1 had enough egg quests to last a lifetime xD

  • @Volk64-f8v
    @Volk64-f8v 4 дні тому +3

    The small monsters being a menace is a certified monhun moment😅

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому

      For sure! 😂 The moment you enter the area we are enemy number 1 for them 😂😂

  • @Random_Furry_On_The_Internet
    @Random_Furry_On_The_Internet 4 дні тому +2

    Ngl, I played every game and in some games it was “I got to a spot and this sucks.”
    1 was cephadrome, Freedom U was tigrex, etc.

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому

      Oh I can imagine LOL!
      For me in this game it was definitely Rathalos lol! HE NEEDS TO GET OUT OF THE AIR

  • @Whirlwind2986
    @Whirlwind2986 5 днів тому +2

    I think I remember you starting this challange XD glad to finally see the video out

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому

      @@Whirlwind2986 YUP LOL December 20th 2023 is when I started this 🤣🤣 it feels so good to finally have it out

  • @D-ara-ara-K
    @D-ara-ara-K 3 дні тому +1

    The bullfango farm ! Absolutely epic lmao

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  3 дні тому

      omg it was absolutely hilarious xD the ultimate strat!

  • @darkumbre450
    @darkumbre450 4 дні тому +2

    Behold the power of 64 polygons.

  • @Drdino1993
    @Drdino1993 5 днів тому +1

    The end nearly made me cry skoj good job

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому

      Aww So happy you enjoyed it so much Thank you

    • @Drdino1993
      @Drdino1993 5 днів тому +1

      @SkojSkull np and thank you and liz it's was you two that helped me get through 3u and 4u and now I'm just a few key questbaway from gog

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      @@Drdino1993 AYYY nice work!

  • @Kyle-p9p
    @Kyle-p9p 5 днів тому +1

    This was a great video and an awesome way to experience mh1. Still shocked it took 11 months to beat fatalis

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому

      @Kyle-p9p I'm so glad you enjoyed it! and nuuu it didn't take me that long to fight him

    • @Kyle-p9p
      @Kyle-p9p 5 днів тому +1

      I meant to get that far in the game

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому

      ​@Kyle-p9p Oh gotcha! 😂 Yeah it's been a rough ride! But we made it!

  • @JustZamtrios
    @JustZamtrios 4 дні тому +1

    I've never played Mh 1, i startet with Tri, but after this video i think i
    am going to at least give it a Chance😅. Thanks for this Video you made me laugh a lot.

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому

      Ayyyy hell yeah! Its one crazy ride for sure😂 I have yet to play tri! Its definitely on my list
      And I'm so glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @ragingcroc1802
    @ragingcroc1802 3 дні тому +2

    was the pain and suffering worth it

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  3 дні тому +1

      It was one hell of a journey LOL but to put out something like this for you all, absolutely!

  • @ChaoticRules
    @ChaoticRules 5 днів тому +4


  • @monotone_7491
    @monotone_7491 5 днів тому +1

    Great video skoj

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      Thank you so much Monotone! That seriously means a lot

  • @Seyjh
    @Seyjh 5 днів тому +1

    Monster Hunter 1 is a nightmare for me😂

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      @@Seyjh oh absolutely 🤣🤣

    • @Seyjh
      @Seyjh 5 днів тому +1

      @@SkojSkull i remember the Yian Garuga urgent quest i almost quit🤣

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      @@Seyjh I can imagine xD Also did you mean yian kut ku? Garuga isnt in this game xD

    • @Seyjh
      @Seyjh 5 днів тому +1

      @@SkojSkull oh yes yian Kut ku my bad 🤣 i remember now Yian garuga is in mh freedom 1

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  5 днів тому +1

      @@Seyjh ALL GOOD! xD Either way! they are both rough starting chickens! xD

  • @Bloom8182
    @Bloom8182 4 дні тому +1

    I have a question!

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому +1

      Nah it was a bet I lost to the community xD It was a member goal and they crushed it instantly LOL! I DONT WEAR THIS NORMALLY I SWEAR

    • @Bloom8182
      @Bloom8182 4 дні тому +1

      @@SkojSkull I had a feeling that happened 😂

    • @Bloom8182
      @Bloom8182 4 дні тому +1

      ​@@SkojSkull Also is it just me or did you not cover Gendrome and Iodrome...?

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому +1

      ​@@Bloom8182yeah 😂

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  4 дні тому +1

      ​@@Bloom8182oh! honestly completely forgot 😂 they are around the same just with poison and para

  • @GDANGER11
    @GDANGER11 3 дні тому +1

    Can you play monster hunter online for a video

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  3 дні тому +1

      @@GDANGER11 absolutely! If there is a way to play it!

  • @angielada71
    @angielada71 2 дні тому

    imagine playing sns in mh1, the weakest without draw item usage without any advantage but all inconvenients

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  2 дні тому +1

      Doesn't matter what weapon you play xD I had a blast regardless! Sns has a solid shield ;)

    • @ArcVTuber
      @ArcVTuber 2 дні тому +2

      "STOP HAVING FUN" aah comment.

    • @angielada71
      @angielada71 2 дні тому

      @@SkojSkull fun? in mh1? hah

    • @SkojSkull
      @SkojSkull  2 дні тому +1

      @angielada71 for sure! 😁 I absolutely have complaints for the game, but it's a blast exploring where monster hunter came from!