Exotic Idea for the titan: It’s called the “muscle brace” Flavor text: “You know who ELSE likes to melee their opponents?” Intrinsic perk: “MY MOM!” This gives you a bonus shiver strike charge that lets you go farther, and cause more knock back with less damage.
Exotic hunters gloves: Drifter’s Scapegoat Flavor text: “I’m not the liar, he is” -Drifter. Exotic perk: He’s the one you’re looking for. Hold [ grenade ] to convert your darkness grenade into a nightmare copy of yourself to distract your enemies. My main inspiration for this was the hologram ability from Titanfall 2
Arthritis Embrace, Monte Carlo, and a Mechabre with swashbuckler. Use Monte to set up a guaranteed throwing knife kill, swap to your sniper, stick the knife, and laugh at your sniper’s now 210 damage bodyshots (226 with radiant as well). Add Knock Em Down and Ember of Torches for infinite knife looping.
I am so glad you mentioned the Cryo and Osmiomancy build. I actually pair it with a one-two punch matador and then spam bleak watchers as well since you get 2 nades. I'm in a tossup between the stasis rift aspect or the iceflare bolts aspect. Both are really good and I love to spam this build in stuff like survival or elimination. Control can get hectic with this build however.
FAST 2.0 (ft fragments and aspects): a build by me and an old friend Kinetic: Favorite lightweight weapon we chose multimach for maximum fire rate Energy: 4th horseman go fast Power: Hunter sword with assassins blade Subclass: Arc Aspects: Lethal Current and Flow State Fragments: Frequency, focus, discharge, resistance Armor: Stompees Jump: Strafe for maximum speed Stats: max mobility all else is optional Recommended mods: quick charge for handling buff on the horseman Dodge: Marksman Playstyle: ape like your life depends on it because it does and go very very fast
These builds come from YT streams he does, and people can pay 5 bucks or more to add their dumb build to the list as he burns through it (each 5 bucks is 1 game). He always sticks to the explicit build except in really stressful circumstances (and usually with permission from the build creator), so if the guy who suggested the build said the Roderick-C (and he did), then that's what he uses!
Weird build, but I played with it and found it fun: The Arc Monkey Arc Titan running Heart of Inmost Light, and other Arc typed armour. Grenade of your choice, melee of your choice, but run Thruster and get resilence as high as possible. Strength and discipline should be around 50, but not super needed. Weapons: Traveller's Chosen, Arc Shotgun, and either a Grenade Launcher or Rocket Launcher. Aspects: Touch of Thunder and Knockout Fragments: Resistance, Feedback, Focus, Recharge Armour mods: Head (Hands On), Arms (Momentum Transfer), Class (Double Outreach) Armour Style Mods: Elemental Ordanace, Melee Wellmaker, Elemental Armaments, Seeking Wells, Well of Ions Enjoy running into combat, using Thruster to Dodge the initial combat, super charge your abilities, and keep moving. If your abilities don't kill and recharge, Traveller has your back with stacking energy recovery. Arc Shotgun helps for power in close combat, and the heavy gives you the range and big boom all Monkey's love.
The first build has been my go to since I obtained the boots the first week of season of the haunted. It's treated me well, seeing you play with it surprised me because the lack of precision weapon counters is it's true drawback. I still run it in trials but yeah its way better in rumble and sixes.
God the Glock and Ball torture comment and the Bad Piggies music right after killed me. I started laughing so hard, sick video, I might use some of these builds in my search for fun in Control
Man. No rant. Oh well. There is always next week. I will say though, I utterly loved how we turned Messome into a golden retriever with ADHD as he kept screaming "Where is the ball" and "Ball, ball, I have ball" over and over. You took the Glock and Balls build well. Really took it all the way, the whole nine yards and did not let a little bit of its enjoyment go to waste. Even at time you looked almost happy that people had held your effergy balls and played with them.
Best arc warlock build I've used so far: Weapons: travelers chosen, truthteller:auto loading, swash, proxy det, and any heavy Exotic: getaway artist Aspects:arc soul and lightning surge Abilities:emp rift, chain lightning, and storm grenade Fragments:momentum, shock, recharge, magnitude Mods:bolstering detonation on arms and bomber on bond, 100 discipline and 100 recov
It breaks my heart looking at the state of Ruinous Effigy. It was in a REALLY good place when it dropped, and then they nerfed it for no real reason, it wasn't broken, it wasn't the most meta pick, but what it did, it did really well and if you were willing to learn, it was great. Those balls were the entire reason I made it through my first run of GoS, especially in the first encounter. I wish they'd just bring it back to its glory.
New exotic glaive : Spear of Osmandis Flavor text: "Behold mortals, death has lost it's sting" - Osmandis the greedy Intrinsic perk: "Glorious Charge", non-lethal melee hits with this weapon heal you and grant shield energy, the third hit in the melee combo does increased damage.
Coldheart, foetracer and a nice long range option like a scout or a high impact pulse on solar hunter would be a lot of fun. Coldheart is very good and synergises perfectly with foetracer as the damage ramps up when the enemy is at low health
Build: Solar Hunter (Specifically with Acrobats Dodge, On Your Mark, and Ember of Solace. Use whatever you want in the open slots.) - Any dueling kinetic/stasis primary (I use the The Jade Rabbit or Hawkmoon depending on the map) - The Title (specifically with Classy Contender and a Radar Booster) - The Dragon’s Shadow - 50 mobility at most - Use whatever you want for the heavy weapon and armor mods You get to dodge a lot since you get class ability energy with The Title kills. The benefit to dodging is that it will make you radiant along with more buffs with the Dragon’s Shadow that will make you very strong.
@@apprenticeofbeleren I have a god roll first in that works great, but so do special GLs. I’ve taken on multiple supers and won because of penumbral blast, as well as freezing multiple people in one shot in trials.
Full wave build. Khepri's Horn, Consecration, Thermite grenade, and Explosive personality. I used it in the first IB of the season and it was easily the most fun I've ever had in pvp.
