What I Saw Angels Doing in Heaven Shocked Me! [Warning Vision]

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
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    Emma Stark reveals an intense vision of Heaven. She saw angels tearing pages from books! The reason why will shock you...


  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    33:17 this is exactly right. It’s going on. I’m telling you her prayers being answered at this minute. It’s really weird, but it’s the power of the Holy Spirit. This is great I love to see it.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    44:39 behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. This takes place in the city at Jerusalem in heaven she is your mother and we are about to be united with her. Jesus is about the save to the children.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    4:50 perfect word

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    23:49 perfect word

  • @EmojiRollingEyes
    @EmojiRollingEyes 3 місяці тому +1

    and she look's like a psychic.

  • @2Peter14
    @2Peter14 3 місяці тому


  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    37:09 yeah but there’s no need for theatrics a simple word like go now will work because the power of God is shining his light extra bright right now I’m telling you a simple word does the trick they know if you have the light on you, they know if you have anointing oil on you, simple word from a Son of the Great King is all that’s required. Theatrics is not required. It’s the word and it comes from God.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    46:39 be careful that everybody’s gonna be able to see angels and demons. There are different measurements of faith and you know what some people have to live by faith and that means not seeing angels and demons and we have to fill up that full measure too, so it’s not something like You’re some super spiritual person. It’s according to God‘s gift.

  • @caylyncarrillo4124
    @caylyncarrillo4124 3 місяці тому +4

    Hallelujah! Yes Lord!!

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 3 місяці тому

    *I, "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT The Human Body ) went to "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb"... I also witnessed "The Birth of The MAN Child", ( which took about seven hours ) mentioned in "The Revelation" chapter 12... And as Promised I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) now resides in "The HOUSE of GOD" !*

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 3 місяці тому

    *Neither the human body, nor its spirit, is "LIFE The Real Self", an Offspring, and Child of "The LIGHT" which is "The LIFE of GOD" ! From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 1, verse 4, Quote; In Him ( GOD ) was LIFE; and the LIFE was the LIGHT of Men... End Quote. Here is What JESUS said about humans; From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 8, verses 43 to 46, Quote; 43. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word... 44. Ye are of your father the DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do... He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it... 45. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not... 46. Which of you convinceth me of sin ? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me ? End Quote...*

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 3 місяці тому

    *In 1973 the body I was experiencing was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center... More than half an hour passed, then its heart started beating again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT The Human entity ) entered "The LIGHT", and have remained in "The LIGHT" to this day...*

  • @JPGola-n9w
    @JPGola-n9w 3 місяці тому +1

    🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    24:29 what she is saying is true but what you don’t understand is God is coming to save you right now one second with God is four days you’re in the last minute the last 252 days they can’t be many more. Enoch ascended into heaven on June 12 which is actually the day of Pentecost (6 Sivan) The Holy Spirit was given 2,000 years ago, you could be saved exactly 2000 years later exactly to the very day using the 364 day calendar. It looks pretty perfect to me.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    48:21 it’s very easy. The kingdom was given to Peter and not you. I will build my rock to pope just threw the crown on the ground, and God picked it up and gave it to me. Shekinah glory his cloud filled my house at the very second. He published that article about a change in the kingdom, making a paradigm shift on 1 November you can read about it on the Catholic news agency the next day he said 2400 veinings and mornings until the white throne udgment. Theses days end on 26 Lyyar and so 27 Lyarr 2030 the very day 2000 years ago and he ascended into heaven and that’s according to the rain of the sun 365. It’s amazing God just told me. He did all this I am completely confounded at how great it is. I had no idea it was gonna be this good. I knew it was gonna be good, but I didn’t know it’s gonna be this good. It totally changed my life he said today I’m going. To change your life forever and he did it, it was amazing. was going to on the day.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    14:47 yeah this stuff is happening to this generation because it’s the last generation he pours out his spirit. He’s popping off now when people worship him he’s popping off and power to heal. It’s great. It’s really a holy time right now. It’s been 2000 years exactly since Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. It was May 16 70 A.D., do you understand we’re in the 2000 year according to the 364 day year so this was the 2000 anniversary of his ascension and I gave Israel the cure to cancer on that very second Jesus ascended into heaven 2000 years ago and I put it on the front lawn. Because when he ascended he gave gifts to men even to the rebellious and now I just did the same thing but he did it in the splendor of his saints just like it says in psalms 110 and I can’t believe I did it at the exact hour because that was the Holy Spirit because I was delayed so many times it was impossible for this actually happened at this exact moment it’s from God it’s the Holy Spirit. I’m telling you worship him. He will fall on you right now because he’s coming to save you the women and children get saved because the men have to fight. OK you’re gonna be safe and the Lord is coming right nowyou know what some interesting. Enoch ascended into heaven on six Sivan , that is also the day of Pentecost exactly 2000 years ago on June 12 coming up in a few days. God could save us on that day if he wanted to. If you’re flashing like lightning, he just might he gets you when you’re your brightest. Because he’s getting the image of his son out of mortal creation in the splendor of his Saints, but you have to flash flash now.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    30:35 seriously you can’t make this stuff up This just happened on Wall Street yesterday. It’s all on video. People can find it. I prophesied everything.