Exotic idea, heavy machine gun Travelers wrath After shooting a shielded target, the element of the gun adapts to the shield element. Hold reload to load magazine with bullets that jolt, scorch, and make targets volatile.
exotic hunter glove : circus funtime exotic perk : blades dance ; your knife now travel through targets and deal increase damage the more enemies it pierce and for 1/10 of your super , you can recall your knife and scorch target on it's way back
Ice Dueling Tonk Stasis Titan: icefall mantles: stasis wall grenade: focus on throwing grenade for armor, then icefalls for os. Top off OS by breaking crystals. High Impact Hakke Weapon (120 rpm would be great) or Perses D. Give hard hitting range. You got ramge, you will need augment. I would reccomend a slickdraw bodica or a quickdraw sidearm. But a shotgun or smg can work.
ok so i call this the corrupted phoenix build exotic armor: phoenix protocol. weapons: touch of malice (with touch catalyst and if you dont have touch you can use any 260 scout with a damage perk), punching out, and the corrective measure (timeloss). subclass: well warlock with empowering rift, healing nade, celestial fire melee, ember of singeing, ember of torches, ember of solace, and ember of benevolence. sorry if this is a bit long.
I have a loud out idea. It’s one that I use regularly as well Solar Hunter Cowboy build with on your mark gunpowder gamble, prox knife, incendiary grenade. Last word or ace of spades (Interchangeable) with shotgun, bow or smg secondary. Lucky pants are required. Discipline focused stats
Build idea: Le monarch + quick sling access 140 with opening shot Exotic armour piece ophidian aspect /sanguine alchemy Need well of radiance celestial fire empowering rift radiant aspects and healing nade and also need taking charge and high energy fire Any DMG buff will make le monarch one shot head shot otherwise you can quickswap to a hand cannon for quick clean up kill
A personal favorite Titan build of mine runs as follows: Sentinel Bubble Titan Run the aspects bastion & offensive bulwark. Slotted fragments are: echo; starvation, persistence, and leeching. Abilities flexible (personal preference; toward rally barricades for the faster cool down though towering barricade also works), shield bash, and any grenade will do. Helmet: solar affinity; mods: Kenetic Siphon, Auto Rifle Targeting, and Sustained Charge. Gauntlet: stasis affinity; *cough cough* sickening Mods: Grenade kickstart, Anti-Barrier Auto Rifle, High-Energy Fire. Actium War Rig: solar affinity; Mods: Unflinching Auto Rifle Aim, Sustained Charge. Greaves: Solar Affinity; Mods: Recuperation, Absolution, and Taking Charge. Mark: Solar Affinity; Mods: 2 Bomber, Sustained Charge. Weapons: Kinetic - Sweet Business Energy - Mechabre Power - The Other Half/Half-Truths (Other Half is for Repulsor brace if you chose any grenade with debuff attached) Loadout cycle topically aided by the following strategies: 1) If approached by shotgun apes, backpedal with sweet business. 2) For close quarters tap jet pack repeatedly for quick boost around corner and trust hipfire. 3) when opposition is too far for effective business transaction deploy sniper. 4) after shoty engagement that you survived deploy bastion barricade for quick ‘recovery’ followed by better judgment given the situation. 5) if found out matched liberally use shieldbash for speedy escape. (Woop Woop Wooop Woooop Woop) proceed to laugh in zoidberg. 6) When opposition is in cover use grenade to dislodge them (I know you know this one just covering my bases) 7) Whenever you leave cover remain in hipfire and do the spam jet pack strategy and keep them guessing. 8) when ever you suspect a push spin up the sweet business in hipfire into a near by wall close to suspected push point to maintain radar sight and only ads when they turn the corner for best effect. 9) deploy bubble at your own discretion I dub this load out: *The Juggernaut* With all that out of the way I wish all who stuck around a lovely day. Yeah I understand how overused the name is. Sincerely -The Void
Titan Build: We have Reinhardt at Home Void Titan Aspects: Offensive Bulwark / Bastion Melee: Use whatever you're not gonna use it much, use throwing shield Fragments: Leeching, Exchange, Resistance Main Weapon: The Enigma (use whatever other weapons you want, your primary objective is pointy stick because you're discount Reinhardt.) Exotic Armor: Antaeus Wards, but you may use Ursas if you so wish when it comes to super time. Mods: Utility Kickstart, Taking Charge, Charge Harvester, Powerful Friends, Radiant Light, High Energy Fire Super: Banner Shield Your job is to run around and put down Titan walls everywhere as much as possible, with as high amount of Resil as you can. As well being the sliding in your face abomination that you get to be with Wards... combined with the glaive shield as well... slap everything with your stick and care little for anything else as long as you're putting walls down for teammates to get overshields. A support build with some ape built in
One of the builds I've been enjoying lately is Breytech, Eriana's Vow, Solar Hunter, Foetracer. Radiant Dodge Light weight knife Heal Nade. Radiant dodge, body with eri's. Either finish with knife, melee, or bray. Keeps radiant up 24/7 basically. I Also run high energy fire and font of might (surprisingly they stack) and occasionally you can get an eri 1 body
I like that clip where two separate Warlocks tried "and died" using Lightning Surge against you and then it was ultimately another dude with trace rifle who capitalized on your crit state.
Astrocyte verse, submission (or any decent sidearm/SMG), symmetry, void+blink obvs. I use child of the old god's and feed the void. Had my best games with them since I started the game
Anti arc build: Stasis warlock while using riskrunner with claws of ahamkara and with stasis melee and iceflare bolts, and bleak watcher, if anyone hits you with arc you can tank it. If you get a freeze off, you can chain it.. good luck.
see the key to making glock and balls good (or specifically ruinous effigy in pvp) is use astrocyte blink warlock instead. blink helps get to odd places on the map and catch someone off guard, which helps get the trace kill. blink in for the ball, blink out. blink behind/ontop/into people with the ball and unless you very clearly telegraph what youre doing to someone with a shotgun already out, they will not be able to kill you in time. I used this in eruption setup. void souls and devour are your friend here. if you really want to, volatile rounds work with ruinous and help the ttk, but its up to you if its worth the fragment. its a playstyle that rides a fine line between a meme loadout and genuine synergy and effectiveness. and its also funny as hell.
Shadebinder build named Cold Shock Vesper of Radius Frostpulse and Iceflare Bolts Bonds, Chains, Hedrons, and Refraction Healing Rift I use glacier grenade in case I need to wall off and block damage, but cryo might be better. For weapons, I think a fusion is good due to the close range playstyle. I usually pair that with a pulse rifle like my crafted syncopation with Headstone and Outlaw for longer range engagements. The gameplay loop is just freeze with rift, Vesper does damage and knockback, shoot at the frozen clay pigeon. I am gonna try it with Cryosthesia for added freezing and shenanigans.
I’ve been using vex mytho and the dares GL even since I got rain of fire, vex gives you radiant on kill, plus the bonus from the catalyst and you’ll always have GL shots reloaded, so much fun!
I think you’re underestimating trace rifle engagement range. Retraced Path can be effective to almost the same range as Piece of Mind, and the buff makes hitting your heads much easier.
It would be cool if you were keeping an excel spreadsheet of all these builds with your ratings. That way you could make some videos comparing the best of the best or the worst of the worst, or even group builds based on a single stat like defense (like ‘what’s the best defensive build?’ Or ‘what’s the fastest build?’). Seems like an easy way to recycle builds and it’s content I would watch.
Rooftop Sniper Shadebinder warlock Iceflare and frostbite Glacial grenade Torment, shards, fissures, and chains Kinetic: riptide or any other short to mid range special Energy: Polaris Lance (hopefully with catalyst) Heavy: grenade launcher Exotic armor: eye of another world Mods: anti flinch+scout rifle targeting, 2x bomber, harmonic siphon, taking charge, high energy fire and/or firepower, fastball + any other preferred mods Stats: 100 resil and discipline, recovery should be next highest. Playstyle: use glacial grenades to create new vantage points and sightlines. Polaris will 3 tap crit low resil guardians and riptide for anyone closing in. 100 discipline, 2x bomber, EOAW, and whisper of Torment for quick grenade recovery.
Build suggestion/edit: rat king, trace rifle... But on a hunter, and with gyrfalcons. It makes the trace rifle absolutely nuke people coming out of invis, and with the ability to dodge, and self smoke invis, you proc the damage buff much more often than you think.
For a nostalgia hit that missed the zoom nerfs, sondok-c on a peacekeeper titan slaps harder than it has any right to. (Sondok being a blue 600 smg with KC)
Honestly, for Warlocks, Rain of Fire is great if you have it. You don't even have to run it on Dawnblade, so if you don't like Dawnblade, you can still get the benefit of Radiance. I run mine with a Fusion and a Pulse. Haven't narrowed down a favorite set yet, but I can say that Jotunn and Piece of Mind is pretty great.
maybe a good change to ruinous effigy would be to remove the basic punch attack and replace it with the throwing ability from relics like the one from the corrupted strike idk
Chromatic Fire pairs much better with Ace because the explosion stacks with the Firefly perk and that leads to a lot of collats when people are bunched up.
Ruinous effigy does not operate like a normal trace. Take it from the person with over 1k kills on the thing (i know it sounds like not that much but you will get an idea once you use that thing). You know how traces have this niche of being reliable and continuous damage that can outrange the best of autos and hand cannons, given you can control the relentless upward recoil? Yeah ruinous kinda shoves that out of the window and says- "hey why don't I just do more damage at less range and become special ammo shayura's?" It really ties in with the picking up the balls thing since you are already pretty close to the enemy. One tip I can give to really make the ruinous experience a bit better is to pair it with blink (with astrocyte of course). You use blink to get close to your enemy, politely and without consent turn them into a ball, then use your blink to teleport above the next enemy and dunk on them. This fixes the main problem both I and TDT had, which is the infuriatingly long windup while slamming. Pretty easy to slam the ball when the enemy doesn't even know where you are. I won't say that this gun is the best, hell it might even be the worst gun in the game, it has never taken me so long to get a thousand kills on any gun, but I assure you, when it works, it is extremely fun.
Build Idea! Behemoth Titan Glaciers Howl Tectonic Harvest That one grenade regening fragment That one overshield fragment Maximize Resil + Discipline Mida Multi Sweet Sorrow Hoarfrost-Z Double Utility Kickstart Harass Reposition Fast Defend and block for days
ruinous effigy sure may not be the best and yeah the shield and punch is not good but if you run blink you can usually get that slam down. i use it just for fun. the final shape is a orb.
My crayon eater self is filled with rage. The only thing that solves it is 2 900 smgs (tarrabah and any 900 kinetic smg of your choice [it doesn't matter the rpm I just like 900 they just have to be the same rpm]) with peacekeepers and whatever your favorite subclass is.
Nice, now do glock and balls, but replace the glock with whatever bow you want, switch to void warlock, put on blink/astrocyte, and name the build The Move that Made LeBron Cry. Prime with the bow, clean up with the purple meme beam, pick up the dodge ball, teleport over your oponent, and dunk on 'em.
We go again! Fallback Plan Exotic Stasis Legacy PR-55 Frame Pulse Rifle Exotic Trait: Breathing room: This weapon cannot ADS. Instead it fires a stasis projectile that slows enemies and freezes combatants. Using secondary fire (Stasis Projectile) Refills primary fire magazine (Stasis projectile uses Special Ammo which is shown as a seperate ammo count in the gun’s ui) Intrinsic Trait: Plan B/C: Plan B: Landing rapid kills with primary fire overcharges secondary fire causing secondary fire to deal more damage and grants a small amount of Stasis overshield on hit for a short duration(if your health isn’t full it works the same as the fragment and just heals you a bit) Plan C: Kills with secondary fire will overcharge Primary fire causing Primary fire rate to increase until stowed,reloaded or Secondary fire is used. also allows Primary fire to generate ammo for secondary fire on Rapid kills. It also has Killing tally but using the secondary fire also resets it the same as reloading or stowing
Secant filaments or the air dodge reload boots for warlock that make you radiant with linear or fusion kill is slept on so is the boots that give you devour from empowering rift
I'm back again with my Severance Enclosure, Ballistic slam, Knockout build again. And finally because I can craft the BLOOD FEUD, its even more fun because Well Rounded works so well with Right hook, and the slam if you end up sending a enemy flying
So in PvP i almost exclusively play stasis warlock with osmiomancy gloves. There is one thing I've noticed for awhile now that is bugging me and I'm curious how many of y'all know about it. When i throw a cold snap grenade and the seeker reaches someone right as they slide, they don't freeze fairly often. An additional seeker even spawns and goes for other targets as if they HAD frozen. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I've been fighting this for months now, even sent Bungie video clips on multiple occasions amd heard nothing back.
This is why I abandoned osmiomancy for Claws. The melee felt way more consistent to use, plus I can feed into it with stasis shards and pugilist like in my build featured here. Coldsnaps are nice but they feel super inconsistent, even with the boost from osmiomancy.