  • @carlholeczy2086
    @carlholeczy2086 3 місяці тому +1

    Lot of words presented,lot of promises uttered. We shall see what unfolds. The word of the LORD is sure and certain, I hope that is what has just been presented. Be careful,be cautious, be confident in only ONE, the Spirit of Truth.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    5:31 you should actually understand Jesus is about to save all the children of the world under the age of 15 and all the women. You should understand that there’s a banquet you’re going to one second with God is four days and I’m telling you, the Holy Spirit is popping into peoples lives in power as they are worshiping him. If you worship him right now, he might just come down and throw his power on you. I’m serious. It’s that heavy, it’s the perfect time you need to flash like lightning

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    9:28 hey I wonder if the White House will release the audio of me prophesying that everything would change in the morning and then everything actually did. Somebody did prophesy it. I just drew a line on Wall Street right down the sidewalk and made it dividing line between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. I told everybody the truth there’s lots of video of me doing it and I worship to God and I prophesied it’s destruction is coming. It is coming. God showed me, it’s coming right now. You better stop and wake up. If you worship him, his power will fall on you. It’s a special time right now.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    32:43 this is what God told me a couple months ago. Blessings will come upon those who bless and curses will come upon those who curse he is God. He knows his children he wants to refine you, but you haven’t been paying attention. You’ve been sleeping and now you’re caught like a thief because he’s coming right now, give me a break. He loves you. War is about to break out. He is going to save you, but some men have to fight. look we don’t surrender the kingdom, not yet, we have to torment the sons of darkness a little bit first we have to shine the light on them real bright slap The light of God on the, because they are going to darkness forever and ever. It’s the last light they’re ever going to see. They’ve only got a few seconds to see it. Do you understand one minute with God is 252 days I’m telling you Saints God is going to save you guys in this last minute and you’re probably within a second or two that’s my opinion, I know he’s gonna save you but some men have to fight. We don’t lose the kingdom. Don’t worry Jesus is coming to save you if you flash like lightning.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    44:47 oh sweetheart, you don’t understand there is going to be blood. It’s going to be theirs and it’s going to be other peoples but they’re going to pay for their sins. They’re lying to you right now. They’re getting ready to steal everything you have you’re about to come slaves and they’re gonna pay with their lives because that’s righteousness and justice. The foundation of Jesus is throne, and I am a saint who sits on the Earth, and the kingdom was given to us and righteousness and justice has to be executed, but God is gonna save you women and children don’t worry, but a few of us have to stay and take care of business because it’s kingdom business all right it’s gonna get dirty

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    That doesn’t matter what kind of leader you are about who sees angels and demons OK this is the work of God and he gives it to whoever he pleases he gave me the king ship. He made me prince of his church. Do you see me saying look at me no I’m saying look at Jesus, Jesus comes to those who worship his feet. He gives different people different gifts. He does this according to his good pleasure what makes him feel good what he wants to do today and you just come along for the ride because you’re sitting at his feet and you’re walking in the light that shines down on you right now so you can see what you’re doing, so anybody right now is going to see Angels and Demons because these things are coming down. Jesus is coming to save you so he wraps it up so that you can flash lightning because God is giving the image of his son out of mortal creation in the splendor of his Saints and he’s coming to save the women children because he’s God and he loves you, you get it?

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    1:00 god is popping the Holy Spirit is popping up here and there and everywhere. His power is shooting down and hitting people who are worshiping him and giving him praise and thanksgiving. This is a special moment. His holy spirit is doing this right now you should participate.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    43:00 racial tensions hummmmm you really need to read my book I give you the answer to that question.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    6:51 i’m still laughing about the lightning flash outside my window exactly when I said come on saints you got a flashlight lightning right now

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    46:39 never the less the more time you spent at the feet of God, the more revelation he’s gonna give you just as he said to someone who has more will be given to someone who has not even what he has will be taking away this is happening right now this very second

  • @EmojiRollingEyes
    @EmojiRollingEyes 3 місяці тому

    she look's like a rock star.

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    43:54 . Perfect word

  • @sonofthegreatking
    @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

    5:33 you see God is really funny guy. It just started flashing outside of my window lightning just as I wrote my last message about lightning. You just can’t make this stuff up.

    • @EmojiRollingEyes
      @EmojiRollingEyes 3 місяці тому

      woooow😳 awesome. how did you do that? Daddy must have really love you.

    • @sonofthegreatking
      @sonofthegreatking 3 місяці тому

      @@EmojiRollingEyes oh yes, daddy really loves us. He loves us so much. He gave us the cure for cancer the other day what a great God.

  • @moniblackburn
    @moniblackburn 3 місяці тому +3

    Thank you! I am encouraged to enlarge my faith and seeking! More hunger, Father!!

  • @caylyncarrillo4124
    @caylyncarrillo4124 3 місяці тому +2

    Hallelujah! Take the territory!!

  • @jg1709
    @jg1709 3 місяці тому

    🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩🩵🦩Please pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  • @HisGlory768
    @HisGlory768 3 місяці тому

    Thank you, Lord God❤

  • @Brandon.S.412
    @Brandon.S.412 3 місяці тому +2

    Praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY the LORD of Hosts the KING of GLORY in JESUS name Amen