Dissonance-34 (suros sidearm) and whatever u want preferably a mid to long range weapon but mainly use the sidearm. Trust me, it works really well in pvp.
You need to use invis with bombardiers and Ruinous the suppression from the boots with the finish and being able to slam at the right time because of the see thru walls
Tdt - dunno why stasis warlock was so recommended Answer - stasis warlock is awsome but underestimated because of meta scrubs. Good video keep up the work 👍
Build name: "The Big, Hard Lad and His Big, Hard Rod" Class: Titan Subclass: Solar Super: Hammer of Sol Aspects: Roaring Flames, Sol Invictus Fragments: Ember of Torches, Ember of Empyrean, Ember of Tempering, Ember of Solace Other abilities: Throwing Hammer, Healing Grenade Exotic Armor: Icefall Mantle Required Stat allotments: 100 Resilience, 60+ Discipline, 50+ Mobility Required Mods: 2× Glaive Loader, 1× Glaive Holster, 1× Unflinching Glaive Aim, 2× Utility Kickstart Weapons: Rat King, Lubrae's Ruin (Preferably with Tilting at Windmills in 3rd Column and Unstoppable Force in 4th, but any Lubrae's with Unstoppable Force will do), Cry Mutiny Say hello to the Ultimate Tank; the Big, Hard Lad, assisted by his Big, Hard Rod. This build has only one goal in mind, being the most annoying piece of shit you can possibly be. 300+ Health, buffing your allies with Restoration or Radiant, effectively doubling your health with your Big, Hard Rod, and getting kills with it to boost the duration of your buffs; you truly will be the Biggest, Hardest Lad in the match, with the Biggest, Hardest Rod to show for it. Throw in Rat King to catch the enemy by surprise and Cry Mutiny for some carnage, and you'll truly be ruling the Match. This is the Biggest, Hardest Build out there, and I have no doubt that you'll love this.
Exotic idea Name:the darkness's deliverance Concept:It's a heavy grenade launcher that when the grenades are fired they can stick to any hard surface they land on. After the grenade sticks it'll begin to get stacks of hunger of darkness which stacks to a max of 5 per grenade out of a maximum of 8 grenades. Stats:starting damage is 80,000 without stacks. Each stack increases the grenades damage by 20,000 each stack. Fire rate is comparable to whisper of the worm Thoughts?
Try out the last word with the enigma and max resilience + bastion on void titan. It's surprisingly really strong. Got a 3.8 kda game with it with 30 + kills
Would it be worth swapping in a boudica-C for Glock and balls? Some great variations out there and honestly a solid and slept on sidearm at the moment.
Hey big man, just wanted to say that this is absolutely my favorite destiny series, but please bring back the colored letters, my hunter brain is craving fancy decor!!🥺
Build Idea: Stasis Bombadiers Fighting Lion A good kinetic cleanup weapon Winter's Shroud Touch of Winter for max Glacier crystals the respective Shards for Resist, Stats, Regen, Shatter Damage Double Bomber, Double Grenade Kickstart Not as good as it used to be but it's still super fun. The idea is to use Bombadiers and Fighting lion as shatter cheese
I think there was a missed opportunity to use the Boudica C and get a booty joke in there with the Glock and Balls. 😁 I'd like to see some Stasis crucible build ideas.
build idea void titan with bastion towering barricade and kepris horn and spike grenades and max resilience and max discipline on helmet have either dynamo or ashes to assets on arms have bolstering detonation and on your class have bomber your weapon is your barricade kephris horn can one shot even 10 resilience but just in case also use your spike grenades to block of areas to deal more damage because of bastion you get an overshield and it recharges your grenade back just before your overshield runs out use close range weapons with this build side arms smgs shotguns and fusions of choice
Did you have any issue with cryo alt fire? Been using it all week and it seems to not shoot sometimes despite visually the yellow indicator being present before I activated
Video ideas?
one Vs ones but with the weirdest builds you can find. It could be really funny
Custom game modes chosen by subscribers
Is there anyway to make behemoth super be more viable?
Builds focused on two players synergizing with one another. Stuff like double rat king, Lumina/BotA and Tommy’s or ToM. Stuff like that.
Training For Trials. Tips on how to improve at Trials and not tilt
Exotic Idea for the titan:
It’s called the “muscle brace”
Flavor text: “You know who ELSE likes to melee their opponents?”
Intrinsic perk: “MY MOM!” This gives you a bonus shiver strike charge that lets you go farther, and cause more knock back with less damage.
Go molest an orphan faggot
Honestly I'd rock this just for fun
@@davejobless9294 wtf is wrong with you
Call if the Muscle Brace but make it a head piece… a simple white headband. Bonus visual effect: during supers your hair becomes GLORIOUS.
Exotic hunters gloves: Drifter’s Scapegoat
Flavor text: “I’m not the liar, he is” -Drifter.
Exotic perk: He’s the one you’re looking for.
Hold [ grenade ] to convert your darkness grenade into a nightmare copy of yourself to distract your enemies.
My main inspiration for this was the hologram ability from Titanfall 2
very interested in how this would work in pvp. Would it work like halo reach hologram and would it ping radars?
@@Trueremixxx probably. I just think it would be cool for hunters to get something with their grenade. And I think the drifter theme is funny
@@randybutternubs9559 Warlock Drifter fans represent
@@progenitor_amborella indeed
I wonder if he's going to make a separate video for top 10 favorite community builds for hunters and so forth
Arthritis Embrace, Monte Carlo, and a Mechabre with swashbuckler. Use Monte to set up a guaranteed throwing knife kill, swap to your sniper, stick the knife, and laugh at your sniper’s now 210 damage bodyshots (226 with radiant as well). Add Knock Em Down and Ember of Torches for infinite knife looping.
My grandmother has Arthritis embrace
My grandmother has Arthritis embrace
My grandmother has Arthritis embrace
My grandmother has Arthritis embrace
My grandmother has Arthritis embrace
I am so glad you mentioned the Cryo and Osmiomancy build. I actually pair it with a one-two punch matador and then spam bleak watchers as well since you get 2 nades. I'm in a tossup between the stasis rift aspect or the iceflare bolts aspect. Both are really good and I love to spam this build in stuff like survival or elimination. Control can get hectic with this build however.
FAST 2.0 (ft fragments and aspects): a build by me and an old friend
Kinetic: Favorite lightweight weapon we chose multimach for maximum fire rate
Energy: 4th horseman go fast
Power: Hunter sword with assassins blade
Subclass: Arc
Aspects: Lethal Current and Flow State
Fragments: Frequency, focus, discharge, resistance
Armor: Stompees
Jump: Strafe for maximum speed
Stats: max mobility all else is optional
Recommended mods: quick charge for handling buff on the horseman
Dodge: Marksman
Playstyle: ape like your life depends on it because it does and go very very fast
Is no one gonna mention the titan eating a concrete pill at 9:44 that was hilarious
He had too much wax in his system from the crayons he's been eating.
Can we just take a second to appreciate this beautiful stasis crystal window, 5:54
I see ruinous effigy I am interested
I see roderick-c I am enthralled
I thought all that my fellow ruinous effigy fans were extinct
That could never happen
@@shockwave7647 we are an endangered species
Yes we are
I saw "Glock and Balls" on the thumbnail and had to see this immediately 😂
Edit: why tf did they not use Boudica-C for the build instead?
I see, I click
Not shaped like a glock which is the namesake
it doesnt look as Glock-y as Roderic
These builds come from YT streams he does, and people can pay 5 bucks or more to add their dumb build to the list as he burns through it (each 5 bucks is 1 game). He always sticks to the explicit build except in really stressful circumstances (and usually with permission from the build creator), so if the guy who suggested the build said the Roderick-C (and he did), then that's what he uses!
@@dicerson9976 Yeah, I get that. It's just odd they downgraded to a blue, even if it looks a little closer to a glock.
Weird build, but I played with it and found it fun:
The Arc Monkey
Arc Titan running Heart of Inmost Light, and other Arc typed armour.
Grenade of your choice, melee of your choice, but run Thruster and get resilence as high as possible. Strength and discipline should be around 50, but not super needed.
Weapons: Traveller's Chosen, Arc Shotgun, and either a Grenade Launcher or Rocket Launcher.
Aspects: Touch of Thunder and Knockout
Fragments: Resistance, Feedback, Focus, Recharge
Armour mods: Head (Hands On), Arms (Momentum Transfer), Class (Double Outreach)
Armour Style Mods: Elemental Ordanace, Melee Wellmaker, Elemental Armaments, Seeking Wells, Well of Ions
Enjoy running into combat, using Thruster to Dodge the initial combat, super charge your abilities, and keep moving. If your abilities don't kill and recharge, Traveller has your back with stacking energy recovery. Arc Shotgun helps for power in close combat, and the heavy gives you the range and big boom all Monkey's love.
2:20 station fusion rifle. Love you Mesome
The first build has been my go to since I obtained the boots the first week of season of the haunted. It's treated me well, seeing you play with it surprised me because the lack of precision weapon counters is it's true drawback. I still run it in trials but yeah its way better in rumble and sixes.
The Ruinous Effigy nerf a couple seasons ago was sad and unwarranted. Such a fun gun.
God the Glock and Ball torture comment and the Bad Piggies music right after killed me. I started laughing so hard, sick video, I might use some of these builds in my search for fun in Control
Man. No rant. Oh well. There is always next week. I will say though, I utterly loved how we turned Messome into a golden retriever with ADHD as he kept screaming "Where is the ball" and "Ball, ball, I have ball" over and over. You took the Glock and Balls build well. Really took it all the way, the whole nine yards and did not let a little bit of its enjoyment go to waste. Even at time you looked almost happy that people had held your effergy balls and played with them.
Best arc warlock build I've used so far:
Weapons: travelers chosen, truthteller:auto loading, swash, proxy det, and any heavy
Exotic: getaway artist
Aspects:arc soul and lightning surge
Abilities:emp rift, chain lightning, and storm grenade
Fragments:momentum, shock, recharge, magnitude
Mods:bolstering detonation on arms and bomber on bond, 100 discipline and 100 recov
It breaks my heart looking at the state of Ruinous Effigy. It was in a REALLY good place when it dropped, and then they nerfed it for no real reason, it wasn't broken, it wasn't the most meta pick, but what it did, it did really well and if you were willing to learn, it was great. Those balls were the entire reason I made it through my first run of GoS, especially in the first encounter. I wish they'd just bring it back to its glory.
They even have their own subreddit r/FightingLion where you can see some 9,000+ mad lads serving the cult of primary ammo
New exotic glaive : Spear of Osmandis
Flavor text: "Behold mortals, death has lost it's sting" - Osmandis the greedy
Intrinsic perk: "Glorious Charge", non-lethal melee hits with this weapon heal you and grant shield energy, the third hit in the melee combo does increased damage.
Coldheart, foetracer and a nice long range option like a scout or a high impact pulse on solar hunter would be a lot of fun. Coldheart is very good and synergises perfectly with foetracer as the damage ramps up when the enemy is at low health
Solar Hunter (Specifically with Acrobats Dodge, On Your Mark, and Ember of Solace. Use whatever you want in the open slots.)
- Any dueling kinetic/stasis primary (I use the The Jade Rabbit or Hawkmoon depending on the map)
- The Title (specifically with Classy Contender and a Radar Booster)
- The Dragon’s Shadow
- 50 mobility at most
- Use whatever you want for the heavy weapon and armor mods
You get to dodge a lot since you get class ability energy with The Title kills. The benefit to dodging is that it will make you radiant along with more buffs with the Dragon’s Shadow that will make you very strong.
I use claws with stasis lock all the time. Really fun, it lets you be a bit more aggressive than osmiomancy.
It's so free with a slug shotty too. It's downright mean
@@apprenticeofbeleren I have a god roll first in that works great, but so do special GLs. I’ve taken on multiple supers and won because of penumbral blast, as well as freezing multiple people in one shot in trials.
Full wave build. Khepri's Horn, Consecration, Thermite grenade, and Explosive personality. I used it in the first IB of the season and it was easily the most fun I've ever had in pvp.
I got a name for your build.
It’s like the ocean, but on fire.
Exotic idea, heavy machine gun
Travelers wrath
After shooting a shielded target, the element of the gun adapts to the shield element.
Hold reload to load magazine with bullets that jolt, scorch, and make targets volatile.
exotic hunter glove : circus funtime
exotic perk : blades dance ; your knife now travel through targets and deal increase damage the more enemies it pierce and for 1/10 of your super , you can recall your knife and scorch target on it's way back
Ice Dueling Tonk
Stasis Titan: icefall mantles: stasis wall grenade: focus on throwing grenade for armor, then icefalls for os. Top off OS by breaking crystals.
High Impact Hakke Weapon (120 rpm would be great) or Perses D. Give hard hitting range.
You got ramge, you will need augment. I would reccomend a slickdraw bodica or a quickdraw sidearm. But a shotgun or smg can work.
I love how there was 4 warlock builds and I cant use any of them
ok so i call this the corrupted phoenix build
exotic armor: phoenix protocol.
weapons: touch of malice (with touch catalyst and if you dont have touch you can use any 260 scout with a damage perk), punching out, and the corrective measure (timeloss).
subclass: well warlock with empowering rift, healing nade, celestial fire melee, ember of singeing, ember of torches, ember of solace, and ember of benevolence.
sorry if this is a bit long.
I have a loud out idea. It’s one that I use regularly as well Solar Hunter Cowboy build with on your mark gunpowder gamble, prox knife, incendiary grenade. Last word or ace of spades (Interchangeable) with shotgun, bow or smg secondary. Lucky pants are required. Discipline focused stats
Build idea:
Le monarch + quick sling access 140 with opening shot
Exotic armour piece ophidian aspect /sanguine alchemy
Need well of radiance celestial fire empowering rift radiant aspects and healing nade and also need taking charge and high energy fire
Any DMG buff will make le monarch one shot head shot otherwise you can quickswap to a hand cannon for quick clean up kill
A personal favorite Titan build of mine runs as follows:
Sentinel Bubble Titan
Run the aspects bastion & offensive bulwark.
Slotted fragments are: echo; starvation, persistence, and leeching.
Abilities flexible (personal preference; toward rally barricades for the faster cool down though towering barricade also works), shield bash, and any grenade will do.
Helmet: solar affinity; mods:
Kenetic Siphon, Auto Rifle Targeting, and Sustained Charge.
Gauntlet: stasis affinity; *cough cough* sickening
Grenade kickstart, Anti-Barrier Auto Rifle, High-Energy Fire.
Actium War Rig: solar affinity; Mods:
Unflinching Auto Rifle Aim, Sustained Charge.
Greaves: Solar Affinity; Mods:
Recuperation, Absolution, and Taking Charge.
Mark: Solar Affinity; Mods:
2 Bomber, Sustained Charge.
Kinetic - Sweet Business
Energy - Mechabre
Power - The Other Half/Half-Truths
(Other Half is for Repulsor brace if you chose any grenade with debuff attached)
Loadout cycle topically aided by the following strategies:
1) If approached by shotgun apes, backpedal with sweet business.
2) For close quarters tap jet pack repeatedly for quick boost around corner and trust hipfire.
3) when opposition is too far for effective business transaction deploy sniper.
4) after shoty engagement that you survived deploy bastion barricade for quick ‘recovery’ followed by better judgment given the situation.
5) if found out matched liberally use shieldbash for speedy escape. (Woop Woop Wooop Woooop Woop) proceed to laugh in zoidberg.
6) When opposition is in cover use grenade to dislodge them (I know you know this one just covering my bases)
7) Whenever you leave cover remain in hipfire and do the spam jet pack strategy and keep them guessing.
8) when ever you suspect a push spin up the sweet business in hipfire into a near by wall close to suspected push point to maintain radar sight and only ads when they turn the corner for best effect.
9) deploy bubble at your own discretion
I dub this load out:
*The Juggernaut*
With all that out of the way I wish all who stuck around a lovely day. Yeah I understand how overused the name is.
-The Void
Titan Build: We have Reinhardt at Home
Void Titan
Aspects: Offensive Bulwark / Bastion
Melee: Use whatever you're not gonna use it much, use throwing shield
Fragments: Leeching, Exchange, Resistance
Main Weapon: The Enigma (use whatever other weapons you want, your primary objective is pointy stick because you're discount Reinhardt.)
Exotic Armor: Antaeus Wards, but you may use Ursas if you so wish when it comes to super time.
Mods: Utility Kickstart, Taking Charge, Charge Harvester, Powerful Friends, Radiant Light, High Energy Fire
Super: Banner Shield
Your job is to run around and put down Titan walls everywhere as much as possible, with as high amount of Resil as you can. As well being the sliding in your face abomination that you get to be with Wards... combined with the glaive shield as well... slap everything with your stick and care little for anything else as long as you're putting walls down for teammates to get overshields.
A support build with some ape built in
1:31 man we all do be throwing out healing grenades at the enemies don't we
One of the builds I've been enjoying lately is Breytech, Eriana's Vow, Solar Hunter, Foetracer.
Radiant Dodge
Light weight knife
Heal Nade.
Radiant dodge, body with eri's. Either finish with knife, melee, or bray. Keeps radiant up 24/7 basically. I Also run high energy fire and font of might (surprisingly they stack) and occasionally you can get an eri 1 body
I like that clip where two separate Warlocks tried "and died" using Lightning Surge against you and then it was ultimately another dude with trace rifle who capitalized on your crit state.
"Trace Rifles are just a special version of sidearms"
Astrocyte verse, submission (or any decent sidearm/SMG), symmetry, void+blink obvs. I use child of the old god's and feed the void. Had my best games with them since I started the game
I played the banner fall match and had a lot of fun! I was blinking everywhere. Awesome video, happy to see the Glock and Balls.
Anti arc build:
Stasis warlock while using riskrunner with claws of ahamkara and with stasis melee and iceflare bolts, and bleak watcher, if anyone hits you with arc you can tank it.
If you get a freeze off, you can chain it.. good luck.
finally the roderic c gets the respect it deserves. hands down the best rare weapon.
see the key to making glock and balls good (or specifically ruinous effigy in pvp) is use astrocyte blink warlock instead.
blink helps get to odd places on the map and catch someone off guard, which helps get the trace kill. blink in for the ball, blink out. blink behind/ontop/into people with the ball and unless you very clearly telegraph what youre doing to someone with a shotgun already out, they will not be able to kill you in time. I used this in eruption setup. void souls and devour are your friend here. if you really want to, volatile rounds work with ruinous and help the ttk, but its up to you if its worth the fragment.
its a playstyle that rides a fine line between a meme loadout and genuine synergy and effectiveness. and its also funny as hell.
Shadebinder build named Cold Shock
Vesper of Radius
Frostpulse and Iceflare Bolts
Bonds, Chains, Hedrons, and Refraction
Healing Rift
I use glacier grenade in case I need to wall off and block damage, but cryo might be better.
For weapons, I think a fusion is good due to the close range playstyle. I usually pair that with a pulse rifle like my crafted syncopation with Headstone and Outlaw for longer range engagements.
The gameplay loop is just freeze with rift, Vesper does damage and knockback, shoot at the frozen clay pigeon. I am gonna try it with Cryosthesia for added freezing and shenanigans.
I’ve been using vex mytho and the dares GL even since I got rain of fire, vex gives you radiant on kill, plus the bonus from the catalyst and you’ll always have GL shots reloaded, so much fun!
I think you’re underestimating trace rifle engagement range. Retraced Path can be effective to almost the same range as Piece of Mind, and the buff makes hitting your heads much easier.
He didn't bless our faces.... OUR FACES ARE NOT BLESSED!
It would be cool if you were keeping an excel spreadsheet of all these builds with your ratings. That way you could make some videos comparing the best of the best or the worst of the worst, or even group builds based on a single stat like defense (like ‘what’s the best defensive build?’ Or ‘what’s the fastest build?’).
Seems like an easy way to recycle builds and it’s content I would watch.
I'm so happy my build made it here!! Thanks Mesome!!
Rooftop Sniper
Shadebinder warlock
Iceflare and frostbite
Glacial grenade
Torment, shards, fissures, and chains
Kinetic: riptide or any other short to mid range special
Energy: Polaris Lance (hopefully with catalyst)
Heavy: grenade launcher
Exotic armor: eye of another world
Mods: anti flinch+scout rifle targeting, 2x bomber, harmonic siphon, taking charge, high energy fire and/or firepower, fastball + any other preferred mods
Stats: 100 resil and discipline, recovery should be next highest.
Playstyle: use glacial grenades to create new vantage points and sightlines. Polaris will 3 tap crit low resil guardians and riptide for anyone closing in. 100 discipline, 2x bomber, EOAW, and whisper of Torment for quick grenade recovery.
use a glaive with karstein armlets on warlock, if you spam glaiv melee, you will be healed by every kill
Lightning cowboy.
Your personal favorite roll of DMT
Trust handcannon
Liars handshake
Fashion of your choice.
Build suggestion/edit: rat king, trace rifle... But on a hunter, and with gyrfalcons. It makes the trace rifle absolutely nuke people coming out of invis, and with the ability to dodge, and self smoke invis, you proc the damage buff much more often than you think.
For a nostalgia hit that missed the zoom nerfs, sondok-c on a peacekeeper titan slaps harder than it has any right to. (Sondok being a blue 600 smg with KC)
Honestly, for Warlocks, Rain of Fire is great if you have it. You don't even have to run it on Dawnblade, so if you don't like Dawnblade, you can still get the benefit of Radiance. I run mine with a Fusion and a Pulse. Haven't narrowed down a favorite set yet, but I can say that Jotunn and Piece of Mind is pretty great.
it was a pleasure to play with you!
maybe a good change to ruinous effigy would be to remove the basic punch attack and replace it with the throwing ability from relics like the one from the corrupted strike idk
Chromatic Fire pairs much better with Ace because the explosion stacks with the Firefly perk and that leads to a lot of collats when people are bunched up.
I think this is my new favorite dumb loadouts video. Glock and Balls xD
Ruinous effigy does not operate like a normal trace. Take it from the person with over 1k kills on the thing (i know it sounds like not that much but you will get an idea once you use that thing). You know how traces have this niche of being reliable and continuous damage that can outrange the best of autos and hand cannons, given you can control the relentless upward recoil? Yeah ruinous kinda shoves that out of the window and says- "hey why don't I just do more damage at less range and become special ammo shayura's?" It really ties in with the picking up the balls thing since you are already pretty close to the enemy. One tip I can give to really make the ruinous experience a bit better is to pair it with blink (with astrocyte of course).
You use blink to get close to your enemy, politely and without consent turn them into a ball, then use your blink to teleport above the next enemy and dunk on them. This fixes the main problem both I and TDT had, which is the infuriatingly long windup while slamming. Pretty easy to slam the ball when the enemy doesn't even know where you are.
I won't say that this gun is the best, hell it might even be the worst gun in the game, it has never taken me so long to get a thousand kills on any gun, but I assure you, when it works, it is extremely fun.
Build Idea!
Behemoth Titan
Tectonic Harvest
That one grenade regening fragment
That one overshield fragment
Maximize Resil + Discipline
Mida Multi
Sweet Sorrow
Double Utility Kickstart
Reposition Fast
Defend and block for days
TDT is a G for putting the bad piggies music in
ruinous effigy sure may not be the best and yeah the shield and punch is not good but if you run blink you can usually get that slam down. i use it just for fun. the final shape is a orb.
My crayon eater self is filled with rage. The only thing that solves it is 2 900 smgs (tarrabah and any 900 kinetic smg of your choice [it doesn't matter the rpm I just like 900 they just have to be the same rpm]) with peacekeepers and whatever your favorite subclass is.
Nice, now do glock and balls, but replace the glock with whatever bow you want, switch to void warlock, put on blink/astrocyte, and name the build The Move that Made LeBron Cry. Prime with the bow, clean up with the purple meme beam, pick up the dodge ball, teleport over your oponent, and dunk on 'em.
Thank you for subjecting yourself to the concentrated stream of stupid for our viewing enjoyment.
We go again!
Fallback Plan
Exotic Stasis Legacy PR-55 Frame Pulse Rifle
Exotic Trait: Breathing room:
This weapon cannot ADS. Instead it fires a stasis projectile that slows enemies and freezes combatants.
Using secondary fire (Stasis Projectile) Refills primary fire magazine
(Stasis projectile uses Special Ammo which is shown as a seperate ammo count in the gun’s ui)
Intrinsic Trait: Plan B/C:
Plan B: Landing rapid kills with primary fire overcharges secondary fire causing secondary fire to deal more damage and grants a small amount of Stasis overshield on hit for a short duration(if your health isn’t full it works the same as the fragment and just heals you a bit)
Plan C: Kills with secondary fire will overcharge Primary fire causing Primary fire rate to increase until stowed,reloaded or Secondary fire is used. also allows Primary fire to generate ammo for secondary fire on Rapid kills.
It also has Killing tally but using the secondary fire also resets it the same as reloading or stowing
All hail the dunk and my all time favorite build is athrys + pulse or monte carlo and just yeet forehead seeking knives around corners
Secant filaments or the air dodge reload boots for warlock that make you radiant with linear or fusion kill is slept on so is the boots that give you devour from empowering rift
I love some mechaneers devils ruin and a plus, just so beautiful
I'm back again with my Severance Enclosure, Ballistic slam, Knockout build again. And finally because I can craft the BLOOD FEUD, its even more fun because Well Rounded works so well with Right hook, and the slam if you end up sending a enemy flying
So in PvP i almost exclusively play stasis warlock with osmiomancy gloves. There is one thing I've noticed for awhile now that is bugging me and I'm curious how many of y'all know about it.
When i throw a cold snap grenade and the seeker reaches someone right as they slide, they don't freeze fairly often. An additional seeker even spawns and goes for other targets as if they HAD frozen. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I've been fighting this for months now, even sent Bungie video clips on multiple occasions amd heard nothing back.
This is why I abandoned osmiomancy for Claws. The melee felt way more consistent to use, plus I can feed into it with stasis shards and pugilist like in my build featured here. Coldsnaps are nice but they feel super inconsistent, even with the boost from osmiomancy.
Dissonance-34 (suros sidearm) and whatever u want preferably a mid to long range weapon but mainly use the sidearm. Trust me, it works really well in pvp.
Rip tide definitely isn’t the best gun, but it sure as hell is a fun one
You need to use invis with bombardiers and Ruinous the suppression from the boots with the finish and being able to slam at the right time because of the see thru walls
For the osumancy build use a gl instead of a glave
Tdt - dunno why stasis warlock was so recommended
Answer - stasis warlock is awsome but underestimated because of meta scrubs.
Good video keep up the work 👍
Build name: "The Big, Hard Lad and His Big, Hard Rod"
Class: Titan
Subclass: Solar
Super: Hammer of Sol
Aspects: Roaring Flames, Sol Invictus
Fragments: Ember of Torches, Ember of Empyrean, Ember of Tempering, Ember of Solace
Other abilities: Throwing Hammer, Healing Grenade
Exotic Armor: Icefall Mantle
Required Stat allotments: 100 Resilience, 60+ Discipline, 50+ Mobility
Required Mods: 2× Glaive Loader, 1× Glaive Holster, 1× Unflinching Glaive Aim, 2× Utility Kickstart
Weapons: Rat King, Lubrae's Ruin (Preferably with Tilting at Windmills in 3rd Column and Unstoppable Force in 4th, but any Lubrae's with Unstoppable Force will do), Cry Mutiny
Say hello to the Ultimate Tank; the Big, Hard Lad, assisted by his Big, Hard Rod. This build has only one goal in mind, being the most annoying piece of shit you can possibly be. 300+ Health, buffing your allies with Restoration or Radiant, effectively doubling your health with your Big, Hard Rod, and getting kills with it to boost the duration of your buffs; you truly will be the Biggest, Hardest Lad in the match, with the Biggest, Hardest Rod to show for it. Throw in Rat King to catch the enemy by surprise and Cry Mutiny for some carnage, and you'll truly be ruling the Match. This is the Biggest, Hardest Build out there, and I have no doubt that you'll love this.
Blink Hunter or Warlock or Mask of Bacris with Last word Glaive and sword. Isshin Glock Saint build. High mobility. It’s just fun.
Exotic idea
Name:the darkness's deliverance
Concept:It's a heavy grenade launcher that when the grenades are fired they can stick to any hard surface they land on. After the grenade sticks it'll begin to get stacks of hunger of darkness which stacks to a max of 5 per grenade out of a maximum of 8 grenades.
Stats:starting damage is 80,000 without stacks. Each stack increases the grenades damage by 20,000 each stack. Fire rate is comparable to whisper of the worm
Try out the last word with the enigma and max resilience + bastion on void titan. It's surprisingly really strong. Got a 3.8 kda game with it with 30 + kills
transversive steps warlock, hollow denial with killing tally. I'm curious what else you'll slot in with that.
Would it be worth swapping in a boudica-C for Glock and balls?
Some great variations out there and honestly a solid and slept on sidearm at the moment.
I think the best build for fighting lion is FL+any bow+ lion ramparts hit them with fighting lion then use the bow for follow up
For Glock and ball, you could run the new Boudica sidearm. Really good and it is a legendary. Best of all it looks more like a Glock.
Build me and my friends made: m a x i m u m f u s i o n
-any kinetic/stasis fusion rifle
-vex mythoclast
-a linear fusion
-fusion grenades
God darn it I was trying to forget lost season
Hey big man, just wanted to say that this is absolutely my favorite destiny series, but please bring back the colored letters, my hunter brain is craving fancy decor!!🥺
Build Idea:
Stasis Bombadiers
Fighting Lion
A good kinetic cleanup weapon
Winter's Shroud
Touch of Winter for max Glacier crystals
the respective Shards for Resist, Stats, Regen, Shatter Damage
Double Bomber, Double Grenade Kickstart
Not as good as it used to be but it's still super fun. The idea is to use Bombadiers and Fighting lion as shatter cheese
3:12 a decent smg would probably solve that builds problems.
I have a purple side arm called thr Boudica-C. It has the perks Threat Detector and Gutshot Straight
Ok but have you tried a max stability fools remedy and a vigilance wing?
I think there was a missed opportunity to use the Boudica C and get a booty joke in there with the Glock and Balls. 😁
I'd like to see some Stasis crucible build ideas.
build idea
void titan with bastion towering barricade and kepris horn and spike grenades and max resilience and max discipline
on helmet have either dynamo or ashes to assets
on arms have bolstering detonation
and on your class have bomber
your weapon is your barricade kephris horn can one shot even 10 resilience but just in case also use your spike grenades to block of areas to deal more damage because of bastion you get an overshield and it recharges your grenade back just before your overshield runs out
use close range weapons with this build
side arms smgs shotguns and fusions of choice
The rat king trace rifle build would be alot better on void hunter with gyrfalcons. Try it out.
Did you have any issue with cryo alt fire? Been using it all week and it seems to not shoot sometimes despite visually the yellow indicator being present before I activated
The new Boudica kinetic sidearm would be a legendary fit in place of roderic c and rolls with decent stats and perks
i have a question: can one play hunter well on a computer that drops to 15 fps whenever theres an explosion?
honestly thanks for the bad piggies backround music it made the video much more enjoyable